Council Packet 06-08-15
Council Packet 06-08-15
FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT 4:15 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5:30 P.M. CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday, June 08, 2015 INVOCATION Shawn DeGraff, Frisco Church PLEDGE TO FLAG OPENING OF MEETING Roll Call Public Comments APPOINTMENTS Library: Lucinda Copeland (3 year term-2018) Carolyn Warren (3 year term-2018) Don Freeman (3 year term-2018) CONSENT AGENDA 1. Council Minutes-May 11, 2015 3. Park Board Minutes-April 2015 & May 2015 5. PD-Monthly Statistics-April 2015 7. Fire Monthly Statistics-May 2015 9. General Sales Tax 2. BOA Minutes-Nov. 2014 and April 2015 4. 201 Board Minutes-April 2015 6. PD-Uniform Crime Report-April 2015 8. Fire Monthly Report-May 2015 10. Treasurer’s Report ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 15-1004 Authorize Mayor to sign contract to sell property located at 725 N. Prospect Resolution No. 15-1005 Adopt a video-audio conference meeting policy for council meetings MOTIONS Park-Approve the Parks Master Plan (motion to approve and vote) PD-Accept the LEST Grant Equipment Purchase (motion to approve and vote) PD-Renew Service Contract for Tac10 Software maintenance (motion to approve and vote) Admin- 1.5% COLA raise for all employees’ (motion to approve and vote) Admin-Olsson Task Order # 20 Pool and Recreation Center (motion to approve and vote) Admin-Request Planning & Zoning to revise the Madison Overlay Sign Codes to conform to C-2 signage codes (motion to approve and vote) Street- Purchase a Crack Sealer (motion to approve and vote) Water District -Replace pump at Well # 12 (motion to approve and vote) COMMITTEE REPORT 1. Financial Oversight A. Statement of Accounts, May 26, 2015 and June 08, 2015 Action & Authorization 2. Committee of the Whole Next Council Meeting- June 22, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. ADMINISTRATOR Admin Report OTHER ADJOURN CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION May 11, 2015 Page 1 INVOCATION Councilman Jerry Fisher gave the invocation. PLEDGE TO FLAG The Council remained standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEETING The City Council of Webb City, Missouri met in regular session Monday, May 11, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Mayor John Biggs presided. ROLL CALL The following members answered roll call: Doug Goodall, Alan Hughes, Ray Edwards, Lynn Ragsdale, Jerry Fisher and Jim Dawson. Absent: Gina Monson and Brandon Wilson. There being six members present, and six members representing a quorum. Mayor John Biggs declared this session of council officially opened. Also present were: Interim City Administration Carl Francis, City Clerk Kimberley DeMoss, Finance Administrator Tracy Craig, Battalion Chief Mark Metsker, Parks Director Tom Reeder, Economic Development Coordinator Erin Turner, Street & Water Director Rick Roth and Sewer Utility Director William Runkle. Absent: City Attorney Troy Salchow. ANNOUNCMENTS Gwen Allen, WC Chamber gave the quarterly report regarding the upcoming events that are scheduled for the year. RESIGNATIONS Mayor Biggs presented the resignation of Alan Hughes as a member of the 201 Board. Councilman Dawson moved to approve the resignation. Councilman Edwards seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Biggs presented the name Lynn Ragsdale to the council for an appointment as a member of the 201 Board. Councilman Hughes moved to approve the appointment. Councilman Goodall seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. Mayor Biggs presented the name Alan Hughes to the council for an appointment as a member of the Park Board. Councilman Fisher moved to approve the appointment. Councilman Dawson seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. REAPPOINTMENTS Mayor Biggs presented the name Don McGowan to the council for the reappointment as member of the Park Board for a three year term (2018). Councilman Ragsdale moved to approve the reappointment. Councilman Fisher seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. Mayor Biggs presented the name Jim Pashia to the council for the reappointment as member of the Park Board for a three year term (2018). Councilman Hughes moved to approve the reappointment. Councilman Fisher seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION May 11, 2015 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Fisher moved to approve the Consent Agenda items for May 11, 2015. Councilman Ragsdale seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. 1. Council Minutes-May 11, 2015 2. Fire Monthly Report-March 2015 3. Fire Monthly Statistics- March 2015 COUNCIL BILL NO. 15-005 An Ordinance authorizing and providing a contract between the City of Webb City, Missouri (hereinafter sometimes called the City) and the Empire District Electric Company (hereinafter sometimes called the Company), its successors or assigns, for electric service and equipment to light the City’s streets, alleys, and public ways, electric service for light and power for the City’s parks, other properties and public places, for a term of years, and specifying the prices to be paid for such lighting and power service; and the terms and conditions of such contract; and in consideration of the Company’s covenants and obligations contained herein and Company’s acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein for the establishment, operation and maintenance of the Company’s facilities with the City; except providing further that nothing herein shall prohibit the City from lawfully collecting an Occupation Tax, License Tax, motor vehicle license fees and any ad valorem tax on the Company’s real estate and personal property. Councilman Ragsdale presented Council Bill No. 15-005 for the second and final reading. Second and final reading completed. Councilman Ragsdale moved to accept the second and final reading. Councilman