May 2005
May 2005
EMERALD COAST CHAPTER • AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN’S F O R T W A L T O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A May 2005 2004/2005 Chapter Officers President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathy Browe President Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tonya Nunes Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Becky Belcher Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . .Tammy McDaniel Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathi Heapy Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Terre Dominique Committee Chairs 2004/2005 Hospitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Becky Dawkins Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bev Bain Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Desley Parker Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tara Hammond Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anita Chapman Ways & Means . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tammy Magee Poker Run Subcommittee .Tammy Magee & Michelle Sears History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sharon Adams Fall Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carol Ann Love Spring Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . .Sharon Adams Woman of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bev Bain Business Associate . . . . . . . .Sherry Marcolongo Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Terry Williamson ASSOCIATION Volume XXII Number 10 A Message From Our President Each year our President Elect is asked to survey the membership to get suggestions for running the chapter the following year. I asked Tonya Nunes if she would like to do this or if she would like me to do it for her since she has a lot of other things to be worrying about at this time. At her request, I put together a survey that combined the one Becky Belcher did and the one I did last year. As we did in the past, this was distributed at two different monthly meetings so we could get as much participation as possible. others do. One person said they really enjoy the programs and another person said cut out the programs entirely - just do our business meeting. Most of you agree that we have done a good job getting the dinner on the table at 6:30 so we can start our meeting promptly and get out earlier - and one person said that this was her time to be with other women and that she makes it a point to schedule this time in her calendar. She likes things just the way they are. So, I guess as a Mom, a former teacher and a leader I would have to tell each of you that we just have to take turns and each person will have a chance to enjoy their favorite parts! Sand Pebbles is a monthly newsletter published by the Emerald Coast Chapter of the American Business Women's Association for its members. As we start a new year together, let's all keep growing and supporting each other. Anyway, from the 22 responses (out of 106 members) that were returned, I can only surmise that: people were having such a great time visiting with each other that they didn't want to take the time to fill out a questionnaire or that there were no really big issues that concerned our members. Hopefully both of these are correct! Send inquiries and submissions to: TERRY WILLIAMSON c/o NWFL Daily News P.O. Box 2949 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549 E-mail: terr [email protected] Home Phone............678-2138 Work Phone............863-1111 ext. 1-486 Also, as with any group this large, some people love things that other people don't enjoy. Ex. - One person said meet at 6:00 but another person doesn't get out of work until 6:00. One person said cut out the introductions completely and another said they really enjoy the chance to hear what Web Site: w w w. a b w a - e c c . o r g Chapter E-mail address: E m e r a l d C o a s t A B WA @ l y c o s . c o m May 3rd Meeting Agenda Dinner NETWORKING STARTS AT 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER IS AT 6:30 P.M. Greens w/tomatoes, onions & house dressing Beef Taquitos Chicken Fajitas w/warm flour tortillas Shredded Pork Enchiladas w/salsa verde Refried Beans, Mexican Rice Key Lime Pie Sliced Fruits Coffee & Tea Service OR you can order a Chef Salad. If you would rather have the salad, please call the hotline at 864-7697 Advertise a business card size ad for only: $60.00 for 12 months $35.00 for 6 months $25.00 for a 1 page insert for 1 month Annual and semi-annual ads will be published on the ABWA web site. Emerald Coast Chapter American Business Women's Association Fort Walton Beach, Florida Invocation / Pledge Dinner/Introductions Announcements/Door Prizes Program: Scholarship • Poker Run Chapter Election of Officers Benediction There were some other suggestions for programs and social events and people who volunteered to chair these. All these ideas will be passed on to the new committee chairs and the new board at our transitional meeting. Here is your chance to make some of these decisions! Run for the board, chair a committee or serve on one. It's been a wonderful adventure! Sincerely, Kathy Browe South of the Border Buffet ABWA Emerald Coast Chapter April 5, 2005 MEETING MINUTES The meeting was called to order by President, Kathy Browe, at 6:30 pm. The Invocation was said by Lisa Jo Spenser. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all. Dinner was almost served when the meeting started, which seems to be working well. Introductions were said during dinner. We then started the business portion of the meeting. The Secretary’s report was approved as published. The Treasurer’s reading was also approved as published. Thanks go out to Tara Hammond and her team for the great job they did with the Women’s Expo. It was a big success. Jackie Pilcher will head the nominating Committee. If you have any suggestions or want to run, please let her know. Kathy Browe asked if any member did not fill out a Member Survey last month, please fill one out before you leave the meeting. The Panhandle Area Council Meeting will be July 16th at O’Charley’s. It is a centralized place for all attending. There will be a choice of 3 entrees. Bev Bain and Anita Chapman will be attending. Anita Chapman offered to Chair. Thank you, Anita! The Board Meeting will be April 11th at 5:30 pm. It will be held at Bayside Automotive. If anyone needs directions, please call Terre Dominique at 685-0330. The next topic on the agenda was the BPR. Tammy Magee introduced each Chair and asked them to take a minute to describe their committee and ask for help, if needed. The Chairs and their committees are: T-shirt Committee - Sherry Marcolongo and Sherry Kennedy, Publicity - Tara Hammond, Cash Donations - Barbara Angel, In-House Donations - Kathy Browe, Food Committee - Paula Ward and Jeanne Rief, Pre-Registration Shareen Ketchum, Goody Bag Committee - Vicki Edge, Goody Bag Stuffing Committee - Forrest Oliver, Entertainment Committee - Tammy McDaniel, Data Base Coordinator Angela McCormick, Garbage Committee - Jackie Pilcher, Prize Control Committee - Pam White, Event Registration Committee - Carol Evans and last, but certainly not least, our very important Dock Workers Committee - Bev Bain and Becky Dawkins. The docks we will be using are A.J.’s, Bay Café, Brooks Marina, Crab Shack, Dockers and Eglin Yacht Club. Our Success Strategy Speaker for the night was Dixie Grant. She told us how she got into the alteration business and the road she took to get her there. It sounded like she learned from the best. Thanks Dixie!!! Bev Bain did affiliations for the month. There were 2 ladies. The first was Anna Dominique who is a closing agent for Fleet, Spencer, Martin and Kilpatrick, an attorney firm. Our next affiliation was Samantha Berens. Samantha is a Marketing Specialist with First Command Financial Planning. We welcome them into our Chapter. See more about our new members on page 10. Birthday announcements were then made. The following ladies all have birth- the 20th, Lori Love the 25th, Judi Faust the 27th and Dixie Grant the 30th. Lisa Jo Spenser won the Birthday Girl Drawing. The Business Card Drawing for the interview with Tara Hammond was won by Anna Dominique. The 50/50 drawing was won by Tara Hammond. Door prizes drawings were next. We thank all who brought a door prize. We want to thank Becky Belcher for the center pieces. They were wonderful!!! The Benediction was said by Sam Berens. Our Program was held for last. It was an Exposition Hall setting with 20 displays where our members highlighted their businesses. It was a great Program! We had jewelry, clothes, art, a chocolate fountain, travel destinations, food, financial planning, spa goodies and more. We thank everyone who participated. I, myself, enjoyed it very much. It would be great to do this every year. There will be a Dock Workers meeting at, where else, Dockers. It will be April 18th at 5:30 pm. Sherry Kennedy announced our new web site is www.ABWA/ We thank Sherry for all her hard work. The meeting was attended by 51 members, 8 guests and there were 12 no shows. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm. Respectfully Submitted By, Terre Dominique, Secretary Don’t forget to visit the new ABWA ECC web site online. The web address is: Visit us online to download the newsletters, read the menus, and announcements. days in April: Terre Dominique the 4th, Vicki Edge and Jackie Pilcher the 6th, Janet Wilson (not pictured) the 11th, Andrea Schlapia the 12th, Carol Evans the 19th, Faye Watts (not pictured) and Lisa Jo Spencer If you have any ideas for information you would like to see on our website please contact Sherry Kennedy at 314-0269. M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 2 ABWA in pictures! TREASURER'S REPORT - AS OF MARCH 31, 2005 BUDGET REVENUE Dinners Dues Bulletin Advertising Name Tag Sales FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES 50/50 & Door Prize Tickets Poker Run Miscellaneous Scholarship refunded FIN - Fund Raiser TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES Bulletin Printing Postage Film Internet Advertising Program Committee Executive Board Stephen Bufton Fund National Convention Spring Conference FWB Chamber Dues P. O. Box Rental Panhandle Council Meetin Board-Other ABWA Day Woman of the Year Hospitality Committee Dinners Answering Service Flowers to Members Table Decorations Misc. Membership Committee New Member Orientation Name Tags Printing, Postage, Misc. Education Committee Scholarships Printing/Postage/Tea Member Education/Progra Poker Run Expenses Business Associate Event Spring Enrollment Event Fall Enrollment Event March 31, 2005 $15,000.