
March 2016
Led by Christ…Sharing Love…Serving All
With Our Family
The following friends need our prayers: Mary Martin, Stephanie
Martin, Marlou Dixon, Ron Powell, Kim Bothe, Erik Johnson, Cecelia
Bartley, Daniel West, Amy Chassereau, Peggy Brannan, Agnes Leister,
Susan Goralski, Meredith Newman, Melinda Russell, Colleen Guimes,
Roberta Florey, Eric Smith, Kim Durm, The Scott Family, Gail Claytor,
David Cary, Tom Wood, Leon Dykhuis, Brent Behringer, Caitlyn
Papsan, Ernest Hudiburgh, Carolyn Walker, Hilda Heckner, Gary
Eisenlohr, Dave Cosner, Josephine Melka and Tammy Durkin, Vera
Albright, Velma Dill, Zachary Tawney, Modesto Jarquin, Alyson
Geckle, Ken Hare, Mary Grantland, Ryan Cullison and his family.
Braeden William Poteet son of Dan and Garnett Poteet and grandson
of Dee Pumphrey was baptized on February 7th .
Wedding Anniversaries
Matthew & Rebecca Everhart their 2nd on March 1st
Thomas & Katherine Mathers their 67th on March 5th
David & Roxanne Shaffer their 35th on March 7th
Duane & Debbie Geisler their 19th on March 8th
Daniel & Karen Haab their 25th on March 9th
Jack & Penny Courtney their 29th on March 14th
Charles & Jamie Daniel their 8th on March 17th
Ronald & Frances Weiland their 57th on March 21st
Brian & Jennifer Murphy their 8th on March 29th
Anniversary Milstones
In celebration of their 60th anniversary a commemorate
tray was presented to Howard and Sandra Davis, and in
celebration of their 50th anniversary a commemorate bowl
was presented to Richard and Ginny Heckert and to Charles
and Sylvia Chaney
New Members
On February 28th we welcomed the following new members into our
St. John Family…..Gary & Linda Lester, Travis Fales, Robyn Powell,
Matt & Ashley Terpstra and their children Maddie and Brady and
Jennifer Mermod .
Church Humor
It was Palm Sunday but because of a sore throat, 5-year-old Johnny
stayed home from church with a sitter. When the family returned
home, they were carrying several palm fronds. Johnny asked them
what they were for. "People held them over Jesus' head as he
walked by," his father told him. "Wouldn't you know it," Johnny
fumed, "the one Sunday I don't go and he shows up."
Maria came home from Sunday School on Palm Sunday and told her
mother that she had learned a new song about a cross-eyed bear
named Gladly. It took her mother a while before she realized that the
hymn Maria had been singing was really: "Gladly The Cross I'd Bear."
One Easter Sunday morning as the pastor was preaching a children’s
sermon, he reached into his bag of props and pulled out an egg. He
pointed at the egg and asked the children, “What’s in here?”
“ I know, I know” a little boy exclaimed, “pantyhose”
On Easter Sunday the Reverend Jones announced to his
congregation, 'My good people, I have here in my hands three
sermons: a $100 sermon that lasts five minutes; a $50 sermon that
lasts fifteen minutes; and a $20 sermon that lasts a full hour.
Now, we'll take the collection and see which one I'll deliver.
From Our Pastor
Easter Hope
People in, around, and beyond St. John (Linthicum),
During this season of Lent, we have been focusing on 40 days of
giving through several avenues:
 Giving supplies for people recovering from addictions (which
are a form of hunger for something other than food),
 participating in a weekend famine with educational moments
and servant events, while not eating for 30 hours – all to raise
donations to feed hungry people through ELCA World
 getting a crazy haircut or hairstyle to encourage youth to care
about hungry people and to help with the fundraising efforts
of those youth, while having some fun together as a faith
 reading World Hunger’s Daily Devotional about giving
 attending the corresponding midweek Lenten study on
hunger-related matters, and
 giving up something negative and/or taking on something
As we transition into Easter, we celebrate the hope that we can
share with others as we respond to God’s call to feed the hungry,
including people such as Gilbert, as explained and shared in this
excerpt from session 1 of the ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving
Educational Series, page 4.
