April Newsletter - High Plains Community Schools
April Newsletter - High Plains Community Schools
Issue 8 Volume 16 From the Desk of Superintendent Brian Tonniges Greetings from the Storm!! WrappingupmyfirsteightmonthsasHPCsuperintendent, I have been blessed to witness many outstanding developments coming out of our three communities. Not only does HPC have oneofthebestsmallschoolsinthestate,weareblessedwiththree wonderful communities that strive for the betterment of not only the school,butofthecommunitiesthemselves.Oneparticularexample of this is the newly formed Tri-Community Foundation. Formed in2015,theTri-CommunityFoundationwasestablishedwiththe intent of fundraising to assist local community projects, youth sports, school programs, and scholarships. A volunteer board made up of members of the Polk, Clarks, and Hordville communities, youth sponsors, and school leaders organized the foundation. With hours of countless organization and work, the foundationheldtheirfirstfundraiser/communityeventonSaturday, March19,2016,attheHordvilleEventCenter.300peopleenjoyedan evening of prime rib dinner and a chance to bid on numerous auction items. Many businesses and individuals donated items to make the evening a success. Radio personality and former Husker play-byplay announcer Jim Rose was the emcee of the event. It was a true exampleofpeoplecomingtotogetherwithaclearvisionofmaking our communities stronger. At HPC we also rely on strong community involvement to enhance and strengthen our school and programs. HPC Youth Sports was created to provide an avenue for our young studentathletes to enhance their skills in football, volleyball, basketball, and track. The Maulers Youth Wrestling has worked for many years in providing an opportunity for HPC young wrestlers to compete. AfteraVERYsuccessful2015Induction,theHPCHallofFame Committee is working on their Class of 2016. These are just a few examplesofthegreatworkthatishappeningbetweentheschool and our communities. When students see adults working to invest inthem,theircommunities,andtheirschool,itsendsamessageof importance and commitment that will continue to pay dividends to future generations. (continued on page 2) April 2016 In This Issue Notes from Mr. Tonniges. . . . 1 Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Notes from Mr. Hudson . . . . . 3 Notes from Mrs. LeSuer . . . . 4 School Board Minutes . . . . . 5 Wellness Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Senior Sketches . . . . . . . . .9-12 FFA News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Honor Roll . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 Lunch Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 March Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 21 HPC Mission Statement The mission of the High Plains Community Schools is to provide an educational environment whichdevelopscitizenswho are lifelong learners and can contribute to a global society. Order Your 2016 Yearbook Today See page 8 for order form Visit the High Plains Community School’s home page at: www.hpcstorm.org for the latest school information. Page 2 April 2016 Monthly Forecast (continued from page 1) HPC will continue to strive to be the best in the classroom and in activities. With our fantastic communitysupport,wewillcontinuetopushourselvestogreatnessandbethebestsmallschoolinthe state of Nebraska. Please continue to follow HPC on Twitter at @HPCSTORM and ‘Like’ High Plains Community Storm on Facebook. Feel free to contact me anytime at [email protected] or call 402-765-2271. Sincerely, Brian Tonniges – Superintendent Prom April 16, 2016 Hordville Events Center Junior and Senior Meal at 6 PM Grand March 7:00 PM The public is invited to attend Only Juniors and Seniors with their dates will be announced in the Grand March Junior and Senior class photos will be taken at the conclusion of the Grand March Prom Pictures Students can gather in the Polk Park for photos from 3:45 to 5 PM PostPromwillbeheldattheHordvilleEventsCenter All students 9-12 and their dates need to bring a change of clothingwiththemwhentheyentertheHordvilleEventsCenter. NOONEWILLBEALLOWEDTOLEAVEBETWEENTHEDANCEANDPOSTPROM. Areas will be assigned for gym bags and rooms for changing in will be provided. Bags and prom attire will remain in those rooms until the conclusion of post prom activities. More details will be made available to students concerning out-of-town dates and couple pictures. Monthly Forecast APRIL BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to: 1 2 4 6 7 11 12 13 14 16 19 24 27 29 30 Wyatt Urkoski - 4th Jason Whitt - 9th Bayleigh Blackburn - 7th Cailen Harlow - 6th Delcey Yrkoski - 7th Ian Anderson - 9th ElaineSweet-3rd Sydney Strobel - 9th Patrick Siemek - Staff JasonPalmer,Jr.