uniden` - The Old CATV Equipment Museum
uniden` - The Old CATV Equipment Museum
o CANADIANCANCOM/DescramblerReview I I - lA \ o REVIEWLuxor'sNEWDownconverter cooP's I I / l\,t \ o TVRO On TVI Boresight Video DIGEST W , 'r MARCH 15. 1985 ' /' Canyou-tpldyoui irntil Marth 5LSt? , ,..t": _1 "r^i . il,i ..)ri On March31,1985,at the STTI/SPACE Showin LasVegas, Uniden'will unveilthe most advanced,most completeline of receiversin the historv of the industry And thar'sfarTromall. Ve'll alsobe introducinga new line of antennapositioners and state-of-the-art antennas. From everyperspective. Features.Design.And value. Uniden" hasa svstemto fit the needsof evervcustomer.AII with the serviceand reliabiliw of Uniden'behindthem. So trv and hold vour breatl-r until vou get to LasVegas.Ther-r stop bv booths 715and814,and seethe 1985Uniden'line for vourself It will take vour breath av''ar: For nrrlre inf,rlrnretitlnolt Urriden' SatelliteTelevisionoroducts call l-u00-+2tl-53+0 or in Carrada 1 8OO-663 -0296. uniden' Satellite TelevisiorrSystents 3/csD.2/3-Bs SATELLITEDICEST pAGE M A R C H 1 5 ,1 EDUCATING The Consumer? TheSPACEBoardof Directorswillsoon bemeetingin LasVegasandtheywillconsider a hard-dollar proposalto spendperhapsas muchas $500,000 in the next12 monthsto 'educate'and 'tantalize' Joe Consumer withthe 'word'aboutTVRO. Creating an aggressive advertising or consumer awareness campaign is bothexpensive anddangerous.Firstthereis the selection process; somebody hasto be'elected'from withinSPACEto headupthe effort.Janeil'sBob Dushaneseemsto havethat spotby defaultat the presenttime.Fewwoulddeny that Dushaneknows'something' aboutadvertising and promotion. Manywouldquestionwhetherhis work,judgednot by hls advertisingbut ratherby his products,warrantsour allowinghimto spearheada sizeableexpenditure suchas this. ThenthereistheREALselection process; decidingwhichsinglemanor company, fromtheadvertising world,shouldbe entrustedwith our industry budget. promotion, Advertising, is nothing but'ideas.' It isinkonpaper,electrons on magnetic tape andlots of 'hotair.'Someof it worksverywell("Where'sThe Beet???"1but mostof it worksverypoorlyif at all. Wecan'tafforda campaign thatworkspoorlyif at all. professional Any advertising can put on a real 'show'for uswhenhe is tryingto convince usthathe shouldbe entrusted withour budgetto spend.And mostof us wouldbe dazzledandrazzledby sucha show. But is a good show what we are after? Wouldn'twe be betteroff with an advertising and promotion firmwitha good'show record';theproven abilityto take on a complexadvertising campaign such as this and produceresultsfor the clients? CSD/2 CALENDAR - Shouldn't we be asking"Don'ttellus what you will do for us;tellus what you havedonefor others"? The 'firstpitch'we get as a Boardof Directorsat SPACEshouldnotbe a 'show'trottingoutall of the goodideasthe advertising firmshavedreamtup; thoseideas,in advanceof theirREALLYstudying and understanding our industryare virtuallyworthless.Rather,theyshouldbe showingus howthey havetakensimilar,complexproblemsof reaching andpersuading thepublicanddonesomething with that problem.Trackrecord,in advertising, means everything. Greatideasare a dime a dozenand usuallywon'tstandthetestof time. To datewe'veheardplansto spendupwardsof just to createsomeTV commercials $500,000 and print-media layouts. Thisisa bunchof moneyto hand to somebody whowilluseour moneyto sitandthink 'videos.' up cleverslogansor interesting Thefirststepin this programshouldbeapprovinga budget.Thenwe shouldbe goingout for as many 'proposals'as possiblefrom track-recoroprovenagenciesand promoterswho want us to spendthatmoneywithorthrough them.Tryingto find anagency, first,beforethe budgetis established, is gettingthe cart in frontof the horse. lf we can'tsettleon a budget,andwe can'tsetile on how we will fund that budget,any time spent listening proposals' to'creative is a totalwaste of our time,andthecreator's time.Firstthingsfirst,please, Mr. Dushane.This projectis far too importantto createthe adsand then decide'howwe buildthe product.'That mayhaveworkedinthepast;it should not be allowedto happenhere. Through April 15th Mar 311 Mar 19-21 C-CORCabletelevisionseminar,Chicago.ContactDeb Apr 1, 2 Cree, 8001233-2267. Mar 26-28 Jerrold Technical Seminar, Calgary, Alberta; contact Beth Schaefer,2151674-4800. Mar26 Kaul-TronicsVideoNewsletter,l0PMeastern,F4,TR22. Aor2 Mar 28 BORESIGHTTVRO Magazine,9PM eastern,F4,TR20. Apr 4 Extensiveoreview of what to exoect at Las Veoas cooP's SATELLITE DIGEST /z SPACE/STTIShow. SPACE/STTIannual spring show, Las Vegas, Nevada. Now anticipatingin excess of 625 booths, 12,000 registrants,300 operationalantennas. For information contact STTI at 8001654-9276 or 405/396-2574within Oklahoma. Kaul-Tronics VideoNewsletter,10PMeastern,F4,f R2Z. BORESfGHTTVRO Magazine,9PM eastern,F4,TRlO. Rush coverageof Las Vegas STTI/SPACEshow. C S D 1 2- C o o p ' s S a t e l l i t eO i g e s t i s p u b l i s h e dt w i c e p e r m o n l h b y W e s t I n d i e s Video, Ltd., a Turks and Caicos Corporationwith corporateoff ices at WIV-TV.Grace B a y ,P r o v i d e n c i a l e T s ,u r k s& C a i c o sl s l a n d s ,B W l . S a l e s ,e d i t o r i a ta n d s u b s c r i p t i o n liason offices located at Fort Lauderdale,Ft. (P.O.Box 100858,Ft. Laudardate,Ft. 33310;305/771.0505between 9 AM and 4 PM east6m, waskdays).CSD/2 js issued o n t h e 1 s l h o f e a c h m o n t h a s t h e m i d - m o n t hc o m p a n i o nt o C S D w h i c h h a s b e e n i s s u e do n t h e l s l o f e a c h m o n t h s i n c e O c t o b e | 1 9 7 9 ;t h e ' b i r t h ' o f h o m e T V B O . CSD/2 is combined with CSD, a total of 24 issues per y€ar, for all domestic (U.S.) subscriptions and is also availableoptionally for CSD readersoutside ol the USA. Additionally,CSD/2 is providedlree-of.chargeto all DealerMembers of SpACE, the internationaltrade associalion of TVRO, upon request lrom such dealer members. CSDi2 is also a part of the'TVRO DealerStarier Kit' providedfree to aspiring TVRO dealers who learn about TVRO from Coop's monthly column in Radio.Electronics magaine. CSD subscription rates are S75per year,24 issues, for all US subscribers or where US zip-codesapply; t85 per year (US funds) for Canada/Mexico;SlOOper y e a r( U S f u n d s )f o r o t h e r s .A l l c o p i e s s e n t v i a l s f c l a s s A l R m a i t .W e s t I n d i e sV i d e o , L t d . i s a ' D e a l e r - P i o n e e r ' c l a sm s e m b e ro l S P A C E .C o p y r i g h t f c , t 9 Sb5y R o b e r t8 . , Susan T., Kevin P. and Tasha A. Coooer. E TELEVISI0,II STTELLIT TEIYIS STS CALLTOLL.FR COMPLETESYSTEMS,ANTENNAS, RECEIVERS, LNA'S& ACCESSORIES "Nation'sLargestSatellite Equipment Distributor" P:O.BOX3300o TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA 47803 5/csD-2/3-85 SATELLITEDICEST pAGE WITH Distributors Brooks Satellite,Inc. (Aberdeen,N.J.)has reachedan agreementwithPanasonicunderwhichtheJaoanesef irmwillmanufacture 'private label'TVRO receiversystemsfor the Brookslineof 'Satellite Store'franchisees. packagesby The receiverplusactuatorcontroller Panasonicuse the Panasonicblockdownconversion aooroachwith an lF of 950 to l450 MHz. Brooksalso announcesthat Bruce M. Jenningshas beenappointedto the positionof 'retailsalesmanager' and he will be responsible for salestrainingat the Brooks'Satellite University' facilitywherenew franchisees are trainedin operatinga Brooksstore. Finger Lakes CommunicationCo. (lnc.;189 ClarkStreet,Auburn,N.Y. 13021:315t252-3151) has been appointedas a 'master distributor'for AulomationTechniquesreceivers.HoustonTracker drives, Maxum receiversand the Newton line of TVRO test sets. FLCCis alsocreatinga national'repprogram'toexpandthe marketing thrustof its 4.8 foot Houssendish 'SimplySatellite'program. Popkey Electronics (P.O. Box 1431, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54305:4141437-5445) has been appointedas a distributorfor the Panasonic line of C band TVRO productsin NorthAmerica.popkey will highlightthe PanasonicC-2000 home TVRO receiversystem whichincludesa detachablewirelessremotecontrolthatalsocontrols the antennaactuatorcontrolsystem. Microdish, lnc. (225 East Main Street,Logan,Ohio 43138;800/ 638-1864)reportsthatthe firm,established in 1982,now employs17 peopleat the headquartersoffice. RecentlyMicrodishalso opened facilitiesin Bend, Oregon and will be opening a facility in North Carolina.Microdishhandlesproductsfrom Drake,Uniden,Houston Tracker,Chaparral,VideoLink,SatelliteRelav.U.P. SuoeriorDish. Orbitron, Raydxand SouthernSpunAluminum.The hoursare8AMto SPM six days per week. SatelliteVideo Services,Inc. (RR #1, Box85-S,PaulSaxeRd., Catskill,New York 12414i518t678-9581) has completedan expansionto theirheadquarterswarehousingwitha new 11,000squarefoot addition.The previous10,000squarefootfacilityis beingremodeled for additionaloffice space as well as new warehousingspace. i[$H, crs/-{ S'ereo ou"oM SERVICES/ 2'? -,,1t o*or*soN EVENTS pairof tunableaudiodemodulators tuneall audiosubcarrier frequencies and thereis selectableL+ R and L- R audio. DX Communications(10 SkylaneDrive,Hawthorne,New york 1O532:9141347-4040) has recentlymoved to a new 12,000square footfacilityfromPortChester(NY).As a partof theexpansion, DX now ollers'24 hourin-and-out' turn aroundon repairsfor companyproducts returnedby distributorsor dealersfor serviceworx. Electronic Rainbow, Inc. (6254 LaPas Trail, Indianapolis. In. 46268:8OO1428-3500) may end up beingone of the last US manufacturersof TVROreceiversleftin the business.RainbowmanuJactures a'basicTVROreceiver'which theyareproudto say is'All American'. The firmcontinues to olferindividual receivermodules(powersupply, video,70 MHzlF,audio)as stockingreplacement itemsto dealersand theirmodelERI-7500unit goes to dealersin 1-lotstor $399 and to distributorsin 25 lots tor $224. LUXOR NORTH AMERICA CORP. (P.O. Box 32, Bellevue, Washington98009; 206/451-4414)has releaseddetailedelectrical specifications for theirLuxorMark2 and SkanticMarkOne receivers. Mark ll usesan lF lrequencyof 950-1450MHz with a recommended inputlevelof between - 75 and - 35 dBm. The lF bandwidthat the 3 dB point is 25 MHz and a Linkabit compatibleoutput terminal is provided.The FMthresholdclaimedis 8 dB or better,and the polarizaWITH Receivers tion controlis Chapanal compatible.The LNB poweringvoltage is Anderson Scientific, Inc. (2693 CommerceRoad, Rapid City, + 18 VDC and audiobandwidthsprovidedare 380 kHz wide and 180 SouthDakota57702:6O5t341-3781) has a breakthrough in receiver kHz narrow.RF outputis on channel3 or 4 at + 7 dBmV (75 ohms). sensilivityaccordingto firm founderKeith Anderson. The firm is now The Mark One has a70 MHz lF with recommendedinput levelof routinelydoing system tests using a two foot (24 inch diameter) - 45 to - 5 dBm. The tuningsystemuses a digitalvoltagesynthesizantennafor C bandsatellites. The firmhasa new'ultra-low-threshold' er with a nonvolatilememory.The tuningvoltage,canied on the RF receiverwhichwill be announcedshortly,makingpossiblethe smaller line,is between1 and 30 VDC and the LNC poweringis + 18 VDC. dish reception.Andersoncautionsthat even with the new receiver The lF bandwidthis 25 MHz and the narrow and wide audio banddesign,2 foothomesystemsare notyet a realityand pointsout thathis firmnow routinelyusesthis smallerdish size for systemdevelopment widthsare identicalto the Mark Two. andalignment becausethe 'large'(!)4, 5 and6 footantennasproduce 'too much signal'for optimizingthe new receivers. AVCOM (500 SouthlakeBlvd.,Richmond,Va. 23236;BO4t7942500)has introduceda newlydesignedinternationalgradeof TVRO receiver,the COM-23T.This new unitfeaturesdual lF bandwidths(for Intelsat hall transponderand domsat full transponderreception), 'thresholdpeaking' controlsfor optimizedieception,improvedoscillator stabilityand fullytunableaudioin a rack mountingpackage. Anothernew productfrom AVCOM is their model SPM-3 stereo processorunit. AVCOM describesthe unit as 'economical,high performance'decoding of matrix,discreteand monauralaudiosignals.A SKANTIChas built-in stereo, at a budget price COM-23T lnternationalby AVCOM Lowrance Electronics,Inc. (12000E. SkellvDrive.Tulsa.Ok. 74128: 8001331-4105) has found an enthusiastic.market tor their model 70XB block downconversionreceiverline in the SMATV and cableTV areas.The product,originally designedas a,highend'home TVRO package,has recentlybeen offeredio the SMATV and CATV SATELLITE DIGEST PAGE6/CSD-2/3-85 C S D / 2 1 9 8 5T V R O B A R O M E T E R o o a +60 + soo - F z = U = U z F z U u DEC ' J A N , +40 +30, O F E Bi t MAR i +20 + ' 1 0, APR MAY JUN - 101 -20, - 30, -40i - j ; UJ o SPT ocr -50 1 i JUL ; AUG I Ntn\/ =Fgt 3=I , .....