Because hunger and poverty are so often connected in a
community, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response
often work together to respond to a community’s needs. In the
following story, we will hear about the cooperative response the
ELCA is still supporting for people affected by Hurricane Sandy in
New York.
“I was in shock, barely living day to day,” Gilbert Johnson says
of the days and months after Hurricane Sandy tore a hole in his roof
and flooded his home in 2012. Legally blind, Gilbert was unable to fill
out forms and had found little help after talking with several people.
His home had no roof, his electricity and heat had been turned off,
and his septic tank had collapsed because of the storm. He had
almost given up hope.
Fortunately, Gilbert sought help again and found it from a
disaster case manager working with Lutheran Disaster Response. “I
was skeptical,” he says, “but [the disaster case manager] proved to
me that he will advocate for me – [that he was] on my side.” The case
manager and the long-term disaster recovery committee walked with
Gilbert on his journey to rebuild his home and his life. “I never could
have imaged this, it is better than I ever could have dreamed,” Gilbert
says. “Now I have hope.”
Thousands of people were in situations like Gilbert’s after the
storm. Lutheran Disaster Response, working through local partners, is
helping them recover, even now, more than three years after the
This long-term recovery will help ensure that residents of
New York, New Jersey and other areas affected will be able to
rebuild their lives. But for many, the immediate needs for food and
clothing are especially pressing.
To help meet these needs, Lutheran Social Services of New
York’s New LIFE Center food pantry on Long Island worked with
Lutheran Disaster Response case managers after the storm to
provide food for clients who lost their jobs, their homes or their
savings. Many of those who were already vulnerable to hunger
and poverty before the storm found themselves unable to provide
for their families afterward.
The long-term recovery efforts of Lutheran Disaster
Response partners gave them hope for tomorrow, and New LIFE
Center, supported by ELCA World Hunger, gave them hope – and
food – for today. For families with infants, the pantry also provides
baby clothes, wrapped up carefully in gift boxes.
Together, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster
Response accompany communities in the United States and around
the world to meet both immediate and long-term needs, long after
the news crews have left.
Thank you for helping to feed the hungry, have fun together as a
faith community, to inspire the next generation to care for the
hungry and hurting people around them, and for sharing Easter hope
with those who received what it has been given! Let’s join together
and celebrate Easter… every Sunday morning.
Happy Easter,
Pastor Mike
St. John is sponsoring 12 families for Easter. The signup sheet is
located on the back wall of the All-Purpose room. Non-perishable
donations may be left in the Adult Sunday School Room. Be sure to
mark your items “Easter Families”. Please have items to church by
Palm Sunday, March 20th. Monetary donations may be made by
using your pew envelope and marking it Easter Families.
Shelter Book Drive! During the month of March we are collecting
new or gently used books for the women and children’s shelter.
Novels, fiction or non-fiction, word search puzzles, books for
children, teens and moms are being collected. Donations may be left
in the box in the All-Purpose room marked ‘Book Drive’. We are also
collecting hand and body lotion and feminine hygiene products. All
are welcome to join us the last Saturday of the month, March 26 th as
we serve at the shelter. We meet at the church around 4:14 and car
pool to the shelter, returning around 7:30pm. If you have any
questions about the shelter, please contact any member of the
Outreach Ministry team.
Due to on-going renovations, the Bunny Breakfast has
been cancelled for this year.
Thanks to all who embraced the 40 days of Giving, Sharing God’s
Love and Blessings. During the 40 days of giving many cans of soup
were collected along with soap, blankets, cleaning supplies, socks and
much more! These items will be donated to those who are in various
states of recovery. All donations were greatly appreciated!
