Special Machines S.P.A. - Via Grandi, 7/9 -43045 Fornovo di Taro (PR) Tel. 0525/3441-3442 - Fax 0525/30192 E-mail: [email protected] - electric Reversible guide Aggiungere intelligenza alla forza. Questo è l’obiettivo dell’Azienda MORA, che grazie a grande competenza tecnica e to add intelligence to strength EP50/60RA EP60RA Ton. LSP Width 5-6 600 1500 For Containers flessibilità produttiva, è in grado di realizzare macchine speciali capaci di risolvere qualsiasi problema di movimentazione e stoccaggio. To add intelligence to strength. EP50/60RA Ton. LSP Width 5-6 600 1500 This is the objective of the MORA company that, thanks to great technical competence and manufacturing flexibility, is able to make special machines that are capable of solving every handling and storage problem. 2 3 electric EP80/100R electric EP100/120RG EP80/100R Ton. 8-10 LSP 600-700 Width 1550-1850 For Containers Elevabile Cabin EP100/120RG Ton. 10-12 LSP 600 Width 1700-1800 4 5 electric EP120/160RC/RS electric EP120RC EP160RS Compact 6 Ton. 12-16 LSP 600-1200 Width 2050-2500 EP180/250R EP180R EP250R Compact • Heavy Electric Ton. 18-25 LSP 800 Width 1850-2100 7 Thermic M70C/80C Thermic M90CSE/100C M90CSE M100C Ultracompact • Hydrost. M70C M80C Ton. 7-8 LSP 600 Width 1550-1450 8 Ton. 9-10 LSP 600-700 Width 1700-2070 Ultracompact • Hydrost. 9 Thermic M120CSE/135CSE Thermic M150C/180C M150C M180C Compact • Hydrost. Compact • Hydrost. Ton. 15-18 LSP 600-800 Width 2050 M120CSE M135CSE Ton. 12-13 LSP 600-700 Width 1600-1700 10 11 Thermic M120CS/160CS Thermic M180CS M250CS Ultracompact • Hydrost. Ton. 18-25 LSP 800-700 Width 1850-2100 M180CS/250CS Ultracompact • Hydrost. M120CS M160CS Ton. 12-16 LSP 600-800 Width 1700 12 13 Thermic M220C/250C Special Executions Compact • Hydrost. M220C M250C Ton. LSP Width 14 22-25 1200 3200 15