This week's bulletin


This week's bulletin
Queen’s Hall Stage: Please be aware that the stage and areas behind are dangerous places
and should not be used as a play/picnic area. It is very dark and there are many steps that
children could fall down and injure themselves; equipment is also stored in that area. It is
not a place to play!! As parents /grandparents/carers can you please keep children off the
stage and away from the dangers at the back of the stage when in the hall. Thank you for
your co-operation in this matter.
Queen’s Hall Roof: has an issue - if there are any roofers in the parish or you know of an
roofer who would like to quote for the necessary work then please e-mail or phone Anne
Marie at the parish office—details on the front of the bulletin. Once work on the roof has
been completed the plan is to redecorate the hall and replace the old curtains with new. So if
you are a decorator, curtain maker/supplier or know of anyone, again please let Anne Marie
in the parish office know.
Newspapers: when paying for newspapers please put payment in the box on the newspaper
stand at the IHOM church and at St Paul’s the payment box is in the wall by the votive
stand in the narthex. Thank you.
Parish of Saint John Mary Vianney
The Churches of The Immaculate Heart of Mary & St Paul, Leeds
Diocese of Leeds Charity No 249 404
Baptism of the Lord
11th January 2015
Sunday Mass Pages: 119 - 122 and Preface pages 54. Order of Mass page 7 onwards.
Eucharistic Prayers: EP 1 pg 18. EP 2 pg 24. EP 3 pg 28. EP4 pg 31.
Remember in your Prayers: Please pray for all who are sick, Ida McMullan, Sally Ann
Staunton-Sykes, Jean Goddard, Kathleen Mary Fleming, Kathleen Nealon, Teresa Finn,
Grace Mohammed, Jackie Noon, Maureen McHale, Emma Halloran, Mary Conway, Margaret Holmes, Agnes Jamieson, Robert Stephenson, Kathy Stone, Nile Robinson, G.P.R, Alan
Clarke, John O’Connell, Fr Sammy Holmes; for those who have died; Danielle Johnson and
Lina Pasquelina, Patrick McCulloch; and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.
CTMAS: Please support the Churches Together Unity Service on Sunday 25th January at
St Paul’s church at 4.00pm. Fr Michael will lead and Rev Dave Young (St Barnabas Anglican Church) will preach. All proceeds will go to 3 Homeless charities. Enjoy refreshments
afterwards in the hall.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please see one of the Parish Clergy after Sunday Mass for details regarding arranging your child’s baptism.
Leeds Mayo Association Dinner Dance at the Leeds Irish Centre, York Road on Saturday
7th February 2015 at 7:30pm. Tickets £25 each Tel :- 0113 2480887 Julie for tickets.
Parish Office: Is now open after the Holidays see below for hours of opening
Please turn your phone off or put it to silent when in Church.
Readers Rota: with the correct dates is now available at the back of both Churches.
Legion of Mary Meeting: our next meeting will be the 16th January 2015; at 2pm at Holy
Rosary Church, Chapeltown Road, Leeds 7. Everybody welcome.
Young People: there is now a new information Leaflet at the back of both Churches called
ICHTHUS, it is a weekly Mass leaflet for children who have made or are preparing for their
first Holy Communion, Don’t Forget your LOOK leaflet.
Coffee and Cookies: come into the Queen’s Hall after the 9.30am Mass or after the
10.00am Sunday Mass at St Paul’s, enjoy a cuppa and a chat.
Pregnant? Worried? LIFE will help. Call or text local Helpline 0755 400 3000 anytime.
Altar Linen: 04/01 Cynthia Lay; 11/01 Noreen Naughton; 18/01 Bridie Reddington.
“Instructions for my Funeral Mass” document: You will find copies of the document at
the back of both Churches. Please take one.
Mass Intentions received this week: Catherine Booth (LD), Stephen Doyle (A),
Kathleen Ward (RIP), Fr Anthony Richins (LD), Kathleen Ward RIP (O & A),
Martin Mullen (RIP) Phillip Mone (Sp Int), James Ryder Broadhurst (A), May
Carroll (RIP), Joan Courtney (RIP), Mary Brennan (B/day A), William Brannan
(LD), Susan Fitzpatrick (A), Michael Ward (Sp Int), David Ward (Sp Int), Bridget
Fallon (LD), Ernest McCartney (RIP), Dennis Grogan (A), Simon Poynter (A).
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Please see one of the Parish Clergy. Please note at least one
years notice needs to be given. This is especially important if you are marrying abroad.
Parish Priest:
Fr Timothy Wiley VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Michael Doody
Parish Deacon:
Rev. Michael Leahy
The Presbytery, 294 Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS17 6LE.
0113 268 1373
[email protected]
Parish Office:
Open Monday to Thursday 9.45am to 12.30pm. Closed Friday
Bulletin Notices: Deadline Thursday 12noon either by phone, e-mail or post.
Queen’s Hall Bookings: Tel: 0751 670 5428
St Paul’s Hall Bookings: Contact: Pauline McGuire on 07786 985 907
Hospital Chaplain Details: St Gemma's Hospice: Fr Paul Williment on 218 5500.
