November 2010 - St. Sophia Cathedral
November 2010 - St. Sophia Cathedral
Saint Sophia Cathedral Herald HERALD Page CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF GREEK ORTHODOXY IN LOS ANGELES NOVEMBER 2010 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dean’s Message President’s Message Stewardship News Philoptohos News Philoptohos VIP News Philanthropia News Youth News 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 Hellenic Academy 7 Choir News 7 Foundation News 8 Community News Sacraments Ministries List Orthodox Calendar Other News 8 9 10 11 12-17 Due Date for December Herald Monday, 22 November Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Rev. Fr. Bill Tragus, Associate 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 Saint Katherine - November 25 Herald Page 2 DEAN’S MESSAGE “TRIUMPH OF THE SPIRIT” loved one, the darkening trauma of abuse or the searing heat of war and/or violence. On Thursday evening of October 12th, you and I and over a billion people around the world watched the dramatic and miraculous Chilean miner rescue. We were glued to our televisions late into the night. Between tears of joy and expectation, our souls soared as we saw the coffin-like capsule deliver 33 men from darkness to light – from death to life. There is something especially poignant and perhaps even metaphorical about this 69-day ordeal, half a mile underground, which speaks to each of us. In a sense, we are all miners of sort. Miners descend everyday into the darkness of the earth and hope to eventually emerge safely back into the light. This is the same daily hope’s journey of anyone who knows the depths of the struggle associated with confronting a lifethreatening illness, the loss through death of a Within days of the disaster, family and friends constructed a tent city of sorts, which grew to more than a thousand people. A local politician commented on the “explosion of solidarity” among local businesses and municipalities helping with daily operations. Finally after 17 days, half a mile down into the bowels of the earth, a 6-inch drill broke into that inferno of desperation and found 33 men who, by the grace of God, had not lost hope, did not go insane, did not turn on each other, but found God as the 34th “person” in their midst. “I was with God, and I was with the devil, but God won”, gushed miner Mario Sepulveda. That 6-inch life-line to life brought the 33 men the hope of resurrection. It brought food and mail. Rescuers asked the men to form 11 groups of three to make sure each miner had two buddies looking out for him. When an iPod was sent down, it was accompanied by a set of speakers and not headphones, so they could all listen to- gether. As we say here at Saint Sophia, “the Joy of Belonging.” Ultimately, whether it is the story of the miner’s survival and rescue or our own individual life’s situations that require some form of rescue, hope of survival rests on faith in God. Mario Gomez, the 63-year and oldest of the 33, became the spiritual leader and prayer warrior of the group. He created a make-shift chapel with around the clock prayers, not only during the first 17 days, but throughout the entire ordeal. When they were found, an engineer sent down 33 copies of the New Testament. Each Bible was personalized with the name of the miner and specific verses were tagged to give each man courage, faith and hope. One miner was especially vocal in expressing his gratitude. “Give thanks to those who sent us these Bibles. It gave me so much faith that I would get out of this hell.” Indeed the miners were walking hand-in-hand with God. All of us who attend the Divine Liturgy should be inspired and blessed as we turn to one another and give the exclamation that “Christ is in our midst,” with the answer of, “He is and always shall be.” This reassurance connects us in the bond of faith, love and hope. As we reach deep into our hearts and question our values, principles and most cherished beliefs, the riveting drama in Chile has much to teach us. When everything else is stripped away, when all the flimsy props of life are removed, when the silly distractions are re- duced to the absurd, when what we normally rely on becomes useless and powerless, the triumph of the spirit becomes faith, hope and love. “Give praise to God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ ! He is the Father Who gives tender love. All comfort comes from Him. He comforts others when they are in trouble. We ourselves have received comfort from God.” II Corinthians 1:4 Christ is in our midst ! “When you write your will or update it, please remember Saint Sophia Cathedral. Your gift will live into eternity.” Herald Page 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “Christianity is nothing more than the imitation of Christ” St. Basil the Great I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation for your Stewardship support because it is your generosity which makes it possible for our Cathedral to respond to our needs and continue our ministries. FESTIVITIES will take place. A brief Blessing of the grounds will be conducted by our Dean V.Rev. Fr. John assisted by Fr.Bill. All parishioners are invited to be part of our new history as it unfolds. On behalf of the Parish Council Board of Directors, I take this opportunity to congratulate Georgia Vasila who will be honored on Nov. 12th by the Saint Sophia Camp Golf Tournament Committee for her support, dedication and years