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $ $ $ $ $1,000.00 $ $12,000.00 $3,070.00 $34,570.00 $ 1,215.00 - Year to Date $ $ $ $ 9,624.00 2,280.00 730.00 42.00 $ $ 496.00 195.00 $ $ 1,215.00 $ 500.00 595.20 14,462.20 - Stacey McGilvray with AmSouth Bank meets Jeanne Rief and Marnie Tate, two experts on making a guest welcome! Way to go ladies! $100.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $ $1,000.00 $100.00 $40.00 $220.00 $640.00 $0.00 $200.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 928.49 388.50 99.00 38.00 12.50 72.08 191.75 $ 191.75 $15,000.00 $ $175.00 $ $120.00 $ $75.00 840.96 $ 14.57 $ 24.38 $ 9,581.55 115.42 128.05 $400.00 $ $0.00 $ $150.00 $ $ 5.30 $ 31.28 $ 469.44 31.80 165.82 $7,000.00 $400.00 $3,200.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $50.00 $50.00 - $ - $ $ $ $ $ 93.24 $ $ 407.89 93.24 - 1,201.48 $ $ 13.52 $ 12,723.53 1,738.67 Checkbook Balance as of 6/30/04 Plus Revenues Less Expenses Checkbook Balance as of 3/31/05 $ $ $ $ 17,003.95 14,462.20 12,723.53 18,742.62 Fund Balance as of 6/30/04 Plus Net Balance Adjustment (outstanding checks) Fund Balance as of 3/31/05 Total Ginny Winn Fund Less Cash on Hand Balance at Regions Bank $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 17,063.95 1,738.67 18,802.62 699.69 60.00 18,742.62 Public Relations Committee Ways and Means Member Support TOTAL EXPENSES NET BALANCE $100.00 $ $34,570.00 $ $0.00 $ Tara Hammond showed me the Lisa Jo Spencer wins a great gift basket at the April meeting. money! Winner of the 50/50 drawing at the April meeting. Shareen Ketchem and her guest, Stacey McGilvray with AmSouth Bank. Dixie Grant, the April Success Strategy Speaker shared her experiences and skills. THE EMERALD COAST CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION will hold their next meeting Tuesday, May 3rd. at the Hurlburt Soundside Club on Highway 98 in Mary Esther The Program will be: Respectfully submitted, Kathi Heapy Scholarship • Poker Run Chapter Election of Officers Networking begins at 5:30 PM • Dinner starts at 6:30 PM, and the cost is $15. Reservations are mandatory and can be made by calling : 850-864-7697 M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 3 Member Websites w w w. a g l c o a c h i n g . c o m Andrea Schlapia w w w. c a r l s o n t r a v e l . c o m / S H A L I M A R Lynda Hammond w w w. c h o c ta w e n g . c o m Becky Belcher w w w. c o n n e c t w i t h f l o w e r s . c o m Terre Carr w w w. d a y s pa d e s t i n . c o m Vickie Edge w w w. e m b a s s y s u i t e s d e s t i n . c o m Lynn Holland w w w. f w b m c . c o m Ellen Witterstaeter w w w. h o n e y b a k e d h a m . c o m Kathy Browe w w w. k e l l y s e r v i c e s . c o m Sharon Adams w w w. l a m a r. c o m Sandy See w w w. m a r y k a y. c o m / s a l l y Sally Johnson w w w. n m f n . c o m / m a r n i e ta t e Marnie Tate w w w. n w f d a i l y n e w s . c o m Jeanne Rief, Dawn Lowe, Terry Williamson Tara Hammond w w w. o l d s o u t h e x c h a n g e . c o m Gayle Hurst w w w. s h a l i m a r y a c h t b a s i n . c o m Paulette Peterson w w w. s t o n e m o u n ta i n f l o o r i n g . c o m Kathi Heapy w w w. s u c c e s s w i t h d e s l e y. c o m Desley Parker w w w. s o u t h t r u s t . c o m Pam White w w w. s y n o v u s . c o m Jennifer Mauk w w w. ts a c g . c o m Sherry Marcolongo, Angela McCormick, Beth Bish w w w. v td i n c . c o m Sherry Kennedy w w w. w e s t w o o d r e t i r e m e n t r e s o r t . c o m Michelle Sears w w w. w e e k e n d e r s u s a . c o m / k i m i i f e l d e r Kimii Felder w w w. w i l s o n p e r s o n n e l . c o m Sheila Scott MAY 2005 CALENDAR OF EVENTS COMMUNITY EVENTS 3rd ABWA Chapter Meeting 7th The Standifers; Concert performance by this quartet held at 7pm at Cinco Baptist Church in Fort Walton Beach. Sponsored by American Gospel Ministries. Jim Harkins, Sr., 850-862-6211. 8th Mother’s Day at The Zoo. Moms receive FREE admission when accompanied by a paying child or adult. For more information call 850-932-2229. 9th ABWA Board Meeting ~ Bayside Automotive, call Terre Dominique 14th ECC ABWA Boat Poker Run 14th – 15th “Memories and More” Quilt Exhibit; Held at the Creative Senior Center in Fort Walton Beach from 9am to 4pm. 850-833-9586. 15th Sunday in the Park; Bring your lawn chairs for an afternoon of jazz musical entertainment from 2pm to 5pm at Fort Walton Beach Landing. Sponsored by the City of Fort Walton Beach. 850-833-9576. 15th - 6/09 Gallery Openings; The Arts Center at OWC in Niceville presents the ADSO 13th Annual SE Regional Juried Exhibition in the McIlroy Gallery and the ADSO 2004 Golden Brush Award winners in the Holzhauer Gallery. 850-729-6000 19th – 21st Emerald Coast Boat Show; The 4th annual event at the Emerald Coast Conference Center on Okaloosa Island offers excitement for boaters and anglers of all ages. The show will feature over 400 types of boats, a vast selection of marine accessories, fishing clinics and kid’s activities. Noon – 7pm Thurs, 10am – 7pm Fri & Sat, 10am – 6pm Sun. 800-940-7642. 