TheThe astonishing new HUMBER SCEPTRE


TheThe astonishing new HUMBER SCEPTRE
1 55 NOV 1967
TheThe astonishing new H U M B E R
Sceptree starts life, too, with safety
featuress ahead of its time, anticipating
thee next decade of motoring. Inside and
out,, Sceptre offers appreciably more
thann the luxury expected e*'en in a
carr of this calibre.
There'ss an air of subdued excitement
aboutt Sceptre's styling, lts fast,
thrustingg profile is tempered by good
taste.. It seems to stand there poised—
eagerr but well-mannered—for the
Somethingg astonishing has happened t o the Sceptre. lts proud, sleek
liness have taken on a leaner, cleaner look. lts stalwart Humber body
hass been reborn . . . still more impressive, constitutionally stronger,
andd w i t h a healthy loss of weight. This is a bright new generation of
Sceptres—high-steppingg in performance, almost over-generous
inn opulence, conf ident of its o w n stability and staying power.
chancee to show its mettle. Preferring
goodd design to ostentation, it displays
aa discreet gold coachline with
distinctivee Humber front-end treatment,
andd its roof is covered with a very
good-lookingg leathercloth.
Thee extra-long wrap-around bumpers
andd overriders of Sceptre give added
protection,, but they too enhance its
beauty.. In brief, its aristocratie lines
speakk for themselves.
Fully-adjustablee steering wheel
Thee seat is moveable fore and aft, the
squabb can be angled to your comfort and
thee steering wheel positioned to your taste.
Thee facia is beautifully fashioned out of
richh polished walnut. Every instrument you
likee to have is there—not just the bare
essentials. .
There'ss also a warning light that tells you
whenn your fuel is low.
Soo imagine your pleasure when you
seee and try the Sceptre's seating . . .
richlyy upholstered in supple AMBLA
—aa superior type of leather-grained
vinyll chosen for its almost
indestructiblee beauty. These
sumptuouss seats support you in tycoon
stylee and comfort. Indeed, the Sceptre's
seatingg is a triumph of design, based
onn a novel tubular construction overlaid
withh deep moulded latex foam.
Anatomicallyy shaped, it reaches that
ultimatee in comfort when you are
scarcelyy aware of it. The front seats are
separatelyy adjustable and can be raked
too any angle, right down to fully
recliningg position illustrated.
Whenn you take your trial run, change
seatss for a while and see what lavish
comfortt has been provided for your rear
passengers.. Here the seats are soft,
resilient,, of the individual bucket type
withh door arm rests and folding central
arm—whichh lifts to reveal a useful
vanityy compartment. Along the centre,
fromm front to rear, there is an
opulent-lookingg console with two
cigarr lighters and two ashtrays (for
frontt and rear compartments) and a
cubbyy tray. Thoughtful amenities, too,
aree a rear parcels shelf, sliding coat
hookss and handgrips above the doors.
Excellentt sound insulation and
no-draughtt ventilators keep the whole
interiorr quiet and fresh.
Sincee you are interested in the
Sceptree you are probably one of
thosee people with a natural
instinctt for quality. You love
thee touch of good materials.
Youu admire fine workmanship.
Youu enjoy luxury for its own sake.
11 ^^ïiflH S
Almostt w i t h o u t noticing,
"" we've moved on from
thee comfort conducive
** to safe driving to sheer
pamperedd iuxury.
Thee rear compartment has its own cubby box,
centrall ashtray and cigar lighter.
Yourr front passenger enjoys a personal vanity
mirrorr and light in the glove box.
Automaticc transmission is available as a
moderately-pricedd option. The clock is a
Standardd fitting.
Leatherclothh covered roof, air extractors and a
subtlee motif all add to Sceptre's distinction.
Noww try the controls, piaced and
groupedd exactly where you would have
specifiedd them. The facia is laid out
ass neatly and efficiently as your office
deskk with its telephones and intercom.
Heree is your lighting, ventilation,
instrumentt illumination, and controls
forr the 2-speed windscreen wipers and
thee washer. (All-electric, incidentally
— b yy push button). Your hand drops
automaticallyy to the master staik
switchh which operates your indicators,
headlampp flasher and t w i n horns.
Noww you are settled in, move the
3-spokee wheel to where you think a
wheell should be—there's a quick
adjustmentt on the column. Then sit
backk and get the feel of Sceptre!
