Part 4 - Arkansas Tech University Library


Part 4 - Arkansas Tech University Library
whirl by
for sophs
1. Members of the Sophomore Council
are, from left to right: Front row, Jimmy
Yarres, Debbie Carson, Donna Fleming,
Marilyn Heathcott, and Barbara Pester­
field, second row, Steve Gage, Peggy Holt,
Jack Taylor, and Michael Booth. The
Council was influential in getting Sopho­
more involved in school activities.
Adney, Sharon Dardanelle Pre-Vet.
Albert, Kathleen Russellville Pre-Vet.
Altstatt, Clara Berryville El. Ed.
Artis, Lloyd Marianna Account.
Bagley, Joyce Clinton Rec. and Parks.
Bailey, William R. Rogers Account.
Baker, Cathy Russellville Geol.
Barnes, Berton Bentonville Gen. Stud.
Barnett, Kerry Waldron Math.
Barton, Dale Dover Pre-Med.
Bauer, Dennis Subiaco Account
Bauer, Jane Atkins Engl.
Bean, Betty Russellville Computer Sci.
Bean, Rebecca Russellville Art.
Beasley, David Atkins Bus. Ad.
Bentley, Paula Riverside, CA Computer
Berry, Donna Delaware Art.
Berry, Stan Dover Bus.
Beverly, Kim East Chicago, IN Account.
Black, Mona Ozark'Pre-Vet.
Blackman, Greg Ft. Smith Engin.
Blaty, Rusty Russellville Rec. and Parks.
Blevins, Jeanette Russellville Hist. and
Pol. Sci.
Booth, Michael Ft. Smith Pre-Med.
Bransford, Richard Lonoke Agri-Bus.
Bridges, Cheryl Morrilton El. Ed.
Briscoe, Mike Russellville Socio.
Brown, Byron Wynne Rec. and Parks.
Required science courses make McEver
Hall a place of dread for many who pass
through its doors, for some, not so.
and leaning
1. Feet and footwear seems to be the object
of comfort and individuality in the men's
dorm. Diversity of footwear varies with
the person's activities. It seems that hard­
clad shoes and house-shoes are out for
men's loungewear this year_
Dale Russellville Account.
Emily Bauxite Computer Sci.
Jo Ann Pine Bluff El. Ed.
Kathleen Russellville Music Ed.
Brown, Kay Dardanelle Art.
Brumley, Betty Ozark El Ed.
Bundy, Don Hot Springs Pre-Vet.
Burl, Gregory N. Little Rock P. E.
Bynum, Nancy Russellville Account.
Cain, Harold Dardanelle Fish. and Wild­
Calvert, Ben Prairie Grove P. E.
Campbell, Karen Atkins Account.
Cannon, Mike Searcy Pre-Dent.
Carroll, Mary Ola Pre-Pharm.
Carson, Debbie Harrison Biol.
Carter, Patty Camden Pre-Nurs.
Chastain, Charlotte Russellville Psych.
Chedester, Tommy Pottsville Socio.
Cheney, Mark Mountain Home Gen.
Childers, Linda Ozark Gen. Stud.
Christian, David Watson P. E.
Church, Louann Jerusalem Engl.
Clay, Virginia Greenwood Biol.
Cloos, Diana Ozark Art.
Cobb, Janet N. Little Rock Music Ed.
Collier, Benzene Helena Pre-Law.
Combs, Darlene Green Forest Gen. Stud.
Compton, Lynne Dover Psych.
Conatser, Lisa Russellville Foreign Lang.
Conley, Billy Morrilton Account.
Connevey, Margaret Mabelvale Biol.
Cooper, Beverly Russellville El. Ed.
1. Vicki Moore pauses during her busy
schedule to contemplate on whether or
not there was anything to the saying, "the
sky is falling''. 2. What more could a per­
son ask for than the time to be alone to
think and dream, and wonder about
things to come. Roush Hall reception
office seems to make the perfect place.
Couch, Steve Havana Speech.
Cowdrey, Connie Harrison Music Ed.
Cox, David Magazine Rec. and Parks.
Cox, Pam Benton El. Ed. and P. E.
Crossman, Craig Russellville Hist. and
Curtis, Dale Dermott Bus.
Davenport, Lanny Yellville Biol.
Davis, Richard Searcy Math.