‘Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the
LORD your God which He has given you.’ (Deuteronomy,16: 17)
The winter months can be hard on us all. But can you imagine not
having shelter, or funding to pay the gas and electricity bill during the
bitter cold days we have experienced recently, or funding for
eyeglasses for your child. Over the past several weeks St. John has
assisted members in our community with shelter, food and
assistance with gas and electric bills. As a result our Mission fund is
running low. The Mission fund assists St. John with the many
Outreach and community projects we undertake. It helps with the
shelter, the families we sponsor for Easter, Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Not to mention gift cards for those knocking at our door
seeking food, assistance with shelter, from time to time assistance
with prescriptions, eye glasses and much more. In order for many of
these ministries to continue we need your help. We need your time
talents and treasures. Won’t you prayerfully consider how God is
calling you to use your blessings? Are you being called to
volunteer…do you have talents that could be used in Outreach
Ministry or can you help support this ministry of St. John financially.
Donations may be left in the Adult Sunday School Room, monetary
donations may be made by using your pew envelope and marking it
Mission Fund. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the
Outreach Ministry projects or have ideas for new ones, please see
any member of the Outreach Ministry team: Mary Martin, Pam
Weammert, Rich Filkins, MaryKay Grantland, Evelyn Walsh, Carolyn
Walker, Dean Shifflet or Tami Jones. Outreach meets the second
Monday of the month in the Adult Sunday School room at 7:00pm.
From The Office
To Contact the office with general information
matters (bulletins, announcement, Evangel,
prayers list, service participant, etc.) email should be sent to
[email protected]. To access the Administrative Assistant directly
those emails should be sent to [email protected].
We print the weekly bulletins and announcements on Wednesday. If
you have an article that you want in the bulletin please have it to us
no later then 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday.
On the first Sunday of each month, you are invited to join the “Inky
Fingers” Fellowship in the All Purpose Room from 10 a.m. to Noon.
Anyone interested in putting the cards together can participate - no
experience or tools necessary. Sample cards and materials will be
provided. For every 3 cards that you assemble, you get to keep one.
The remaining cards will be used in several ways: some will be
shipped overseas for our troops to mail back to their families; some
will be sent to our members who need to know that we care, and
some of the cards will be displayed in the All Purpose Room for the
congregation to pick up when they need a card. Money will be
collected on the honor system, and a donation of $3 per card or two
for $5 is suggested. Money collected for the cards will be used to
order more supplies. For more information, contact Maryann Gapsis
at 410-859-1198 or [email protected].
If you have a prayer concern for anyone - friend or
family - you can either contact Carl Fuehrer, 301-7255621 or the church office via phone call, 410-8590020 or place a message in the Sunday offering plate.
There is also a prayer board near the back entrance to
the church. Please stop a moment to add your concern to that
board, and pray for others in need.
St. John’s Prayer Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6 to
7 p.m. You are welcome to join us as we pray for our church, our
congregation, and our community. Contact Carroll Paul, 410-8590891.
How does Peer to Prayer work?
When someone comes for prayer, they are met by the team.
We listen to their request and ask any clarifying questions.
We may hold hands or place hands on each other’s shoulder.
Depending on the request, team members will pray asking for
God to give guidance, discernment, strength, and/or comfort.
Team members may also praise God for thanksgivings and
Sometimes the person requesting prayer will also join in and
pray, but only if the person wants to.
You are cordially invited to celebrate BIRTHDAYS at March's
Senior Fellowship Luncheon on, Wednesday, March 2nd at Noon in
the AP Room. We'll celebrate everyone's birthday with great
fellowship and a birthday party - party foods & birthday cake! Don't
forget to bring a 'present' – personal toiletry items for the women
and children at Christ Lutheran Church's Shelter. Why not invite a
friend to come along, too? The more the merrier at parties!!
See you then! Happy Birthday to YOU!
A Blessing at St John
It is hard to find anything that is unconditional.
Everything seems to have strings attached to it. Yet
God’s love is unconditional – we don’t have to earn it
or achieve it to receive it.
At times, however, we can feel quite removed from God’s
unconditional love. We can feel guilty, undeserving, or downright
‘unlovable’. At those times, Stephen Ministers can help. They are
trained to listen and care in a nonjudgmental way, focusing on letting
Christ’s unconditional love flow through them and into the life of
their care receiver.
