Still Her Little Child
Still Her Little Child
53 Still Her Little Child t Words and Musicby RAY BOLTZ and STEVE DJ MILLII(AN Do C-E D )6+ u<,s t When C)( F-o.c lonc" Do she no3rd ina O Copynghr l99l He wast Shcphcrd Boy MusidASCAI (crclusivcly ram'inisrsea by Dirdc4 hc-.50 Music Sq. W. Suitc 500 Nrshvilq TN 37203) rrrd'soaworshippo's/ASCAP. AII righs ;cro"?4 Inrctoi,riond cogl"ight rc.ilrcd Uicd b.v p<rmirsioo lit - tle night rras cold laiit HiE 'clos{r and gniled. RlrnriT C DDD (- .r ,. A rn7 '. '- (t, - V( )( \A When r Sav - f:4- | ior, T=4 'wl8e IDeU gav€ Him .1. i! i.! : t, When the shep - herds bowed be - fore- Him, 56 .f Btar shone all When the the an - Him gel ? Gm -) A When He itr streugth ard" wis - dom, Ife wag 57 Ah E' healed Bkus the lsme and Bh fol Eha iu stneugth 8Dd wig - doq When He Ehm m3rd low lIixu for JO 58 -+t Em I -dta\ C- I gainsL- Him, AlB E And when theY 59 CmrjT E AE E I
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