of contributions to our beloved Cathedral. For more information, please see the flyer on page 12 and come to support Georgia and our wonderful camp program. On November 7th after Liturgy, the ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY will take place. All eligible members are invited to come and participate in this important meeting. Several reports will be presented, including the final plans for our new building. Please review last year’s General Assembly minutes on pages 14-17 of this newsletter. The Holidays are rapidly approaching and the excitement of giving will reach new heights. On your gift list do not forget the “CASH FOR CHRISTMAS 2010” campaign. A ticket or two will make a great gift and an original stocking stuffer while you are supporting a very worthy cause. It is the 31st anniversary in which our Foundation will administer this campaign. The proceeds are primarily used to pay the insurance premiums on ALL Cathedral properties EXCEPT the apartment residence building, thus providing a great financial support to the Parish Council budget and to the General Fund account. It is important that we all do our best to sell or buy as many tickets as possible. The Committee, under the new Chairmanship of Timi Loomos Freshman, and with the expert guidance of our Foundation’s President Mr. Angelo Pappas, consists of volunteer parishioners who have worked each and every year to pay our insurance. 14th On November , after Liturgy, the CEREMONIAL GROUND BREAKING As we enter the last two months of the year please remember your cheerful giving. Consider your weekly expenditures on entertainment, coffee, etc. when deciding what amount you can afford to give to your Church. Next year will be a year with great challenges, opportunities and sacrifices. We all must come together as one, and together we will succeed in making it happen. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALLXRONIA POLLA!! In His Service Panos A.Angels-Angeletopoulos Correction to the October Herald The Greek Prime Minister at the time of the inception of Oxi Day was Ioannis Metaxas. “We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love and patience of hope in our lord Jesus Christ “ Thessalonians 1:3 Herald Page 4 The Joy of Belonging through Christian Stewardship With the holiday season almost upon us, we are reminded of our blessings, and how truly thankful we are to you and your families. It is your Christian Stewardship that provides the foundation for our thirty ministries and enables our Church to continue enhancing our spiritual and cultural growth entrusted to our care. Stewardship is an opportunity to examine our priorities and values, to express our thankfulness, and to participate in the work of God. As we are approaching the end of 2010, we prayerfully hope that we will be able to reach our stewardship goal of $1,000,000. As of this writing, we are over $300,000 short. We kindly ask you to consider this reminder during the upcoming season of joy and good will by reviewing your 2010 stewardship commitment: If you have fulfilled your commitment, we are deeply grateful for your devotion. If you have not yet fulfilled your commitment, we thank you in advance for your consideration in fulfilling your commitment by the end of December. If you have not yet made a commitment, we encourage you to please make your commitment today and enable us to meet the many pressing needs of our Saint Sophia Ministry. To pay your stewardship, please visit our website at, or contact our church office at [email protected] or at 323-737-2424. With thanksgiving for His many blessings, Irene Frankos Stewardship Committee Invest in your Community of Faith … and experience the Joy of Belonging PLEDGED STEWARDS FOR SEPTEMBER 16th THROUGH OCTOBER 15th $5,000 To $5,999 Caras, Mr. & Mrs. Chris W.* $2,000 To $2,999 Aronis, Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Yaitines, Mr. & Mrs. Greg $1,000 To $1,999 Arkoumanis, Mr. & Mrs. Leontios Baltazzi, Ms. Maria Doumak, Mrs. Jennie * $500 To $999 Buba, Zanetos, Mr. Stephan Dakoglou, Mr. Alexander Diakoumopoulos, Mr. and Mrs. Dimitri Eraklis, Ms. Effie Fafalios, Mr. Michael $500 To $999 (continued) Papachristos, Mr. E.J. Papoulias, Mr. Tom Papoutsis, Mr. and Mrs. Vasilis OTHER Doukas, Mr. & Mrs. George Karabatos, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Manikas, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Petropoulos, Ms. Renata Mitropetros, Mr. and Mrs. Constantinos Sabatakos, Mr. Panagiotis Xeniotis, Mr. George Saltmar, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Anonymous Gianoukakis, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Serras, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gountoumas, Ms. Sera Stamatis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry James Kyriazis, Mr. Theodore & Trepinski, Ms. Kathryn Toczek, Mr. & Mrs. Andrzej Tombros, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander +Blessed Memory *Life Member and Active Steward Herald Page 5 PHILOPTOHOS NEWS Dear Philoptohos Ladies, Our first general meeting in October was a joint meeting with the V I Ps and it was an outstanding success. Together, we had a full house, to hear Dr. Rodanthi Kitridou, who enlightened us in so many ways about arthritis and osteoporosis. We would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Kitridou for her wonderful and informative lecture. This was truly an informatve gathering for all of us. Remember