Biography - Per Sundin Design


Biography - Per Sundin Design
Sundin Designers Sweden is renowned for delivering best-in-class lighting design for
all media and event productions, as well as architectural projects of all varieties. Our
unique solutions are centered on our involvement with an extended network of
creative and technical talents, experienced production labor and quality equipment
and systems suppliers from around the globe.
Our direct experience includes architectural façade illumination and aesthetic
production lighting for theatre, dance, opera, special events, motion pictures and
A sample of our expansive accomplishments includes environmental and scenic
lighting for the worlds larges TV show Eurovision Song Contest ( 5 times), Nobel
Prize Foundation since 1996, Royal Events in Sweden and Saudi Arabia and worldrenowned film director, Ingmar Bergman, the Cullberg Ballet, Royal Danish Opera,
Swedish Television and many more
Our architectural enchantment projects include the illumination of historic properties
for the Municipality of Stockholm City, façade lighting for Garanti Bank and ING
Bank of Istanbul, Turkey and many more. Over the years, we have established a
significant global network of creative resources, design and technical consultants and
world class manufacturers, which enables us to provide unique solutions based on our
clients’ preferences and custom designed lighting solutions that complement and
enhance their singular buildings and their surroundings.
But what sets us apart and provides our clients with optimal solutions is our work
Curriculum vitae
PER SUNDIN – Lighting Designer
1979 - 1981 Lighting Technician, theatre
1982 - 1988 Lighting Designer, theatre
1988 - 1996 Lighting Designer, Swedish Television
1996 - 2001 Head of lighting / Lighting Designer, Swedish Television
2001 - 2005 Production Manager / Lighting Designer, Swedish Television
2005 – Owner / Lighting Designer, Sundin Designers Sweden AB
Selection of Productions:
1989 Ture Sventon, TV-drama 24 parts
89-91 Caramba TV-Show, entertainment /music included artists like Rod Stewart, Cheer, Tina Turner, Nan
Mouskouri, Roxette, Harry Belafonte, Tom Jones, Earth Wind and Fire, Eros Ramazzotti, Dave Stewart,
Hall&Oates, Nick Lowe, Vanessa Paradise
1990 Hebriana TV-drama scriptwriter Lars Noren, director Bo Widerberg
1991 Dabrowski, TV Show, entertainment
1991 Sunes Christmas, TV-drama
1991 Big Love, music-video Roxette
1992 Orfeus and Eurydike, opera transmission Drottningholm, director Gilbert Blin, conductor Arnoldostman
1992 Swedish Pavilion World Exhibition Seville
1992 Tree Dancer, modern dance, Television, choreograph Per Jonsson, Winner Golden Prague Festival
1992 The Masquerade, TV-drama, scriptwriter Sven Delblace, director Jan Bergman
1993 Sibelius, Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen
1993 MTV unplugged Roxette LD Woodroffe/Sundin
1993 Brit Award, TV Show at Alexander Pallas London, assistant LD, LD P Woodroffe
1993 Heaven And Hell, Music-video Josefin Nilsson producer Benny Andersson
1993 Una Cosa Rara, Opera transmission, director Negrin, Francisco,conductor McGegan Nicholas
1994 Beethovens Symphony nr 9. TV-concert. maestro Carlo Maria Giulini
1994 The Heavenly Hx, Opera transmission Drottningholm
1995 Like the leaves in Vallombrosa, TV-drama, scriptwriter Lars Norén
1995 Film music 100 year anniversary, music, TV-show
1995 Night Hawk, Modern dance special made for television
1996 Hades, drama manuscript and director Lars Norén
1996 In the presence of a clown scriptwriter/director Ingmar Bergman
1996 Royal Haynes the Swedish King 50 anniversary at royal castle, dinner TV-production and exterior lighting
of the Royal Castle
1996 Nobel Price banquet
1997 Tartuffe, TV-drama, Moirés, director Sven Strömersten Holm
1997 Tom Jones, Opera transmission from Drottningholms theatre, drama
1997 Funeral of Royal Haynes Prince Bertil special events
1997 Nobel Price banquet
1998 Stockholm are Stockholm, music entertainment,winner Golden Antenna in Bulgarian
1998 Törnrosa by Cullberg Ballet choreograph Mats Ek, winner of golden Prague and Prix Italia nominated to
Emmy Award
1998 Invigning Kulturhuvudstadsåret
1998 Nobel Price banquet
1999 Music video Take me to your Heaven ESC winner 1999 Charlotte Nilsson
1999 Gertrud, drama, scriptwriter Hjalmar Söderberg,director Ulla Gottlieb
1999 Personkrets Script/Director Lars Norén
1999 Nobel Price Banquet
