eCadLite User Manual


eCadLite User Manual
eCadLite User Manual
Tecnologie applicate al software
[email protected]
Present Version: 1.0.0
Monday 11th March, 2013
This document contains the eCadLite user manual.
About this document
Title: eCadLite User Manual
File name: UserManual_eCadLite-1.0.0.pdf
Creation data: 28/01/2013
Last modified data: 05/02/2013
Current version: 1.0.0
Distributed by: Dau S.r.l.
copyright ©
All rights reserved. The brand 3CadEvolution is registered and owned by the Consortium 3CAD.
3CAD is a consortium made of three companies of long experience (OPEN SYSTEMS, SAD and
In.Tres) specialized in technical-management software solutions for the furniture industry. The
establishment of a single group has allowed the integration of different computer applications used
in the various stages of the supply chain of the furniture production and the development of a
unique system that brings together the functionality for the technical design, production
management and sales. Therefore 3CAD is able to provide a comprehensive offer in the design,
implementation and maintenance of CAD / CAM / CIM solutions for the furniture industry
providing commercial and technical assistance for his customers.
1.1 Definition of the user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 How to read the manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Product overview
2.1 Technical requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 How to install the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 eCadLite modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Functional descriptions
3.1 Starting the work . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Keys used for graphics. . . . . .
3.1.2 Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Heading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Loading and receiving orders . . . . . .
3.4 Saving end sending orders . . . . . . . .
3.5 How to synchronize a catalogue . . . .
3.6 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.1 Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.2 Set background . . . . . . . . .
3.6.3 Working area and message area
3.6.4 Creating the environment . . .
3.6.5 Inserting floors and ceilings . .
3.7 Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7.1 Rules management . . . . . . .
3.7.2 Edit component . . . . . . . . .
3.7.3 System variables . . . . . . . .
3.7.4 Editing item management . . .
3.7.5 Item detail . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7.6 Apply changes command . . . .
3.7.7 Movement and links . . . . . .
3.7.8 Set current view . . . . . . . . .
3.7.9 Views management . . . . . . .
3.7.10 Top views. . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7.11 Additions and dividers . . . . .
3.8 Quote and print . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9 Shapes management . . . . . . . . . . .
A Glossary
List of Tables
Shortcuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
Download. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Language selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Start setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Start setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting the installation folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting the folder in the start menu. . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating the Desktop/Quick launch icons. . . . . . . . .
Starting the installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activation of eCadLite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entering the activation code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message notifying the necessity to activate the catalogue.
Catalogue configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loading eCadLite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program home screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loading order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Receiving orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting orders to download. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of downloaded orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sending order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Order type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synchronizing the catalogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complete environment interface setting. . . . . . . . . . .
DXF Layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Environment setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Environment contextual menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating an environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rule for the walls editing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit environment contextual menu. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inserting a door. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating ceilings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configurator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Search item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Examples of answers to variants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Examples of answers to variants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opening direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apply changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Made changes compared with the previous setting. .
Selected object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graduated grid to rotate objects. . . . . . . . . . . .
Keys used to snap and align an item. . . . . . . . .
Configurator contextual menu. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Set current view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Visual representation of the light beam. . . . . . . .
Light sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buttons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Top views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sum of views in a corner composition. . . . . . . . .
Screen of the specific prints of the views. . . . . . .
Additions drop-down menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of composition customized with additions.
Graphic example of box with divider method. . . . .
Divider: customizable space. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Menu for divider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Divide areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Set areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of dividers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Placer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Divisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Confirmation button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quotation menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Order design display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shapes management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The user manual describes the functionalities and the features of the
eCadLite product. It has been designed as a guide for the customers
who begin to use it.
Definition of the user
The target audiences of this manual are customers who see eCadLite as a
tool to make quotations, purchases and every sort of project.
How to read the manual
This manual describes in detail the operation and the utilization of
the eCadLite application and it is meant for the final users previously
The purpose of this manual is to explain all the features of eCadLite
and their possible use.
At first will be described the versions of the product, how to install it and
the program requirements. Afterwards will be analyzed the single features of
the product and in the end the attention will be focused on more particular
aspects and practical examples of use. This guide completes the technical
manual with instructions dedicated instead to the user who wants to create
his catalogues and use the product with a completer format. The manual
has a list of contents through which it is possible to have a direct access to
the content of every section.
The words written in italic are explained in detail in the glossary contained
in the appendix A of the current document.
In this manual some sections as Additions and Dividers use the screenshots
of the 3CadEvolution program, as the example catalogue of eCadLite
does not have these functions. Here are also described all the functions
available, but some of them require the activation module provided by the
company, see eCadLite Modules section.
Product overview
eCadLite is a new generation web-based tool for the interior design and
the quotation of products. The structure of this configurator is completely
web-based and it is easily accessible from your home PC, with the possibility
to furnish and design interiors according to your specific needs thanks to
real catalogues with real prices. Everyone can furnish his rooms and obtain
immediately a quotation including all details: extra charges for customized
pieces, discounts associated with various compositions.
You can easily download eCadLite on your PC from the web site, see figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: Download.
Technical requirements
eCadLite uses a 3D Graphic Engine which has been developed to
maximize speed and results. In order to do this, the engine is especially
based on the features of the new generation graphic cards.
Even though we tried to guarantee the compatibility of the program with
all the graphics cards on the market, there are some limits:
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
eCadLite does not operate with terminal emulation with tools as Citrox,
Terminal Server,. . . since the elaboration is mostly executed by the video
card, which can not be used in emulated environments.
eCadLite does not operate with cards, which do not support 3D (before
In any case there are many differences of performance and graphic quality,
depending on the cards in use, that is why it is necessary to examine this
particular question. There is an enormous difference in terms of performance,
between a good-quality graphics card and a second-rate one. This can
dramatically affect the speed, the design quality, the quality and the speed
of the print (which also depends on the graphics card!) and the graphic
It is quite easy to replace an inferior quality pc graphics card with a
suitable one and little expense, but in case you are using a laptop it is not
You can find a list of the recommended video cards (see the month’s
choices) at:
eCadLite been specifically designed for computers that use Microsoft
The supported versions of Windows are: XP, 2000 (**), Vista and
Windows 7. For the version 2000 it is necessary to install DirectX version
9.0c or following. Windows 3xx, Windows Me and Windows98 are not
How to install the program
Figure 2.2: Language selection.