that 2011 is an election year, and members who are interested in serving on the board should plan to attend at least four general assembly meetings in order to qualify. Please call Lola Gialketsis for more information: (323) 465-9664 or e-mail [email protected]. In November we will have the ground breaking of the Building Expansion of our Cathedral. As a result we will need to make special accommodations for our traditional Thanksgiving luncheon scheduled for Thursday, November 18th. After long consideration, the board voted to hold this function at the “The Clubhouse” at Griffith Park. A delicious Thanksgiving Luncheon will be served for a donation of $20.00 per person and Maria Props will once again be bringing a collection of her jewelry and Christmas gifts. You will be receiving a flyer with detailed driving directions to the “The Clubhouse” very soon. For reservations please call or e-mail Scarlett Billis @ (323) 214-6711 or Lola Gialketsis @ (323) 465-9664, as soon as possible. Congratulations and endless thank yous to the ladies I omitted in my last letter: Evridiki Demetriadi, Ilca Moskos, Georgia Kades, Dorally Spiropoulos, Vivi Demopoulos, Maria Psaras, Katerina Constantine, Tina Callas, Joanna Callas, Kristin Thomas, Vasiliki Ellis, Helen Ellis, Vasiliki Stamtopoulou, Voula Eliopoulos, Tonifaye Palomares, Emily Valladou, Helen Evangelatos, Athena Lolonis, Tina Kolovos and Timi Freshman. I hope that I have included everyone this time. Thanks a million for all your time and effort in making and baking the delectable pastries for the greatest Greek Festival ever! With love in His service, Dina Skouras Oldknow PHILOPTOHOS VIP NEWS Sunday, November 7, 2010: Artoklasia is offered for the health of the Philoptohos VIP members (senior citizens) and their families. December Christmas Luncheon: Due to the demolition of the Fellowship Hall, this year we regretfully have to announce that we will not be able to hold our traditional Christmas Luncheon. It has always been a festive celebration, and we anticipate having a beautiful Fellowship Hall in the very near future so we can again join together in celebrating the holiday season. Please see our 2010-2011 calendar on page 8... Seven Day Mexican Riviera Princess Cruise: The VIPs of Philoptohos would like you to join them on a beautiful and fun-loving 7-day Princess Cruise sailing roundtrip, departing from San Pedro on March 19, 2011. We will be visiting Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas. The following prices apply, PER PERSON, based on double occupancy and including port taxes and government fees: Inside Cabin $750.52, Ocean View $800.52, Ocean View with balcony $950.52, Mini-Suite with Balcony $1150.52. To make a deposit and reserve your space, please call Catherine Erwin at 818-783-4811. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. In His Service, Vivi Demopoulos PHILANTHROPIA NEWS Canned Goods and Used Clothing: Thank you all for your support of our Parish Festival. We will, again, resume accepting your donations of good used clothing. Grade school ages of children’s clothing are especially needed. Please continue to bring your canned goods. As always, your donations of both are very much needed & welcomed. Please call Father Peter for delivery location. Also, we are in need of a double bed for a single mother with two children. If you wish to donate this item, please leave a message at the church office with your name and phone number. Father Peter will be in touch with you. Bless you everyone! Father Peter Herald Page 6 YOUTH NEWS Contacts for Youth Programs ALTAR BOYS Fr. Bill Tragus [email protected] BASKETBALL Paul Cooper [email protected] CAMP AXIOS September Sucher email:[email protected] CAMP ZOE Presvytera Mia Tragus [email protected] GOYA Fr. Bill Tragus [email protected] Mary Sarantes [email protected] GREEK DANCE Barbara Kappos [email protected] HELLENIC ACADEMY Helen Dumas, Director [email protected] RITE OF COMMITMENT Helen Lambros [email protected] SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan [email protected] SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas [email protected] 18 – 30 FELLOWSHIP Trip to St. Nicholas Ranch in Dunlap, California November 5-7, 2010 Our trip includes, 2 nights, three days lodging (hotel style rooms) at St. Nicholas Ranch, most meals, and transportation to Ranch. We will be visiting the Monastery of the "Life Giving Spring," and the Sequoia National Forest and have a guest speaker give two talks and a concert. There will be Liturgy at the Monastery. We’ll eat brunch on Sunday with the Orthodox nuns and also visit a winery in Madera County. Last year was a blast. We hope you can make it this year. We can only take 30 people, so register early to reserve your spot. There are scholarships available for anyone who needs financial assistance. Please contact Fr. Bill for financial assistance: [email protected] Our retreat guest speaker and musician will be Andrew Anthony. Andrew is a contemporary Christian singer who is an Orthodox Christian. He is also well versed in traditional Orthodox music and chanting. He has done ministry for the Archdiocese for over 15 years all over the US and was recently the Pastoral Assistant at a Greek Orthodox Church in Baltimore, Maryland for several years. He now lives in Florida where he is working on projects and presentations for the Orthodox Church in his studio. We are happy to have him speak with us and