All Critters Great And Small
All Critters Great And Small
6/26/2014 ALL CRITTERS GREAT AND SMALL (SOME NOT SO BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL!) Phil Gliebe NMRA National Convention Cleveland, Ohio With Apologies to James Herriot ! July 14th, 2014 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Motivation Scales and Gauges HOn30 Critters On30 Critters Some “big” Critters Parting Thoughts 2 MOTIVATION Inspired by narrow gauge logging, mining, quarry applications Provide motive power for a narrow gauge branch line to existing standard gauge layout Build models that aren’t available off the shelf Personalize for your railroad Make reliability and maintainability important features – choose smooth running mechanisms, design them to easily be easily taken apart for maintenance 3 1 6/26/2014 SCALES AND GAUGES HOn30 – HO scale (1/87) narrow gauge with a “scaled” 30 inch track gauge N-gauge track is approximately 30 inches in full scale when using an HO scale factor – 87:1 On30 – O scale (1/48) narrow gauge with a “scaled” 30 inch track gauge HO-gauge track is approximately 30 inches in full scale when using an O-scale factor – 48:1 It’s great fun to dream up narrow gauge locomotive concepts in HO scale using N-scale locomotive drive mechanisms, or in O scale using HO-scale mechanisms – That’s what this clinic is all about! 4 HON30 CRITTERS I’VE BUILT Need locomotive designs for narrow gauge applications – industrial, quarry, mining, and logging, for example. Five designs developed: 0-4-0 Plymouth Diesel Critter 0-6-0 Caterpillar Diesel Critter 0-6-0 Plymouth Twin Diesel Critters British “Hybrid” Diesel Critter “Down & Dirty” Diesel Critter 4-axle Center Cab “Big” Critter 5 DIESEL “CRITTER” 0-4-0 LOCOMOTIVE Uses an N-Scale Bachmann 0-4-0 Docksider Steam Locomotive Mechanism Chassis/Frame built using Styrene Strip Added a Funero & Camerlengo Plymouth Switcher “Flat Car Load” kit for superstructure and miscellaneous parts My first attempt at kit-bashing a locomotive, but not the best-running locomotive ! 6 2 6/26/2014 HON30 CRITTER – STARTING POINT Bachmann N-scale “Docksider” Chassis F&C dummy Plymouth switcher kit Styrene strip Microtrains N-scale couplers F&C frame trimmed, styrene strip added to allow tight fit of Bachmann chassis into frame. New end beam assemblies made from styrene strip with coupler pockets to hold MT couplers. 7 HON30 CRITTER – CHASSIS DETAILS Note – pistons, drive rods and side rods were removed from Bachmann Chassis, and lead weight added to nose of F&C cab. 8 HON30 CRITTER - ASSEMBLY DETAILS Hole for motor shaft clearance All assembly done with drilled and tapped holes for 2-56 machine screws 9 3 6/26/2014 HON30 CRITTER - ASSEMBLY DETAILS, CONT’D. Details added from “scrap box” – headlight, muffler, air tank, tool box, etc. Final locomotive can be disassembled easily for maintenance and repair 10 DIESEL CRITTER LESSONS LEARNED…. Don’t use a Bachmann N-scale 0-4-0 mechanism! This mechanism runs well at two speeds: zero and fast – not a good switch engine! Find a mechanism that has smooth, slowrunning characteristics Make sure the locomotive is adequately weighted 11 HON30 0-6-0 DIESEL SWITCHER Chassis Starting Point – Lifelike 0-6-0T N scale Locomotive – much better running mechanism! Used an N-Scale Life Like 0-6-0T mechanism and build a styrene frame around it. Side rods retained per some prototype “critters” Funero & Camerlengo “Caterpillar” Diesel Flat Car Load used for cab/hood, end beams and end steps, etc. See article in Railroad Model Craftsman, March 2011, for details 12 4 6/26/2014 THE 0-6-0 DIESEL SWITCHER, CONT’D. Modified Funero & Camerlengo Diesel Switcher Dummy Kit to fit the new Chassis Added Microtrains N-scale 1023 couplers 13 0-6-0 DIESEL SWITCHER LOCOMOTIVE SUB-ASSEMBLIES 14 0-6-0 SWITCHER COMPLETED LOCOMOTIVE • Added handrails • Added Bell and horn • Added headlight • Glazed windows • Painted MILW Orange • Light weathering • Added figures 15 5 6/26/2014 0-6-0 SWITCHER COMPLETED LOCOMOTIVE, CONT’D. Decorated as a “could-have-been” modernized power unit for the Milwaukee Road Narrow Gauge Line, formerly the Bellevue and Cascade Railroad Mechanism runs well, has good slow-running performance needed for switching operations 16 TWIN PLYMOUTHS Inspired to build a twin Plymouth locomotive set for “could-have-been” replacement of Forneys on a Maine 2-ft. railroad (for the Great Lakes HOn30 modular Layout) Bachmann MDT Plymouth N-Scale mechanism has good running properties, compact, would be a good replacement for the Bachmann 0-4-0 mechanism Funero & Camerlengo Plymouth “flat car load” shells chosen as basis for bodies See article in