April 17, 2011 - Sacred Heart Church
April 17, 2011 - Sacred Heart Church
106 3rd Ave N E Freeport MN 56331-9017 650 Main St. New Munich MN 56356-9028 28905 Co Rd 17 St. Rosa (Freeport MN 56331-9610) Welcome to our Tri-Parish Community! Visitors are always welcome at our celebrations. For information about joining one of our three parish communities or for information about Sacred Heart School programs, contact the Tri-Parish Office at 320-836-2143 or visit our tri-parish websites, Sacredheartfreeport.org. or New Munich Church.org. or St. Rosa Church.org. From the Pastor… On Tuesday. April 19, at 3:30pm in St. Rose of Lima Church, St. Rosa, there will be one last opportunity for communal Reconciliation before Easter. emorial Donations for Easter Environment You may donate toward the Easter environment and flowers by using the special envelope in you packet marked “Easter Environment” If you want your gift to be in memory of a family member or friend, please list the name(s) on the envelope and they will be included in the intention for the Easter Sunday mass. A n Invitation to the Newly Confirmed Many of you wrote beautiful letters explaining why you wanted to be confirmed, and what it would mean to you and to others. Several of you mentioned wanting to become Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors or Ushers, and I would encourage all of you to consider some form of volunteer ministry in your parish. Please contact me if you would like to be trained, appointed and scheduled as a Eucharistic Minister or if you wish to offer some other form of service to your parish. Service Schedule for Holy Week Holy Thursday Freeport 4:00 pm Mass at 8:00 pm Mass at St. Rosa 8:00 pm Mass at New Munich Good Friday Easter Vigil port 1:00 pm Services at New Munich 3:00 pm Services at Freeport 8:00 pm Services at St. Rosa 8:30 pm Easter Vigil/mass St. Rosa 8:30 pm Easter Vigil, mass, New M 8:30 pm Easter Vigil, mass, Free- C ongratulations to our First Communicants We are happy to welcome the Second Graders from our parishes to the Table of the Lord. The following received the Holy Eucharist for their first time last Sunday, April 10: Immaculate Conception Parish: Matthew Feldewerd, Isaac Schmiesing, Samuel Klein, Michael Vornbrock, Madison Revermann, Erika Hoppe, April Rademacher Sacred Heart Parish: Nathaniel Welle, Katelyn Welle, Gwen Welle, Haley Thelen, Leah Revering, Dalton Middendorf, Brooklen Middendorf, Emily Heinen, Abbygail Heinen, Evan Grieve, Cooper Feldewerd, Kianna Fiedler St. Rose of Lima Parish: Rhiley Kienitz, Makenzie Herzog, Mitchell Finken, Brett Engelmeyer, Nathan Douvier, Amy Austing, Myra Arvig. W elcome to our Catechumen, Candidate At the Easter Vigil at Sacred Heart this coming Saturday we will have privilege of welcoming Elizabeth Stilwell to the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, and also to receive Deana Middendorf into full communion with the Catholic Church. Both Elizabeth and Deana have prepared for this step by taking part in our tri-parish RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and find support from their sponsors Andrea Jordan and Rita Middendorf, respectively. As an unbaptized adult, Elizabeth will welcomed at the Vigil with the Sacraments of Baptism AND Confirmation as well as the Eucharist. In this case, the pastor is delegated to celebrate the Confirmation. Since Deana was already baptized in the Presbyterian religion, she will declare her acceptance of the Catholic Church’s teaching, then be confirmed and receive the Eucharist with us. Again, the pastor in such a case celebrates the Confirmation. Please welcome Elizabeth and Deana, and make them feel at home in our tri-parish community. G enerations of Faith Now that we have finished our 8 DVD journey