Thanks to our Customers Internet Innovators: United States Year: 1964 The security agencies faced a very genuine concern: how would the authorities communicate following a nuclear attack. The first solution to this problem was made known in 1964. The communications network would be designed from its origins with no central authority control. The first large and ambitious network was made by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Four computers were already connected in California and Utah by December 1969 in a network known as ARPANET. Thanks to this, scientists and investigators could exchange information and make use of remote facilities. Customers With our eyes always on the future, in Bci we offer the support looked for by small and medium businesses for developing and progressing. We also give confidence and efficiency to all our customers in a world of constant change. During 2003, Bci continued to innovate in terms of products and services offered to its extensive number of customers In the survey prepared by Procalidad, an initiative involving the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Adimark and the National Centre of Productivity and Quality, Bci was distinguished from among the countries in Chile best evaluated by their customers in terms of the quality of service given. Prize awarded by Procalidad. 46 47 Thanks to our Customers Bci among the companies best evaluated by its customers I n a survey prepared by Procalidad, in an initiative involving Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Adimark and the National Centre of Productivity and Quality, Bci was distinguished as being among the companies in Chile best evaluated by its customers for quality of service. This distinction was granted within the membership companies category which covers those companies that require a contract, are under a public restriction or need a decree to be able to give or receive the service. The measurement of the National Index of Customer Satisfaction involved 13,213 interviews of men and women over 21 years of age in Santiago and the 5th and 8th Regions who declared being users of the services measured. At least 500 interviews were used for each of the industries evaluated. Bci therefore took various actions in 2003 to improve and complement its services to this sector. Agreements with professional associations Bci signed various agreements with the Chilean lawyers, engineers and architects associations for providing integral services to their members on preferential conditions, with Bci’s participation in their events. Small and Medium Industries, SMIs This customer sector, part of Retail Banking and called the Businessmens Segment, is of special concern to Bci because of this segment’s importance to the national economy. One of these actions was the Bci Businessmen programme prepared by the Business School of the Universidad de Los Andes jointly with Bci which completed its second and third cycles during 2003. This study programme is directed to small and medium business customers of Bci in order for them to use various management tools in their businesses. Bci has thus sponsored since 2002 the Jorge Yarur Banna Family Businesses Chair at the Business School of Universidad de Los Andes. It has also prepared special areas for attending customers in this sector, attached to the Central Office Business Centre in Santiago and the 11 de Septiembre branch in Providencia. Financing and Services Among the various forms of financing that Bci provides, notable is its high participation in commercial loans for businesses, with a 12.2% market share, and foreign trade finance, with 16.2%, while Bci’s share of total loans is 11.2%. During 2003, Bci continued to innovate in terms of products and services offered to its extensive customer base which enabled it to increase its strong share in the customer sector comprising municipalities and universities, providing them with services through Electronic Banking, principally in collections and payments. Bci programmed numerous economic discussions in Santiago and the regions led by a well-known economist which enabled customers to be informed clearly about economic conditions at the international, country and regional levels. Auditorium and graduates from Bci Businessmen Programme A financing system was designed for them called Multiline that can be operated through internet at any time on any day of the year. This saves customers considerable time and loans are cheaper than current ones for the sole fact of having contracted them by remote means. As another motivation for small and medium industries, Bci in 2003 continued to grant the Businessman of the Month prize, based on an evaluation that takes into account entrepreneurial effort and the results obtained, under the supervision of an external consulting firm. TBanc The Bci remote banking service, called TBanc, is unique in the market and has completed five years in business with important growth. Customers have no need to make physical visits to the bank for making transactions. TBanc attends to its customers Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day. Because of its results and the acceptance of this agile service model in the market, its operations were extended to the 2nd, 4th and 8th Regions, in addition to the existing Metropolitan and 5th Regions. TBanc executives At the same time, Bci is participating in the television programme “Business Outlook” on the Catholic University’s cable channel 13, in which successful businessmen share their experiences. The Manager of our Businessmens Segment, Marcos Castro Vega, is a member of the panel that replies to different questions posed by businessmen, and the programme also invites high-level guests who analyze the country’s economic and business situation. Electronic Banking, which provides electronic collections and payments services, was extended to smaller customers. The Bci E-Pyme service was created to enable small businesses to channel their daily treasury transactions by this means and so improve their performance. Virtual Banking Services The services offered to our customers over the internet attract an ever greater market acceptance due to the large range of transactions that can be made over our web pages, by both individuals and companies. In its last report, the consultant Speer & Associates, which analyzes