Fisher seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote. Yes: Goodall, Hughes, Edwards, Ragsdale, Fisher and Dawson. Thereby duly giving Council Bill No. 15-005 Ordinance No. 15-005 MOTIONS Admin – Approve three party payment agreement for Engineering Report Services and detailed scope of work. Councilman Fisher made a motion to approve the three party payment agreement with Olsson Engineering for report of service and detailed scope of work for the Public Water System required by MODNR. The MODNR Public Drinking Water Branch provides a 90% grant for the engineering report. Cost to Webb City is $6,000.00 and this is included in the FY 2014/2015 budget. Councilman Dawson seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. Econ-Membership Fee for Joplin Regional Partnership Initiative for 2015. Councilman Fisher made a motion to allow the Economic Department to pay for the membership fees in the amount of $10,000.00 for the partnership with the Joplin Regional Initiative to help advertise and develop for the City of Webb City. Councilman Dawson seconded. Councilman Fisher asked what development has the Initiative helped with. Interim Carl Francis stated that Don’s Cold Storage and Bemis were introduced to the City by the JRPI. The motion carried with six yes votes. CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION May 11, 2015 Page 3 MOTIONS Admin Water Dept.-Replace handheld reader for existing metering system from HD Supply. Councilman Ragsdale made a motion to allow the Admin Water Department to replace the handheld reader for the existing metering system from HD Supply Company in the amount of $5,812.00 plus S&H. Councilman Fisher seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Councilman Hughes moved to accept the Statement of Accounts dated May 11, 2015. Councilman Ragsdale seconded. The motion carried with six yes votes. Statement of Accounts is as follows: General Fund NO. 18862-18902 $ Downtown Events 2098-2100 Street Fund 12056-12085 Library Fund 5158-5159 Park Fund 10336-10362 Rural Business Enterprise 77-78 Capital Improvement Fund 5582 O & M Fund 8840-8859 Solid Waste Fund 5399-5401 Water Fund 16537-16598 Water Meter Fund 5729-5734 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 128,348.09 3,984.37 207,312.40 3,419.81 95,544.87 7,531.98 24,000.00 146,501.35 69,940.65 37,966.27 9,242.50 733,792.29 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor Biggs set the next Council Meeting for Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (Monday May 25, 2015 is Memorial Day) ADMINISTRATION Administrators Report for May 11, 2015 was available for the Council to review. OTHER Councilman Dawson reminded the Council and Staff that Mr. Bob Nichols passed away and asked that a letter of appreciation be sent to daughter Eileen Nichols. CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION May 11, 2015 Page 4 ADJOURN Mayor Biggs adjourned the Council at 5:53 p.m. ____________________________________ John Biggs, Mayor and Presiding Officer Attest: _____________________________________ Kimberley E. DeMoss, City Clerk Minutes Center Creek 201 Wastewater Board Thursday, April 16, 2015 Present: J. Biggs, B. Bowman, D. Davenport, C. Divine, A. Hughes, B. Pearish, D. Powell, B. Russell, E. Sumpter, R. Surber Absent: Staff: William Runkle, Carl Francis, Webb City; Mike Smith, Carterville Visitor: Eric DeGruson, A&M Call To Order: Mr. Davenport called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Approved as presented, with correction of date “March 19, 2015” noted instead of Feb. 19. (Bowman / Sumpter) Unanimous. Monthly Report: Presented by Mr. Runkle. (B. Bowman – B. Pearish) Unanimous Statement of Accounts: Approved as presented. (B. Bowman – B. Russell) Unanimous Old Business: Motion to send AOC letter to DNR. (J. Biggs – E. Sumpter) Unanimous Motion to submit Engineering report on plant sludge project to DNR. (B. Bowman – B. Russell) Unanimous RFQ for engineering services for plant sludge project. Received three RFQ submissions. Mr. Francis requested committee be established to review RFQs and make recommendation to full Board. Ratings to be submitted to DNR. Committee to include Mr. Divine, B. Pearish, B. Bowman, Mr. Francis and Mr. Runkle. (J. Biggs – D. Powell) Unanimous New Business: Carterville requested Continuing Authority approval for 50-75 new sewer connections for the Suburban Real Estate Park. Preliminary approval by Board voiced, contingent on receiving appropriate filing. (J. Biggs – B. Bowman) Unanimous Biggs to assume chairmanship, per Intermunicipal Agreement. Adjournment: 6:00 p.m. Webb City Police Department Departmental Statistics for 2014 to 2015 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals Calls for Traffic Service Reports Crashes 891 107 15 716 109 16 1042 125 22 1108 144 28 1192 157 25 1062 168 22 1112 161 26 1051 148 32 931 126 30 933 136 25 800 98 25 908 253 25 11,746 1,732 291 UCS Arrest 147 269 173 174 183 239 240 301 249 283 193 280 223 279 195 228 207 268 176 286 153 185 124 174 2,263 2,966 Calls for Traffic 2015 Service Reports Crashes January 814 116 26 February 762 126 22 March 815 175 15 April 993 205 23 May June July August September October November December Totals 3,384 622 86 change from 2014 -373 137 5 Averages per Month 2014 2015 change from same time period in 2013 Dispatch Detective UCS Arrest Contacts Investigations 147 119 1046 9 124 85 905 2 145 114 988 0 180 142 1209 4 596 -147 Calls for Traffic Service Reports Crashes 939.3 121.3 20.3 846.0 155.5 21.5 -9.9% 28.2% 6.2% Dispatch Detective Contacts Investigations 1107 8 1000 13 1314 10 1386 6 1483 10 1305 14 1389 18 1374 13 1162 22 1152 5 974 5 1007 3 14,653 127 460 -523 4,148 -659 15 -22 Dispatch Detective UCS Arrest Contacts Investigations 185.8 245.8 1201.8 9.3 149.0 115.0 1037.0 3.8 -19.8% -53.2% (increase/decrease) -13.7% -59.5% Webb City Police Department Uniform Crime Statistics as