-,.J-,J ( , F l ( ! <u ) i / o z d l < !+ ^ur u - L ! z ! z p 2Ez p (Retail) OVERSTOCK UNDERSTOCK T H I S R E P O R TC : S D / 2r o u t i n e l ys u r v e y sa p p r o x i m a t e l3y0 0T V R o d e a l e r se a c h m o n t h t o d e t e r m i n e( 1 )h o w b u s i n e s s for the last complete (calendar)month compareswith the same month in 1984;(2)whether four primaryequipment i t e m sw e r e i n d e a l e r ' o v e r s t o c k( i' . e .t o o m a n y i n - h o u s eo) r ' u n d e r s t o c k(' i . e .s u p p l i e sd a n g e r o u s l lyo w a t r e t a i ll e v e l ) . This servesas TVRO's "industry barometer"of equipmenttrends at the retail/dealerlevLl. tradeand accordingto Lowrance'sMikeRenderthe reactionhas been excellent.The packagesavailableincludethe TOXBC band and the 70SB Ku band systemsand the Ku band systemsare beingexported intoEuropefor'MusicBox'channelreception at dancehalls.oubsand clubs. SATELLITETECHNOLOGYSERVICES,INC. (STS/2310-12 MillparkDrive, MarylandHeights,Mo. 63043; 314/423-5560)says that in spite of the fact that their STS MBS-SR receiver'looks'the same,it is an entirelynew receiver.They haveaddedthe singleword 'block' to the front panel but inside lhe entire receiver has been redesignedinto a block format unit using the 9SO-1450MHz BDC 'band'as the first lF while the secondlF is at 134 MHz (center).The featuresare very similarto the 1984model;three (selectable)stereo formats,signal strengthmeter, direct compatibilityto the MBS-AA antennaactuatorand the infraredremotecontrol.On the rear panel, the AFC switch has been moved outside (allows switchinofor Tl problems),and A/B switchhas been built-infor switchingto a-ndfrom the terrestrialTV antenna,and 'pushlock'terminalsfor wiringrather thanscrews.A (miniature)phonojack has beenaddedfor the optional RCS-1 remote sensor unit. The BDC receiveruses now acceoted DSO technologyfor thermaldrift compensation. TOKI Satellite Systems (Woodland Hills, California)is in the midstof a distributorsalesincentiveprogramwhichwill expireon April 30th. Under the program which was structuredby John Stover, distributorsales people handlingToki receiversaie rewardedwith 'points'accumulated with the sale (to dealers)of Toki units.Levelsof pointsaccumulateso that the distributorsales personcan ,win'merchandiseprizes as a result of his selling eflorts on behalf ol Toki products. Wilson Microwave Systems, Inc. (OneSunsetWay, Henderson, Nevada89015;800/634-6898)has begun a malor advertisingpush for their'Lil Wil' five foot TVRO dish systemwhichthe firmclaimscan be assembledand installedwith no toolsor priorsatellitetraining.The system,in additionto the tive foot dish, consislsof a WilsonyM 4OO receiver,85 degree LNA, feed assemblyplus all cablesand instructions for installation. WITH Antennas Aztech Antennas (P.O. Box 21, West Sand Lake, New york 12196; 518/674-2864)has announceda new 10.5 foot screenmesh antennawith an interlockingrib systemsupportedby concentricrings to maintainthe parabolicshape.The framingmembersare aluminum *4'd \l I t "t\\ F I V EF O O TS P U N ' L i I W i l ' and the mesh attacheswith somethingcalled Mesh-Lok'.' which allowsall 14 petalsto be installedwithoutclips,screwsor rivets.The antennaemploysan all aluminummountand they are powdercoated (black)and comewithstainlesssleel hardware.The firmsaysinstallation assemblytime is lessthan one hour for the 10.5loot surface.F/d is 0.3 and the one-cartonshippingweight is 170 pounds. Continental Satellite Systems (15450 S.E. Formour Court, Clackamas,Oregon 97015; 503/656-27741has announceda 10.5 foot screen mesh anlenna created so that installingdealers can completeassemblyin underone hour'stime.The new aitenna usesa 'compact mount' fabricatedaround a heavy-gaugesteel plate.The mesh is secured !s!S a slide-incliplesssystem securedby a rigid metal 'edgeguard'.The antenna hardware is all stainlessand the antennais UPS shippable. Danex Microwave, Inc. (275 Woodland Drive, Vancouver,BC VsL 3S7, Canada; 6041251-2218) will use the Las Vegas show to introducea new product created for the urban dish market. CityDish 'r is availableas eithera six foot or sevenfoot antennasurfacein either solid or pertoratedconfigurations.The antennapackagehas PRODUCTNEWSicontinueson page24 TECHNICAL SERVICE AND ADVICE lsJUSTA PHONE CALL/I/\AY At MICRODISHwe havebuiltourbusiness on service. Ourservicestaffhasover20 yearscombinedexperience in electronics repairand T.V.R.O. service. Our Dealers knowthatwith MICRODISH astheirdistributor theyhavean experienced serviceteambehindthem. MICRODISH isan authorized distributor for Drake,Uniden,Chaparral, HoustonTracker, Videolink, Satellite Relay andAvan- tek. Dish includeU.P. Superior, Orbitron, Raydx andSouthern SpunAluminumin a varietyof sizesandcolors.All orders placedby noonE.S.T. will usuallybe shipped thesameday. MICRODISHhasthreeoffices offeringservicefromcoasttocoast.Dealers will findan extensive inventory of qualityproducts, fastshipment and service prices. atdiscount Phone formore information. l-800 -638-186+ RODISH MICRODISH SOUTH I milewesrof Rr.I on StateRoute96 Raleiqh. N.C.27596 MICRODISH WEST 1375N.E.Forbes Rd. Bend,OreqongTT1l PAGE 8/CSD-2/3-85 TESTINGCANCOM SCRAMBLED CBD SERVICE SATELLITE DICEST SCRAMBLINGPREVIEW? They'vehad scrambledsatelliteTV, availableto the consumer, in Canadafor morethana year now. How is it working?We assignedCanadianBureau ChiefMark Lewis to thetaskof findingout.Hisreport appearsin thisissueand thereare severalsurprises; the serviceis good, the OAK boxeswork and even with belowthresholdsignalsthe picturesdecode.ls scrambling,therefore,workingwell in Canada? ls goingto workwellin the USAas well?Not scrambling quiteso fast,as Lewisreportsin thisissue.We'llhave an extendedupdatein CSDforApril01 as well;watch for it. CSD receivedone of the first Orion-P decodersin early Novem- second for the picture to go lrom scrambled to decoded. ber. The unit is ratherattractivein appearancewith a sleek brushed When you are not lookingat the encodedsignals,the decoderis aluminumpackage.At first we could not find any controls,with the virtuallytransparent.Audioand videoare led in, and are remodulated exceptionof the audio level control.The decoderis foolproof.lt has to channel3 or 4. (Thereis a wellhiddenswitch- the onlyswitchon well-labelledinput and output connectorson the back. lt also came the decoder). with adeguatepatch cables,which seem to be a rarityin the TVRO The video qualityof the decodedsignalswas excellent.We had industry. virtually"sparklie-free"signals to start with, nevertheless,there It took lessthan 4 minutesto hookthe decoderuo to our receiver appeared to be no degradation whatsoever. We found the video and our TV set. Upon hook-upit was obviousthat the decoderwasn't qualityof the DetroitTV stationsto be above averagein qualitywhen authorized. We placeda telephonecallto CANCOM'smajorup-link decoded.Duringour initialtests in Novemberwe used a prototype and controlsite nearOka, Quebec.The gentlemanwho answeredthe ViewstarTVRO receiver.There was total compatibilitybetlveenretelephonehad a prominentFrenchaccent,but spoke excellentEng- ceiverand decoder.The decoderspecifiesa requirementfor unfillish.He had not beeninformedthatwe had beenauthorizedto usethe tered and unclamped video. decoder.We read him the code numberswhich were on a stickeron the sideof the decoder.The stickerresemblesthat UniversalProduct In spite of this requirement, we connectedthe decoder to a Codewhichyou find on most foodsand cannedgoods.His computer DEXEL DXP-1002receiver.This was one of Dexel'sfirstLow Noise databaseindicatedthat this was not an authorizeddecoder.Atter Downconvertermodels (LNC). We had purchasedthe receiver in droppinga few names, and convincinghim that we were doing a March 1983.The specificationsclaim that the receiverhas filtered productreview,and indeedit was the top brassat CANCOMwho had video. We have had our doubts concerningthe degree of filtering authorizedand senl out the unit,he agreed to programthe computer becausewe have alwaysbeen able to coax the audiosubcarriersout to authorizethe decoder(!). of the video output,althoughthey are attenuated.We had been told We wereinstructedto placethe decoderon the TCTVtransponder that up to 30% of the receiverson the marketwouldnot be compatible Anik D-1 (TR14).Withinmoments,the decoder"crackled"and the with the Orion-Pdecoder.Chanceswere good (or bad dependingon piclurewent from scrambledto crystalclear.The audio poppedin at your pointol view)thatthe decoderwouldnot work withthe Dexel.We the sametime.We thenwentfromtransponderto transponderon Anik were surprised when pictures began to decode. D-1, and each scrambledpicture"popped" in. lt takes about half a Lest we misleadanyone,there was a lot of fine-tuningwhich we had to pertormin orderto convincethe Orion-Pdecoderthat it should unscramble thesignalscomingfromthe Dexelreceiver. We didfinda by "quirk." The Dexelis notoriouswith reds,greens,and othersaturated MarkL. Lewis colors. lt has beena sourceof disappointment and annoyance.lt was 2 BraemoreGardens not our imaginationwhen the Detroitsignalsdecodedand "looked" Toronto,Ontario better than the unencodedsignals processedby the Dexel on the M6G2C8Canada same satellite.The saturationproblemsthroughthe Orion decoder were minimized. However the audiodecodingwith the Dexelreceiverprovedto be a problem.The encoded audio is digitized. lt seemsthatthe Orion-P audiodecodingcircuitryis lessforgivingthan the videocircuitry.From time to time, when connectedto the DEXEL receiver,the decoded audio would crackle,sputter,and disappear (returningto encoded mode). This was rather disconcerting,particularlyduring a steamy scene on Hill Street Blues. A great deal of fine{uning and fiddling with the AFC controlon the Dexelseemedto minimizethe problem. We then tried the Orion-Pdecoderwith the new ElectrohomeE-1 receiver. This frequency-synthesized TVRO receiver was designed with decodersin mind. The performanceon the CANCOM signalsdeliveredpicturesapproached"studio quality."We did encounlersome heavy microwaveinterferenceon two transpondersol Anik D. Surprisingly, the video still de-coded.Thereis a surprising marginin whichthis decoderwill function.Likewiseif we movedthe antenna so that signals fell well-belowthreshold,the decoder still performed.You lose the de-coding at a signal level which is well below acceptable for unscrambled signals for most viewers. e/csD-2/3-8s SATELLITEDICEST pAGE .l I I i Duringour testswe movedto other satellites.At that time,On-TV was stilltransmittingon D-3.Whenwe wouldmoveto D-3,and tune in On-TV, the decoder would sense the Oak Orion encoding,and "squelch," justlikea policescannerradio.Notonlywouldthedistorted scrambledvideo disappear,(it would not pass throughthe receiver) but the picturewent to a shadeof grey,and the decoder fell silent. lf you movedover to other (Non Orion)scrambledsignals,the decoder wouldpassthesignals(stillscrambled) transparently. Apparently, this is one of the safety precautionsin the decoders,to keep you from lookingat other Orion signals. We were able to "trick" the decoder. On one of the channels which transmitshorseracing,the decoder "unlocked"momentarily, but aftera fractionof a second,it wentto a shadeof grey.Incidentally, for those of us who are amateur electronicsexperts,the Orion-P decoderis well-sealed.They'veuseda type of fastenerwhichcannot be opened by conventionalscrewdrivers. The originaldecoderwhich was shippedout in Novemberhad a defectivevideocircuitand had to be returnedatter 1 week.CANCOM confirmedthat this was not "typical," that the Orion-Pfailurerate is very low. They replacedthe decoderin January,and the unit ran {or over 4 weeks, 24 hours a day, withoutany decodingfailure,and we lookedat all