November Newsletter 2013 - Louisiana Baptist State Convention


November Newsletter 2013 - Louisiana Baptist State Convention
The Vision Of Missions Continue
Matthew 28:18:20; Matthew 25:35-30
Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention Foreign Mission Department
This Issue
LMBSC Missionaries Minister in West Indies
Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention
Mission Team Travels to Dominica, West Indies
Dr. C.S. Gordon, Jr .
Missionaries in Action
Sis. V. Anthony & Pastor H. Robinson
Continued Mission -Sis J. Spring
Deacon E. Henry Returns
My First Mission Trip—Sis. P. Stevens
Coming to America- Min. L. Guy
Pastors and Wives of Dominica
New Blue Prints Completed
Awesome Views of Dominica
Louisiana Missionary Baptist
State Convention Converges on
Dominica, West Indies in 2013
By Rev. Jimmy R. Stevens
On August 11-16, 2013 the LMBSC missionaries led by President C.S. Gordon, Jr., Rev.
Jimmy R. Stevens, Rev. Gary Curtis, Rev.
Harold Robinson, Sr., Bro. Shun Hartley, Bro.
Louis Guy, II, Sis. Patricia Stevens, Sis. Melva Thibodeaux, Sis. Jackie Spring, Sis, Faye
Norton, and Sis. Linda Fondel ministered in
Dominica, West Indies. Other missionaries
from Houston, Texas (Bro. Emile, Sherry,
and Torina Henry), Memphis, Tennessee
(Sis. Ruby Reed) and Buffalo, New York (Dr.
Blackburn) of the National Baptist Convention
USA, Incorporated, also ministered on the
island on this week.
Vacation bible school and revival services were
held at the villages of Wesley at the Wesley Baptist
Church, Pastor Joseph John; Calibishie at the
Calibishie Baptist Church, Pastor Nathlie Joseph;
Woodfordhill at the Woodfordhill Baptist Church,
Pastor Lester George and Portsmouth at the Mt.
Olivet Baptist Church, Pastor Joseph. There was a
four day total attendance of approximately 1,277
VBS students in these four churches.
On Thursday, the LMBSC missionaries and local
churches attended a worship service where President C. S. Gordon, Jr. preached the closing message at the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Portsmouth. President Gordon traveled to support the
initiative, access the rebuilding project and the
VBS program. At the top of the priorities of the
Foreign Mission Initiative of the State Convention
is the rebuilding of the Second Zion Baptist Church
of Portsmouth. Over twenty- thousand dollars
have been given from members of the convention
to this effort. Dr. Thomas Bentley, island coordinator and the local pastors are eager to see the work
completed in Portsmouth and the members of
Second Zion Baptist be returned to their home
church after five years. The Second Zion Baptist
Church was built in 1984 and destroyed by Hurricane Dean in 2008.
The local church is the center of the life for the
Christians of the island. Some of the Baptist
Churches on the island are engaged in a preschool
program, weekly feeding program for the children
and seniors. Several of the young adults on the
island of Dominica are attending Bible College on
the island of St. Vincent ( Baptist Bible College) so
that they are better equipped for effective service
in ministry. Always one of the highlights of the
mission trip is the bonding, relationships, and
friendship that are built between the missionaries
and the students. There is always a love connection between the fellow Christian believers of the
island and the missionaries . Each night Rev. Harold Robinson, Sr. Pastor of the New Sunlight Baptist Church of Lake Charles, La, Minister Shun
Hartley and Minister Louis Guy II, associate ministers of New Covenant Faith Baptist Church of Lake
Charles, Louisiana delivered powerful revival messages at their perspective places of labour.
These messages were well received and helped to
strengthen, encourage and inspire the Pastors and
their congregations.
Still these Baptist Churches are in need of the
bare essentials in ministry ( bibles, Christian education supplies, Sunday school literature and musical instruments). The pastors are in need of loving
mentorship, warm fellowship and authentic friendships with the pastors here in the United States. It
is so amazing to experience the joyful worship of
these brothers and sisters as they lift up melodies
of praise into the Lord. Also to see the radiant
smiles on the faces of the children as they learn
new truths about our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. What dedication and commitment of these
Christians who give so much with so little. If you
are interested in traveling next year with the 2014
LMBSC Foreign Mission Team you may contact
(Executive Secretary, Rev. Gary Curtis, 504-5794279 or Director, Rev. Jimmy Stevens, 337-4368300).