LGI and Chapel Allerton: Canon Chris Irving email: [email protected] or
phone 392 2914. Wharfedale, St James’ or Seacroft: Fr Ben Griffiths email: [email protected] or phone 206 4664.
IHOM School:
2660728 or e-mail: [email protected]
St Paul’s School: 2939901 or e-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Cardinal Heenan High School: 8873240 or e-mail: [email protected]
Times of Holy Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday 11th Jan:
The Baptism
Of the Lord
Monday 12th:
Tuesday 13th:
St Paul’s
St Paul’s
Denis Conway
People of the Parish
Kathleen Tennyson
In Thanksgiving
Charles Ryan
John & Iris Burns
Friday 16th:
Saturday 17th:
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Mattie Gately
St Paul’s
Special Intention
Funeral Service-Lina Pasquelina-RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
No Mass
St Paul’s
Andrew Meek
Christina Robinson
Wednesday 14th: Weekday in Ordinary Time
Michael Joynt
St. Paul’s
No Mass
Thursday 15th:
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Doody & Prevot Families
No Mass
(Sp Int)
(Sp Int)
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Michael Cabry
St Paul’s
No Mass
Lawnswood-Service-Ernest McCartney-RIP
Funeral Service-Danielle Johnson-RIP
St Anthony, Abbot
St Paul’s
Margaret & Henry Linskey
No Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday 18th Jan:
Second Sunday of
The Year
St Paul’s
John Martin
Barbara Jackson
(Sp Int)
Jonnie & Clair Mcbride
St Paul’s
Tony Gilliam
Peter Moran
Peter Reilly
Exposition: Mon, Wed—Fri 8.30am; IHOM.
Morning Prayer of the Church IHOM: Wed- Fri 8.55am;
Rosary IHOM: Sat 9.40am
Novena IHOM: Mon 9.00am
Confessions: Sat IHOM 10.30am -11.00am; St Paul’s: 5.30pm - 6pm
The Wednesday Word provides an excellent way for all parishioners to prepare
themselves prayerfully for the proclamation of the following Sunday Gospel.
FINANCE: Offertory Collection £3686.97. Many thanks. If you pay tax and have
not already taken out gift aid on your donation and wish to do so, please speak to one
of our priests. Doing so increases your donation by 25% at no expense to you, as we
claim that amount from the Inland Revenue.
Justice & Peace Commission survey about food poverty: Have you donated food to a
food bank in the last year, or helped to collect or distribute food to people in the local area
(Or do you regularly give money towards such things)?? The Justice & Peace Commission
are doing a survey in the Diocese today about this. There will be a short (2 min) talk after
each Mass. If you can spare five minutes after the talk- please complete a questionnaire.
These can be found at the back of both Churches.
Children’s Liturgy IHOM: Please remember Liturgy is for school age children in
Reception, YR1 and YR2. Parents of children intending to attend Liturgy, please
sign your children in at the back of church on arrival. Can parents also write their
child's FULL name on a piece of paper (next to sign in sheet) and give this to the child to
take to the hall with them. Children attending liturgy do not need pens, pencils, games or
toys. If your child returns from a liturgy session with a consent form please complete and
return it to the parish office.
Children's Liturgy Helpers: both liturgy groups at the IHOM and St Paul’s Church require more volunteers. If you feel you can give up one Sunday every 4/5weeks to help then
please contact the parish office for more details. Anybody volunteering will be required to
complete a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) form .
SPUC (Society for the protection of Unborn Children) after each mass today there
is a collection for SPUC—Baskets will be at the back of both Churches, there are information cards at the back of both Churches please take one and join in the campaign
“Prayers for Babies”
Catholic 18–30(ish) Parish Group: our next meeting will be on Sunday 18th January
after the 6.30pm evening Mass. If you would like the opportunity to meet, pray, socialise
and share the Catholic Faith with other young(ish) Catholics, please speak to one of the
priests or email Fr Michael ([email protected])
Churches Together in Roundhay: The next soup lunch for Christian Aid will be at St Andrew’s Church on Friday 16th January at 12.15pm. Everyone welcome.
A Mass for those coping with memory loss and their carers, families and friends:
The Parish SVP and Women's Group along with MAEcare and Leeds Irish Health and
Homes invite you to a special Mass aimed at those experiencing forgetfulness, on Thursday 29th January 12 noon followed by a light lunch in the Queens Hall. This monthly
event also welcomes those who may feel isolated or are housebound and would enjoy an
opportunity to socialise. For further details and any transport requirements, please contact
Hillary Wadsworth on 0113 226 3994.
Queen’s Hall Bar Lounge & Toilets: Over the next couple of months the Queen’s Hall bar
lounge will be decorated and reordered, the Ladies and Gents toilets will also be getting a
complete facelift as will the disabled toilet. Those groups who use the hall on an evening
will still be able to do so; during the work on the Ladies and Gents you will be able to use
the disabled toilet. Please bear with us during this time of disruption.