If you or someone you know has been struggling with guilt or feeling
unlovable and would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry
please contact one of the Stephen Leaders: Marjie 410-969-6059, Bill
410-274-3921 or Sandy 410-456-3019. Please keep our Stephen
Ministry team and their care receivers in your prayers.
FLOWERS: You can dedicate the altar flowers in honor of, or in
memory of a loved one – all you need to do is call the church office
or email [email protected], with the wording for your dedication. The
altar flowers cost $50 for both vases or $25 for one, and you can take
them home when services are done on Sunday. We do not have altar
flowers during Lent, but if you would like to place a memorial during
that time you can donate to the Flower Fund and the donation will
be printed in the bulletin and Evangel.
EASTER LILLIES: please call (410-859-0020) or email
([email protected]) the office to place your order for Easter lilies. The
cost is $10.
St. John’s Mothers Of Preschoolers are
beginning their second semester meetings
which are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays
of each month from 7:00-9:00 pm. Informal
fellowship, as well as crafts and discussions
are conducted in a nonthreatening
atmosphere. Moms share their personal
journeys and learn from each other as they
explore this year’s theme, “A Fierce Flourishing.”
Please extend an invitation to family members, friends and neighbors
who have young children from conception through kindergarten to
try out this group. Childcare is provided.
For more information visit or email [email protected]
High School nights are every Wednesday 7pm. Keep an eye on the
St. John Youth Facebook page for details.
2016 SJLC Youth Mission Trip: June 19 - 24 in Raleigh, NC
youth completing 8th grade and older. Cost is around $160 per
person. More information at:
During the week, students may serve all or part of the week at a food
shelf, clothing distribution center, soup kitchen, children’s program,
or elderly care facilities.
Sign up today! Please respond by February 14th.
Allen Jones ([email protected])
Katrina Corley ([email protected])
Classes will be held on
Friday, March 4th, 6:30 – 8:00, Friday, March 11th 6:30 – 8:00 and Saturday,
March 19th 9:00 – 10:30. Parents are encouraged to attend these classes
along with their child.
Please join us for our “Connections” gathering if you desire to
connect with others from St. John as we fellowship around the Word
of God – applying it to our circumstances and caring for one another
by listening and praying for each other. You don’t have to be familiar
with scripture. We are relaxed and enjoy one another. 10:30 a.m.
on Sundays is the time. The Youth Room is the place.
SEMINARY GUEST SPEAKER: On Sunday, April 10th, The Rev. Dr.
Angela W. Zimmann, Advancement and Communication Executive;
Visiting Professor of Preaching will be our guest speaker. In addition to
her role in the Office of Seminary Advancement, Dr. Zimmann assists
the dean and faculty in a new, Lilly endowment funded "Abundant
Life" project, designing innovative curricular approaches to make
theological education at Gettysburg more accessible and affordable.
Most recently, Zimmann served in Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine as
Pastor and Special Assistant to Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, President
of the Lutheran World Federation. She has also served as a leader of
the English congregation at Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem.
She has also served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Riga, MI,
ran for congress in the 5th District of Ohio, and worked part time for
Bowling Green University. She has taught preaching courses at
Gettysburg Seminary occasionally since 2007.
Zimmann is married to the Rev. Martin Otto Zimmann, also an
ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and
together have two children, Seth and Chelsea.
Volunteers are needed to serve as Lay Assistants and Communion
Assistants at the 9:15 and 11:00 services. If you would like to assist
please fill out the back of the yellow sheet and place it in the offering
plate or contact the office at ([email protected] or 410-859-0020).
Man, am I pumped to be here at St. John helping with the worship
department and specifically the 9:15 worship service! You guys have
made me feel more than welcome as I am getting “settled in,” and I
know there is more to come as I meet several more new faces every
As the music team and the 9:15 worshippers get used to me being a
part of the team, I want to respond to the concern recently brought
to me that the volume of contemporary music is louder. I have
found many instances in the Bible where worship is larger and
grander than our experience here on Earth. Things that are alive in
God grow. We have already added some new members to the
“CrosSing” music team, and I expect that many more of your friends
and neighbors will be eager to get involved on the team in the near
What happens as more people are added to the team is that the
sound gets larger. More people involved means more depth to our
creativity and more nuance to our worship sound. Two things will
happen here: first, there will be some people who hear the larger
sound, and think we are louder. While the sound team may
inadvertently turn the volume up on a song here or there, the larger
sound fills more space and can be interpreted by some as louder. As
the team grows, we want to reflect our large relationship with a big
God who loves us; feel free to come out any Tuesday night at 7pm to
get involved.