reported to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Federal Bureau of Investigation 2014 Homicide January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 0 Rape 1 4 1 2015 Homicide January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 0 change from 2014 0 Rape 0 -2 Monthly Average 2014 2015 percent +/- Homicide 0.00 0.00 0.0% Robbery Assault 15 12 15 19 26 16 18 13 24 13 12 22 205 Burglary 7 4 2 8 5 3 3 1 1 1 0 1 36 Larceny 32 32 42 49 54 64 51 57 47 56 35 46 565 Veh. Theft 2 3 4 1 1 2 6 3 1 2 1 1 27 Total 56 52 64 77 86 85 78 74 74 73 48 71 838 Robbery Assault 12 3 8 15 Burglary 2 2 1 1 Larceny 23 27 38 44 Veh. Theft 1 2 0 0 38 -23 6 -15 132 -23 3 -7 Total 38 34 47 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 -70 1 1 1 1 Rape Robbery 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100.0% 0.0% Assault Burglary 15.25 5.25 9.50 1.50 -37.7% -71.4% Larceny Veh. Theft 38.75 2.50 33.00 0.75 -14.8% -70.0% Total 62.25 44.75 -28.1% Webbb City Fire Department Departmental Statistics for 2014 to 2015 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals 2015 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals change from 2014 Averages per Month 2014 2015 change from same time period in 2014 Calls For Service Building Fires 131 111 149 170 142 139 141 158 120 124 121 115 1,621 Calls For Service Vehicle Fires 3 2 6 1 1 1 5 6 0 0 3 3 31 Building Fires Natural Cover Fires 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 8 Vehicle Fires 7 1 3 3 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 25 Natural Cover Fires Medical Calls Motor Vehicle Accidents 92 79 100 122 113 109 86 105 83 76 84 74 1,123 Medical Calls False Alarms 7 3 9 12 6 4 9 7 10 10 11 6 94 Motor Vehicle Accidents Service Calls 4 3 4 8 7 5 6 8 6 7 6 4 68 False Alarms Hazardous Condition 14 14 19 19 11 17 22 21 18 25 15 22 217 Service Calls 4 9 5 4 4 3 3 10 1 4 0 6 53 Hazardous Condition 141 123 115 130 163 2 5 5 1 4 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 3 0 3 100 87 73 94 114 8 13 8 5 8 6 2 5 7 9 17 12 19 17 21 5 3 2 4 3 672 -31 17 4 9 468 -38 42 29 86 17 4 0 -5 Calls For Service Building Fires Vehicle Fires Natural Cover Fires 140.6 134.4 2.6 3.4 0.8 0.8 2.8 1.8 -4.4% 30.8% 100.0% -35.7% 5 3 9 -9 Medical Calls Motor Vehicle Accidents False Alarms Service Calls Hazardous Condition 101.2 93.6 7.4 8.4 5.2 5.8 15.4 17.2 5.2 3.4 -7.5% 13.5% 11.5% 11.7% -34.6% City of Webb City * PO Box 30 * 506 S. Ellis * Webb City, Missouri 64870 Fire Department 417-673-2254 Fax – 417-673-5260 June 2, 2015 To: Webb City Mayor and City Council Members Ref: Fire Department monthly report for May 2015 The Webb City Fire Department responded to a total of 163 calls for service during the month. See attached sheet for breakdown information. Members of the department conducted 74 hours of repair to equipment/building at the fire department that aided in a reduction in cost of repairs. 95 annual business inspections, 5 re-inspections, 4 permit inspections, and 2 sprinkler inspections were made by the members of the Fire Department for the month of May. 61 fire hydrants were flow tested, serviced, and painted (if needed) during the month of May. We assisted with watering the gravel road in King Jack Park by the lake during the evening hours to keep the dust down during the high flow traffic time for sporting events. I have scheduled the annual certification testing of our SCBA’s to be completed during the month of June. 290 hours of department training was conducted for the month and 21 hours of public education/relations was conducted by members of the Fire Department. Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Webb City, Missouri Sales Tax Information General Fund (.01 cent) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Current Year) YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts FY 2014-2015 as Compared to FY 2013-2014 Receipts Over/(Under) Running Total Monthly Percentage YTD Percentage November 95,606.45 95,606.45 104,706.70 104,706.70 9,100.25 9,100.25 9.52% December 148,927.24 244,533.69 152,171.31 256,878.01 3,244.07 12,344.32 1.33% 5.05% January 138,460.71 382,994.40 168,994.64 425,872.65 30,533.93 42,878.25 22.05% 11.20% February 131,968.69 514,963.09 127,532.64 553,405.29 -4,436.05 38,442.20 -3.36% 7.47% March 141,339.57 656,302.66 160,172.40 713,577.69 18,832.83 57,275.03 13.32% 8.73% April 147,296.88 803,599.54 143,768.37 857,346.06 -3,528.51 53,746.52 -2.40% 6.69% May 145,105.55 948,705.09 114,187.58 971,533.64 -30,917.97 22,828.55 -21.31% 2.41% June 145,859.65 1,094,564.74 July 182,116.16 1,276,680.90 96,789.37 1,373,470.27 September 155,625.70 1,529,095.97 October 162,220.53 1,691,316.50 971,533.64 . 971,533.64 August Totals 1,691,316.50 1,691,316.50 Sales Tax for fiscal year 2014-2015 is budgeted the with a 2% increase over 2012-2013. 9.52% Webb City, Missouri Sales Tax Information Capital Improvement (1/8 cent) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Current Year) YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts FY 2014-2015as Compared to FY 2013-2014 Receipts Over/(Under) Running Total Monthly Percentage YTD Percentage November 11,873.53 11,873.53 13,012.41 13,012.41 1,138.88 1,138.88 9.59% December 17,537.86 29,411.39 17,569.89 30,582.30 32.03 1,170.91 0.18% 3.98% January 16,364.66 45,776.05 19,654.11 50,236.41 3,289.45 4,460.36 20.10% 9.74% February 15,585.99 61,362.04 15,519.61 65,756.02 -66.38 4,393.98 -0.43% 7.16% March 16,738.42 78,100.46 18,102.41 83,858.43 1,363.99 5,757.97 8.15% 7.37% April 16,410.55 94,511.01 16,426.59 100,285.02 16.04 5,774.01 0.10% 6.11% May 16,544.43 111,055.44 14,235.39 114,520.41 -2,309.04 3,464.97 -13.96% 3.12% June 16,846.33 127,901.77 July 21,120.11 149,021.88 August 11,961.25 160,983.13 September 18,588.18 179,571.31 October 18,101.22 197,672.53 114,520.41 114,520.41 Totals 197,672.53 197,672.53 Sales Tax for fiscal year 2013-2014 is budgeted with a 2% increase over 2012-2013. 