Online Condition Monitoring by DynaView®
Online Condition Monitoring by DynaView®
DynaView ® Online Condition Monitoring by DynaView ® Full fluid flow Sampled fluid flow CCD/CMOS camera (2 Mpix) Lens x4 mag Wear debris TV rate camera image processing shape classification Introduction Aim The reliability, availability and safety of installations are particularly significant challenges for offshore platforms. The costs for servicing and maintenance of the offshore installations are normally several times higher than for onshore facilities due to use of costly equipment which is typically located hundreds of kilometres from shore. With condition monitoring it is possible to detect at an early stage many cases of wear-related damage and appropriate maintenance can be scheduled in accordance with equipment requirements. Effective condition monitoring requires both accurate sampling of the lubrication system and effective analysis of the debris in the sample. Inaccurate or inconsistent sampling can easily lead to erratic trending results, while ineffective sample analysis can miss critical faults. Non-representative oil samples can come from incomplete or omitted purging of a sample port prior to drawing the sample, or obtaining the sample substantially after equipment shut down. Similarly, poor choice of an online sampling location can generate non-representative samples. l To develop a real time oil debris monitor having the capacity to identify type, severity and rate of progression of one or more mechanical faults utilizing particle size and shape in fluids associated with hydraulic systems. l To direct transition to online operation, which result to: o Eliminating routine sampling o Eliminating need to transfer sample when analysis is done onsite o Enabling remote or local interpretation l To be able to record critical parameters from the hydraulic system with other type of sensors l To support Condition Based Maintenance and off-shore requirements for reduced maintenance personnel on future platforms and reduce maintenance costs Sample analysis Wear mode classification Severe sliding wear 400 Full fluid flow Sampled fluid flow CCD/CMOS camera (2 Mpix) concentration (ml-1) 350 Machine condition assessment 300 250 200 Maintenance action 150 100 50 0 20-25 25-50 50-100 >100 size range (µm) Lens x4 mag Wear debris TV rate camera image processing shape classification Trending DynaView description Internet DynaView is an on-line condition monitoring system based on integration of LaserNet Fines and DynaSamp. The DynaView unit could remotely be controlled from Online Condition Monitoring Centre (OCMC) via internet or onboard Ethernet Network. Optical sensor is used for detecting and classifying suspended particles in hydraulic oil systems. The instrument provides objective evidence of machinery faults through the size distribution and morphological analysis of wear debris and contaminants in oil samples. DynaSamp sampling device provides accurate repeatable sampling of the flow, which can eliminate the problems of non-representative and erratic samples. The DynaSamp device may provide a continuous and autonomous sampling, which makes it possible to avoid manual drawing of the oil sample. This is an essential requirement for online monitoring. All major items of wear and process information will be recorded in a database and will later be automatically evaluated, aggregated and visualized to ensure efficient service planning. DynaView will be able to record critical parameters from the lubricating system to assess the current health, which could be important for the system, such as viscosity, temperature, pressure, vibration and etc. It ensures high information reliability with minimum personnel. Remote monitoring using computer Remote monitoring using mobile sing mob bile phone bile Condition monitoring back to FRAS HQ data transfer d DynaView unit installed at remote site The remote access makes possible that the condition monitoring be performed by skilled onshore personell. They can correctly evaluate and interpret the result. The estimated condition/health of all the machinery/units could daily be stored in a database in the form of a simple report protocol. Operators offshore may have access to the database and they will be informed immediately for any important information related to the condition/health of any machinery/units. In order to achieve a service planning, the historical presentation of the wear level (trending) could be determined continuously, which makes it possible to estimate residual service life for the machine. FRAS TECHNOLOGY AS Postboks 202, 1431 Ås, Norway Tel: +47 64 97 06 40 / Fax: +47 64 97 06 41 Email: [email protected] TRENDING the quantity of wear particles in a sample over a period of time for a specific machine is a recommended method for identifying an underlying abnormal wear mode. The trending screen permits the user to trend any of the specific abnormal wear particle types, i.e., severe, fatigue, cutting and nonmetallic.