Newsletter - Our Lady Queen of Peace
Newsletter - Our Lady Queen of Peace
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE, LLANELLI A parish in the Diocese of Menevia – A registered charity #234168 The Presbytery, Waunlanyrafon, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA15 3AB Tel. 01554 774070. Email: [email protected] Parish priest – Fr. James Sweeney/ parish sisters Sr. Anne/Marcella (752768). To book the parish hall – please contact Isabelle on 01554 755439. MASS INTENTIONS. TH TH TH 24 /25 SEPTEMBER 2016 – 26 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C). SAT 6.00PM (VIGIL) PEOPLE OF THE PARISH. SUN 10.00AM THANKSGIVING (MADERAZO FAMILY). THURSDAY 9.30AM ADO FERNANDEZ RIP. FRIDAY 10.00AM SEAN + JIM SPOLLEN + DECEASED FAMILY RIP. MONDAY 9.30AM ADO FERNANDEZ RIP. SATURDAY 10.00AM LEONARD RATTENBURY RIP. TUESDAY 9.30AM NO MASS TODAY. (Sat) 6.00PM (VIGIL) RUTH MC KEVITT RIP. WEDNESDAY 9.30AM RAYMOND NELSON RIP. (Sun) 10.00AM) PEOPLE OF THE PARISH. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday after morning mass and 5.30-5.45pm on Saturday evening and at call at the presbytery. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Monday 10.00am – 11.00am and Thursday 10.00am – 11.00am. MORNING PRAYER: 15 minutes before mass each weekday and the Saturday morning Mass. ROSARY: after the weekday masses and the Saturday morning Mass. st rd POLISH MASS – 1 and 3 Sunday of the month at 5.30pm. "Msza po polsku: 1-sza i 3-cia niedziela miesiąca o 17:30" th PHILIPINO MASS – 4 Saturday of the month at 4pm. COFFEE AFTER THE 10 AM MASS – Please see the notice board for further details. th th PARISH COLLECTION – 17 /18 SEPTEMBER: GIFT AID: £337.30. LOOSE PLATE: £365.63. TOTAL = £702.93. 2ND COLLECTION LAST WEEKEND – Raised £202.12 for Home Mission Sunday. Thank you for your support. THE FOOD BANK – Is very short of biscuits and long life fruit juices. If you are able, can you please bring in these contributions over the next 2 weeks? CAFOD SCHOOLS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Could you visit your local Catholic school to talk about the work of CAFOD? Please see poster on porch notice board or ring 02920 344 882 for more information. FR. JOHN MURPHY – Is celebrating his 40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood on Wednesday 28th September with a concelebrated Mass starting at 12.30pm, at St. David’s in Swansea. All welcome to attend and to support Fr. John’s celebrations. CAMBRIAN CONCERT OF VIOLS – Will be performing at Our Lady of the Assumption, Briton Ferry on Sunday 2 nd October at 7pm. Tickets cost £5 on the door and all proceeds will go to the church funds. Please see the poster on the notice board for more details. CATHOLIC SINGLES - is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected] 40 DAYS FOR LIFE – Jean Grace is leading a prayer vigil against abortion from 28th September to 6th November in Spring Gardens, Llanelli (near the Job Centre) from 11am to 4pm each day. If you would like to help to support Jean, please contact her on 07732 958895. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS - Year Six undertook three days of Cycling Proficiency this week which saw them practice, refine and develop their skills firstly on the school yard and secondly move on to the road. Well done to all the children who took part you are now qualified to ride! Our Nursery and Reception classes also had a busy week as they were visited by representatives from the Cats Protection League and also Guide Dogs for the Blind who came to talk to them about their work, how they look after animals and how the children can care for their pets, as part of their topic Paws, Claws and Whiskers. Candidates for School Council presented their manifestos to their class mates this week and they have voted accordingly. St Mary's also hosted a Local Authority event on Tuesday evening - Data Training was attended by Governors from across Carmarthenshire as part of their School Governor Training Programme. ST. JOHN LLOYD SCHOOL NEWS – No news available this week.