9.59% Webb City, Missouri Sales Tax Information Capital Improvement Sales Tax Fund (3/8 cent) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Current Year) YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts FY 2014-2015 as Compared to FY 2013-2014 Receipts Over/(Under) Running Total Monthly Percentage YTD Percentage November 35,534.95 35,534.95 39,037.68 39,037.68 3,502.73 3,502.73 9.86% 9.86% December 52,621.19 88,156.14 52,709.53 91,747.21 88.34 3,591.07 0.17% 4.07% January 49,141.53 137,297.67 58,961.91 150,709.12 9,820.38 13,411.45 19.98% 9.77% February 46,755.86 184,053.53 46,535.89 197,245.01 -219.97 13,191.48 -0.47% 7.17% March 50,214.93 234,268.46 54,307.01 251,552.02 4,092.08 17,283.56 8.15% 7.38% April 49,231.43 283,499.89 49,279.58 300,831.60 48.15 17,331.71 0.10% 6.11% May 47,940.84 331,440.73 42,705.57 343,537.17 -5,235.27 12,096.44 -10.92% 3.65% June 50,539.23 381,979.96 July 63,361.26 445,341.22 August 35,852.38 481,193.60 September 55,764.63 536,958.23 October 54,303.92 591,262.15 343,537.17 343,537.17 0.00 Totals 591,262.15 591,262.15 Sales Tax for fiscal year 2014-2015 is budgeted with a 2% increase ver 2012-2013. Webb City, Missouri Sales Tax Information Storm/Park (1/2 cent) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Monthly Receipts Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Current Year) YTD Receipts YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts FY 2014-2015 as Compared to FY 2013-2014 Receipts Over/(Under) Running Total Monthly Percentage YTD Percentage November 47,494.75 47,494.75 52,050.18 52,050.18 4,555.43 4,555.43 9.59% December 70,151.36 117,646.11 70,279.58 122,329.76 128.22 4,683.65 0.18% 3.98% January 65,459.38 183,105.49 78,616.01 200,945.77 13,156.63 17,840.28 20.10% 9.74% February 62,344.07 245,449.56 62,088.12 263,033.89 -255.95 17,584.33 -0.41% 7.16% March 66,961.36 312,410.92 72,415.45 335,449.34 5,454.09 23,038.42 8.15% 7.37% April 65,641.65 378,052.57 65,706.00 401,155.34 64.35 23,102.77 0.10% 6.11% May 66,180.45 444,233.02 56,940.87 458,096.21 -9,239.58 13,863.19 -13.96% 3.12% June 67,382.75 511,615.77 July 84,480.27 596,096.04 August 47,846.12 643,942.16 September 74,352.78 718,294.94 October 72,405.18 790,700.12 458,096.21 458,096.21 Totals 790,700.12 790,700.12 Sales Tax for fiscal year 2014-2015 is budgeted with a 2% increase over 2012-2013. 9.59% Webb City, Missouri Sales Tax Information Transportation (1/2 cent) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Current Year) YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts YTD Receipts Monthly Receipts FY 2014-2015 as Compared to FY 2013-2014 Receipts Over/(Under) Running Total Monthly Percentage YTD Percentage November 47,496.57 47,496.57 52,059.68 52,059.68 4,563.11 4,563.11 9.61% 9.61% December 70,157.13 117,653.70 70,323.49 122,383.17 166.36 4,729.47 0.24% 4.02% January 65,459.53 183,113.23 78,618.22 201,001.39 13,158.69 17,888.16 20.10% 9.77% February 62,349.56 245,462.79 62,088.21 263,089.60 -261.35 17,626.81 -0.42% 7.18% March 66,964.50 312,427.29 72,428.50 335,518.10 5,464.00 23,090.81 8.16% 7.39% April 65,641.77 378,069.06 65,706.04 401,224.14 64.27 23,155.08 0.10% 6.12% May 66,177.07 444,246.13 56,960.25 458,184.39 -9,216.82 13,938.26 -13.93% 3.14% June 67,387.29 511,633.42 July 84,495.35 596,128.77 August 47,864.32 643,993.09 September 74,359.67 718,352.76 October 72,419.95 790,772.71 458,184.39 458,184.39 Totals 790,772.71 790,772.71 Sales Tax for fiscal year 2014-2015 is budgeted with a 2% increase over 2012-2013. RESOLUTION: _15-1004_______ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 725 N. PROSPECT, WEBB CITY, MISSOURI NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI, as follows: Section 1. That the City Council of Webb City desires to sell the real property located at 725 N. Prospect, Webb City, Missouri. Section 2. Public bids were solicited for the sale of said real property, and Tom Beckham submitted the highest and best bid in the amount of $3,680.00. Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Webb City is hereby authorized to accept Tom Beckham’s bid and negotiate and execute a contract with him for the sale of the real property located at 725 N. Prospect in the amount of $3,680.00, for and on behalf of the City of Webb City. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI, this _____ day of ______________________________, 2015. ____________________________________ John Biggs, Mayor and Presiding Officer Attest: ___________________________________ Kimberley E. DeMoss, City Clerk Council Report Sale of City Property at 725 N. Prospect City of Webb City SUBJECT: City acquired this property in delinquent tax sale. City Staff advertised the property at 725 N. Prospect to be sold and received three bids on the property. The bids were as follows: Deana Maurer $2500 David Carver $2700 Tom Beckham $3680 RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution allowing the sale of the property at 725 N. Prospect to the high bidder. FISCAL IMPACT: This amount reimburses the city for the cost incurred for demolition and mowing and relieve the staff of having to continue to maintain. Prepared By: _______________________________ Carl Francis, Interim City Administror RESOLUTION: __15-1005_____ A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A VIDEO–AUDIO CONFERENCE MEETING POLICY FOR THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI, as follows: Section 1. That the City Council desires to adopt a policy setting forth general rules and guidelines for video - audio conference meetings. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Webb City does hereby adopt the Video - Audio Conference Meeting Policy, attached hereto, which shall set forth the general rules and guidelines for the implementation of video conference meetings for and on behalf of the City of Webb City, Missouri. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI, this _____ day of ______________________________, 2015. ____________________________________ John Biggs, Mayor and Presiding Officer Attest: ___________________________________ Kimberley E. DeMoss, City Clerk City of Webb City Video Conference Meeting Policy 1. Meetings Using Video Conference Technology. a. Policy Statement. While it is legally permissible for members of the City's public governmental bodies to attend meetings and vote via video conference transmission, a member's use of video conference attendance should occur only sparingly. Because it is good public policy for citizens to have the opportunity to meet with their elected officials face-to-face, elected members of a public governmental body should endeavor to be physically present at all meetings unless attendance is unavoidable after exercising due diligence to arrange for physical presence at the meeting. The primary purpose of attendance by video conference connection should be to accommodate the public governmental body as a whole to allow meetings to occur when circumstances would otherwise prevent the physical attendance of a quorum of the body's members. A secondary purpose of attendance by video conference should be to ensure that all members may participate in business of the public governmental body that is emergency or highly important in nature and arose quickly so as to make attendance at a regular meeting practically impossible. Except in emergency situations, all efforts should be expended to ensure that a quorum of the members of the public governmental body be physical present at the normal meeting place of the body. b. Video Conference Defined. For purposes of this section "video conference" or "videoconferencing" shall refer to a means of communication where at least one member of a public government body participates in the public meeting via an electronic connection made up of three components: (1) a live video transmission of the member of the public governmental body not in physical attendance; (2) a live audio transmission allowing the member of the public governmental body not in physical attendance to be heard by those in physical attendance; and (3) a live audio transmission allowing the member of the public governmental body not in physical attendance to hear those in physical attendance at a meeting. If at any time during a meeting one or more of the elements of a video conference becomes compromised (e.g., if any participants are unable to see, hear, or fully communicate), then the video conference participant is deemed immediately absent and this absence should be reflected in the minutes. A video conference participant's absence may compromise a quorum in which case the applicable Missouri laws shall take effect regarding a broken quorum. c. Frequency of Use of Video Conference Attendance: A member of a public governmental body shall not attend more than 4 meetings via video conference in a rolling twelve-month period. In keeping with the policy stated in subsection (a) above, attendance via video conference should only occur sparingly and for good cause. Such good cause shall be at the discretion of the member seeking to attend by video conference, but shall be for significant reasons including, but not limited to, serious illness or injury of the member or a member 1 of his or her immediate family, including father or mother, spouse, sibling, child, or grandchild. d. Physical Location. Members of the public may not participate in a public meeting of a governmental body via video conference. The public wishing to attend a meeting, and elected officials not participating via videoconferencing of a meeting, shall participate at the physical location where meetings of the public governmental body are typically held, or a provided in a notice provided in accordance with the Sunshine Law. The public governmental body shall cause there to be provided at the physical location communication equipment consisting of an audio and visual display, and a camera and microphone so that the member(s) of the public governmental body participating via videoconferencing, the members of the public governmental body in physical attendance, and the public in physical attendance may actively participate in the meeting in accordance with rules of meeting decorum. The communication equipment at the physical location of the meeting must allow for all meeting attendees to see, hear, and fully communicate with the videoconferencing participant. e. Voting. Elected members of a public governmental body attending a public meeting of that governmental body via video conference are deemed present for purposes of participating in a roll call vote to the same effect elected members of a public governmental body in physical attendance at a public meeting of that governmental body are deemed present. As indicated in subsection (b) above, if any component of the video conference communication fails during the meeting, the member attending the meeting by video conference whose connection failed shall be deemed absent immediately upon such failure, and if the public governmental body was in the act of voting, the voting shall stop until all of the components of video conference attendance are again restored and the video conference participant's presence is again noted in the minutes. f. Closed Meetings. In a meeting where a member of a public governmental body is participating via videoconferencing and the meeting goes into a closed session, all provisions of Missouri law and City ordinances relating to closed sessions apply. Upon the public governmental body's vote to close the meeting, all members of the general public shall not be present. Likewise, a member of a public governmental body participating via videoconferencing must ensure there are no members of the public present at their location to see, hear, or otherwise communicate during the closed session. The member must also take all reasonable precautions to guard against interception of communication by others. Failure to ensure the requirements of this subsection may result in corrective action by the full public governmental body in accordance with City regulations. g. Minutes In the meeting, whether in open or in closed session, the minutes taken should reflect the member, if any, participating via video conference; the members in physical attendance; and members, if any, absent. 