operations, maintenance and storage facility


operations, maintenance and storage facility
operations, maintenance
and storage facility
Issue 1 | August 2013
YRT\Viva transit facility underway in Headford Business Park
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VivaNext is constructing a state-of-the-art
Operations, Maintenance and Storage
Facility [OMSF] near Leslie Street and
16th Avenue in the Headford Business
Park in the Town of Richmond Hill. The nine-acre, 527,969 square foot,
will be LEED® certified upon completion. The facility will include energy-efficient
and environmentally-friendly features such
as harvesting rain water for washing buses. The OMSF will be used to maintain and
store up to 250 York Region Transit\Viva
vehicles. This facility will be built to
accommodate 430 parking spaces.
A design/build contract for this
project was awarded to PCL
Constructors Canada Inc.
in 2012. This facility will be
one of four such facilities
that YRT\Viva operates.
LEED® [Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design] is a third-party
certification program operated by the
Canada Green Building Council and is an
internationally accepted benchmark for
the design, construction and operation
of high performance green buildings. The OMSF will be constructed in two
phases. The first phase will see the
construction of a bus repair garage, bus
storage facility, administration offices and
training facilities with a total Gross Floor
Area [GFA] of 44,749.48 square metres. This phase will accommodate a fleet of
196 buses and approximately 338 staff.
The second phase of the expansion is to
allow an additional 54 buses and more
staff, resulting in a total GFA of 49,165.48
square metres.
Highway 404
Leslie Street
Bayview Avenue
Yonge Street
Major MacKenzie Dr.
your community liaison
Tamas Hertel
Community Liaison Specialist
Tel: 905.886.6767 ext 71357
Cell: 905.505.1430
Email: [email protected]
keep in touch
For a more in-depth look
at different elements of
vivaNext plans, ongoing
activities, visit vivanext.com.
16th Avenue
VivaNext is currently working with the
Town of Richmond Hill on the parking
requirements for each of the build out
phases to modify the total number of
parking spaces and sizes through a
minor variance.
The proposed modifications include:
•A reduction in the total amount of
parking spaces required in Phase 1 and
Phase 2 of the proposed development.
•A reduction in the minimum parking
space size, from a width of 2.75 to
2.6 metres.
The rationale for the reduction of parking
spaces was based on the future intended
size and use of this facility. The proposed
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Highway 7
modifications best accommodate
the expected staff and visitor parking
for years to come. Construction began late last year
and will continue over the summer. The anticipated completion date is
mid-2015. This facility will play a
critical role as a $1.7 billion bus rapid
transit project is completed over the
next five years across York Region.
We are making great strides in taking
Viva to the next level of rapid transit
ridership has increased steadily to
over 22 million boardings in 2012 .