November 2012 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton, Ohio
November 2012 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton, Ohio
Jewels of St. Julie A Newsletter for the Parish Family of St. Julie Billiart November 2012 PARISH COUNCIL SEEKS YOUR INPUT For the past few months, St Julie’s Parish Pastoral Council has been at work: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Refining a draft of a new parish mission statement. Designing a process for getting parishioner in-put. Exploring options for building parishioner investment in the mission statement. PPC developed a list of “core values” that could be shaped into a Mission Statement At Masses on October 13/14 they introduced the list and ask folks to affirm, reject, or add to the list. That information will be used to craft a statement. Learning from experts about liturgical music. Helping the pastor assemble a search committee for a new parish Music Director. Preparing to answer likely questions from parishioners in the transition to a new Music Director. Monitoring the progress of the Capital Campaign. Supporting the Hispanic Culture festival in October. Helping to carry off the parish Adult Party on November 3. Clarifying Archdiocesan guidelines for voter education, including showing the US Bishops’ video, “Faithful Citizenship.” Exploring possibilities for a focused effort at outreach to inactive Catholics. Preparing for “Come Home for Christmas,” in synch with Archdiocesan television spots running in December and January. Helping to recruit parishioners as greeters for Christmas Masses. Morning on Mary: Feast of the Immaculate Conception An Advent morning of reflection will happen in church at St Julie’s on Saturday, December 8: from 9 am to noon, with Mass following. Using several of the century-old stained-glass windows as a focus, participants will explore various images of Mary in scripture, in narrative art, in hymns and in their own experience. Quiet time for prayer and reflection will be interspersed with thoughtful interaction. Marian Schwab will guide the morning reflections. The liturgy of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated at noon. (Cont. P 2) ALL SAINTS DAY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1st HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION NEW HOLY DAY MASS TIMES In looking at our schedules for the Holy Days we determined that we should schedule Masses at our three parishes to best serve the entire Hamilton community and avoid duplication of times. ♦7 pm vigil Mass at St. Joseph ♦Morning Mass 8am at St. Joseph ♦Morning Mass 8 am at St. Peter ♦Holy Day Mass 12:05pm at St. Julie ♦Evening Mass 7pm at St. Peter ♦Evening Mass in Spanish 7:30pm at St. Julie Con’t. From P. 1 Welcome to those recently baptized at St. Julie Billiart Parish: September 9, 2012 Anthony, child of Arturo Ramírez and Juana Maria Cuellar; Jose Luis and Edgar Fernando children of Líbrado Ramírez and Guadalupe Espinoza Valentin. September 23, 2012 Keyla Alessandra, child of Raul Alejandro Villarello and Guillermina Ramírez; Dorismar Nalani, child of Marco Antonío Guzmán Torres and Maria Elena Salinas Cruz; Selena Araceli , child of Octavio Ramirez and Kendra Nichole Blevins; Tara Michelle, child of Michael Dwight Mack and Laura Ivette Calderón; Karly Elise, child of Stephen John Heffernan and Mecah Dawn Turco Heffernan. St Julie parish would welcome the participation of parishioners from other parishes. As hosts, St Julie parishioners are asked to bring a morning snack to share. Marian is former director of the Archdiocesan Lay Pastoral Ministry program in Cincinnati; and former director of Pastoral Planning and Ministry Development in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. WOMEN’S VOCATION WEEKEND Consider participating in a discernment weekend exploring God’s call in your life. Join us for the next Come and See November 9-11 in Adrian MI. Meet the sisters, share faith and life with us and learn what it means to be Dominican. For more information contact Sister Durstyne Farnan, OP, at [email protected] or call 517 266-3537. You are our guest, no other cost involved. St. Vincent DePaul Reports In the month of September 2012, the St. Julie Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society spent a total of $2578.70. Total receipts for the month were 1,823.00. The St. Vincent de Paul volunteers donated 126 hours of their time helping 656 people. They made 64 sacramental and 64 eldercare visits, driving 950 miles in the process. Funds were spent in the following categories: Utility Assistance: $ 1,290.33 (6) Rent Assistance: $ 537.00 (2) Food Assistance: $ 88.67 (1) International Twinning: $300.00 (1) Furniture / Appliances: $245.18 (2) Other: $ 117.52 (1) If you can spare some time during the week to help your neighbors who are in need, please consider the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Call our help line and leave your name and phone number. One of our members will be in touch with you. Our help line number is (513)588-6738. Our thanks to all parishioners who continue to support us financially and in prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jack Weisenberger, Treasurer High School PREP Class Alfredo, Robert, Demi, High School Catechist Anita Jester and Catalina enjoy a photo op by our Statue of Mary and the Infant Jesus at St. Julie's Courtyard after a faith formation session. Our high schoolers meet on the First and Third Sundays of each month from 2:15 pm to 4:15 pm. We are always looking for more youth to learn about the faith! Come and join in on the fun, call 863-1040 x. *815 for more information! This year's topic is Morality. Parish Religious Education Program – UPCOMING PREP ACTIVITIES November 10,11 BAKE SALE AFTER MASSES at Church Confirmation Candidates and their Families will offer goodies to raise money for outreach needs. November 25 Thanksgiving Break, no PREP classes Sunday, December 9 St. Nick Visits the Parish at the Fenmont from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. All are invited to stop by! December 15 POSADA Celebration at 5:30 pm in the Fenmont - Come and honor the Nativity of Christ! December 23,30 - Christmas Break, no PREP Classes Saturday, February 9, 2013 Confirmation Retreat –For Confirmation Candidates From 10 am to 5:30 pm at the Fenmont. Looking for a few Volunteers Would you be available a few Sundays off and on to come and help quiz our students on their prayers or help with reading over their essays? Please contact Mary Pat Austing at the Parish Office to lend a hand! Our prayers and sympathy goes out to the family and friends of the following individuals who have passed away in the last few months: Joseph E. Ford William R. Wellinghof Anthony Lotta Philip Giuliano Louise Scheffer Marilyn Craft Thomas Cappella , Jr Mary Ann Hornung St. Julie Staff Participates at Summit Dina Beach, our lay missionary at St. Julie's, is pictured with various prayer leaders and staff from the Archdiocesan summit on The Domestic Church. Dina took part in the moving opening prayer session for over 755 Catholics from all over the Cincinnati Archdiocese at the summit. Each reader gave the personal account of the various parts of the Body of Christ that make up our Catholic Family in this area. Fr. Mike, Mary Richter and Mary Pat Austing also attended the two day conference in Dayton held the first week of October. The changing demographics of Catholics and the ways to make our faith more accessible and family friendly were highlighted during the sessions. July 11, 2012 July 12, 2012 July 12, 2012 July 23, 2012 July 30, 2012 August 30, 2012 September 21, 2012 September 28, 2012 CATHOLICISM DVD SERIES PRESENTS THE BEAUTY OF THE FAITH This is a ten-week series that is a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe and why. It is not “talking heads”, a video lecture, but an engaging and interesting formational program that uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. Facilitators for the program will be Fr. Mike and St. Julie Billiart parishioners. The DVD itself is an hour. About 20 minutes will be allotted for discussion with a brief final prayer. The series is being run on Mondays, all through November, at 7:00 pm in the St. Mary Hall of the Fenmont. Dina at the prayer presentation stage during the SUMMIT MASSES FOR THE DEAD Praying for our deceased family and friends is an important element in our Catholic spiritual tradition. Paragraph 1032 of the Catholic Catechism reads: “ This teaching is also based on the practice of prayer for the dead, already mentioned in Sacred Scripture: ‘Therefore, [Judas Maccabeus] made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.’ From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulges, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead: “Let us help and commemorate them. If Job’s sons were purified by their father’s sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them [St. John Chrysostom].” This tradition has been expressed, in part, by asking that the “intention” of the Mass be for a loved one. As we hear in the Eucharistic Prayer in one sense, the “intention” of the Mass is always the same: for the Church, especially the Pope and bishops, those present, and all deceased. But a person in particular can be remembered. When the request is made a “stipend” is usually offered but is not required. The stipend can be any amount. In our Archdiocese