1) Select language and click on Ok.
Figure 2.3: Start setup.
2) After reading the information click on Forward to continue the installation.
Figure 2.4: Start setup.
2) After reading the information about prerequisites click on Forward to continue
the installation.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 2.5: Selecting the installation folder.
3) If you want to install the program in the suggested folder (recommended), click
on Forward.
Figure 2.6: Selecting the folder in the start menu.
4) If you want to use the folder suggested in the start menu, click on Forward, or
select another folder.
Figure 2.7: Creating the Desktop/Quick launch icons.
5) If you want to create the icon of eCadLite on the desktop or in the quick
launch bar, select your preference and click on Forward.
Figure 2.8: Starting the installation.
6) Click on Install to start the installation.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 2.9: Activation of eCadLite .
After having installed the program, on the computer desktop appears the
icon to run it. (Important) We suggest you running it for the first time with
the Administrator rights; in this way also the following automatic updates
will be done in administrator mode. To run the program as administrator
right click on the start icon and select the entry Run as administrator from
the pull-down menu.
The first time you run the program, appears an activation window, see
figure 2.9.
Here you have to fill in the required data; some of them are obligatory, as
the e-mail address to receive the activation code. After you have completed
the procedure and accepted the licence conditions, click on the button
Request activation: you will receive an e-mail with the activation code;
copy and paste the code in the field Activation, see figure 2.10, and press
the Activation button to access the application.
After the activation, you have to wait till the supervisor activates and
associates a catalogue of use. The provider company receives the mail with
the code request: in fact, if before the association of the catalogue the user
tries to launch the program, will appear the message of figure 2.11.
Figure 2.10: Entering the activation code.
Figure 2.11: Message notifying the necessity to activate the catalogue.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 2.12: Catalogue configuration.
After the activation, before working with an order, appears the window
visible in the figure 2.12, where you can choose a particular configuration of
catalogue. In some catalogues the items are divided by model. The choices
you make are displayed in this window. To access the configuration page of
the catalogue from the configurator, click on the button Home.
eCadLite modules
1 3DS: allows you to export 3D objects of your order to 3DS file;
2 DWG: allows you to export the project to Autocad in DWG format;
3 Graphic effects : enables special effects / advanced realtime rendering /
shadows and reflections, PRT, Avatar, light positioning for both classic
and realtime rendering, save avi videos;
4 Render: allows the program to create Raytracer Rendering, ypu can
mange this operation from an additional tab, displayed uder the entry
Views. In this module you can use the following renders(ordered by
– TEST: creates a preview of the render,
– BASE QUALITY: quick render, but with basic quality,
– HARD SHADOWS: render with hand shadows,
– SOFT SHADOWS: render with soft shadows for a more realistic
– RADIOSITY+HARD SHADOWS: render with diffused light+hand
– RADIOSITY+ SOFT SHADOWS: render with diffused light+soft
5 Materials
6 Views dimensions
7 Walls Catalogue "PARETI"
12 Complements Catalogue "COMPLEMENTI"
Catalogues "PARETI" and "COMPLEMENTI": these additional catalogues allows you to insert various graphic elements in your project and
offer you a series of new finishes and architectonical elements to create the
Functional descriptions
Starting the work
In the previous chapters we talked about installation and requirements:
we take for granted, that the installation of the program has occurred successfully to start working. The manual uses the catalogue "CUCINA" connected
with the setting and the catalogues "WALLS", "COMPLEMENTS", for the
main examples.
For some seconds will be displayed a screen (see figure 3.1) reporting the
currently installed version.
Then will be displayed the program home screen (see figure 3.2).
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 3.1: Loading eCadLite .
Figure 3.2: Program home screen.
Let now consider the interface.
1. The title indicates the program version, the related username, the program path and the quotation/order number you are working with. The
path indication is particularly useful to immediately recognize the folders
you are working with.
2. The main toolbar. The program has different contextual toolbars, which
usually consist on buttons with a description: hovering the mouse on the
button, appears a help, briefly explaining its function.
3. Main functions tabs: there is a chapter entirely dedicated to every tab
type: environments with the plan, the walls and the 2D setting; heading
where to insert the quotation/order customer data; item where we do
the setup; quote where it is possible to control the list of the necessary
materials; procedures from where to access the additional programs and
infos, containing all the documents, including this manual.
4. Message area: contains the information about the work in progress and
a progress bar for the long operations.
5. The data area consists of a series of controls, buttons, input fields,
calendars and checks. The most important item of this section is the
RULE (9), that is the main feature of the configurator, which is used
in every part of the program. It is essentially a sheet, containing the
questions on the left, and, on the right, the possible answers, which
are influenced by the previous answers. This is a real program in the
program, that allows you to rapidly edit the structures and the data
and also to create a proper infrastructure for the correct operation of
the program configurator, for the prints and for the other functionalities
it is associated with. In fact the rule is applied where are required
customizations and specific descriptions, which shall be created with a
little effort, but excellent results.
Keys used for graphics.
eCadLite is designed according to the features of a three-button mouse
with a scroll wheel (a standard by now). It is recommendable to use the
program only with this type of mouse.
In termini generali per la grafica si utilizza il mouse:
Left Button, Single Click: object in the context.
Left Button, Double Click: activate object.
Press and Hold Left Button + Movement: rotate or contextual selection.
Left Button + Ctrl: select a variant or an object.
Left Button + Alt: rotate any context.
Hold Central Button (scroll wheel) + Move: move the working area.