2000 The Swedish Kings Millennium Celebration at the Royal Castle, parts o the show broadcasted at the
worldwide millennium feed. exterior lighting the Royal Castle
2000 The Image Makers, drama, scriptwriter P:O Enqvist, Director Ingmar Bergman
2000 Nobel Price Banquet
2001-2002 Responsible for built up and lighting design Swedish Televisions national news windows
2001 World summit Europe/USA photo sessions, meeting rooms
2001 Swedish Presidency EU, Swedish Government
2001 Nobel Price Banquet
2002 Funeral Astrid Lindgren
2002 Eurovision Song Contest Tallinn Estonia
2002 Saraband, drama, Scriptwriter/Director Ingmar Bergman
2002 Nobel Price Banquet
2003 Chess, music drama by Benny Andersson/Björn Ulveus-LD TV -production
2003 Eurovision Song Contest Riga Latvia
2003 Fastighetsskötaren, drama, scriptwriter Harold Pinter, director Tommy Berggren
2003 Nobel Price banquet
2004 Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul Turkey
2004 Ruslana "Welcome to Kiev"
2004 Nobel Price banquet
2005 Eurovision Song Contest Kiev Ukraine
2005 Nobel Price Banquet
2006 Royal Haynes the Swedish King 60 anniversary at the royal castle, concert and TV-production
2006 Garanti Bank Turkey, exterior lighting
2006 Opening Istanbul Canyon
2006 Robinson/Survivors Panama
2006 Formula One Sponsor Party Istanbul
2006 Election studio SVT
2006 Junior ESC Sweden
2006 Opera at Drottningholm Theatre HD
2006 MTV Sweden
2006 MAVI Fashion Show Istanbul
2006 Swedish Television 50 anniversary
2006 Nobel Offical Concert
2006 Nobel Price Banquet
2007 Lighting design of Riddarfjärden area, Stockholm, to be shown Dec. 2008
2007 Lighting design proposal Garanti Bank, Istanbul
2007 Lighting design proposal AK-bank, Istanbul
2007 Lighting design Oiyak -Bank, Istanbul to be installed 2008
2007 Design of LED sign for Kanyon, Istanbul
2007 Lighting Design Sertab, Concert Live, Istanbul, DVD recording
2007 Lighting design S.Y.T.Y.C.D, Warsaw
2007 Production & lighting design "Nuts" game-show, Beirut
2007 Nobel Concert. Stockholm
2007 Nobel Banquet, Stockholm
2008 Closing Khaledia Horse festival Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2008 Pre-selection ESC 2008, Baku, Azerbaija
2008 ESC 2008 Belgrade
2008 Architectural lighting ING Bank Istanbul Turkey
2008 Turkish Telecom 3500m2 exibition booth
2008 Nobel Price Banquet
2009 The Visit of the Royal Physician, The Royal Danish Opera, Copenhagen
2009 Junior Eourovision, Kiev Ukraine
2009 Nobel price Banquet, Stockhlm
2009 Architectural lighting Stockholm City Hall
2010 Global Competitiveness Forum – 2010, Ryiadh
2010 Architectural lighting Park Bulvar, Baku
2010 Consultant Azerbaijan act ESC Oslo
2010 Royal Weeding, Stockholm Sweden
2010 Junior Eurovision, Minsk, Belarus
2010 Nobel Price Banquet
2010 Temporary lighting Stockholm Concert Hall
2011 Season of light, architectural lighting festival Helsinki
2011 Tour, live music show for television
2011 Lighting design, The Brothers Karamazov,Stockholms Stadsteater
Architecture lighting, Garanti Bank Izmir, Turkey
Lighting design, Ledin Showtime, Rondo, Gothenburg
Lighting design, Junior Eurovision, Yerevan, Armenia
Ongoing architecture lighting project for global brand
Ongoing lighting design project for global brand
Lighting design, Nobel Price Banquet, Stockholm
Lighting design Coca Cola on road show, Turkey
Lighting design We are a hundred, Stockholms Stadsteater
Lighting design P3 Gold, Music Award, television
Interior lighting, design project for global brand
Architecture lighting project H&M Flagship Store Stockholm
Lighting design , Grand Opening of new Swedish National arena, lighting design
Lighting design, Nobel Price Banquet, Stockholm
Lighting design, P3 Gold, Music Award, television
Lighting design, Celebrity Dive, television
'8 8
Registered office: Stockholm
SE- Stockholm
VATnumber: SE 556033428501
Postal giro service:
Bank giro service: 5555-0594
To whom it may concern
) "
Per Sundinhasbeenworking as lighting director in most of our major
drama,dance,opera and entertainmentproductionshereat SVT (Swedish
Television)and I was happyto introducehim to Ingmar Bergmanfor the
productionofIN THE PRESCENENCEOF A CLOWN producedby SVT
in 1996.The fIrst dramaproductionfor televisionwith script and direction
by Ingmar Bergmansince"Fanny andAlexander". This first collaboration
with Per Sundinwas highly appreciatedby Ingmar Bergmanand ever since
then they havedevelopeda very intenseand deepprofessionairelationship.
