French_tax_grab_could_breach_EU - Telegraph - Russell
French_tax_grab_could_breach_EU - Telegraph - Russell
~he ~ete_grttph Search enhancec by Coogle Friday 06 July 20 12 HOME NEWS WORLD SPORT FINANCE COMMENT BLOGS CULTURE TRAVEL LIFE FASffiON TECH Politics HOME " Obits Education Ecrth Science Defence Health Scotland Royal Celebrities Dating Offers Jobs Weird ~EWS French tax grab could breach EU law PROMOTIOfl S » France' s decision to slap steep, r etrospectiv e t axes on British holiday hom eowners in the count r y could b r each EU law, a former Fren ch finance minister has w arned. L oading FOLLO\'o/ THE TELEGRAPH OfI SOCIAL MEDIA » FlEW S MOST V IEWED I TODA Y 1. La Roque-Gageac on the Dordogne river. Ufe in France is about to get more exp-ensive for the British. Photo: ALAMY By Henry Samuel and James Hal1 10:00PM BST 05 Jul 20 12 I PAST WEEK I PAST M ONTH Tom Cruise di vorce: Church of Scientology head's niece '·varns Katie Holmes o,·er Suri 2 . \Vhit e Muslim one of six arrested over The taxes could also cause house prices to slump in France as Britons 't error plot ' will be reluctant to buy or sell houses, property experts said. 3 · M6 fake cigar ette terrorism alert: 'We could haYe b een sh ot' say passengers Around 200,000 British people own second homes in areas such as 4· The time \Vill never b e right for David Cam.eron to hold a referendum on the EU Normandy, Brittany and the Loire Valley. France's new socialist Governmeni announced on Wednesday that it 5· Cannib al killers delay Papua!\ew Guinea plans to increase tax on rental income from 20 per cent to 35.5 per cent. and ra1se capital ga1ns tax when people sell properties from 19 per cent to 34.5 per cent. However Jean Arthuis, who was fimnce minister under right-wing Prime poll EDIT OR' S CHOICE » Xews UKXews » Minister Alain Juppe in the 1990s, ;aid that the increased taxes could be Property Xews » Scientology head's niece \·v arns Katie Holmes unconstitutional under French law and therefore JUdged unfair by the European Union. James Hall» [. Henry Samuel » This is because the tax raid would be classified under French rules as a "social contribution" which absent British homeowners would receive very little benefit from. RELATEOARTICLES Cost of French holidays may rise 05 Jui 2G12 French tax grab on British holiday homes G4 Jui 2G12 Mr Arthu1s sa1d: "What creates amb1gu1ty 1s to call the tax a "social head of Church of Scientology warns Katie Holmes that organisation is 'no lll llEW S • place for child' ' Parent's j ob loss has 'significant' impact on child's exam results, research finds French second home tax grab 'unconstitutional' Cl-5Jul 2012 Estranged niece of charge". as when one is a foreignEr one can nghtly claim that one doesn't gain from as many social benefits as the French." Why making finger quot e marks i sn't cool ~ Dream machine: Ferrari F4o Hitler protected his Je,, commander Hemingway wrote 4 7 endings t o masterpiece FEATURED AOVERTISiriG Meanwhile property experts said tr at the taxes could cause house prices COURSES V ISTAPRINT IT JOBS to fall in France. This is because people will be reluctant to buy houses Knowing that they will be hit with hEavy taxes when they come to sell the properties. The taxes will also deter people from selling houses, causing the marKet to stagnate. Pi ppa M iddleton pulls out of London Olympics r ole Jean-Michel Crassat, secretary general of the Dordogne chamber for the French real estate agency federatiOn (FNAIM), said: "There is a risK that L oading it will drive prices down." "Sales prices have already hit a 120,000-euro ceiling in the region, and anyone who bought five years ago is liable to sell for less than their purchase price right now. But this might accelerate the drop as some nPn n l,::r t hrnlAI in f hP fnlAfP I ~nrl c;:~,,. ',T h~f'c;: it I'm f'\H I rlnn't w~nt tn hP Nancy Dell'Olio criticises the BBC's ~ will be reluctant to buy or sell houses, property experts said. Around 200,000 British people own second homes in areas such as Normandy, Brittany and the Loire Valley. France's new socialist Governmeni announced on Wednesday that it plans to increase tax on rental income from 20 per cent to 35.5 per cent. and raise capital gains tax when people sell properties from 19 per cent c ov~ c:..1 H~uo T r..nt 1 ID Focebook I l:J Twoter 1 25 unconstitutional under French law and therefore JUdged unfair by the European Un1on. t error plot' [E3 Emai1] [fm unkedln 1 4· The tim.e \Vill never be right for DaYid Cameron to hold a referendum on the EU ~rews Minister Alain Juppe in the 1990s. ;aid that the increased taxes could be 1 3· M6 fake cigarette ter rorism alert: 'We could h aYe b een sh ot' say passengers to 34.5 per cent. However Jean Arthu1s. who was fimnce m1n1ster under nght-w1ng Pnme 2. \Vhite Muslim one of six arrested over UKXews » Property Xews » James Han » Henry Samuel » 5 · Cannibal killers delay Papua l\ew Guinea poll EDIT OR'S CHOICE » Scientology head's niece warns Katie Holmes This is because the tax raid would be classified under French rules as a "social contribution• which absent British homeowners would receive very Estranged niece of head of Church of IU tlEWS Scientology warns little benefit rrom Kat ie Holmes t hat RELATED ARTIClES place for child' organisation is 'no Cost of French holidays may rtso cs Jul 2012 French tax grab on Brtbsh