Scroll mouse wheel: zoom in/out the design.
Right Button: associated functions contextual menu; in any part of the
program enables the access to a contextual menu, where it is possible to
execute other operations.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
There is a series of Shortcuts in various parts of the program, which
enable the rapid access to a function, without necessarily following all the
steps to access a menu.
See the table below:
Change item
Change views
Front view
View profile 1
View profile 2
View profile 3
Axonometric view 45° 4
Axonometric view -45° 5
Calculate top
Save order
Change heading
Normal mode
Selection mode
Drawing mode
Search item
Items menu
Undo (get back to the previous status)
Undo (get back to the previous status)
Lines editor
Variables dump
Table 3.1 : continued on next page
Table 3.1 : continued from previous page
Rule editor
Rule editor
Rule editor
Upload order
Create thumbnail
Shortcuts help
Shortcuts help
Table 3.1: Shortcuts.
To create a new quotation/order (from here on we will say order for
the sake of convenience), press the New button in the system toolbar; the
program will get set on the heading tab you can see in the figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Heading.
1. In this tab is first set the number of the order. The numbering starts
automatically and it is executed by the program, even though it is also
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
possible to manually set a specific number. The program accepts only
integers up to 6 digits (between 1 and 999999). If the order already exists,
pressing Enter eCadLite suggests uploading it. Beside the order number
there is a search button ... (these buttons can be found in various parts
of the program). Pressing this button are displayed the last inserted
orders and it is possible to upload them from the list.
2. The calendar sets the date of the order suggesting the date of that day.
The order can manage other dates: date of listing, delivery date, list
date. . . in the customizable part of the heading (7).
3. References: in this field it is possible to insert on multiple lines the
essential data related to the order.
4. Client: eCadLite searches the final customer in the database. The
customer list can be inserted in the management system (in this case it is
not possible to edit it), or also self-built by the interface. Each customer
is associated with a numerical code, and it can be found through a search
key. If the installation permits it, it is possible to create, overwrite (Save
button) or delete (Delete button) the customer lists directly from this
interface, containing the basic information about the selected client.
5. Delivery: the customer list is completed by an address indicating the
destination of the goods, if it is different from the one in the customer list.
Also this address can crate, edit and delete, if the installation permits it.
If there is only a destination, the program suggests it as soon as a client
is set.
6. Other data: the information structuring on the right side of the screen is
connected with two rules. The rule is a hierarchical structure of questions
and answers, which precedes the default responses (reset). In the example
given, we inserted the list code, the delivery dates, the payment method
and the discounts, but these information can completely differ according
to the installation and to the requirements of the management system
related to the business settings. The modification of the data in a rule is
connected to a policy which is similar to the previously set information.
Loading and receiving orders
You access the window to load an order pressing the button Open, see
figure 3.4. The first tab of the window allows you to load the previously
saved orders. Clicking on a code of the list, you can see a preview of the
order with its corresponding description.
Figure 3.4: Loading order.
With the button Search in the information area, you can find an order according
to its features and details on the search
fields, as for example: date of creation,
client’s name, etc.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Your search can be made also with a filter, or directly entering the number
of the order in the proper text field.
Once you have selected an order the available operations are:
Copy to gallery: copies the order to gallery and creates a library containing all the projects;
Duplicate: duplicates the selected order, with all its information, replacing automatically the identification name with a new one;
Delete: deletes the selected order;
Ok: opens the selected order.
The second tab, Web orders see figure 3.5, can be viewed only by the
authorized users. Here, specifying the path you can open the orders you
have sent. You can also apply display filters as: sender, date, order type
and status. When you select a filter, a status, or you change path, you have
to click on View to update the window. With the proper button you can
choose if you want to view the received or the sent orders.
Figure 3.5: Receiving orders.
Once you have selected the orders you want, through the corresponding
checkboxes, see figure 3.6, pressing Download order, they are displayed in
the bottom left corner of the screen, figure ref. From there, selecting an
order and clicking on Open, you can view it.
Figure 3.6: Selecting orders to download.
Figure 3.7: List of downloaded orders.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
The third tab Gallery loads the orders, see figure 3.8, which in this case
are compositions from the gallery. The composition is loaded when you click
on the preview, and once the loading has been confirmed. In the menu on
the left you can see the list of folders containing the viewed compositions.
Figure 3.8: Gallery.
Saving end sending orders
When you save an order you can also send it. Clicking on Save, the
program saves the order and displays the window where you can send
it, which is visible in the figure 3.9. To send it you have to specify the
consignee: in case of agents the possible consignees are the clients and the
corporate headquarters; in case of points of sale they are instead the agent
or the headquarters. Obviously they can change, according to the structure
of the company. They are specified through proper checkboxes near the
code of the consignee.
Figure 3.9: Sending order.
Figure 3.10: Order type.
There can be various types of orders, as
in the example of figure 3.10; in particular the types can be: order, quotation,
or confirmed and they change according to the information traffic. These
entries, which represent the type, can
be customized according to the company
communication structure and the needs.
How to synchronize a catalogue
Clicking on Setup appears a window where you can synchronize the local
program with the internet version, see figure 3.11. In particular, it copies
all the files, which are necessary to update the catalogue.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 3.11: Synchronizing the catalogue.
Clicking on All, the program copies all the files and replaces them with
the new ones. You can also select a single file to update.
The environment is not essential for the program configuration, and it
can be omitted, but, since sometimes it is necessary to set the product in a
context, it allows you to recopy the plan and the architectonical constraints.
There are many ways to set this component: starting from a DXF,
a background, or from a free drawing; using the limited or the complete
version, creating only the walls, or also various constraints, which help
disposing all the objects in the environment.
In any case it is always possible to edit and replace an environment and
to create files with different versions. The limit of this component is that it
works on a single level and it is not possible to work with sloped ceilings.
The interface in figure 3.12 uses "PARETI".