1. The Cornelius Brothers and Sister
Rose's action could have only been
stopped by camera, as most of the fans
would agree! 2. No, we didn't have the
Twin Blind Men, (hottest group sweeping
the nation), on campus, 3. just a multi­
talented cool brother in the Cornelius
Brothers and Sister Rose backup band.
night out
for class
1. Now what could these students be pro­
testing against now? Could it be the
cafeteria food, or the faculty, maybe the
administration, or even yet it could be
on the national level: energy crisis, Nixon
and federal administration. Perhaps the
commemoration of the fabulous perfor­
mance given at the fall concert.
Dick, Elizabeth Rogers Journ.
Dicks, Larry Ozark Rec. and Parks.
Driver, Donna Russellville Hist.
Duffie, Sheree Booneville Music Ed.
Dunavion, Sherri Tuckerman Art Ed.
Dugan, Mike Hot Springs Pre-Med.
Eoff, John Harrison Account.
Ethridge, Betty Harrison Med. Tech.
Evans, John Russellville Engin.
Ezell, Dean Booneville Fish. and Wildlife.
Fant, Lynn Marianna Biol. and Math.
Farr, Virginia N. Little Rock Music Ed.
Farris, Laurie Russellville Med. Tech.
Fiehl, Jon Ft. Smith Bus. Ad.
Finkenbinder, Donna Dardanelle P. E.
Flake, Jeanie Coal Hill Engl.
in dorms
1. Football players enjoy togetherness on
and off the field. The comradeship of the
athletes may possibly be due to the fact
that all of the athletes are put into one
dorm as long as there are rooms available.
This helps team members to develop a
sense of brotherhood, necessary for suc­
cessful on field playing.
Fleming, Donna Pine Bluff Pre-Law.
Fletcher, Bobby Ft. Smith Bus. Ad.
Floyd, Davis Ft. Smith Gen. Stud.
Floyd, Jeff El Dorado Fish and Wildlife.
Foot, Steve Hazen Rec. and Parks.
Fortson, Lee Ann N. Little Rock Music
Foster, Ron Russellville Computer Sci.
Fraser, Lauren Ozark Music Ed.
Gardner, Terry Lonoke Pre-Pharm.
Geier, Donnie Russellville Account.
George, Nathan Birta Pol. Sci.
Goates, Susan Western Grove Music Ed.
Grady, Silvia Big Spring, TX El Ed.
Grant, Eugene Savannah, GA Gen. Stud.
Green, Travis DeWitt Pre-Vet.
Halasek, Robert Russellville Bus. Ad.
Hambrick, Viva Russellville Psych.
Hansen, Tom Ft. Smith Art.
Harden, Malia Harrison El. Ed.
Harris, Sally Waldron Gen. Bus.
Hatasaki, Janice Springdale Med. Tech.
Hattabaugh, Steve Mansfield Gen. Stud.
Housley, Einella Plainview El. Ed.
Havner, Brenda Belleville Hist.
1. What may have been a 1930 mobster
gang, is only a group of pussycats due
to the dorm atmosphere cooling down
their temperaments. 2. Whether just a
friendly handshake or a "hope you win
shake" this form of brotherhood seems
to be the attitude of most of the dorm
habitants and the general student body.
Hawkins, Jeannie Waldron Pre-Pherm.
Haynes, Barbara Mena Socio.
Haynie, Kathryn Morrilton Meth.
Heathcott, Marilyn Scranton El. Ed.
Heim, Maureen Ft. Smith Hist.
Herring, Sherri Denville El. Ed.
Hickey, Nancy Morrilton Pre-Pharm.
Hickman, Sarah Atkins Speech
Hicks, Virginia Helene Speech
Hill, Lisa N. Little Rock Socio.
Hodges, Beth Dardanelle El. Ed.
Hodges, Thomas Green Forest P. E.
Holben, Larry Lemar Fish. and Wildlife.
Holder, William El Dorado Bus.
Holeyfield, Robert Searcy Pre-Med.
Holman, Don Harrison Account.
Holt, Peggy Pine Bluff El. Ed
Hopkins, James Tupelo Journ.
Huber, Ron Mountain Home P. E.
Hubsch, Don Little Rock Rec. and Parks.
Hudson, David Russellville Agri-Bus.
Hudson, LeeAnne Huntsville Socio.
