Treatment support of rhabdomyolysis patients by CytoSorb®
Treatment support of rhabdomyolysis patients by CytoSorb®
Treatmentsupportof rhabdomyolysispatientsbyCytoSorb® DietmarFries Dept.ForGeneralandSurgicalCriticalCareMedicine MedicalUniversityInnsbruck Austria Partners: TelHashomerMedical UniversityofTelAviv,Israel USArmy,FortSamHouton, Texas,USA Dept.ofBioengineering, Univ.ofSanDiego,USA Dept.forAnesthesia, Aarhus, Denmark Dept.forHematology, Kings CollegeLondon, UK Dept.forTraumaSurgery, Cologne Merheim MedicalCenter,Germany Financialdisclosure: Industrialgrants/support/lecture fee AstraZeneca,AOPOrphan,Baxter,Bayer,Braun,Biotest,CSLBehring, Cytosorb,DeltaSelect,DadeBehring, Edwards,Fresenius, Glaxo, Haemoscope, Hemogem, Lilly,LFB-France,Mitsubishi Pharma, NovoNordisk, Octapharm,Pfizer, TEM-Innovation. Publicgrants/support AustrianNationalBankTrust,DeutscheBundeswehr, Ministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, USArmy,USDepartmentofDefense. Rhabdomyolysis.... Rhabdomyolysis:accumulationofmyoglobininthekidneytubulus. Myoglobinuria:0.5– 1.5mg/dl Destructionof200gmuscle:myoglobinplasmalevelof100mg/dl Myoglobin interactswithTamm-Horsfallproteinandformssolid aggregatesthatobstructnormalflow. +++lowbloodpressureanduricacid contributetokidney impairment. Consequence:acutetubularnecrosisanddecreasedGFR Research Vol 12 No 3 Open Access A positive fluid balance is associated with a worse outcome in patients with acute renal failure Didier Payen1, Anne Cornélie de Pont2, Yasser Sakr3, Claudia Spies4, Konrad Reinhart3, Jean Louis Vincent5 for the Sepsis Occurrence in Acutely Ill Patients (SOAP) Investigators 1Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, CHU Lariboisière, 2, rue Ambroise – Paré, F-75475 Paris Cedex 10, France Intensive Care Unit C3-327, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Erlanger Allee 101, D-07747 Jena, Germany 4Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin, Germany 5Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université libre de Bruxelles, 808, Route de Lennik, B-1070-Brussels, Belgium 2Adult Corresponding author: Anne Cornélie de Pont, [email protected] PatientswithARF Received: 14 Feb 2008 Revisions requested: 17 Mar 2008 Revisions received: 20 May 2008 Accepted: 4 Jun 2008 Published: 4 Jun 2008 Critical Care 2008, 12:R74 (doi:10.1186/cc6916) This article is online at: © 2008 Payen et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. (acuterenalfailure): Abstract Introduction Despite significant improvements in intensive care medicine, the prognosis of acute renal failure (ARF) remains poor, with mortality ranging from 40% to 65%. The aim of the present observational study was to analyze the influence of patient characteristics and fluid balance on the outcome of ARF in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Methods The data were extracted from the Sepsis Occurrence in Acutely Ill Patients (SOAP) study, a multicenter observational cohort study to which 198 ICUs from 24 European countries contributed. All adult patients admitted to a participating ICU between 1 and 15 May 2002, except those admitted for uncomplicated postoperative surveillance, were eligible for the study. For the purposes of this substudy, patients were divided into two groups according to whether they had ARF. The groups 60daymortalitywas Results Of the 3,147 patients included in the SOAP study, 1,120 (36%) had ARF at some point during their ICU stay. Sixtyday mortality rates were 36% in patients with ARF and 16% in patients without ARF (P < 0.01). Oliguric patients and patients treated with renal replacement therapy (RRT) had higher 60-day mortality rates than patients without oliguria or the need for RRT (41% versus 33% and 52% versus 32%, respectively; P < 0.01). Independent risk factors for 60-day mortality in the patients with ARF were age, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II), heart failure, liver cirrhosis, medical admission, mean fluid balance, and need for mechanical ventilation. Among patients treated with RRT, length of stay and mortality were lower when RRT was started early in the course of the ICU stay. PayenDetal.;CritCare.2008;12(3):R74. Conclusion In this large