-3rd Logan Archer - 9th AlexisBlackburn-12th Bailey Urkoski - 8th Paige Wemhoff - 11th AlexaGonzalez-4th Madie Young - 10th Lane Urkoski - 6th Hank Fuhrman - 4th Peg Holtorf - Staff Britney Drummond - 8th MichaelFritz-1st This newsletter is printed at: Educational Service Unit # 7 in Columbus April 2016 Page 3 Notes from Mr. Hudson OnceagainIamwonderingwherethetimehasgonethisyear as I write the April newsletter. It has been another great year at the HomeoftheStorminsomanyways.Ourstudentshavedoneverywell academically,andIamexcitedtomoveforwardintoaveryimportant month for our school. We will enter the month of April with scheduled NeSA (Nebraska State Assessment) testing taking place throughout the month.Ourgoalistocontinuetowardachievinghightestingscores and to “Raise the Bar.” The entire staff has been working diligently to prepare our students to be successful and stressing the importance of the NeSAexams.Weareaskingyou,asparents,tostresstheimportanceto yoursons/daughtersoftheexamsbytakingthemseriously.Everyone shouldwanttoexhibitprideintheirschoolandwanttorepresentHigh PlainsCommunityinapositivewaybyscoringwell.Ifirmlybelieve positive results will come about due to a collaborative effort amongst thestaff,students,andagreatparentcommunity. I would again like to thank everyone for your support at the Nebraska State Basketball Tournament this year. Community support hasalwaysbeenvitalinthesuccessofourteamsandactivities,and this year was no different. It was a great experience and one that I will never forget! Throughout the tournament I had the best seat in thehouseforallthreedays,andtherewasnodoubtthatwehadthe most enthusiastic and supportive fan base in Lincoln. Again, thank youfromtheentireHPCStormbasketballteamforyourletters,texts, tweets,pictures,andFacebookpostsafterwefinished3rdinthestate championships in Lincoln. I couldn’t have asked for a better group ofplayersandcoachestoworkwith,andourfanbasegaveusahuge advantage in Lincoln! There are many great things happening at HPC on a daily basis and it is exciting to see and hear everything that our students experience daily. I believe that our educational program within our school system is second to none and am proud of the efforts put forth byourstaffandsupportstaff.Asweneartheendoftheschoolyear,I would like to thank the staff at High Plains Community for their hard work and dedication to their profession. I appreciate their support and hardworkandlookforwardtofinishingtheschoolyearstrong.As always,Iwelcomeyoutocomecheckitoutsometime!Ourdoorsare alwaysopen!GoStorm! CRIME DOES NOT PAY - CRIME STOPPERS DOES POLK COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS and the Polk County Sheriff’s Deptartment work together to help prevent and solve crime in our communities and schools throughout the county. CASH REWARDS(upto$1,000)couldbegiventopersonsprovidinginformationleadingtothe arrestofcriminals.Whencallingtoreportyourtips,thephonedoesnothavecallerIDandconversationsarenotrecorded,therefore,youremainanonymous. CALL 1-402-747-2244 April 2016 Page 4 Monthly Forecast Notes from Mrs. LeSuer It’s unbelievable that we are already into the 4th quarter of the year. We have had many events to celebrate and several yet to come!Aswemoveforwardintospring,theweatherwillget warmer,whichwillwarrantareviewofthedresscode. Additionally,studentstendtogetspringfever,soIwantto challengeeveryonetoremainfocused,turninassignments,and finishstrong!!! I would like to share highlights of great things that have takenplace,willtakeplacesoon,orareintheprocessofbeingorganized. • AfterSchoolClub-12studentsparticipatedintheAfterSchoolRocketsClubthat wasmadeavailabletostudentsingrades3-6.WehadaGREATtimebuildingour rockets and were able to launch them on the last day of the session. I am in the process of scheduling another session for April….stay tuned for details and registration! • MSTrackpracticehasbegun!Our18athleteskickedofftheseasonwiththeirfirst meet on March 31 at Cross County with a 3:00 start time. Come out and support the athletes at the track meets! • HPCislookingtostartaTeammatesMentoringChapterinthefallofthe2016-2017 schoolyear!!!Webelievethiswillbeagreatopportunityforstudents,butwewillneed the help of community members to volunteer as a mentor. Please stay tuned for information as it becomes available and think about being a mentor!!! • StudentsinK-5-continuetoreadfortheReadingIncentiveprogram.Weareinthe finalstretches,soparents,pleaseensureyourchildisreadingsohe/shecanattendthe activityattheFitnessCenterinCentralCity….READ,READ,READ!!! • AsIreferencedlastmonth,AprilwillbeabusytimeforadministrationofNeSAtests. WewillfinishtheyearwithMAPtestingforstudentsingrades2-11andDibelsforK-5 students. • K-3studentscelebratedDr.Seuss’birthdayduringthe1stweekofMarch.Studentsand staff participated in themes for each day of that week that corresponded to a selected