of the satellites(includingencodedtransponders) without "lock-out." any The seconddecoderwas "pre-authorized"beforewe receivedit. That meant we did not have to telephoneand have it unlocked.CANCOMconfirmedthat once "authorized,"the decoders can be unplugged and shippedaroundlor up to 2 weeks withoutthe need to re-authorize. Our primarycomplaintconcernsthe documentation.lt was very poorlywritten.'Forexample,we wereunableto lind the recessedlights whichindicatedthe "status"of the decoder,or the recessedswitchto change the modulatorfrom channel 3 to channel 4. The average consumerwouldprobablyneverbe able to find the lightsor switch, they are so well hidden.Why aren't they on the front panel? In fact in the illustration, in the original instructions,the lights were elsewhereon the decoder.Was this a last minute oroduction change?In any event,we voicedour concerns,and CANCOM'sown instructionsare now clearly written and includeinformationconcerning authorizationof the decoder, and the transponderswhere the signalscan be found. We do havea dislikeconcerningthe Orion-Pdecoder.First,the videoperformancewhen a non-scrambledsignalis "passedthrough" the decoderand re-modulated,is not quiteup to the standardof some newer TVRO receivers.We found the modulatedvideo from the ElectrohomeE-1 receiverand the Viewstarreceiverto be suoeriorto the modulatedvideo from the Orion. The major shortcomingol the Oriondecoderwas itsvideoprocessingof non-encodedsignalswhich were below-threshold. The video level of these signals would be overmodulated thorugh the decoder. The video level would become so "high" thatthe picturewouldgo into a "negativeeffect."This made signalswhich were degradedby TerrestrialInterferencevery difficultto view. The consumercould of course,inserta mechanical switch between the P-decoderand the RF outout of his receiver. Nevertheless, this introducesyet anotherlevelof complicationintothe picture. The audio decoding systemsuflersfrom "snap,crackleahd pop" whenthereweresparkliesin the encodedsignal.Forexample,when we encounteredterrestrial microwave interference,the videodecoded,but the audiohad "clicks."We comparedthe audioto the 6.8 MHzaudiosubcarrierwhichwas transmittedon the sametransponder (the radio subcanier).The 6.8 subcarrierwas "clean" through our TVRO receiver.We found the "snap, crackleand pop" problemwith PAGE 10/CSD-2/3-85 all the receiverswhich we tested,and both decoders.This is a problem which Oak might address. As for the prospectsof Orion becomethe industry"standard" decoder,that is a very remolepossibility. There is no provisionfor scrambledstereoaudio.With so many premiumtelevisionservices movingto stereoaudio.thismay leadto thedownfallof theOakOrion in competitionwith Videocipher.Duringthe next few monthswe will watchthe marketingclosely,to see whetherOriongrabsany more of the marketshare. As fortheCANCOMservice.the DetroitstationsandtheCanadian independents are firstrate.We questionhoweverthe pricinqand the marketstrategyof CANCOM. The terms ol the offer included: A priceof $859.65for the firsl year,and. This includedfees of: 1) $495.00"an initialone time decoderprovisioning charge": 2) $299.40"for lhe first 12 monthsof service." But, therewas additionalprovincialsalestax of 7% ($60.18)on top of the $859.65in Ontario.lf lhe subscriberwished to pay in quarterly installments, thepriceballoonedto $915.35(plus$64sales tax in Ontario);the addilionalcost apparenllyattributed to ,,inlerest" chargesfor the decoder. But, if a TVROownerwas not put off by the pricingstructure, he mightbe if he readthe fine print. CANCOMstated: "the decoder yours THE CANCOMCBD Strategy is to use until such time as you disconThe pricingol the CBD package is $24.95 per month, plus tinue the service. At that time you will returnthe decoder to "provisioning federalsalestax,and provincial salestax.Butthereis a CANCOM"and, "the charge"of $495.00plustaxforthedecoder.ManvTVROownershave decoder shall remain the property of CANCOM," and askedwhy theywouldwant to buy the CANCOMservicewhilethey again, "(but) couldget ostensiblythe same service(PBS,CBS. ABC & NBC)on the subscriber shall be responsiblefor all damages theirTVRO'slor free?A valid question! suffered or caused by the decoder while it is in the subscribOf courseCANCOMoffersthe 24-houtDetroitstationswhichare er's possession." full-network affiliates.and severalpopularCanadianindependent Nowwe wouldnot wishto quibblewithCANCOM'slawyers'legal slations.Stilland all.CANCOMwon't say justhowmanysubscribers drafting.CANCOM pays a lot oi money for its legal services.But lhey attractedduringthe firstsolicitation. considerthe following.lf the cleaningwomanaccidentally dropsthe In lateDecember, the CANCOMpeoplesentouta directmailingto decoderand it is damaged,who pays for the repairs? "the CanadianTVBOowners.CANCOMobtaineda mailinglistfromOtbit The contractstates: subscribershallexerciseall reasonable Magazine.This solicitation provideda few surprises,and this time care to maintainthe decoder in good working order." What if your "the included termsof the offer"in full legalese.Now we wouldnot homeis burglarized, and your insurerwill not reimburseyou foi the crilicizethe draftsmanshipof CANCOM'slawyers,howeverany decoder?Fromthe languageof the contract,you may owe CANCOM TVBOownershouldreadthecontraclvery carefully beforesigningon more money. How much money?We don't know. the dottedline. Butlookcloserat thecontract. The$495.00is merelya "provision- The SatelliteReceiver YouVeBeenWaitingFor Introducing the newest,mostadvanced remotecontrolled satellitereceiver. . . the RegencySR5000. We startedwiththe latestin satellite receivertechnology, usingtwo microprocessors, blockdownconversion, andinfraredremotecontrol.Then.we it intoa compact, toppedit otf by fitting stylishcaseof true"set-top"dimensions witha large,easyto readLEDdisplay. Andthat'sjustfor starters. Two Mlcroporcessors and More polarity, Satellitepositioning, andskew canbe programmed andselected All programmed automatically. information is storedin the SR5000'spermanent, non-volatile memory.What'smore,the Regencyreceiverfeaturesa built-inSAW resonator modulator withchannel2 or 3 output,descrambler loop,signalstrength meter,andcomposite or baseband audio andvideooutouts.Notto mentionthe remotecontrol ... Full FunctlonRemoteControl EveryRegencySR5000comescomplete witha fullfunctioninfraredwireless remotecontrolthat'sveryeasyto operale.lt lelsyouselectchannels(direct accessor slew),selectsatellitepositions, raise,lower,or mutethevolume,andfine tunelhe picture.All withonly20 keys. BlockConversion TheSR5000's advanced designemploys a blockdownconversion systemso you'll be sureto havethe bestpossiblepicture yearround(TheRegencyblocksystemis stablewithin2MHzfrom - 30 to + 60'C). Andit'sidealforsellingmultiplereceiver systems. The PrlceThat Packsa Punch Nowfor thegoodnews.TheSR5000, withallthefeatureswe'vedescribed, lists for $699.95.So yourcostwillbe lower likethe Drake240,the thanreceivers KLMVlll, or the Luxor9550.Yel the SR5000is backedby Regency, a companythat'sbeenaroundsince1947, a companythatinvented thetransistor radioin 1954,a companywithan reputation in consumer established Andlhe companythat eleclronics. designed andbuildsthe SR5000in America. lf thissoundslikewhatyou'vebeen waitingfor callus lor moreinformation or the nameof the nearestRegency distributor at 1-800-428-1 950. Rgo RegencyElectronicslnc. . 7707RecordsStreet. Indianapolis, lN 46226 PAGE 12|CSD-2/3-85 ing fee." lt seems that this fee is non-refundable. In the event you "provisionchooseto discontinuethe service,you not only forfeitthe ing fee" but you are obligatedto returnone decoderin good working oroer. What il the decoder malfunctionsand shorts out your TVRO receiver,or catchesfire? That is the subscriber's responsibility. Thereis a one yearlimitedwarranty.Afterthattime,thesubscriber is responsible for all repairs.The questionarises:Assumethatthe decoderfailsto worka yearand a day afteryou paidthe "provisioning charge,"who pays for repairs?Apparentlyyou do! Whathappensif you decideto cancelthe servicewhenthedecoder malfunctions? Fromthe wordingof the contract,you may be obligated to pay for repairs to the decoder which you must return to CANCOM.and you also forfeit the provisioning charge. Charles Johnston, who is in chargeof the DBS marketinglor CANCOMconfirmsthattheyarere-examining thematterof thelimited 1 year warranly.He concededthat the warrantyis onerousgiventhe " "provisioning fee, but at the presenltime,the termsof the contract providea 1 year warranly. What aboutthe serviceitself?CANCOMis not liableif serviceis interrupted lor a varietyol reasonsincludingfailureof transmisson The subscription equipment. fee of $299.00is only for one year,and CANCOMmay providenotification of priceincreases. Baseduponthe wordingof the contract.the price increasesare not limitedlo the rate of inflationor anyolherfactorwhichcan be calculated. Rateincreases are at the whimof CANCOM.In otherwords,caveatemptor; letthe buyerbeware. One other item whichwe foundcurious.The contractstates: "ln cabled areas CANCOMrequires the co-operationof the local cable operator.CANCOMtherefore reserves the right to refuse service until such arrangementsare made." CANCOMconfirmedthatthis is a businessdecisionwhichtheyhave made.to attemptto get the supportol the cable industrywherever possible. CharlesJohnsionexplained thattheremaybe benefitsto havinga nearbycableoperatoravailableto help.For example,you may be able to pickup your decoderfrom the cableoperator.He may also be able to help with serviceproblemsrelatedto the decoder,or with gettingthe "unclamped video"signalfromthe receiver. Havingsomeone nearbymay be a virtuewith a relativelynew technology. However, the contractas it is presentlywritten,legallymakesthe subscriberliablefor everythingincludinginstallation. Therefore,a thirdparty(thecableoperator),is beingdrawnintothe deal,without legalcontractual benefitto the subscriber. We confirmedthat CANCOMwill not require the subscriberto work througha cablelicenseeif the subscriberlivesjust outsidethe "wired" area.Thats fair. But ChuckJohnstonconfirmedthat CANCOM was re-evaluating its positionwherea cablecompanywas not interested in actingas the middleman to providethe CBDservice.For the presenttime.CANCOMwillput any TVROowner"on hold"if the TVRO ownerlivesin a townwherethe cablecompanyhas notcometo terms with CANCOM.In other words.they may deny service if the cable operator is not co-operative. We weren'tenthusedwith the prospectof havingto deal with the cable company'sstaff. in view of the termsof the CANCOMcontract. For example,we live in Torontoand havechosennot to deal with my localcableoperator.One of his henchmenrecentlycame to the door and suggestedthat we were "hookedup" to the cablewhich runs behindour house (he also impliedthat we were receivingcable servicewithoutpaying).lt is terriblyhardto engendermuchrespectfor a cablecompanythat falselyaccusesyou of beinghookedup to their service (one would think that they could check their own service recordsas wellas theirwiringat the telephonepole).I certainlydon't wantthe characterwho cameto my doorwithin100 yardsof my TVRO system.I don't want to buy my CANCOM CBD service from this fellow either. To be blunt,I don't have much reasonto respectthe marketinoor technicalabilitiesof this localcableoperatorwhenit comesto sateilite signals,so why should I be requiredto have his involvementin the acquisitionof the CANCOMservice?