Plentyy of leg room, ideal posture, full
control.. A built-in ventilation system
thatt not only cools and warms, but also
expelss used air. Directional fresh-air
nozzless for you and your front-seat
passenger.. This is the kind of planning
thatt separates Sceptre from the rest.
Otherr driving aids include safety
rockerr switches, a 'dipping' anti-dazzle
rearr view mirror, padded sun visors,
andd five warning lights—including the
low-fuell indicator. Standard instruments
are:—— oil pressure gauge, ammeter, fuel
andd water temperature gauges, elegant
clock,, rev. counter and a 120 mph
(2000 kph) speedometer with trip
recorder. .
Let'ss take a look at the Sceptre's
broadd new driving vision. Yes, broad
becausee of the wider view you get
throughh the side-curved windscreen.
Butt broad in all dimensions . . . giving
ann all-round vista of the traffic pattern,
openingg up the countryside around you,
lettingg you see the sky and mountain
topss when touring.
Youu pull out into the traffic stream with
944 brake horse power at your
command.. No wonder your foot
scarcelyy touches the throttle as you
weavee through city traffic. Dropping
sometimess almost to a standstill,
thrustingg forward to skirt around a
couplee of road tankers, you are
surprisedd how seldom you have to use
thee gear lever. Your Sceptre is flexible,
briskk and fast, ready and waiting for the
openn road.
Youu halt at the lights. Then over the
crossing,, up to the flyover, reaching
500 mph (80 khp) in a mere 8.6 seconds.
Soonn you are cruising at an
imperceptiblee 70 mph (113 kph).
Youu slip into overdrive, and feel the
exhilarationn of mounting speed with
noo additional effort from the engine.
Everythingg is quiet and smooth. You
seemm to skim the surface, yet hug the
roadd so firmly that you are convinced
thatt a tornado couldn't touch you.
Theree is no swing, no drag, no bounce.
Noo drop from uneven patches on the
road.. These are road-holding qualities
equall to the finest in the luxury
field.. They are the creation of Rootes
designers,, using a suspension system
developedd and established in rally
projectss and full anti-drumming
sound-prooff insulation. Your speed is
matchedd by an imposing list of
safetyy features which include safety
ledgee wheel rims, a zone-toughened
windscreen,, good sound padding
onn facia, parcel shelf and sun visors.
Brakess follow modern safety practice
—self-adjustingg front discs and drum
brakess on the rear, servo-assisted of
course. .
Overtaking—orr being overtaken—
yourr signalling has no blind spots—
theree are repeat flashers on the front
wings.. At night four balanced headlamps
givee you near and distant lighting
withoutt creating dazzle. But safety
goess still deeper—to the very
structuree of the Sceptre.
Rearlightt clusters, reversing Iighits and a
lockablee petrol fitIer cap complete the
neww styling.
Thee new Sceptre is designed for
driverss who know how to handle
power,, and use it for safety as well as
speed.. When you take it overseas you'll
findd it capable of speeds over
955 mph (153 kph) which means
plentyy of thrust in hand for all types
off motorways. While lesser engines
aree falling off in torque at 70 mph
(1133 kph) the Sceptre's 1.7 litre power
unitt is still pushing out the power to
overtake,, and nip back smartly into
lanee on motorways.
Thee man who loves good cars will
usuallyy have a feeling for good
machinery.. He knows that however
hardd he drives his Sceptre, it still has
bigg reserves of stamina. He uses his
overdrivee (which is Standard on the
Sceptre)) on third and top. Not only
becausee it saves him fuel, but for the
personall satisfaction of using a fine
enginee efficiently. The Sceptre's
superlativelyy efficiënt engine—with
itss 4-speed all-synchromesh gearbox—
willl give him up to 30 miles per gallon
(fromm 9.4 litres/100 km) . . . more on
overdrive.. To his business-like mind,
thiss is a bonus for good driving. On
thee other hand he may prefer the
luxuryy of fully-automatic transmission
att modest extra cost.
Thee pleasure of night driving is enhanced by
twinn headlamps and a dipping anti-dazzle
rearr view mirror.
AA large boot, over 17 cu. ft. (0.481 cu. m.)
inn capacity, caters for all personal luggage.
Thee Sceptre's bodywork is an all-steel
weldedd 'shell' which defies distortion
yett would—if called upon—absorb
thee greater part of any impact. It is of
rigid,, unitary construction with
built-inn strengthening lines—placed
strategicallyy to protect the driving and
passengerr compartments, and deflect
thee path of impact.