book.EachdaybeganwiththereadingofaDr.Seussbookbyourguestreader. THANKYOUtoallthestudents,staff,andreadersthatmadethisweekAWESOME! I would encourage you to follow HPC on Facebook and Twitter. We have MANY greatthingshappeningatHPCthatIhavenotmentioned;teachers‘Tweet’alotoflearning opportunitiesandactivitiesthattakeplaceintheclassroom,soifyouarenotafolloweron theseavenues,checkitoutandfollowHPCSTORM! Until next month…………GO STORM!!! Monthly Forecast April 2016 Page 5 School Board Minutes M-Motionby,S-Secondedby,F-For,A-Against,AB-Absent, As-Abstain,Mc-MotionCarried. ItisnotedthattheNebraskaOpenMeetingActwasondisplay High Plains Community Schools Board of Education Meeting March 14, 2016 The regular meeting of the High Plains Community Schools Board of Education was held on March 14, 2016, at the school library in Polk. President Kathy Klingsporn called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present were PaulVanHousen,BrianSamuelson, Kathy Klingsporn, Karen Stevens and Kevin Urksoski arrived at 5:37pm. Wendy Hudson was absent. Also present were Superintendent Tonniges, A.D. Vrbka, Principal Hudson and Principal LeSuer. There were 5 visitors. M-Samuelson, S-Karen to excuse Wendy Hudson from the meeting. Mc 5-0. M-VanHousen, S-Samuelson to approve the agenda aspresented.Mc4-0.(Ab-Hudson, Urkoski) M-VanHousen, S-Samuelson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 15, 2016. Mc 4-0. (Ab-Hudson,Urkoski) Items on Supt. Tonniges report: Important dates; Facilities update; Personnel; Professional update; Transportation; Legislative update. Items on Principal Hudson’s report:Importantdates;Educational update. Items on Principal LeSuer’s report: Professional development; Important dates; NeSA. Items on A.D Vrbka’s report: State wrestling; District basketball; State basketball; District Speech; High school track; Cheerleading. Brad Wilken from Karr Tuckpointing gave a presentation to the board on the condition of the three buildings in the district andwhatthecosttofixandrepair will be. M-Samuelson, S-VanHousen to approve all facilities’ bids as presented except the air conditioning bid, tree removal bid, the high school buildingwindowbidandexcluding the lift cost responsibility by HPC. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-Stevens, S-Urkoski to approvetheparticipationinESU7 Title 1 cooperative. Mc 5-0. (AbHudson) M-Samuelson, S-VanHousen to approve the 2016/17 ESU 7 Sped Services Contract. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-Stevens, S-Urkoski to approve the ESU 7 Core Service Plan. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-Samuelson, S-Urkoski to approve the two deposits of heat pump rebates into the building fund. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-VanHousen, S-Samuelson to approve the summer lawn care bids from Mandstedt K-Lawn and Redman Tree & Turf. Mc 5-0. (AbHudson) M-Stevens,S-Urksoskito approvetheE-RateContract. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-Stevens, S-Samuelson to approve Board Policy 5.15 – Homeless Students. Mc 5-0. (AbHudson) M-Samuelson, S-Urkoski to accept Dan Strecker’s letter of resignation. The board thanked him for his years of service to High Plains Community. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) Items discussed but requiring noactionwere:OptioninandOption out enrollments. The board reviewed the Lunch and Activities accounts. M-Stevens, S-Samuelson to pay the general fund bills as presented excluding the bill to Paul VanHousen. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-Samuelson, S-Urkoski to pay the general fund bill to Paul VanHousen.Mc4-0-1.(Ab-Hudson, As-VanHousen) M-Stevens,S-Samuelsonto go into closed session at 7:42 p.m. for the prevention of needless injury to an individual to school matters. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-VanHousen, S-Stevens to reconvene into the regular board meeting at 8:31 p.m. and close executive session. No action was taken. Mc 5-0. (Ab-Hudson) M-VanHousen,S-Klingsporn to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Mc 5-0. (AbHudson) Respectfullysubmitted, Wendy Hudson Secretary Page 6 April 2016 Wellness Day Wellness Day was held at High Plains Community on March 16 thisyear.AtthePolksite,studentsingradesK-12attendedavarietyof sessions dealing with health and wellness. ElementarystudentsingradesKindergartenthroughFifthlearned aboutWeatherAlertswithMichaelMoritzfromtheNationalWeather Service,discussedandmadeasmartsnackwithMarlaGlaser,learned aboutpetcarefromYorkAdopt-a-Pet,andJenniferUldrichfromMary Lanning Hospital talked about total wellness with students. Middle school students learned about teamwork and positive cooperationfromJoshEricksonofTeamConceptsofKearney,listened to a presentation on healthy snacks from a dietician from the Central City Hospital,andlearnedmoreaboutXenathepolicedogfromtheNance County