August Insight 2016 - Central Lutheran Church
August Insight 2016 - Central Lutheran Church
TIME & TALENT for August Thursday - 5:30pm Roger Hermanson Don Ellingson Jim Schultz Lee Olstad Barb Buhrow Judy Schultz Sunday - 9:00am Dennis Sahr Mark Pfundheller Brian Dostalek John Ludwig Thursday - 5:30pm Aug. 4 – Jean Schieldt Aug. 11 – Barb Buhrow Aug. 18 – Randy & Karen Jackson Aug. 25 – Barb Buhrow Sunday - 9:00am Aug. 7 – Darlene & Jerome Selvog Aug. 14 - Heidi & Roger Schieldt Aug. 21 – Elizabeth Balke Aug. 28 – Diane Casey () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () Aug. 7 – Karyn Patrick Aug. 21 – Steve & Sue Jackson Thursday - 5:30pm Aug. 4 – Lowell Halverson Aug. 11 – Ken Haugom Aug. 18 – Theresa Johnson Aug. 25 – Joyce Johnson If providing communion bread, please bring a loaf of unsliced bread for each service prior to the 5:30pm service on Thursday. Sunday - 9:00am Aug. 7 - Helen Olstad Aug. 14 – John Ludwig Aug. 21 - Marge Johnson Aug. 28 – Judy Mau () () () () () () () () () () () () () August - Judy Kukla (coordinator), Joyce Lokken, Debbie Nelson, Margie Johnson ALTAR GUILD COORDINATOR DUTIES It is the duty of the coordinator to find out when communion will be offered in their month and then to call those on the list and schedule them for the service(s) that best suits their availability. Aug. 7 – Jim & Judy Long Tony Halverson Family Aug. 14 – Roger & Gail Hermanson Aug. 21 – Steve & Sue Jackson Aug. 28 – Karyn Patrick The suggested amount to sponsor the bulletins is $20. It may be placed in the offering plate in an envelope or sent to the office, noting that it is for bulletins. Sign-up sheets for communion bread and bulletin sponsorship are located on the Welcome Table at the back of the church. () () () () () () () () () () () () () Servants of the Month Group 3 Leader: Dorothy Gunderson Average worship attendance: May - 280 June - 208 To meet our 2016 spending plan, we need to receive a monthly average of $27,987 in offerings. Monthly Summary: Check book balance 4-30-16 . . $ 53,035.85 May Income . . . . . . . . + 24,897.61 June Income . . . . . . . . + 20,812.45 $ 98,745.91 May Expenditures . . . . . . - 31,112.27 June Expenditures. . . . . . . – 25,161.99 Balance as of 6-30-16 . . . . $42,471.65 May Cause of the Month designated to Vacation Bible School - $421 June Cause of the Month designated to Skaalen Home - $356 Thrivent Choice Dollars - $47 () () () () () () () () () () () () () Euchre is set for Saturday, August 13th. Supper will be cold meat sandwiches and potato salad. Food is served at 6pm, with card playing starting at 6:30pm. Lots of fun for only $5.00, and cash prizes, too! Come join the fun! Bob Albrecht Bob Axcell* Phillip & Dawn Barrett Marlow Bjornstad* Kyle & Susan Burns Tony & Paula Ciebell Elizabeth Conway Stacey DeVoll Ralph & Judy Donaldson Helen Everson* Fred Falk Don & Judy Gilbert* Ron & Barb Grabow Dorothy Gunderson Bernadette Gunn Margaret Hawley Doug & Jane Helmers Charlotte Hippe Shelley Huhnke Steve & Susan Jackson Sharilyn Jensen Dennis Johnson Mike & Rachel Johnson Jackie Kell Parry & Cassie Kjendlie James & Sheri Krause Carolyn Lamb Jeff & Sheila Laskowski Joan Lund Robert & Sally McCall Dean & Tracy Mieske Kay Nehls Tom Nelson Kellie Northouse & Jacob Kienbaum John & Mary Onsrud Amy Palkki Ben & Crystal Palmer Jon & Georgia Paulson Tina Pavlik Alex & Arianne Pope Linda Reid Howard & Jeanne Richardson Charles & Darlene Rusch Janet Schultz Gary & Julie Smith Robert & Carolyn Stricker Mike & Suzi McElwee Tonstad Joseph & Lynn Troia Richard & Claudia Underhill Greg & Lisa Vossekuil Jeannette Weger Charles & Rosella Wileman Mary Williams Jeff & Kara Wright Nicole Zimdars * indicates honorary group member These members will be called for September Greeters as well as for other needs that arise in August. CLCW News Reformation 500 anniversary resources available from the ELCA and Augsburg Fortress You or your congregation may already be asking the question, “How do we observe the 500th anniversary of the Reformation?” Through several avenues, the ELCA and Augsburg Fortress will highlight a wide range of ideas and possibilities from various sources with ways to mark and observe this milestone. Several of these sources are currently in development and will soon be available. The “Reformation 500 Sourcebook” will be available in August. Women’s 10th Triennial Gathering registration opens September 6th. Women of the ELCA’s triennial gatherings bring Lutheran women together from across the church with life-changing workshops, worship, Bible study and more. Women will gather in Minneapolis under the theme “All Anew” at the 10th Triennial Gathering, July 13-16, 2017. Registration Opens