Placing a New Order - Springbok Pharmacy


Placing a New Order - Springbok Pharmacy
Placing a New Order:
From the Springbok Pharmacy’s home page select or click on the “Login” button displayed
on the top right-hand side of your screen:
Please enter your email address and password and press the “Go” button to proceed:
If logged in successfully you will see your email address displayed in the top right-hand
Now your shopping experience can begin.
Items can be found using our search function.
The search function allows you to use a barcode to find an item.
The tabs displayed on the right hand side will list items in groups for your convenience.
To order an item click or press “Add to Order”.
When you are satisfied that all the items you would like to purchase is on your order, select
the option from the website to view your basket:
The order will now be displayed .
From this screen you can select the continue shopping screen to add more items to your order
or select the method of payment to complete the sale .
Please note if you are paying via credit card, the website will prompt you to enter your credit
To proceed with the payment please fill in your details and click or press authorise payment
* Please Note: Credit Card Transactions take 2 – 3 Days to process, so
please allow sufficient time for delivery *