Dr. C. S. Gordon, Jr., President
Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention
Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention,
President, Dr. C. S. Gordon Jr. closed out the
2013 Vacation Bible School Revival Services on
the island of Dominica, West Indies at the Mt.
Olivet Baptist Church in Portsmouth on August
15th. He preached from the text Acts 3:1-8. Under the leadership of Dr. Thomas Bentley, Virgin Island coordinator, Baptist churches from
Wesley, Calibishie, Woodfordhill and Portsmouth came together in an evening of celebration.
President Gordon visited
the island in support of
the State's Convention
foreign mission initiative.
He attended V B S in
accessed the reconstruction work to be done at
Second Zion Baptist
Church of Portsmouth.
He gave his full support to the work being done
there. The Baptist Churches on the island were
truly appreciative of President Gordon visit to
the island.
From left to right: Pastor Harold Robinson, Sr.,
Pastor Gary Curtis, President Gordon, and
Pastor Jimmy Stevens.
Sis. Faye Norton and the children of
Wesley Baptist Church
Sis. Patricia Stevens, New Covenant Faith,
Lake, Charles, LA , along with Pastor and Mrs.
Lester George of the Woodfordhill BC, and Pastor Harold Robinson, New Sunlight BC, Lake
Charles, LA
Sis. Melva Thibodeaux, New Light
Bro. Shun Hartley and Sis. Linda Fondel, New Covenant
BC, Lake Charles, LA and the chil-
Faith BC, Lake Charles, La and the children of Calibishie
dren of the Woodfordhill Baptist
Baptist Church.
President of 7th District Baptist Association
Women’s Auxiliary
Sis. Verda Anthony,
president of the 7th
District Baptist Association
Auxiliary under the
leadership of Rev.
Gerald Perkins, led
the effort of the "2013Tennis Shoes
Drive" for the Children of Dominica, West
Indies. Sis. Anthony is a member of New
Sunlight Baptist Church, Rev. Harold
Robinson, Sr. Pastor in Lake Charles,
Louisiana. Under her leadership, new
pairs of tennis shoes were collected from
various churches from the District and
shipped to the island. Many of the children were blessed to receive new tennis
shoes as they returned to school for the
new year. This has been the second year
that this drive has taken place. The State
Convention looks forward to collecting
more new tennis shoes in the future. If
you are interested please contact New
Covenant Faith Baptist Church (337-4368300.
I would like to share a brief testimony as
a missionary for Jesus in Dominica. This
was a God given opportunity to spread
the word of God in another country with a
great team of missionaries from Louisiana. This encounter brought about a life
changing experience in my faith and
preaching ministry. The church family at
Woodfordhill Baptist Church received our
team with open arms under the leadership of Pastor Lester George. Therefore
I encourage all Christian believers to
pray, support, and give to Christian mission in foreign lands. Woodfordhill family
received the Word with gladness and joy
because of VBS and the revival services.
Submitted by Pastor Harold Robinson
New Sunlight BC, Lake Charles, LA
By Sis. Jacqueline Spring
1 Chron. 16:8 - “Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His also takes faith, but you must keep your eyes on God as you quote
scriptures reminding yourself what He will do.
name, make known His deeds among the people.”
Our second Foreign Mission trip to Dominica was led by Dr.
Rev. Jimmy R. Stevens. The compassionate group of missionaries he led were First Lady Patricia Stevens , Linda Fondel , Faye
Norton, Min. Louis Guy, Min. Shun Hartley, and myself all from
New Covenant Faith Baptist Church, Dr. Melva Thibodeaux of
New Light Baptist Church, and Pastor Harold Robinson of New
Sunlight Baptist Church all of Lake Charles, LA joined us.
I was able to return to Wesley, Dominica and truly it was a warm reunion. I was able to teach VBS and our theme was “Rock It Out”! Many
of the children were at the church waiting for our return and one of the
first things they said when they saw me was “You came back ”, the
excitement on their faces was priceless. We hugged and said hello. We
then went into praise songs, led by Sis Faye Norton who also returned
to Wesley. Minister Guy would lead us into prayer after each VBS
lesson and each night. He also returned for a second trip.
My experience in Wesley, Dominica was a lesson of gratitude. The
week was a blessing as we saw 44 children the first day and by word of
mouth classes grew to 88 by the last day. The most rewarding event for
me was the gratitude shown for the word of God as it was being taught.
I had a helper Sis. Val who assisted in speaking French to some of the
children. She shared how children were very grateful for snacks
given each day, and how they take their VBS books home and continue
to study them long after the missionaries are gone.