Huie, Eddie Dardanelle Music
Jackson, Brenda Atkins Pre-Nursing
hits hard
at Tech
1. The energy crisis saw the return of
many bicycles that students had put
away, and found that riding to class was
rather fun. 2. VW's also were increasing
in number as gas prices climbed from 36c
a gallon to as high as 50c in some places.
Students joined together to help conserve
fuel by having a walk day and a tune-up
day sponsored by the Senate.
Jackson, Rebecca Hot Springs El. Ed.
Jacob, Juanita Russellville Art
Jamar, Jerry Little Rock Engl.
James, Susan Harrison Engl.
Jamison, Joey Nashville Bus. Ad.
Johnson, Dalton Russellville Hist.
Johnson, Jolene N. Little Rock Med.Tech.
Kapec, Dave Alexandria, VA Music Ed.
Kelton, Kenneth Russellville Physics
Kilburn, Marsha Dover El. Ed.
Kimery, David Hot Springs Rec. and
King, Alice Russellville Rec. and Parks.
King, Howard Bruno Pre-Vet.
Klepper, Sarah Deer Bus. Ad.
Knight, Carol Plainview El. Ed.
Krenzelok, Bill Hot Springs Pre-Pharm.
Lackie, Richard Lonoke Pre-Pharm.
Landers, Curt Tulsa, OK Hist. and Pol.
Lisle, Mike "Sparky" Gentry Biol.
Long, Lu Ann East Gary, IN Pre-Nursing
McDowell, Denise Little Rock El. Ed.
McElwee, Guen Nimrod Gen. Stud.
McGehee, Deborah Ozark Pre-Nursing
McVay, David Van Buren Bus.
1. There is always something going on
in the student center as these card players
can attest. 2. Jerry Jamar and Virginia
Hicks star in an epic for the Reader's
Theatre Indian Production.
make Tech
1. An unidentified gunman scares a n
innocent bystander i n a Reader's Theatre
production. 2. Fred Powell of Harrison
checks under his roll for possibly a hid­
den message from the underworld. 3.
Tommy Short and his dog stand out in
a crowd of Phi Sigma Rho guys like a
diamond in a pile of uncut stones. Like
a needle in a haystack???
Martin, William Harrison Pre-Med.
Massey, Diana Dover Psych.
Mattox, Cynthia Green Forest P. E.
Maxwell, David N. Little Rock Socio.
Milburn, Bill Harrison Geol.
Mitchell, Danny Sheridan Engin.
Mobley, Karen Morrilton Rec. and Parks.
Moore, Susan Biloxi, MS Mgmt. Sci.
Moore, Vicki Russellville Socio.
Morphis, Jeannie Russellville Music
Morris, Peggy Lynn Journ.
Morris, Thomas Pottsville Gen. Stud.
Murdoch, Angie Russellville Music Ed.
Myers, Gregory Jacksonville P. E.
Nash, Lana Russellville Gen. Stud.
Neeley, Jerry Dardanelle Econ.
Nelson, Nancy Russellville El. Ed.
Neumeier, Paula Russellville Math
New, Chuck Russellville Account.
Newton, Thomas Royal Bus. Ad.
Nickles, Debbie N. Uttle Rock Music Ed.
Noll, Rita Solgohachia P. E.
Padilla, Charles Russellville Gen. Stud.
Parrish, Michael Danville P. E.
Patton, Lisa Ola Pre-Vet.
Payne, John W. Morrilton Agri.
Payne, Martin Russellville Socio.
Peacock, John Rogers P. E.
Pennington, Don Russellville Pre-Med.
Perry, Shirley Van Buren Bus. Ad.
Pester field, Barbara Ozark Rec. and
Pesterfield, Robert Ozark Rec. and Parks.
Peters, Wilson Rosebud Agri-Bus.
Pierce, Richard Mt. Ida Rec. and Parks.
Porter, Howie Heber Springs Geol.
Poynter, Charles K. Dover Bus. Ad.
Price, Jeffrey Middletown, NJ Fish. and
Profitt, Pam Dover El. Ed.
Puckett, Jerard Russellville Physics
Putnam, Annette Ft. Smith El. Ed.
Quandt, Sandra Russellville Bus. Ad.
Ragsdale, Terry Dover Fish. and Wildlife.
Ramsey, Kathy Deer Socio.
