The Flrst Day of Flddle Camp 2008


The Flrst Day of Flddle Camp 2008
Prairie Winds Schedule 2
Pat Hansen's Life an Inspiration
Pat Hansen, longtime owner of
Hansen Music in Billings, passed
away on May 1 1,2008 while
vacationing in France with his
wife and her parents. His full
obituary can be seen on the
internet at
[email protected] . It was
printed in the Sunday paper on
June 8th. 2008.
There are many questions that
all of us ask ourselves when such
a fixture in our community is
suddenly gone. W h o will do
their work?T o whom will we
turn t o answer our questions?
Why him?Why now?It would
be wonderful if someone could
type a line o r two in this newsletter and make us feel secure,
answer our questions, and make
sense of Pat's death. There are
however. I believe, no words
quantitatively o r qualitatively t o
do any of those things.
Pat had many friends in our
community. He loved his wife
and family. He was loved by
them. He ran a respectable
business for a long time. He
treated the Yellowstone Bluegrass Association well, often
donating money and merchandise t o our cause.
If you aspire t o be a friend, a
husband, a brother, a businessman. a recognizable part of the
Billings community and any or all
of the other things Pat was, look
t o Pat Hansen's life for inspiration.
Hansen Music Hosts M e m o rial Jam
The gang at Hansen music celebrated Pat Hansen's life with a
jam session on June 12,2008 at
4 pm at the Shrine Auditorium.
Many local bands including YBA's
Highway 302 and T h e All
Hands String Band picked and
sang at the event
Billy Pilgrims
Bluegrass DVD
Grand Targhee Camp
YBA Cornpout
Local musicians of every type
were on hand t o show their
The Flrst Day of Flddle Camp 2008
The first week of June finds our heroes deep in the wilds of central
Montana (just a ways from Greatfalls) at "~iddleCamp". This event
the Montana Oldtime Fiddlers
Association is designed
t o educate musicians of all levels and bring like minded acoustic music enthusiasts together.
Sunday morning just after cereal, fruit. and coffee, all s o i s of folks
hauling cases make their way into the lodge. The air is a buzz with
discussion of this mornings introductions and concert by the instructors.
.. -.
The crowed settles down a bit as Mr. Fred Buckley lays down the
law on camp and jamming etiquette. One of his peeves is apparently
something called "doodling". His remarks are directed at those
students who don't listen t o instructors and play softly all the time
even during lectures. As Mr. Buckley is requesting that pupils shut off
their cell phones for the upcominn
- concern his rinns
- send in^- the crowed
into grins'and giggles.
The lodge begins to heat up as spectators no longerable to find chairs
squeeze in t o watch the show. The fiddle instructors start with a tune they
all know. Wow, can they play! April Verch from Pembroke, Ontario plays a
lively Canadian number.'S'he has wonderful tone and is very lively wiih ;hat
bow. N e x t Barbara Lamb of Nashville in Tennessee fiddles a bluegrass number. Her forte is improvisation. Emily Callender from Livingston, Montana
demonstrates a contest style piece acconipanied by her husband Isaac on
guitar. Finally the star of the show. ~ u d spicher
d ~ of Nashville, Tennessee,
slowly burns the strings on his composition "Paula's Waln". His playing
leaves everyone speechless. He then lightens things up with his version of
the old tune "Red Wing". In mid stride he calls out a style of music and then
changeshis playing to wit that style.The sperratOrs go wild.
Check out the Billy Pilgrims @
uly 10, 2008 @ Venture Theatr
Tickets at the Door
$10 for Members
$12 for Non-Members
YBA Meets at Hardee's On 27th for the Summer
If you enjoy goodies
with your bluegrasss,
attend concerts at the
Venture Theatre at
23 19 Montana Ave
in Billings. They even
have wine and beer!
It appears that the new place t o
pick on Fr~dayn~ghtIn Billings is
at Hardee's on 27th street
Since remodel~nglast winter, the
restaurant has a new large area
for jamming with movable furniture.
There have been plenty of pickers on recent Fridays and management has been accommodating by turnlng off the rad~owh~le
members are there.
O n June 27.2008 reporters
from the Bill~ngsGazette where
on hand t o "do a story" about
the YBA. Watch for the article
t o appear soon in the paper.
At the Prairie Winds Caft5, Molt
12 Spur of the Moment
19...All Hands String Band
9...Spur of the Moment
16 Ramblin' Laurels
23 Cold Frosty Morning
30 Southbound
Bluegrass Country Soul:A Film By Albert lhde
~ a l m a rmay
or may not pay its
workers for. overtime, but it
knows how t o stock its selves
with great bluegrass. I've run on
t o some great cds by L a r r y
Sparks, Doyle Lawson and
Quicksilver, and Ralph
Stanely in the discount bin
Most recently I found a wonderful dvd produced under the
"Time Life" label. I t is called
Bluegrass Country Sou1:A Film by
Albert Ihde. It is a remastered film
about a bluegrass festival which
took place in 197 1 on Labor Day
weekend in Camp Springs,
North Carolina.
The promoter of the festival was
none other than
Hanev is attributed with ornaniz.
inn one of the first festivals of
that kind back in 1965, He appears often in the film and his
enthusiasm for the genre is infectious.
The first group t o appear in the
film is the Lilly Bras. I've been a
fan of that group for a long time.
but I never heard any recording
t o equal their performance here.
I was shocked t o see K e i t h
W h i t e l y and Rich Skaggs on
stage with Ralph Stanley. Dr.
Stanley was recognizable but
the rest of the group looked
hardly old enough t o shave.
