Vittorio Marletto ARPA Emilia-Romagna [email protected] Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Contents Arpa Emilia-Romagna & the regional weather service Background: soil water modelling crop remote sensing seasonal predictions The iColt system in Emilia-Romagna, description and results The next step, an overview of the EU Horizon 2020 MOSES innovation action (2015-18) Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Emilia-Romagna, a region of Italy Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels What is Arpa? More than 1000 staff, mainly technical Monitoring the environment and collecting a large amount of physical, chemical and biological data on air, water, soil and biota Controlling pollution from industries and other sources Providing technical support to the regional govt. of Emilia-Romagna and local authorities Including a robust and experienced regional hydrometeo-climate service (started in 1984) Arpa, Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Hydromet and radar monitoring network ERG5 Emilia-Romagna 5 km hourly weather grid for plant disease and irrigation applications Plant disease models and advice (run by Regional offices) Agrometeorological Bulletin Weekly and monthly information for farmers Maps of Temperature Precipitation Evapotranspiration SOIL WATER CONTENT: Phenology: Local measurements and regional simulations Local measurements and regional simulations Heat sums IRRINET Irrigation advice to farmers (run by CER) Allergenic Pollen Bulletin Drought and desertification Emilia-Romagna observatory ( Bullettins Drought NDVI anomalies Temperature anomaliies Indicators and Data Precipitazton amount and anomalies River flow SPI Index Decils Data and forecasts Available water Traspiration Deficit iColt - Background Soil water and crop modelling – CRITERIA ( ) Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Mathematical modelling: Criteria at a glance Soil water balance: numerical model (based on Richard’s equation) and empirical model Simple crop leaves and roots development model (phenology) Evaluation functions (potential and actual ET, capillary rise…) Water stress and irrigation Crop growth model (for wheat and maize) Nitrogen model Bittelli, M., Tomei, F., Pistocchi, A., Flury, M., Boll, J., Brooks, E.S., Antolini, G. (2010) Development and testing of a physically based, three-dimensional model of surface and subsurface hydrology, Advances in Water Resources, 33 (1), 106-122. Regional soil map and database Soil Texture Soil profile properties Criteria soil moisture and irrigation irrigation [mm] soil depth [cm] Criteria geographical system Forecasting irrigation demand needs a geographical approach for input data and to produce statistical analysis of outputs. Here an example of average seasonal irrigation water needs (mm). iColt - Background Soil water and crop modelling – CRITERIA ( ) Remote sensing – crop mapping Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Sat images acquisition windows 1. 02/11/2014 UK-DMC2 & 01/11/2015 Landsat 8 (clouds) 2. 19/02/2015 UK-DMC2 3. 31/03/2015 UK-DMC2 Results During the acquisition windows a team of two technicians go around the study area to collect field information such as: crop, BBCH, etc. E. g. in 2015 there were 826 plot surveyed We are in the sixth year of application 50 40 30 Eeee summer crops EAgc winter crops EPpm meadows and alfalfa LPfv fruit orchards and vineyards EEri rice 20 10 Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels iColt - Background Soil water and crop modelling – CRITERIA ( ) Remote sensing – crop mapping Seasonal downscaled predictions Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels Seasonal forecasts are among us… Seasonal predictions Global probabilistic seasonal forecasts “multi-model ensemble” are produced at ECMWF by means of 2 models: ECMWF (SFEC) and Météo France (LFPW) and are available from 1991 up to now. At Arpa global forecasts are calibrated and downscaled to local climate, from large scale fields Z500 (geopotential at 500 hPa) and T850 (temperature at 850 hPa). High resolution final prediction for each model consists in an ensembles of seasonal anomalies for several variables needed as input of the weather generator scheme Format of the seasonal predictions (anomalies over northern Italy) Agronomical impact simulations Modelling scheme of seasonal predictions local weather observed data Multi-model seasonal forecasts Statistical downscaling prec., wet days, tmin, tmax (mean and std. deviation) Weather Generator (daily meteo series) Watertable equation local watertable observation AgriModel (Criteria) Output (Agronomical impacts) Weather Generator input variables Name Input data of WG Unit Tmax Tmin Txsd Tnsd mean of maximum temperature mean of minimum temperature standard deviation of maximum temperature standard deviation of minimum temperature °C °C °C °C Prcp mean of total precipitation mm Fwet fraction of wet days - Tdw difference between maximum temperatures on dry and wet days °C Richardson, C. W., and Wright, D. A. (1984). WGEN: A model for generating daily weather variables. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-8, 83 pp. Stöckle, C.O., Campbell, G.S., and Nelson, R. (1999). ClimGen manual. Biological Systems Engineering Department, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. 