Railroad Model Craftsman, February 2014, for details 17 TWIN PLYMOUTH CHASSIS & BODY Chassis built of styrene, press fit over mechanism Body cab cut away to clear motor Cab extension built from sheet styrene to cover motor 18 6 6/26/2014 THE COMPLETED MODELS “BERT & ERNIE” • • • • Painted Pullman Green, lightly weathered Numbered 5 and 6 for “Bert” and “Ernie,” respectively Hand rails made from 0.015 bronze wire Added rear tool box, window glazing, horns, bells and headlights 19 BERT & ERNIE ON THE JOB! 20 BRITISH “HYBRID” CRITTER Inspired by an article in Railway Modeller Magazine, March 2013, published by Peco in England Utilizes the Bachmann MDT 0-6-0 N Scale Plymouth as basis New cab, end beams, radiator, muffler and exhaust were made of styrene 21 7 6/26/2014 RM CRITTER – THE BEGINNINGS 22 RM CRITTER NEW CAB BUILD • • • • Styrene cab made from 0.020” sheet styrene Has both inner and outer side walls to provide door and window Existing body cab was cut off above the window line Cab fits over existing body casting 23 RM CRITTER – ADDED DETAILS • • • • Side rails made from styrene I-beam stock New end beams made from styrene NBW castings added to end beams New radiator made from styrene strip and sheet stock 24 8 6/26/2014 RM CRITTER FINAL DETAILS • Sprayed with primer undercoat • Brush-painted using acrylic craft paints – green, red, black, yellow • Weathered using dry-brushing and thin washes • Added a Driver • Exhaust made from styrene tubing and sprue leftovers • Added headlight and horn 25 THE COMPLETED “BRITISH HYBRID” 26 A “DOWN & DIRTY” CRITTER A partially built body, somewhat warped and distorted, that originally came as a kit by Mocalova Model Works, no longer in business, and given to me as a “gift”??? (Okay, smarty, let’s see if you can do anything with this!”) I discovered that it fits on a Bachmann MDT Plymouth 0-6-0 N scale mechanism! Became a “guinea pig” for practicing “old, beat-up look” weathering! Had to remove existing end beams and fabricate new ones from strip styrene, unwarp the poorly assembled body. 27 9 6/26/2014 0-6-0 “DOWN & DIRTY” CRITTER • Added new exhaust stack from styrene tubing • Added hand rails made from Phosphor-Bronze wire • Added cab steps from scrap ladder stock, new end beams from styrene, and cab horn from scrap box • Weathered look applied using thinned washes and dry-brushing 28 A “BIG” LITTLE CRITTER Decided to try a 4-axle HOn30 locomotive center-cab diesel Mechanism: Atlas GP-9 N-scale chassis Body: Two F&C Caterpillar switcher shells Scratch-built styrene frame 29 CONCEPT BEGINNINGS N-scale GP-9 shell removed, cab from one shell cut off, frame and deck to be built from styrene sheet and strip 30 10 6/26/2014 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Frame and deck made of 0.040” styrene sheet, framed and stiffened with strip, side rails made of I-beam strip. 31 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, CONT’D. Body shell and extra hood mated, new windows made in rear of cab to match front, assembly mated to frame and chassis Hand rails made from bronze wire, steps from brass ladder stock. F&C end beams installed, end steps made from styrene strip. 32 HON30 (“ALMOST”) COMPLETED MODEL 33 11 6/26/2014 ON30 CRITTERS I’VE BUILT Motivated by a fascination with On30 and the availability of conversion kits for locomotives and rolling stock. So far, I’ve built the following: 2-Axle end cab critter 4-axle center cab “big” critter British hybrid diesel critter Steam Dummy Critter 34 ON30 2-AXLE END CAB CRITTER Mechanism – Bachmann HO 44 Ton switcher power truck (older version with two motors) Body – Boulder Valley Models “Mega Midget” conversion kit Added features – exhaust pipe, bell, horns, headlight, engineer, radiator, tool box, etc. Pretty much built per BVM instructions, but forgot to take pictures of intermediate steps! 35 ON30 2-AXLE END CAB CRITTER – FINISHED MODEL 36 12 6/26/2014 ON30 2-AXLE CRITTER COMPLETED MODEL, CONT’D. First attempt at a detailed interior O scale is BIG! I can actually see all the details I added! Very pleased with Boulder Valley model kits, had to try more, so…… 37 ON30 4-AXLE CENTER CAB “BIG” CRITTER Mechanism – Bachmann HO 44 Ton Switcher (later model with single motor) Body – Boulder Valley Models Center Cab Critter conversion kit Added features – hand rails, radiators, exhaust pipes, headlights, horns, bell, engineer & conductor, tool boxes, re-railers, coils of rope, shovels, etc. 38 ON30 4-AXLE CENTERCAB CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Remove cab, end beams, skirts, etc. – build new deck Add BVM end beams, styrene, I-beam side rails BVM cab, styrene radiators & headlight housings 39 13 6/26/2014 ON30 4-AXLE CENTER CAB FINISHED MODEL • Exhausts from styrene tubing • Handrails made from Phosphorbronze wire • Horns & Bell from BVM detail parts • Added tool boxes and tools, coils of wire, rerailers, etc. • Added engineer & conductor 40 BRITISH “HYBRID” ON30 CRITTER Since Bachmann makes the MDT Plymouth in both N and HO scale, it stands to reason that the Railway Modeller article critter for HOn30 could also be made in On30, right? 