On the last day gallon sized zip lock bags with folders, pencils, school
supplies and candy bags were handed out. The children were thankful
and I watched them leave with such gratitude. Wesley Baptist Church
sits on a hill and the children live in a valley but when you look down in
the valley you only see brushes and shrubs, but some of the children
come and left through this trail with a smile. I realized the last day I saw
them leaving that we are their hope and God will provide the opportunity to anyone with a heart and commitment to Dominica for missionary
work. It will take money, but if you have a heart God will do the rest. It
My return to Dominica was truly a walk of faith, because the money
required for such a trip was not in my bank account. I was praying before God and I told him that I needed resources to get back to Dominica. I told God if it would be His will he would have to send sponsors
and this would be my way of knowing this was His will. Well, I sent 10
letters out asking for help. I did get a reply from a few people. I knew
that some of my friends and family who sponsored my trip last year had
financial situations. I would not ask them. I went back to God and I
prayed for God to send the sponsors. I reminded God in prayer that
although we were approaching the week of the trip I would trust Him till
the end. It was Monday August 5th when I began to hear from people
only God could have told to come by and they came up to minutes
before I left to meet the other missionaries at NCF to leave for this trip.
I give God all the glory and honor for all He has done.
As Director of Foreign Missions at New Covenant Faith, I would like to
take this opportunity to thank our 2013 Missionaries for a job well done.
On behalf of our 2013 missionary team, I thank everyone for their contributions in making our foreign mission possible and successful.
Thanks to our family members who sacrifice as we use our time as well
as resources, serving in Dominica. Thanks to our sponsors who gave
money that clearly sent us a message that our efforts are supported in
Dominica. Thanks to our church family at NCF who gave mission offerings each Sunday, as well as prayed for us. We thank everyone across
the nation and in the West Indies who prayed for us also. Thanks to
those of you who donated tennis shoes for the children of Dominica.
You may never walk in Dominica, but your
donation allows a child to walk in your shoes!
Dominica 2013
Deacon Emile & Sis. Sherry Henry
To God be the glory that we have the chance to
do missionary work! The Caribbean ministry is a
blessing to Sherry and myself. We have been
going to the island of Dominica for the past seven
years. We have served in the villages of Calibishie, Woodfordhill, and Wesley. It is a privilege to
serve the people and see them grow in the Lord.
It is what Sherry and I look forward to each year
and for the last two years we have had the
chance to bring our granddaughter, Torin. We
have six grandchildren and take them to feed the
less fortunate and volunteer during the holidays to
teach them how to give back. We are trying to
live out the great commission and “Go”. It is a
reward to make a sacrifice of love to help others
and spread the gospel. The Caribbean ministry
has been a blessing to us as we try to help someone else, but we end up being the ones being
blessed by the children and the friendships we’ve
We look forward to the service because we serve
God by serving others. Over the years we have
watched the children and the adults grow and mature in the Lord and have seen the children come
back to serve in the ministry. It has truly been a
blessing to especially watch one of the young
men announce his calling into the ministry and
wanted me to be one of the first ones to know
about his calling. It is a blessing to be able to sit
and counsel with the young people and their families. It has also been truly a joy and an honor to
be asked to pray for the sick and the elderly .Over
the years we have had different team members
but God is the head. Mission work is not about
photos and touring but about during what God
has called us to do. Again all we do is to the glory
of God that He and He alone gets all the glory,
honor, and praise.
Deacon Henry and his wife are members of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Texas City,
Texas. They have been married for 42 yrs. He has
been a Deacon for 15 years. Deacon Henry
serves as Lincoln Southern District Laymen President and is a part of BM&E of Texas State VP/
Southwest Region Laymen. He served in the
Air Force and they are retired from postal service.
They have been serving in Dominica for the last
seven years.
New Covenant Faith BC
Lake Charles, LA
I am so happy to be given the privilege of taking
my first foreign mission trip. When arriving in
Dominica I was amazed to see such a beautiful
country like nothing I had ever seen before. Immediately when we arrived, the people of
Dominica were very loving and sincere.
