HERALD - St. Sophia Cathedral
HERALD - St. Sophia Cathedral
Saint Sophia Cathedral HERALD July/August 2 00 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Dean’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 Philoptohos Message 4 Youth News 5 Philanthropia 6 Sacraments 7 Community News Ministries 8-9 10 Calendar 11 - 12 Festival News 13 - 19 Due Date for September Herald-Monday, August 8 Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Rev. Fr. Bill Tragus, Associate 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 www.stsophia.org CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF GREEK ORTHODOY IN LOS ANGELES SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Herald Page 2 DEAN’S MESSAGE A Touching Story Nia Vardalos, fellow parishioner and known for her work in Hollywood is now a proud new mother. That in itself is not unusual. The way motherhood happened for her was. I was touched by her story in People magazine. In a small way, Saint Sophia Cathedral and I were a part of it. Nia has given me permission to share her poignant story with you in my column of the Herald. The Ritual The Priest said, “Today you have given birth to your daughter,” and I began to cry. My daughter is a preschooler but I have only known her for a while. She is adopted. After years of wanting to be parents, my husband and I were given 14 hours notice ... then a little girl walked into our house. Trying to adopt had been a long and frustrating process. But, when we connected with an American Foster Family Agency, it happened very quickly. One night, the phone rang - the social worker told me we'd been "matched" with a 3-year-old girl. I hung up the phone and stood still for a second. Then, I had to sit down. Within a minute, I was lying on the floor. Yeah, this was real: A little girl was coming to our home. Tomorrow. There wasn't a baby shower, there wasn't time to discuss with family and friends, there was no way to really prepare for her arrival. She arrived without an instruction manual. I didn't know if she had a sleep schedule, food allergies - there wasn't even a note pinned to her shirt. She just walked in and looked up at me, like "got lunch?" There isn't a word for the elation I felt. I grinned like a maniac and jumped into parenthood. We got to know each other: we blew bubbles in the backyard, drew with sidewalk chalk, threw the ball for our dog, (who looked up at her, like "dibs on the big bed.") Together, we decorated her new bedroom arranging white furniture, laying out a pink rug, messily peeling and sticking purple flower decals on the walls. I was delighted by her: every facial expression, every tantrum, every small thing she did was fascinating and fantastic. Mornings were now a flurry of juice spilling, tiny clothes washing and frenzied kid-chasing. It was thrilling chaos. Our families and friends were so happy for us, and our priest sweetly asked if he could bless her. So, that Sunday we headed to church. Our daughter silently took in the chanting and the smell of incense as the sun shone through the stained glass windows. After the service, the priest softly gestured for us to join him at the front of the church. He began to read. But I wasn't hearing a standard blessing. This was new to me. It was a special prayer for ... adoption. The words and ceremony were a beautiful acknowledgment that some families are created in different ways, but are still in every way, a family. The priest said the words, "Today you have given birth to your daughter," and I began to cry. It all poured out. All the grief, all the anger, all the angst at the difficult and long journey to parenthood. And that outpouring of tears was quickly followed by a peaceful gratefulness. I held my daughter in my arms and thanked God for bringing her to me. If the standard route of creating a family had worked for me, I wouldn’t have met this child. And I needed to know her. I needed to be her mother. And in that moment, I knew why it had all happened this way: So I could meet this little girl. She is, in every way, my daughter. Curiously, we humans seem to need these rituals to get things into our skulls. There isn't just one reason we need these rites. Sometimes we need to witness, sometimes we need the catharsis. That ceremony on that day was healing and more importantly, helped it sink in that I am a parent, no matter how my child came to me. I thanked the priest for the ceremony and we headed home. And I realized ...while I have walked into the church many times ... on this day, it was the first time I walked out as a mother. To learn more about American Foster Care, go to: adoptuskids.org. To