the suggested minimum is five dollars. When we accept a Mass stipend” we make the moral commitment to celebrate Mass for that intention within twelve months. We may not make commitments that we are not able to fulfill in that time. Secondly, we can only accept one “Mass stipend” for each Mass. Masses may be requested in person, through mail, or by means of the collection basket. Currently, St. Julie Billiart celebrates scheduled Masses four days each week and four Masses each weekend. We will try to accommodate the donor with the date requested. If this is not possible, a date close to that date will be scheduled. If you request a number of Masses, please be aware that we may not be able to schedule all requests for weekend Masses. We will not schedule Mass two days in a row for the same intention. If we receive a request for a large number of Masses for a single intention, we may only be All Souls Day Mass able to accept a limited number of them. You will Friday, November 2 7:00 pm be informed of that and we will explain your You are invited to attend and take part in the All options for the other intentions. We appreciate Souls Day Mass that will remember our parish your understanding of these constraints. members who have died from November 2011 to Apart from Mass intentions, St. Julie Billiart Parish also has the custom of placing the October 2012. The names of the deceased will be deceased’s birth and death dates on a calendar read and a candle will be lit in their honor. All published in the monthly newsletter. You may are welcome to attend and remember your loved send in names and dates to the office for inclusion ones who have passed away. in the calendar. These will be kept at least 5 years. Perhaps, most importantly of all, any time you pray, at Mass, at benediction, praying privately in your home, it is good to pray for and with those who have gone before us in death. We as Catholics believe in the communion of saints, in the continuity between this life and the eternal. Death does not destroy the bonds we have with our beloved. Through Jesus life is stronger than death. ### ST. JULIE’S ANNUAL ADULT PARTY Saturday, November 3, 2012 Appetizers 5:30pm Dinner 6:15pm Please invite your family and friends to join you at our annual parish Adult Party! We welcome appetizers you prepare to share. Please bring your own adult beverages. MENU Chef Jim’s Roast Beef, Chef Bill’s Salmon and Our Grill-masters’ Gordon and Mark’s Special Chicken. Dinner includes: baked potato (white or sweet), salad, Vegetable, Rolls and Dessert (make your own Sundae), as well as Lemonade, Iced Tea and Coffee. This is a GREAT VALUE at $13.00 per person for your choice of Roast Beef, Salmon or Chicken. Please add $6.00 for each additional entree. Special rate for paid reservations received by Friday, October 26, 2012: $12.00 per dinner or $18.00 for a combo dinner. Reservations are necessary for this event. Please call the St. Julie office to make your reservation 863-1040 Help setting up, working in the kitchen, serving, and cleaning up is always welcome and needed. Please volunteer. Please call Jackie or Bill Groth 868-6638 or Jerry or Pat Gordon 895-4601, if you have questions. St. Julie Celebrates Marriage! Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary milestone in 2012? If so, St. Julie’s would like to invite couples whose 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th or 70th anniversary occur in 2012 to be their special guests at the upcoming parish Adult Party on Saturday, November 3rd. Remember all the fun we had at the Adult Dinner last year?? The dinner, sponsored by our Hospitality Committee, takes place at our Fenmont Center after the 4:30 Mass. Reservations are necessary for this event, so be sure to call in your reservation. Also at all the Masses November 3 and 4th couples celebrating these milestone anniversaries will receive a blessing at the end of Mass. See the Adult Party reservation form in this publication for more information about this event. ALTAR ROSARY NOTES ~from Marilyn’s Desk The Altar Rosary meeting was held on October 1 , 2012. Kerry Yorn, retiring chairman of the bingo concession, stand thanked all the members who have been helping staff the concession stand over the pass couple of years. A special thanks was given to Virgie Schick who has worked the concession stand for over 20 years. The Altar Rosary Society participated in the Rosary Rally on October 13th. Along with the last quilt quilted by Hazel Neurohr at age 97 years we will be raffling off a lovely baby crib quilt quilted by Virgie Schick. Raffle tickets will be in the mail in November. The drawing for the winner will be on Dec. 12th. Thank you! It is through your support of our