Mr. Bergmanhasnot acceptedto work with any other lighting director for
his productionssincethen. For the first time sinceworking with Sven
Nyquist he had found someoneto work and discussthe importanceof light
with and for whom he had the greatestconfidenceandrespectin his
When SARABAND, the very last work by Ingmar Bergman,was to be
produced,the participationof Per Sundinas lighting director was one of the
principal conditionsrequestedby Mr. Bergman.This HDTV productionhas
beenhighly recognizedall over the world, not leastby its excellentlighting
and imagework and is alsotheatricallyreleasedas digital cinema.
His versatility, his greatartistic skill andvery good ability to cooperate
makesPer Sundinan excellentlighting director and I can only give him the
very bestrecommendation.
// Il
Pia Ehrnvall
SVT Fiction
European Broadcasting Union
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Eurovision TV
Eurovision TV
ETV – BE/sc
Geneva, December 2008
To whom it may concern
I shall hereby confirm that Per Sundin did the entire lighting design of the Eurovision Song
Contest 2008 in Belgrade, for both the final and the two semi-finals. The three programs reached
a European audience of more than 105 million viewers and was the greatest ever European nonsport TV event.
He managed to present the same stage and stage design in the three programs so differently and
artistically brilliant, that the three shows performed in a totally different manner, each with their
own characteristics.
Per is one of the best lightning designers in the global TV world of today. It has been a big asset
and honour for the European Broadcasting Union to work with Per. He has the strongest
professional recommendations from the Eurovision team and management.
Bjørn Erichsen
Director – Eurovision TV
L'Ancienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE
Switzerland / Suisse
Bjørn Erichsen
Tel. +41 (22) 717 24 01
Fax +41 (22) 747 44 01
e-mail: [email protected]
European Broadcasting Union
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
24 May 2004
Re. Eurovision Song Contest 2004
Dear Per,
We would like to thank you in the name of the EBU and especially on behalf of Ruurd
Bierman, the President of the ESC Reference Group and Svante Stockselius, the EBU
Executive Supervisor, for the work done for the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.
We do know the importance of a beautiful and spectacular light setting creating diversity
between two shows and between the various countries participating, and we have seldom seen
a more professional and deeply artistic 5 hours live performance, than the one you have just
delivered. We were deeply impressed by the work you accomplished, and your full
involvement in the often complicated preparations was very much appreciated.
You have contributed strongly to the traditions of the 49 year old story of the Eurovision
Song Contest and the warm, friendly and strong cooperation between the European countries,
members of the EBU.
Yours Sincerely,
Jean Réveillon
Secretary General
Bjørn Erichsen
Director, Television Department
CCRuurd Bierman Svante Stockselius
Postal address / Adresse postale
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE
Switzerland / Suisse
Office / Bureau
Ancienne Route 17 A
Geneva / Genève
Tel. +41 (22) 717 2111
Fax +41 (22) 747 4000
e-mail [email protected]
http: //
European Broadcasting Union
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Eurovision TV
Eurovision TV
Mr Per Sundin
Lighting Designer
Geneva, 29 May 2008
Eurovision Song Contest 2008
Dear Mr Sundin,
I should like to personally thank you in the name of the EBU and especially on behalf of Ruurd
Bierman, the Chairman of the ESC Reference Group, Jean Réveillon, EBU Secretary General
and Svante Stockselius, the EBU Executive Supervisor, for all the work done over the past year
for the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest.