find your local FFA, go to: www.people.com www.childwelfare.gov God bless you and your family, Nia! Herald Page 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE In leiu of the president’s message, we are sharing an article from the Philanthropia Newsletter in memory of our beloved Stiliani Stella Kontes. Stella (Stiliani) Kontes was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. Her family was originally from Samos, Greece. She moved with her mother, father and brother (Kosta) to Athens when she was in her 20’s. Her brother Kosta and his family still live in Athens. Stella met Kosta Kontes while in Alexandria (he was a merchant marine and spent a month in Alexandria during one of his trips) and reconnected with him after she moved to Greece. They were married and moved to the United States in 1970. In 1971, her daughter Sophia was born and her son Niko was born in 1977. When she came to the United States, she didn’t have any other family here. Besides her husband and children, her family became the community at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles. Over the 37 or so years that she worked at Saint Sophia, she had many other opportunities to work at other places, and often for more money, but she loved her work at the Cathedral and felt her rewards in working here came in other ways besides monetary compensation. She received the St. Paul’s medallion from the Archbishop for her service to the church. Stella was fluent in many languages throughout her lifetime, including English, Greek, Arabic, Italian Spanish and Rumanian. We will miss her every day. MAY HER ME MORY BE ETER NAL! HER JOURNEY’S JUST BEGUN Don’t think of her as gone away her journey’s just begun; life holds so many facets this earth is only one. Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how she must be wishing that we could know, today, how nothing but our sadness can really pass away. And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched…for nothing loved is ever lost and she was loved so much. Adapted from Ellen Brenneman Herald Page 4 PHILOPTOHOS NEWS Dear Friends of Philoptohos, Philoptohos Baking Schedule for Festival Wednesday, August 5th – Baklava Saturday, August 8th – Baklava Tuesday, September 8th – Diples Wednesday, September 9th – Galatobouriko Thursday, September 10th – Galatobouriko All pastry work days will begin at 9:30 a.m. Also, if you would like to help prepare pastry and/or work in the pastry booth at LA Greek Fest, please call Scarlett Billis at 310/214-6711. The Saint Sophia Philoptohos is doing a great job assisting so many people in these financially difficult times. Many people are suffering hardship—they have lost their jobs, cannot pay their rent, nor can they afford groceries for their families. It is a difficult time for so many people who are in need, and we are here to answer the call as much as we possibly can. You have all heard of the case of a little 9 month old baby whose parents brought her from Greece to Los Angeles for a very serious and delicate eye surgery at Children’s Hospital. Our own Dr. Maria Toczek worked very hard to arrange the many details before the baby and her parents arrived. We had insurmountable support from the Greek Consular Office, through the great efforts of Vivi Demopoulos, who arranged for them to pay the hospital and other expenses. Philoptohos provided their living expenses, food costs, and long distance telephone calls to their family in Greece during their stay. Individual people from our community helped tremendously by inviting the couple to their homes and to restaurants, by showing them places of interest in the city of Los Angeles, and by giving them cash gifts. This was truly a wonderful cooperation between church and community. Through this effort, Joanne Papachristos bought them a beautiful stroller as well as many necessary supplies and gifts to take home. Philoptohos wants to thank all of the individuals who stepped forward with time, charity, thoughts, participation, and prayers to help this family in their hour of need. We received the most touching and grateful letter from them. It was addressed to the Philoptohos Society in Los Angeles, and rightfully should be shared with all of the Saint Sophia community: “We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your warm expression of love while we were in Los Angeles. You opened your homes, you showed your hospitality, and you shared endless hours with us—translating at the hospital, undergoing procedures, waiting for days, and finally, being with us when our 9 month baby Paraskevoula was having her eyes operated on and when she was recovering. You