1. Objects catalogue area: in the complete version there is a tab, which
separates the walls setting from the doors, the architectonical constraints,
the floors and the ceiling setting. In the window there is a list of
parametric object, which can be selected and inserted in the item. In the
following chapter1 we will see how to do this operation.
2. Toolbar: contains the New, Load and Save buttons, as in the order,
because the settings are saved independently from the order, which only
contains a reference to the working area. It could be possible to realize
different environments with a single plan, that is why it is required a
differentiated backup system as well as a system, which allows you to
easily find a previously inserted plan.
The buttons on the side enable the undo (return to the previous operation)
and the redo operations (step forward). They are useful if an error occurs,
to get back to the previous operating version. The History button enables
instead the access to the executed operation list (for statistical purposes).
In the simplified version, the objects catalogue is reduced to preconfigured rooms with a door,
a window, the floor and the ceiling, everything in the same area.
Figure 3.12: Complete environment interface setting.
(1) Objects catalogue area.
(2) Set background.
(3) Set background.
(4) Working area.
(5) Enable functions.
(6) Status messages.
The DXF button allows you to import a plan in DXF format. The DXF
file, representing a plan, can be used as background of the environment
setting system, or immediately in 3D, to better control the working distance.
Pressing the DXF button, after searching on disk the file containing the
plan, will appear a screenshot, where the program identifies the various
layers used (see figure 3.13). The operator must decide which of these layers
to insert in the project, and which of them contain the snap lines (is to avoid
creating too many snap lines, or the setting operation could be extremely
The Set Point button allows you to set some control points, on which will
be later possible to set walls and constraints. These items can be created at
any point of the working area.
Getting near a point and double clicking with the mouse, it is possible to
manually, and extremely precisely set the x, y position of the point.
The Set Measure button allows you to measure the distance between two
points, creating in the meantime a dimension: it is necessary to press the
Set Measure button and click on the working area. Now, selecting the ends
of the dimension, it is possible to move and to overlap it at the distance
you want to measure.
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Figure 3.13: DXF Layers.
The Configuration button allows you to access the setting window; here it
is possible to edit some parameters as: displaying or not the grid, the rulers
and the magnetic points, or enabling the snap and the gridline thickness.
It is important to properly set these values, as the mouse movements are
connected with the values assigned to the snap and the magnetic points
(unless you pass to the free mode through the F key).
Figure 3.14: Environment setup.
Set background
In the complete version of the program there are also five buttons on
the side, which allow you to insert a background image, from which is it
possible to obtain a technical plan of the project. The idea is simple: if you
have a scale drawing, also sent by fax, or not in vector format, it is possible
to insert it in the environment using the Background button. Through
the other keys it is possible to set both a known measure, clicking on two
precise points of the project (X, Y, XY), and a line of rotation. Once set
the background, it will help you to create the walls and the constraints (in
that case the drawing can not be as precise as a DXF format one).
Working area and message area
The working area of the environment is delimited by two rulers, visible
in the top left corner.
When the mouse is operating in the working area, it sets two blue dotted
lines, indicating the X, Y pointer coordinates, which are always visible also
in the lower left corner of the message area.
Right clicking you access a contextual menu (see figure 3.15). Its content
can change according to the currently running operation.
Content of the menu:
Figure 3.15: Environment contextual menu.
Content of the menu:
Display Rule: allows you to edit the general features of the setting, in
particular the colour of the walls.
Centre: is the same as the Centre zoom button.
Select All: selects all the visible objects.
Clean: is the same of the New button in the environment. It deletes all
the content of the environment.
Delete DXF: deletes the set DXF file.
Cancel: cancels the last operation.
Calculate Floors and Ceilings: once designed the walls, the program can
automatically calculate the floors and the walls, without setting them
DXF Layers: enables the access to the window, which allows the user to
edit the DXF layers (see above).
Select area: enables the object selection through a selection rectangle.
As regards the working area: try to manage the scroll wheel of the mouse
(zoom in/out) or to move pressing and holding the central button.
The message area is divided into two parts: the first indicates the keys
that enable the functions; the second contains the properly set mouse
coordinates .
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Creating the environment
Select from the catalogue area the icon of a wall and place it inside the
working area 2 . Will be created a drawing, as that of figure 3.16.
Figure 3.16: Creating an environment.
The walls inserting program enables a series of facilities and displays a
list of the selection buttons. Double clicking on the selected wall, will be
possible to access the rule to edit the height and the materials (see figure
Figure 3.17: Rule for the walls editing.
It is possible to move the wall moving the point in which the item has
been inserted.
Dragging the proper buttons, it is possible to change the thickness of a
It is also possible to change the direction and the length of the wall;
pressing the Space button during the dimensioning, it is possible to
precisely indicate the wall dimensions.
After the wall has been inserted, the program presets itself for the next
wall (PRO version), indicating and drawing the dimensions.
It is now possible to edit every dimension: will be displayed a screenshot
(see figure 3.12), which allows the user to set the correct value of the wall
dimension, and to indicate where to make the changes: at the beginning,
at the end, or blocking the corners between the walls. If an error occurs,
remember that it is always possible to go back to the previous operation.
This functionality refers to the extended version.
Figure 3.18: Editing dimensions.
Now we can make various trials creating and editing an environment.
Let try to press the right button of the mouse on a wall: will be displayed
other functions, which allow you to customize the environment even more.
Figure 3.19: Edit environment contextual menu.
Surfaces: allows the user to edit the wall one surface at a time after
selecting it.
Set Corner: allows the user to set a corner.
Split: divides the current wall into two parts
Detach: detaches the wall from any other linked.
Copy series: allows the user to create multiple copies of the walls.
After creating the walls, you can insert the architectonical constraints.
Let for example insert a door (see figure 3.20).
Let see how a constraint ca be inserted only inside a wall, and how is
immediately created a dimension line.
Also the constraint has an insertion point, but it is related to the wall.
There is also an arrow, which allows you to set and edit the dimensions. It
is possible to change the position and the dimensions of the object and to
insert various types of constraints: doors, windows, electrical and plumbing
system, that operate all the same way.