Sheriff. HighschoolstudentsworkedouttoJazzercise,participatedina driving simulator and driving impared goggles session from the Nebraska TransportationDepartmentoutofKearney,attendedasessiononHealthy Food for Athletic Performance from Amy Peterson of the Polk County ExtensionService,andparticipatedinaquestionandanswersessionon typical high school students law situations from Sargeant Bret Strecker of the Columbus Police Department. The main speaker for the middle and high school students was SargeantStrecker,whosepersuasivemessagewasmeanttoremindkidsof the importance of creating a positive social media presence and the dangerous of social media and technology for today’syouth.Intheafternoon,teachers participated in an inserve about being postively engaged in their job as educators from JoshEricksonofTeamConcepts. Monthly Forecast Monthly Forecast April 2016 Page 7 SCOREBOARD WRESTLING State Tournament KyleStevens-5thplace 100 Career Wins Congratulations Kyle! BASKETBALL Varsity-BOYS 2-19 High Plains Meridian 60 38 Sub-Districts @ David City Aquinas 2-23 High Plains 72 Fullerton 48 2-25 High Plains 49 Howells-Dodge 42 Post Season Honors Kyle Stevens - York News Times All Area Wrestling Team Co-Captain Payton Stevens - All Area 1st Team Logan Russell - All Area 1st Team Tyson Fate - All Area Team Honorable Mention Hunter Sharman - All Area Team Honorable Mention Districts @ CCC Columbus 3-1 High Plains 53 Archbishop Bergan 56 3-11 High Plains Lourdes CC 42 73 3-12 High Plains BDS 39 36 District Runner-Up D-1 State Tournament 3-10 High Plains 58 Dundy Co-Stratton 44 7th Annual Community/School Old Fashioned Pot Luck Picnic Sunday, May 29, 2016 12:30 at the Clarks School Doors open at 11:30 for social hour Bring a covered dish to share and your own table service and drink. Tell A Friend Third Place D1 State Tournament March Correction: YouthArtMonthExhibit Logan Bagwell and Genavieve Burkhardt will haveartexhibitedatthe2016NebraskaYouthArt MonthExhibition&Program. The reception was at the State Capitol Rotunda in Lincoln,Nebraska,onSaturday,March12,2016, at 2:00 p.m. LoganBagwellColoredPencilGreenGuy GenavieveBurkhardtScratchPaper RainbowOwl Page 8 April 2016 Speech Team Results: Sutton - Febuary 20: CheyanneMeansandHaleighSupik,Duet-2nd OID(DeMers,Carlson,Morris,Powell)-6th AdeleSilvent,Persuasive-8th Crossroad Conference - February 24: AdeleSilvent,Persuasive-3rd HannahTonniges,Persuasive-4th DavidSpencer,Entertainment-5th DoreliMarino,Poetry-5th CaraDeMers,Poetry-6th PaigeWemhoff,Humorous-6th JessieWemhoff,Serious-6th CheyanneMeansandHaleighSupik,Duet-6th OID(Russell,Hogan,Supik,Carlstrom,J.Wemhoff)-6th Monthly Forecast Thank You Parents! The High Plains Community Speech Team would like to thank you for your contributions on Parents Night. Not only did we get to share great food and watch amazingperformances,buttogether we also raised money for our team! Thank you for your continuing support of our speech program. McCool Junction - March 5: DavidSpencer,Entertainment-7th District Speech at Kenesaw- March 14: StateQualifier:EmilyMcNaught,Informative-2nd OtherMedalWinners: LoganArcher,Extemporaenous-4th BradleyPowell,Entertainment-4th DavidSpencer,Entertainment-6th AdeleSilvent,Persuasive-4th HannahTonniges,Persuasive-4th PaigeWemhoff,Humorous-5th DoreliMarino,Poetry-6th BaileyMorrisandAlyseCarlson,Duet-5th CheyanneMeansandHaleighSupik,Duet-6th OID(Carlson,Morris,Powell,DeMers)-5th OID(Russell,Hogan,Supik,Carlstrom,J.Wemhoff)-6th District D1-4 Runner Up! Order Your 2016 Yearbook NOW Cost $30 $35 with Name on Cover and it MUST be ordered by April 15th for this personalization CanbeorderedthroughtheschoolusingthisformOR Can be ordered by emailing Mrs. Carlson at [email protected] Can be ordered on-line at: www.jostenyearbooks.com Orderform: Name__________________________ Numberofbooks______ Personalizationname:_______________________ April 2016 February 2016 Monthly Forecast Page 9 MEET A SENIOR Name: Samuel Andos Johnson Birth date: 2/15/98 Eye color:Hazel Hair color: Brown Height: 6’2” Nickname: Sam Parent(s) names: Scott and Beth Johnson Person(s) most admired: Parents Future Plans:Goto4yearcollegetostudypre-medand go to med school Activities: Basketball - 4 Years FFA - 2 Years Track and Field - 4 Years FCCLA - 1 Year Your advice to the underclassmen:Enjoyeverymomentofhighschoolbecauseitgoesfast What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Playing sports with friends What is your favorite saying? Just Do It If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Pro basketball player because I love basketball and would love to have it as a job Your Favorites: Color: Red Food: Steak Restaurant:BubbaGumpShrimpCo. Song: “Jumpman” Actor &/or Actress: Will Ferrell Movie: The Rock TV Show: Sportscenter Brand of clothing: Under Armour Store: Scheel’s Vacation Spot: Hawaii