showered us with beautiful gifts and love. Our little baby is feeling much better now, and we will know the results of the surgery in four to five months. Our trip started with great apprehension and fear because of the serious problems that we knew we would face in a strange land — but we were so well received by all of you. In the Church we met the priests and so many kind and generous people that our experience was entirely transformed out of fear into hope. We cannot find enough words to express our deep gratitude for this, and for all your help, financially and in so many other ways. We send you our love and a very big thank you from our hearts and souls. May God always keep you well. With respect, Apostolis & Christina Theodorou” It is with great pleasure that I announce to you the newly elected Philoptohos Board of Directors: Marianna Politis, First Vicepresident; Dr. Maria Toczek, Second Vice-president, Dorothea Ales, Recording Secretary; Virginia Noyes, Corresponding Secretary; Lola Gialketsis, Assistant Corresponding Secretary; Scarlett Billis, Treasurer; Mary Gallanis, Asisstant Treasurer; Connie Cooper, Advisor. General members of the Board of Directors are: Helene Ballas, Frances Bissias, Judie Christopoulos, Pauline Evangelatos, Electra Koutsoukos, Tricia Kremer, Connie Manders, Sophie Mastor, Olga Jordan, Diane Pruett, Sonia Stathes, and Rita Stephanou. We have great plans for the new calendar year. We remain committed to having different meeting dates that will accommodate working members. In the next few months there will be much more news to share. All who are interested in participating in the monumental effort that we undertake annually to bake pastries for the Greek Festival, or those who might be willing to volunteer for an hour in air conditioning at our Festival Pastry Booth… are welcomed to call Scarlett Billis for information and schedules. Her telephone number is 310 214-6711. It is a good opportunity to learn traditional recipes and techniques from the best gourmet pastry, cookie, and cake bakers in our parish. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you in September. With love in His service, Dina Skouras Oldknow Herald Page 5 YOUTH NEWS SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Saint Sophia Camp offers an exciting program for children ages 7 - 17. All campers are assigned to a group led by one counselor who has an average of seven campers. The following activities will take place: Summer Olympics, Orthodox Christian Education, swimming & Art. There are also many other great activities for this year: Campfire, Skit night, hiking, sports, and even a Greek night. The camp is a great place to make life-long friends in a fun environment as well as a place to learn more about our Orthodox Christian Faith. If you are interested in coming, please contact us through the website at: www.saintsophiacamp.org Everyone had a good time after Liturgy at Sunday School’s Paniyiri. The day’s festivities included In N Out Burger. 400 people attended. Session 1 is July 19 - July 25 Session 2 is July 25 - August 1 Greek Dance Registration Please register you or your children using our website online registration. Go to www.stsophia.org and go to "Youth" and then click on Folk Dance and use the online registration. Greek Dance practice will begin in the 2nd half of August, 2009. YOUTH CALENDAR JULY Monday 6 Camp Axios Week 2 (14 years old and up are counselors) Sunday 19 St. Sophia Camp Week 1 Saturday 25 St. Sophia Camp Week 2 SEPTEMBER Friday 11 to Sunday 13 Sunday 20 LA Greek Fest Sunday School Registration and Ice Cream Social Check out our new Jr. Goya & Sr. Goya Website / Calendar at www.stsophiagoya.org Sunday School Registration Please register your children for the 2009 - 2010 school year at www.stsophia.org From the Saint Sophia website, go to Youth and select Sunday School and submit the online registration. Herald Page 6 PHILANTHROPIA MINISTRY TEA PHIL ANTHROPIA In Southern California (As of SPRING 2009) CEO/PRESIDENT/ DIRECTOR Father Peter V. Lambert BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary C. Nakata, MPH, MFCC, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board Coordinator for Education, Information and Training Theodore L. McEvoy, Ph.D. 1st Vice President General Representative Niko Stefanidis, Ph.D. 2nd Vice President Coordinator for Service and Outreac Martha Messer Treasurer , Secretary, St. Nectarios Philanthropia Presbytera Sophia Lambert, B.S. Secretary/Administrator/Paralegal Christina Sekeri Recording Secretary Georgia Aspiotes Corresponding Secretary LEGAL COUNSEL Constantin Marcou, J.D. Nick