School Magazine Nov 14


School Magazine Nov 14
November 2014
Inside this edition:
Children in Need
 KS4 Rewards Evening
 Skipping to support
British Heart foundation
 Deep Learning Day
 Plus
loads more!
Children in Need
By Joshua Forster
What is Children in Need?
Children in Need started on 21
November 1980. Children in Need
is a charity for disadvantaged
children and young people right
here in the UK. Its vision is that
every child in the UK has a
childhood which is:
 Safe
 Happy and Secure
 Allows them the chance to
reach their potential
What can I do to help?
You could hold a garage sale, bun
sale and much more to raise
money for this amazing charity.
Anything even as simple as making
a donation to your local charity.
You could also dress up in spots
or fancy dress to celebrate
Children in Need. Team Howden
held a non uniform day and bun
sale to support this fantastic day
and we have so far raised over
£619.00 .
Meet your reporters
These are just a few of our Team
Talk journalists. They are ready
and waiting for your stories.
If you have something that you
would like to see reported in our
magazine, please see one of the
journalists, see Miss Bardell, or
get your tutor to contact Miss
Our journalists are also going to
be involved in the BBC School
Report News Day in March.
If you are interested in becoming
a journalist, pop along on a
Thursday lunchtime in room 8 (1212:30) for more information.
Sports Ambassadors
This year the applications for
sports ambassadors have broken
the record. There were many
applications that were simplified
to 30 interviews. Everyone
passed. Sports Ambassadors are
there to help raise awareness of
sports in school. This term they
have been raising money for the
British Heart Foundation.
The British Heart Foundation is a
charity raising awareness of
different heart diseases like
cardiac arrest. To raise money
the sports ambassadors did a
skipathon all day on Friday 21st
November 2014. Throughout the
day they did different skipping
activities. These were:
Period 1: Practice a skipping
dance, Period 2: Skipping Circuit,
Period 3: Skipping dance
competition, Period 4: Skipping
Relay, Period 5: Continuous
They were sponsored for these
events and 20% of the money
goes to school funds and the
remaining 80% goes to the
British Heart Foundation.
By Summer Bruce
Deep Learning Day
Last month our school had a Deep Learning day,.
Year 7 designed a cancer curing Nano Robot, Year 8
had a ‘Pantomime day’, Year 9 experienced ‘Prison
me No Way’, and KS4 students worked hard in core
Year 8 have to perform their Christmas panto in
front of the other year 8 classes on Friday 12
On the day we read through our scripts for the first
time and altered pieces, like some of the dialogue
that we didn’t like. I spoke to two year 8 students
who both said how much they enjoyed it,
“It was good to take part over a full day because
you could really get stuck in and enjoy acting at the
end of the day. However we wish it was over two
days because we enjoyed it that
Everyone seemed to enjoy their day whatever their
role, and we can’t wait to perform our pantos in
front of each other.
The Police and Crime commissioner, Matthew Grove,
joined Year 9 students in a series of workshops with
the aim of raising awareness among young people
about the causes, consequences and penalties of
Howden Joinery sent a team to work with our Year 7
students to design, build and develop a prototype
Nano Robot. Each
team has to give a
presentation which
is judged by the
Howden Joinery
Team. The winning
team each received
an ipod shuffle.
Story by Stuart Brown
The Great British Bake Off (Team Howden Style)
Many decorated buns were handed in at the Great
British Bake Off competition held in the Halloween
period, the buns were definitely scary! They were
judged by our very own Mary Berry, (Mrs Morris)
and Paul Hollywood, (Mr Taylor the caretaker), who
graded the buns on their looks and taste. They chose
a winner which they said was very difficult. The
winner was Maisie Tipping in Year 7 , closely followed
by Cameron Hardy in Year 9 ,with a special award to
Max Wybrant for the most original presentation.
Afterwards students were given the option to
purchase the buns at 20p and 50p. The money
raised was divided between a charity of the school’s
choice and the technology department.
Story by Josh Forster
The last week of half term saw all of Year 7 and
school by being chosen by their tutors. Pictured
selected students from years 8 to 11 receive sweets below are our happy Year 7s celebrating their
as a way of rewarding their excellent attitude to
Platform 2014 Education Day
16 Year 9 boys, plus Miss Carter
and Mr Storey, attended the 5th
regional digital creativity event
held at Hull College Campus and
The Guildhall, Hull.
students studying games
development who introduced us
to the new games they had
created. We also looked at the
history and progression of video
games (mainly played on a lot of
When we went – Friday 14th
What it is – Platform 2014 is the
region’s biggest video game and
digital creativity event whose
goal it is to create a new national
and international hub of game
makers and creative digital
content developers in our region .
What the students did – Worked
with Raspberry Pi, programming
with Pygame and GameMaker,
played Lego robot wars and met
with local games developers and
Remembrance Day
Every year since 1919 we have always had a two
minute silence for those who fought for us in World
War 1 and 2. The
reason we have
Remembrance Day on
the 11th is because the
Germans decided that
we stopped fighting at
the 11th minute of the
11th hour of the 11th day
of the 11th month (11:11
11/11). The 2 minutes of silence was asked from King
George V and to honour and respect the many
solders. The war of Flanders had taken place in a
poppy field, so that is why poppies are the symbol
of this special day and have been since 1920. There
are other poppy
colours for different
reasons: Red- the
blood from the
solders in the great
wars; purple – to
represent the animals
who also died in the
wars and finally the
white poppy which is for the people who dislike war
and conflict. May the solders be respected forever!