2 h. Emergency meetings. In the event that emergency circumstances create impossibility for the members of a public governmental body to physically attend the body as a whole may meet, and if necessary vote, by video conference. Examples of such emergency circumstances include, but are not limited to, war, riot, terrorism, widespread fire, and natural disaster such as earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, or blizzard. To the extent possible in such circumstances, the public governmental body shall use reasonable efforts to cause a physical location to be provided for public attendance and participation. 3 LEST Grant Equipment Purchase May 25, 2015 Council Report City of Webb City SUBJECT: Allow the police department to purchase seventeen body cameras with the software/hardware for digital video storage; three Tasers with power magazines & holsters; three prisoner partitions for patrol cars; three prisoner partitions for patrol SUVs; three push bumpers for patrol cars; one push bumper for a patrol SUV; and twenty weapon mounted flashlights with funding from the 2015 Jasper County Law Enforcement Sales Tax grant. BACKGROUND: On February 24, 2014 the Council accepted the Law Enforcement Sales Tax grant award of $35,359.12. We requested bids from several known vendors as well as advertised for bids in The Sentinel and on the police department’s Facebook page for two weeks. We received bids from the below listed vendors: VENDOR/ITEM (17) body cameras & system AWARDED AMOUNT $ 20,055.00 Ed Roehr Digital-Ally (3) Tasers (3) prisoner partitions sedans (3) prisoner partitions SUVs (3) push bumpers sedans $ 3,001.65 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,199.00 $ 1,810.00 $ 1,810.00 $ 750.00 $ 375.00 $ 2,045.00 $ 1,499.98 $ 2,400.00 $ 1,275.00 $ 425.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 1,725.00 $ 1,725.00 $ $ 2,350.00 $ 3,047.20 (1) push bumpers SUVs (20) weapon mounted flashlights $ 20,055.00 Nroute Southern Uniform $ 142.50 Southern Uniform Turn-Key Mobile Turn-Key Mobile Turn-Key Mobile $ 1,530.00 $ 1,719.00 $ 3,249.00 $ 4,107.00 880.50 $ 466.85 $ 1,020.00 $ 340.00 $ $ 440.00 735.00 $ 2,292.00 +/$ $ (45.55) $ 0.02 $ $ 750.00 $ 160.00 The following vendors did not bid: Galls, Keith Maggard, Radio Communication Specialists, & Tactical Tommy. $ 154.00 RECOMMENDATION: Allow the police department to purchase seventeen body cameras with the software/hardware for digital video storage from Digital-Ally; three Tasers with power magazines & holsters from Ed Roehr; three prisoner partitions for patrol cars from NRoute; three prisoner partitions for patrol SUVs from NRoute; three push bumpers for patrol cars from Ed Roehr; one push bumper for a patrol SUV from Ed Roehr; and twenty weapon mounted flashlights from Ed Roehr. (the highlighted amounts above) We opted for the Setina push bumpers from Ed Roehr instead of the Jotto Desk push bumpers from Turn-Key Mobile because they matched the Setina push bumpers we currently have installed on the rest of our patrol vehicles. We opted for the NRoute half-cage prisoner partitions over the Turn-Key Mobile full rear seat prisoner partitions because they are prefered by our officers. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. The total cost is covered by the LEST grant award. We may be able to use the remaining award amount toward the purchase of additional needed flashlights. Prepared By: Donald E. Melton Assistant Chief of Police Submitted By: Carl Francis Chief of Police Reviewed By: Kim DeMoss City Clerk Reviewed By: Carl Francis Interim City Administrator Council Report City of Webb City Renew Service Contract for Tac10 Software maintenance June 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Allow the police department to renew the service contract for our report management system with Tac10 Software. BACKGROUND: Tac10 Software offers support, contractual support/maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: Allow the police department to renew the service contract for our report management system with Tac10 Software. Tac10 Software is a sole source for this service. Includes standard business hours 8:am – 5:pm central standard time, Monday through Friday (weekends & holidays excluded) and emergency after hours service for $8,874.00 FISCAL IMPACT: $8,874.00 in funds budgeted by the police department (line item #4600). This is down from $9,341.00 in 2014-15 before we upgraded to Prepared By: Submitted By: Donald E. Melton Assistant Chief of Police Carl Francis Chief of Police Reviewed By: Reviewed By: Kim DeMoss City Clerk Carl Francis City Administrator Council Report COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) City of Webb City June 08, 2015 SUBJECT: Cost of Living Adjustment BACKGROUND: The City uses the Social Security Administration’s annual cost of living adjustment as a guideline for our increases. For the 2015 rate SSA used 1.7%. COST OF COLA: The cost of the COLA through the remainder of this fiscal year would be $25,376 city wide. Individual fund/department increases are attached. This increase was included in the 2014-2015 fiscal year budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends implementing the 1.5% COLA on wages earned starting June 6th and to appear on employees’ June 19th paycheck. PREPARED BY: Tracy Craig, Finance Administrator REVEIWED BY: Carl Francis, City Administrator SUBMITTED BY: Tracy Craig, Finance Administrator COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT 2014 - 2015 BUDGET YEAR (5 months) By Fund/Department GENERAL (00): Judicial Administration Ecnomic Development Police Fire Emergency Management Inspection/Codes Fund Total PUBLIC WORKS (01): Street Storm water Fund Total PARK (04): Park 234 1,075 228 6,629 4,774 191 275 13,406 4,583 1,095 5,678 1,089 WASTEWATER (41): O&M Plant Fund Total WATER (82): Distribution Administration Fund Total CITY WIDE TOTAL 1,367 754 2,121 1,853 1,229 3,082 25,376 Council Report City of Webb City Conceptual Design of Proposed Site for planning of City Swimming Pool and Recreation Center SUBJECT: Staff proposes that King Jack Park be designated as the proposed site for a future swimming pool and recreation center here in Webb City. The area proposed is in a very visible spot along (MO 171) McArthur Drive and on land that has been relatively undisturbed during the mining era. The proposed (Transportation Improvement Plan) location of a future walking tunnel under McArthur Drive is in the same location thus in the future if constructed would give easy access from the north portions of the city. A conceptual layout would provide necessary information in the planning process of how to best lay out the area to utilize both existing parking and facilities and future planning for construction. The Engineer would also provide the city with a drawing of how the area would appear post construction. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to authorize the Mayor to sign Task Order #20 with Olsson Engineering to complete Conceptual Layout of Swimming Pool and Recreation Center in King Jack Park. FISCAL IMPACT: This expenditure can be paid from the remaining funds of the 2010 Bond B Series which has a balance of $4,375.69. Prepared By: _______________________________ Carl Francis, Interim City Administror Council Report Purchase Crack Sealer For Street Department June 8, 2015 City of Webb City Description To purchase a new crack sealer and bid out the old one. Narrative The quotes from 2 companies are: Sasco $38,526.67 Seal Master $56,349.25 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends accepting the bid from Sasco in the amount of $38,526.67 for the purchase of a crack sealer. Fiscal Impact: The funds would be taken from the street budget 01-04-31-9116. Submitted by Approved by ______________________________ Rick Roth Street & Water Director ______________________________ Chief Carl Francis Interim City Administrator Council Report Pull and Replace Well #12 Pump City of Webb City June 8, 2015 Description To remove and replace the pump at Well #12. Narrative The quotes from 2 companies are: Layne Labor cost range $39,853.00 $7,040.00 to $10,160.00 Tiff City Pump $48,534.00 includes labor Staff Recommendation Staff recommends accepting the bid from Layne in the amount of $39,853.00 plus labor for the removal and replacement of the pump. Layne has knowledge of our water system and has already performed work on this Well. Fiscal Impact: This will be covered by the budgeted line item Water Distribution 82-04-01-9118 for Well upgrades. Submitted by Approved by ______________________________ Rick Roth Street & Water Director ______________________________ Chief Carl Francis Interim City Administrator City of Webb City * PO Box 30 * 200 Main Street* Webb City, Missouri64870 Office of Administration 417-673-4651 Fax – 417-673-6264 Administrators Report 060815 Staff has been working with engineers to develop a comprehensive plan for a possible swimming pool and recreation center here in Webb City. We have requested some assistance from them to draw out a concept drawing of how the facilities would best fit in the area of King Jack Park and utilize the existing features to the best we can. This involves the need for topography and layout work which we have been assisted with by Black and Veach the engineers who EPA had develop the plan for filling the pit. We also continue to work with financial advisors and examine our current revenues from existing capital taxes along with other available funds to determine the possibility of funding of a facility without additional taxes. We feel it may be possible to fund first a swimming facility and then the recreation facility and then enhance the facilities over time. Once we have a number to work with we would then begin to determine a financial plan for operations. Staff are researching for the most efficient method to acquire video conferencing capabilities in the Council Chambers. This would allow for Council Members who are out of town to call in and participate in meetings. Recent heavy rains caused concerns with our Waste Water facility. We had fear the berms of the lagoon would be topped but we were able to avoid a problem when the rain slowed and allowed us to begin pulling from the lagoons. No other damage was reported as a result of the heavy rains. EPA Contractors working in King Jack Park have been making some significant progress in filling the mine pit. We anticipate the September finish date is possible if they continue at this pace. Senate Bill 5 appears to be going unsigned by the Governor so it will become law this August. Staff are working with other courts and organization to determine how to best meet these requirements. SB5 limits fines and other areas of municipal authority in their courts. Public Works reports that well #12 is in need of some pump repair. It is anticipated to cost $40,000 to fix but we will bring forward more accurate numbers when they are available. Parks Department has constructed and deployed lights in the lake at KJP that appear to be annoying the geese just enough to keep them from messing up the area quite so bad. Erin Turner worked last week with the State Department of Historic Preservation during our annual Certified Local Government evaluation. This deals with our Downtown Historic Preservation and that we are adhering to the standards agreed upon when we