on Sept. 6th. Early-bird registration, through Dec. 31st, is $310; after that, registration is $350. Day registrations are $175. Register at or send an email to [email protected] for a registration packet. Featured speakers, preachers, and workshop leaders will bring the gathering theme to life, exploring the theme verse Psalm 104:30: “Lord, send forth your spirit…and renew the face of the earth.” The verse calls on God to send the Holy Spirit to renew not just God’s people, not just God’s church, but all God’s earth—the creation that God called good. Because the gathering falls during the observance of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, the theme resonates with reformation and transformation images. Participants will explore ways in which the Holy Spirit changes us, acknowledging that reformation and transformation have happened and continue to happen within the community of Women of the ELCA: More information forthcoming. CIRCLE MEETINGS will resume in September () () () () () () () () () () () () Adult Fellowship will resume on September 22nd. Look for details in the September Insight. () () () () () () () () () () () () () August 15th is the deadline for articles to be printed in the September Insight. To have an announcement in the weekly bulletin it needs to be in the office by the Wednesday morning prior to that week end. Thank You! () () () () () () () () () () () () () Central Lutheran, through the CLC Foundation, was able to make two generous donations; $3,000 to Edgerton Outreach, and $2,500 to the ELCA: “Thank you for your generous donation for ECO’s programs and services. Your support is greatly appreciated.” – Edgerton Outreach “We appreciate your generous gift and partnership in mission! Blessings in your ministries at Central Lutheran Church.” --ELCA 30th Annual Lutherdale Fest Quilt Auction Saturday August 13th 8am – 4pm Live auction with quilts begins at 10am, with silent auction bidding till 3pm. Fresh baked goods, crafts, quilter’s rummage, and garden produce for sale. Pontoon rides on the lake, kids lounge. Pork sandwiches/Klement’s brats/hot dog lunch, and the dedication of the new Camp store. Quilt Preview & Fish Fry All quilts and silent auction baskets will be displayed for preview from 4:30pm to 7:30pm on Friday August 12th. Fish fry dinner served in Dining Hall; adults $14, youth $7. Donations being accepted include: quilts, baked goods, homemade canned goods, crafts, and silent auction items. Preview quilts online now at () () () () () () () () () () () () () Mission Trip – June 18-24, 2017 Milwaukee Next year’s mission trip has been booked! We will be staying closer to home this time, traveling to Milwaukee’s inner city. The cost of the trip is $369, with a $50 deposit required from each person to reserve your spot. The deadline for getting your deposit to Julie in the office is Thursday, August 11th. Any questions, please call John Sill at 884-8212. For more information on the Milwaukee trip you can visit Next Step’s Ministries’ website at : onsin-2/. () Skaalen News The Skaalen Pie and Ice Cream Social is August 21st, from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. Tickets for the raffle prizes at this event will go on sale on Thursday, July 28th. We are in need of 6 home baked pies. Please consider donating your time and talents to this event. Any questions, please contact Helen Olstad at 884-4375. () () () () () () () () () () () () “August is like the Sunday of summer,” an online meme proclaims. But that means different things to different people. If you see Sunday as the end of a week — a chance to sleep in, do “nothing,” relax and play — then August might be your downtime at the end of a busy summer. If Sunday feels heavy because the onslaught of the workweek is approaching, then August may carry the dread of falling leaves and falling temperatures. But if you view Sunday as a fresh start to the week, then August, with a new school year and new church programming around the corner, can be exciting. And if you honor Sunday as the Sabbath, indeed “August is like the Sunday of summer.” God invites us to enjoy these holy days and give thanks to him, the Creator of all seasons. —Heidi Mann CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL MINUTES June 14, 2016 Members Present: Kay Lange, Heidi Schieldt, Carolyn Williams, Margie Johnson Excused: Mary Jo Hessian, Shelly Zartman, Brian Dostalek, Karyn Patrick, Debbi Hernandez, Greg Vossekuil, Randy Simonson, Tina Pavlik, Amy Ramirez Called to order by Margie Johnson Opening Devotion by Pastor Jim. Minutes of May 10, 2016 were reviewed. It was noted that the parking lot wall looks good and hoping the added paint will help