Past time &/or Hobby:watchingTVormovies,playingvideogames,andshootinghoops April 2016 February 2016 Page 10 Monthly Forecast MEET A SENIOR Name: GarrettThomasLesiak Birth date: 1/17/1998 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Height: 5’11’’ Nickname: G-shock Parent(s) names: JeffandKristiLindburg Person(s) most admired: CousinEthanLesiak Future Plans: College Activities: FFA: 4 years FCCLA: 4 Years Band: 2 Years Football: 4 Years 4-H: 4 Years High School Rodeo: 2 Years Track and Field: 4 Years NHS: 3 Years Your advice to the underclassmen: Cherish the moment What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? State Track What is your pet peeve? Noisy eaters If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Lion. They have strength and a lot of wisdom. Your Favorites: Color: Orange Food: Prime rib Restaurant: TexasRoadhouse Vocal Group: Casey Donahew Band Singer: EricChurch Song: “TheOutsiders” Actor &/or Actress: Adam Sandler Movie: 8 Seconds TV Show: Hawaii Five-O Brand of clothing: Nike Store: The Fort Western Store Vacation Spot: Wyoming Past time &/or Hobby: Hunting April 2016 February 2016 Monthly Forecast Page 11 MEET A SENIOR Name: Morgan Christopher Miller Birth date:7/18/98 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Height: 6’ 1” Nickname: Coonboy Parent(s) names: DavidandKathyMiller Person(s) most admired: My great grandma Thelma Ficken Future Plans: Farming after college Activities: FFA-4Years Basketball-4Years Golf-4Years Your advice to the underclassmen: Stay out of the way. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Winning State Basketball What is your favorite saying? That’s about enough of that! If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? A farmer because it’s what I’ve always wanted to be. Your Favorites: Color: Blue Food: Steak Restaurant: Dairy Queen Song: “4 Wheel Drive” by CW McCall Actor &/or Actress: Will Ferrell Movie: Joe Dirt TV Show: Dukes of Hazzard Brand of clothing: Wrangler Store: Cabela’s Vacation Spot: Anywhere with a lake and a boat Past time &/or Hobby: Jeeping April 2016 February 2016 Page 12 Monthly Forecast MEET A SENIOR Name: Anni Rikkonen Birth date:10/6/1998 Eye color: blue-gray Hair color: light brown Height: 5’6 Parent(s) names:SharleneandStephenOsentowski Person(s) most admired: My mom. Future Plans:FirsttofinishhighschoolinFinland. Interestsrightnowaretowardswritingandmedia,soafter highschoolmaybegotocollege/universitytostudyjournalism. Activities: Basketball-1Year Choir - 1 Year OneAct-1Year Track - 1 Year FCCLA-1Year Yearbook - 1 Year Your advice to the underclassmen: Doyourbestinschool,studyhard,butalsoexperienceasmuchaspossible,trynewthings, and enjoy your time in high school. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? American High School is a lot different compared to Finnish High School; simply being part ofthecommunityhasbeenagreatexperience.Goingtothefootballgameswasalwaysreally excitingsincethatisdefinitelysomethingwedon’tdoinFinland. What is your pet peeve? People who don’t have goals in life and instead of challenging them selves; those who just try to get the easiest way out of everything. What is your favorite saying? Lifeislikeridingabicycle.Inordertokeepyourbalance,youmustkeepmoving. Your Favorites: Color: burgundy Food: Italian Singer: Dawn Spencer Actor &/or Actress: Jennifer Lawrence TV Show: Friends Brand of clothing: Nike Vacation Spot: OldcitiesinmiddleandsouthernEurope Past time &/or Hobby: Sports and writing April 2016 Monthly Forecast Page 13 MEET A SENIOR Name: KorinneKalenWright Birth date: January19,1998 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Height: 5’4’’ Nickname: Quinny Parent(s) names: Terry and Tara Lesiak Bryan and Debbie Wright Person(s) most admired: My mother Future Plans: Attending a school for Veterinary Science Do you have a part-time job? Activities: Yes,attheHyveeinColumbus FCCLA- 4 Years Yearbook- ½ Year Volleyball- 3 Years FFA- 2 years FCA- 4 Years Your advice to the underclassmen: Always respect your elders. Do your best in everything. Never give up. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years?Goingtosportsactivities. What is your pet peeve? Repetitive noises. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? A bird so I can see anything from a different perspective and get places faster. Your Favorites: Color: Turquoise Food: Seafood Restaurant:OliveGarden Vocal Group: Dan + Shay Singer: Carrie Underwood Song: “Nothin’ Like You” Actor &/or Actress: Melissa McCarthy Movie: The Heat TV Show: Pretty Little Lairs Brand of clothing: Pink Store: Vanity Vacation Spot: Florida Past time &/or Hobby:Spendingtimewithfriends.Goingtosportsactivities. April 2016 Page 14 Monthly Forecast MEET A SENIOR Name:CourtneyEdenRussell Birth date: September17,1997 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Dark Brown Height: 5’7’’ Nickname:Court,Beans,Beanie Parent(s) names: Starlin and Christopher Russell Person(s) most admired: My Dad Future Plans:GotoCosmetologySchoolinLincoln Do you have a part-time job?Yes,atDairyQueen Activities: Cross Country- 2 Years One-Act-1Year Speech- 2 Years Volleyball-1Year Track- 4 Years FCCLA-4Years Your advice to the underclassmen: Don’t try to skate through high school on your last name. Things don’t work like that in the real world. What’s the best memory you have from your high school years? Shoving a whole Jimmy John’s sandwich in my mouth before my history teacher caught me. What is your pet peeve? When people stare at what I’m doing over my shoulder. What is your favorite saying?That’sdumb,butokay. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? If I could be anything in the world it would be myself. I’ve wasted a lot of time changing myself to try and get other people’s approval. It took me a long time to be happy with being me,andIwouldn’tchangeitforanything. Your Favorites: Color: Pink Brand of clothing: Under Armour Food: Rouladen Store: Forever 21 Restaurant: Tempura Vacation Spot: New York City Vocal Group: OneDirection Past time &/or Hobby: running or drawing Singer: Harry Styles Song:“HighEnough”bytheDamnYankees Actor &/or Actress: EvanPeters/JessicaLange Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas TV Show: American Horror Story April 2016 February 2016 Monthly Forecast Page 15 HPC FFA Competes at CDE in Columbus TheHighPlainsCommunityFFAcompetedattheCareerDevelopmentEventscontest,also knownasCDE,atCentralCommunityCollegeinColumbusonMarch1,2016.CDEisthedistrict contestforFFA,wherethetopthreeineacheventqualifyforthestateconventioninLincolnduringApril. Agmechanics-PaytonStevens,KyleStevens,JohnDvorak,BuckChurch-2nd Floriculture-AlyseCarlson,CaraDeMers,KayleeVanHousen,JenniferChavez-2nd JuniorLivestockJudging-Carlson,DeMers,VanHousen,IanAnderson-3rd Agronomy-MorganMiller-4th,KylerVanHousen-9th Agriscience - Ian Anderson - 9th NurseryLandscape-HunterSharman,OmarRamirez,GavinSwanson,TysonFate-2nd SeniorLivsetockJudging-KorinneWright,GarrettLesiak,TanaEngel,BryceWilshusen-4th The FFA has also nominated Principal Cameron Hudson for a Cornerstone Administrator Award. This award is given to administrators who show outstanding support to Agricultural Education and FFA. Mr. Hudson will be recognized Friday, April 8, 2016, at 1:30 P.M. at the Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln during the Nebraska FFA convention. Five FFA members will receive their State FFA Degrees this year at the state convention. Garrett Lesiak, Kristopher Kelley, Morgan Miller, Gavin Swanson, and Kyler VanHousen have completed the steps necessary to receive their degree and will also be honored Friday at 4 PM on April 8. TheFFABanquetandLaborAuctionisApril12attheHordvilleEventsCenterat6:30P.M. Themealisfreewilldonation.ThemealiscateredbyKerriSundberg. HPC Middle School Roll of Honor 3rd Quarter, 2015-2016 Honor Roll th 7thGrade 6 Grade 8thGrade High Honor Roll th 6 Grade GordonaHowell ShaylinKucera 7thGrade BrookeBannister BrennahFarley Sydney Lindburg Shelby Warnick Brianna Wilshusen Tanner Wood Delsey Yrkoski 8thGrade JordanGress LindsiHughes Justice Majerus Brendan Wruble Forastudenttobeplacedonthehonorroll,thestudentmustmaintaina90%averageorabove. Studentsmaintaininga94%averagewillbeplacedonthe“HighHonors”list.Nostudentwillbeplacedon eitherlistifthatstudentreceivesa“C”orlessinanygradedclasses,regardlessoftheirtotalgradepointaverage. Page 16 February 2016 April 2016 Monthly Forecast HIGH PLAINS COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL 3rd Qtr 2015-2016 SENIORS - HIGH HONORS Jenna Blasé Josh DeMers Chloe Engel Garrett Lesiak Morgan Miller Matthew Pekarek Omar Ramirez Anni Rikkonen Hunter Sharman Dawn Spencer Kyler VanHousen Korinne Wright HONOR ROLL Sam Johnson Courtney Russell JUNIORS - HIGH HONORS Jennifer Chavez Tana Engel Michaela Reimers Andrew Schuller Rachel Sundberg Thomas Young HONOR ROLL Cheyane Means Kyle Stevens SOPHOMORES - HIGH HONORS Sierra Boroviak Alyse Carlson Cara DeMers Emily McNaught Tanner Parsons Kaylee VanHousen Madison Young HONOR ROLL FRESHMEN - HIGH HONORS Ian Anderson Delaney Carlstrom Garrett Sharman HONOR ROLL Riley Carlstrom Hannah Tonniges Monthly Forecast April 2016 Annie Jeffrey Health Center’s FitandHealthyKids Community Wellness Program Thursdays from June 2 - July 7 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Annie Jeffrey Health Center Cafeteria Thissixweekwellnessprogramisdesignedtohelpestablish aroutineofregularexerciseandhealthyeatingbyproviding weeklyrecipes,goals,nutritioninformation,andkeeping participantsmotivatedwithfun,prizes,andcamaraderie. Page 17 These classes are available for freeforkidsages8andover, plus at least one parents or grandparent. Inthesixweekprogram, participants will learn: - how to cook simple healthy meals and snacks - to grocery shop by reading food labels - the importance of good nutrition -participateindailyfitness challenges Formoreinformation,call SandraBurwell,AnnieJeffreyHealthCenterRegisteredDietitian 402-747-2031. TRICOMMUNITYFOUNDATIONGRANTREQUESTGUIDELINES: 1.OnlyorganizationsinClarks,Hordville,PolkcommunitiesororganizationsservingClarks,Hordville,PolkCountyresidentsareeligible. 