St. John, you sing so well as a congregation – a wonderful legacy
from Susan Hrybyk’s ministry among you. I want to enhance this
singing at the 9:15 hour through some coming adaptations to how
we set up in the chancel area. Hopefully, you will first notice that
there are more smiles on the worship team faces (as if they could
even smile any bigger than they already do!). Second, take note of
the disappearance of that wall of music stands, which will help us get
better and better at learning these engaging new songs together.
Finally, I invite you to join me on Tuesday nights in March, 5:30-6:30
over dinner in the all-purpose room (kitchen area off of the
sanctuary). Let’s get to know each other better. Please bring your
comments, concerns and/or compliments directly to me and
encourage others to bring their opinions to the Tuesday night
Man I am excited for this St. John experience! You guys are becoming
a real blessing to me quickly, and I can't wait to see all that God is
going to do and has done already here in our midst! Have a great
week! Cool.
-- Drew Parrish
May 11, 2016
To: American Music Theater
Show: Crooners
Leave: 7:45 a.m. St. John’s Parking Lot
(Park along fence in back lot)
Return: Approx. 6 p.m.
Cost: $80
Includes: Lunch at Shady Maple
Show and all Tips
(Bus Drivers also)
Payment due by Sunday April 3, 2016
Make checks payable to: St. John WELCA
To be put on list please sign sheet on WELCA bulletin
board located
In the All Purpose room or call Pat Dougherty, 410-8590425
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 12 th at 10:00 a.m.
We will be making Easter candy the weeks of March 7th and March
14th from 9:30 to 5:00. Many hands are needed. The Anne Arundel
Cluster will be held here on Saturday, April 9th and our speaker will
be MaryAnn Gapsis talking about the Card Ministry. We continue
with our clothes sorting on the third Thursday of each month. All
women of St. John are welcome!
So far this school year we have provided 204 bags of food to North
County students. Last school year we provided a total of 396 food
bags. This is impressive and is only possible due to the
congregation's generosity and living out our mission –
Led by Christ...Sharing love...Serving all.
Here is a total list of all food items we provide:
canned chicken breast and tuna, Vienna sausages, Chef
Boyar dee or Spaghettio's etc., Knoor's rice/pasta sides, small
cans/cups of vegetables, cups of pudding/fruit/applesauce,
oatmeal/Grits packets, individual boxes of raisins, spaghetti sauce
6oz. cans tomato paste, small box of Hormel
pepperoni, boxes of pasta for spaghetti, small jars of peanut butter
boxes or cups of mac & Cheese, snacks, popcorn, hot chocolate
packets, dry milk packets, individual cups of cereal, small cans
baked beans , Ramen noodles, box of Zatarain’s Beans and Rice
Thank you all for embracing this ministry!
The GFWC Woman’s Club of Linthicum Heights
Invites high school seniors residing in zip code 21090 to apply for
three $1,500 scholarships. In the past, these scholarships
were available only to those attending North County
High School. The club has expanded eligibility to those
students living in the Linthicum zip code who attend
other public or private schools. And it has increased the
scholarship amount from $1,000 to $1,500.
Scholarship applications are available at high school guidance offices
or by contacting Shirley Beck, Scholarship Chair, 410-789-1577 or
[email protected]. All applications must be postmarked no later
than April 1, 2016. The scholarships are non-renewable. The
awardee must attend an accredited college, university or trade
school within a year of graduating from high school.
Save the Date!!
Vacation Bible School!
Ages 3 years through 5th grade
July 11th – 15th
9:00a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Only $10.00 for a week of fun, making new friends and learning
about Jesus!
St. John Lutheran Church
300 West Maple Road
Linthicum Heights, MD
Download registration form online:
Stop by the office and pick up a registration form!