through the Bible with Mark Hart at our GOF sessions, the DVD’s are available to anyone who would like to borrow them to review the presentations, fill in any missed sessions, or simply see what the whole series was all about. To borrow the DVDs, just contact one of the Faith Formation Team members. Our May 11 session will include a communal celebration of the Anointing of the Sick, followed by other events that will include and conclude with a picnic social. See you all there! Palm Sunday--Cycle A, Weekdays-Year I April 17, 2011 L M enten Penance Service Masses at Freeport April 18 - April 24, 2011 Mo 8:15 am Communion Service Tu 8:15 am Communion Service We 8:15 am †Dean Atkinson Th 4:00 pm Holy Thursday L/D Clarence/Michael Hiltner Fam. Fr 3:00 pm Good Friday Service Sa 8:30 pm Easter Vigil †Donald Timp, Anniv. Su 10:30 am Easter Sunday Memorials Sacred Heart Parish Events Su Su Fr 4-17 11:30 am Christian Women Luncheon 4-17 7:30 pm 500 Card Party 4-22 9:00am Eucharistic Adoration Holy Thursday Request: We are asking for volunteers to take part in the FootWashing ceremony at the 4:00pm Mass on Holy Thursday. 6 chairs will be placed in the church aisles as in the past. When we come to that part of the liturgy, please consider taking your place at one of those chairs to experience this special Last Supper ritual. The Liturgy Committee Welcome to our Parish We welcome Matthew and Rhonda Schmidt to our parish. They reside at 1008 3rd Ave SE in Freeport. 500 Card Party Top winners from March 20 were Butch Munsterteiger 4540, Helen Munsterteiger 4390, Parish $42.00. Next card party—Sunday, Apr. 17, 7:30pm. Parish Festival Parade Theme: The theme for our Parade this year is “Celebrating Christmas Around the World”. This should give everyone plenty of opportunity to come up with some amazing ideas to make our festival parade a huge success. Go to our parish website to download the parade information letter and entry form. Grand Raffle Donations: Anyone wishing to contribute to the grand raffle please contact Kristie & Wayne Revering at 836-2359 or Pete & Marilyn Heidgerken at 836-2565. Thank You, Catholic United Financial We are grateful to the members of Sacred Heart Council (formerly CAA) for their donation of $600 toward the repair of our church roof. Church Roof Repair Fund 94.3% of $110,000 Goal $110,000- $6,179 to go 100,000- $103,821 90,00080,000- donated 70,000- to date, 60,000from 50,00040,0003/9/2010 30,000to 20,00010,000- 4/15/’11 Masses at New Munich Tu Th Fr Sa Su April 18 - April 24, 2011 8:15am †Tony Thull, Anniv. 8:00 pm Holy Thursday L/D Members COF 1:00 pm Good Friday Service 8:30 pm Easter Vigil L/D Christian Women 9:15 am Easter Sunday Memorials Immaculate Conception Events Tu 4-19 6:30pm Munichfest Envelope Stuffing Easter Egg Hunt Masses at St. Rosa Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su April 18 - April 24, 2011 8:00am ††Joseph & Bernadine Hollenkamp, Jr. 8:00am †Julitta Austing 8:00am †Sherwin Tschida 8:00pm Holy Thursday ††Virgil & Eileen Hollenkamp 8:00pm Good Friday Service 8:30pm Easter Vigil †Janet Hartung 9:00am Easter Sunday Memorials New Munich Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 17, 10:30am at the New Munich Jaycee Park. St. Rose of Lima Parish Events Baptized in Christ Thank You to everyone for your prayers, cards, food, memorials and overall kindness at the time of Ralph’s death. A special thank you to the church group that prepared and served the wonderful meal, to the choir for the great music and to Fr. Roger, Fr. Art, the Crosier Fathers and Brothers and Fr. Virgil for the beautiful mass and homily. Ed and Loretta Petermeier and Family. Easter Egg Hunt St. Rosa Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Holy Saturday, April 23, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at the St. Rosa Park. Children ages 0-9 are welcome. Join the Easter Bunny for an egg hunt, bouncing machine, bean bag toss, crafts, and more! Please bring a basket for your eggs. We welcome Hailey Ann Massmann, the daughter of John and Melissa Massmann, to our parish. Hailey was baptized on April 9. May They Rest in Peace † We offer our prayers and sympathy to the family of Charlene “Chuckie” Rolfzen, who died on Monday, April 11. Her funeral was celebrated here on Friday, April 15. † We also offer our prayers and sympathy to the family of Veronica Feldewerd who passed away on April 8. Her funeral was celebrated at St. Paul’s Church in Sauk Centre on Saturday, April 16, with burial in the New Munich cemetery. Church Tower Repair Kostreba and Crew will be coming to New Munich to repair the church towers in about six weeks when their work on the Freeport church is finished. Tu 4-19 3:30pm Reconciliation Service We 4-20 10:00am Millwood Township Mtg Colored Easter Eggs for Sale: The 6th grade class is selling colored Easter eggs as a fundraiser for our godchild, Rosa at Common Hope. The price is $3.00 a dozen. They can be ordered from any 6th grader or by calling Mary Kimman at 836-2996. Deadline to order is Tuesday, April 19. We will dye eggs on Thursday afternoon, April 21. They can be picked up anytime after that. St. Joseph’s Men’s Society of New Munich wish to thank everyone who helped with the installation of the water system going to the cemetery. A special thank you to Tom and Dillon Hoppe of Oak Electric for donating their time and the use of the trenching machine. You saved many backaches. Water should be available at the cemetery as soon as it is hooked up at the baseball diamond. Thanks to Donors, Diners The St. Joseph’s Men’s Society would like to thank all who participated in the successful Chili/Chicken Noodle Soup Supper on April 14. Special thanks go out to those who donated to this project. Hopefully we will see you next year. Tuesday, April 19, we will be stuffing Munichfest envelopes starting at 6:30pm. Anyone willing to help can join us in the church basement. Any questions or comments, call Tom Wenker (Raffle Chair) 320-256-5461. Tri-Parish Palm Sunday Procession The Sacramentary offers three forms for the entrance rites today: a procession, a solemn entrance, and a simple entrance. This rite is not a stage play and the liturgy is not a reenactment; rather, it is the Church, here and now, journeying with the Messiah into the holy city. Today we rejoice in the Son of David as we prepare ourselves to follow him to the cross. The assembly needs to walk; its members need to feel in their bodies the path they are taking. Approaching the cross is not something we can sit and watch someone else do! “Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Text, Bryan Cones © 2007 OCP. All rights reserved. Tri-Parish News Tri-Parish Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, Sacred Heart School Last Week’s Contributions Directors of Religious Education: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ St. Rose of Lima ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Immaculate Conception: Rita Revermann 845-2967 Sacred Heart: Deacon Rick Scherping 836-2635 St. Rose of Lima, Mary Kimman 836-2996 Tri-Parish Youth Ministry, Tricia Wesen 845-2052 Adult Env. 1,703.25 Plate Easter 50.00 Votive Easter Décor 30.00 Total 177.77 153.00 $2,114.02 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sacred Heart ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Adult Env. 1,637.00 Plate 340.32 Easter Décor 150.00 Votive 64.00 Easter 30.00 Rice Bowl 5.00 Holy Places 5.00 Total $ 2,231.32 ♦♦♦♦ Immaculate Conception ♦♦♦♦ Adult Env. 1,848.00 Plate 111.00 Easter 200.00 Votive 16.00 Visitor 17.00 Catholic Relief 5.00 Easter Décor 50.00 Total $ 2,247.00 The Scriptures This Week Lectionary readings at www.nccbuscc.org Mon. Is 42:1-7 Jn 12:1-11 Tue. Is 49:1-6 Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wed. Is 50:4-9a Mt 26:14-25 Thu. Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Cor 11:23-26 Jn 13:1-15 Fr Is 52:13 — 53:12 Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Jn 18:1 — 19:42 Sa Gn 1:1-2, 2 Gn 22:1-18 Ex 14:15 — 15:1 Is 55:1-11 Rom 6:3-11 Mt 28:1-10 (Cycle A) Next Sunday: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9 Tri-Parish Prayer Requests… May They Rest in Peace: †Charlene Rolfzen, †Veronica Feldewerd For the Sick: Godfrey “Fritz” Williams, Jerome Rosen, Frances Borgerding, Hayden Hope Ettel, Aloys (Red) Meyer, Marcella Briol, Lorraine Klimmek, Dolores Zierden, Dorine VonWahlde, Joe Rieland, Mary Ann Zierden, Edwin Lahr, Emily Faith Ettel, Rembert Sand, Howard Adams, Jean Timp, Arlene Beuning, Karen Rademacher Sacred Heart School Kathy Welle ♥ Sacred Heart School Board will meet on Monday, April 18, at 8:00pm in the school faculty room. ♥Birthday Dinner for April and May birthdays will be held on Wednesday, April 20. ♥There will be No School on Good Friday, April 22 and Easter Monday, April 25. Mary in Melrose. The day will begin at 8:30am with registration, coffee and rolls. The agenda will include: Talk by Ramona Porter from The Life Care Center in Sauk Centre, Meeting, Communion service, Lunch and Door Prizes. Please bring $6.00 for lunch. Please call either Caroline Jacobs at 256-3207 or Gloria Roelike at 732-6451 to RSVP for the meeting seating arrangements and lunch count by April 25. Gloria Roelike, Mel/SC Deanery Pres. Pillow Cleaning The Daughters of Isabella will have pillow cleaning Thursday, May 19, 7:30am-3:00pm, Melrose J.C. Park. Operation Rice Bowl—–Your Attitude Must Be Christ’s We hear in sacred scripture this weekend how Christ redeemed us not by a one-time gift, but by becoming one of us and giving His whole self even unto death on a Cross. Through our support of Operation Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services gives more than short term assistance to poor countries; it establishes long term, person-focused, sustainable programs that provide better opportunities for each individual, and it remains in communities to help these efforts succeed. Harmony Practice/Sing The Freeport Goldenaires Sing: Sunday, April 17 at 10:30 am mass FR have a meeting in April. Vacation Bible School July 25-29 God Has a Plan for Your Marriage! Our theme this year is Panda Mania- Where God is Wild about You! At Panda Mania kids will discover that God is wild about them...an experience that will change them forever! Panda Mania is filled with incredible activities that allow children to see, hear, touch, and even taste! Bible point crafts, games cool faith-filled songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the Panda Mania activities that help connect faith with real life. Plus we will help kids discover how to see evidence of God in each day...something that we call “God Sightings.” Mark your calendars and watch for more info on VBS Panda Mania July 25 thru July 29, 2011! Melrose/Sauk Centre Deanery CCW will hold their Spring General Meeting on Saturday, April 30, at Church of St. Summer BWCA Trips We now have permits for one group to enter the BWCA from Snowbank Lake near Ely on July 18 and for two groups to enter Trout Lake on August 1. Anyone wishing to reserve a place on any of these trips should send their name and a $65 deposit to Fr Roger at the triparish office. We can still get other permits as well. If you would like to lead or join a group for a specific route or date, please contact Fr. Roger (cell 320-248-6681). Suggested