2. Tri Community Foundation will not fund projects or programs that have already been started. 3.Grantrequestssubmittedpriortoaprojectorthebeginningofanorganization’sprogramyearwill receive stronger consideration than a project or program that has already started. 4.TheFoundationdoesnotmakegrantstoindividuals,forpoliticalpurposes,forreligiouspurposes, ororganizationsthatoperateforprofit. 5.Proposalsfromorganizationsdemonstratingbroadcommunitysupportfortheirproposedprograms are given priority consideration. 6.Aninterimevaluationand/orfinalreportonafundedrequestmayberequiredbytheFoundation. 7.Iftherequestingorganizationistaxexempt,asdefinedinSection501(c)(3)oftheInternalRevenueCode,itwillprovideevidenceofsuchstatus. 8.Ifarequestisgranted,monieswillbedisbursedonlyafterreceivingdocumentationofactual expenditures. 9.ApplicationsmaybesubmittedfromJune1st,2016throughJuly15th,2016.Fundingofchosen applicationswilltakeplacebyOct.1st,2016. 10.AgrantrequestmusthavethepriorapprovalofthegoverningBoardoftherequestingorganization. 11.TheFoundationwillnotconsidermorethanoneapplicationfromthesameorganizationina twelvemonthperiod,unlessawaiverisapprovedbytheBoardofDirectors. 12. Note a thorough project description and complete budget must be attached with the coversheet information. 13. All grant material may be sent to: Tri Community Foundation P.O.Box86 Polk,NE68654 Page 18 February 2016 Monthly Forecast GRANT APPLICATION COVER SHEET Date of Application:______________________ Name of Organization Applying:________________________________________________________ Type of Organization (example sports, community, educational, etc.): ______________________________ Current Operating Budget:______________________________ Contact Person:___________________________Email Address:____________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________________________________ Phone number:__________________________________________ Project Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Purpose of Grant (please attach a separate sheet with a thorough description for the project. What will this project accomplish? What benefits will it provide? What community need does this request meet? How many people are served or affected by this project and for how long? What community or communities will be served by this project? How will the project be evaluated to assess if project’s goals were met?) Dates of the Project:____________________through____________________ Amount of Grant Requested (please attach a detailed budget for this project: $________________________ Total Project Cost:$____________________ ___________________________________________ Signature, Contact Person _____________________________ Date For Tri Community Foundation use only Date reviewed:____________________ ______ Approved ______Declined Title I Program Educational Service Unit #7 Parent & Child ® Activity Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday make the difference! Wednesday Thursday April 2016 Friday Saturday 1 Celebrate April Fool’s Day. Ask your child to help you play a silly and harmless prank on family members. 2 April is Math Awareness Month. Take time to review math with your child each day this month. 3 Go for a nature String a macaroni walk with your necklace with child to celebrate your child. Have her spring’s arrival. If count each piece as she allowed, pick some wild strings it. flowers to put in a vase. 4 5 Tell your child Talk with your three things that child about things you love about him. that are associated with Have him tell you three spring, such as flowers, things that he loves picnics and sunshine. about you. 6 7 Help your child think of an imaginary land. Together, name it and make up a story about it. 8 Plan an indoor campout. Make a tent from a blanket. Eat s’mores and tell each other stories. 9 10 Use sidewalk chalk to draw pictures outside with your child. 11 Put together a kitchen band. How many kitchen objects can your child use to make music? 12 Take your Read a story child outside to your child. and watch as the wind Later, ask her to retell moves through the it to you from memory. trees. What sound does the wind make? 13 14 Show your child the change from your pocket. Can he identify coins by name? Talk about the size and color of each. 15 Watch an educational show with your child. Afterward, talk about what is real and what is pretend. 