21st National Armed Forces Day as The Zoo. Active duty military and their families receive half-price admission with Military ID. For more information call 850-932-2229 30th 20th Annual Eglin AFB “Gate to Gate” Run, 4.4 mile run/walk and 1 mile fun run. Register Online at Last day to register is Sat., May 28th. For more information call 850-882-2302. CHAMBER EVENTS 6th First Friday Coffee; 7:45am; Santa Rosa Mall Food Court. Sponsor: White Wilson Medical Center 13th Member Benefits Reception; Noon in the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce Conference Room. All new and prospective members are invited to attend but must RSVP to 244-8191 by May 11th 17th “Effective Supervision and Coaching” Seminar; 8:30am-11:00am; Chamber Conference Room. People who perform well in a profession typically become supervisors within that profession. Unfortunately, practicing a profession and supervising others in that profession are two very different challenges. The former involved doing things yourself; the latter involves getting things done through the work of others. This seminar covers the skills you need in order to be an effective supervisor in any field including: leadership, communication, motivation, decision making, problem solving, performance appraisal, handling employee complaints, conflict management/resolution, legal issues (employee discipline, termination of employees, sexual harassment, etc.), and teambuilding/teamwork. Seminar is developed and presented by Dr. David Goetsch, Vice President at Okaloosa Walton College. Register for the seminar by calling the Chamber at 244-8191. The cost to attend this informative seminar is $35 for Chamber members and $40 for non-members who register in advance. Registration on the day of the event is $45 for all. 19th Business after Hours; 5:30pm-7:30pm; Rick’s Crab Trap located under the Brooks Bridge. 27th Featured Restaurant; 11:30pm; Sealand Restaurant, 27 SE Miracle Strip Pkwy across from the FWB Chamber. M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 4 From Membership Affiliations: April Meeting At left, Lisa Jo Spencer, Anna Dominique, Samantha Berens and Sally Johnson We want to welcome our new members to our chapter. Samantha Berens - Sponsor: Sally Johnson. Samantha is a Marketing Specialist with First Command Financial Planning. She is married and has a 6 month old bichon dog named Nerdles. Her hobbies include outdoor activities, the beach, going to movies and lunch with friends. Anna Dominique - Sponsor: Lisa Jo Spencer. Anna is a Closing Agent with the Law Firm of Fleet, Spencer, Martin & Kilpattrick PA. She is married and has 2 daughters, Nicole 16 and Michelle 12. They have a 5 year old chocolate lab, Bailey. Her hobbies include reading, gardening, the beach, walking and spending time with friends over lunch. We had 8 guests at our April meeting with 5 of the guests joining our chapter. You will be hearing more about each new member when she is affiliated. They are... Kim Snowden and Janice Baker, both with Java Jo'z Ranee Jones with FNB&T. Stacey McGilvray with AmSouth Bank. Shelley Langshaw who owns her own business Gaia's Garden Gallery. NOTE: Just a reminder that when our members have a guest to please stop by the Membership table to sign the guest register even if they have been a guest before. Bev and her committee will be there to answer any questions about membership and our chapter, hand out information, plus make sure that our guests are introduced to chapter members. Members, when you invite a guest, let her know that she needs to call the hotline number 864-7697 by noon on the Friday before the first Tuesday night meeting. Let your guest know that the cost of the dinner is $15.00. Please let your guests know before the meeting that we have 50/50 door prizes and the price of the tickets are $1.00 for (1) $2.00 for (3) and 8 for $5.00. Also, there is a cash bar available for those who would like to get a glass of wine, beer or mixed drink as they are socializing before the meeting. Another important reminder, the resource table is only for members to display their business flyers, materials, etc. during the meeting. Pensacola ABWA Chapter Hosts Panhandle Area Council Meeting (PAC) Panhandle Area Council meeting was held Sat. April 16. This meeting was hosted by the Pensacola ABWA Chapter and held at Landry's Seafood House restaurant in P'cola. The dinner was enjoyed by all with 4 menu choices that were ECC chapter members, Anita Chapman & Bev Bain excellent. There were 5 chapters in our area that had members attending with a total of 32 ABWA women. The program was very interesting with speaker, Dr. Deborah Vigilone. She specializes in thyroid/menopausal Vickie, cousin and guest of Becky Belcher disorder, endocrinology, and holistic therapies, plus Botox and Derma Brasion. She was very informative about these topics. Attending from our Emerald Coast Chapter, Becky Belcher, Bev Bain, Anita Chapman and Becky's cousin, Vickie who resides in ECC chapter member... Becky Belcher P'cola was her guest. giving report about our chapter events Becky Belcher gave a report on our chapter and activities and events that our chapter has been involved with this year and spoke about our upcoming Boating Poker Run. The next PAC meeting will be hosted by our chapter, July 16 at O'Charley's in Destin. PAC meetings are held quarterly. We welcome any member to attend the quarterly PAC meetings and are hoping to have a good turn out at the one our chapter in hosting in July. Submitted by: Bev Bain <><, ECC