holrday hOmes o• Jur 2012 French second home tax grab 'unconstitutional' os Jul 2012 Mr Arthuts said "What creates ambtgu1ty is to call the tax a · social charge· as when one IS a foreigner one can rightly claim that one Parent's job loss bas 'significant' impact on child's exam results, research finds Why making finger quote marks isn't cool &o Dream machine: Ferrari f4o Hitler protected his Je\\isb commander Hemingway \\TOte 4 7 endings to masterpiece doesn't ga1n trom as many social benefits as the French · Meanwhile properiy experts said t~at the taxes could cause house prices to fall in France This is because people w111 be reluctant to buy houses Knowing that they will be hit w1th heavy taxes when they come to sell the properties The taxes Will also deter people trom selling houses. causing the marKet to stagnate FEATUREO AOVERTISIIIG Pippa Middleton pulls out o f London Olympics role COURSES V ISTAPRINT I T JOBS Jean-Michel crassat. secretary general or the Dordogne chamber tor the French real estate agency federation (FNAIM). said: "There is a risK that it will drive prices down " "Sales prices have already hit a 120.000-euro ceiling in the region. and anyone wno oougnt 11ve years ago IS 11ao1e to sell tor less man tne1r purchase price right now But this might accelerate the drop as some !\ancy Deii'Oiio people throw in the towel and say 'That's It I'm ott. I don't want to be a cash cow any longer " he said 'sexist' Ha,·e I Got Ke,.,.·s For You ''It could also slow down purchases as people don't want to buy in a country where you're taxed to the hilt • "I thinK ~·sa monument idiOCY as It wtlllrkely engender fraud and under the table practiCes that had all but been stamped out Too much tax kills tax • criticises the BBC's Top Project Monogement Ceniflcotlons The Learning People specialise In world class, sell paced and of Language Courses Join the thousands of employees from hundreds of companies who have cost effective learning for anyone wishing to benefited from a SIMON & Slt.ION Language work In I T or project management Course. The UK's tJo.1 Provider F1nd a course w1th Telegraph Courses TElEGRAPH VI0£0 Patnck Delas a soliCitor at Russei~Cooke SoiiC~ors in London. said: "I am not sure thiS Wlll a ffect the pro~eriy market ommediately but people may think twice about se111ng and the market will certainly slow down • Cathy Dursapt an estate agent 1n Eymet 1n the Dordogne. said she had fielded an · avalanche' of calls from concerned customers and acquaintances abOut the tax rises But she remained cautious. saying: "I'm French and 1 tell them never tc believe a French law until it taKes ettecr french election: Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande cast their... ::~:::~:Apnl ::~:o 12 second-home owners were aghast at the news Nicola and Oliver Turner both 43. bought a rundown barn in the hamlet ot Monbazillac. rural Dordogne live years ago tor 100.000 euros. Mr Turner has painstaKingly restored the properiy himself. Given all the restoration worK. their holiday home is now on the marKet tor 300.000 euros meaning they stand to pay up to 69 o oo euros given the new capital gains tax SpeaKing from her home In Herttordshlre Mrs Turner said she was · gutted" about the new hiKe "As far as the French is concernec It's all profit and we can't ottset our expenses to bflng the profit down We're not going to be in a good pos~1on once It'S sold we'll baslcaly come out or ~with nothing • trom Jan 1 this year The increase on cap1tal gains tax may apply from this week. and certaonly by the end of the month meaning properiy owners will have The nse in tax on rentaloncome wil be retrospectove little or no t1me to escape the Increased tax by selling their homes. Treasury sources saod the department os examining France's proposals. 1t there os any dlscnmlnat1on we wil challenge it " the source said. Jean-Seba stien Dumont International tax lawyer based in Paris. warned mat me new measures were liKely ·me tip ot me 1ce oerg· 1n tenms 01 new tax tor rore1gn home owners ·w e just had a correct1ve tax law but we all Know that the lion's share of the new measures were not announced yesterday but will be rolled out in the autumn " One opposition politician dubbed the measure a "250 million-euro lie" on the part of President Fran ~ol s Hollande's Socialist government, as it had specifically pledged not to raise taxes for non-residents in its electoral programme Olivier Cadle a UK based centre-Right member of the Council for the French Abroad said he found the charges "scandalous". "The Socialists made it clear during their electoral campaign that they would not impose any specifiC tax for non-residents bar in Sw~er1and and Luxembourg This Is proof that thef Ired to the tune of 250 million euros per year • he said Karen Tart the edotor tor French Properiy News said "lfs not good news but ~ has to be put in perspectove to a certain degree. If your French home os your ma1n home ~doesn't attect you at all • "A lot o f Bnbsh home OWlhers also actually don't rent out their second homes • oreternno to use them tor vacations or to house travellino Australian actress Naomi Watts filmed in role as Diana, Princess of... 04 July 20 12 friends She felt that since groups strongly campaigned against a similar. dropped proposal by Nicolas Sarkozy "there's some hope the same thing could happen again "