| would prefer to work with an experienced TVRO dealer. SATELLITE DICEST I don't want to "nit-pick,"but in my area, I am the only TVRO owner.I'm not surethat anyoneat the localcableoutlethas ever seen a home earth station,let alone a CANCOM decoder. I want CANCOM'sexpertise,I don'twantto be the "testguineapig" of the local cable licensee,and besides,I would be paying CANCOM close to $900.00in the first year, for that expertiseand that service. CANCOM by virtueof its CRTC licenseis not obligated to deal withthe cableindustryin offeringthis CBD service.CharlesJohnson stressesthat this is their marketingdecisionand they will haveto live by thatdecision. OnewouldthinkthatCANCOMwouldusetheTVRO industryas their first line of local distribution.Charles Johnson is candid,since most of their revenuecomes from cable companies, noting they have elected to give the cable companiesa new and added sourceof revenue,instead of more competition. On the other side of the coin, there are a number of comoetent cableoperatorsin ruralareaswho have diversitied intoTVRO;s.We know of at least two CanadianTVRO pioneerswho run cable companies,and makea lot of money lrom TVRO salesto peopleliving outsideof their cabledareas.Sure,they should have a shot at this new sourceof revenue.But if CANCOMhad a "TVRO dealerfirst" policy,these individualswould provide the service to consumers, regardlessof their cable interests. We questionedthe pricing,at $299.00per year for the service, plus the provisioningfee of $495.00.We suggestedthat this price is excessive,particularlywhen CANCOM'spriceto its "cable affiliates" forsamesignalsis $8 (or less)permonth(persubscriber). Thisis $96 (or less) per year, per cable subscriber,versus $299 for TVRO owners,and to add insultto injury,the TVRO owner must provide his own equipment,and mustmaintainthe equipment, including the decoder.Incidentally, the $8 per monthper cablesubscriberis a price whichis regulatedby the government.But CANCOMhas determined thatthey are nol boundby the regulatedpricingscheme,and can sell to consumersfor any price which they believethe market will bear. Again,CharlesJohnsontold us that this was CANCOM'smarketing decisionafter undertakingextensiveresearch.They believethat their pricingis correct. However in our view, if CANCOM were to charge$8.00 per month plus a small administrativefee, the pricing wouldbe more realistic.Of course,CANCOM'spricingis predicated on a "cut" to the local TVRO or cable system.What is fair? Let us assumethatCANCOMcollectsits regulatedtariffof 996 per year for each CBD subscriber.That leaves$203 per year to be split up. Duringthe firstyear,thereis a limitedwanantyon the decoder,so one mightapportionpart of the $203 towardswarrantyrepairs.But in year2, the CBD subscriberis responsiblefor all repairs,at his cost. ls the premiumof $203fairin the 2nd and succeedingyears?You be the judge.Remember,if the subscriberterminatesthe service,he returns the Orion-Pdecoder,and CANCOMkeeps both the decoderand the "provisioning " $495 charge. BARS And Taverns .lnearlyJanuary,CANCOMannouncedthatlhey wouldsellto bars and taverns.This of courseis a lucrativemarketfor TVRO's and TV sports.The price is $49.95per month. For a commercialestablishment,thispricingis probablymorerealisticthanthe consumerpricing. THE Bottom Line The CANCOMdecoderpertormedwell.Cleary CBD has arrived. The packageof commercialstationsis first rate.Even the Canadian independentstations broadcasl predominantlyfirst run American programming duringprimetime. Would I buy the CANCOM packageunder the present,,termsof the offef'? . lwouldnot sign the contractas it is presentlydrafted.I hope that they re-drafttheiroffer,and the contract,becauseas it standsnow,it is too one-sidedand too onerous. FINAL Words In ourview,CANCOM'sbiggestproblemis pricingand its contract. So long as the major U.S. networksand superstationsremainreadilv availableon C-Ban4 very few consumerswill pay the $g0O(plusl premium(firstyear).Further,so longas thereis the glimmerof hopein 13/csD-2/3'85 SATELLITEDICESJ eece Canadathat HBO et al will sell a VideocipherCBD packageto Ganadians, a lot of TVRO dealers may be reticentto "push" the Orion-Psystemand the CANCOMpackage.Of course,it is unlikely thatHBOwill sell in Canada,and Canadianconsumersmay haveno "legal" sourceof premiumprogrammingnext year, asidefrom the CANCOMpackageof conventional televisionstations. We suggestedto CharlesJohnson that a low-costsystemusinga smallTVRO may be partof the answer.Theremay be thousandsoJ individualswho would pay for clear receptionfrom Anik-Dwith a packageof 4 U.S.stations,all the Canadiannetworks,plus sports, musicvideos,etc. lf the pricewere low enough,and the dish were simpleenoughto install(i.e.4 foot),theymighttap intothe hundredsof thousandsof ruralinhabitants who don'twantto spenda lotof money on a TVRO system.There is also a summercottaqepooulationof severalmillionpeoplewhowantthe samequalityof iV servicewhich they get in the city.lf they couldtransporta 4' dish to and from the cottage,therecouldbe a tremendous marketout there.Of courseall of thisis speculative. lt willbe interesting to see whethera packageis assembled. TVROON TVI THE BORESIGHT STORY TELEVISION/The Medium There are many strangeand often bizarrestoriesrelatingto the early use of satellite transmissiontime by rugged pioneers who wantedlo 'beam a message'to some distantpoint.One such story, told by RCA personnelin the 1978era, testifiesto the apparentpower of satellitetransmission. The time is the winter of 1976. RCA has been operatinqits first domesticsatellitefor barely a year and satellite'time' is $tiSO per hour for non-regular,occasionaluse. To that any user must add-in uplinktime (to reachthe bird throughan uplinktransmitteOand 'tape time,'to allow for the playbackof the client'stape on an RCA video machine. A man walks into the RCA office in downtown Manhattan.He wantsto buy 60 minutesof time on Christmaseve. He asks the price and wishesto know what formatthe tape must be in. He is giventhis informationand he then asks about how far in advance he should 'book time'for 11PMeastern,Christmaseve. With his answershe reaves. One week before Christmas he returns. He hands a 3/4 inch tape to the sales person at RCA Americomand counts out nearly $2500 for the satellitetime, the uplink time and the tape playback charges. Now RCAis new enoughto this businessat thattimethatthey had seen very few customersof any type come in the door and'buy time'. But they did have a form which was to be filled out with each such 'transponder time buy'. The form started out with the name and addressof the customer.lt wenl on. "Now, you say you want this program transmitted via satellite at 11PM on December 24th?" The man respondedyes. "Alright, may RCA selectthe satellite(they had two operatingat the time) or do you wish to do that?" The man said RCA could do that. "OK, now, where do you wish this taped program sent to?" The man appeared flustered,as if he did not understandthe question.The RCAcountersalesmanrepeatedthe question.Nowthe man looked even more flustered.So the RCA salesman tried to exDlain. "Look, hereis howthisworks.We takeyourtapeand we placeit on a tape machine.The tape machine turns the tape into electronic signalswhichthen go intoa transmitter.The transmitterbeamsthose signalsto our satellite,22,300milesabove the equator.The satellite calches the signals and turns them around;sending them back to earth.That'swhy I needto knowwhere you wantthistlpe transmitted to; do you have someonein Los Angelesor Dallasthat you want to receivethis tape?" The customernervouslyrubbedhis handstogether,staringintently at thediagramsketchedby the RCA man.He was obviouslyiryingto framea questionin his mind;somethingwas botheringhim. finitty-ne said it. "You mean that all of this uplink signal is caught by the satelliteand it is turned around and sent back to earth; ALL ;f the signal???" The RCAman sensedthe conceptwas the problemso he fell back on his engineeringbackgroundto respond. "No,actually, onlyaverysmallpartoftheuplinksignal iscaughtby .. the satellite;most of it goes right past the sateiliie and into ttre heavens!" PAGE 14/CSD-2/3-85 The man beameda wide smile.Now he understood.The RCA man mistookthe beaming,toothysmilefor acceptanceof the system. He re-askedhis missingquestion. "SO, where do we want the messagedeliveredto, then? How aboutDallas?Thereare some nice peoplein Dallas. . ." The man stoppedsmiling. "l don't know anyone in Daltas"he said."l want you to deliver the taped message to GOD." "God???" repeatedthe RCA man. "As in G O D?" "That GOD" responded the customer."You just told me that most of the uplink signal goes right by the sateilite, into the heavens.That's what I hoped happened.lt will go to GOD.', The RCAmantooka deepbreathandslidhispencildowntheform to a linewhichstartedoff with: 'lntended recipient: He wrotein g o d. "Oh no" urged the customer"that is G O D; capital letters, please!!!" And so RCA transmitteda one hour videotaoemessage'toGOD'lrom a lonelyman who wanderedin off of 42ndStreet, on Christmaseve in the winterof 1976.And pocketed$2500 or so in the process.And the dawningof satellitenarrowcastinghad begun. RCA officials,for the record,swear this is a true story.lt is almost too much of a story to be a creationof somebody'simagination. Sincethat firstsatellitenarrowcast,the world of ndrrowcasting via satelritehas explodedover and over again.Everyone,or so it seems, wantsto be on satellitetelevision. Shaun Kenny is one of thesepeople.Shaunhas beena TVRO equipmentdealerin NewJerseyfor almostas longas therehasbeen a TVRO industry.His specialtyhas been commercialand semi- SATELLITE DICES commercial systems,usinghighgradeequipment(suchas ScientificAtlantaand BlonderTongue).Shaunhad a dream. An astute studentof the TVRO industry,and a very concerneo dealer,Kennywasdismayedwiththereadilyavailable junkequipment which.dealerswere beingsold. Attendingtrade shows,his experiencedeye found 'morejunk than class'and he was doublylrustrated when those who made the 'junk' seemed not-to-careabout whether the equipmentworkedproperlyor not. Kennywas also an astutestudentof the mediain the industrv:he foundmuchof it 'shorton integrity'and too eagerto attractadvertisers to publishwhat he characterizes as 'honestreportson equipment failings'.He toyedwith the idea of startinga magazine,,by a dealer' and 'fordealers'.Wisely,perhaps,he alsosaw thattherewereplenty of magazinesalreadythere and many more promised.perhaps he wouldhaveto lind somedifferentway to createa magazine:one that 'told-it like-it-is'. A product ot the television generation, ShaunKennyhad been broughtup on'thetube'.He couldnot remembera dav in his lifewhen therewas no tube displayingthe worldin his livingroom.And so he createdthe c,onceptof a televisionprogramfor dealers,by a dealer; him. And'BORESIGHT'was conceived. Fortunatelyfor ShaunKennyand the hundredsol othersnow into creatingtheirown television(narrowcasting) programming, one hour of occasional usetimeno longersellsfor $1850(plus).Infict, it is now possibleto buy an hour's time (each week, lor 52 weeks, under contract)for as littleas $200per hour.lt is, likeall television,time,,time of day and day of week conscious;transmittingin the middleof the night(eastern)on a Sundaynight/Monday moiningis the cheapest way to go.Transmittingon a Fridayor Saturdayeveningin ,primetime' is the most expensiveway to go. (l B'B PROGRAM63 SAITETTITES INsO SECONDS! The dealercan quickly teachthe new Kent7300 satelliteand skew settinos simplyby plugginginto h-is Kent7300showroom modeland keyinglearn. The unique new Kent 7300Sctellite Control Systemis the most versatile ol any control system on the market todcy. Ecsy Installqtion o Autolearn" programsallsatelliteand skew settingsin 50 seconds. o Usessolderless5 wire36 volt installation. a Low battery,transmit,and receivelightsisolate problems. o Setupswitcheliminates reprogramming. accidental Convenience o Wirelessremotecontrol o Select63 satellitesby theirstandardletter-digit code. o Autoskew'"eliminatespeakingantennapolarity. r Plugin controlof the Drakeand Unidenreceivers. o Parentallock-out. r OptionalremoteTV and antenna/descrambler controlbox. o Digitalnoisetiltering eliminates counterresetting. o Induced lightning & transient surgeprotection. o Turbodrive'" gentlystartsandstopsthe motorwith a 7 speedtransmission forlongerlifeandmore accuracy. a Current limitprevents motorburnout. o Programmable travellimits. For further informationcall 800-626-7300 KENT 7300 Sctellite Conlrol System ======I ' - I , E . I l , T ---=-= I I I I I r l f - = Resecrch Corporqllon RensseloerTechnologyPorko 2soJordonRoqd . TroyNewYork 12180 . 