41 RM ON30 CRITTER CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Mechanism – Bachmann HO MDT Plymouth Chassis Body – kit bash using scratch-built cab, frame, end beams, radiator, etc. Added features – exhaust pipe & muffler, engineer, tool box, hand rails, horn, bell, etc. Disassembly was easier, cab snaps off, no need to saw it off as was the case for the HOn30 conversion. 42 14 6/26/2014 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, CONT’D. Drew cab parts on a sheet of 0.040” styrene, scaled to O-scale size. Cut out windows and door openings before cutting “parts apart.” Tip: I found it easier to score along the outline of an opening, but then cut diagonals across the opening, and then snap out the resulting triangles. 43 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, CONT’D. Added styrene I-beam strip stock to frame sides Framed all window and door openings with 0.030” strip styrene Fabricated new end beams from styrene strip and sheet material, added NBW castings Note that cab has inner and outer side walls that simulate recessed doors 44 COMPONENT ASSEMBLY DETAILS Cab shell assembled to hood casting End beams and end steps installed Cab side outer walls installed New Radiator fabricated from styrene strip, tubing and sheet in place 45 15 6/26/2014 COMPONENT DETAILS 46 RM ON30 CRITTER “ALMOST” FINISHED MODEL 47 A STEAM DUMMY CRITTER Inspired by old photos of steam dummies, a steam locomotive in “Horse Trolley Clothes!” Decided to make one by kit-bashing a Banta Model Works “Crew Speeder” kit Uses a Bachmann On30 Davenport Gas-Mechanical locomotive mechanism 48 16 6/26/2014 PROTOTYPE EXAMPLES 49 STEAM DUMMY BEGINNINGS 50 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Body Shell built per instructions, except rear doors were cut out to have them in the open position, corner gussets added at top to square assembly and provide mounting for removable roof. 51 17 6/26/2014 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, CONT’D. Original motor cover was replaced with a simulated boiler/saddle-tank made from styrene, added steam dome and smoke stack castings, as well as smoke box door and back-head castings. 52 FINAL CONSTRUCTION & ASSEMBLY Body shell bolted to mechanism chassis with 2-56 screws, drilled and tapped Boiler/Saddle-tank assembly snaps into place Doors glued in place Engineer “installed” Roof assembly held down by 0-80 screws to corner gussets Body shell painted dark green with red trim using craft acrylic paints, lightly weathered using dry-brushing and diluted black washes 53 COMPLETED STEAM DUMMY MODEL Added details: Whistle (scratch built from styrene), bell & cord, hand rails from bronze wire, front & rear pilots, sign boards, decals, coal bin, etc. 54 18 6/26/2014 TURTLE CREEK STEAM DUMMY HARD AT WORK! 55 ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS N-gauge and HO-gauge Mechanisms come and go – need to be flexible in designing a kit-bash around a given mechanism Look for mechanisms with smooth, slow-running behavior When kit-bashing, “Cut and Try” works best for me – take one step at a time. If proceeding to the next step looks daunting, set the project aside and let it “cook” for a while – ideas will come! Make the locomotive mechanism easily removable and replaceable – I usually drill and tap and fasten things together with miniature machine screws. 56 ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS, CONT’D. You don’t have to build an entire narrow gauge layout. You can build a narrow gauge branch line to your existing standard gauge layout: Logging Railway – Logs, Pulpwood, etc. Quarry tram – Slate, Marble, Gravel, etc. Ore tram – Gold, Silver, Copper, etc. Mining tram – Coal, etc. On the other hand, if you have an N-scale or HO scale st’d. gauge layout and are thinking of changing to something else, try an HOn30 or On30 locomotive or two and a few cars on it to see if you might like switching to narrow gauge! 57 19 6/26/2014 The End Phil Gliebe July 2014 SUGGESTIONS AND QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME! 20
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smoke stack castings, as well as
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