(0l0rt 0f tne wind - Sheet Music
(0l0rt 0f tne wind - Sheet Music
(0l0rt0ftnewind Musicby ALANMENKEN SCHWARTZ Lyricsby STEPHEN Deliberately D(no3rd) fltnf ffi I t AD #d H{+f, thinkI'man ig-no-.lnt rt"-u!., no3rd) CID ffi HIiU tr and you've beenso man-y plac-es, I guessit must be so' ? I Freely Bb m HM still I Am f,d t!!!E can-not see' Am f,d tlf,ID if the sav-age one is me, Dm ffi rall. Bbmal I ffi how can there be so much that you don't O 1995 wondetland Music Company,lnc and walt DisneyMusic Company Intemationalcopyri[ht Secured All RiShisReserued A(no3 HM no chord t!!!! /i know? oderately D Bm ffi ffi You don't *t 'l lt Bm D ffi ffi D Bm D ffi ffi ffi think you own what-ev- er landyou land rJ a tempo ._t I ö on; j ' ' the earth is just a deadthing you can d -+, e - --) ) I : l .. ) U I' G # Fflm ffi Hlgl rIIIIl but 'ry rock and tree and crea has a .A9sus EmTsus ffi ffi life, has a spir - it' has a Bm D ffi ffi name. F$m D Bm m dTE ffi m ple are the You think the on - lY peo- ple who are peo- ple who look and think like You, I' Bm G ffi ffi if you walk the foot-stepsof a strang - er Bm D ffi $H Have you Em7(add4) A9sus ffi you'll learn things you nev - er knew you nev - er Ffm m EIIE ev - er heard the wolf cry to the blue G(add9 # ffi G # ffi Bm Ffm ffi H+H IIIIE askedthe grin-ningbob-cat why he grinned? G(add9 # ffi Can you sing with all the voic-es of the I' D(add9)/Ff rnoun - tain? Em7(add4) ffi Bm7 m'" G6t9 Bm7(add4) ffi Can you paint with all the col-ors of the ,A9sus ffi 4-E=- D # ffi paint with all the col-ors of the wind? A bit brighter D D # ffi Come run the hid-den pine trails of wp poco accel. FfH* come tastethe sun-sweetber-ries of the Bnr/A h ffi worth. A *n{ TIIIE nev-er won-der what they're and for once roll in all the rich-es all Bm ffi ffi ffi ffi A9sus Em7 G Bm D # ffi f f i f f i The rain-storm and the riv-er are my broth - ers; U D ffi her-on and the ot-ter Bm Ffm Flm EII! are mv friends: and we are all con-nect-ed to each f poco a poco_ lg |rFn ffi f f i f f i ffi oth D A9sus ErnT G #fi - er l n a cir - cle, in a hooPthat neY- er ends' it A *it{ m lltlE er G/A ftrl ffi A ilnl m EETIE G/A A Bm ffiffi ffi And you'll know. then You'll down,- nev - er hear the wolf cry to the I' G(add9) G s * F*m ffiffi HM EEI blue corn moon' Bm F*m ffi m TITID for wheth - er we äe white or cop-per- skinned, --z-\ we need to 49 G A tu{ ffi add9) G6t9 ffi ffi ffi !!t!l sing with all the voic-es /G of the rnoun - tain, need to paint with all the col-ors of the G Bm7(add4) Em tffi m E!II] ffi wind. You can own FM E]AE the earth and still all ) C Fflm trm urll own rs eal'th ur - til you can paint with all the col-ors GiA D ffi ffi of the ---=----_---,wind. t\ e a) | nt ? -. t O t | l-J ; I - J ^- l G ffi ffi ) ratt. .. ,-.----.-l t,J l ? t I d t expressLvely C , t J >ftP -: /-r2. f Bm a ft..e ? l r r EmTlA T I . C atempofi-1_,-l N J ä D mo. ffi t r:\ /:\ - T G ) ? pp \ I A vou'll
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