Southern Accent August 1962 - May 1963
Southern Accent August 1962 - May 1963
Southern Adventist Univeristy KnowledgeExchange@Southern Southern Accent - Student Newspaper Archives 1962 Southern Accent August 1962 - May 1963 Southern Missionary College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent August 1962 - May 1963" (1962). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. Book 46. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southern Accent - Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 1 SOUTHERN ACCENT Southern Misjtonary CollegD, Collegedale, Tennenee, Augutt 31, 1962 Vol.18 SMC Applications Starts Affiliation Chattanooga In College and Mocosin the B, Bead Hospital will be coopciadng in j picte B^CE F,E.„.N rowed brows as classrooms and reprocessing of malfunctioning teidy resounding with Ihe familiar dormitories begin to creak and groan study habits from the year before. ringing of school belts and tlie titil- under already too-crowded condiSouthern Missionary College is lating voices of youngsters across tions. Collegians arc anticipating liWIII>|ii|i||i Heading up the over-all psychi- EHHfllt;'™" °' 15 Students Parficipaling WoAjDg closely with Dr. Smith- ate Budih Miss Allen. r°oltae"° l^e'Sit' "n'tS positioa among imw illlillll The majoritj' converging h.iving is its moments of jubilant ^^ma^i^^^^^^^^^^mmsril in ^I^^^^^^H^^HHH^^^^^H^^^^ ^^^^^^9^^H^^hIh Psm^^WiMmIMBmBB^ H^E^^H^^HSwH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ceptaocEs for the coming 1962-63 year reveal an impressive a}2 stu dents. This M. Culpui. Florence pomted recently to the staff of SUtting with the senior students 435 is broken down The freshmen ap- Wftmm^ scmestct, will be Moccasin Bend pr.if- ^ ^^psiv^ p-'-' -^-^ ^ afiiliation last further will be staggered so Tri.Comn,ur>;ty Fir. H.ll will h=i,.<, cquipr^.nl, ^ pr,.,on.ol can boast of a class second place in the Ur One hundred and lia been accepted thus thirty-five The far. hallmark of seniority, are 91 strong according to encollroenl figures. Monday, September tO. will be only pirt of this numhct nill as diey begin and transfer students Dr Smith.Recves announced te Tri-Community New £?£4x!rsilii! As Jtt. above 769 for the fomer ^dCTts.'^F^'Z^e motes trading B^BS^^iWig^BBJIl SMC fill SMC students t.cipiring in the iif sixty-three Bend Hospital, and Dr. Na- i.<ii,Md,.,e"f*«p>y*i""ic 5 is year's record figure of [hjnid Winston, superintendent of 1 the once impressing of yesteryear. After many hours of scrutinizing past academic ratings, recommendations, discipli figures nary history and other pertinent data wardrobes, finances and studies as steadily swelling tide of education that determine a student's oichc on calendar. affiliation there. ciiin \ Ail-Time High Hit co™l?.;'atr™i'?;''e"r;;; :°y"i7oTeSh';;ry",s:':^;5:: lenge of another school year psychiatric theit Recvcs ^^ Nursing The giant will amount to &4\.- Fire Protection Fire Hall IK to be used from nursing curriculum old fire station by expanding side Apartments on at Brook- Camp Road to ly until a loan in the New field of phychiilric Inilruclor in Collegedale. facilities Miss SCcrita Hagcrman has been pital, die of the Moccasin Bend Hos- made completion early According -epts earl> Monday meeting place evening's Neors Completion Work on the station was begun ambulance which will be used for On lune 14 the Tri-Communltv Volunteer Fire Department moved late in 1957 and progressed gradual- rescue purposes. its program Improves <ao which will be distributed over a in strengthening the the rigorous testing possible this its near summer. In addirion to the vehicle Space, the building also contains an office Registration Tuesday morning, September U find students pondering ovc will ll'begmningthe^^fl/^ H. Sanborn, one to R. of the most active sponsors of the hlurs wilfpovJeli' have an assessed valuation in excess although a consider- and an adjoining private residence SIi'LS-s nurses will be able to ob- of SI5.000. pleaLn3 Mwl^^'wChe^Smden" Association will 'provide socia a appointed an instructor in nursing Wednesday. September 12. wil the second semester of the local area. Fonnetly the psychi- donation of material and labor. plction will have five rooms and 1962-63 academic year. She is provide accommodation for a care- provide more daylight