share his music. Registration is $105. The retreat is for Young Adults 18 - 32 age. Register here now and you can send a check at a later date: Calendar of events November Sunday School Fall Service Project Due Sunday 7 Fri.5-Sun 7 GOYA Trip to St. Nicholas Ranch Saturday 13 IOCC Walk-a-Thon Sunday 14 Sunday School Sunday 21 Sunday School Sunday 21 Camp Zoe Dinner & Movie Fundraiser December Saturday 4 Bible Bowl—Grades 6-12 St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, Anaheim 10:00-2:30 Sunday 5 Sunday School Sunday 5 Christmas Concert 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral Saturday 11 Christmas Pageant Rehearsal & Breakfast @ 10:30am Sunday 12 Sunday School Sunday 19 Christmas Pageant Saturday 25 Christmas Day Divine Liturgy GREEK FOLK DANCE On Sun Nov 21st St. Sophia Parent Dance Council will be sponsoring a Pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale to support our dance program . The deadline for preorders is Nov 13th. For details, please call Demitra Koutsos @ 818 903-7059. CAMP ZOE DINNER AND A MOVIE Sunday, November 21st We will be having our 3rd annual Dinner & Movie night on Sunday November 21st from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. The event will be held at St. Katherine's Greek Orthodox Church in Redondo Beach, and will be fun for the whole family. We will have dinner, nachos, & soft drinks along with a great C h r i s t m a s movie. There will be a raffle of gift baskets from Warner Bros., gift certificates from the Honey Baked Store as well as other prizes. This event is a fundraiser for Camp Zoe, one of our youth outreach ministries here at the cathedral. It is a weekend camping program for inner-city children with special needs. The camp is located in Crestline and is staffed jointly by members of St. Sophia and the Salvin Special Education School . The campers attend free of charge. Most of our campers come from the local neighborhood. To let us know if you are attending, please contact: Presbytera Mia Tragus via e-mail [email protected]. St. Katherine's Greek Orthodox Church is located at: 722 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach. Herald SAINT SOPHIA HELLENIC ACADEMY HELLENIC ACADEMY ADMINISTRATORS HELEN DUMAS, DIRECTOR Email: [email protected] Page 7 Saint Sophia Cathedral 13th Annual Christmas Musicfest under the Byzantine Dome "Glory to the New Born King" Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Phone: 310-800-6338 SARA PALASKAS, ASST DIRECTOR Email: [email protected] Welcome to our Saint Sophia Hellenic Academy. Classes began on Saturday, September 18. The Academy’s mission is to teach children the Greek language, culture, heritage, customs, traditions and religion in the context of the Greek Orthodox faith. CURRICULUM The Academy’s curriculum is designed for 10 academic classes preferably for 8 to10 students per class, and children are grouped according to age and level of Greek. We welcome children from the age of 3 and up. PRE-SCHOOL: 9:30—11:30am students learn through music, arts & crafts, poems, prayers and games. KINDERGARTEN & FIRST GRADE: 9:30—11:30am students are introduced to the Greek alphabet, simple reading, and grammar. HIGHER GRADES: 9:00—11:30am as students progress, they learn to read and write in Greek, and also learn about Greek history, mythology, literature, religion, geography, culture and traditions. ADULT CLASSES: 11:45am-1:30pm classes are specifically designed for adult students. The most important addition to our curriculum last year was a course, preparing students of advanced classes for the yearly examinations leading to the Certificate of Attainment in Greek, issued by the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religion. Candidates are prepared on any of four levels of linguistic proficiency. The program will include Orthodox Christmas Hymns and Chants, selections from the "Christmas Oratorio" by Camille SaintSaëns, and traditional carols of the holiday season. The concert will feature Carole Choucair Oueijan, Chanter Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, Michele Patzakis Prappas and Ernest J. Gekas as soloists, the Saint Sophia Cathedral Choir and Chamber Ensemble under the direction of Jim H. Kollias, and the Harmonies of Saint Thomas all Girls Choir, under the direction of Antonio Espinal. Freewill offering… Join the Saint Sophia Choir Do you find yourself singing liturgical music out loud for no reason? In the car? In the shower? Do you listen to the choir on Sundays and say to yourself “This year I’d like to be a part of that wonderful group? Or teens – do you sing in your high school choir? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time for you to join the St. Sophia Choir. Don’t wait for January to make that New Year’s resolution! You don’t read Greek? The first Sunday of each month is an all-English Liturgy and there are phonetics to help on the other Sundays each month. We are looking for 5 new members! Please contact director Jim Kollias: [email protected], call or text 714-337-7352. Herald Page 8 FOUNDATION NEWS Great News! The time has come! Please join us to celebrate the Ground Breaking Ceremony and Blessing for OUR NEW COMMUNITY CENTER Sunday, November 14 following the Divine Liturgy By the Grace of God, Saint Sophia Cathedral is moving forward. We thank all our contributors who have made this day possible. Now, we kindly ask all parishioners for their donations to the building project so