Inserting floors and ceilings
When you are designing enclosed places, right clicking will be activated
a function, through which the program will automatically draw the floors
and the ceilings.
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Figure 3.20: Inserting a door.
If you prefer instead doing the operation manually, it is necessary to select
a floor(pavimento) from the list and set the points to obtain an enclosed
Figure 3.21: Creating ceilings.
It is always possible to set various types of floors. To edit them right
click->Edit wall.
We will now describe what functions are necessary to insert a configurable
object in the graphic environment. Clicking on the configuration tab and
after selecting the catalogue, will be displayed a screenshot (see figure 3.22).
1. Secondary configuration tab. Through this selection of tabs, it is possible
to choose the graphic subview, which is divided in: Catalogue (where
there are the main graphics, the object selection and the possible related
variants) Compositions and Search (will be better explained in the
following sections).
2. Items selection list: here the items are divided according to the type.
This subdivision can be customized according to the requirements (see
association tab).
Figure 3.22: Configurator.
3. Working area: here it is possible to see the project in 3D, and to directly
interact with the object through two toolbars, one on top of the screen
and the other on the right side.
4. Secondary tab, for 3D drawing.
5. Edit component: allows you to edit the item, starting from the associated
rule, to the object finishing (in the next pages we will explain better
6. Set current view: in this window it is possible to set the views (including
the specific view for the a riconduzione elements as tops) as well as the
graphic settings of the program (lights, shadows, lines, background, grid,
axes, and other graphic effects, chromatic and perspective corrections).
7. Replace: selecting any graphic element, through this button it is possible
to replace it with a different element, which will be inserted it in the
same place of the old box.
8. Select box: indicates the selected box number, ordered according to its
upload in the project.
9. Apply: with this command it is possible to change the model and the
variants applied to the project.
10. Quote script and linear element: calculates the linear a riconduzione
elements again, that join the various tops, upper parts of furniture, and
bases, appropriately indicated as riconduzione elements.
11. Zoom and window adjustment buttons: in sequence, starting from the
left, there are the buttons to frame the project, to manually zoom a
window, to zoom the image in or out.
12. Save photo: with this button it is possible to save an image selecting
the proper dimensions in pixel (for example 800*600). The photo will be
saved in the eCadPro/foto/ directory.
13. Application setup: it is possible to make some changes to edit the
ecadpro.ini file(Attention! some changes could damage the program).
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
14. Infos: displays the program version, the key identification number, the
user and the forms contained in the activation key.
3D secondary tab:
Back: gets back to the previous operation.
Movement: allows you to move the graphics and change point of view.
Move object: selects the object and allows you to rotate or move it.
Plots: allows you to manually draw frames, shelves, backrests and tops.
Set Measure: select the level and the points to measure. The measure
will be displayed in a window, separately from the normal graphics (it is
also possible to measure the distances from the base to the walls).
Materials: allows you to change the material of the items you are working
with, selecting the images from the window materials, which will be
displayed on the screen.
Axonometry/Perspective: activates or disable the perspective.
Recreate drawing: draws the whole project again.
Full screen: shows the full screen project and deletes the item selection
To insert a configurable object it is necessary to hover the mouse on
the directory list containing the different kinds of items, till you find a list
of objects characterized by a photo of the item with an item code below.
Clicking on the image, the item will be loaded. From here it will be possible
to edit it through the window edit item, according to the values granted by
the file rule, or, alternatively, typing the item code in the Search tab (see
figure 3.23).
Figure 3.23: Search item.
Rules management
The Rule is the main item, which allows the configurator to create the
drawings, the prices and the bills of materials.
The configurator, unlike a CAD, does not use graphic primitives, as line,
polygon, drawing box, and does not have a data base of items ready for use
as they are.
Every item designed by the configurator is preset for an almost limitless
number of variables, from the dimensions, to the colours and the shape.
In fact the items are designed as answer to a precise number of questions,
which are put every time to the operator, so that he can indicate the variable
The questions are hierarchically set, and the answers can be bound in
various ways: according to the selected item, to the model, to the answer
to previous questions, to the fact that some answers are possible, but not
recommended (in that case to access it will be required an extra step), or
obsolete (in that case they will be maintained only for previously set orders,
but they could not be set).
The question/answer system is essential for the configurator; in fact every
object is the result of the elaboration of a single group of common features.
These features, or variants, can have different shapes: from the free text,
which must be typed, to the selection on form tabs, more or less designed
for a specific result.
(1) Rule heading divided in pages.
(2) Ordered question list.
(3) Ordered answers list.
Figure 3.24: Rule.
The rule of the example visible in the figure 3.25 is that of a standard
kitchen base, in the catalogue "DAUCUCINE". Let now see the setting on
multiple pages, the colouring of a question (Structure), the Left- and Rightsided answers, which are coloured in grey, as they derive from the main
variant structure.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
(a) The body variant: example of the most common variants. It is a list of code and
description values. When you access this kind of table, it is possible to order the fields
clicking on the title of the column, or to access a particular field, clicking with the mouse,
or typing with the keyboard. Sometimes it is also possible to find a tree variant with a
title and a subtitle.
(b) The _fin variant: a graphic variant, where one or more tabs set the graphic answers in
a grid (on top or on the right), containing the order code, and the associated photo.
(c) A specific variant designed for the cut, where a form graphically illustrates the result of
the data setting.
Figure 3.25: Examples of answers to variants.
Edit component
Figure 3.26: Edit item.
(1) Item, Association and Detail tabs.
(2) Item code and description.
(3) Search item code.
(4) Dimensions and quantities.
(5) Insert bases (zoccolo), upper parts of furniture (alzatina), left and right frames and open
(6) Right or left box orientation (if there is one).
(7) List of the editable variables of the item.
This is the main window where it is possible to edit an item; it is divided
into two main parts: on the upper side we find the description of the item;
the lower side, instead, is dedicated to the questions and the answers. From
here it is possible to access other tabs and information about the item.