Stamos, J.D. Research/Resource Coordinators Barbara Kappos, M.S.W. Director, Bienvenidos Family Services Peter Katsufrakis, M.D. Katina Kostoulas, Ph.D. Psychoanalyst & Psychologist Dino Koutsolioutsos, M.A. Psychotherapist James P. Brown, D.C. Chiropractor Sophia Rumanes, MPH Richard Zaldivar, Executive Director The Wall-Las Memorias Project Bibliographic Researcher: Michael Henry Warner, B.A., M.A. Correspondent George Kapelos, MCP, March, MRAIC, MCIP, RPP Toronto, Ontario, Canada Local Coordinators Ted Demopoulos Elena O. Lingas, MPH Randi McAllister, Ph.D. City of Hope liaison Yaff Iacosoln St. Nectarios Agape liaison Melinda Munoz, B.A. Fotine O’Connor, R.N. Jim Pilios, Elisabeth Stoll and Perry Lambert Website Reconstruction Coordinators Diane Stromer, B.A. George Zottos, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. In the Lord’s Prayer, we are told “Thy will be done.” Certainly, His will is that we are imitators of the Master. In His three years of preaching, healing and loving the stranger, He exemplified the eternal words of all religions…“do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That is the awesome ministry of PHILANTHROPIA…caring for the stranger, the poor, the downcast, and extending a hand, a kind word, a used garment, a bag of canned goods, and in some cases a few dollars. You see so many at freeway exits and streets waiting with their carts for someone to give them “daily bread.” I know that many of you purchase and order food for that needy individual and share your “daily bread.” The Master never asked-- Why are you begging? Get a job. Are you not ashamed of yourself? The Master knew in His heart the suffering of the poor soul…He showed compassion. This must also be our theme… compassion. Do the good deed; don’t analyze it; just do it. Thank God that you are able to do this act of mercy. Your prayer should be, “Teach me to do Thy will, O Lord.” So many thanks for your donations of clothing and canned goods. Your generosity over the years overwhelms me and our constant prayer is, “Lord, bless us to do Thy will.” Again, dear ones, thank you, bless you and God keep you in the palms of His hands. PHILANTHROPIA is a way of thinking and doing! Fr. Peter V. Lambert Things We Do and Have Done • Support the Saint Nectarios “Agape Ministry” in Covina, CA --an offshoot of our Philanthropia Ministry-- a mission that provides funds to bury children that are victims of cancer; raise emergency monies for rent, medical needs and groceries. • Provide monetary support to help Dr. Nikos Stefanidis in his street outreach with his doctorate students, who help persuade young people to stop their street life and take refuge in rehabilitation shelters. Served as advisor to the board of The Wall Las Memorias Project and helped with their message of AIDS prevention, awareness, education and counseling. The AIDS crisis is real and continues to spread. • Continue to counsel persons with addictions who find themselves in emotional crisis. Attend to the spiritual needs of people in their last hours of life. •Year-round clothing collections taken for men, women and children at missions, e.g., Haven House for battered women; Behavioral Health Services, Inc., who do drug rehabilitation; AIDS Service Center in Pasadena, CA. many services for AIDS sufferers; Healthcare Foundation who sell used clothing through their Thrift Shops to buy medications for AIDS patients; Faith in Christ Ministries who rehabilitate parolees. • Canned goods collected for Pastor Brown in South Central Los Angeles…helps teenage boys rehabilitate from jail time; canned goods also for Faith in Christ Ministries. • On Mothers’ Day, sponsored a bus for the “Get On The Bus” project that bused over 710 children in 2008 to visit their incarcerated mothers. • Assisting ex-convicts to reintegrate as productive members of society. • For 6th year - sponsored memorial book of children, victims of cancer, for the City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, CA., by request of Dr. Randi McAllister, our liaison. Sponsored the memorial service that provided all the flowers, candles, and crafts for the small children…a celebration for the families of the children who fell asleep in the Lord. The memorial service was a means of healing the grieving and mourning of parents and families. • Donation to the Tarzana Treatment Center, a rehabilitation center for battered women with children, providing food, clothing, diapers and toys. • Provided Thanksgiving baskets for needy families. This was done in cooperation with the Saint Nectarios Agape Ministry. We were also asked by one of our team members to help a single mother