“Il sistema depurativo costiero e il suo impatto sul mare ”
“Il sistema depurativo costiero e il suo impatto sul mare ”
“Il sistema depurativo costiero e il suo impatto sul mare ” Workshop “Condivisione di esperienze e modalità operative tra Olanda e Regione Emilia-Romagna per la risoluzione delle criticità ambientali relative all'ambito costiero” Bologna, 8 gennaio 2016 Dott. Francesco Tornatore DG Ambiente, difesa del suolo e della costa Servizio Tutela e Risanamento Risorsa Acqua 2 The coast of Emilia-Romagna The coast of Emilia-Romagna is a complex system of transition between sea and land, subject to various natural and anthropogenic processes that make it extremely dynamic and variable. 3 Coastal water bodies Under the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/CE) the stretch of sea in front of the Emilia-Romagna’s coast has been divided into two water bodies. 4 Monitoring network The monitoring network established under the same Directive consists of 23 survey stations located from Lido di Volano to Cattolica at various distances from the coast (from 500 m to 5,000 m). 5 The status of coastal water bodies 6 The eutrophication phenomena Although the status of water is sufficient, the sea is still subject to eutrophication phenomena. The evolution of eutrophication processes affecting the Adriatic follows a seasonal cycle. Usually we register winter-spring blooms of Diatomaceous that, favored by low salinity, determine the so-called phenomenon of "dirty water", and then summer-autumn blooms of Dinoflagellates, with formation of "red tides" localized in inshore areas. 7 The eutrophication phenomena The area between the Po delta and Ravenna is the most prone to cases of acute and persistent eutrophication. Trophic levels decrease in the area between Cesenatico and Cattolica where, without significant riverine inputs, we record lower values of trophic indices, despite the high coastal pollution load that is poured into the sea, especially during the summer due to tourists. 8 The eutrophication phenomena 9 Sensitive areas The role that the Po river basin plays in determining eutrophic phenomena in the Adriatic Sea is well known, so that the Po river basin has been identified by Italy as a catchment area of sensitive areas under Directive 91/271/CE. 10 The numbers of the Po river basin 11 The numbers of the Po river basin Civil sector Regione Agricultural sector Popolazione Residente Emilia Romagna 2.193.177 Liguria 107.459 Lombardia 9.014.287 Piemonte 4.214.677 Toscana Regione Numero Aziende Superficie Sau (ha) 61.465 733.329 5.968 22.938 Lombardia 74.129 1.028.724 Piemonte 120.728 1.067.455 Emilia-Romagna Liguria 1.504 37% of national industries 148 Toscana Trentino-Alto Adige 97.861 Valle d'Aosta Veneto Totale 1.449 Trento 7.431 41.444 119.548 Valle d’Aosta 6.595 71.190 171.743 Veneto 7.433 77.485 283.897 3.044.014 15.920.256 Totale Livestock (n°) Bovini Ovini Caprini Equini Suini Avicoli Conigli Struzzi Bufalini 3.120.687 223.576 109.292 48.489 6.023.375 48.405.444 2.003.558 12.527 6.155 12 Agglomerations under Directive 91/271/CEE 13 Main agglomerations and plants along the coast 560,000 14 The UWWTP of Santa Giustina The path of purification in the new facility is structured as follows: in a first sedimentation compartment there are pretreatments to separate sand and oil, while in the second step, the task of "clean" waste is left to the same bacteria in the water to be purified. In the third step we have an ultrafiltration on membranes. The water that comes out is already clear, but before it is returned to the rivers move from the last purification step, the final disinfection, to eliminate all the latest micro-organisms that may be present. 15 The WWTP of Santa Giustina 16 Main agglomerations and plants along the coast 17 Main agglomerations and plants along the coast 18 The sewage system and the climate change In recent years in the region it has followed a number of extreme precipitation events. The great storm that hit the Adriatic coast Monday, June 24 2013 culminated in intensity between the hours of 16:40 and 18:00 and caused widespread flooding and considerable inconvenience to the population. The rain station of Rimini Ausa recorded 123.6 mm in one hour, of which 92.6 mm in half an hour. Since data is available on the intensity of the rain, in the Emilia-Romagna region since 1920, such high values have never been registered. To estimate the return time (Tr) of this event shows that it was a precipitation "record": the return time for a rain of this intensity on Rimini is more than 100 years. The map of regional precipitation relative to 24 June shows that it was a very localized event, referring to an area of a few tens of square kilometers (red and white area in the map). 19 The sewage system and the climate change Because in many cases the network of the sewage system, serving agglomerations of the coast, is mixed, events of this magnitude bring it into crisis, forcing it to download large quantities of untreated sewage directly into the sea through the spillways. 20 The bathing water The opening of the flood drains along the network can cause the over-limit for bathing water microbiological parameters (E. coli), resulting in suspension of bathing. 21 The Plan of Protection of bathing For this reason it was prepared a special Plan for the protection of water along the coast. The Plan - Plan of Protection of bathing (PSB – Piano Salvaguardia Balneazione) forecasts 154 million of investment (fully funded) and 11 structural measures to halve spills at sea by 2016 and completely overcome the current 11 discharges into the sea by the year 2020. These are the goals of the Plan of Protection of bathing in Rimini, the largest work of water purification currently underway in Italy, developed by the City, the Region and the water service operators (HERA, Romagna Acque). The work is progressing at full capacity by the second half of 2013 and has already begun work to approximately 50% of the total planned investment. 22 The Plan of Protection of bathing 23 The flood control (Vasca Ausa) 24 The flood control (Vasca Ausa) 25 The flood control (Vasca Ausa) 26 The flood control (Vasca Ausa) 27 Thanks for your attention