518-283-7300 PAGE 16/CSD-2/3-85 SATELLITE DICES dust.One memorablemomentairedafterthe Dallasshow had Kenny thrustinga microphoneunderthe noseof Janeil'sBob Dushane and quizzing Dushane about alleged failures of Janeil antenna backplates.The surprisedDushaneconvincedfew viewersthat he had, or was willingto share, the 'properanswer'with the viewers. Kennymost recentlyhas launchedsomethingcalled'The Butcher Block Award'; a smallsegmenteach week devotedto identifying, on camera,productsnow availableor once availablein TVRO which for one reasonor anotherproved'inadequate'in routineuse.The very firstweek of the 'awardseries'Kenny nominatedthe IntersatlQ-160 receiverpower supply as a candidate and issued a terse warning to Intersat'sDavid (McClaskey)over the air. "We are watching this problem, David" he said looking straight into the camera lens. McOlaskeywas watchingtoo; from his bedroom."l felt like Kenny Invaded the privacy of my bedroom and reached out of the \ l Shaun'sconceptis to createand bringto TVRO dealersbetween 40 and 50 brandnew one-hourprograms52 weeksa year.He'ddo 52 new shows a year but admits after the first ten or so that everyone needsa restnowand again;evenTVROdealerswhospendallof their 'spare time'tryingto createinteresting60 minutetelevisionprograms. Kenny launched BORESIGHTwith a minimalamountof fanfare. It startedoff being scheduledexactlyoppositethe CSD'TVRO Flfth Blrthday Telecast' on Thursdayevening,October18th; an unforlunate schedulingoversightwhich Shaun correctedbut not until after much of his advancedpress materialhad gone into the mails.The program has slayed at the gPM/Thursday spot on SATCOM F4, transponder20, prettymuch routinelysincethat time althoughKenny is evaluatinga differenttransponderon a ditferentbirdand perhapsa time slot change as well. BORESIGHTstartedout as a compilationof video clips. With a four person crew, led by the every-week-more-capableKaren J.P. Howes, BORESIGHThas turned from a randomcollectionol video clips in the earlydays to a neatlypackaged,almost-slick60 minutes that seats Howes as the chiel commentatorand pits variousKenny and creu,peopleagainsther, feedingback to the show live (on tape) interviewsand visitswith TVRO dignitariesand tree-shakerscoast-tocoast. ln a relatlvely short tlme span, BORESIGHThas lookeddeeply into a wide range of subjects; lrom computer store interfacingto the satelliteto the practicalproblemsof being a distributor.And from trade show coverage(DallasSTTI show)to visitswith RCA uplinkfacilities and manufacturinghousessuch as BlonderTongue. Becentlythe BORESIGHTprogramhas laken on an identityof its own; an evolutionarykind of identitywhich allows Howes lo be the chief moderatorfor the variousspecialleatures and taped reportsand allowsKennyto do what he does best;go into the fieldand stir up the I plcture tube and shook me by my neck" rememberedMcClaskey. Kenny is a scrapper who grew up fighting for everything.On screenhe seems 'laid back' and sincere,often fumblingfor just the rightwordsto conveyhis convictions.Hls lack of professlonalgab ls an ass€t because dealers identity with a man who is obviously frustrated and who shows, on camera, that he does not always believe everythinghe is hearing. His voice raises a half octave and goes up severaldecibelswhen he is'insulted'by a directresponseto a direct question.The personfieldinghisquestionsfeelsthe tensionrisingand thatcomesthroughto the vieweras well. Kennymay well becomethe first'televisionhero' of the TVRO industryif he can keep it up. 'Keeping it up' is an importantconsiderationto Shaun Kenny.To date, he estimates more than $30,000 out of his dealer pockets has goneintothe productionof BORESIGHT.Therehas beenvirtuallyno trade advertisingto support the effort to date. In other words, BORE- I 17lcsD.2/3.85 SATELLITEDICESI eace .: : ::: ::::.:.:...1:.:.i:.ii:i:.:,:,:,r,:,,1 SIGHT is losingmoney all the while it is buildinga largerand more if he could somehow get the video ads created. So he came up with a apprecialiveaudience. plan whereby an advertisergets FREE, no-chargeadvertisementKennyfiguresthat the show'sdollarfortunesshouldbeginto turn creationin returnfor agreeing to use a package ol advertisementson aroundat and duringthe forthcomingLas Vegas SPACEiSTTItrade BORESIGHTover a plannedperiod of time. And that is a start. show. During the NovemberDallas trade show, BORESIGHTwas What is also missing is the use of video as a mediumby OEMs everywherevideotapingthe DealerBoardmeeting,the MasterBoard and distributors who havea 'news'or'productmessage'to tell.OEMs meeting,interviewsthroughoutthe show and pressconferencesheld routinely create and issue prlnted 'press releases' oflen accompaby both SPACEand HBO. The weeks followingDallaswere 'rich' in nied by glossyphotosof new products.Has anyoneever thoughtto show covergeand filledwith valuableinsightto the workingsol our roundup a local guy with a semi-procamera and tape deck to also new,stillyoungindustry.Fromthe foundationof experiencegainedin create a 30 or 60 second PR-oriented'press release' for use on DallasBORESIGHTwillfielda far moreextensiveetfortin Las Vegas. BORESIGHT?Apparentlynot, althoughKennysays he is more than And afterLas Vegas,returningto theirhomebasein NewJersey,tney willingto considersuch contributionsfor no-chargeairingon BOREshouldhaveenoughgood materialcapturedon videotapeto keepthe SIGHTif theyfit the legitimatecriteriaof beinggenuinepressreleases programexcitingand up to date for monthsto come. for a product or service. Karen J.P. Howes does an excellent iob of 'moderating'the Distributorsholding sales and educationalseminarsshould be program.She is also largelyresponsiblefor the final,editedproduct doingthe same thing;bringingin a localfellow with enoughsmartsto 'hostess', you see on the air eachThursday.Positioningherselfas she get his lightingand audio'right'and creating,evenif on 1/2inchtape,a leadsyou into and betweenindividualreportsas well as providingthe short report on a recenl sales meeting or educational seminar on TVRO industry'sonly'live TV newscast';a segmenteachweek Com- actuators.Those types of tapes, fed to BORESIGHT,have ,news a prisedof the latestnewsfrom the industry.In additionto this, Karen's value'whichdealersall over the countrywouldappreciatesharingin. own on-airposturehas maturedalong with the show at a rapid rate; Others have tried what Shaun Kenny and crew are dolng; ind she has advancedfrom a quiet,meek hostessto a semi-sultrykitten lalled. Kenny'sapproach,from the'wounded dealer'perspective,is whose purr is as misleadingas a rafllesnake'srecoiljust beforethe uniqueand refreshingand it should catch on with dealerswho are, strike.BetweenKenny'sindignationand Howes'innocence,the show afterall, his main audienceplay.And in fact everyonein the industry has all of the essentialingredientsfor being a long-termand perma- shouldbe 'tuningin' each week as Shaun takes his two hands and nent part of the TVRO industry. smooths out the surface on his 'butcher block' and prepares to announcea new nomination,or a new 'loser', in the controversial ry!"! is missingthroughall of this evolutionis industrysupportat 'Butcher the OEM and distributorlevel.Kennyhas reducedadvertisingratesto Elock Award'. lt's good televlslon because lt ls relevant the pointwhereyou can acquiretwo advertisements on BORESIGHT televislon and the industry is better off for the etfort. for less than you can purchasea full page color ad in ANy of the indr'.stry's print media. But price appears not to be the problem. '/ BOBESIGHT, PiscatawayCorporate Center, Piscataway,NJ Air time, for somebody who has a videotapedadvertisement 08854; 201/562-0087.Program presentlyairs Thursday evenings, alreadymade up, is incidental.What costs big bucksand createsbig headachesis the advertisementitself.Peoplewhobarelyunderstand 9PM (eastern),Satcom F4, transponder20. "/ KAUL-TRONICS, how to properlylayouta print media ad are certainlvnot able to deal Inc. (Box 637, Richland Center, Wisconsin with the intricaciesof 30 or 60 secondsof smoothrunningvideo and 53581; 608/746-8902is also airingthe only OEM televisiontraining audio. Kenny wisely realizedthat he could be raking in substantial series on satellite. The 'Video Newsletter' airs Tuesdays at 9pM advertisingbucksto helpoffsetthe drainon his own not-deeppockets eastern, also on TR22, Satcom F4; weekly. I ADVANCEREVIEW: LUXOR'SNEW DOWNCONVERTER I rri NOW We'll Report Back in mld-1984the CSD Lab receivedone of the Luxor Model 9550 TVRO receivers and actuators for Lab test. We were not very pleasedwith its performanceand told Hans Giner of our reaction.you will note that we have not publisheda reviewof the.unit to date. Luxorreceiversare a legendwithina legend.Fromtheirfirstformal showingin Atlanta,Georgiaat the industrytradeshow heldthere late in 1982,to the presenttime,they havebeenone of the 'heavyweights, in the TVRO receiverworld chasingpeoplelike KLM rightout oi the top-fivereceiverrating class in the process.Luxor broketheir receiver with featureswhich nobodyelse had at the time,just as the industry was starting to think about consumer-friendlycontrols and userfriendlyeaseof operation.Theirinfraredremotecontrolwas a firstand their many user featureswere excitingto dealerswho wantedsomething'sexy'to sell. We played with a Luxor at the time and didn't care for it. The receiverhad serious'stability'problemswhich we eventuallyfigured out stemmedfrom the outdoormountingdownconverler.Sinceother receivers,equallycomplexat leastin the downconversionarea,were not havingthis degree of problem,we had to feel that Luxor could improvetheir performanceif they tried. Luxor'sapproachto the receiversystemwas detailedquiteexten- SATELLITE DICEST PAGE 18/CSD-2/3-85 sivelyin CSD on December1 and January1 just past.We paida tripto Swedenand visited with Luxor at their plant in Motala last fall and wroteaboutwhat we saw, learned,and our impressionsof the facility and the personnelwho work there.Our impressionswere very positive although,as we discussedat length with Luxor engineersin Sweden at the time, we had a hard time balancingour favorable impressionswith a downconverterwhich reJusedto stay on one transponderlongenoughto allowthe userto enjoya full lengthfeature film. "Wait" we were told, "and you will be pleased with what we do". Well,Luxorhas done'it'and we are pleasedto be ableto tellyou what they have done and how we measurethe perlormanceoJtheir 'fix'. GOOD BYE USA/ Hello Japan The LuxorC24-3 'SatelliteDownconverter'wasmanufacturedfor the Swedish firm by a US microwavehigh-techhouse; Magnum Microwave.The Magnumcreateddownconverterwas an attempton Luxor'spart to correct a problemthat had developedearly in 1984 'broke when Luxor and their exclusivedistributor(STS of Missouri) up'. Actually,Magnum had built the original downconvertersfor Luxorreceiversbut in betweenMagnumand Magnum,STS haddone a downconverterof their own. "high fhe C24-3 downconverterwas touted by Magnum as a performance,lightweight,dual conversiondownconverterwith military grade,environmentallyscreenedmicrowavecomponents".We pointedthisout to a downconverterengineerworkingfor a competitive firm and he responded"l hope they are building microwave front ends tor the Russianmilitaryand not the US military becauseI'd hate to think our ICBMs were being guided by those microwave 'on target'. lront ends". Magnumunits,to be blunt,were not always 'specs' job for the operational Magnumdid an excellent of publishing C24-3 but those specs omitted one very importantcharacteristic; frequencystabilityversustime or temperature.A stateof the art unit mightretaina frequencystabilityof t 2MHz for a temperatureexcursion at the downconverterot -2OF to + 120F or so; the kind of temperatureswhichcan reasonablybe expectedat a dish installedat variousunlriendlylocationsin North America.Magnumtold you the 'operational range'( 31 to + 149F) buttheydidn't tell temperature you (or specify)what happenedto the outputfrequencyin the double conversionunit(70 MHzto the receiver)whenthe temperaturemoved aroundin sucha'window'.Theyalsodidn'ttell you how'time'alone (assuminga stableor near stableenvironmentaltemperature)would affectthe stabilityof the 70 MHz output. are unusualdevices.Not very Doubleconversiondownconverters many engineershave the talentsrequiredto designsuch a unit and thosethat are designedmay not be suitablefor long term operation. f he 3.7to 4.2 GHz bandis 'inoutted' f romthe LNAandonceinsideof the unit the front end selectsa particular(desired)transponderfrequency becauseit receives'tuning instructions'from the TVRO re'voltage'which is a tuning originatesat ceiver.Thistuninginstruction the receiverand is transmittedto the downconverterthrougha pair of wiresor a lengthof coaxialcable. This single transponderchannel,locatedsomeplacebetween to a newf requencysuch 3,700and4,200MHz,is thendownconverted as 600 MHz. Then a new tuningvoltage,fixed within the down'mixer converter,changesthe irequencyone moretime in a second circuit'and now what was perhaps3,720 MHz is finally70 MHz. All of this magic takes place inside of a containerthat weighs around 1 A N A T O M YO F D U A L O O W N C O N V E R S I O N lI ------, L N A ! to i !