with visibility. Also noted that the security cameras were up and functioning well. Motion made and seconded to approve May’s minutes, motion carried. Treasurers Reports for May were approved. CLC Foundation – written report COMMITTEE REPORTS Family Activities – Kay Lange, Tina Pavlik, Amy Ramirez *Meet the 1st Mondays at 6pm *May Euchre was 50, June 11th’s attendance was 73. Kay is purchasing two more tables to set for 80 in the future. Parish Ed – Carolyn Williams *Sunday Fundays are scheduled during the summer, the dates are June 19th, July 3rd, and August 14th. Property – Randy Simonson, Shelly Zartman *Landscaping is done and looks beautiful. Discussion on possible canopy over patio area, electronic sign out front in memory of Hank Stockwell. *Social Concerns – Mary Jo Hessian, Karyn Patrick We were contacted by Alyssa from the Edgerton Food Bank about them possibly using our kitchen to prepare cold lunches for their Lunch in the Park program this summer. Hours would be from 11am for prep, with distribution of lunches in the park from 12-1. Will contact Mary Jo Hessian and Karyn Patrick about coordinating volunteers for this, while making a note in this week’s bulletin. Motion was made, seconded, and carried. Stewardship – Brian Dostalek, Debbi Hernandez, Heidi Schieldt – no report Worship – Margie Johnson, Debbi Hernandez, Heidi Schieldt – no report Youth Fellowship – Greg Vossekuil, Carolyn Williams *Youth group is continuing to meet on Wednesday nights during the summer. *Mission Trip youth leave on June 25th, with a Church Blessing during the June 23rd service. Old Business *The installation of the security cameras around the church has resulted in a $149 deduction in our insurance. New Business – *Need to renew the Geek Squad protection for the computer in the main office. Current subscription ends in July, need to renew before then. *Discussed possibly adding an external hard drive device for backup purposes *We are currently short on people to count the offering money on Mondays. Heidi Schieldt volunteered to help but was wondering if it would conflict with her Treasurer duties. Julie checked the bylaws, did not see anything against it. Motion was made, seconded, and carried. *Looking into expanding Heather’s hours starting in the fall. *Pastor Jim announced his retirement, effective August 31st. His last day of preaching will be August 14th. CORRESPONDENCE – *Received thank you notes from the ELCA and Edgerton Outreach, regarding our donations to their organizations. *Received a thank you note from Denise Lothe Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. () () () () () () () () () () () () () Holden Rodney Lothe Son of Jeffrey & Lisa (Williams) Lothe May 29, 2016 Henry “Hank” William Stockwell Caleb Benno Kollmansberger December 12, 1938 – May 26, 2016 Son of Zachariah & Megan Kollmansberger June 2, 2016 Kenneth Gordon Algrim September 12, 1931 – May 27, 2016 TJ Hays Hermanson Son of Todd & Bridgette (Schlichting) Hermanson June 12, 2016 Donald Herbert Guisleman April 4, 1929 – June 11, 2016 Emmett Charles Tuite Ruth Mary (Schieldt) Wileman Son of Kyle and Erin (Kliefoth) Tuite July 24, 2016 () () () () () () () () () () () November 22, 1949 – June 16, 2016 () () Agrace to Offer Orientation for Prospective Volunteers in August Agrace will offer volunteer orientation for those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. The session will be held on Monday, August 15, from 5pm to 9pm, at the Agrace Center for Hospice & Palliative Care, 2901 N. Wright Road, Janesville. Before attending orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the volunteer’s skills and interests. Call (608) 314-2922 to begin the pre-orientation process. Agrace’s Grief Support Group Agrace will begin a new session of its Journey through Grief Support Group series, a six week grief support group for adults who are grieving a death. In addition to providing grief support, the group leader will discuss the concepts specific to the grieving process. The session will run August 16 through September 20 (Tuesdays), from 4pm to 6pm. Contact Laura Williams at (608) 314-2924 to register, or complete online registration at: Jennifer Furan & James Swanson June 18, 2016 Christine Blum & Gary Overboe June 25, 2016 Elizabeth Nelson & Jonathan Spike June 25, 2016 Caprice Vizvary & Kyle Carrier July 16, 2016 To the Adult Choir: $100 from David & Cynthia Sagen in honor of their 15th wedding anniversary, $100 in memory of Pat Ormson’s 80th birthday, by family and friends. To the Krazy Quilters: $80 in memory of Pat Ormson’s 80th birthday, by family and friends. In Memory of Darlene Tofte: $40 by Joyce Eisele, $20 by Lois Rafftery, $40 by family