St Mary's Catholic Church
St Mary's Catholic Church
St Mary’s Catholic Church Tovey Road Swindon SN2 1LQ Tel: 01793 535089 Parish Priest: Fr Michael McAndrew - [email protected] Parish Administrator: Elias Fernandes - [email protected] Safeguarding Rep: (CRB): Teresa Sugden - [email protected] Parish records: [email protected] Deacon: Rev Shaun Murphy (retired) Parish website: Deanery website: Diocesan website: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - B Sunday, January 11, 2015 SUNDAY MASS TIMES 6.00pm (Sat) 8.30am 10.30am CONFESSIONS Saturday: 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm - 5.30pm Entrance Antiphon: After the Lord was baptised, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Response to the Psalm: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Gospel Acclamation: John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Communion Antiphon: Behold the One of whom John said: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God. THIS WEEK’S MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Fernandes (Thanksgiving) 08.30am Mass – Antonio Francisco De Sa (RIP) 10.30am Mass – Maria Fernandes & Canny Pereira (Intentions) 09.00am Mass – Shaun Hogan (Anniversary) 09.00am Mass - Dourado Family (RIP) 09.00am Mass - Seamus McFadden (RIP) 09.00am Mass - John & Pia Cunha (Thanksgiving) 09.00am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 09.00am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT NEXT SUNDAY’S MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS (JANUARY 18, 2015) 06.00pm (Sat) Mass – John Ryan (Anniversary) 08.30am Mass – Luiza & Inacio De Sa (RIP) 10.30am Mass – Sean Walshe (RIP) CHURCH CLEANING: Every Friday, after the morning Mass. Your help would be much appreciated. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick especially: Cathy Walker, Joshua Crabb, Eileen Blackwell, Anna Tickner, Peadar Heffron, David Croston and Sheila Hughes, Peter, Alfie and Harry Crabb, John O’Gorman, Christopher and Cath Brown, Julia Harrison, Lena Watson, Cheryl Dawson, Louise Stacey, Maria Walsh, David Edwards, Irena Fliska, Joe Shannon, John Foley, Christine Beale, Mary Lynch, Eleanor Lynch, Molly Prendergast, Mary Stewart, Marc Young, Antonio Bambino, Eileen Hughes CONFIRMATION: Bishop Declan will be coming to St Mary’s to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on 20th May 2015. Anyone who is in year 9 or above and would like to be Confirmed can pick up an application form from Fr Michael after Mass. FIRST COMMUNION Mass will be on Sunday 7th and 14th June. Preparation will begin by the end of January and application forms are available from Fr Michael after Mass. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: Pope Francis says “Married life is beautiful and must be protected”. Why not treat yourselves and your marriage to a Marriage Encounter Weekend? A Weekend enables couples to grow in their love for each other. A Weekend is a time to rediscover romance and the joy of being married. It is not a retreat, therapy or counselling. It is a unique way for you to revitalise marriage away from the distractions, tensions and routine of everyday life. The next Weekend in our diocese is 27th Feb – 1st March, at Lydiard House, Swindon. For further dates and information or to book a place, please visit the web site or ‘phone Ian & Tessa MacCallum 01249 656145. BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of the Church Oscar Fernandes and Sienna Polonowski who is baptised this weekend. MISSION APPEAL: Each year we have a mission appeal in our Parish. This year we welcome the Comboni Missionaries (known as Verona Fathers) who will say the Sunday Masses next Weekend 17th/18th January and speak about their work in Africa. CHURCH’S YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE: this year Pope Francis has asked the whole Church to celebrate the all those who live the consecrated life in the Church. There will be a special celebration at the Cathedral with Bishop Declan on Sunday 1st February 2015 at 6 p.m., to celebrate with all the monks and nuns of our Diocese to which all parishioners are warmly invited. CATECHISTS’ FORMATION COURSE: Next year’s formation course for Catechist will be at St John’s Church in Bath. There is a poster on the notice board with all the information. ST JOSEPH’S ADMISSION POLICY: St Joseph’s Catholic College is consulting on the admission policy for the College. The draft policy can be found on the College website: Can feedback please be directed to Michelle Ferris, the admissions officer via [email protected] by 12 February 2015. ENGLISH COURSE: This course is being offered through St Joseph’s College, for parents who do not speak English as their first language (they need not have children at the school). Which will be starting on 30th January 2015 at 9.00am (this is a meet and greet session with classes starting the week after). Please contact Catherina Whitmore at St Joseph’s Catholic College further details and to book a place [email protected] or ring 01793 714230. See poster on the notice board at the back of the Church. APF MISSIO (Red Boxes): Empty boxes are left at the back of the church for collection. If you are unable to bring your box in, please contact your promoter, (number on the label) or Marion Aldridge on 01793 875692. FIRST COMMUNION CATECHISTS MEETING: There will be a meeting of all Catechists to prepare for this year’s programme on Saturday 24th January at 10am in the Sacristy. Do you have an hour to spare on a Saturday morning? We need your support for this year’s programme to be as successful as previous years. Don’t worry if you are new to the programme as you will be teamed with one of our experienced Catechists. It really is so rewarding watching our young parishioners grow, with your help, in their faith. Why not come along and find out more. JUNIOR PARISH CHOIR: will now meet on Friday 3.45 - 4.30pm here in the Church. Ages 7-14 all are welcome to come and join for an afternoon of singing here in St Mary’s Church. CAROLS: "An Evening of Carols" will be held in Holy Rood Church, Swindon on Friday 16th January 2015 at 7p.m. Tickets £1 on the door, Raffle and Refreshments will be available. For more details call 522062. OFFERTORY LAST WEEKEND: £756 (of which £89 was Gift aided) and £503 was given by standing order. Many thanks for your generosity. You are my Son, the Beloved. The Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus, the beloved Son of God, at his baptism in the River Jordan. The same Holy Spirit comes down on each one of us and helps us to live our lives so that we are faithful to our baptismal calling.