| r ' 2(s.z G H z t trul N \ |i !t a.e'cnz l MIXER (CONVERTS DOWN T O L O W E RI F S U C HA S 6 0 0 M H z ) i d-lL l ! l Bf V A RI A B L E FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR ( l N 4 . 8t o 5 . 3G H z R A N G E ) ItsI L O W E RI F F I L T E R ANDAMPLIFIER I blt iEFt 2nd MIXER (CONVERTS D O W NT O L A S T l F / 7 0M H z ) l:L l ; t=|. ijL -lTUNTNG 70 MHz AMPLIFIER FIXED .TUNING VOLTAGE' 2nd LOCAL oscrLLAToR) I I I _l 70 MHzlF u?hf"o'E8"S"J-: RECETVERvoii-n-ce I ' O O P E R A T EL N A AND DOWNCONVERTER "n 'r, TOP OF THE HEAP/ Japanese replacement for Magnum downconverter for Luxor looks like a winner. poundand measureslessthan3 incheswideby 6 incheslongand 1.5 'thick'. inches And allol thismagicmusthappenjustexactlythe same way whetherthe casetemperature(andthereforethe circuittemperais 30 or +130 (F). ture of the downconverter) we havevariouscomponent Insideof a microwavedownconverter partswhich are, essentially,'thermatic';that is, they respondor perform with differentresultswhen the temperaturechanges.Some of these parts are discrete(you can hold them, alone, in your hand or 'etched' or found on the microbetweentwo fingers)and some are 'metallic' in wave circuit board. They are all partially or totally Introducing , r, The 0nly Gable "Sweep Rou I ttinely Tested" for 950-1450 MHzAccuracy T RibbonGahle Y our cable wor r ies ar e over . SatelliteVideo Ser v i c es n o w offer syou cablethat is guar anteed by M/A Com to a c c u r a t e lcya r r ya 9 5 0 - 1 4 5 O H M z s i g n a l M . /A Com's R G 5 9 , R G 6 a n d D u a l 6 R i b b o nC a b l ei s r o u t i n e l y " S weep Tested" to ensur eyou the per fectper for m anc e standar dsdemandedin all your block conver s i oni nstallations.M/A Com Ribbon Cable is availabl ei n cu stomcut lengthsor l OOO'spools. Volumediscountsare available. IN STOCKNOW AT Satellite Video Services, Inc. D i s t r i b u t o r so f M / A C o m L N A ' s , r e c e i v e r s ,d r i v e s , a n t e n n a s a n d c a b l e . TheNortheast's leadingDistrihutor FactoryAuthorized Seruice Dealer Training Seminars \Satellile \ViCeo /Nervices SatelliteVideo Seruices,Inc. SatelliteVideo ServicesNH, Inc. R R# 1 , B o x8 5 - S catskilN l, Y 12414 RFD#2, HarrimanHillRd. Raymond,NH 03077 518-678-9581 800-528-DrSH 603-895-3182 8OO-448-OO1 2-ruatunar 8OO-831-DISH-nrv onrv SatelliteVideo ServicesPA, Inc. UnidenIntersatMIAGom 317 E. Pleasant ValleyRd. Luxor Gonifer Gensat Altoona, PA 16602 814-942-5003 Houston TrackerWinegard 8OO-242-3860-pnonrv ComingSoon Western New York PAGE20/CSD-2/3-85 content and you can reason with accuracy that various metals change shape and size and characteristicswhen the temperature changes.A pieceof copper,for example,is longer(by measurement) at +120F than it is at -20 F. And each such change resultsin a revised operating characteristicsfor the circuit they are installed within. Engineerstry to design around this sort of problem in several ways: 'temperaturecompensatingparts';if 1) They buildinto the circuit 'getslonger'at + 120F,then someotherpart a pieceof copper 'gets shorter'(electrically)so that the net change is close to zerc lot the full circuit. 'frequency'changes 2) Whensome particularand much-needed into the becauseof partschangewith temperature,they build 'frequency lastunitin the line (theindoorreceiverin our case)a 'center'movesfrom 70 MHz to trackingcircuit'sothat if the lF 'pull'the wandering70 (60) MHz 60 MHz, they hope they can signalbackto 70 MHz with say an automaticfrequencycontrol (AFC) system. All of this is prettytrickyand as anyonewho has installeda receiver such as the Luxor9550 knows,what may be OK'today' may be the 'tomorrow'. subjectof a servicecall So Luxor finallytook their problemto Japan. NSTABILITY A N A T O M YO F D O W N C O N V E R T EIR AT 5000 MHz: 1 % C H A N G E= 50 MHz . 1 % C H A N G E= 5 MHz . 0 1 %C H A N G E= .5MHz AT 600 MHz: 1 % C H A N G E= 6 MHz . ' l % C H A N G E= .6 MHz .01%CHANGE = .06MHz MIXER 1)TEMP CHANGE DICEST SATELLITE f,uxoR 4 GHz DOWNCONVERTER 2209734-11 MADE IN JAPAN appropriatewrittencommentsin a log book.At the end of two weeks downconverterout of service we took lhe new (model 2209734-111 and stuckthe C24-3backintooperation.And we begana cyclingtest where each ran tor 24 hours and we recordedand measuredthe frequencystabilityof each unit as a tunctionof time. We show the resullshere in tabularform. These observationswhile we are waitingfor the results. HIGHLO 1 )V O L T A G E CHANGE 2)TEMP CHANGE IF AMP 1 )T E M P CHANGE 2nd MIXER 1)TEMP CHANGE LOWLO 1 )V O L T A G E CHANGE 2)TEMP CHANGE 70 MHz lF 1)TEMP CHANGE A 5 MHzCHANGEWILLSTILLBE lN SYSTEM, . R E C O V E R A B L E ' WTI THHER E C E I V EARF C( T I ASIDE)WHILEANYTHING CONSIDERATIONS GREATERTHAN 5 MHZ MAY CAUSERECEIVER D R I F TP R O B L E M S . JAPANESE Built Downconverter CSD receivedserialnumberI of the new Luxordownconverterin January.We promptlyinstalledit, withthe 9550receiver,on a testdish and afler settingup the 9550 (one moretime)walkedaway from it for two weeks. lt just sat there and played.We figuredthe best test we couldgive it was to let time pass. lf this downconverterwas not going to be any more stablethan the MagnumbuiltC24-3we had received six monthsprior,we'd know in just a matterof days (perhapshours). We checkedon the stabilityof the signaleveryday or so and made MAGNUM 4 GHz input fitting (top) and Japanese 4 GHz input fitting (below)differ in design philosophy. Would moisture ingress through either? Only time will tell. ffiff #iN* Aclvertisingreseruationsare now closingfor the premiere issueof HOME SATELLITE W. Thisis the important new magazineaimecldirectlyat the consumerwho is iust cliscoveringthe worlcl of TVRO.lts eclitorsanclpublishershave procluced successfulspecial interest magazinesfor over 20 years. They know how to capture readerswith colorfulancl exciting packagesthat make highly technicalsubiects "frienclly" veryl to the uninitiatecl. HOME SATELLITE TV will be clistributedon newsstancls throughout the U.S.and Canadaby Warner Publisher SeMces, the nation'slargestnewsstandclistributor.The combined experienceof clistributoranclpublisherhas alreadyleclto clisplaycommitmentsfor the magazine "restrictecl" on large volume newsstandsthat have never seen a WRO publicationbefore. The new magazine will also be offereclfor s.rleby nearly a thousandWRO retaildealers. HOME SATELLITE TV is clesignedto make an awakening consumer marketplaceaware of the aclvantagesof TVRO. It is the iclealvehicle foryour advertisingmessage. # Iqr Call our advertisingspecialiststoclayfor the complete stoD/.You'll also learn of a ve4l specialbonus for charteraclvertisers. 2660 E.Main Street Ventura,California93OO3 DICEST SATELLITE PAGE 22tCSD-2t3-85 Magnum'sspec sheet claimed an 11 dB noise ligure for their 1) The Magnumunit is largerby about 15"/o. go: most claim 2) The coaxialfittingsusedon the Magnumunitare slightlymore C24-3.That's a good numberas downconverters 'leak Thereexceptional. likely to moistair' (therebyallowingmoistureto ingress numbersin the 15dB regionand 12 is considered whichis heatedand fore 11 wouldbe consideredbetterthan exceptional. and collectinsideof the downconverter 'made 'draws' in cooler air inside)than the new therefore noiseligureat the CSD Lab theactualdownconverter Measuring the3.7t4.2GHz inputfittingusedon Japan'unit.In particular, is stilla bit beyondour capabilityand wilh the pressof publishing the Japaneseunit is ol a designwhich self-sealswhile the deadlinestherewas not adequatetimeto cycleboth (plusthe 9550) We publishtwo fittingon the C24-3Magnumunitwe receivedlor testcan'leak' backintothestatesfora compelentlabmeasurement. aroundthe edges. photoshere,takencloselytogetherin time.which showsthat yes (We cannotspeak to whelherit did in fact ever leak,only that indeed'belweenserialnumberD 007825from Magnumand serial giventhe designof the fittingand the way it is mounted,the opportunity to leak moislureinsidewouldbe greater.) wouldbe a shortcut Moisturecollecting insideof a downconverter Any moisture,even a thin film or a to deathfor the downconverter. singleeye-dropperdrop, collectingin the wrong place insideol a downconverler, will shut it down or at best degradeperformance. 3) The Japaneseversionweighs2 ouncesless. 'blue'whilethe Magnumversionis 4) The Japaneseversionis betweenbronzeand aluminum,dependingupon how long it has beenoul-of-doors. inside,il in Wilhlhe possibleexceplionof the moisturecollecting 'changes' seem fact such a thing could happen, none of these What aboutthe specsinternally? significant. Like Magnum,the Japaneseversionwe received(remember,it Perhaps wasserialnumber8) had lessthancompletespecifications. 'advanceunit'brought thatwas becausethe unitwe receivedwas an of the newunitlor dealers(in to the USApriorto the actualavailability 'measure'and quantity).However,it is decidedlymore difficultlo 'compare' (any they don'ttellyou unit) when for unit specificalions a what the specsare supposedto be in the firstplace(!). we did receive,we foundvirtuallyidentical Of thosespecifications information for the two units.Magnumsaidgainshouldbe 27 dB (we measured28) whilethe Japaneseversionsaid between27 and 32 (we measured29 mid-band). The Magnumclaimedit wouldoperate BELOWTHRESHOLDpicture quality with Magnum C24-3is not between 35 C and r 65CwhiletheJapanesesaid 40Cto | 60 C. as good as below threshold picture quality with Japaneseunil Nothingsignificant therebut thenthe Japaneseunitdidn'ttellus how (shownbelow). much lrequencydrift we might find when the temperaturemoved 'see' an aboutin this window(either).The Magnumsaid it had lo .lB operating voltageof 1 volts(DC)whichbecausethespecsheetdid notelaborate on we alwaysassumedmeantthatanythinglowerthan The wouldcauseproblems. r 18volts(arriving at thedownconverter) Japaneseunit asksfor between I 15 to I 18.9voltsDC whichcer'voltagewindow'to us.The 9550,by lhe way,puts tainlysoundslikea out | 18voltsDC so you haveto be mindlulof thevoltagedropon the w ); il (and LNA) sinceyou have both the linegoingto the downconverter T plusLNA,and,the ot the downconverter currentload(consumption) 'lR Iosses'(resistance the two of the wire)alongthecableconnecting to consider. And that's it. forany TheJapaneseunitshouldbe a totaldrop-indownconverter 9550receiverout there(well,the currentonesanyhow).You should be ableto do thesamethingwe havedone;swaponefortheotherand noticeno ill effectsfor the exercise.But, will you noticebetter per7j formance??? vt' MEASUREments In ourtwoweeksof steadyburn-infollowedby 24 hourcycling,we uncoveredthe following: 1) The C24-3did not likebeingturnedolf for 24 hoursand lhen turnedbackon againfor another24 hours.Abouteverysecond timewe had to do receiverset up all over again.Nothingnew here;that'sthe problemLuxoris tryingto solvel 2) The Japanese2209734-11 went off and then came back 24 That'sthe improvehourslaterwithoutany re-tuningrequired. mentwe were lookingfor. signal(usingabovethresholdsignals 3) Usinga below-threshold provesverylittleln thedownconverter thatdon'thavesparklies performance we wereinlriguedby whatappearedto business), be a bettercarrierto noiseratiowiththe Japaneseunit.So we measuredit and foundthat mid-band(TR12on Galaxy1) did' indeed,havejust under 1.0 dB bettercarrierto noise(CNR) wilh the Jaoaneseunit. ;; (again,just under number4251008fromJapan.thereis a perceptible in carrierto noiseratioon TR12.We did not 1 dB apparent) drfference 1 and24 and it may be that repeatthismeasurement on transponders theMagnumunitwouldhavebeentheequalof or evenbetterthanthe Japaneseunit(mayhave beenmeansexactlylhat;no measurement so no data here).Or, it couldhave been even worse. A FIX? It is our opinion,after the lests recordedhere, that Luxor has problemwiththeirdownconverler. The found a 'fix' fortheirinstability performsbetterthanthe MagnewJapanesecreateddownconverter (carrierto noiseas explained) and it certainlyhas a num in sensitivity 2stcsD.2ts-ss SATELLITEDICESJ ence RECEIVER S I c N A L A T 7 0 M H z :A P P A R E N T S T A B I L I T YI S A F U N C T T O N OF TIME WANTTO TO BE ON BORE SIGHT??? 