28 pp. Synthetic weather series Previous 9 months obs. data Climate: local observed data (min. 20 years) 54 34 b c d e f g 65 Precipitation 32 b c d e f g Tmin 30 30 60 c d e f g 28 Tmean b c d e f g 26 Tmax c d e f g Climate 55 25 50 24 15 40 20 35 18 30 16 Temperature [°C] 45 10 5 0 -5 -10 01/07/2001 31/12/2002 01/07/2004 31/12/2005 02/07/2007 31/12/2008 02/07/2010 01/01/2012 02/07/2013 14 12 20 8 10 6 5 4 0 31/12/2014 b c d e f g Precipitation Tmin Tmean Tmax Climate 20 18 16 2 14 12 10 0 8 6 4 -4 -6 -8 -10 01/09/2009 b c d e f g 26 24 22 10 15 b c d e f g b c d e f g 34 32 30 28 -2 2 0 04/10/2009 07/11/2009 11/12/2009 14/01/2010 17/02/2010 23/03/2010 26/04/2010 30/05/2010 03/07/2010 06/08/2010 54 34 32 30 28 26 24 20 b c d e f g Precipitation b c d e f g Tmin 46 44 42 b c d e f g Tmean b c d e f g Tmax b c d e f g Climate 16 14 12 26 24 22 10 8 Precipitazioni [mm] 34 32 30 28 18 20 18 16 6 4 2 14 12 10 0 -2 8 6 4 -4 -6 -8 -10 01/09/2009 52 50 48 40 38 36 22 Temperature [°C] -15 01/01/2000 25 22 b c d e f g 46 44 42 Precipitazioni [mm] 20 52 50 48 40 38 36 Precipitation [mm] 70 35 Seasonal forecasts anomalies 2 0 04/10/2009 07/11/2009 11/12/2009 14/01/2010 17/02/2010 23/03/2010 26/04/2010 30/05/2010 03/07/2010 06/08/2010 Number of years of synthetic series: models x members x replicates Watertable depth assessment using daily temperature and precipitation 0 H H 0 wi (( Pi PETi ) ( Pavg PETavg )) i n Where: n is the number of days in the recharge period, P (mm) is the daily precipitation, PET (mm) is the daily potential evapotranspiration, H0 (m) is the mean watertable depth, α (m mm-1) is a correlation parameter and wi is the daily weight: Tomei, F., Antolini, G., Tomozeiu, R., Pavan, V., Villani, G., & Marletto, V. (2010, May). Analysis of precipitation in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) and impacts of climate change scenarios. In Proceedings of Statistics in hydrology Working Group (STAHY-WG) International workshop, Taormina (pp. 23-25). wi 1 i n Model vs obs. watertable depth in Cadriano (Bologna) The iCOLT system workflow iColt forecasts – (11/6/2015) Mm3 Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels iColt results •The eight panels refer to EmiliaRomagna reclamation consortia •They show the box plot for the probabilistic seasonal predictions of irrigation need anomaly (in m3/ha) obtained using the iCOLT system for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. •Climatological values and validation values (red dots) are estimated using the CRITERIA water balance model forced with observed meteorological data. •Boxes cover from the 25th to the 75th percentile, whiskers extend to the 5th and 95th percentile while extreme values are indicated by black dots. •More details on the Ecmwf newsletter, March 2014, available online Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels iCOLT service evolution Year Remote sensing coverage Seasonal irrigation predictions 2007-2008 Plain between Bologna and Reggio-Emilia NO 2008-2009 Emilia-Romagna NO 2009-2010 Emilia-Romagna YES 2010-2011 Emilia-Romagna YES 2011-2012 Emilia-Romagna YES 2012-2013 Emilia-Romagna with watertable YES 2013-2014 Emilia-Romagna with watertable YES 2014-2015 Emilia-Romagna with watertable YES What next? Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Brussels EU H2020 MOSES innovation action (2015-2018) Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services MOSES aims at putting in place and demonstrate at the real scale of application an information platform devoted to planning of irrigation water resources, to support water procurement & management agencies (e.g. reclamation consortia, irrigation districts, etc.). Its main goals are: saving water improving services to farmers reducing monetary and energy costs MOSES Context Diagram MOSES Timeline activity MOSES Functionalities The platform results from the trans-disciplinary integration of many different innovative approaches like satellite remote sensing, seasonal and medium-term weather forecasting, agronomic modelling, economy, and online GIS Decision Support System (DSS) Its main functionalities are: Seasonal probabilistic forecasting /downscaling Early in-season crop mapping In-season water demand monitoring Long and medium term irrigation water demand forecasting MOSES Service areas MOSES Product Portfolio Temporal Validity Temporal Update MOSES PRIMARY PRODUCTS 1 2 3 Long term water irrigation demand forecast maps – before season Evapotranspiration and water availability monitoring maps – in season Short term water irrigation demand forecast maps – in season Once for Season Season Weekly Update Day/week Weekly Update Day/Week MOSES DERIVED PRODUCTS 4 Topographic/cadastral maps, soil maps Once for project - 5 Land use/land cover Once for season Season 6 Climatic reference maps (precipitation, temperature, PET, simplified water budgets etc.) 20-30 yrs 20-30 yrs 7 Climatic anomaly maps for current and former year(s) quarterly 3 months 8 Seasonal forecasted anomalies (prec. T, other variables) yearly 3 months 9 Crop classification maps yearly grow season 10 Numerical weather forecasts daily 10 days 11 Rivers discharge Weekly/monthly Monthly/seasonal 12 Soil humidity Weekly/monthly Monthly/seasonal MOSES Framework and Organization 16 partners: environmental agencies, universities, research institutes, space associations, water consortia, irrigator associations, SME & industries (5 European countries, 3 continents) 3 stake-holders 4 Demonstration Area located in: Italy, Spain, Romania and Morocco Core Activities: Project management, Scientific and Demo Areas coordination Partners points of strength and roles identified Researchers, Stake-holders and end-user involvement Web site, coming soon Stay tuned… and thanks from all of us! ArpaER agromet, remote sensing and climate group G. Antolini, L. Botarelli, V. Marletto, A. Pasquali, V. Pavan, W. Pratizzoli, A. Spisni, F. Tomei, R. Tomozeiu, G. Villani, A. Volta, L. Sapia [email protected] This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642258