Frontt suspension is fully independent, and
thee front wheels ride on massive coil springs
dampedd by an anti-roll bat. Powerful
servo-assistedd disc brakes provide the safety
whichh modern motonng demands.
AA ride to remember. Now you unlock
thee bonnet from the control in front of
thee driver, and walk around to see the
enginee that's given you such 'top
executive'' service. It is of course a
graduatee from the same school which
hass turned out many a rally combatant
—aa 1.7 litre 4-cylinder unit with
compressionn ratio 9.2:1, waterheatedd aluminium inlet manifold and
dynamicallyy balanced 5-bearing
crankshaft.. It has an aluminium alloy
cylinderr head and sump—cooling,
weight-savingg and one of the
hallmarkss of a high-performance
engine.. Valve ports are large, to handle
itss high output. And here's the source
off its new sustained high torque—
twinn Zenith/Stromberg carburettors,
andd twin exhaust outlets. A diaphragm
typee clutch helps further with light,
positivee operation. Battery charging is
byy alternator, which gives high
chargingg rate from tickover upwards.
This,, then, is the engine chosen for
Sceptre,, and it virtually looks after
itself.. The cooling system is
self-conserving.. It is a "no-loss"
systemm incorporating a coolant
reservoir.. Sceptre has no greasing
points.. Needs servicing only once in
5,0000 miles. (8,000 km).
Youu take a last look round and still
discoverr more. The capacious, carpeted
luggagee boot that holds 11\ cu. ft.
(0.4888 cu. m.) and lights up when
youu open it. The four wide-opening
doorss with anti-burst locks and
child-prooff catches at the rear. The
securityy locks fitted to the front
quarter-lights,, and the lockable petrol
fillerr cap on the 10-gallon (45 litre)
tank.. There is evidently much more yet
too be discovered in the new Sceptre.
Firstt step is to talk it over with your
Dealer—butt the final test will be your
ownn keen judgement on the trial run.
Engine.. Four-cylinder five-bearing
crankshaftt unit with aluminium alloy
cylinderr head and sump, high lift
camshaftt and push rod operated overhead
valves.. Twin Zenith/Stromberg 150 CDS
variablee choke carburettors. Bore and stroke:
3.211 in. (81.5 mm.), 3.25 in. (82.5 mm.).
Cubicc capacity 105.2 cu. in. (1,725 c c ) .
Compressionn ratio 9.2 to 1. Maximum power
944 b.h.p. at 5,200 r.p.m., maximum torque
1077 Ib. ft. at 4,000 r.p.m.
Ignition.. 12 volt negative earth battery
withh alternator charging and distributor
withh fully automatic centrifugal
andd vacuüm control. 14 mm. N9Y
Championn sparking plugs.
Cooling.. Centrifugal pump and fan,
thermostaticc control. Pressurized radiator
withh no-loss system.
Clutch.. 7^ in. (19 cm.) diameter diaphragm
springg type, hydraulically operated from
pendantt pedal.
Gearbox.. Four speed, all synchromesh
onn forward gears. Overdrive Standard.
Centre-floorr gearchange lever.
Rearr Axle. Semi-floating hypoid bevel
typee ratio 3.89:1 (3.7:1 when
automaticc transmission is fitted.)
Overalll ratios: Top, 3.89:1 (Overdrive
top,, 3.12:1); Third, 5.41:1 (Overdrive
third,, 4.35:1); Second, 8.32:1;
First,, 13.04:1; Reverse, 13.88:1.
Unitaryy Construction of chassis and
bodyy of rigid low-stress design. Body
treatedd for sound deadening and
corrosionn protection.
Frontt Suspension. Fully independent
coill spring and strut type, with anti-roll
barr and Armstrong telescopic shock
absorberss integral with struts.
Noo greasing points.
Rearr Suspension. Semi-elliptic leaf
springss with Girling telescopic shock
absorbers.. No greasing points.
Steering.. Burman recirculating ball type.
Turnss from lock to lock 3.3. Turning circle
3 3 ii ft. (10.210 m.) Three spoke, telescopic
adjustablee steering wheel. 15J in. (39.37 cm.)
diameter.. No greasing points. Right or
Left-handd drive available according to
markett requirements.
Brakes.. Lockheed 9.6 in. (24.38 cm.)
diameterr disc brakes at front, and 9 in.