J i m m y Martin's group gets the
award for the wildest costumes
t o appear. The "Freeborn Man"
is sporting a checkered red and
white cowboy hat, smoking
jacket, and white patent leather
shoes. The young lady playing
bass in the group is wearing a
very short red dress and has her
hair up in a beehive style. For
authenticity you can't beet the
Osborne Brothers playing and
singing that old standard, "Rocky
Although bluegrass has had its
fans and players in countries
outside of the United States for
a long time, Japanese players
have proved t o be some of the
most dedicated t o the traditional
sound. Bluegrass 45 from Kobi,
Japan appears on this dvd. It is
how the crowed takes
t o their performance.
I enjoyed seeing all the performers on this dvd, but I also enjoyed the shots of the crowd.
M& wore their hair much
longer back in 197 1, didn't they?
This film really takes one backCheck out the sale bin at Walmart or look around on the
internet and your bound t o find
a copy of this dvd. Every bluegrass fan should get one.
If you missed your chance t o
attend the Montana State Oldtime Fiddler's "Fiddle Camp" in
Monarch, Montana in June this
year, the summer isn't over yet.
There may still be time t o get in
a few classes at the 3rd Annual
Targhee Bluegrass Music Camp.
August 5-8.2008.
days of learning, jamming, and
fun that precede the Grand Targhee Bluegrass Festival. Located
at the resort, the setting is ideal
for getting away from the real
world and spending time in the
mountains picking and singing.
Musicians and wanna-be musicians. get ready for the 2008
Targhee Bluegrass Camp! This
event entails three and a half
Ben Winship-Director
2008 Instructors
Darrell Scott- Sonwritinn
T o n y Trischka-Banjo
B r i a n Wicklund-Mandolin
Tim Stafford &John LowellGuitar
Rob lckes -Dobro
Jeremy G a r r e t t -Fiddle
Eric T h o r i n -Bass
For more informahon check
A RemEnderT
When Scbeo17s Out fer t h e
Summer, t h e Lhceln Cen*e.r
Other Places t o Jam,
~ America has
~ been chosen
~ to "put on"*the National~Folkfestival for
~ the next ~
three years. Big deal, you say. It is! (Do you know where organizers can put
50,000 out of state cars in Silverbow county?)Arts, crafts, music and dance of
every kind fill the festival which most recently took place in places like Richmond, VA and Washington D.C.. This year (the first of three in a row in Butte)
will take place July 11-13. The seldom-scene are playing uptown in the street for
Phone:406 256-8294
Promoting Muegrass musicSn the
Yellowstone Valley
YEA to Host Campout Near Redlodge
Don't you love camping out?
Montana is a paradise for those
of us who love the great out of
doors. With us in mind (people
who love the outside), Y B A is
going t o host a campout on the
banks of Rock Creek near Redlodge and Roberts, MT at Kalava
Park. It is a great place with a
lodge, bathrooms, dry camping
spots, and all the "wide open"
you can stand.
The organization will furnish a
swine t o be BBQed t o perfection by master swine BBQers on
Saturday July 26, 2008 as well as
pop, water etc. The meal
(potluck salads, deserts etc) will
be free t o EVERYONE. Donations t o the cause will be appreciated.
jamming will start early and end
late as usual. Organizers would
l t ~ i sr;mored that the Montana
State Oldtime Fiddler's contest
will be going on in Redlodge that
very w n e w ~ ~ k e n Ifd you
belong t o the MSOTF, let us
know. A contingent of bluegrassers will come root you on.
President...Chuck Bishop 248-3645
Vice-President...Barry Gum 256-9182
Secretary1Treasurer ...Terry Indreland 652-4677
Board Members...Trent Indreland, Brad Sherseth, Wade
Steinmetz and Ed Pierson
1819 GRAND AVENUE 406-245-4544
We are very fortunate to have had a friend and owner
whoYs.lovefor music, and the community inspired him to
make plans for Hansen Music to continue it's legacy long
after he had passed.
The now family, and employee owned store will
continue in the path in which it has gone for over 60
years- onward, with full force!
We will also be continually supporting many of the same
groups we have in the past years, including the
Yellowstone Bluegrass Association.
We appreciate all of your support, business, and mostly
the friendships you've provided for us over the years.
JULY 11,12 & 13,2008
Johnson County Fairgrounds
Buffalo, Wyoming
Acoustic Americana,
Bluegrass Folk, Old-Timey,
Western & Traditional Music
Peter Rowan Blngrms Band, The Kenny & Amanda Smith Bmd,
The Byron Berline B a d with Barry %oness Patton, Don Edwards,
Clumsy Lovers, Spring Creek, The Jalan Crosslaad Bmd,
Anne & Pete Sibley, k e l &Hrieger
D. Mlchael Thomas
Bay Y o nIlcketk Early and Save Monyf!
J&7omation & ZYckeets at w w w . B i ~ o ~ o u n t a i n F e s t i v d c o m
Advance Tickets.' 3 Day $65 * Friday $25 * Saturday $35 * Sunday $15
At The Gate: 3 Day $80 * Friday $30 * Saturday $40 * Sunday $20
Kids 12 and Under Free (with an adult)
Or Get Your Tickets at These Oatlets
In Sheridan: The WYO Theater and 2nd Chance CD
In Buffalo: Chamber of Commerce, Joy Appliance & Video, and The Sports Lure
Hansen Music i n Billings, ~aggerty'sMusic i n Gillette & Rapid City
Rain or Shine
Friday Performances Start at 1:30 PM
Saturday Workshops and Contests All Day * Music to 10:30 P M
Sunday Gospel Music 9 AM to Noon * More Music to 5 PM
State Championships for Mandolin and Banjo (Guitar & Fiddle Contests Too!)
Workshops, Raffle Prizes, Band Scramble, Food, Beverage & Craft Vendors,
Pancake Breakfast, RT7 & Tent Camping & Lots of Jams
Contact us at Info@BigHordMounta,