Indications for CABG in 2015 and Beyond
Indications for CABG in 2015 and Beyond
Indications for CABG in 2015 & Beyond Is CABG Coming Back ? AATS, New York, August 21, 2015 No Disclosures Revascularization for Coronary Artery Disease Medical vs PCI vs CABG 1980’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – CABG - Moderate <LVEF Severe ? - Yes, STICH - Severe Ischemia Moderate? - ISCHEMIA - 3 Vessel Disease 2vd + pLAD ? - Yes, > SS DM? 1990’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – PCI ? 2010’s. Medical Therapy >, PCI <, CABG > (Diabetes) 2020,s. Anatomical & Ischemic Score - Non Invasive Revascularization for Coronary Artery Disease Medical vs PCI vs CABG 1980’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – CABG - Moderate <LVEF Severe ? - Yes, STICH - Severe Ischemia Moderate? - ISCHEMIA - 3 Vessel Disease 2vd + pLAD ? - Yes, > SS DM? 1990’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – PCI ? 2010’s. Medical Therapy >, PCI <, CABG > (Diabetes) 2020,s. Anatomical & Ischemic Score - Non Invasive Revascularization for Coronary Artery Disease Medical vs PCI vs CABG 1980’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – CABG - Moderate <LVEF Severe ? - Yes, STICH - Severe Ischemia Moderate? - ISCHEMIA - 3 Vessel Disease 2vd + pLAD ? - Yes, > SS DM? 1990’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – PCI ? 2010’s. Medical Therapy >, PCI <, CABG > (Diabetes) 2020,s. Anatomical & Ischemic Score - Non Invasive COMPLEX, STABLE CORONARY DISEASE TRIAL SYNTAX FAME BARI COURAGE FREEDOM MVD + - + Conclusions DM INTERV. MT. EP.-R + - + ++ + + + + + ++ (+) Methods-Interests ++ Data CABG > PCI SYNTAX Score ?. + + PCI ? “ISCHEMIA” Score ? + PCI = MT “ISCHEMIA” >10% -Events + CABG / PCI = MT X.OV.ER 42% CABG > PCI No Freedom of Choice? Concerns • Syntax Score is purely an anatomic score of the extent of CAD (>50%) in a pt • Each lesion is assigned a numerical number and then sum of all lesions score for a patient is calculated to come up with the final numerical Syntax score • Pt are divided in 3 groups: Low <22 Intermediate 23-32 High >32 Sianos, P Serruys et. al. EuroInterv. 2005;1:219. Serruys P et al. NEJM 2009;360:961. Baseline SYNTAX Score Tercile -CABG Cumulative Event Curves For MACCE SYNTAX (FW Mohr, PW Serruys et. al.) Lancet 2013; 381: 629 COMPLEX, STABLE CORONARY DISEASE TRIAL SYNTAX FAME BARI COURAGE FREEDOM MVD + - + Conclusions DM INTERV. MT. EP.-R + ++ + + + - + ++ Methods-Interests + + ++ Data CABG > PCI SYNTAX Score ?. + + PCI ? “ISCHEMIA” Score ? + PCI = MT “ISCHEMIA” >10% -Events (+) + CABG / PCI = MT X.OV.ER 42% CABG > PCI No Freedom of Choice? Concerns Coronary Flow Reserve (CFR) Measures integrated hemodynamic effects of epicardial CAD, diffuse atherosclerosis, vessel remodeling and microvascular dysfunction on myocardial tissue perfusion CFR = MBF peak hyperemia MBF rest VR Taqueti and MF Di Carli 2014 FFR As A Surrogate For Inducible Myocardial Ischaemia FAME I (FFR>0.8) - OMT of Non-Isch.Lesions – Prevent MI/Death FAME II (FFR<0.8) - PCI of Isch. Lesions – Prevent MI/Death – FAME III-CABG? TP van de Hoef Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 2013;10:439 – FAME 2 (B De Bruyne) NEJM 2014; 371:1208 1. CAC, CFR and Adjusted MACE MACE increases with impaired CFR and zero CAC. M Naya et. al. JACC 2013;61:2098 - M Naya et. al. Circ J 2015; 79: 15 2. CFR w/wo Epicardial CAD, Diabetes, Microv. Dis. Relation To Cardiac Death VL Murthy et. al. Circulation 2012;126:1858 - M Naya et. al. Circ J 2015; 79: 15 3. Presence Of Angina During Follow-up SJ Head et. al. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:2821 – No Stad. Signif in FREEEDOM 4. Proportion of Outcome Events by Achieved SBP - ONTARGET Trial ONTARGET (J Redon et. al.)J ACC2012;59:74 – Microvasculature, Underperfusion ? FREEDOM (M Farkoug, V Fuster) 2015 (In Press) 5. Mortality in the ACCORD Population Over a Wide Range of Average On-treatment HbA1c Values ACCORD (MC Riddle et al) Circ 2010;122:844 - Microvascular / Catecholamines ? 