The variants are the most important elements involved in the editing
operation. They are usually divided in tabs, according to the group they
belong to. When they are selected appears a window, which can change
according to the variant type. You can find some examples in the figure
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(a) This is an example of one of the simplest variants of the program. It is made of two
columns: respectively CODE and DESCRIPTION.
(b) The structure in this case is a little more complicated; on the left there is a directory list
with the variable values and their respective code; on the right instead, there is a preview
of the photo we want to apply to our item (because, usually, this kind of displaying and
the following are used to show a visual preview of the changes we want to make).
(c) This screenshot instead displays the selection mode in the tabs placed in the upper part
and in the right corner of the window. The preview this time is multiple and consists in
an image with its corresponding code below.
Figure 3.27: Examples of answers to variants.
System variables
Besides the definable and customizable variables we have seen before,
eCadLite also provides a certain number of variables, which can be used
inside the rule.
Figure 3.28: Opening direction.
Figure 3.29: Flag.
The symbol of figure 3.28 indicates the opening direction of the doors
and the side of some bases, which require a right and a left side.
In the flag of figure 3.29 there are some ticks, that allow you to activate
or exclude some items (usually they are side- or closing items, that is why
they are indicated as left and right): base, upper part of furniture, frame
and open flag.
The last one allows you to interact with the item, to open drawers, doors,
or to run any operation it has been set for.
Sometimes, if an item is not enabled for the existence of one ore more
than one of the values set, you might not be able to find the flags for this
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Editing item management
Left clicking on the window containing the description of the item, will be
displayed a window through which it is possible to edit the item management
(see figure 3.30).
Figure 3.30: Item management.
This screenshot contains more details about the item, and make it possible
to edit notes and receive more detailed information, including prices, extra
charges and discounts. Furthermore, clicking on the proper selection tag,
will be displayed the bill of materials of the item.
Item detail
Through the window used to edit the item we have access to the screenshot
containing the detail of the item, which is important to get information
about the selected item.
Figure 3.31: Item detail.
(1) Controls used to add, delete or edit typologies.
(2) Column headings for every single typology.
(3) Key to expand the table with the detail in width, for a full screen view.
(4) Stop the changes.
(5) Typologies list.
(6) Cells content.
This window contains all the main details about the different typologies,
including the selected item, as well as all the related ordered information:
side, position in width, position in height, position in depth, size in width,
size in height, size in depth, rotation of the x axis, rotation of the y axis,
primary colour, secondary colour, finishing, handle, shape, parameters of
the typology (from 1. to 10.), code, variants, level, discounts, nt1, nt2, nt3,
nnt4, nt5, cx.
It is possible to edit these typologies through the menu in the upper part
of the window (see figure 3.32):
New: adds a new typology to the list.
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Figure 3.32: Item detail.
Delete: deletes the selected typology.
Duplicate: duplicates an already existing typology.
Redraw: draws the object with the changes made.
Shape: opens the shapes editor.
+ or –: extends or reduces the dialog box
Stop: blocks the changes made in the typologies.
Apply changes command
Figure 3.33: Apply changes.
1. Starting model when an order is created (selected from the heading).
2. Change model: if a change is made here, will be changed the model of
the items in the final project.
3. List of variables: this is the same list of the heading rule; both can be
edited in any moment.
4. Starting options: variants values active in that moment.
5. Edited options: in this column there is a list with the options, which is
possible to edit, starting from the currently set value. The choice is the
same we find when we edit an item.
6. With these flags it is possible to edit all the elements and to force the
model change.
7. Apply changes.
If you click the Execute button for the first time, will appear a new screen
(see figure 3.34), with a list of the changes made, in comparison with the
previous setting (in brackets), as well as one of the elements you want to
edit. It will be possible to choose where to make the changes.
Figure 3.34: Made changes compared with the previous setting.
This window, which is important for the modifications applied to a whole
order, consists of a coloured area on the left, containing the same variants
of the heading, and the values assigned to the order in that moment. In the
third column there are some editable values, which can be used to edit the
composition. Through the button for the model change it is also possible to
change the model of the elements inserted in the composition you want to
Movement and links
Clicking on the proper button, it will be possible to interact with the
elements of the environment.
When an object is selected, it will be displayed with a series of landmarks,
marked with coloured points and arrows, indicating the axes (see figure
3.35). For the free movement of the item, hover the mouse on the object,
then, pressing and holding the left button, drag the box to the working area.
If the movement has to be done with respect to the axes, it is necessary to
move to one of the three arrows (red: X axis, blue: Y axis, green: Z axis).
Following the same steps, it is possible to precisely move the object with
respect to the axes. In the lower side of the box, there are also a series of
shaped arrows, which allow you to rotate the item around a graduated grid.
In this way it is possible to exactly choose the angle of rotation. To insert
the angle manually, when the graduated grid appears, press the spacebar;
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Figure 3.36: Graduated grid to rotate
Figure 3.35: Selected object.
it will be possible to insert a rotation value in degrees (positive or negative
See figure 3.37: there is also a series of buttons, which allow you to align
an item or to snap it on the other graphic items.
Figure 3.37: Keys used to snap and align an item.
Snap on wall: when you bring a box near a wall, and this flag is activated,
will be displayed a red collision line, in the point where the object is
aligned to the wall or a corner. If the wall has an inclination, which is
different from the standard one, the object will be automatically rotated,
until it adheres to the wall.
Snap on box: it is similar to the just described flag, but, instead of
displaying the collision lines for the walls, it displays those for the
already loaded boxes.
Free positioning mode: no set is suggested, the positioning starts automatically.
Enable/disable collisions: when it is activated, allows the two boxes to
snap when the program recognizes their closeness. It will suggest the link
between two items with a change in the colour of the dimension points.
Autoalignment box: if you need to set an item on an object with an
inclination different from the standard one, the item will be automatically
Orthogonal to the tube holder wall: moves the orthogonal camera to the
Right clicking on the working area will appear a drop-down menu (see
figure 3.38).