16 17 Get two socks. Soak one in water and keep one dry. Ask your child which one she thinks is heavier. Ask why. 18 Teach your child the rhyme: “April showers bring May flowers.” Have him draw a picture of rain and flowers. 19 Help your child make a telescope out of paper towel tubes taped together. Have your child decorate it. 20 Teach your child the concepts of up and down. If you can, ride an escalator or an elevator today. 21 Check the ads for a fair or festival at a school or community center. Plan to go with your child. 22 Insert four toothpicks horizontally into a potato and set it on a glass of water. It should sprout in two weeks. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Garden together Have your child Talk about today. Pull draw a picture. animals your weeds, spread mulch or Ask him to make up a child might see in a plant flowers outside. story about it and tell it zoo. What do they eat? Or pot plants indoors. to somebody. Where do they sleep? Are they dangerous? Ask your child if she ever had a dream that really scared her. What was it about? Put a leafy stalk of celery into colored water. Watch the color rise up into the stalk over the next week. Look outside tonight after dark. See if your child can spot an early firefly. Go online together to learn more about them. Visit the library with your child. Check out a book about science. Decorate a shoebox to make a treasure chest. Fill it with small treats. Hide it and have a family treasure hunt. Use glue to write your child’s name on heavy paper. Let her stick cereal or beans on the wet glue. Take a counting walk with your child. Pick something to count (cars, signs, birds, bikes) and let her keep track. © 2016 The Parent Institute®, a division of NIS, Inc. May be reproduced only as licensed by Parents make the difference!® Early Childhood Edition newsletter. 1-800-756-5525 24 17 10 3 Sunday SCR. EGGS SALAD BAR BF BAR MASH POT BOWL BISCUITS N GRAVY BF FOR LUNCH 27 OMELET COOK'S CHOICE 20 COOK'S CHOICE 13 OMELET COOK'S CHOICE 6 Wednesday Notes MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE Served Daily: BREAKFAST - cereal, toast, fruit, yogurt, and milk LUNCH - fruit, vegetable, bread, peanut butter and jelly, and milk 26 EGGSTRAVAGANZA BAKED POTATO BAR BF PIZZA CHICKEN NUGGETS 25 19 BISCUIT N GRAVY CHICKEN QUESADILLA FRENCH TOAST STIXS COWBOY CAVATINI 18 12 PANCAKES CHICKEN FAJITA BF BAR TATER TOT CASSEROLE 11 5 Tuesday 4 Monday April 2016 FRITTATA HOMEMADE PIZZA 28 ROLLS BR. PORK CHOP COOK'S CHOICE 29 PANCAKES HOT HAM N CHEESE 22 BF BAR SHR. PORK SANDWICH FRITTATA CHEESEBURGER POCKETS 21 15 SCRAMBLED EGGS CORN DOGS BISCUIT EGG SAUSAGE BEEF STIXS 14 8 COOK'S CHOICE 1 Friday 7 Thursday 30 23 16 9 2 Saturday Monday 4:30 PM Golf @ Osceola 7:00 PM Board Meeting Polk 4 18 11 10:15 AM Community Coffee in Hordville @ Firebarn District Quiz Bowl @ Osceola 28 … No School - Easter Break April 2016 Sunday 27 3 … No School - Easter Break Easter FCCLA State Convention 10 17 24 25 3:00 PM HS Track @ Grand Island (Central NE Championships) 4:15 PM Golf @ Osceola Tuesday 4:00 PM Golf @ Osceola 29 5 Wednesday 1:30 PM MS Quiz Bowl @ Fullerton FFA State Convention 2 T W 3 T 4 F 5 S March 2016 S M 1 9 10 11 12 4 S M 3 7 T April 2016 6 T W 5 7 S May 2016 F 2 S M 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 1 T S 8 4 F 2 3 1 9 T W 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 29 30 31 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 2 8 16 22 30 23 9:00 AM HS CRC Track @ Osceola 15 Jr/Sr Prom Saturday 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April Fools Day District Music - Columbus Earth Day 9:00 AM MS CRC Track @ McCool Jct. 29 9:00 AM MS Track @ Osceola Tax Day 8:30 AM Community Coffee in Polk (Elem) 9:00 AM HS Track @ Osceola 7:00 PM MS Dance 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 21 28 Friday 27 28 29 30 31 31 8:30 AM Community Coffee in Clarks 9:00 AM Blood Drive @ Polk Community Center 3:00 PM MS Track @ Cross County Thursday 30 7 MS Outdoor Education Day 10:00 AM HS Track @ Fullerton 9:00 AM MS Track @ Osceola (HPC Invite) K-5 Reading Night @ Clarks 6 12 13 9:00 AM HS Track @ Osceola (HPC Invite) 9:00 AM Golf @ Leigh 9:30 AM Golf @ Osceola Scramble 10:00 AM HS Track @ Friend 19 9:00 AM York College Traveling Theater Production (K-5) FFA Banquet Fine Arts Awards Night 27 9:00 AM Golf @ Centura Invite 20 9:00 AM MS Track @ Fullerton 1:00 PM Dismissal - Tchr Inservice 26 9:30 AM Golf @ Clay Center 7:00 PM Spring Dessert Concert 7:00 PM Elementary Music Concert Page 1/1 High Plains Community Schools 345 South Pine P.O.Box29 Polk,NE68654 U.S. Postage Paid STC Rate Non-ProfitOrganization Polk,NE68654 Permit No. 1 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED POSTAL PATRON Monthly Forecast February 2016 Page 19