dates are June 12-17, June 26-July 1, July 10-15, Aug. 7-12 or Aug. 28-Sept. 2. human species. This is how Jesus was in Mary’s womb; this is how we each were in our mother’s wombs.” The Southern Cross, 12/10. Hope: A Vital Christian Virtue for Our Time In this lecture, Fr. Dale Launderville, OSB, will help participants learn how our ancestors in faith thought about how God acted in history, and how promises God made to our ancestors still influence us today. Fr. Dale teaches at St. John’s School of Theology. April 28, 6:30-9:00pm, Church of St. Mary, Alexandria. Free event. Light refreshments. Registration is required: www.csbsju.edu/sot or 320-363-3570. ? Question of the Week: Please take time to reflect on the following… Children: Share how you sometimes make sacrifices for the good of others. Youth: Today begins the holiest week of the year. It is a once-a-year opportunity to really reflect on Jesus life, death, and resurrection. How will you enter into this experience? How will you be open to how you might be changed? Adult: Name one specific way that you live your baptismal call to enter into the death of the Lord by forgiveness, generosity, hospitality, or other ways. will not Natural Family Planning (NFP) cooperates with nature and God’s plan for married love. It is effective, healthy, and marriage building. The Billings Ovulation Method of NFP is a natural, highly effective method of postponing or achieving a pregnancy without the use of harmful drugs or devices. A First Instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method will be offered in Sauk Centre by appointment at St. Michael’s Hospital. For info or to register, call Lola or Mark Welle at 320-352-6014. The class is about 2 hours long and most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP. Choose Life Pope Benedict began the Advent journey in 2010 with a prayer for life and a defense of the human embryo, noting that science itself has demonstrated the truth: “It is not a question of a collection of biological material, but of a new individual of the Why did the Crowd choose Barabbas? Pontius Pilate tried to avoid trouble at Jesus' trial. He was not sympathetic, but being a politician wanted to offend the fewest number. He must have known Jesus' popularity. To save face he offered a choice of Jesus or a recently-arrested brigand. The name "Barabbas" (bar abba) means "son of the father" and was commonly used for illegitimate children. There is an irony in that Jesus is the true Son of the ultimate Father. Brigands were more than simple thieves. They were often considered folk heroes, sort of like Robin Hood or Bonnie and Clyde. Brigands attacked the rich, which made them popular with the poor. Pilate's ploy to free Jesus failed because of Barabbas' popularity and the pressure of the religious and political leaders. Jesus' arrest had been done secretly, before many of his followers had time to gather. Barabbas apparently did have time to marshal his friends and won the day. Snap Fitness Central Minnesota CU The Pampered Chef Pep’s Pork 321 East Main, Melrose MN 320-256-SNAP Freeport 107 1st Ave N 320.836.2791 888.330.8482 Collect 6 orders or $150 save 60% Jenny Scherping, Consultant Ph: 320-267-3698 Jim and Helen Poepping www.pepspork.com [email protected] www.myCMCU.org E-mail: [email protected] PH 320-987-3368 www.snapfitness.com/melrosemn No Long Term Contracts Little Saints Academy Child Care with a Musical Flair Located in St. Joseph Amy Vos, Director/Owner 557-0123 Mid Central Heating and Air Conditioning Furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, etc. 320-836-2502 300 Industrial Drive, Freeport MN Famo Feeds “Quality Feeds for Livestock Nutrition” www.famofeeds.com 320-836-2145 Counselor Realty counselorrealty.com/jatkinson Jackie J. Atkinson Realtor® 836-2993 . 