Membership Chair Bev Bain <><, ECC Membership Chair M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 5 ABWA is...Friendship Important Bits and Pieces If you cannot attend our chapter meeting, attendance at another chapter’s meeting will count for perfect attendance. Guest are welcome. Please call our hotline at 864-7697 to make a reservation by Noon, Friday before the meeting. The Emerald Coast Chapter of ABWA meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hurlburt Soundside Club across from the main gate to Hurlburt Field. Networking starts at 5:30 p.m. Call to order is at 6:30 p.m. Dinner cost is $15.00 payable at the door. ABWA Mission Statement The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together women of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. ABWA Traditional Invocation Lord, in the quiet of this hour, We come to Thee for wisdom, and for power; To view Thy world through only love-filled eyes; To grow in understanding; to be wise And sure to see Thy guiding light; and thus To know each other as Thou knowest us. Amen ABWA Traditional Benediction O Guiding Spirit, Guardian of our days, Be with us as we go our separate ways. Help us to feel those thoughts that lift and bless, To know a closer bond of friendliness; To see Thy beauty always - every day, Translated into living - this we pray. Amen Prime Time Connection The “Been There - Done That” Prime Time Connection Chapter has been formed for retired businesswomen. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Meeting locations change monthly. They are looking for new members -- retired or not. Points of Contact: Liz O'Shea 678-7739 and Gloria Walker 651-4008. Other Chapter Meetings FWB Charter Chapter 2nd Thursday of each month, Two Trees Restaurant at FWB Golf Course 6:00 p.m. Networking • Dinner 6:30 p.m. Entree $15.66 & Salads $11.50 Contact: 314-3010 (leave message) Note: The Navarre Chapter and the Spanish Trail Chapter (Crestview) are now defunct. If you need to attend another chapter’s meeting to fulfill your attendance, the FWB Charter Chapter is the only other local option. This is the latest information as of July 2004. If you have a question, please contact the Emerald Coast Chapter president. From Hospitality I would like to thank Becky Belcher for once again furnishing the darling centerpieces for the April Meeting. They reminded us that Spring is here. Becky is there anything you can't do? Ladies please continue to keep Tonya Nunes and Tammy McDaniel in your prayers and thoughts. Becky Dawkins Hospitality Chair May Birthdays Date 3 Janice Baker 8 Dawn Lowe 14 Lisa Coker 15 Cindy Karwacki 18 Shirley Young 19 Terre Carr 21 Jo Main 23 Shareen Ketchem 23 Pam White 25 Jane Santijanna 26 Sally Johnson 28 Sharon Adams Cards and phone calls are fun! If we’ve missed your birthday, please let us know. May Anniversaries Years 21 Marnie Tate 14 Gayle Carmichael 6 Lisa Coker 6 Sherry Sheldon 6 Sherry Marcolongo 5 Angela McCormick 5 Mitzi Rowe 1 Jane Santijanna 1 Melissa Rogers 1 Barbara Williams * Please let us know if we have missed your anniversary. Baby on Board! Amanda Negron had a lovely baby girl on March 18th - 12:45 pm. Her name is Isabella Renee Negron and she is doing great. She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 inches long. Amanda states, “I am finally getting used to new motherhood and will be getting back to work this week.” Please call or drop an email to our new mother. Amanda Negron Senior Loan Officer ABC Mortgage Company Inc. Phone 850-243-3279 Fax 850-796-0900 [email protected] M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 6 The Awsome April Networking Mini Expo M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 7 12th Annual ABWA Boat Poker Run, 2005 Co-Chair: Tammy Magee (C) 496-1142 (H) 315-0836 /Co-Chair: Jeanne Rief (W) 863-1111 (C) 685-8027 UPDATED! Captain’s Pre-Registration Fri, May 13th - Place/Time: Shalimar Yacht Basin Boat Poker Run - Sat, May 14th At Shalimar Yacht Basin We have the dates, we have the place, we have the band, ALIBI, booked!!! THANKS to all of you for your work on the ABWA Billy Bowlegs Boat Poker Run! This is a real team effort and it takes all of us to make it such a great success each year. The Boat Poker Run is the only fundraiser we have that supports our Scholarship Program…We need every member to help! We want to have fun, too! Thanks again for your support!! Tammy/Jeanne BPR/T-Shirts: Co-Chairs: Sherry Kennedy (H-865-9404), Sherry Marcolongo (H-678-5946) Order now!! BPR/Print Publicity: Chair: Tara Hammond (863-1111) Cash Donations / Grand Prizes: Co-Chairs: Barbara Angel (796-0848) Jeanne Rief (685-8027) In-House (ABWA) Door Prizes: Chair: Kathy Browe (269-0234) Pre-Registration: Queen: Shareen Ketchem (863-9082) Goody Bags Chair: Chair: Vickie Edge (428-2323) Goody Bag Assembly: Chair: Forrest Oliver (651-5384) Entertainment Coordinator: Chair: Tammy McDaniel (315-1805) Food Donations: Co-Chairs: Jeanne Rief (315-7374), Paul Ward (664-5734) Data Base Manager: Angela McCormick (H-244-4613 / W-244-7306) Prize Packages: Chair: Pam White (863-0370) Party Site: Chair: Jackie Pilcher (314-6707) Event Registration: Chair: Carol Evans (243-3176) Dock Workers: Co-Chairs: Bev Bain (862-5375) Becky Dawkins (609-0841) Thank You Notes: Chair: Faye Watts (651-2454) In-House Door