12 o E _ * u.l F L F Z -l E I u o() i i > z H > ilz t I L I 4 S T A R TP O I N T 1 OM I N U T E S A F T E RT U R N . O N 6 8 ' t 0 1 21 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 TIME+lN HOURS H = J A P A N E S ED O W N C O N V E R T E R G-----{ = M A G N U MC 2 4 - 3 considerable edge for stability. None of this is to say nor suggestthat Magnumcannotbuild downconverters as good as Japan.What it does say is simplythat giventheunusualdesignrequiremenls of the Luxorg550receiver, the Japanesedownconverter which you see here does performbelter previously than the suppliedMagnumunit.The Luxorhas plentyof trickcircuitsinsideand it may well be that it requiresmore out of a downconverter than otherreceiverswith less'tuninqsophistication,. Forthedealerwhohas handledLuxorin thepastiandstopped). or for the dealerwho has been loyal to Luxor in spite of occasional (frequent,or persistentdependingupon how you installthe units) stabilityproblems,or, for the dealerwho has 'shiedawayfromLuxor' in the past becauseof reportedstabilityproblems.that all would seem to be a thing of the past now. lf the downconverlers which Luxorwillbe showingin publicfor the firsttimein Las Vegasstarting March31stare identicalto (or betterthan)the unitCSD receivedfoi test,Luxoris backin the top ranksonceagainwitha productthatwill have userssaying'l REALLYDO love my Luxor!' .2r*1 . ,' 's:,, , fuxo4 4GHzDOWNcoNvERTER fYt-(= r::.-, ALL DURINGthe Las Vegas Show, Coop and Shaunwillbe conducting'Boresight Dealer Dialogues'at the Boresight ShowStudioswithinthe CSD booths.We are lookingfor dealersto becomea partof the 3 or 4 persondialoguesand be videotapeddiscussingsome importantissue bef o r e t h e i n d u s t r yt o d a y ! A l l s u c h s e s s i o n s videotapedin the CSD boothswill be considered for use on BORESIGHT(Thursdays,9 pM eastern, F4, TR20).Share your thoughts with thousands of other dealers in our industryby participating! S C H E D U L E :( S u b j e c t o c h a n g e ,c h e c k C S D boothsSundayMarch31 for confirmation of exacttimeson oosted schedule) MONDAY/April1st: 1) 11 AM/ "Who ShouldPay For Consumer Awareness???" 2) 3 PM/ "ls WholesaleAdvertisingHurting Dealers???" TUESDAY/April2nd: 1) 10AM/ "Can DealersRepair Equipment That Breaks???" 2 ) 1 P M I " H o w l m p o r t a n tl s C o n s u m e r Financino???" ONLY AT CSD BOOTHS 12411261128 and 130 IN LAS VEGAS! Four dealersmaximumper session;want to S|GNUP in advance?CallCSD'sCarolGraba at 3051771-0505 now! PAGE24lCSD-2/3-8s DICEST COOP'SSATELLITE NEW PRODUCTS/continued from page 6 o a vehicleuse, an Az-El eithera trackingmount,or, for recreational mount.The antennawill be packagedfor'cash and carry'retailoutlets guideto installing a homeTVRO andincludesa completehomeowner system. EchosphereCorporation(1925W. DartmouthAvenue,Englewood, Co. 80110; 303/761-4782) has introducedtheir new GEO' TRAC antenna,a horizonto horizon mount system capable of lull ClarkeOrbitBeltcoverage.The new mountand driveis availablewith either a I foot or 10.5 foot reflectivesurface and an optionaldrive svstemfor linearactuatorsis also available. BORESIGHT ! O NT H ET U B E . . HOWdo you attenda TVRO'show'andget the bestvaluefor your money?What new products canyouexpectto seeandwhatwillthe headlines read'after'LasVegas?Tunein BoresightMarch 28thto findout! RUGGED,encased horizon to horizon from Echosphere Pico Products, Inc. (103 CommerceBlvd.,Liverpool,New York 13088;315/451-7700)plansto blowthe socksoff the antennamarkel in Las Vegas by demonstratingtheir newly developedoffset teed 4 Weekly YourIndustry's VideoShowcase! WOULDPico'Kid'You In Vegas? ONE NUMBER FOR il tr UJ I o a stx o tr YEARS IIJ o tr o STILL number il tr ONE! ul I o a o tr IIJ o tr o I ' - I T thatwas 'there'whenthis industrybegan, CSD/COOP'S SATELLITEDIGEST.The ONLYindustrypublication helping laythefoundation forwhathastodaybecome a billion-dollar consumer business functioning worldwide! CSD/ EVERYimportant twocomplete issuespermonth(CSD/2issuedonthe15thofeachmonth) covering aspectofTVRO fromhands-on reports todetailed learning courses designed to helpyouownandoperate equipment a moreprofitable glutof meaningless pressreleases, mamby-pamby TVRObusiness. CSD/strongopinionsin an oftenconfusing whichsay nothingand do nothing.CSD/a virtual claimsand counterclaims, and, 'softshoeroutine'editorials 'correspondence course'in TVROcommunications designedissueafterissueto makeyou smarterand better paidforby advertiser technology equipped to dealwitha run-away base.CSD/nota'giveaway'publication support and'advertiser favorable' supported BYdealers anddistributors because it istheONLYpublication editorials; willing to standbehindandsupport dealers anddistributors. CSD/"Coop's"Satellite Digestfromthe manwhostartedit all; andTHATsaysit all! I I I I I ' I I ' I I I I I I . . ' I I ' I - I ' I ' I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I T ' I I I I I I SIGNME UP! - (whereUSzipcodesapply)for 24issuesofCSDviaAlRmail; ENTERMYU.S.subscription $75(US funds)enclosed. - Entermy 24 issuesubscription to CSD,via AlRmail;$85 (US funds) CANADA/MEXICO enclosed. - Entermy24 issuesubscription (USfunds)enclosed. to CSD,viaAlRmail;$100 ELSEWHERE tJl - IIJ NAME tr E o a o tr UJ o tr o Company(if applicable) Address Town/City MAIL order with payment ENCLOSED,or, use VISA,/ Masterchargeby caliing 305-771-0505weekdaysbetween I AM and 4 PM eastern. State zip Country CSDMagazine P.O.Box 100858 Fl. 33310 Ft. Lauderdale, PAGE 26/CSD-2/3-85 *Qualtty COOP'S by Design" & Prcolclon GtIlTYtr Scout: . . Microproccssor lJascd. East/\{'est manual scan Nith 3 digil LED. . Limit indicat()rs for absolute limir$. . \rLSI A to f) conlertor. . Solid srate mol()r sNitching crrcurtry. . 36 \bh D.C. pon'er supply built-in. . Optbnal hand hekl rcmotc (extra). llanncrBlow lllesa: . I)epcndable acmc scrcw & bronzc alloy at 8000 lbs. copacirl-. o 18" strr>ke. . Arailablc wirh Unilersal R(xl cnd and mourting brackcl. . 36 \t,lt I).C. notor f()r olcr 635 in. /lbs. of torquc. . Adjustablc intcrnal limil s$itche$ o (lorroskm-frcc zinc (lic castirgs, conrlxrsc (icamrotor. t*rA EJru-'shroud: . ARS Pla$lic . Ultra-\'i()lc1 srabilizcri. . Itrotccts cxpcnsc clcetrrnics. r Oall for Quantitl l'riccs. ddvco availrble: Othcr r GcDtcL Urldcn POPI(DY Dlectronics I'.O. Box 1431 . GreenBay,WI 54305-1431 Call TOLL fR.DE ftrr Prices l-aoo-554-7863 Narlnrul l-aoo-34P'-78'44 l{i$crnrslr'li,ll l'rrc li)ll l"rcc "Scniilg - - - l)Iitt.liRs oNl.\' lhc clcclrrnrirs trrdc sir(! l{}i12" WANTEDDEALERS AFC - 6'10'12' A D I V I S I OONFM I C R O D Y N CEO.R P , -ODOffi- 8'10'13' FIBERGLASS A N T EN A S foot by 7 foot 'rectangularparabolicsection'antenna.The antenna, similarin conceptto the BirdviewSpoon,"introducedin Dallasthis pastNovember, lowersthe feedhornto a point15 degreesbelowthe lowerlipof the reflectivesurface,thus eliminatingany reflectorsurface blockageby the feed.The offsetdesignclaims27 dB downfirst-side lobe performance (locationof firstsidelobenot specified), 37 dB of gain (mid-bandor 4.0 GHz) and a noisetemperature of 38 degrees Kelvinwith a look angleof 5 degrees. Hastings Antenna, lnc. (847 West First, Hastings, Nebraska 68901)has openeda west coast warehousingfacilityat Madera, California;justnorthof Fresnoand in thecenterof the state.The new warehouseallowsloweredfreightpricesfor Hastingssolidand mesh antennaproductson the west coast; additionalwarehousesare plannedfor Texas,Oklahomaand Georoia. ANTENNA Related News Burr EngineeringCompany (730 E. MichiganAvenue,Battle Creek,Michigan49016;616/965-2371) has a new antennacontrol andactuatorsystem;the SAT-TROL10.Usingmicroprocessor oased controlcircuits,the systemhas batterybackupfor memoryretention,a dynamicbrakingsystem with 0.030" accuracy,an optionalinfrared remotecontroland uses a 36 volt power line to the acuator.Stroke lengthsfrom 18 to 52 inchesare available. CZ LABS (P.O. Box 95-55 RailroadAvenue,Garnerville,New York 10923;9141947-1 554)nowoffersfourtypesof directburialcable to theTVROinstaller. Cablesavailableincludesinqleanddualrunsof RG-59/Uor RG-6/Uplus60 mit polyjacketprotect-ed controlwiresfor actuator,sensor,polarizationrotationand downconverterooeration. .CZalsooffersa new type of crimp-ontype N f ittingfor LNAjumper to downconverter cableswhichmateswithbothRG-2i3 and AG-2t+ typecables.Newfittingsat CZ includea type N to type F adapterand a double-male type N right angle connectorfor mountingof downconvertersat the LNA. Philer Wire Products, Inc. (p.O. Box 1700,Tuscaloosa,Alabama 35403; 900/633-595s)is now offeringTVRO mesh antenna manufacturers as well as fiberglass antennamanufacturersa witle lineof reflective aluminummaterial.New to the line is a lightweight aluminummeshwith reflectivecharacteristics tor either4 oi4 and-12 GHz.The new materialis rust resistant,and flexibleto use. F IB E R G L A S S ANTENNAS WIREMESH - INTERSAT tii'\ ./ BABY Q lQ-170... MICRO'Q..... r.//stntrE _ _.q!qa - KEYTRON ICS-#rii"k r., FttrF - Fr A M .S. E. I I I tr r.r SATELLITE M l c R o w ASVYES T EEMNSG . L ,N . A . b$ PHIFER'Meshes' with both 4 and 12 GHz SAT-PAKCorporation(1837N. CanalBlvd.,Redmond,Oregon 97756;5031923-0467) has announcedan unconditionalone year SATELLfTE DICESI eace27rcsD-2rc.Bs guarantee on all of their LNA cable assemblies.Any cablethat fails, for any reason,will be replacedfrom one year of the date of sale. Sentari Communications, Inc. (P.O.Box g94, Parsons,Kansas 67357; 800/858-5577)has announceda new line of three antenna actuators;modelsAP 1200,2000 and 2800.The 1200 modelhas east and west movement plus stall shut down prolectionand antenna movementdirectionindication.Model2000addsdigitalantennalocation readout and unauthorizeduse lock out. Model 28OOhas 56 programmablesatellitepositionswith an alpha-numericdisplayreadout througha hand held infraredremotecontrol.All three controllers are matedwith a 36 volt DC driveequippedwitha waterproolbootand shaftwiping.To roundout the package,all three unitscarrya fulltwo year warranty and shouldany unit fail for any reasonthe manufacturer will replaceit with a new unit for the two year coveredperiod. INDUSTRY'Programs' Video Newsletter,the weekly one hour programproducedas a promotionaltool by Kaul-tronicsof RichlandCenter,Wisconsinhas changedthe timeof theirweeklyTuesdaytelecast;the programis now seen at 1OPM(eastern)on transponder22 ot RCA Satcom F4. The programhasbeen largelyusedin the recentpastto promolecompany productsand providetechnicaltips to dealers but is now being expandedto includegreaterall-industryparticipationincludinginierts producc.d by mediastsChrisSchultheiss(SatelliteTV Magazine)and Doctor Ed Meeks (Satellite TV Opportunities Magazin!). EARTHSTATIONASSOCTATES (19 MainStreet,St. perer,Missouri 63376; 3141278-2272) has announceda ,Memory Securlty Module'which was createdto eliminate,memoryloss'withthe Intei_ sat lQ-160receiver.In a singlequantitypriceranbeof g75 dealernet, theunitjnsuresthatmemorylosscausedby poweioutageor improper connectionand disconnectionof the le-160 receiveiunit wiil be a thing of the past. The unit also expandsthe periodof time that the lQ-160will retainfull programmedmemoryshouldthere oe a power outage. Homeon the Roof! With over5,000installationsthroughoutthe country,the lightweightXL10Ttripod roof mountby Microsatis quietlybecomingan in. dustrystandard. We haveprovenhow easya 3 meterantenna can be roof mounted.In fact, becauseof its light weight- only 80 lbs.,it may be easier than groundmounting. We haveshownthe versatilityof the tripod roof mount, by mounting dishes on roof peaksor on practicallyany surface. We have proventhe XL1OT'sreliabilityand performance,with over 3 years of field testing. We think it is time you try a Microsatroof mount and proveit to yourself. illicro$rt Route47,WashingtonDepot,Connecticut06794 32-10 137thStreet,Flushing,NewYork11354 2j3l868-OOO3 718/939-9826 GILLASPIE COMMUNTCATTONS, tNC.