projects that we are able to continue our ministry to St. Julie parish. Giving Trees will be going up on November 16 through the weekend of December 8 & 9. German Village Christmas Walk on December 2nd - we will be selling homemade bake good’s. “That’s My Pan” Call Ann Ohlhauser at 513360-0398 for information on this fund raiser. Our next meeting is Monday December 3, beginning at 12:45 after the 12:05 Mass. At this “Baby Jesus” luncheon we will bring baby items to be donated to Mercy Health Fairfield Hospital’s Women’s and Children’s Services Family Birth Center. Everyone is invited to attend our meetings. We are always looking for new members. We meet six times a year. We have several projects that we do that do not require a lot of time. We always have a delicious meal and great fellowship with each other. Our main goals are to spread devotion to Mary and assist the church where needed. You will find a membership form in the December or January newsletter. We ask that you think about it prayerfully and consider becoming a member. If you have any questions about the Altar Rosary Society please call Marilyn Vidourek at 513-894-5851 or email at [email protected] St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: Preserving our Past – Preparing for Our Future We have reached $400,000 in pledges, that’s 80% of our goal! Thanks to all those who have already supported this capital drive that will help us protect and improve our campus buildings as we continue to spread God’s word. If you have not turned in your pledge form please prayerfully consider making a contribution. No donation is too small. Everyone’s help is needed to make this drive a success. Please use the capital campaign envelopes that are in your bi-monthly donation envelopes to make your pledge payments or be sure to mark on the check that the donation is for the Capital Drive. There are also capital campaign donation envelopes in the vestibule of church. Another way to support the campaign is by volunteering your time and talents. We have scheduled two dates to paint some interior areas of the church. Come lend a hand on Saturday, November 10th or 17th from 8am-1pm. Supplies and a light lunch will be provided. These paint projects could also be done during the week. Contact Betty Meiner @863-1040 if you can help with this project Project Updates: Fenmont Building: New roof New ceiling and wall washed (volunteer labor) in St. Julie Hall 1st floor entry hall painted. New flooring and paint in entry area to St. Stephen Hall Additional parking area behind the Fenmont is scheduled to begin in mid October. Church Building: Contract was signed for work on our stained glass windows. Initially 4 windows will be removed, cleaned, and re-leaded. As well as new exterior “storm windows” installed and window frames stripped and painted. Drawings for the restrooms are complete and being processed Office/Dayton House Back porch of office building painted (volunteer labor) New doors on back entry to Dayton house New roofs on both buildings Chimney work on office building scheduled Phase I Campaign Goal: $500,000.00 Phase I Pledges: $400,268.00 # Pledges Received: 319 Our garden is growing! The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citzenship p1 The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citzenship p2 Save for Calendar of Intentions We praise God with the word We serve God and parish at the altar Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 03 Pam Long and David Bonner November 04 Jack Weisenberger and Rob Bubemyre Diane Miller and Phyllis Tuley Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 03 Josh Richter, Josh Tyree, Zachary Tyree November 04 A. Niehaus, E. Niehaus, H. Brown, A. Bosse Ian Smith, Matthew Schwamberger Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 10 Mary Ann Williams and Bill Groth November 11 Scott Whittlesey and Bonnie Whittlesey Pat Engels and Steve Wilson Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 10 Matthew Krabacher, David Yorn, Sam Krabacher November 11 Dan Beach, Dina Beach, C. Bultman, S. Green E. Shumate, H. Gresham, David Begley Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 17 Rick LoBuono and Tom DiNuoscio November 18 Francine Beaty and Jeri Brennan Skip Groeber and Kris Verdin Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 17 Josh Richter, Robert Richter November 18 A. Niehaus, E. Niehaus, H. Brown, A. Bosse Ian Smith, Matthew Schwamberger Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am November 24 Marlene Troike and Pam Long November 25 Steve Bosse and Alex Bosse Jim Reboulet and Jerry Gordon Saturday, November 24 4:30pm Josh Richter, Josh Tyree, Zachary Tyree Sunday, November 25 8:30am Dan Beach, Dina