Prizes: Chair: Kathy Browe (650-2636) Please bring your door prize items and goody bag items to our May meeting. Be sure to write your name, company and the value of your donation on your items. Pickup and Delivery Volunteers. Let us know if you can pick up prizes, gift certificates, logos, cash donations, etc from area businesses. M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 8 Docker’s was THE place for the Dock Worker’s meeting! Next Boat Poker Dock Meeting: A Dock Worker meeting was held Monday, April 18 at Docker's Restaurant with 27 attending. The meeting started at 5:30 pm and food orders were placed. Bev Bain and Becky Dawkins handed out flyers with list of the 6 docks and dock workers at each one, plus list of the Casino Dealers & Recorders that signed up to work casino tables at the party site. Tammy Magee went over the information for the Casino dealers and recorders and what their job will be at the Shalimar Yacht Basin. All participants that have paid for poker hands will go to the party site and play their poker hands after 2:00 pm. Food and beverages will not be served until 3:00 pm. All participants playing poker hand must have 4 out of the 6 docks punched at the docks. Each dock will have a different symbol used to punch the cards as they arrive at the dock. All participants of the poker run including those of our chapter members working must have an arm band on their arm. No exceptions. Arm bands must be worn on their arm, not the ankle or attached to their clothing. Please remember that it is up to all of us at the party site to keep the trash bags changed out and everyone will be helping in cleaning up at the end of the poker run. We need to make sure the bathrooms are kept clean during the day and stocked with bathroom tissue and paper towels as needed. Let's all help make this another successful BPR. The next Dock Worker meeting will be Monday, May 9 at Docker's Restaurant. We will be handing out the banners for docks and going over information regarding dock workers and those that will be Casino dealers and recorders. Please RSVP to Bev Bain, 862-5375 or [email protected] Our thanks ... Bev Bain and Becky Dawkins Dock Worker Chair's DOCK WORKER INFO: The next Dock Worker meeting will be held at Docker's Restaurant, Monday, May 9 at 5:30 p.m. We will be in the same room and please plan on ordering something to eat and drink while we are there. The owner, John does not charge for the use of the room. This is our way of thanking him and supporting his business. Dockers is one of our docks each year. DOCKS PARTICIPATING THIS YEAR: A.J.'s - Destin Harbor Bay Cafe - FWB - under Brooks Bridge FWB side Brooks Bridge Marina - FWB - by Brooks Bridge down town Dockers Restaurant - FWB - Cinco Bridge Eglin Yacht Club - Eglin AFB, Ben's Lake area Original Crab Shack - FWB - Hwy. 98 across from the Civic Center/City Hall This will be the final meeting before the day of our Boating Poker Run on May 14. It is important that the Capt. or CoCapt. be at this meeting or someone that is with each of the docks we are using. We will be handing out the banners for the docks at this meeting. Plus any other items that are needed for the BPR. We want to express our sincere thanks to all that are dock workers, casino dealers and recorders for the event. We appreciate each of you and your spouses and friends that will be helping that day. We couldn't do it without your support. You are the best! Our thanks ... Bev Bain and Becky Dawkins Dock Worker Chair's M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 9 BPR Info Updates Hi everyone, If you have any checks, tickets or gift certificates that you have received so far, please bring them to the ABWA May Meeting. Thanks, Tammy Magee Time is running out to get donations for the Poker Run listed on the t-shirt!!! Please contact your prospects for cash donations and also for large donations over $200 as soon as possible. Remember $200 will get a listing on the T-shirt and $500 will get a logo on the T-shirt. I will be leaving on vacation April 22, so be sure to let Sherry Kennedy and Angela McCormick know if you get something before the April 30th deadline. You can check on the website to keep up-to-date on the donations we have received. Jeanne Rief Northwest Florida Daily News Marketing Director 850-863-1111 ext 1371, Fax 863-9348 Hi Members, Terre Dominique and I are handling door prizes from our members for the Boat Poker Run. Some of you have already told us what you, or your company is donating. Obviously, if your company is making a donation of a different form (billboards, cash prize, grand prize, food..) we will not contact you for an additional door prize. Please e-mail me with what you plan to donate and the value. This is a new thing we need for tax purposes. You can either drop off your prize to Bayside Automotive at the corner of Beal and Walter Martin in Fort Walton - don't forget to leave a note about who you are and the value of the prize - or you can bring it to the May meeting. It would be a lot easier if you left it at Bayside so we don't have to transport everything from the May meeting. My e-mail is: [email protected] Thanks in advance for your participation. Kathy Browe In House Door Prize Committee Member Information Jennifer Mauk Fushia McInerney Michelle Bacon Samantha Berens Anna Dominique Shelly Langshaw Ranee Jones Kim Snowden Janice Baker Lyn Kelley Stacey McGilvray Linda Valentine [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] annakirkendoll@yahoo,.