sought the designation. Also we are awaiting the contract from the state before proceeding with repairs to the US Filling Station. There may be a Carnival setting up at Daugherty and East Road starting next Wednesday. They may use the city owned property on the North West corner of the intersection. We hope to evaluate, observe and then possibly incorporate them into the Spring Time on Broadway celebration each year. City Staff prepared a response to the Missouri DNR for costs associated with the restoration of habitat property that has been purchased to date. The award is to be for up to $1,000,000 in costs associated with tasks such as clearing and burning lands, unwanted vegetation removal, regular maintenance and mowing. We feel confident our proposal will be seen as a cost savings for both the DNR and the City of Webb City as we move forward to our goal of using this project to meet regulatory goals within our Waste Water Facility in the future. Previous Council Meetings Fire Department personnel have begun watering the road under construction in King Jack Park after local residents have complained of the dust being created by the heavy traffic in and out of the ball fields in the evening. Police Personnel have been given keys to the EPA Haul Road gated entrance and will try to have it opened at 5pm each week day to help with the problem. Request for Qualifications on two different projects have been reviewed by committees and recommendations as to the selection of engineering firms have been made. The 201 Waste Water facility upgrade will be presented to the 201 Board at their meeting on the 21st where Algeir Martin will be recommended to move forward on that project and the Council will be presented with a motion to approve Olsson Engineering to move forward with the Water Improvement Study. The moisture damage in the NSP home has been removed and found to be very extensive. We will be forced to use some of the proceeds from the sale of the first two NSP homes to pay for the repairs. We plan to go thru a bid process to area contractors in the near future to get the home repaired. Staff are continuing to work thru finance options and our engineering consultants to develop a plan on how we move forward on a future Swimming Pool and Community Center. Currently we are looking at the site directly behind the praying hands as a very good possible location. This location would fit into many other projects currently out there. One would be that the EPA will be replacing the parking lot that was removed when they moved the mine waste and stacked the clay in that location. Second the proposed walkway under the roadway, which was proposed to the Joplin Area Traffic Planning Committee, if built would be at Ball Street directly across 171 from the praying hands. Staff is preparing a response to the Request for Proposals that was issued for land reclamation by the Trustees in charge of the Webb City Land Restoration Project in which we have been acquiring property for these past few month. This will be funds allocated to the recipient to be used for land restoration costs such as mowing, seeding, weed removal, tree planting, and other maintenance as required. There is $1,000,000 allocated within the RFP and it covers a five year restoration process. This RFP does not cover those lands which will need soil replacement as will be needed on the some of the previously mined area. Staff participated in our yearly Insurance renewal with representatives of Beimdiek and Benefit Management who is our TPA (Third Party Administrator) for our self-insured plan. For the past three years since switching to the self-insured plan we have seen 0 rise in premiums (after several years of continuous premium hikes) and last year was a successful year allowing us to build some equity in our Insurance account. The Kitchen at Farmers Market is now set and work continues on utilities. Market Staff are putting together a diagram for a public restroom to be located inside the building and also have private donations to assist with the cost. The new Storm Siren Approved by Council has been installed at the Zigler Street location. This siren has increased signal and warning strength. It should be a noted improvement from the old unit. Parks Department has been busy assisting the area youth ball leagues as they prepare for the upcoming season. Some of the highlights are new scoreboards being installed at the girls’ softball complex (donated by Outdoor Addicts here in Webb City) and also the concrete walkway behind the boys’ major baseball field fixing a long problem with water standing. The parking lot at the end of Brewster Street also should be completed soon after the start of ball season. Staff are working with 201 Waste Water Engineers to complete the first analysis of Basin 5 since we started the Inflow and Infiltration construction project. We will report those findings as soon as they are available. The 201 Waste Water Board will open the Request for Proposals which were advertised for the upcoming $5 million construction project that will continue to strengthen our ability to meet our permit levels at the treatment facility. We have received preliminary analysis that the current plan of bio-cell and wetland will be successful. Staff continues to work to make this project all come together. City staff met with possible developer for the Centennial Park last week. We have developed a marketing video and also presented findings from the core drilling study that we had completed on the parcel. All findings were favorable for future construction on the site. Please continue to forward complaints or concerns regarding code violations. We are working hard to try and monitor our progress on these situations and report back to the complaining parties what is being done to remedy them. Thank You Carl Francis / Interim City Administrator
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