250-3357 Buying or Selling Arnzen Construction St. Rosa Lu mber 29033 Co Rd 17 Freeport, MN 56331 320-836-2284 / 888-276-1751 Hoeschen Auto Complete Auto Repair Good Year Tires + Many Others 320-836-2130 Ted and Mary Hoeschen New Munich Mutual Ins. Co JoAnn Boeckermann 320-256-7741 Fritz Hoeschen 320-836-2161 411 East Main Street Melrose, MN 56352 Das Goldene Wohnheim The Golden Living Home “Customized Living Plus” 632 Main Street, New Munich 320-837-5343 or 320-256-5343 Albany Mutual Telephone Bundle your TV, Internet, Phone It’s All in Your Connection Call: 320-845-2101 www.albanytel.com Tony’s Granite/Crystal Engraving on Granite & Glass Anthony & John Fischer 41272 Co Rd 166, Freeport Ph: 320-266-2629 / 320-836-2540 Ackies Pioneer Inn Inc. Serving the Community for 30 Years On/Off Sale-Supper Club-Catering Ed & Jackie Atkinson 836-2695 Community Calendar Sunday, April 17, “Journey With Jesus to Calvary”, a play written and performed by 50+ parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Parish located north of Albany on 238 at 1:00 pm. Experience Holy Week in a new light. Cost is free - celebrate Holy Week in a “special” way. Sunday, April 17, 40th Annual Swanycake & Sausage Supper, sponsored by the Holy Name Society, Christian Mothers & Women and the St. Anthony Parish, St. Anthony (State Hwy 238) Serving 3 to 9:00 pm. Sunday, April 17, St. Martin Baseball Breakfast, serving 8:30am to 1:00pm. at parish hall. Sausage, Liver Sausage, Fried Potatoes, etc. Sunday, April 17, Spring Pancake/Sausage Supper, serving from 2:00 to 7:30 pm at the St. Francis de Sales Parish Center in Belgrade Monday, April 18, St. Joseph Parish, Grey Eagle Fish Fry/Meat Raffle at the Hub Supper Club. Serving 4:30 - 9:00 pm. Wednesday, April 20, Chicken dinner with all the trimmings. Freeport Community Center. Serving 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Tuesday, April 26, Wellness Class: Detoxification, Reducing Environmental Toxins, Obesity and HCG - the Fat Burning Diet. 5:15-7:00pm, Sacred Heart Church basement in Freeport. This class is presented by Dr. Deb Proechel, chiropractic and naturopathic physician. The program is free. Please pre-register by calling 320-836-7150 or 888-827-7859 prior to 10:00am on the class date. Friday, April 29, Spaghetti Supper, St. Edward Catholic Church, Elmdale, sponsored by Catholic United Financial. Serving 5:00-7:30pm. Monday, May 2, 2nd Annual “Taste of St. Cloud” Franciscan Community Volunteers (FCV), a growing ministry of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, invites the public to attend their fund raiser, “Taste of St. Cloud” on Monday May 2, 5-7:30 pm at the Territory Golf Club/Coyote Moon Grille in St. Cloud. $25 tickets are available online at: fcvonline.org. Info 320-229-0307 or [email protected]. Saturday, May 7, Mother of Mercy Foundation is holding a “Wine & Dine for M.O.M. (this is not fishing opener). Serving choice of prime rib or walleye; wine, salad, potato, vegetable, dinner roll & dessert. Tickets $25 are available at Mother of Mercy Nursing Home in Albany at the front desk or call 320-845-2195 More info about these events in The St. Cloud Visitor Our Tri-Parish Cluster Fr. Roger Klassen, OSB, Pastor Rev. Mr. Rick Scherping, Deacon Please send E-mail or bulletin announcements to [email protected] Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Thursday before 9:00 AM. Tri-parish information and bulletins are available on-line at our Tri-parish website, sacredheartfreeport.org, strosachurch.org, or newmunichchurch.org. St. Cloud Diocese Website: www.st clouddiocese.org Tri-Parish and Freeport Phone Numbers Area Code 320 for all phones Tri-Parish Office/Rectory 836-2143 Cell Phone-Fr. Roger 248-6681 Parish