6. PCI versus CABG in Insulin and Non-Insulin Treated Diabetic Patients: Results from the FREEDOM Trial FREEDOM (GD Dangas, V Fuster et. al.) JACC 2014 (In Press) 7.Possible Mechanisms of Diastolic Dysfunction EM Jeong et. al. Circ J 2015; 79: 470 8. Time-activity Curves And A Polar Map Of 17-segment Coronary Flow Reserve B Tu et. al. Ann Intern Med. 2014;161:724 CFR and the Microcirculation JACC 2014;63:1992 - JACC 2014;63:799 - JACC Imag. 2014;7: 1936 COMPLEX, STABLE CORONARY DISEASE TRIAL SYNTAX FAME BARI COURAGE FREEDOM MVD + - + Conclusions DM INTERV. MT. EP.-R + - + ++ + + + ++ + + (+) Methods-Interests ++ Data CABG > PCI SYNTAX Score ?. + + PCI ? “ISCHEMIA” Score ? + PCI = MT “ISCHEMIA” >10% -Events + CABG / PCI = MT X.OV.ER 42% CABG > PCI No Freedom of Choice? Concerns COMPLEX, STABLE CORONARY DISEASE TRIAL SYNTAX FAME BARI COURAGE FREEDOM MVD + - + Conclusions DM INTERV. MT. EP.-R + - + ++ + + + + + ++ (+) Methods-Interests ++ + + + + Data CABG > PCI SYNTAX Score ?. PCI ? “ISCHEMIA” Score ? CABG / PCI = MT X.OV.ER 42% PCI = MT “ISCHEMIA” >10% -Events CABG > PCI No Freedom of Choice? Concerns COMPLEX, STABLE CORONARY DISEASE TRIAL SYNTAX FAME BARI COURAGE FREEDOM MVD + - + Conclusions DM INTERV. MT. EP.-R + ++ + + + - + ++ Methods-Interests + + (+) ++ Data CABG > PCI SYNTAX Score ?. + + PCI ? “ISCHEMIA” Score ? + PCI = MT “ISCHEMIA” >10% -Events + CABG / PCI = MT X.OV.ER 42% CABG > PCI NO FREEDOM CHOICE? Concerns FREEDOM TRIAL – MI / DEATH / STROKE (4) PCI/DES CABG Logrank P=0.005 Death/Stroke/MI, % 30 PCI/DES 20 CABG 10 5-Year Event Rates: 26.6% vs. 18.7% 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Years Post-randomization New Engl. J. Med . 2012; 367: 2375 – All Subgroups (Syntax etc) (Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2014;7:518 – Newer Generation DES, Still Gap) 1a. Recommendations for CAD Revascularization In Patients with Diabetes Circulation. 2014;130:1749 1b. Specific Recommendations For Revascularization In Patients With Diabetes The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the ESC and the EACTS (S Windecker et. al.) Eur Heart J. 2014;35:2541 2. World vs. Canada/US For Stroke From FREEDOM Trial MJ Domanski, V Fuster et. al. AJC 2015 (In Press). 3. MEETING TARGETS FOR RISK FACTOR CONTROL? Risk Factors - Proportion of Participants at Goal % – 1 year Hb A1C Meet Goals Base FU Trials LDL SBP DBP BARI-2D 75 56 70 52 14 20 COURAGE 51 55 55 59 12 19 FREEDOM 55 63 53 55 12 20 Freedom, Bari-2D, Courage Investigators, JACC 2013;61:1607 PURE (S Yusuf et al.) Lancet 2011; Aug 28 - Poor Countries,7% !!! NHANES, AHA, NHLBI-JNC-7, NHLBI-NCEP – Significant < Adherence P Muntner, V Fuster et al., AHJ 2011; 161: 719 – 49 seconds !!!! 4. FUSTER-CNIC-FERRER POLYPILL, 2ary PREVENTION, CV EVENTS FOOD INTERACTION FOCUS 1 & 2 PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH ASPIRIN BIO-EQUIVALENCE Argentina Brazil Paraguay Italy Spain FREEDOM AETNA EU 2020 (SECURE) JACC , Nov 18, 2014 ASA, Statin, ACE-Inhibitor PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH SYMVASTATIN PHARMACODINAMIC INTERACTION WITH RAMIPRIL PHARMACODYNAMIC INTERACTION WITH SYMVASTATIN PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH RAMIPRIL PHARMACODYNAMIC INTERACTION WITH ASPIRIN Approved in 22 Countries Revascularization for Coronary Artery Disease Medical vs PCI vs CABG 1980’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – CABG - Moderate <LVEF Severe ? - Yes, STICH - Severe Ischemia Moderate? - ISCHEMIA - 3 Vessel Disease 2vd + pLAD ? - Yes, > SS DM? 1990’s. The Rule of 2 / 3 – PCI ? 2010’s. Medical Therapy >, PCI <, CABG > (Diabetes) 2020,s. Anatomical & Ischemic Score - Non Invasive 1. Future For PCI / CABG Procedure – 2015-2020 PCI OMT CABG SCAAR (ML Fokkema JACC 2013;61:1222 - Swedish Registry (VF.Modified) Diabetes Trialists’ Collaboration – 2015 (In Press)- FREEDOM, BARI 2D, COURAGE 2. Etiologies of Chest Pain Without Obstructive CAD MA Marinescu et. al. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2015;8:210 Treatment Options for Refractory Angina TD Henry et. al. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 2014;11: 78 Coronary Sinus Reducer System S Herheye et. al. NEJM 2015; 372: 519 Indications for CABG in 2015 & Beyond CABG is Coming Back AATS, New York, August 21, 2015 No Disclosures • PCI vs Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Meta-Analysis CABG had a lower risk of death in multivessel CAD or diabetes, a lower risk of repeat revascularization, but a higher risk of stroke Y Smit et al., J Thorac Cardiovas Surg 2015; 149:831 • DES on the Comparative Effectiveness of CABG and PCI The introduction of DES did not alter the comparative effectiveness of CABG and PCI on hard cardiac outcomes. CP Hodgkinson et al., Am Heart J 2015; 169:149 • Comparison of Five-Year Outcome of PCI With CABG in 3VCD CABG compared with PCI was associated with better long-term outcome in patients with 3VCAD. H Shiomi et al., Am J Cardiol 2015; 116:59 • Survival Probability PCI Compared with CABG Compared with PCI, CABG leads to a significant reduction in late-phase mortality across all age groups. U Benedetto et al., J Thorac Cardiovas Surg 2015; 149:479 Comparison of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials S Verma et al., Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2013; 1:317 Outcomes With Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Patients With Diabetes Mellitus S Bangalore et al., Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2014; 7:518 Comparing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting With Drug-Eluting Stenting in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus and Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease: A Meta-Analysis X Li et al., Interactive Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2014; 18:347 Mortality in Patients Treated With Extended Duration DAPT post DES: Meta-Analysis T Palmerini et. al. Lancet. 2015;385: 2371 COX-2 Selectivity as a Continuous Variable C Patrono et. al. Circulation. 2014;129:907 Mechanism Of Formation And Action Of Prostanoids C Patrono et. al. Circulation. 2014;129:907 Effects Of Coxib Rx on Major Vascular Events, HF, Mortality And Upper GI Complications C Patrono et. al. Circulation. 2014;129:907 Effects Of Coxib Rx on HF, Mortality And Upper GI Complications C Patrono et. al. Circulation. 2014;129:907 Plasma Catecholamine Levels Of Patients With Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy or MI PT Wright et. al. Circ J 2014;78:1550 Integrated Pathophysiology for Acute Apical Dysfunction In Takotsubo Syndrome YJ Akashi et. al. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 2015;12: 387 Epidemiological Studies of CHD and the Evolution of Preventive Cardiology Hypertension, cigarette smoking, diabetes or elevated glucose level, elevated cholesterol, and obesity or being sedentary, are the top six causes of death globally. Evaluation of risk factors and screening for subclinical atherosclerosis can help to identify individuals at highest CV risk. Future research efforts will determine the screening and intervention strategies that have the greatest effect on CAD prevention. ND Wong. Nat Rev Cardiol 2014; 11:276 STICH – SVR Hypothesis CABG Alone Versus CABG Plus SVR There was a lack of significant difference in all-cause mortality between the 2 groups. CABG Versus Medical Therapy Alone CABG provides the potential for incremental survival benefit, particularly among the highest-risk patients with multivessel disease and the most severely remodeled ventricles. The longer-term survival benefit in patients who undergo CABG compared with medical therapy alone tends to offset the shortterm perioperative mortality risk. RO Bonow et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148:2461 Indications For Revascularization In Patients With LV Dysfunction: Evidence And Uncertainties The impact of having CABG on survival in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, particularly severe LV dysfunction, remains a subject of considerable debate and uncertainty. In the three classical trials of CABG vs. medical therapy (CASS, European, VA), patients with a severely reduced LV ejection fraction (EF) were excluded from randomization. RO Bonow et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148:2461 Indications For Revascularization In Patients With LV Dysfunction: Evidence And Uncertainties The Surgical Treatment For Ischemic Heart Failure Trial The STICH trial emerged as the first designed to determine the impact of CABG in CAD and an EF 35%. Hypothesis: 2) That CABG plus surgical ventricular reconstruction (SVR) provides a survival advantage compared with CABG alone, in LV anterior akinesia or dyskinesia or the SVR hypothesis. LM stenosis or significant angina (class III-IV) were eligible to participate only in the