European multicenter study, a positive fluid balance was an important factor associated with increased twiceashighas amongotherpatients AcuteRenalFailureinCriticallyIllPatients: AMultinational,MulticenterStudy UchinoSetal.;JAMA.2005;294(7):813-818. Heparin rhAPC Albumin therapeutic options factor concentrates † Antithrombin Thrombo modulin fibrinolysis inhibitors OPTIMIST: TFPI (Tifacogin): no influence on mortality, increased numbers of bleeding ✗ Heparin ✗ rhAPC ✗ Albumin ✗ Antithrombin DIC: therapeuticoptions ✗ Thrombomodulin ✗ fibrinolysisinhibitors †OPTIMIST– TFPI(Tifacogin):noinfluenceonmortality,increased incidenceofbleeding1 1.AbrahamE,etal.JAMA2003;290:238–47 Polymer-Technology • 300ml filter with a „bead“-design • Hightech-polymer • Size selection < 55kD • Low flow resistance • 120ml bloodvolume / filling volume • Pre-filled with sodium-chlorid Blutfluss • Gamma-steril, 3 year storage 11 Adsorber Bloodfl ow Nahaufnahme CytoSorb™ Beads Elektronenmikroskop. Aufnahme Quelle Fotos: Valenti, I “Characterization of a Novel Sorbent Polymer for the Treatment of Sepsis” 2008 IL-18 IL-1β TNF-α monomer HMGB1 IFN-γ monomer TGF-β TNF-α trimer IL-1ra IL-6 PCT sFas ligand MCP-1 sTNFR IL-13 IL-10 MCP-1 glycosylated Albumin IL-8 IL-4 MIP-1α G-CSF IFN-γ dimer kDa 0 10 Hämodialyse 20 30 40 50 60 70 Myoglobin isaglobularproteinwith153Aminoacids andamoleculemassof17kDA... Myoglobin kDa 0 10 Hämodialyse 20 30 40 50 60 70 Not eliminated by CytoSorb®… No elimination of Immunglobulines IgG: 150 KD IgM: 971KD IgE: 198 KD IgA: Monomer: 160 KD, Dimer: 385 KD IgD: 172 KD 18 Not eliminated by CytoSorb®… Coagulation and complement is not activated No elemination of Fibrinogen: 340 KD No elemination of coagulation factors No elemination of AT III, Prot. C 65 KD No relevant elemination of Albumin Small decrease of platelets 19 Not eliminated by CytoSorb®… 20 Not activated by CytoSorb®… Plasma levels of C3a and C5b-9 as a result of activation of the complement system do not increase. Quelle: Kellum JA et al., Feasibility study of cytokine removal by hemoadsorption in brain-dead humans; Crit Care Med. 2008 Jan;36(1):268-72 Besidesomeinterventional clinicaltrials,norandomized, controlled clinicaltrialshavebeenpublished forthetreatmentofrhabdomyolysis. Standardtreatmentofrhabdomyolysis: Ø discontinuation offurther muscleinjury, Ø prevention ofkidney failureand Ø identification andmanagementoffurther complications. Earlyandaggressivevolumeresuscitationisacornerstone (strong controversyaboutthetypeandvolume offluid butalsoofdiuretics). Alkalinisationofurineisastandardprocedure (lackofevidence(3). Itshouldbekeptinmindthatalkalinisation ofurinemaycausesystemic metabolicalkalosis. BrownCV,RheeP,ChanL,EvansK,DemetriadesD,VelmahosGC.Preventingrenalfailureinpatientswith rhabdomyolsis: dobicarbonateandmannitolmakeadifference?JTrauma2004;56:1191-1196. „Therewasinsufficientevidencetodiscern anylikelybenefitsofCRRToverconventional therapyforpeoplewithrhabdomyolysis and prevention ofrhabdomyolysis-induced AK“ A68year-oldmalewithmyocardialinfarction. During ongoing CPR:ECMO. ToweanthepatientfromECMO:LVAD AfterremovalofECMOandLVAD:thepatient suffered fromacombination ofsepsis (chlamydialpneumonia) andlowoutput. Myoglobin (of 32.189µg/l)andbilirubin increaseddramatically. A68year-oldmalewithmyocardialinfarction. During ongoing CPR:ECMO. ToweanthepatientfromECMO:LVAD AfterremovalofECMOandLVAD:thepatient suffered fromacombination ofsepsis (chlamydialpneumonia) andlowoutput. Myoglobin (of 32.189µg/l)andbilirubin increaseddramatically. 59yo malepatient suffering from: Ø MOF Ø acute necrotizing pancreatitis, Ø lactacidosis, Ø severe septic shock Ø massivebleeding/massivetransfusion Ø acute renalfailure Ø rhabdomyolysis Ø ARDS Ø DICwith pulmonary bleeding Ø liver failure Ø pneumonia Ø colitis 59yo malepatient suffering from: Ø MOF Ø acute necrotizing pancreatitis, Ø lactacidosis, Ø severe septic shock Ø massivebleeding/massivetransfusion Ø acute renalfailure Ø rhabdomyolysis Ø ARDS Ø DICwith pulmonary bleeding Ø liver failure Ø pneumonia day Bilirubin(mg/dl) Ø colitis 22.2.15 28,5 23.2.15 24,95 24.2.15 20,71 25.2.15 18,67 26.2.15 8,51 27.2.15 11,79
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