we can truly call it our Community Center. For information, please contact the Foundation Office at 323.737.2424 Ext 119 or 120 COMMUNITY NEWS PHILOPTOHOS BOARD VIP 2010-2011 CALENDAR Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except July and August Month Time Type of Meeting November 10, 2010 10:00 AM Board Meeting December 8, 2010 10:00 AM Board Meeting January 12, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting February 9, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting March 9, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting April 13, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting May 11, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting June 8, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting JUL Y & AUGUST NO MEETING September 14, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting October 12, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting November 9, 2011 10:00 AM Board Meeting December 14, 2011 10:00AM Board Meeting In last month’s HERALD, we overlooked a couple of items that should have been noted. In recognizing people for their worthy contributions, we were remiss in not offering special thanks to NIA VARDALOS and IAN GOMEZ for their sincere and energetic support of the FEST. Their attendance always makes for an exciting & energetic addition to the festivities, and we deeply appreciate their friendship and gracious participation. Sincere appreciation is extended to our distinguished panel of judges for this year’s ZORBA Night Dance Contest. Kudos and thank you to the Greek Consul General, Elisabeth Fotiadou, City Councilwoman Jan Perry, model / actress & TV hostess Cristina Ferrare, stage, screen & TV star Billy Zane, and the incomparable “Uncle Frank” (the Jimmy Kimmel Show). They provided that extra touch of celebrity and pizzazz to help make the evening’s festivities a special night to remember. We also want to offer special thanks to Perry Lambert for sharing M.C. duties with Eleni Constantine during ZORBA Night as well as for his lively banter and professional onstage introductions & announcements throughout the FEST weekend. Great job as always. Lastly, kudos and heartfelt thanks are extended to: Joyce Kokkinides, Nick Begakis and Ann Pappas for their fantastic efforts with the FEST food service, Allen Altchech for his unique & memorable FEST photography and to George Varentges & the set-up crews who worked so diligently in prepping the grounds during the pre-FEST week. Herald Page 9 NOVEMBER SACRAMENTS BIRTHDAYS WEDDINGS At the time of publication, no weddings were scheduled for this month... BAPTISMS NOVEMBER 14 NOVEMBER 20 NOVEMBER 21 NOVEMBER 21 Demetrious Anathanasios Pitsos Maya Hatziris Nicholas and Vitorria Hawatmeh Emilene Katcherian MEMORIALS NOVEMBER 7 Kaplanis, Konstantinos Kirages, Kassandra Korkos, Thalia Llauro, Jorge Alberto Lubian, Stephanie Caiopoulos Lyons, Fay Makkar, Francisco Demosthenes Caiopopulos Christine Darais Basil Darais Tom Darais Alex Darais George Darais Dimitri Kokkinides Tom Lappas Diane Lappas Ananias, Georgia Angels, Panos Apostolos, Margo Baln, George Begakis, Nicholas Berry, Debbie Cappos, George Clute, Jessica Constantine, Eleni Curren, Richard Gallanis, Andreas Kaplanis, Athanasios EPISTLE READERS November 7 November 14 November 21 November 28 Theoni Trangas Dina Demetrius Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian Sebastian Opffer William Lappas Nicholas, Marlene Noyes, Virginia Papajohn, Michael Pastras, Ted Patzakis, Michael Peters, Elpida Poullos, Jayne Sarentes, Nicholas Spiropoulos, Jimmy Spirus, Dorothy Stamatiades, Dorothea Suchy, Georgia Travassaros, Frances Tripodes, Orion Aeneas Vackrinos, Catherine Wuerth, Richard Xsnthos, James Zoolakis, Anthony ANNIVERSARIES Fuller, Fred and Chrisoula Kitchens, Russell & Aspasia Alexandra Lappas ushers Sam Lappas Katherine Mike Stephen Roumeliotis Theofanis Vrahlioti Angeliki Vrahlioti Spiridoula Vrahlioti 11/7 Alexandra Georgiou, Christina Georgiou, Rosemary Georgiou Prappas, William & Michelle 11/14 Niki Korbakis, Maria Pelargos Spiropoulos, Jimmy & Doraly 11/21 Alexandra Guirguis, Dinah Wellington, Shelmadine Wellington 11/28 Electra Koutsoukos, Gene Chronopoulos Genevieve Zaharakos George Zaharakos NOVEMBER 14 Mandia Chagares Hraklis Hatjidamianou Thekla Hatjidamianou Sophia Kontiza NOVEMBER 28 George Bonorris Lyons, Barry and Faye Please note… If your birthday or anniversary is not listed in the monthly Herald newsletter and you would like it to be listed, please e-mail Stephanie at [email protected] Also, we will be adding a new section in our newsletter for the announcements of births and deaths in our community. Please e-mail us any updates.. Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Reverend Father John S. Bakas, Dean Jim Kollias, Choir Director Menelaos Trigonis, Protopsaltis Christopher Yokas, Organist James Karatsikis, Sexton BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Officers Angelo L. Pappas, President. Andrew Evangelatos, Vice President Dr.. James A. Demetriou, Vice President & C.F.O. Constantine Boukidis, Secretary Tina Callas, Treasurer Members V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Panos A. Angels Nicholas Bissias Timi Loomos Freshman Gig Kyriacou Alek Haidos William H. Oldknow John T. Pappas George Preonas Harry C. Vournas, Trustee Emeritus Peter C. Latsis, Honorary Presidential Appointments Anthony A. Demetriou, Assistant to the President John G. Marakas III, Sr. V. P. of Wells Fargo, Advisor to the Board PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Executive Officers Dina Skouras Oldknow, President Marianna Politis, 1st Vice President Dr. Maria T. Toczek, 2nd Vice President Dorothea Ales, Recording Secretary Virginia Noyes, Corresponding Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Asst. Corresponding Secretary Scarlett Billis, Treasurer Mary Gallanis, Assistant Treasurer Connie Cooper, Advisor Honorary Life Members Jennie Doumak Christine Peratis Members Helene Ballas Frances Bissias Judith Christopoulos Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan A. Electra Koutsoukos Tricia Kremer Constance Manders Sophie Mastor Diane Pruett Sonia Stathes Rita Stephanou OFFICE STAFF Christina Ajalat, Office Manager/Accounting Ann Pappas, Facilities Director Leonard Hart Reverend Father Bill Tragus, Assistant CUSTODIAL STAFF Jesus Gambino Miguel Rosales PARISH COUNCIL Executive Officers Panos A. Angels, President Tom Martin, 1st Vice President Loula B. Moschonas, 2nd V. P./Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Recording Secretary Karen Sarames, Corresponding Secretary Members Luke Richard Curren Dina Demetrius Jeanine Hanna Toula Kalatzis Sebastian Opffer Peter Pallas Ted Pastras Zafiris (Zaf) Tsimahides Associates Angela Karavedas, Sunday School Liaison Irene Frankos, 2010 Stewardship Chair Auditing Committee Tom Moore Anthony Demetriou OTHER MINISTRIES ALTAR BOYS Rev. Fr. Bill Tragus/Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL Chris Markos & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Rev. Father John Bakas Rev. Father Bill Tragus BOOK STORE William Striglos CAMP AXIOS Andrea Boerger CAMP ZOE Rev. Father Bill Tragus CHURCH SCHOOL Eleni Yokas CHOIR Jim Kollias COFFEE HOUR Georgia Vasila DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos DOCENTS Mrs. Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC John T. Pappas Ted Pappas Dean Treantafelles Tony Dres G.O.Y.A. Rev. Father Bill Tragus HELLENIC ACADEMY Helen Dumas, Director Eleni Tsaggouri, Assisant Director Joanna Papachristou, Parent Representative HOSPITALITY Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos L.A. GREEK FEST Jan & Ted Pastras MR. & MRS. CLUB Christine & Dean Peratsakis PARENTING Nick Stefanidis Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Rev. Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Vivi Demopoulos, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan Kathleen Kyriacou Vicki Kades YOUTH Rev. Father Bill Tragus EDITOR IN CHIEF Timi Loomos Freshman [email protected] Herald Page 11 NOVEMBER 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Cosmas/Damian 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 7 8am Orthros 9:15am StudiesFaith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy Noon Philoptohos VIP Artoklasia 14 8 21 9 10 8am Orthros 9:15am Studies in the Faith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 12 15 16 17 18 19 Matthew, the Apostle and Evangelist 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 22 23 20 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 24 25 26 Katherine, Great Martyr of Alexandria— No Liturgy 29 13 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am John Chrysostom 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Div. Liturgy 8am Orthros 9:15am StudiesFaith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy Entrance of Theotokos into the Temple 28 11 Synaxis if the Archangel Michael 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 8am Orthros 9:15am Studies in the Faith 9:45am Memorials 10 am Divine Liturgy 6 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 27 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 30 Andrew, the First called Apostle 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Fast Free Herald Page 12 Greek Obituary Service is now available for Saint Sophia Cathedral We are working with a service called Greek Obituary. This service will add a valuable optional service for Cathedral members and friends. Too often when a loved one passes, we may not have an easy and straight-forward method to contact everyone in the community about Trisagion and funeral services. Traditional newspapers can cost over $600 for a death notice with a photograph. Fortunately, Greek Obituary’s fee is much less than publishing a notice in the newspaper. For only $50, patrons can include a photo and a much longer biography. Like large national obituary services, visitors have the option of signing a complimentary online guest book. One of the major improvements over the large national services is that Greek Obituary’s obituary list and guest books are free to access and read. They will not expire after a year or require you to pay for access to an obituary. This is not only a wonderful remembrance for our community, but a portion of the proceeds will benefit Saint Sophia Cathedral. Standard obituaries can have one (1) page of obituary text, about 350-400 words, and one photo for their tribute. If a more extravagant obituary with multiple photos or more text is desired, enhanced obituaries are also available. Obituary text should be sent either by standard e-mail, or as a Word/ WordPerfect attachment to greekobituary Enhanced obituaries can also have an optional background image as a tribute, including the cross and military branch logos. Greek Obituary is managed by one of our Cathedral