Their love for the Lord is truly felt in their worship experience. Everyone lifts up their
voice unto the Lord in worship! The little
children at the Woodfordhill Baptist Church
where I shared with other missionaries in
teaching Vacation Bible School were so sweet
and attentive. Of course they are like our children at times, BUSY! The members of this
church love their church and there were a group
of dedicated ladies who were there both day
(VBS) and night (revival services). I was also
blessed to meet with a group of ladies from the
Calibishe Baptist Church in a brief bible study
and discussion on organizing a Women’s Ministry in their church.
church are paired with ladies from their church
to communicate through email to encourage
each other and share experiences. The ladies of
Calibishe were very responsive to this idea and
we have already begun the process. Yes, there
were times when it was very hot, but one thing
about traveling to such a place as a missionary
– you are focused on your primary purpose for
being there and the Lord gives you strength to
endure being away from all the luxuries of life
as you surrender to the Great Commission.
Yes, I would definitely love to go back
From this session a ministry was birthed “Just
A Sister Away” Ministry, the ladies of our
“Coming to America”
by Minister Louis F. Guy II
Picture to the left : Pastor Nathlie Joseph, Calibishie BC, Dominica,
West Indies, Dr. Thomas F. Freeman, Texas Southern University, and
Minister Louis Guy II, New Covenant Faith BC, Lake Charles, LA
It was a dream come true for Pastor Nathlie
Joseph to come to the United States. Pastor
Joseph born in the village of Calibishie on the island of Dominica in West Indies. He is the Pastor
of the Calibishie Baptist Church, a young minister
on fire for the Lord.
On July 20, 2013, Pastor Joseph came into Louis
Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans
Louisiana. His first stop was to Popeyes Fried
Chicken where he had an opportunity to experience some American food.
Pastor Joseph had never been to the United
States. He stated that it was a great experience
and somewhat like he envisioned it to be. New
Covenant Faith Baptist Church under the direction
of our pastor Dr. Jimmy R. Stevens made this
dream come true for Pastor Joseph.
On Monday July 22, 2013, Pastor Joseph went to
the Prien Lake Mall in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Joseph had never experienced the sight of a clothing
mall. It was like a whole new world to him. He
stated that prices are much cheaper here in the
United States than they are in Dominica. He experienced several clothing stores. He ate some Asian
food. While we were eating he shared with me
many different ideas about ministry and evangelism. Afterwards ate we went to Wal-Mart and allowed him the opportunity to do some shopping
there as well.
On July 22, 2013, Joseph and I left Lake Charles
and headed to Houston, Texas to visit Texas
Southern University. We were guided around by a
tour guide that informed us that Texas Southern
University is a historical black university. The
university began as a Houston Colored Junior College and was later named Texas State University.
We visited several colleges on the campus such as
Thurgood Marshall College of Law, College of Music where music artist like Yolanda Adams studied. We visited the College of Debate where we
met Dr. Thomas F. Freeman which is a former debate coach who had the privilege of teaching Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. at Morehouse College. Dr.
Freeman is 90+ years old and still getting around
very well. He talked to us briefly about Denzel
Washington and his crew coming to study and
film the movie “The Great Debaters” at Texas
Southern University. This was all amazing to Pastor Joseph to be able to visit a well known black
university. He was excited and pleased with
knowledge gained from visit.
Later that day we went to the Fountain of Praise
Church in Houston Texas. The purpose was to expose him to a mega church and give him ideas to
bring back with him to the island. We were also
able to speak with the youth pastor and director
of the children church ministry. The Youth church
has a church in a separate location which is very
well put together.
On July 25,2013,
the young adult
from New Covenant
Faith sponsored a
bowling night at
Petro bowl. Pastor
Joseph had never
been bowling but
was taught on that night. On July 26, 2013, we
ended his visit with a dinner at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Stevens with all the ministers and
their wives of NCF along with the mission team.
I really enjoyed the visit with Pastor Joseph. He
didn’t mind sharing the knowledge he has with
you and he is a great encourager.
For Second Zion B.C., Portsmouth, Dominica
Under the leadership of Foreign Missions Executive
Secretary, Rev. Gary Curtis, pastor of Second Zion Baptist Church, New Orleans, Louisiana, the blueprints have
been completed for the renovation of Second Zion Baptist Church of Portsmouth, Dominica. Rev. Curtis returned to Dominica on September 16th-21st and secured
the potential services of contractor Mervin Lloyd. Rev.
Lloyd served as the interim pastor of Second Zion Baptist
before Hurricane Dean destroyed the church in 2008. Contractor Lloyd is a licensed and well respected contractor on the island. The new plans are beautifully laid out and the New Second Zion facility once completed will be a beacon
light in the Portsmouth community for Jesus Christ.
Rev. Jimmy Stevens
337 436-8300
[email protected]
Rev. Gary Curtis
504 579-4279
[email protected]
Compiled and typed by Sisters Carolyn
Savoy and Patricia Stevens