Story by Elizabeth and Emma
Key Stage 4 HETA Apprenticeship event
Year 11 students interested in gaining an apprenticeship in engineering were given the opportunity to
come along to workshop run by HETA. They were given the challenge of creating a working wind turbine
in just 20 minutes, working in teams, to show initiative and team working skills. Bellow you can see a
selection of students hard at work.
Japanese Club
Japanese Club started in January
2013 and runs on a Monday dinner
In September 2014 they were
awarded a grant of £607 to run
accreditation for the club. There are
roughly 10 students who participate,
mainly Year 8 and 9 students. During
the club you get to learn some
If you are interested in joining the
club you need to see Mrs Roberts.
Story by Tommy Bird
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
As I’m sure you are all well aware, Christmas is fast approaching. So
this month’s writing competition has got a Christmas theme. The
winning entry (or entries) will win a fantastic prize as well as having
their work published in the December edition of the magazine.
The task choices are:
A Christmas themed poem
A short story based on Christmas – 500 words max
A Christmas song/rap
Entries need to be passed on to Miss Bardell (room 8). You have until
Friday 5th December to complete your entries. Good luck!
Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches
during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues,
such as prostate cancer and other male cancers, and associated charities.
By encouraging men to get involved. Movember aims to increase early
cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce
the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual
check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages
men to be aware of family history of cancer and to
adopt a healthier lifestyle. Story by Sadie Brown
KS4 Presentation Evening
Thursday 20th November saw staff and former students
attend the KS4 presentation evening at Howden Minster. Mr
Garghan made a special trip to present the students with
their GCSE certificates.
Fun Facts!
Most people blink more than 14000 times a day!
Pelicans can hold 11 litres of water (the equivalent
of 32 cans of pop) in their bills.
Turtles the size of small cars roamed earth 60
million years ago.
The South Pole is colder than the North Pole.
A Bit of Fun! An Author’s Quiz
By Elizabeth Reeves
which year?
12. One of Charles Dickens was
published in 1843 but what was its
David Copperfield
A Christmas Carol
3. Who wrote the series about a kid
Oliver Twist
who had a diary?
13. Bilbo Baggins is the character
Greg Heffty
out of The Hobbit but who published
Jeff Kinney
Ed Sheeran
17. Which one of William
Shakespeare’s books were
published in 1597?
Romeo and Juliet
18. Who was the man who published
‘Clifford the big red dog?’
Norman Bridwell
14. Ian Fleming wrote the James
4. Who was the lady who created
Bond series but he also wrote what  Jack Bealbe
Peter Rabbit?
19. What series of books did Roger
other famous book?
5. How many books has Jacqueline
Hargreaves write?
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Wilson sold?
Mr Men
Mr Tod
Over 14 million
Milly Molly Mandy
The Mad Mob
Over 140 million
15. How many books did Roald Dahl  Disney books
3 million
20. Who did J.K. Rowling’s
6. What is the latest book by David
character, Harry Potter, marry?
50 books
Hermione Granger
48 books
7. Which author created a comedy  32 books
Ginny Weasley
about a group of meerkats?
Hethel Hufflepuff
16. When was Michael Mopogo’s
8. Who wrote a dairy in World War novel ‘the wreak of Zanzibar’
Seleena Gomez
7 6
Anne Frank
6 7
Queen Elizabeth II
9. Cathy Cassidy named a group of
girls after what?
2 9
7 4 8
2 3 9
3 7
10. ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ is a great
family film but who originally wrote
the book?
1. What were Enid Blyton’s famous
Fantastic 4
Famous 5
Nasty 9
2. What is the title of the 11 book of
the Beast Quest (Adam Blade)
11. Edgar Rice Burrough created a
story about a man in a jungle but
By Sadie
Sports News
Year 7 Rugby – Leo Bird
Tuesday 11th November
Today at rugby we won two and
lost two. We played very well.
The teams were Wolfreton A and
Wolfreton B, also Goole and
Cottingham. The people who went
Leo Bird
Ki Anderson
Ben Coates
Josh Malcolmson
Matthew Creaser
Jack Mounser
Charley Stanley
Alex Priestley
Fraser Cowan
Owen Ainsley
Ben Brown
Sam Rewcastle
Kyle Dickinson
Toby Norton
Liam Hudson
Lewis Thackray
We played very well as a team
and there was some good passing On Friday 28th November the
Year 7 boys and girls football
between us.
teams were participating in the
Year 11 Rugby—Sky Sports
East Riding 5 a side competition.
Living for Sport
Last month saw a
Sky Sports mentor
come into school
to work with some
of our Year 11 boys.
The boys really got
a lot out of the
Volley Ball
Every Friday
Get changed at the changing rooms
then go to the Sports Hall.
Quotes from some of the Team Howden Volley ball players
“ It’s great, I really enjoy it! ” Katie Y8 . “ Helps with teamwork and
learning new skills. It is good for all ages. ” Stacey Y10 . “I enjoy the
matches because it gives you a chance to get a feeling of the matches in
the tournaments.” Elizabeth Y7.
Key Dates:
 Carol Singing at Howden late night opening, Thursday 4 December
 School closed for training day, Friday 5 December
 Deep Learning Day 2 and Prom fair, Wednesday 10 December
 GCSE/Btec Pe residential, Thursday 11 to Friday 12 December
 Year 8 Panto Day, Friday 12 December
 Christmas Lunch in the canteen, Wednesday 17 December
 Year 7 Panto Trip, Thursday 18 December
 School Closes for Christmas, 19 December
 School reopens , Tuesday 6 January 2015