SVR hypothesis 1) That survival is enhanced with CABG compared with medical therapy alone or the revascularization hypothesis RO Bonow et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148:2461 STICH – SVR Hypothesis CABG Alone Versus CABG Plus SVR There was a lack of significant difference in all-cause mortality between the 2 groups. CABG Versus Medical Therapy Alone CABG provides the potential for incremental survival benefit, particularly among the highest-risk patients with multivessel disease and the most severely remodeled ventricles. The longer-term survival benefit in patients who undergo CABG compared with medical therapy alone tends to offset the shortterm perioperative mortality risk. RO Bonow et al., J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148:2461 Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD), Microvascular Angina, and Treatment Strategies Angina without CAD has substantial morbidity and is present in 10% to 30% of patients undergoing angiography. CMD is present in 30% of these patients. The optimal treatment of this cohort is undefined. We performed a systematic review to evaluate treatment strategies for objectively-defined CMD in the absence of CAD. We included studies assessing therapy in human subjects with angina and CFR or myocardial perfusion reserve <2.5 by CT, PET, CMRI, dilution methods, or intracoronary Doppler in the absence of coronary artery stenosis 50% or structural heart disease. Only 8 papers met the strict inclusion criteria. No benefit was found with Larginine, doxazosin, pravastatin, and diltiazem. MA Marinescu et al., 2015; 8:210 (Virginia) 1. Mortality in Patients Treated With Extended Duration DAPT post DES: Meta-Analysis The athors identified ten trials published between Dec 16, 2011, and Nov 16, 2014, including 31,666 randomly assigned patients. Although treatment with DAPT beyond 1 year after DES implantation reduces MI and stent thrombosis, it is associated with increased mortality because of an increased risk of non-CV mortality not offset by a reduction in cardiac mortality. T Palmerini et al., Lancet 2015; 385:2371 Stent Thrombosis And Significant Bleeding Clinical Trials Of DAPT Duration After Stent RC Becker et. al. Circulation. 2015;131:2010 Stent Thrombosis And Significant Bleeding Clinical Trials Of DAPT Duration After Stent RC Becker et. al. Circulation. 2015;131:2010 2. Ezetimibe Added to Statin Therapy After ACS IMPROVE-IT (CP Cannon et. al.) NEJM. 2015;372: 2387 CV Events in Long-Term PCSK9 Trials RP Giuliano et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:2638 Treatment of Refractory Angina Patients not Suitable for Revascularization A growing number of patients, particularly those with advanced CAD, experience symptoms of angina that are refractory to treatment with -blockers, calciumchannel blockers, and long-acting nitrates, despite revascularization. The management of patients with refractory angina is contingent on local resources and available expertise. Individualized, patient-centered care in interdisciplinary, specialized clinics, is evolving TD Henry et al., Nat Rev Cardiol 2014; 11:78 Metabolic Factors Influencing Angina TD Henry et. al. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 2014;11: 78 EDTA Chelation Therapy Alone & in Combination With High-Dose Multivitamins & Minerals for CAD This trial of 1,708 post-MI patients 50 years and with creatinine 2.0 mg/dL randomized to receive 40 EDTA chelation or placebo infusions plus 6 caplets daily of a 28component multivitamin-multimineral mixture or placebo. The primary end point was a composite of total mortality, MI, stroke, coronary revascularization, or hospitalization for angina. In stable post-MI patients the combination of oral high-dose vitamins and chelation therapy reduced clinically important CV events to an extent that was both statistically significant and of potential clinical relevance. GA Lamas et al., Am Heart J 2014; 168:37 EDTA Chelation Therapy Alone & in Combination With High-Dose Multivitamins & Minerals for CAD GA Lamas et. al. Am Heart J 2014;168:37
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Presenter Disclosure Information Valentin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
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