Office FAX 836-2142 Deacon Rick —Home 836-2635 Sacred Heart School 836-2591 Sacred Heart School FAX 836-2514 Prayer Line—Marcella Briol 836-2611 Tricia Wesen, Youth Min. 845-2052 New Munich Phone Numbers Religious Ed (Rita) 845-2967 Parish House/Church Bsmt 837-5217 Prayer Line-Bernice Zink 837-5321 St. Rosa of Lima Phone Numbers Religious Ed Office 836-2537 Fr. Art Hoppe-private phone 836-2954 Prayer Line-M. Kimman 836-2996 Celebrating The Sacraments Baptism: Call Fr. Roger or Deacon Rick to arrange for pre-Baptismal preparation and/or the celebration of Baptism. Reconciliation: Celebrated individually 15 minutes before weekday morning Masses, before Saturday evening Masses, or by appointment (call Fr. Roger). Weddings: Engaged couples should see pastor at least 6 months before the planned wedding date to arrange for marriage preparation. Parish office to arrange for the anointing of persons who are homebound or hospitalized. Uptown Hair Studio Gwen Shaw Lu Rademacher Make Your Appointment Today PH 320-836-7194 Freeport Floral Beautiful Floral Design Weddings & Sympathy Michele Schulzetenberg—proprietor 320-836-7177 McDonald Realty, Inc. www.mcdonaldrealty.net Local Office—Worldwide Marketing Buying or Selling Call Toll Free 1-877-294-5955 New Munich Auto Body Collision Repair Foreign and Domestic Auto and Truck AC Service 440 Main St. New Munich PH 320-837-5857 Catholic United Financial Life, Disability and Annuities Long Term Care Insurance Dave Ehlert, FIC 320-836-2617 E-mail: [email protected] Rudy’s Country Store Rudy & Jane Tretter Gas / Bait / Tackle / ATM / Groceries 320-836-2583 St. Rosa, MN Catholic Order of Foresters Life Health and Annuities G. Fritz Hoeschen, FIC PO Box 176 Freeport 320-836-2161 Freeport State Bank Freeport-New Munich-Melrose Customer Service Is Our Priority www.freeportstatebank.com Member FDIC Worms Lumber & Ready Mix New Munich, MN Building Materials Ready Mix Concrete 320-837-5288 Integrated Health & Wellness Debra J. Proechel, D.C., N.D. Chiropractic & Naturopathic Physician 103 - 3rd Ave NE, Freeport 320-836-7150 or 1-888-827-7859 G & G Seeds Mycogen Silage-Specific Corn Grain Corn, Alfalfa and Soybeans Gary & Linda Pierskalla 320-836-2406 Hennen Floor Covering Hennen Lumber Co., Inc. ALee Photography Swany White Flour Mill Freeport, Minnesota 56331 For All Your Floor Covering Needs Full line of Building Materials Freeport, Minnesota PH: 320-836-2135 Amy Herkenhoff-Terres 320.267.0909 Complete Line Of Organic Products 206 - 2nd St SE FREEPORT MN Freeport, MN PH: 320-836-2177 www.hennenlumber.com www.aleephotography.com 320-836-2174 April 2011 Freeport = FR, New Munich = NM, St. Rosa = SR, Tri-Parish = TP, Youth Group = YG Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 8:00 Stations & Mass -NM 3 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 4 5 6 7 8 9:00 am Christian Mothers quilting-SR 10:15am-1:00 pm 1st Euch. RetreatNM 11 12 13 14 15 9:00 am Christian Mothers quilting-SR 6:15 pm GOF-TPin FR 8:00 pm GOF-TPin FR 2—9:30 pm Olan Mills pictures-FR 2—9:30 pm Olan Mills pictures-FR 7:30-10 pm Senior Decorating in NM 5:00-9:00 pm St. Joseph’s Society Chili Feed-NM 8:00 Stations & Mass -NM 20 21 Holy Thursday Masses 22 Good Friday Services 23 Holy Saturday 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 8:00 pm-NM 1:00 pm-NM 3:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR Easter Vigil at 8:30 pm FR 8:30 pm NM 8:30 pm SR First Communion Day in all Parishes 18 19 9:00 am Christian Mothers quilting-SR 11:30 am Christian Women lunch-FR 5:30 pm Wellness Class in FR 7:30pm “500” Card Party in Freeport 7:30 pm COF Qtrly Mtg-NM Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 8:00 Stations & Mass –FR 7:30-10 pm Senior Decorating in NM 7:30 pm –500 Card Party-NM 24 