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] If you have updated contact information, please notify: Bev Bain, Membership Chair, 862-5375 or [email protected] “Hair Raising” Event! Hello there! If you have not heard already, our President-Elect, Tonya Nunes has been diagnosed with breast cancer. We have been fortunate enough to follow along with her journey and blessed with her strong will and “Tonya” humor we have all come to enjoy. All though most women would be aghast over the thought of loosing their hair, Tonya decided to have a "Hair Party" to cut hers before it all Tonya and Kathy Browe, wigged out! fell out. If you have not done so already, please be sure to contact Tonya at 8620250 or [email protected] to wish her well. Terry Williamson and Kathy Browe Tonya, before. Tonya, during, mohawk! with green Dear ABWA Sisters, Your love and caring have really touched me. The many many cards, notes, phone calls and warm, sincere hugs have meant so very much to me. Losing one’s Mother is very difficult, it's like losing your lifeline. You all understand and without hesitation reached out to me in love. I can't thank you enough. The variagated arrowhead plant you sent me here at the house is lovely and will be a fond remembrance of my Mother and your friendship. Thank you - each and everyone. Sincerely, Marilyn Ankeny M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 1 0 Restaurant Review________by Sherry Marcolongo Rum Runners Village of Baytowne Wharf Location: Sandestin Food: Atmosphere: Price: ★ ★★ ★★ I was really looking forward to my visit to Rum Runners for a surprise birthday party thrown for one of my friends. Rum Runners seemed to have everything - entertainment and supposedly good food. I regret to say that they only slightly succeeded in one area: the entertainment. This opinion is not only mine but also that of the others who were in our group. If you want fun with the dueling piano atmosphere, then I suggest you go to Howl at the Moon instead as their show is much more enjoyable…and their club is much roomier than Rum Runners. The show was fun, but I couldn't get rid of the cramped feeling the place gave me. The pianists are very talented, and they were successful knowing most of the songs that were requested. The Rum Runners guys did a lot more begging for tips, though. If people are truly having a great time, you don't have to worry about that. The food was most disappointing. For the price they were charging, I would rather go to the Bonefish Grill or one of the other upscale dining establishments in Destin. Two of the gentlemen in our party ordered the steak that was offered on the menu. They were presented with bland, tasteless steaks that were very tough. Their meal also came with Caribbean rice. We were all looking forward to this as it sounded wonderful; however, it was also bland, and the rice had the consistency of couscous (this was included with most of the entrees). The best part of their meal, and mine, was the string beans. I chose the pecan grouper. It had potential, but the chef basically burned it - once it reaches this state, the pecans change flavor and have that burned taste to them. In retrospect, I should have sent it back, but after seeing what everyone else had, I don't think I would have been happy with anything else either. The best dish on the table belonged to the one individual who ordered the sandwich wrap and fries. Based on these factors, I cannot, with good conscience, recommend Rum Runners. I say "Leave it to the Tourists." If you would like to join the Restaurant Review please contact: Sherry M. Marcolongo Publications Specialist TSA Consulting Group, Inc. Phone: 244-7306 ext. 120 Fax: 244-7308 Its time again for the ABWA Membership drive! Ladies, rev up your engines! It's time to shift into high drive...membership drive. Yes, it's time for the annual Spring Campaign. This is a great time for you to expand your network and professional development contacts by bringing in new members. Best of all, it's easy! Share the information about ABWA with everyone you meet while standing in line at the grocery store...going to the cleaners...getting your hair cut...or going out to dinner with friends. Anyone you meet is a potential new member. Keep membership information on you at all times. Hand out your business cards. Ask people to join. Remember, stay at home moms and home based business owners are often looking for the professional opportunities ABWA offers. Your national board eliminated the employment requirement for new members. That should make it easier to reach this critical group. Remember, this is your chance to make a difference in other women's lives. Getting involved in ABWA paves the road to success! Through ABWA, members gain knowledge via mentoring, professional development and networking. In addition, by bringing in new members between now and May 31, 2005 you will receive: Level One: 2-6 New Members Eyeglass / Sunglass Case Level Two 6-15 New Members Beach Towel Level Three 12+ New Members Bucket Tote The Grand Prize: Drawing of a complete registration to the 2005 ABWA National Women's Leadership