Figure 3.38: Configurator contextual menu.
With these options it is possible to interact with the graphics and the
elements of the environment.
Menu contents:
Move: allows you to move the selected object.
Delete: deletes the selection.
Duplicate: creates a single copy of the selected item.
Copy series: creates a series of copies of the selected item.
Set current view
Through the Set current view control, it is possible to change the program
parameters and the views. On the upper side of the figure 3.39, you can
see the possible standard views. It is also possible to choose the graphics:
clicking on the working area will be displayed a drop-down menu; here, in
the proper section you will find the standard view.
In the section dedicated to the effects, instead, there are various parameters to customize the graphics 3 , as:
• Lines: enables and disables the item profiles.
• Silhouette: allows you to highlight more precisely the shapes of all items.
• Materials:disables the Textures and the colours applied to the items.
• Lights: enables the lights management.
• Texts: allows you to visualize the texts.
• Volo view: displays a window with the plan of the project.
• Background layout: displays the imported DXF.
• No Walls: hides the walls and the floors.
All the results of the modifications depend on the video card.
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Figure 3.39: Set current view.
Some effects can be used only activating the additional Effects form.
The settings, instead, are divided in:
• Logo: eCadLite logo, at bottom right.
• Background: a colour to the background to emphasize the realism.
• Grid: enables the construction grid.
• Box Culling: eliminates from the sight the objects displayed from behind.
• Face Culling: optimizes the displaying of the 3D objects.
• Drag Lite: improves the movement speed of the selected objects.
• Hide-Wall Camera: hides the walls when the scene is displayed in back
• Perspective: correction of the perspective.
• Explode: explosion of the components.
The chromatic correction refers to the merely visual appearance of the
program, as lights and displayed lines:
• Environment: increases or reduces the colour contrast on the items.
• Diffused: diffused light.
• Specular: reflection level.
• Shadows: increases or reduces the shadows and their intensity.
• HDR: corrects the range.
• Texts: to edit the text size.
• Lines: to edit the width of the lines of the items.
When you select this mode, will be displayed the plan of your project.
The first thing to do is to set the light sources, so that they will be directed
to the areas of the project you want to emphasize. To do that, it is sufficient
to press and hold the left mouse button on the point you want to light, until
the light source will be actually set. After this operation, will be displayed a
visual representation of the light beam projected by a hypothetic spotlight.
(See figure 3.40).
If the light source is not precisely set, it is possible to move it through
the snap points (in the figure they are indicated as light points), simply
pressing and holding the left button of the mouse on the item and dragging
General configuration of the light sources:
1. Height from the ground of the light source expressed in mm.
2. Height from the ground of the point where the light arrives.
3. Light temperature in Kelvin.
4. Luminous intensity.
5. Set the light source vertically.
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Figure 3.40: Visual representation
of the light beam.
Figure 3.41: Light sources.
Figure 3.42: Buttons.
Views management
Using the tab for the views management (bar on the left side of the Set
current view window), it will be possible to create a series of views, that
are useful for the dimensions of the elements and also to print the results.
After creating a new view it is necessary to name it. Pressing the proper
key, will be displayed another button, with which you can choose what
element to dimension. Will be highlighted a series of standard significant
points at the ends of the graphic items. Here, after selecting the functionality
we need, we could add, edit and delete some dimensions. The functionalities
1. Select operation record: hovering the mouse on the graphic elements,
they will be highlighted with a green square, with respect to the three
2. Dimensions management. With this button it will be possible to dimension a graphic element (through significant points placed at the ends of
the project). For example, if you want to dimension the width of a base:
select the top plane, then, with the mouse, link the top ends. It will be
also possible to move the dimension hovering the mouse on the value
and moving the dimension with the left button.
3. Same steps of the previous dimension, but different graphic result. Ideal
to dimension small spaces.
4. Add new arc dimension. When you select where to set the note, will be
opened a window where it will be possible to choose the text type, the
dimension, or to import an image file.
5. Free mode: manages the free setting of points and dimensions.
6. Set new point: manages a new point manually set by the user.
7. Set new line: inserts a construction line on which can be set the points
to start dimensioning the item.
8. Set point in offset: allows you to select a point on a construction line
(specially created by the user), and another point on it, set at a distance
(the distance from the point selected on the line must be inserted by the
9. Set perpendicular: creates a line, perpendicular to another existing line.
10. Enable/disable plotting.
11. Move operation record: shifts the level where will be created the dimension.
12. Snap View point of subelements: increases and changes the snap point
detail according to the typologies.
13. Hide all snap points.
Top views.
The view of the project plan allows you to launch a procedure, which
calculates all the a riconduzione elements and creates as many views as the
items with the corresponding operations and dimensions.
Figure 3.43: Top views.
As soon as this process starts, will be displayed a selection tab named
Layers, in which can be set the level of the dimensions we want to display.
Using the proper button it is possible to manually insert the dimensions
in the a riconduzione elements, and also to open the shapes editor, which
allows you to manually edit the shape obtained in graphics.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
The user views visible in the image refer to the view of the top (#T 0), to
the upper part of the top (#T 1) and to the front base (#T 2). These are
all the elements the program has found in our trial order. It is also possible
to create new views, to delete, save or print the displays created with the
buttons on the right side of the Set Current View window.
Levels of clip: this function is particularly useful to select a part of the
order we want to see. It is used in particular in case of big orders; it creates
a partial view of customized dimensions. To create a view with levels of clip
select New View from the View menu and then select levels of clip. Will
be activated the view of the order from above, with the significant point
highlighted in red. Then, after specifying the ground of the view will be set
a triangle of view, and it will be possible to expand the view as one prefers.
figure In the figure 3.44 you can see an example of a sum of views in a
corner composition (usually made of two fragments of a top divided by the
Figure 3.44: Sum of views in a corner composition.
With the Print button it will be possible to access the main screenshot of
the views specific prints (see figure 3.45).