Reagan, Eugene Siloam Springs Comm.
Reeves, Gary Ozark Biol.
Reynolds, Gary Mena Music Ed.
Rice, Gary Morrilton Engin.
Richardson, Rita Russellville Music Ed.
1. Former male vice president of the stu­
dent senate, Don Pennington, and his date
s h o w different e m o t i ons at a senate
dance. 2. One of the great mysteries at
Tech this year was the classification of
Miss Shirley McKnight, who later never
entered any of those classes. 3. One of
the more casual moments in the life of
a 1974 homecoming maid, Susie Norene
at a classroom birthday party.
Tech life,
quiet and
1. A revealing moment for Tech cheer­
leader, Gail Wallis, as the Wonderboys
fall behind. 2. But on the other hand, we
did win some games, as the excited face
of rookie cheerleader, Buffy Dick, proves,
as she cheers "Git on up . . . , hips and
thighs, and pretty blue eyes," etc.
Robertson, Gip N. Little Rock Pre-Vet.
Robertson, Linda Morrilton Engl.
Robertson, Patsy Ft. Smith Account
Romine, Jan Gravette Socio.
Rosel, Connie Dover Math
Ross, Billie Russellville El. Ed.
Seal, Billy Piggott Med. Tech.
Sexton, Mona Lonoke El. Ed.
Shackleford, Bruce Little Rock Fish. and
Shaddox, Kenneth Harrison Pre-Med.
Shumaker, Willi�m Little Rock Gen.
Simmons, Glenn Lonoke Pre-Pharm.
Sims, Phyllis Ft. Smith Pre-Vet.
Slaughter, Ann Lead Hill Pre-Nursing.
Slone, John Ft. Smith Account.
Smith, Claude Walnut Ridge Music Ed.
Smith, David Russellville Engin.
Smith, Ricky Russellville Art
Sosebee, David Ozark Hist.
Spears, Larry Paragould Hist.
Spielvogel, Ruth N. Little Rock El. Ed.
Stewart, Brenda Berryville Gen. Stud.
Stewart, Chuck London Engin.
Stocks, Steve Stuttgart Journ.
Storts, Don Havana Rec. and Parks.
Summers, Benjamin Dover Bus. Ad.
Sutterfield, Finis Russellville Pre-Med.
Tapp, Betty Havana El. Ed.
3. A time of reflection for Betty Blaylock,
on some unidentified stretch of Tech. 4.
Happy times were in store for freshman
Zora Hicks and a young basketball recruit
at a dance. 5. The reflection of the sun
on tennis players makes for good picture.
Tauber, Frederick Ft. Smith Geol.
Taylor, Jack Mena Art
Tencleve, David Scranton Agri-Bus.
Theising, Frank DeWitt Gen. Stud.
Thomas, Stephen Ozark Pre-Vet.
Thomasson, Danny Camden Rec. and
Thompson, Janie Mt. Judea El. Ed.
Thompson, Michaelle Waldron Music
and places
1. Classroom incidents will be remem­
bered by Vicki Ingram for many years.
2. A very familiar sight for students who
have night classes in Witherspoon Hall
is the unusual pattern of the modern win­
dows. 3. Feeding the ducks on a warm
day on the lake is fun for two Tech coeds.
Townsend, Nancy Russellville Med.
Turner, Larry Havana Agri-Bus.
Underwood, Larry Russellville Psych.
Vines, David Bergman Psych.
Wagner, Mickey Casa Agri.
Watkins, Elaine Van Buren Music Ed.
Weaver, Philip Russellville Pre-Law
Webb, Beverly Berryville Art Ed.
Webb, Janet Ozark Socio.
Welch, Leslie Ft. Smith Music Ed.
White, Michael Dover Geol.
Willard, Hoover Plainview Rec. and
Williams, Pam Ozark El. Ed.
Williams, Ronnie Camden Gen. Stud.
Williams, Scott Russellville Psych.
Wilson, Charles Lonoke Pre-Pharm.
Wilson, Le Benton Math
Wilson, Norman Little Rock Music Ed.
Womack, Mike Ft. Smith P. E.
Workman, Paul Little Rock Music Ed.
Wyllia, Kenny England Geol.
Yarbrough, Karen Russellville El. Ed.
Yarres, Jimmie Booneville Art
Zerr, Nancy Rogers El. Ed.