DALE. Come to think of it, that made TOM. God, right... Sunday


DALE. Come to think of it, that made TOM. God, right... Sunday
leaps to his fea, artns outstretched.) IT ERUPTS! (The music stops.
Dab loohs oaer At Sonia.)
DALE. Needless to say we were not red popular at the Hollywood
Bowl that night. It made'Walter \Tinchell's column.
SONIA. \7hat was he doing?
DALE. ("Vhat a silly question ) Getting an idea.
SONIA. How did you feel about his behavior that night?
DALE. I m used to it. He does it all the time. Middle of a movie.
In church when we were kids. They thought he was speaking in
tongues. In a sauna bath once. Jumped up
thought he burnt
- a towel looking for
runs halfway through the hotel in
- paper. (Ligfu:lsgllt
pencil and
in his
the nrcht before, onllt nou)
bottle of scotch
the desk.)
is your j"b ...
DALE. Come to think of it, that
TOI{Y. Jerry that
too. (Dah
a??ears on thefinge of the offce. He is clearly not ha??!, both utith
his brother's a?pearance and the iming.)
Gustav Von Meyerhoffi I want his agent or manager or
some broad het schtupping
I dont care, I need to
reach him! So it's Sunday, big deal. Find him! (He shms down the
phone andf.nally sees Dab.)
DALE. I dont smell any smoke.
TONY. (Thrown.)What?
DALE. The rule is ... on Sundays ... I am only to be called if the
studio is on fire. Did they put it out already?
TOM. God, right... Sunday...
DALE. I was making Danny pancakes.
TONY. Dressed like that?
DALE. No. You said come to the studio. This is how I dress when
I come to the studio.
TONY. (Confused.) So you thought the studio was on fire and you
changed your clothes?
(Srghi"g.) No, Tony, I knew the studio wasnt on fue.
Obviously I'm not good at sarqsm this morning. (Inspecting the
debris.) You look awfirl.
TONY. Never felt beaer.
DALE. Did you sleep here again?
TONY. !7'ho slept? (He grabs the scotch.) Dale, when I tell you
the bonle is empty, tahes a rnoment to
?rocess thefact,
dowy. Dah waix, arms rossed, Tony toihs ,rrrori bot
show by announcing)
are cancelling Sinbadl (He
a yaaion, Dale simply sighs, not dt dll surpriid at this p,a55ltaiqfor
ingfancy, then picks up the eipty-bottlt.)
DAIE. \7ho was she? (He drops the bonle into the tash can with
a thud.)
then puts
?.4E: You.brought some dame back here and started spitballing
S,inbld and:howing her the drawings and,she didnt like ii or laugf,
louo enougn at a gag so
TONY. Von Meyerhoff.-(Silence.)
DALE. Tony ... itt early. Let me know what the crisis is, I,ll deal
with it, then go home and flip pancakes.
]'ONY. What did you see last night?
DALE. You making an ass out of yourselfl
TONY. Nobody noticed. (Dale tatha a breath to calm down.)
rWhy am I here on a Sunday morning?
Do not tell me itt
Sinbad. The last time you did this it was darie trouble. It cost us
some money but ... everything was cleared up. please tell me itt a
d3me, I* cheaper. (Torry hi been pacing'trying n gather his
TONIY Last night ... last night ... I got an idea.
DALE. Nooooo ... really
gosh, oh gosh, Daddy
never would've noticed.
I91tY. loure right.
Youre lousy at sarcasm this morning.
DALE. Come back to the house. Have some pancakes.
TONY. Esther doesnt like me.
DALE. She worries ab-o-ut you. (Laoking chser.) youte sweating.
TONY. Von Meyerhoff!
DALE. Jesus
what about him? (A prescription pill bottle catches
- it up.)
his e1,e and he pichs
TONY. The music. \Wete gonna do the music!
DALE. !7hat the hell are these?
Thepe great
thatt what they are. Try one.
DALE. Benzedrine? TONY. Itt like a vitamin.
DALE. \X/hatt it do?
Energy. Selznick keeps them in his candy dish.
DALE. How many did you take? (Tbny grabs a sheaf of drawings.)
Look at the work I got done last night. They add hours to
try on€.
the day
DALE. -Come home with me. Sleep in the guest room
TONY. I dont want any goddamn pancakes! (Retreating.)
look at these. Please. Theyre rough but
help you
TOI{Y. Look at theml (Dale
retnts to the orfur.) Please.
ly hohs at the shetches.) It was the music. 'We have a chance toillustrate
with line and form and color
the world's greatest music!
(Tory closes h;s eyes and gwie:ixxs;&b. The opening of Beethouents
Ninth. Dale daes not hedr h; it h entire$r in Tory's hiad.)tVhat did
Beethoven ... see when he was writing? And.Mozart and Chopin
and ... all those guys. 'We are going ro animate rheir music. (Dab
tries, but it ain't uorhin'.)
DALE. I dont ... think I get it. (The music stops abruptly.)
TOIYY. 'We choose eight, nine ... ten pieces of gre"t muii. and we
One maybe tells a story. Thi next islust ... images ...
abstract images
urha1gys1 we want. Like that piece last night,
(Capricio ltalien plays in his head.) That one pan
felt like snow. A sleigh ride. Ice iparkling. The audience'll think
their breath, itt so cold.
program said it was -about Italy
(The music snps.)
- I saw ... a sliigh
TONY. \Vho cares? Thatb the beauty of this!
ride. Flakes hitting the camera
(R t the sketches.) \Vhat do you
think? I know itt rough
- Tone. Really good, but I
DALE. (Honestly) Itt good,
are gonna take animation where
never been before!
moEe talking animals! (Grabs another skach.)
Ouerfiire.l,ook at this. (Leo saddenly bursts int
The l?l2
Dale.) Okay,I know, itt
battle. I saw a volcano. 'We go right to the red-hot core of the"bo,.t
of the earth. Do you see it, Dde?'We dont do whatt dich€
what the music tells us. (Hk piece sai[ he finalll turns to Leo.) rWhy
are y9u here on Sunday morning? \U7hy arent you shacked up with
some broad? Suike out last night, ko, huh? You do like girls, right
LEO. Tirrn on your radiol, (Dale moues to it.)
TONY. \7hy?
LEO. Some place in Hawaii. An army
base. Jap planes