Beach, C. Bultman, S. Green 11:00am E. Shumate, H. Gresham, David Begley Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am December 01 David Bonner and Bill Groth December 02 Dick Dowd and Lori Dowd Phyllis Tuley and Diane Miller Saturday, 4:30pm Sunday, 8:30am 11:00am December 01 Matthew Krabacher, David Yorn, Sam Krabacher December 02 A. Niehaus, E. Niehaus, H. Brown, A. Bosse Ian Smith, Matthew Schwamberger We give the Lord to others in Communion Saturday, November 03 4:30pm Pat Cepluch, Bill Groth, Joseph Richter, Mary Ann Shaver, Penny Dixon, Mary Richter, June Fening, Tom Fening Sunday, November 04 8:30am Barbara Blanton, Michele Adkins, Julie Dalzell, Matt Beaty, Kathy Hennekes, Merle Ferry, Diana Ferry, Susan Delp 11:00am Nancy Elliott, Tom Richter, Shaun Richter, Kelly Richter Linda Pate, Linda Reboulet, Phyllis Terry, Millie Kuth, Steve Wilson, Pam Wilson Sunday, November 18 8:30am Michele Adkins, Julie Dalzell, Matt Beaty, Kathy Hennekes, Merle Ferry, Diana Ferry, Dick Dowd, Lori Dowd 11:00am Amy Kibby, Pierce Kibby,Tom Richter, Nancy Elliott, Linda Pate, Linda Reboulet, Phyllis Terry, Millie Kuth, Steve Wilson, Pam Wilson Saturday, November 17 4:30pm Markene Troike, Mary Richter, June Fening, Tom Fening, Pat Cepluch, Connie DiNuoscio, David Bonner, Joseph Richter Ferry, Susan Delp, Jeri Brennan, Jennifer Maggard, Michelle Bubemyre 11:00am Shaun Richter, Kelly Richter, Nancy Elliott, Linda Pate, Linda Reboulet, Phyllis Terry, Millie Kuth, Steve Wilson, Pam Wilson, Ginger Hilz Saturday, November 24 4:30pm Mary Ann Shaver, Penny Dixon, Mary Richter, June Fening, Tom Fening, Marlene Troike, Pat Cepluch, David Bonner Sunday, November 25 Saturday, November 10 8:30am Susan Delp, Jeri Brennan, Skip Kalkhof, Maryrose 4:30pm Pat Cepluch, David Bonner, Tom DiNuoscio, Kalkhok, Jennifer Maggard, Michelle Bubemyre, Barbara Connie DiNuoscio, Joseph Richter, Mary Ann Shaver, Penny Blanton, Michele Adkins Dixon, Josh Richter 11:00am Ginger Hilz, Beth Smith, Diane Miller, Pat Gordon, Sunday, November 11 Wyvonne Sandlin, Mark Miller, Julie Joyce-Smith, Amy 8:30am Dick Dowd, Lori Dowd, Jeri Brennan, Skip Kibby, Pierce Kibby, Tom Richter Kalkhof, Maryrose Kalkhof, Jennifer Maggard, Michelle Saturday, December 01 Bubemyre, Barbara Blanton, 4:39pm Joseph Richter, Mary Ann Shaver, Penny Dixon, 11:00am Ginger Hilz, Beth Smith, Diane Miller, Jerry Mary Richter, June Fening, Tom Fening, Pat Cepluch Gordon, Pat Gordon, Kelly Richter, Wyvonne Sandlin, Mark Sunday, December 02 Miller, Julie Joyce-Smith, Shaun Richter 8:30am Matt Beaty, Kathy Hennekes, Merle Ferry, Diana St. Julie’s Newsletter (383367-173) Published Monthly October 11, 2012 Volume 23 Issue 11 ST. JULIE BILLIART PARISH 224 DAYTON STREET HAMILTON, OH 45011-1634 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 173 Hamilton, Ohio ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ALTAR ROSARY TO RAFFLE PRECIOUS QUILT This year the Altar Rosary Society will be raffling off a very special quilt made by a very special lady, Hazel Neurohr. Hazel was a petite lady probably not quite five feet tall but had the energy of the “energizer bunny”. She was a member of St. Julie Billiart parish who spent many years helping the church and was a very active member of the Altar Rosary Society. She enjoyed quilting, sewing, gardening and most of all spending time with her family. She spent countless hours attending Mass, helping with the bulletin and newsletter and anywhere else help was needed. She loved cleaning the church, especially the sanctuary. One time, when in her nineties, Father caught her up on ladder dusting the altar. He told her he didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be up on the ladder anymore. She reluctantly gave in and let someone else do it. This is only a small section of the quilt (with Hazel’s photo inset) made by Hazel that will be raffled off this year, She could frequently be found on the third floor of the church office doing her quilting either alone or with other members of the Altar Rosary. They had a quilting loom up there so they could gather together to make the beautiful quilts we have been raffling off for so many years, Her quilting was like a work of art. She put a lot of thought and love into each quilt. She said she found quilting to be very peaceful. The quilt we are raffling this year was her last quilt that she finished at age 97 years old. Hazel passed away on May 21 of this year. She was always very loving, thoughtful, witty, and kind to all. She loved her family, her church and was a friend to everyone she met. Those who knew her truly miss her presence amongst us. Fond memories of her we will always hold in our hearts. -Marilyn Vidourek, President of Altar -Rosary