Easter Sunday 9 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 7:30-9 pm TP Confirmation Pizza Party-Final Gathering -in SR 11:30 am– St. Joseph’s Membership Bkfst-FR 17 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 2 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 8:30 am-Noon Church Cleaning in Freeport 8:30 am-Noon St. Rosa JC’s Brkfst 10 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR Sat 25 26 9:00 am Christian Mothers quiltingSR 7:00 pm Finance Council Mtg-SR 8:00 pm Parish Council Mtg-SR 5:30 Wellness Class in FR 7:00 pm Finance Council Mtg-FR 8:00 pm Parish Council Mtg-FR 2 pm-5 pm Dying Easter Eggs SR 27 28 3:15-5:30 pm Girl Scouts-FR 7:00 pm Finance Council Mtg-NM 8:00 pm Parish Council Mtg-NM 16 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 9:30 am-5 pm Olan Mills pictures-FR May 2011 Freeport = FR, New Munich = NM, St. Rosa = SR, Tri-Parish = TP, Youth Group = YG Sun 1 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 15 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 14 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 1:30 pm Wedding in FR 19 20 3:15-5:30 pm Girl Scouts-FR 21 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 5:30 pm Wedding in NM 23 24 5:30 Wellness Class in FR 11:00 am CAA Fellowship Sunday in NM 29 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 13 6:15 pm GOF-TPin FR 8:00 pm GOF-TPin FR 7:30pm “500” Card Party in Freeport 22 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 7 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 2:00 pm Wedding in FR 11:00 am-St. Joseph’s Society Breakfast Fundraiser-FR 8 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR Sat 30 31 25 26 27 28 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR June 2011 Freeport = FR, New Munich = NM, St. Rosa = SR, Tri-Parish = TP, Youth Group = YG Sun 5 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 8 9 10 11 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 10-Noon CAA Qtrly Mtg-SR 2:00 pm Wedding in Freeport 7:30 pm COF Card party-NM MunichFest 8-10 pm CAA Mtg-FR 12 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 13 14 15 16 17 18 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 24 25 Masses 4:00 pm-FR 8:00 pm-SR 6:30-8:30 pm CAA Picnic-NM 19 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 7:30pm “500” Card Party in Freeport 26 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-NM 10:30 am-FR 5:30 Wellness Class in FR July 2011 Freeport = FR, New Munich = NM, St. Rosa = SR, Tri-Parish = TP, Youth Group = YG Sun 3 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-FR 10:30 am-NM Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri 1 2 Masses 4:00 pm-NM 8:00 pm-SR 8 9 Masses 4:00 pm-NM 8:00 pm-SR 2:00 pm –FR Wedding 7:30 pm COF Card party-NM 10 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-FR 10:30 am-NM Sat 11 12 13 14 15 16 Masses 4:00 pm-NM 8:00 pm-SR Freeport Festival begins @ 7:30 pm with Outdoor Mass 17 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-FR 10:30 am-NM 18 19 20 21 22 23 Masses 4:00 pm-NM 8:00 pm-SR 10:30 am Freeport Parade & Festival 7:30pm “500” Card Party-FR 24 Masses at 9:00 am-SR 9:15 am-FR 10:30 am-NM 25 26 Tri-Parish VBS in St. Rosa Tri-Parish VBS in St. Rosa St. Anne’s Christian Women Mtg in NM 5:30 Wellness Class in FR 31 2:00 pm –FR Wedding 7:30 pm COF Qtrly MeetingNM 27 28 29 30 Masses Tri-Parish VBS Tri-Parish VBS Tri-Parish VBS 4:00 pm-NM in St. Rosa in St. Rosa in St. Rosa 8:00 pm-SR Looking Further Ahead to Upcoming Events in our Tri-parish Community Immaculate Conception New Munich Saturday, June 11, 2011 Munichfest Sacred Heart Freeport St. Rose of Lima St. Rosa Saturday/Sunday, July 16/17 Sacred Heart Parish Festival Sunday, September 4 St. Rose of Lima Parish Festival