and friends. In Memory of Kenneth Algrim: $25 by Karen Jenson, $20 by Gaylene Drew, $20 by Charles & Darlene Rusch, $25 by James & Kim Babcock, $5 by Marjorie Stewart. To the Landscaping Fund, In Memory of Kenneth Algrim: $10 by Lois Rafftery, $25 by Floyd & Jan Wileman, $50 by Fred & Marcia Maves, $10 by Donald & Marjorie Johnson, $10 by Howard & Leona Busch, $10 by Ralph & Judy Donaldson, $20 by Marilyn Moe, $20 by Janette Jenson, $100 by Glenn & Janice Thompson, $10 by Tom & Judy Scharfenberg, $25 by John & Mary Onsrud, $25 by Darwin Ormson, $50 by Charles & Dorothy Bowen, $10 by Karen Berg, $10 by Richard & Joan Wilcox, $310 by family and friends. In Memory of Henry Stockwell: $20 by Ed & Susie Teegen, $20 by Gaylene Drew, $5 by Marjorie Stewart, $10 by Bob & Julie Danielson, $10 by Jon & Georgia Paulson, $20 by Donald & Marge Johnson, $20 by Richard & Joan Wilcox, $20 by Dennis & Mary Hareid, $20 by Janette Jenson, $25 by Steven & Pamela Jenson, $25 by Dorothy Roberts, $25 by Patricia Good, $25 by Ronald & Kenlyn Thronson, $25 by Dorothy Gunderson, $50 by Karen Jenson, $50 by Don & Rose Bice, $50 by Charles & Dorothy Bowen, $50 by Virgene Abbott, $50 by Glenn & Janice Thompson, $20 by Tom & Pat Repka, $10 by Karen Berg, $20 by Helen Olstad, $25 by John & Mary Onsrud, $115 by family and friends. In Memory Of Frances Johnson: $10 by Howie & Ann Stiff, $10 by Tom & Pat Repka, $25 by Ronald & Kenlyn Thronson, $50 by Mark & Coleen Irgens, $20 by Helen Olstad, $10 to the Carpet Fund, by Joyce Gregory, $130 by family and friends. In Memory of Ruth Wileman: $20 by Don & Julie Kersten, $25 by Mary Jo & Jim Hessian, $20 by Shirley Karman, $25 by Franklyn & Sandra McCall. In Memory of Don Guisleman: $50 by family and friends. Lutheran World Relief Kits It’s that time of year where Central Lutheran collects items for Lutheran World Relief Kits. Donations will be accepted until September 30th, with the kits being shipped along with quilts from our Krazy Quilters in October. Items may be dropped off in the Narthex. We need help with the following: Personal Care Kits: 1 dark color, light-weight bath size towel; 2-3 bath size bars of soap in original packaging; 1 adult toothbrush in original packaging; 1 comb (no picks or fine-tooth), removed from packaging. School Kits: (Bag will be provided) 4-70 count wide-ruled notebooks (no loose leaf); 1-30 centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters and inches; 1 pencil sharpener; 1 pair of blunt scissors; 1-2 ½” eraser; 5 unsharpened #2 pencils w/erasers; 5 black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink) Soap: New bath size bars of any brand soap in original packaging Fabric Kits: 2 spools of neutral-colored general purpose thread, 250-300 yard each 2 pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knit or polyester); Each piece of material should match one of these sizes: --60” 2 ¼ yards --44” 3 yards --36” 4 yards Baby Kits (6-24months): 4 cloth diapers, flat fold; Sweaters (button-down or string ties preferred); Dark colored hand towels; Gowns or sleepers without feet; Gentle soap, bath size and wrapped; No hats are needed at this time. We are also looking for people willing to sew baby gowns out of old t-shirts from a pattern, and help with hemming onesies that will be modified into t-shirts. A gift of $10 will purchase a school kit or a personal care kit. Gifts of any amount will help provide this wonderful help to those in great need. Any questions, please contact Kay Nehls at (608) 247-1251. () () () () () () () () () () () () () The Handbell Choir is looking for new members! Anyone is welcome to join the choir-no experience necessary! Please contact Rebecca for more information: 920-342-3847 or [email protected] Our first rehearsal will be Wednesday August 31st at 6:15. We will play at the 9am service on Sunday September 11th. () () () () () () () () () () () () () Landscape Project The second phase of the landscape project has been completed. Both phases were designed to provide outcomes that provide aesthetically pleasing landscape plant materials with limited maintenance for the future. The project was the result of teamwork from Pastor Jim, Church Council, Property Committee, financial donors, and volunteers. The second phase addressed the areas west and east of the church and garage area. For the second phase we have been blessed with the volunteerism of William Buchholz, son of Jon and Julie Buchholz, along with the guidance of Stacy Teniente, for their dedication to the watering program. We also are thankful to Julie Buchholz for her office expertise, and to Glenn Thompson for the project coordination. May the congregation enjoy the exterior surroundings!