(22.866 cm.) diameter drum brakes at rear,
withh hydraulic operation, vacuüm servo
assisted.. Handbrake at driver's side
operatess mechanically and independently
onn rear wheels.
Wheels.. Pressed steel wheels with safety
ledgee rims and wheel disc covers. Spare
wheell carried in luggage compartment.
Tyres.. Tubeless cushion type, size
6.000 x 13 in.
Petroll Tank. 10 gallon (45 litre) capacity,
positionedd at rear. Lockable petrol filler cap.
Weights.. (Approx.)
Unladenn (with petrol and water)
2,1866 1b. (992 Kg.).
Dryy (without petrol and water)
2,0966 Ib. (951 Kg).
Instruments.. Speedometer, rev. counter,
ammeter,, fuel gauge, water temperature
andd oil pressure gauges, clock, warning lights
forr ignition, petrol level, headlamp main
beamm and both direction indicators.
Standardd Equipment. Laycock overdrive,
heaterr and ventilation system with
two-speedd blower, two cigar lighters, two
paddedd sun visors, four wheel disc covers,
overriders,, reclining front seats, front seat
beltt anchorages, reversing lights, electric
screen-washer,, twin-tone horns, passengers'
armrests,, grab handles and coat hooks,
interiorr bonnet release control, boot floor
carpet,, lockable petrol filler cap, lockable
glovee box with lamp, luggage compartment
lamp,, two-speed screen wipers, zebra
zone-toughenedd windscreen, rear door
childprooff catches, anti-burst door locks,
door-operatedd courtesy light, front and
rearr ashtrays, full length console, rear seat
centree folding armrest and rear compartment
cubbyy box.
Colourr Schemes.
Prussiann Blue with Black Upholstery
Laurell Green Metallic with Black or Green
Upholstery y
Gunmetall Metallic with Red Upholstery
Aquaa Metallic with Black Upholstery
Goldenn Sand Metallic with Black Upholstery
Clarett Metallic with Black Upholstery
Alll colour schemes include Black Leathercloth
rooff covering.
Optionall Extras. The following extras
aree available ex-factory at extra cost
andd can he specified only at the time
off placing the order; Borg-Warner
fully-automaticc transmission and
white-walll tyres. Ask your Dealer
forr details.
Speciall Accessories (available at
extraa cost). A very full and attractive
rangee of accessories is available,
includingg radio, fog and spot lights.
Speciall Accessory leaflet and full
detailss can be obtained from your
Rootess Dealer.
A A Overalll Length
B B Frontt Overhang
C C Wheelbase e
D D Rearr Overhang
E E Overalll Height
F' ' Frontt Headroom
G ' ' Rearr Headroom
Ht t Steeringg Wheel to Front Squab
(Min.)) .
(Max.)) .
Pedalss to Seat Cushion (Min.)) .
(Max.)) .
Frontt Cushion Height
Rearr Cushion Height
Groundd Clearance
Luggagee Compartment
ins s
30i i
98i i
40i i
56 6
40 0
36i i
4.305 5
0.775 5
2.502 2
1.029 9
1.422 2
1.016 6
0.927 7
10J J 0.260 0
1 9 i i 0.495 5
14J J 0.368 8
211 1 0.540 0
0.279 9
11 1
14J J 0.368 8
6J J 0.171 1
.. ft. 0.488 cu. ft
Capacity y
3 3 i i 0.845 5
O O Frontt Door Opening width
3 3 1 1 0.845 5
P P Rearr Door Opening width
21J J 0.552 2
Q Q Frontt Seat Width
1 8 i i 0.470 0
R R Frontt Seat Depth
52J J 1.327 7
S S Frontt Elbow Room
24 4 0.609 9
T T Rearr Seat Width (Separate Seat) .
1 8 i i 0.470 0
U U Rearr Seat Depth . .
52J J 1.327 7
V V Rearr Elbow Room
w wLuggagee Compartment Width h at t
50J J 1.283 3
Opening g
1.626 6
64 4
X X Overalll Width
** Dimensions marked include 2 in. (50 mm.)
cushioncushion compression.
Th/s dimension includes 2J in. (63 mm.)
steeringsteering wheel adjustment.
TheThe Company reserves the right to alter the
atat any time, without notice, and all goods are sold
subjectsubject to the Manufacturer's
ExportExport Sale.
Ref:: 5016/EX/RHD. LHD
Printedd in England by Litho