the web pages of 148 banks in North, Central and South America, distinguished two Chilean banks as among the best 25, one being Bci. The consultant evaluates numerous web characteristics including the site navigation facility, the number of transactions offered and the type of information available. As in previous years, the Diario Financiero awarded prizes for the best web pages in Chile. Bci was third in the E-Banking category. In addition to the numerous services offered by remote control over the internet, including Bci CashExpress, whose wide operating coverage was described in the Annual Report 2002, the product E-Factoring Bci was offered this year, the first electronic factoring Web-site third place price service in Chile, allowing companies to publish in detail their past and future payments at the address. For their part, the suppliers of goods and services can consult their payments by internet and finance their invoices receivable. This modern method of factoring also strengthens relations between companies and suppliers. 48 49 Thanks to our Customers VISA Bci Corporate Advertising Campaigns The Comex Bci page provides complete information on letters of credit, foreign collections and payment orders. This service, which even allows payment orders abroad, is being tested by some customers but it is expected to be extended to all foreign trade customers in early 2004. The Internal Tax Service has promoted the payment of value added tax (VAT) over the internet for taxpayers with monthly invoicing of over Ch$50 million. Bci has prepared a product for these purposes that customers are using with growing interest, reaching 15,500 VAT payments in December 2003, compared to 2,230 payments in January 2003. Transactions processed by the Bank’s Automated Clearing Centre, for interbank transactions on behalf of customers and the public, totalled 15,627 million in 2003, with Bci’s share being 29.7%. Bci has achieved significant market advances with the support of different advertising campaigns. Under the slogans of “Change to Bci” and “Rely on a different bank”, these campaigns were well received by the public, enabling the number of current accounts to increase by 7.6%. With the “20,000 Bci Lucky Chances” promotion, supported by an attractive advertising campaign, Bci managed to activate credit and RedCompra cards that were previously inactive, by 34.2% and 8.5% respectively. The “The Bank at a Distance” campaign served to reinforce the TBanc brand, attracting new customers who wished to do their banking transactions by remote control. Bci created the VISA Bci Corporate credit card for more efficiently managing expenses, especially travel and representation, incurred by executives on behalf of their companies. This provides a complete information system to facilitate control of such expenses, avoiding cash advances and including travel assistance cover, vehicle rentals and 50 days financing without cost. A property of 4,000 square metres located at Avenida Bernardo O’Higgins 2,432, Santiago, brought together different communication units and telephone operation distributed b e t w e e n Te l e m a r k e t i n g B c i , Telenegocios Bci and Teleservicios Bci nucleuses for the commercial line and two operating support units as support nucleuses. Risk Management New TBanc and Telecanal building Technological Infrastructure In response to the sustained growth in operations and their medium-term projection, a sum of US$7.3 million was invested to renovate and increase the capacity of the central computer platforms. Apart from significantly improving the service quality of the different channels, the technological architecture was validated by the international company TCS, subsidiary of an Indian company. Multi-Channel Services Model With an important investment, a building was exclusively equipped for the management of Telecanal and TBanc, consisting of attending and offering services to present and potential Bci customers through multiple communication channels at their choice, with high-quality response times. In order to access with customers easier and more agile, the different service channels, both telephonic and via internet, were used. As announced in the Annual Report for 2002, the new instructions of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions on loan classification and provisions were complied with last year. Bci chose proven international models which, adapted to local conditions, enabled it to establish internal classification systems. Under the responsibility of the Corporate Risk Area, these systems seek to group business debtors according to the degree of risk assigned to them on the basis of historical information held by the Bank, accompanied by predictive models of probability of non-compliance and expected losses. Debtor behaviour models are being developed for the Bank’s mass or group debtors. For financial risk, market risk control tools have been maintained with respect to instruments forming part of the Bank’s assets in order to check the effects of price fluctuations on their liquidity and yields. The liquidity risk is that assumed by the Bank or any of its subsidiaries in holding a position in a certain currency that prevents compliance with commitments with a creditor, investor or customer. Interest rate and exchange risks make the production of expected profits uncertain due to the adverse movement of these variables and their volatility. Market risk is managed on the basis of a structure of limits, procedures, controls and policies defined by an assets and liabilities regulatory committee comprising the senior management, and ratified by the board of the Bank. An independent unit of the treasury area is responsible for checking its positions, with powers and professional competence to identify, evaluate and control the risk exposure of the market. Interest rate and currency risks are controlled by the use of VaR (Value at Risk), SeR (Spread at Risk) and MVS (Balance sheet sensitivity to market values) tools. All these measures have limits set by the board of the Bank, normally in relation to basic capital. Apart from the Bank’s own systems of individual and group classification and risk assignment, commercial managers are provided with internal and external reports that periodically analyze the situation of the different sectors of economic activity. 50 51