members, Dean Tripodes. After working with several churches, AHEPA chapters, and the national Pan-Icarian Brotherhood, it was determined there was a need for reasonable cost Greek obituaries. Greek Obituary is integrated into our Cathedral website, and includes obituaries and tributes from several communities throughout the United States. Greek Obituary welcomes all Philhellenes too, non-Greeks (including spouses) who are family members and friends of the Greek community. Most importantly, the service welcomes everyone who has been a part of the Greek Orthodox Church. Please go online to our Cathedral website at and click on the Events menu tab, and then on Obituaries. THE JOY OF PARENTING Nikolaos Stefanidis, Ph.D Barbara Kappos, LCSW The parenting classes are offered free of charge on Sunday at the conclusion of Holy Communion. All are welcome to attend! October 31 Our Faith and Parenting November 7 Dealing with Oppositional Behaviors November 14 Aggression and Bullying Guest Speaker: Stephanie Mihalas, Ph.D., NCSP November 21 Helping our children develop compassion, empathy and self-esteem November 28 No class December 5 Special Education Law Guest Speaker: Stephanie Mihalas, Ph.D., NCSP December 12 What does Christmas mean to our children? Holiday Break Returning on January 9, 2011 Congratulations to our very own Kenyatta Smith !!! Published by Dennis J. Zheng on September 18, 2010 at 9:53PM The Crimson confirmed today that men’s basketball coach Tommy Amaker has secured a verbal commitment from 2011 big man Kenyatta Smith. The No. 13 center in the nation according to, Kenyatta Smith, a senior at Flintridge Prep School (La Canada Flintridge, Calif.) chose Harvard over Vanderbilt and league rival Penn. “It was just a great visit. I love the campus; I love the people, everything—just beautiful,” the 6'8, 255-lb Smith said while in attendance at the Crimson football team’s opener against Holy Cross Saturday night. “I thought about [visiting other schools], but I’ve been to Penn before. I saw the campus and everything, and I just didn’t feel the connection that I did here,” Smith said of his first visit to the area. “I just love Boston as a city.” Smith sounded unfazed by Harvard’s lack of longstanding men’s basketball success. “We haven’t had a lot of history of winning, but that’s what I want to be a part of,” Smith said. “I want to start a history of winning, a tradition. I want to be there when that first happens—and I know it’s going to happen. It’s coming soon, and I want to be a part of it.” Giving Amaker a much-needed front court boost, Kenyatta joins Minnesota forward Jonah Travis in the Crimson’s future class of 2015. Prospects Andre Hollins, Spencer Dinwiddie, and Steve MoundouMissi also took in the football game SAINT SOPHIA CAMP GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, November 12,2010 MONTEBELLO COUNTRY CLUB 11:30 A.M TEE OFF SHOTGUN-STROKE PLAY ~ $175.00 GolfEntry Fee Includes green fees, cart, tee gifts, brunch, Awards Banquet with hors d'oeuvres at cocktail hour and prime rib dinnpr;::) FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL GORDON FRESHMAN (310) 273-7565 or e-mail [email protected] A WARDS DINNER Honoring Georgia Vasila Quiet Cannon Banquet Room - NON GOLFERS WELCOME - (Reservations Required) \ COCKTAILS 4:30 PM DINNER 5:30 P Adults $40.00 Youth (18 and younger) $30.00 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL GEORGIA (213) 380-4228 I Herald Page 14 SAINT SOPHIA CATHEDRAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:45 P.M. Call To Order – Opening Prayer by Father John Bakas Election of Officers (Chair Pro-Tem & Secretary Pro-Tem) Chair Pro Tem: Elector: Second: Panos Angels Tony Demetriou Tom Martin Secretary Pro Tem: Karen Sarames Elector: Loula Moschonas Second: Tom Martin Approval of Minutes: Elector: Second: As Submitted Tony Demetriou Tom Martin Reading of Correspondence - None Dean's Report ▪ Stella Contos: We are looking carefully for a replacement. Stephanie Lubian prepared a description of the job duties. Peter Devries, a head hunter, is assisting us in our search. ▪ Sunday School and Youth Programs: Father Bill Tragus works with these groups, and all are presently doing well. FDF will be held in San Jose in January 2010. ▪ Business Improvement District: Ted Pastras continues to work with the city. The new police and fire stations are in operation. The neighborhood has been revitalized, and according to LAPD statistics, crime in the city is down 42%. ▪ Christmas Concert: Our concert is scheduled for December 9, 2009. We invite nonorthodox churches to sing in our Christmas Program each year in order to introduce them to our community. ▪ Stewardship: We are struggling this year. Stewardship Sunday is set for January 10, 2010. Irene Frankos will be the new Chair of Stewardship. Attendance is down at many churches because members are embarrassed by job loss and demotions. Herald Page 15 CES Complex: We are rebuilding the complex. Now is the best time construction because costs are at an all time low. We have raised $9,000,000. Foundation Report by John Sakellaris ▪ Building Program: This is “the best of times and the worst of times.” We must think ahead and ask ourselves where we will be in 25 years. If the community raises $10,000,000 in pledges, Michael Huffington will give an additional $2,000,000. The donations to the building fund must not interfere with stewardship, therefore, giving must be sacrificial. Charles