Honorable City Council From
Honorable City Council From
OLD BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM # CITY OF VILLA PARK CITY COUNCIL September 22, 2009 To: Honorable City Council From: Lori Sassoon, City Manager SUBJECT: RESTRUCTURING OF THE VILLA PARK COMMUNITY ACCESS TELEVISION CORPORATION (VPCATV) DATE: September 17, 2009 BACKGROUND As part of the City’s FY 2009/10 Priorities and Work Plan, staff recommended that the City Council consider a restructuring of the VPCATV Corporation. The purpose of this potential restructuring would be to build on the successes of VPCATV to date, while seeking to contain long-term costs and address technical issues with the operations of VPCATV. At the August 25 City Council meeting, the Council received a report regarding the potential restructuring (Attachment 1). The Council then unanimously voted to direct staff to pursue the restructuring of VPCATV, and to prepare the transition plan. Following that meeting, staff developed a draft transition plan (Attachment 2) that was presented to the City Council and VPCATV Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Members of the VPCATV, which was held on September 2. At that meeting, the City Attorney also provided information regarding the legal issues surrounding the potential dissolution of the non-profit corporation, and the distribution of its assets. A lengthy discussion was held at that meeting regarding the concepts, and no action was requested or taken by either the Council or the Board. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to initiate the restructuring of VPCATV as outlined in the transition plan, and call a special meeting of the VPCATV Corporation in order to dissolve the corporation. With that notice, the special meeting of the Corporation can be held on November 17 in conjunction with the City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT None by this action. The VPCATV operation has been funded by the City for many years, and with the restructuring the function would continue to be funded by the City. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to initiate the restructuring of VPCATV as outlined in the transition plan, and call a special meeting of the VPCATV Corporation in order to dissolve the corporation. UBId uo~sueij AIVOdA ~jeip e 6u~ug~no ‘6OO~ ‘rn. ieqwe~da~ pe~ep owa~j podad ueis g~ 4sn6ny ~ SJ.N]IAIHOV.LJ.V ~ JO ~ City of Villa Park 17855 Santiago Boulevard, Villa Park, Caqfornia 92861-4187 (714) 998-1500 • Fax: (714) 998-1508 www. villaparic org MEMORANDUM TO: City Council and VPTV Board of Directors FROM: Lori Sassoon, City Manager SUBJECT: Draft VPTV Transition Plan DATE: August 31, 2009 COPIES: City Attorney On August 25, the City Council directed staff to move ahead and develop plans for the potential restructuring of VPTV. Following up on that direction, staff is submitting the following documents for your review and discussion at the annual meeting of the Villa Park Community Access Television Corporation on September 2: Draft Transition Plan The attached Draft Transition Plan has been prepared outlining the various aspects of the transition. There may be other issues that need to be addressed as part of this transition, and I would ask the Board of Directors to please discuss those with us at the meeting. In summary, the Transition Plan seeks to smooth the transition and control costs by narrowing the scope of City-funded production work to Council and Town Hall meetings. We would likely outsource this work. Engineering/programming operations (such as scheduling playback and bulletin board maintenance) would also be outsourced either through a small consulting contract or through part-time staff We are in the process of identif~,ing potential providers of these services. Longer term, we would use the restricted PEG funds, which must be used for capital equipment needs, to address those needs in both the Council Chambers and the engineering room. The new Cable TV Advisory Commission would be established by ordinance to advise the City Council on cable TV issues. The Council and Board should discuss the potential composition of this Commission; I would suggest that it be a five-member Commission, with each Council Member appointing a Commissioner. However, there are many different ways it could be structured. At the City Council meeting on August 25, VPTV Board President Ten Brooks Elmendorf noted several legal issues that were raised by a local resident and attorney. City Attorney Todd Litfin is reviewing those issues, along with others, and will be providing a report to the City Council and Board at the Annual Meeting. JIM RHEINS, Mayor BILL MAC ALONEY, Mayor Pro Tern DEBORAh PAULY, Councilwoman • BRAD REESE, Councilman W. RICHARD ULMER, Councilman VPTV Restructuring Transition Plan Page 2 A draft timeline for the transition is also included for your review. This timeline will need to be adjusted based on input from the City Attorney, however it provides a starting point for our efforts. Please note again that staffs intention in encouraging this effort is to improve upon the successful volunteer efforts that we have had to date. I have repeatedly stated, will state again, that all the volunteer Board Members currently involved in VPTV would be valued as part of this new, restructured VPTV. They have both technical expertise and years of experience to bring that would be so beneficial going forward. We will also continue to provide studio space to the VPHS media program, and to air programming that is produced by those students. Budget Comparison and Draft Budget for City Operations If the restructuring effort moves forward, the City Council will nccd to establish a budget for this work. A draft budget for the remainder of the fiscal year is also attached. That draft assumes a start date of December 1, 2009. As you are aware, the VPTV effort