To the Members of St. John,
Thank you for your prayers during my short hospital stay. It was nice
to know that so many of you expressed your concern to my wife and
family. Please continue your prayers during my recovery.
Bill King
…And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm…
Such meaningful words in a powerful song by Casting Crowns. As we
dealt with Brent's medical crisis and the roller-coaster of hospitals tests -doctors - surgery - medicines - and recovery - our hearts were
torn and we were often afraid over these past couple months. We
know, now more than ever, that we praise our Lord Jesus Christ even
in the middle of the storm. Thanks to you, our dear SJLC family, we
truly felt the presence and love of our Savior reflected in the
outpouring of prayers and support that kept us strong through this
journey. You reflected Jesus through your actions, kindness, and
love and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your
encouragement, meals, and cards that all came when we needed
these most. And we so appreciate Pastor’s Mike and Meheret for
their steadfast spiritual pastoral support especially during our more
challenging moments. Just as the beautiful prayer shawls wraps us in
warmth and comfort, your support warms our souls and enables us
to continue to praise him as Brent works toward full recovery. We so
humbly recognize that many in our SJLC family are dealing with their
own "storms" and we pray for peace and strength for all.
…And every tear I've cried - you hold in your hand. You never left
my side....Casting Crowns
Yes - we will praise him even in the storms. Amen!
In Christ's Love,
Terri Kellogg and Bob Behringer
Gifts to the General Fund
To the glory of God by Susan Kurz
In loving memory of Norma Fink by Janice Brennan
To the glory of God by Wilfred Schmidt
Gifts to the Music Fund
In memory of my “card playing” dear friend Ken Farinholt by Ronald
Gifts to the Capital Fund
In loving memory of our dear friend Joe Zeleny on the first
anniversary of his death on February 26th by Stan and Pat Dougherty
Prayer Shawl Ministry
“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants
His footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm."
"God Moves in a Mysterious Way" a Christian hymn written in 1773
by William Cowper from England. The title of this hymn has been
used as an expression of praise after God has done something that
cannot be explained. We know that God does move in mysterious
ways often working through others. Today some one who is not a
member of St. John dropped off four large bags of yarn. Maybe this
person heard about our Prayer Shawl Ministry and was moved to
give us this unexpected gift. What a blessing for the Prayer Shawl
Ministry's knitters and crocheters who use a lot of yarn for the
shawls and Baptism blankets. Thank you!
If bad weather makes travel to St. John treacherous (snow, ice) a
decision on whether or not to cancel Sunday services will be made by
6:45 a.m.
The cancellation will be posted immediately on as many media sites
as possible, including local TV stations, and radio stations WBAL 1090
AM, and WRBS 1230 AM. Our webmaster will also post cancellation
news on the church website: An email will be sent to
congregation members who have provided an email address.
Our standing policy for weekday or weeknight activities is as
follows: if school is cancelled in Anne Arundel County, all daytime
and evening activities are cancelled.
In rare instances, a storm may cause a power outage at St. John,
meaning no heat/AC or lights. In those circumstances, if you call the
church office, 410-859-0020, and the answering machine does not
come on, then the church has no power and church activities are
Wednesday March 2nd
Senior Fellowship....................................................................12 p.m.
Lenten Supper............................................................................6 p.m.
Lenten Service...........................................................................7 p.m.
Wednesday March 9th
Bible Study...............................................................................11 a.m.
Lenten Supper............................................................................6 p.m.
Lenten Service............................................................................7 p.m.
Wednesday March 16th
Bible Study...............................................................................11 a.m.
Lenten Supper...........................................................................6 p.m.
Lenten Service...........................................................................7 p.m.
Passion/Palm Sunday March 20th
Services........................................................8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11 a.m.
Maundy Thursday March 24th
Services……………………………………………………………………..10 a.m., 7 p.m.
Good Friday March 25th
Cross Walk…………………………………………………………………………….….Noon
Service………………………………………………………………………………….…7 p.m.
Easter Sunday March 27th
Services…………………………………………………….8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11 a.m.