Skouras passed away at age 64 and did not enjoy the fruits of his labor. Philoptohos Report by Dena Oldknow ▪ Philanthropic Achievements: To date, $35,000 has been given in assistance to families in need. Assistance was also provided to a woman to help her move out of state for new job opportunities. Through the efforts of Irene Frankos and Dr. Stephanides, another woman received help paying her rent and moving to Greece. Philoptohos pledged $200,000 to the building fund. ▪ An Evening With Friends: This is an important fundraiser for Philoptohos. Funds were provided to an individual requiring a bone marrow transplant. Additional funds were provided to a family in the metropolis of Denver after a mother and daughter were involved in a horrible accident. The daughter survived while her mother did not. Financial assistance was provided to a child from Greece who is both blind and deaf. Treasurer and Stewardship Reports by Loula Moschonas ▪ Budget: This was a tough year. Our budget is $1,500,000. It will not be increased. In 2008, we earned $700,000 from stewardship. By November 2009, we had raised only $500,000 from stewardship. The budget for 2010 was approved as submitted. Elector: Tom Moore Second: Tony Demetriou ▪ Expenses: Currently we spend $1,200 a month to water and fertilize the grounds. Artificial turf will cost $120 per month, however, our water bill will be decreased dramatically. This is important since the city is getting tougher on the use of water. Herald Page 16 Other expenses in our budget include: Archdiocese 6% Youth Ministries 7% Utilities 7% Maintenance 3% Other Expenses 16% We replaced our air conditioner which now works fine. This item belongs on the Foundation’s budget. According to Alex Haidos, we have $1,530,000 in the Kolocotrones Fund; and therefore, have the financial resources to maintain our Cathedral. The Foundation also contributes money toward repairs. Easter Picnic Report by John T. Pappas We had 2000 attendees at Brookside Park this year. We had expenses of $44,300, and an income of $44,000. President’s Report by Panos Angels The Estate of Harry Pappas was donated to the Parish Council for maintenance. City Hall will not issue permits to anyone attempting to open a dance hall in our neighborhood. A special thank you is given to Timi Freshman for editing the bulletin and to Dean Tripodes for creating our website. Board of Auditors by Tom Moore No written report was provided by the committee. As a result of Stella Contos’s passing, they are behind. A new modern system has been integrated and a report will be filed by the end of the month. Festival Report by Ted Pastras The volunteers are a strong link behind the festival. We had another record breaking year. Our revenue was $446,537.42. Our expenses totaled $242,053.42. We realized a profit of $204,484.39. The LA City Council voted the LA Greek Fest as one of the top 15 cultural events in the entire metropolitan area. Our efforts have been recognized because our festival was described as one of the best run and safest events in Los Angeles. Over 5,000 people attended the festival Saturday night because Anna Vissi performed. Ted Pastras has received calls from all over the country asking for our assistance in not only getting Anna Vissi to perform at their festivals, but also seeking his advice on how to improve their festivals. Churches around the country want to know why our festival is so spectacular. Herald Page 17 Jan Pastras acknowledged Romy Romely for printing posters, magnets, and murals. Stephanie and Dan Lubian were acknowledged for all of their hard work; together they were called: “Ted’s right hand man.” Odie Demetriades was called: “Ted’s left hand man.” Jan Pastras acknowledged Nick Hronis for his family’s donation of hundred pallets of grapes from Hronis Grapes; Loula Moschonas was responsible for accounting; George Varentges handled the lighting; and Timi Freshman solicited underwriters. Youth Programs by Fr. Bill Tragus A youth website was developed and has now been connected to the main Saint Sophia website. Camp Zoe is a camping program offered by our church for the benefit of our challenged parish children as well as students who attend the Salvin School. The students at this school face physical disabilities and other serious challenges. The cost to run the camp program is approximately $18,000 or $600 per child. The next camp is scheduled for the last weekend in April 2010. This evening GOYA is sponsoring an event called: “Dinner and A Movie,” in order to raise money for the camp. This is just one example of the types of events our youth support. Adjourn ▪ Motion to adjourn by Tony Demetriou ▪ Motion seconded by Jim Demetriou ▪ Closing Prayer by Father John Bakas Respectfully submitted, Karen Sarames, Secretary Pro Tem Panos Angels, Parish Council President Rev. Fr. John Bakas, Dean of the Cathedral For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0196 4c mss Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1324 South Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, California 90006 DR AD D TE E S E IV IT QU S E N SE E R IC ME TI ERV SS ES Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail [email protected] We’re on the Web! Please join us for The Community Center Ground Breaking Sunday, November 14 following the Divine Liturgy PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID ARCADIA, CA PERMIT 777
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