with AIDS feed her children, and to help with Thanksgiving meals for several more families. With the combined prayers and efforts of our Philanthropia Ministry and the Saint Nectarios Agape Ministry, loving donations were provided to meet those needs. • Planning and preparing Christmas baskets of groceries for needy families. Thy will be done, O Lord! We dedicate this page in loving memory of our dear Stella Kontes. In her special way “doing God’s will!” Herald Page 7 JULY/AUGUS T SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS Saturday, July 18 Arabella, daughter of Alexandra & Paul Moran Godparents: Christine & Nicholas Hunter Sunday, July 25 Evangelos, son of Christina & Michael Vourakis Godparent: Ioannis Dacharopoulos Sunday, July 25 Demetri, son of Elkie & Daniel Danieley Godparent: Andreas Roiniotis Sunday, July 25 Jasper Alexander, son of Alexandra & Lawrence Hughes Godparent: Fr. Steven & Presbytera Olga Karcher WEDDINGS August 22 Eleni Stumpus & Mike Semandiris Sponsor: Pat & Perry Hamalis READERS AND USHERS July 5 Reader: Robert Otis Ushers: Alexandra Guirguis, Dinah Wellington, Shelmadine Wellington July 12 Reader: Dina Demetrios Ushers: John L. Stamatiades, Electra Koutsoukos July 19 Reader: Demetri Camperos Ushers: Gene Chronopoulos, Alexandra Georgiou, Christina Georgiou, Rosemary Georgiou July 26 Reader: Timi Loomos-Freshman Ushers:Niki Korbakis, Maria Pelargos, Dina Demetrius August 2 Reader: Bertha Angels Ushers: Alexandra Guirguis, Dinah Wellington, Shelmadine Wellington August 9 Reader: Demetri Camperos Ushers: John L. Stamatiades, Electra Koutsoukos August 16 Reader: Stephanie Lubian Ushers: Gene Chronopoulos, Alexandra Georgiou, Christina Georgiou, Rosemary Georgiou August 23 Reader: John L. Stamatiedes Ushers:Niki Korbakis, Maria Pelargos, Dina Demetrius August 30 Reader: Eleni Maglaris Ushers: Alexandra Guirguis, Dinah Wellington, Shelmadine Wellington BIRTHDAYS Dimey Angels Sam Konugres Nick Alexopoulos Sophia Konugres Areti Oxyzoglou Christine Peratis Michael Kyriacou Liza Pyle George Konugres Bessie Gavrilis David Manpearl Elizabeth Pouridis Varta Schartz Vas Aronis Peter Vasilion Vikentios Korkos Nicholas Kyriacou Bruce Christolini Maria Kolovos Mary Ligar Leo Sirakides Ted Spears Alexandrra Christolini Gig Kyriakou Anthony Nicholas Brooks Charlene White Katherine Fenady Helen Lambros Vasilios Lambros Dinah Wellington Dana Manpearl Donald Lapa Andrew Evangelatos Pete Gallanis Peggy Aronis Helen Drosos Alexandra Hughes Stacy Maniskas Ann Martin Laszlo Klima Michelle Prappas Will Prappas Alexandra Ingraham Anne Dres Penny Karagianis Joanie Black Kleo Lee Panos Pentheroudakis Mary Tassop James Berry Evridiki Koufoudakis Tina Tsoutsas Chase Morrison Michael Warner Constantine Aronis Lawrence Hughes Tom Moore Michael Loisides Ero Cosfol ANNIVERSARIES Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manolopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Christyan Andrianopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Alexopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tashi Zouras Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Karos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koustas Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stephanou Dr. & Mrs. James A. Demetriou Mr. & Mrs. Lou Karagianis Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Psaltis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fossati Mr. & Mrs. Ted Pastras Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kollias Mr. & Mrs. Barry Pyle Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kyriacou Mr. & Mrs. Steve Halekakis Mr. & Mrs. Basil T. Papahronis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Camperos Mr. & Mrs. Alek Haidos Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stamatiades Mr. & Mrs. Collin Cooper Mr. & Mrs. David Manpearl Herald Page 8 COMMUNITY NEWS Docents Recognized for their service on Sunday, May 26th. MR. & MRS. CLUB Wine Tasting in LA On June 7th after the Divine Liturgy, the Saint Sophia Mr. & Mrs. Club took a tour at the San Antonio Winery in Los Angeles. Afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and fellowship with one another on the premises. The Mr. & Mrs. Club will be having 4 -5 events a year and if you would like to be on our contact list, please contact Christina & Dean Peratsakis at [email protected] PENNIES AND PRAYERS Dear Supporters, Please remember to return your Pennies & Prayers Canisters to the office. With Love and Gratitude, Sophie Mastor, Chair Herald Page 9 COMMUNITY NEWS ATTENTION On the Walk of The Blessing Hand there are only a few remaining plaques available. This is