is currently funded by the City’s General Fund; the draft budget represents a shift of those City funds back from the corporation to the City’s regular budget. For comparison purposes, also attached is a spreadsheet comparing the VPTV Corporation’s actual expenditures for FY 08 09 and the proposed budget for City operations. You will note that they are similar, with the City budget achieving some modest savings. It will be staffs goal to reduce costs even fUrther. Next Steps We look forward to discussing this Transition Plan with the City Council and the Board. At the Annual Meeting we can refine and revise this transition plan as needed. No formal action is needed at this meeting regarding the restructuring. The draft timeline suggests the September 22 City Council meeting as the date for the City Council to make its decision regarding the restructuring, if the Council desires. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Draft VPTV Budget for City Operations December 1 through June 30, 2010 - Revenues: Estimated transfer of operating fund balance from VPCATV Estimated transfer of PEG funds (restricted to capital) Subtotal revenues Expenditures: Supplies Maintenance/repairs Contract services Part-time salaries Subtotal expenditures $ $ $ 5,000 45846 50,846 $ $ $ 3,000 4,000 10,000 $ 2,000 19,000 $ Notes: Operating transfer is estimated from starting balance of $15,036 on 8/1/09 (latest Treasurer’s report), and expenditures by the Corp averaging $2500/mo through November30 Transfer of PEG funds assumes Treasurer’s estimate of PEG revenues for last 2 years Draft 9/17/2009 Cay Manager’s Office Draft VPTV Budget for City Operations Comparison to Current VPCATV Budget - VPTV City Operating budget (annualized) VPTV Corp 2008/09 Actuals Revenues: Franchise fees support PEG (restricted to capital) Exepnditures: Technical Consultant Video Assistants Telephone Supplies Advertising Maintenance/repairs Postage/stationery Legal/accounting DVD blanks Meeting expenses Equipment rental Other expenses Capital equipmenr Contract services Part-time salaries Total expenditures $ 32300 $ 7200 $ $ 25,260 3,450 329 3,009 100 568 65 113 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32300 7,200 - 3000 $ $ $ $ $ 180 $ - 4,000 - - - $ $ $ $ - N/A N/A $ 20,000 4,000 $ 31,000 33,074 Notes: VPTV Corp actuals FY 08/09 as provided by VPTV Board. Numbers are rounded to nearest dollar Capital equipment budget to be determined following analysis of equipment needs. 9/17/2009 City Manager~s Office VPTV Transition Plan Updated September J 6, 2009 City Manager ~ Office Task 1: Discuss transition with the VPCATV Board of Directors; seek to preserve volunteer involvement. • Staff recommends a new Cable TV Advisory Board, established by ordinance • Volunteers could also continue with public access production work, production training, other areas of interest by volunteers. All volunteers are encouraged to continue serving Task 2: Evaluate and address legal issues. • City Attorney will provide analysis for City Council and Board Task 3: Contract for taping of City Council, Town Hall meetings and basic channel operations during initial transition • Focus will be pared down to production of government meetings only; other programming will be provided/produced by volunteers and or public access producers • City staff is identifying potential vendors. Estimated cost of $600- $1000 per meeting ($10,000 $16,000 per year) • Work with Technical Consultant to transition engineering, bulletin board functions to City staff and/or new consultant. Staff will identify potential vendors, and or partnerships with nearby cities or colleges for these services. (Note: Carl Odium has indicated he will not be interested in staying on with City after the transition.) • City staff will coordinate public access equipment check-out - Task 4: Transition assets of the Corporation to City administration • Obtain inventory of equipment from VPCATV Technical Consultant • Transition corporation bank accounts to City • Establish City budget for operations, and a new fund for PEG revenues. Task 5: Coordinate with VPHS media studies program regarding transition issues • Continue to give VPHS use of the “studio” back room by the HS program during the transition. (Note City would not have staff to assist w the HS production work; Carl has been involved in the past.) • Student shows will still be submitted by VPHS for programming on Channel 3 • Coordinate w Dr. Bartrom to ask students to produce special programming regarding city events (Boat Parade, Annual Picnic, etc.) • Look for other ways to involve and support VPHS media students Task 6: Evaluate Council Chamber and production facilities; make facilities improvements to address technical issues • Develop RFP for assessment of equipment/facilities and recommended improvements • PEG capital funds are available for this purpose. Improvements may need to be phased over time Potential Transition Timeline: September 2: Meeting with Council, Board to discuss draft transition plan September 3 22: Invite community feedback on the VPTV Transition Plan via e Net, website postings — September 22: City Council meeting; City Council considers restructuring of VPTV. If Council approves restructuring, motion is made to call a special meeting of the Corporation, in order to dissolve the Corporation. Per Article VII, Section 3(b), notice is served to an Officer of the corporation, then the meeting must be held 35-90 days of receipt of that notice from the Members. November 17: City Council meeting; acting as the Members of the VPCATV Corporation, City Council takes action to dissolve the corporation. As City Council, action is taken to establish the budget for VPTV operations. December XX: Corporation is formally dissolved; City assumes assets of the Corporation arid VPTV operations.
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