From the very first day you and your team have taken full responsibility for the arrangement and
we were very impressed by the work you and your team accomplished, and your involvement in
the often complicated preparations was very much appreciated. We have received many
compliments from all the EBU Members for the amazing show you produced. Additionally, we
do know the importance of the lighting and we have seldom seen a more professional and deeply
artistic more than 7 hours of live performance.
This year’s production contributed strongly to the traditions of the 53 year old story of the
Eurovision Song Contest and the warm, friendly and strong cooperation between the European
countries, members of the EBU.
Yours Sincerely,
Bjørn Erichsen
Eurovision TV
Ruurd Bierman, Jean Réveillon, Svante Stockselius
L'Ancienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE
Switzerland / Suisse
Bjørn Erichsen
Tel. +41 (22) 717 24 01
Fax +41 (22) 747 44 01
e-mail: [email protected]
European Broadcasting Union
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Eurovision TV
Eurovision TV
Mr Per Sundin
Lighting Designer of JESC 2009
E-mail: [email protected]
Geneva, 3 December 2009
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2009
Dear Mr Sundin,
On behalf of Steve De Coninck-De Boeck, the Chairman of the JESC Steering Group, and Jean
Réveillon, the EBU Director General, we thank you so much for a brilliant Junior Eurovision
Song Contest on Saturday, 21 November evening in Kyiv.
It was in all ways a fantastic arrangement and an impressive show. We know how you spoiled all
the kids during the week, and everybody could see how they enjoyed it. We were happy to be
back in the venue where the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 was held. The set design was
impressive, the hosts were just great, ther lighting design were brilliant and the camera work was
excellent. The pace of the production was so well timed and the logistics around the whole
production were first class.
We recognise the huge task and the challenges of organising this event, and we would like to
congratulate you on this perfect coproduction. We ask you to please convey all our thanks to
your deeply professional and friendly production teams.
Yours sincerely
BjØrn Erichsen
Director Television Department
Svante Stockselius
ESC Executive Supervisor
Steve De Coninck-De Boeck, Chairman of the JESC Steering Group
L'Ancienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE
Switzerland / Suisse
Song Contest Unit
Tel. +41 (22) 717 2111
Fax +41 (22) 747 4000
e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
European Broadcasting Union
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Eurovision TV
Eurovision TV
ETV – BE/sc
Geneva, December 2008
To whom it may concern
I shall hereby confirm that Per Sundin did the entire lighting design of the Eurovision Song
Contest 2008 in Belgrade, for both the final and the two semi-finals. The three programs reached
a European audience of more than 105 million viewers and was the greatest ever European nonsport TV event.
He managed to present the same stage and stage design in the three programs so differently and
artistically brilliant, that the three shows performed in a totally different manner, each with their
own characteristics.
Per is one of the best lightning designers in the global TV world of today. It has been a big asset
and honour for the European Broadcasting Union to work with Per. He has the strongest
professional recommendations from the Eurovision team and management.
Bjørn Erichsen
Director – Eurovision TV
L'Ancienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE
Switzerland / Suisse
Bjørn Erichsen
Tel. +41 (22) 717 24 01
Fax +41 (22) 747 44 01
e-mail: [email protected]
Stockholm City Hall
H&M Flagship Store Stockholm
H&M Flagship Store Stockholm
Stockholm Concert Hall
Stockholm Concert Hall
Izmir, design on commission by Garantibank, Istanbul
Izmir, design on commission by Garantibank, Istanbul
Galata, design on commission by Garantibank, Istanbul
Mersin, design on commission by Garantibank, Istanbul
The Visit of the Royal Physician, The Danish Royal Opera, Copenhagen
The Visit of the Royal Physician, The Danish Royal Opera, Copenhagen
The Visit of the Royal Physician, The Danish Royal Opera, Copenhagen
Nobel banquet 2009
Nobel banquet 2009
Nobel banquet 2009
Sundin Designers Sweden AB
Upplandsgatan 45, 11328 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone +46 708 846783
e-mail [email protected]
Additional details for Lighting Designer Per Sundin can be found