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See full item
October 15th, 1940
Lieut .. -Col. C,. E. Cross,.
t!l ti~urologi eal Hasp 1tal, RC:~ ' \ CA-SF*,
0/0 Base: Fost otfice.
Dear COlonel Cr08s:! have just received your very
exoellent su.mtlJf.lry of tbe bappenings in th~ month of'
August .,
'Jle are ell ,so pleas(!l.d to know that the
hospital ls established;t and that you are holding them
togethe!:r .'
Don"t forget that the
of sponsors here is anxious to do things for the Unit
and t'Elants you to use the money vlhioh you have at hand
tor the purPOS(lS of adding to their comfort and eff-·
laiency. If there Is a separate Nurses Mess, be sure
to use aome ·o.f the money tor vlha'taV61' needs they may
ha vs in equiping thelX" Mess and in l:ll8.k lDg it run
smoothly. We think a goOd deal of those nurses , and
vifould like torsel thatsO!1B th1ll.So:an be done from
t his end to make their lot a someWhat happy on.e. I
was much
to hear of the higb morbidity of
bicycling among the nUl'ses. Itseems to me you would
do Vlall to 1S BUS drivers' licence.s to them after they
have performed oertain feats on a bicycle inaa ten
I have just seen photographs whioh flere
santof Colonel Russel", In the first photograph he
seems to ba sound asleep in a chair. In the second
photograph he is f'lat upon his back. I admit that
he has binoculars to his eyes, but we are wondering
acre field.
.. z -
whether this is an indication of -the feverish state ot
activity amons tha personnel of the Hospita l? Please
give him OUl" best regards and tell him that everyone
rn.Ssses him.
Yours sinoerely,