(365SanAtesoAvenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086;408/730-2500) reportstheyhavecompletedmorethan1,000hoursof environmental testingon thefirm's modelGCI-8200 antennacontroller, and the modet-g3OO satellite receiver. Asa resultofthesetests,GCIwillnowextendtheirwarranty coverageto a full 12 months.The firm packagesthe two unit6 togetherwith a suggested retailpriceof $250(plusantennaand installation). PROBRANDINTERNATIONAL, lNC.(1629Newberry Avenue, Columbia,SC 29210;803/732-0027) is introducinga new stereo NON-STEREO'stereo' from Astro-Pro 2olcsD-2/3-85 SATELLITEDICESf ence ,TTCN S A T E L L I T ED I S H MANUFACTURERS We can supplyyou with reflectivealuminum meshfor fiberglasssprayup, several moldingtechniquesand skeletondishes. Phiferaluminummeshis . . . r Flexible,easyto use. r Rust resistant. r Availablein meshesengineeredfor both 4 and 12 Ghz signals. r Designedto improveresultsand cut costs. Writeor callfor a computerizedcomparison of your materialor a sample. Call toll free, 1/800-633-5955 PRODUCTS WIRE PHIFER P.O. BOX 1700,TUSCALOOSA,ALABAMA 35403 " Phrl€rWrre Products.Inc.. 1984 processor; model Astro Pro S-1000. The unit will accept a video output from a receiver(ratherthan just a subcarrieroutput) which makes it compatiblewith any TVRO receiverwith basebandvideo outputjack(s).lt has a trio of stereoformats;multiplex,discreteand matrixwith a 130 KHz narrowor 350 KHz wide bandwidth.Thereare presetsfor 6.2 and 6.8 MHz subcarriersand an unusual 'stereo simulator'circuitwhich takes mono fed signalsand turns them into 'stereo sounding'signalsfor audio displayon a stereosystem.The unitis designedto drivean externalaudiosystem(500millivoltoutput at 600 ohms);priceis $169. BUSINESSNEWS AdVenturesis the new enterpriseof Nancy Turpin-Sherwood, veteranadvertisingand publicrelalionsexecutivein the TVRO industry. Settingup shop in southernFlorida(AdVentures,10281E. Bay HarborDrive,Suite 3C, Bay Harbor lslands,Florida33154;305/ 868-3203),Nancy will continueto handle the advertisingand PR accountsfor Odom Antennasand CertifiedIndustriesbut will also branchout to handleother industryaccountsas well. ATECH Corporation (Suite 1525, Shelard plaza, 600 South CountyRoad18,St. LouisPark,Mn. 55426;6j2/593-0005)is moving into the marketingof TVRO systems throughtarm groups with its recentacquisitionof FarmersGroupPurchasing(FGP).FGp's i 5,000 squarefootwarehousewill becomethe new headquartersfor Atech's SatelliteSystemsDivisionand the farmerswho belongto FGp (some 50,000through2,500 dealershipsnationwide)will be offeredTVRO systems.Atechis a national(overthe counter)tradedcompanyunder the NASDAQsymbolof FSlc. Donald Berg of Channel Master has issuedhis annual'forecast' of retailsalesactivitylor the newyear.Berg'sforecastshaveprovento be extremelyaccuratein recentyearsand for 1985he suggestsretail sales activityof 500,000home TVRO units (see CSD/2 for January 15, 1985for anotherset of forecasts).Bergnotes"With (fewerthan a) milliondishesin use,lfeel the industryhas a longwaysto go belore A cap doesn't have to be ugly! Or expensive.At just $29.00,the SR 2900 protectivecap will more than pay for itself by doing just what it's designedto do: protectexpensiveelectronicsfrom the elements- snow,ice or sunlight. The SR 2900 is constructedof sturdy ABS plastic,and unlike most other caps, is U/V (ultra-violet)stabilizedso il doesn't break down under sunlight.lt fits almostany system,and comes individuallyboxed with mounting hardwareincluded. $29.0O/unit. Ask for informationon quantitysales.Dealerinquiries welcome. Eastern U,S. customers order Irom Satellite Receivers, Ltd. ol Green Bay, Wisconsin. Call toll tree 1-800-556-8876 or call 1-41+432-5777 $tbsiem U.S. customeis order liom $raren Supply Company ol Siour Falls, South Dakota. Call toll free 1-800-843-9924 or call l-605-336-1830 MYSTICBergsees500,000in 1985 PAGE 29/CSD-2/3-85 the marketbecomessaturated."ChannelMaster is now offerino completesystempackagesfor as low as $.1,329(dealernet)and ai berg porntsout thereare manytwo or threechanneloff_airVHF and UHFantennainstallations whichcostthatmuchand morefor ,some_ trmesreception'in ruralareas. Birdview Communications,Inc. (8500W. 11Oth Street,Over land Park, Kansas 662j0: 913/4512636) has announced record breakingthirdquarterearningson recordOr"utinq qross revenues. The firm,whichtostmorethan$1,000,00in tfresirie'period in 1983, had earningsof $4,108,000 for the quarterendingDecember31ston sales of $17,934.000.Birdviewhas also annoJnced that the suggesledretailpricingon their ,basic'home TVRO systemis bein-g reducedto $1995throughtheir 1100 memberdealei nerworfin 45 slates. X-rated'The FUN Channel'has madea changein itsdistribution systemfor 'FUN ChannelDescramblers,, appointing,SpaceAge of Texas'as the new national,masterdistributorfor the hlrdware pidces. The FortWorthfirmis 'inheriting'the presenl300-dealer_network from the channelwhichreportsit supplied4,000homedescrambter units during1984.The Fun Channelis placingconsiderable faithon the anli-theft provisions of publicLawTOS:FCC:4T and intendsto prosecutedealersanduserswhoattemptto receivetheWestar5, transpon_ without acquiringa properdescrambler during1985. 9:1,?0.",Sn3] Futtlntormation from Bob Stienmanat 817 332_7294. LUXORNORTHAMERTCA has set itssightson capturing.15%of the homeTVROreceivermarketin 1985acc6rding to firmCEO Hans Giner.Thefirmhascompletedrestructuring itsma"rketing operattons, handselectingdistributors who are committedto serviceand dealer backup.Ginersaysthefirmreorganized so as to be ,,moreaggressrve and.morecompetitive (and)it has helpedus to strenghlen distributor relatrons and to planmovementintoadditional produitsectors".The firmhasalsoannounced plansto importhighresolution colormonitors and other high-ressyslemsas well as introducing the :::9oTputgr rtrms Swedishbuilthigh_end automobile speakers.Ginersees ,,low SATELLITE DICEST uniden' UST111 POPI(DY Dlectr:onics ill EEE-.u.Hg UniderfSatel l iteTelevision Sysrems We Featrrre UNIIDDN These errality WTNDGARD CHANNDLMASTDR RDGDNCY cDNTErr Lincs CHAPARRAL nLncrnoubprp ANDDISbN--' NEUUNNNLOW pANAsoNrC- COII.SAT SYSTDMS. I]TD. EAGLD SATDLLITD SYSTDITS r 5 Locations to Serve you . p.O. Box 1{gl _ {AZ N. Cla;r Street. Gr.een Bay, Wf 5{BOl o 414-4g7-5'445 Sent ing lhe Elcelnonies TnadeSince tgAZ 1-800-558-7868 : ''\r,, 'JAPAN l:':li ,'t'a..0.. not a threat'/Luxor's Giner NATIONAL TOLL FR'ED 1-800,212-7A1A WISCONSIN TOLL Fn.DD CST 8:OO TO i:OO - DDALDRS ONLY - PAGE30/CSD-2/3-85 IN STOCKIN TAMPA Paraclipse 16 Foot Antenna 12 Foot Antenna 12 Foot Dark GreenAntenna 9 Foot Antenna ActuatorRib MountingBracket GHAPARRAL PolarotorI and Polarotorll Tune FeedPolarotorI for Paraclipse HOUSTON TRACKER SYSTEMS All Models -- -- =: =-=-=-=- =:{ : REcEtvERS ;;SP R-7000 STAR SOUTHERN ANTENNAS SATELLITE (ModelSSA-7.8) r 52 dB Gain LNAs SPACEVISIONLNAs MESHANTENNAS SEABREEZE STS/MBS SYSTEMS CALL TOLL FREE FOR PRICES 813t876-7677 TELEX:52-825 1-800-237-2903 1-800-282-7713 PROMAR,INC. 4912 W. LaSalleSt. Tampa, Fl. 33607 SATELLITE DICEST "the Jar so end competitionincreasinggreatly"during 1985because unsuccessful12 GHz market in Japan will force Japanesefirms to competein the USA" (with4 GHz equipment).Peter Gray, ManagingDirectorfor Satellite TV Antenna Systems, Ltd. (10 MarketSquare,Staines,Middlesex, UnitedKingdom; 0784/61234)reports successful demonstrationsof the firm's 1.2 meterdish in receptiontests held at the Thorn EMI headquartersin London.Gray'sfirm manufacturesa complete12 GHz receivingterminal includingproprietaryelectronicsdesigned by Steven Birkill. Usingsignalsfrom ECS-1and IntelsatV, the firm demonstratedthe 'home' or differencesbetweena fixed 3.2 meter dish and their 'SMATV' style 1.2 meterantennaand system.Gray looksfor significantmarketinginroads,in the UK and throughoutEurope,during1985 in the 12 GHz SMATVarea. The firm is also now the licenseddistributorfor the Frenchpro'TV duced 5' Discret Decoders in the UnitedKingdom.Thesedecoders,whichare to be distributedto cablefirms,researchorganizations, and universities'free of charge'are necessaryto recoverthe primarily-Frenchlanguageprogrammingof the TVS service on ECS-1. Otherfirmswill haveaccessto the servicefor an annualchargeequal to approximately1200 FrenchFrancs. URSSA/ United Retail SatelliteSystems Associates,Inc. (P.O. did announcea Box 1931,Oakdale,California95361;2O91847-5996) seriesof dealerseminarsbeginningthis month. The two-day seminars are designedto provide intensivedealertraining to relatively smallgroupsof dealers(150 to 400 people)along with a small trade exhibitlimitedto 25 booth spaces. URSSA has six co-sponsoring firmshelpingwith the tradeseminarsand the next severaldates are: March 15 (Memphis,Tn.); April 26127(Cincinnati,Oh.),and May 3/4 (Austin,Texas).Otherlocationsplannedin 1985/86includeCharlotte, NC (June),Albany,NY (July),Greenbay,Wi. (August),Portland,Or. (September),Colorado Springs, Co. (October), Davenport,lowa (October),Tulsa, Oklahoma (November),Ventura, California(December),Santa Cruz, California(January 1986) and Tallahassee, Florida(February1986).Full detailsfrom URSSA. UNIDENSatellite Technology, Inc. (6345CastlewayCourt, Indianapolis,Indiana46250;800/428-6345)is well into operationwith theirdealersalesincentiveprogramsfor the firstportionof 1985.The firmis awardingall-expensepaidtripsto dealerswho install25 Uniden TVRO systems(Acapulco),50 UnidenTVRO systems(Hawaii)and 75 Uniden TVRO systems (Japan and Far East). This particular programterminatedon February25th. Uniden also recently completed a 2,000 home survey of TVRO customersand learnedthat 86.6%of all customersmadetheir purchasingdecisionsbasedupon the recommendation of the salespersonsellingthe system. And a new Unidencommissionedbook entitled'Down To Earth Guide To Satellite Television', prepared by industry writer and researcherMark Long, will soon be availablethroughUnidendealers.The 128 pagebook is designedto acquaintpotentialconsumers ol homeTVROwiththe systemand how it providesvirtuallyunlimited programmingchoices,and will be prominentlyfeatured at Uniden affiliateddealershipsfrom coast to coast. PERSONNELNews Donald W. Fuller has been electedas Chairmanof the Boardof Directorsfor California Amplifier. Fuller served for 12 years as Chairmanol the Boardfor Microdatawhichis presentlya subsidiaryof McDonaldDouglasCorporation. Robert G. Timmer has been promotedto Sales and Marketing Managerfor Draco Laboratories, Inc. Timmerwas previouslya part of the 'insidesales leam' for Draco. In his new position,he will implementa trainingprogramfor the firm's40 distributorsnationwide. Michael V. Balas has been appointedas GeneralManagerfor S.T.S.South, Inc., a majordistributorheadquarteredin Gainesville, Florida.Balas comes to S.T.S. South from anothermajor (Ohio) distributorol TVRO equipment. Shirley Ware,the administratorfor NASEM(NationalAssociation of SatelliteEquipmentManutacturers) and executivesecretaryfor the SPACE/NASEMindustrystandardscommitteeprojecthas been engagedas a satellitespecialistwith IndustrialCable, Inc., a Tulsa, Oklahomabased firm supplyingcable equipmentto the industry. INC. DRACO TABORATORIES, 1005Woshington Street 53024U,S,A, Grofton,Wisconsin Phone:4ti4-377-0770 Telex:26886 Dello Sotellite Colporolion, Cedorburg, Wl4'14.375-'1000, Not'l 800-558.5.582, Wisc. DISIRIEUTORS: Solellil€ Video Seryices. Polenville, NY 518{78-9306. Von's lolol Televi800-242-2290. Solco U.S.A.,New Philodelphio, OH, Nol'l 800-362-8619, Ohio sion Cenler, Eugene, OR 503-342-16{8. Uniled Communicolions Supply,Tompo, F! 8{3-97'1-'1648. Video [ink, Soll Loke 800-362{781. Cox Enl€rprises,Rockwood, TN 615-354-3471. Ground Conlrol, Cliy, UT 80i-278-267E. Concorde, Onlorio 4'16-669{366. Sotellit€ Syslems Lld., Burnoby, B.C. 604.430.4040.Videosol Conodo ITEE, Morgon Sotellite Sysl€ms, l-lughes Spring, TX 214439-75'17 Chornev. Quebec 4'l 8-832.462'l
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