In this screenshot you can see the working area, which is our print sheet
and, on the right, a list representing all the views that can be printed.
Clicking on the view you prefer and dragging it on the print sheet, it will
be also possible to place the plan where you prefer or to edit its dimensions.
In this way you can print more views on the same sheet.
The functions of the toolbar above will be explained in the chapter about
the prints management.
Figure 3.45: Screen of the specific prints of the views.
Additions and dividers
There are some particular functionalities for the elements composition as,
for example, the rules with the additions and the dividers. These two types
of management are available only for some elements. We will now see how
to set them.
The elements with the additions are set in this way: in the window used
to set the item there are two buttons: + and -. After uploading your
code and the addition is completed (button +), will be created an object,
corresponding, in graphics, to the insertion of an additional element in the
graphic code.
(Figure 3.47) the addition of the objects will be set and customized
according to the customer’s requirements. Sometimes to customize this
control it is necessary to choose which addition to do: besides a shelf for
example, we can decide to insert an additional pole between the main poles
through a drop-down menu (see figure 3.46).
So it will be possible to customize the composition according to the
requirements (figure 3.47).
Even if they are based on a similar system, the division setup is different
from the addition setup. After loading the customizable item, in the tab
Edit item, we will find a main group of variants, which depend on the main
body, and others, referring to the various spaces, which will be created later.
In the same window there will also be an editor, specific for rooms (later we
will talk about it).
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 3.46: Additions drop-down menu.
Figure 3.47: Example of composition customized with additions.
Figure 3.48: Graphic example of box with divider method.
Graphic example of a box with divider method:
1. As you can see in the figure 3.48, in the window Edit item, there is a red
square beside the dimensions. Editing it (double click), will be displayed
a window (see figure 3.49).
Figure 3.49: Divider: customizable space.
In this window is displayed the customizable space, that is the area where
we will make the changes. The only way to interact with this editor is
through the right button of the mouse.
The available menu for this mode can be seen in the figure 3.50.
Add vertical division and Add horizontal division: insert an automatic
divider, calculating the half of the available or selected space.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 3.50: Menu for divider.
The control Divide, instead, allows you to insert a series of vertical and
horizontal divisions, separating the available space and setting them at the
same distance one from the other. It gives also the possibility to manually
set the distance on the two axes of the divider (see figure 3.51).
Figure 3.51: Divide areas.
The controls Delete all and Delete division delete respectively all the
changes made, and the selected division (for the selection it is necessary to
place yourself on the dividing line of the editor).
The Set control is made of the first panel, which contains the real dimensions of the room, of the upper and lower distance, as well as the upper
and lower distance of the division and the percentage of space the room is
divided in (the percentage refers to the upper divider in case of horizontal
insertion, and to the left divider in case of vertical insertion). Division type:
here, selecting the distance or the percentage will be possible to edit this
parameter, which enables to set the divider manually, or according to a
percentage. Division Dim.: indicates the thickness of the divider.
Figure 3.52: Set areas.
With the Cancel and Ok controls you can cancel or confirm the changes.
It is also possible to set our composition with oblique divisions: pressing
and holding the Ctrl key in the window of the editor, will be highlighted
the significant points on the 4 sides of the square. From here, still pressing
and holding the Ctrl button, with the left mouse button, it is possible to
create oblique divisions, starting from the points indicated by eCadLite .
The placer functionality, instead, allows you to select a specific area of
the division, so that you will be able to work separately on every section of
the project.
When you select the area you want to work in, (see figure 3.54), you can
divide the working area in other divisions, and manage the facades and the
interiors of the rooms separately.
These elements have very high potentiality and allow you to manage very
complicated situations (see figure 3.55).
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Figure 3.53: Example of dividers.
Figure 3.54: Placer.
Figure 3.55: Divisions.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Quote and print
Figure 3.56: Quote.
Here you can see an example of quotation with two elements: on top
of the screen you will find the general information about the order (date,
operator, price list, variants), in the centre instead there is a preview of the
items on graphics followed by code, description, dimensions, quantity, total
price and price of a single item. Below you will see the total price.
You can change the entries of the quotation about quantities and price.
To update it, click on the button Edit and then on the confirmation button.
From the quotation menu you can also add a line, save the quotation and
delete the changes you have done before on the added lines. Once you have
modified something, on the line appears an asterisk indicating the change.
Figure 3.57: Edit button.
Figure 3.58: Confirmation button.
From the menu of figure 3.59 you can choose the display mode you prefer::
you can view only the quotation, the design representing the order, or both.
This menu specifies also the item you are going to print when you press the
button Print from the main menu of eCadLite .
Figure 3.60: Order design display.
Figure 3.59: Quotation menu.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
Shapes management
As you can see in the figure 3.61 (for example we selected a side typology
and launched the shapes management), in the upper toolbar we find the
possible actions to edit the panel, mainly divided into four parts:
1. New: to draw the typology shape, starting from an empty screen; Open:
to load a previously saved shape and Save: to save the shape.
2. Views management and cancel the executed operations, in order: gets
back to the previous operation, step forward, frame all, zoom in a window.
3. Drawing management, in order:
New shape,
New circle,
New shaped hole,
New circular hole,
New dimension.
4. Execute boolean.
Figure 3.61: Shapes management.
eCadLite User Manual - v. 1.0.0
3D Graphic Engine A series of methods, functions and classes to improve
a graphic application. 2
CAD Indicates a branch of informatics, which uses software technologies, in
particular of the computer graphics, to support the activity of design of
virtual or real items. 29
DXF Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format, is a format
for the CAD files, developed by Autodesk as solution to exchange data
between the program AutoCAD and other programs. 21, 22, 24, 40
Texture Equal images that, when they are put side by side, create a uniform
covering, so that it is impossible to understand where an image ends,
and the following starts, on all sides. 40
Windows Abbreviation for Microsoft Windows: it is a family of commercial
operative systems of Microsoft Corporation. 3