an opportunity to “Witness your faith with a biblical quote in stone and honor a special person.” For information please call the Church office: 323-737-2424 Ext. 119. MEMORIALS SUNDAY, JULY 12 Mary Popoff SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Dimitri Popoff KINDLY REMINDER We have Fest Cookbooks and the beautiful 100th Anniversary Commemorative Books available for purchase at the office and the bookstore. Cookbooks-$12.00 Anniversary Books -$75.00. A TA L E N T E D PARISHIONE R We have a very talented parishioner who is seeking employment in the social work field in an institution that can use a person who is fluent in Arabic and has social work skills. If you know of anyone who can use such skills, Please call Fr. Bakas at 323-737-2424 and he will put you in touch with this parishioner. BOOKSTORE NEWS The St. Sophia Bookstore is thriving! Find all you need to create an Orthodox presence in your home. Censers, Incense, Charcoal Bibles, Liturgy books Byzantine music in Greek & English on CD Also for sale are items handmade by the nuns of the Life Giving Spring Monastery including olives, pickles, vinegar, jams and candles. LA Greek Fest cookbooks, Saint Sophia mouse pads and T-shirts are in stock. The bookstore is open on Sundays after Divine Liturgy. Credit cards are now accepted. We look forward to your visit! Christos Anesti! Bill Striglos & Andrea Bakas PANHELLENIC SCHOL ARSHIP FOUNDATION Our Foundation will once more offer $250,000 in scholarship awards of $10,000 each this fall. Our scholarships are available to all U.S. high school graduates and university students of Hellenic Descent. They are offered to recognize students of high scholastic achievement and to provide support to those in financial need. Interested students can download a copy of the application at www.panhellenic scholarship.org Herald Page 10 Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Constance Callinicos Choir Director Menelaos Trigonis Protopsaltis PARISH COUNCIL Panos A. Angels, President Tom Martin, 1st Vice President Loula B. Moschonas, 2nd V. P. /Chief Financial Officer Sam Konugres, Recording Secretary Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Corresponding Secretary MEMBERS Luke Richard Curren Sebastian Opffer Karen Sarames Toula Kalatzis Peter Pallas Ted Pastras ASSOCIATES Eleni Constantine Mark Gorgal Angela Karavedas Alexa Pagonas Aileen Strike Preonas Peter Triantafyllos AUDITING COMMITTEE Tom Moore Anthony Demetriou BOARD OF TRUSTEES John S. Sakellaris, President Angelo L. Pappas, Exec.Vice President Andrew Evangelatos, Vice President Dr. James A. Demetriou, Treasurer Constantine Boukidis, Secretary MEMBERS V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Gig Kyriacou, John T. Pappas, Nicholas Bissias, Panos A. Angels, George Preonas, Alek Haidos William H. Oldknow Harry C. Vournas, Trustee Emeritus Peter C. Latsis, Honorary PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS John G. Marakas III, 1st V. P. Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor Anthony A. Demetriou, Assistant to the President Tina Callas, Administrative Assistant Timi Loomos Freshman, Administrative Assistant Susan Patzakis, Administrative Assistant Rev. Fr. Bill Tragus, Assistant Christopher Yokas Organist James Karatsikis Sexton PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Dina Skouras Oldknow, President Dianne Pruett, 1st Vice President Dr. Maria Toczek, 2nd Vice President Virginia Noyes, Recording Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Corresponding Secretary Mary Gallanis, Treasurer Scarlett Billis, Assistant Treasurer Connie Cooper, Advisor MEMBERS Dorothea Ales Helene Ballas Frances Bissias Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan A. Electra Koutsoukos Tricia Kremer Pauline Ladicos Sophie Mastor Mariana Politis Sonia Stathes OTHER MINISTRIES ALTAR BOYS Fr .Bill Tragus & Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL Chris Markos & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Father John & Father Bill BOOK STORE William Striglos CAMP AXIOS Andrea Boerger CAMP ZOE Father Bill Tragus CHURCH SCHOOL Eleni Yokas COFFEE HOUR Georgia Vasila DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos DOCENTS Mrs. Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC John T. Pappas FESTIVAL Jan & Ted Pastras G.O.Y.A. Father Bill Tragus HELLENIC ACADEMY Helen Dumas, Director Margaret Gillespie, Principal HOSPITALITY Niki Korbakis & Maria Pelargos MR. & MRS. CLUB Christine & Dean Peratsakis PARENTING Nick Stephanidis & Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Dorothea P. Stamatiades, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Vicki Kades Melanie O’Regan YOUTH Father Bill Tragus EDITOR IN CHIEF Timi Loomos Freshman [email protected] Herald Page 11 JULY 2009 Sun Mon Tue 5 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Vespers 12 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 19 PROPHET ELIAS 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 26 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 29 30 31 GREAT MARTYR PANTELEIMON 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy Strict Fast Fish Allowed Win e and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Herald Page 12 august 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 HOLY TRANSFIGURATION 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Vespers 8 14 15 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 10 11 12 13 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 16 7 7:30pm Supplication Service ( Paraklisis) DORMITION OF THEOTOKOS 7:30pm Supplication Service ( Paraklisis) 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 17 18 24 25 19 20 21 22 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 23 26 29 28 30 29 BEHEADING OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 8:00 am Orthros 9:15 am Studies in Faith 9:45 am Memorials 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 31 Strict Fast Fish Allowed Win e and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Herald Page 13 Page 14 Herald Herald Page 15 FEST NEEDS LIST 2009 FEST 2009 NEEDS LIST DONATION ITEM Aluminum Foil Band - Charanga Latina Band - Greek Beer Bottled Water Briami Ingredients Bus Tail Advertising Butter Calamari Chicken Souvlakia Coffee Coffee (Greek) & Nescafe Communication Radios Condiments Cooking Oil Cooking Pans Currants Dinner Rolls Dolmathes Eggs Electrical/Lighting Equipment Rental Feta Cheese Flour Ground Beef Honey Hot Dogs & Buns Ice Kefalotyri for Saganaki Labor Lamb Chops Lamb Souvlakia Leg of Lamb Lemons Loukaniko Macaroni / Spaghetti Margarita Mix Milk Mizethra Mousaka Newspaper Ads $ AMOUNT NEEDED $500 $1,200 $6,000 $1,800 $1,500 Fully Covered $10,000 $1,000 Fully Covered $1,200 Fully Covered $700 $250 $300 $700 $600 $300 Fully Covered $1,000 $400 $2,500 $2,600 $1,200 $400 $1,000 $700 $200 $1,800 $1,000 $12,000 $2,000 $1,600 $4,500 Fully Covered $1,500 $200 $1,200 $600 $700 $3,000 $5,000 DONOR(S) Paid/ Pledged DONATION ITEM Olives - Greek Olive Oil Orange juice Oregano - Greek Jim & Carolyn Tolokotrones pd Ouzo Tony Giapapas pd Paper Products Pastistio Photography for Fest Peter Gallanis & Family pd Pine Nuts Pita Bread Café D'Amore pd Plastic Bags Pork Souvlakia Faye & Jim Demetriou pledge Port-a-Potties Potatos Printing - Poster/Flyer Printing - Program Book Printing - Raffle Ticket Puritan Bakery pd Produce for Greek Salad Propane & Diesel Raffle - Add'l. Prizes Raffle - Grand Prize Refrigerator Truck Rice - Uncle Ben's Rice - California Rose Michael & Susan Patzakis pd Security Shuttle Vans/Drivers Sophia & Mike Helm pd Soda Spanikopita Spices Sugar Taramasalata Television Commercial Tent Rentals Tony Giapapas pd Tequila Tiropites Tomato Sauce Walnuts & Almonds Website Design Whole Chickens Wine - Red Wine - White Please Note: It is not necessary to cover the entire amount of a single item. You may make a partial donation towards the total dollar amount of the item. Please see: Stephanie Lubian (909.860.4333) for any questions or donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity. $ AMOUNT NEEDED $750 $900 $400 $300 $1,200 Fully Covered $3,000 $300 $400 $500 $300 $1,200 $2,500 $300 $1,200 $3,500 $500 Fully Covered $600 $500 $2,500 $1,000 $400 $100 $10,500 $2,800 $1,500 $2,700 $300 $500 $400 $1,900 $18,000 $1,400 $2,500 $600 $1,200 $3000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,200 DONOR(S) Paid/ Pledged Rena Poulos pd Greg Mallis & Family pd Bill & Ann Dres pd California Produce pd George & Helen Varentges pd Ann & Tom Moore pd Dean Tripodes pd Dino's Burgers Corp. Michael & Susan Patzakis pd 2000 pd Page 16 Herald Herald Page 17 Page 18 Herald www.stgeorgepublishing.com For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0196 4c mss www.stgeorgepublishing.com For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0196 4c mss Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1324 S. Normandie Ave Los Angeles, CA, 90006 E IV E T I C NS RVI E S SE ED E S S M T TI RE UES D AD REQ PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID ARCADIA, CA PERMIT 777 Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail [email protected] We’re on the Web! www.stsophia.org SUNDAY SCHOOL GRADUATION 2008~2009
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