Conference held in Grapevine, Texas, Nov 9-13, 2005 will be awarded. Receive one chance for sponsoring 13 new members, two chances for 14, and so on. Let's keep ABWA on the move! Sponsor a member today! ABWA Headquarters 1900 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO. 64114 Tel: 816-361-6621 INTERVIEW WITH TARA HAMMOND Due to conflicting schedules, Tara’s interview with Anna Dominique for this month will be in the Sand Pebbles next month. M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 1 1 ECCClaABWA ssifieds Gorgeous Wedding Dress Size 14 and veil with elaborate detail Emerald Coast Concert Association says Thank You! Thanks to everyone who stopped by at the Mini-Expo in April and filled out an Emerald Coast Concert Association survey for me. And congratulations to Sherry Marcolongo who won the winglasses & tray set. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a survey, I'd still like to hear from you concerning the types of shows and concerts you would like to see us bring in to the area. ~ Best, Becky Belcher WESTIE SOCIAL You’ll definitely look like a one-of-a-kind princess bride in this stunning long sleeved wedding gown intricately designed with elegant lace, sequins, and extensive beadwork and pearls throughout the bodice, sleeves, and the super cathedral styled long train. The train has a separate panel of lace appliqués and sequins going down the back. There is a back zipper with gorgeous button covers. Scalloped v-neck and back to show off your lovely jewelry and a gathered waistline to accent your gorgeous figure. Instructions on taking the train up will be included. Fabric is white, 100% polyester. The perfectly matching veil also features extensive pearl beads and elaborate design work. CONDITION The spotless dress and veil have only been worn once and has been professionally cleaned ($220 value), and carefully taken care of. SIZING Size 14 (the dress was tailored by a professional seamstress to fit 26 inch waist, 36 bust line, 36 hips) PRICE Paid $1,300.00 for both dress and veil. Asking price is $700.00 Desk - $50 Call Sherry Kennedy at 314-0269 or 865-9404 (cell) if you are interested in looking at these items. Submit your classified items to: [email protected] "Dixie" and her housekeeping staff, Bev & Bill Bain hosted the quarterly Westie Social Sat. May 9 at the home of Bev/Bill's. Once again our coordinator, Andrea Schalapia with "Jenny" had the event under control. Helping her at this social were Vickie Warner with "Howie" , Jo Main with "Lannie" and Bev and Bill with "Dixie" There were 32 West Highland White Terriers bouncing around the yard which included several new Westie's and their owners. At each social, there are door prizes. Each Westie owner is given a ticket for how many Westie's they have for the drawing. The door prizes are dog toys & treats. Bev made up treat bags for each Westie that attended which were given out as they began to leave. Andrea took pictures of each Westie and their owner for the Westie Profile Bill was busy taking pictures of those attending plus keeping the water bowls filled. Everyone that attends is asked to help with cleaning up the Westie deposits into large lined buckets that have signs on them "Westie Deposits" If any of our chapter are interested in coming to visit a Westie Social, the next one will be Sat. July 9 from 10-12. Visitors are welcome. See you the there! The "Westie" Team..... Andrea Schlapia, Bev Bain, Vickie Warmer, and Jo Main M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 1 2 ABWA Member Advertisers All members should bring their business cards to the chapter meetings for the monthly drawing. The winner will receive a free feature advertisement on the back page of our Sand Pebbles newsletter. Think Networking! Share your cards with ABWA members. Looking to Hire a New Employee? Have Something to Sell? Place a Classified Ad in the Northwest Florida Daily News... It Works! COUNT ON US! Call Dawn Lowe @ 863-1111 ext 1-368 [email protected] Deadline at Noon, Friday, April 29th to cancel standing reservation or RSVP for the May 3rd meeting. M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 1 3 ABWA Member Advertisers Complete Monogramming & Embroidery Services Barbara Rose Owner Auto Home Condo Boat Business Since 1985 (850) 729-1199 Shirley Young Associate Agent Joe Young Insurance Agency, Inc. 315 East Hollywood Blvd., Suite 4 Mary Esther, Florida 32569-1915 Phone: 850-244-3306 Fax: 850-244-6537 DEE & FREDA FIFE (850) 243-5624 (850) 243-0261 Recorder after 5 pm 243-9726 244-2437 FAX 244-4502 Mon.-Sat. 8-5 FT. WALTON RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & FIFE REFRIGERATION [email protected] SALESSERVICE SUPPLIES INSTALLATION 106 PERRY AVENUE FT. WALTON BEACH FL 32548 Lynda Hammond Owner A Travel Passport, Inc. 1180 North Eglin Parkway Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-3222 Fax: (850) 651-2717 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Local Presence Global Power Certified Sandals Specialist Aussie & Disney Specialist SuperClubs Super Agent Princess Cruise Expert Holland America Five Star Agent CLIA Master Cruise Counselor M A Y 2 0 0 5 • E M E R A L D C O A S T C H A P T E R • A B W A • F O R T W A LT O N B E A C H , F L O R I D A • P A G E 1 4
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