
Presbytery Address: The Presbytery, ‘Peveril’, Fordoun Road,
Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2BN
Telephone: 01843 861627
Parish Email: [email protected]
Parish Website:
Parish Priest: Father Philip Graham Seed
Assistant Priest: Father Godfrey Holdstock (01843 862385)
Permanent Deacon: Rev. Deacon Charles Parker (01843 604925)
Parish School: St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, St. Peter’s Park
Road, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2BA (Tel: 01843 861738)
Deanery School: Ursuline College, 225 Canterbury Road,
Westgate-on-Sea, CT8 8LX (Tel: 01843 834431)
Diocesan Website:
Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil—7.00pm; Sunday—9.30 am, 11.00am and 6.00pm
Syro-Malabar Rite Mass: 4.00pm on the third Saturday of the month
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10.00—10.30am and 6.15—6.45pm, Sunday 5.15—5.45pm
Exposition: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9.00—9.25am; First Friday of the Month 10.00am—1.00pm
Holydays of Obligation Masses falling on a weekday: 9.30am and 7.30pm
Times of Masses, their Readings and their Intentions
Today’s Mass Theme Thought
Today’s Gospel is a Gospel of Mercy par excellence. As Jesus’
feet are being washed by the woman’s tears, kissed and then
anointed with the ointment, Simon the Pharisee muses, “If this
man were a prophet, he would know who this woman is that is
touching him and what a bad name she has.” The woman herself knows only too well what sort of person she has been: a
woman of the city, a sinner. But in the presence of the Christ,
the Messiah for whom the Jews longed, all that changes. In the
presence of Christ she refuses to be bound by the past: the
feelings, the failings, the stares, the thoughts, the reputation,
the voices; and those terrible judgements. New life flows and
pours forth from this woman. This is what mercy is all about:
new life and new hope.
Sunday 12 June—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
[Divine Office Volume 3 Week 3]
II Samuel 12: 7-10, 13; Galatians 2: 16, 19-21;
Luke 7: 36—8: 3
7.00pm (Saturday Vigil) The People of the Parish
9.30am Bernadette Padden RIP (Irene W alker)
11.00am Joseph and Lucy Markey RIP (Conlan Family)
6.00pm Hilda Ellen Rayment RIP (Pickett Family)
Monday 13 June—St. Anthony of Padua, priest and
doctor of the Church
I Kings 21: 1-16; Matthew 5: 38-42
9.30am Paul Williams RIP (Tricia and Dan W illiams)
Tuesday 14 June—Feria
I Kings 21: 17-29; Matthew 5: 43-48
9.30am The Holy Souls
Wednesday 15 June—Feria
II Kings 2: 1, 6-14; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18
9.30am Jozef Furmanek RIP (Furmanek Family)
Thursday 16 June—Feria
Ecclesiasticus 48: 1-14; Matthew 6: 7-15
9.30am The Holy Souls
Friday 17 June—Feria
II Kings 11: 1-4, 9-18, 20; Matthew 6: 19-23
9.30am Private Intention MA (Fr. Philip Seed)
Saturday 18 June—Feria
II Chronicles 24: 17-25; Matthew 6: 24-34
9.30am Private Intention CR (Fr. Philip Seed)
Sunday 19 June—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
[Divine Office Volume 3 Week 4]
Zechariah 12: 10-11; 13: 1; Galatians 3: 26-29;
Luke 9: 18-24
7.00pm (Saturday Vigil) The People of the Parish
9.30am For the Fathers and Grandfathers of the Parish (Fr.
Philip Seed)
11.00am Marie Shalloo RIP (Jo Scott)
6.00pm The Holy Souls
The Sick of the Parish: Gr aham Allison, Sheila Ar thur ,
Kathy Carr, Josie Earl, Mary Fleming, Kay Higgs, Shree
Langon, Jane and Roderick Macaulay, Tom Pelham, Noel
Purcell, Tim Quick, Frank Sams, Mary Wallace, and for
those in our Nursing Homes, QEQM Hospital, and the Pilgrims’ Hospice.
Is there any one in the parish who attends, or could attend, the 9.30am Mass
on Sundays who could stay in the Repository to assist customers for about half-anhour after Mass?
We are planning to set up a rota of volunteers to help with running the Repository.
Depending on how many are wiling to
help it should not be necessary to call on
volunteers more than once a month, and
perhaps even less.
Please speak with either Fr. Philip or Angela Ainsley for more information.
Saturday 9 July 2016
Further details about our Summer
Fayre will follow during the period between now and 9 July, but perhaps it is
time for people to think about donating
alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks,
cakes, flourishing plants, bric-a-brac of
good quality and nearly-new clothing.
We cannot accept electrical goods to
sell as this is not permitted by the
Feeding the Hungry in Thanet
Many people in Thanet go without food on a
daily basis. In the church porch there is a box for
tins of food. This is taken to St. Austin’s, Margate
where the tins are given to those in need.
If you want to book the hall please telephone Brenda Fallon on 01843 604955, or email:
[email protected]
Coffee Morning
Saturday 18 June 2016
David and Ann Shaw and friends will be
holding a Coffee Morning at 50 Eastern
Esplanade on 18 June. There will be a
Plant Sale and Tombola. All proceeds will
be donated to the Boiler Fund.
In the twenty-first century Christians are persecuted all over the globe. Please keep our
persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in
your prayers. If you are able to help in other
ways then please contact Aid to the
Church in Need, 12-14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA.
This weekend there is a Second Collection for
the Catholic Trust for England and Wales. This
helps to supply the Bishops of England and
Wales with revenue for the central administration of the Church in this country.
Next weekend, 18-19 June, there will be a Second Collection for the Day for Life. This collection provides funding for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre, and to assist other life-related activities supported by the Church.
4 June 2016—5 June 2016
Loose Plate: £412.51
Gift Aid:
Thank you.
A Parish in The Roman Catholic Diocese of Southwark
Registered Charity Number 235468