hours of las step registration procedures. An ori I'resently attending the University of ing Hospital in Worthington, Ohio. of concrete block widi an attractive taker and his family. Colorado, completing work on the During the last few years SMC Siren Inilallstion Wood Hall Chapel that eve Lynn has been developing a balanced prok.i::inning rlie Ss^Tast'^atarVOO lation of a ten horje-powcr sireii Classes Begin graduating from SMC tical nursing education. It is thought Thursday, September 15. classes a bachelor of science degree that new methods of mental pareplace the The station contains space for the college. This would tient treatment and the education of two horse-power siren now located Thursday class schedule. This is the iwo years of nursing affiliation. student nurses will be developed three vehicles, although the departthrough the close co-operation be- ment at present is using only two. building. students as the}' slip perhaps nen' done at the Florida Sanitarium and tween the Moccasin Bend Hospital Plans arc being made to place in service, in the near fuiute, a Cadillac A(iny of the officers and men of ously into lecture-type desks com Hospital in Orlando, but, using the and SMC. Ikfote _ ivith the _i^mmma^m^^^^^s^a^^^^^^^^K^MW^^^^M i^mBW B B^^^^BBB^BB^Bl^BiBB^B KBI^^^^^^ jHBM^&iy?!^^^ l^Y^ '^' 0^ '"^ ' r- ' ^ 1 ^ lire department have equipped pactly arranged among blackboarded walls, designed to be the writing. radios at addition, In their own expense. fire-6ghting all ft "i (Coal, on page 3, Col. Registration The Tri-Community ,!) ap- t^^MH ^^J^ t L way Volunteer muniiics of Apison, Collegedale and Procedure Monday, September 11) 0-0—1:50-5:00 Tuesday, September p.m 1 i-i Su'rofthe"fund,"n«£a"fo'^le scription paid by property oseners Time Cul Assistant Sly'lo fire mwer In H.lf chief Stephen Hayes . cill. dents will register according to the following surname das- Tuesday, September U Wednesday. September 13 . fic((toftia% Spealbing . . Rees Reports on Dr. SMC Progress Rite of Thinking The Someciinc ago the editor heard the question asked if America's college youth had forgotten how to think. At first, such a query seemed a little on the ridiculous side, but slowly it appeared to make some sense. The speaker went on to say that today's college student accepts the process of thought only when there no is alternative. If these assertions arc valid, where then can the blame be placed? Part of this collegiate avoidance of th( comes from the speed of college life. This with a belief that momentary inactivity brings indolence, when in truth thought demands a pause to analyze and project. To avoid the pause, the student has invented myriads of what be believes to be shortcuts to avoid thinking, bi these are, at best, but deductive schemes for the immediai end. What litde is learned is soon forgotten, defeating the genuine purpose of college: the preparation for life. Unmistakably, some of the blame must also be laid Young America's quest for conformity. This is the age the vanishing individualist, the disappearing independent thinker. Youth has found a wd. Subsequently, when suddenly i moved from his conformist world he complains of boredom, with nothing to do. Thus shoved before an ever-welling tide of conformity, America has forgotten the thinking, employing only the thought that to E SMCs Bl in English wj' ition under a gn Rity of Matyliil Dr. Riggs Assists SMC Expands Physics Project Orientation For Summer For Freshmen , To St be able to reason productively requires that we must understand ourselves, our physical and mental limitaour goals, our ideals. In the words of the apostle Paul, et a man examine inds that the wilderness. . . Mohammed retreated to the mi To college can offer. It is to 3 Faculty Homes .on depirti the greatest lesson that not something that college teaches is additional home* -will the problems diat it presents. Clear, comprehensive thinking the most certain road to success at the highest level of our ability. It is without doubt the only positive way of carrying into later life, and applying there, the things learned is With in college. the potential to think ourselves out of a quandary comes a self-confident, self-reliant attitude toward the problems and complications of life. Better yet, clear thinking brings about an independent and individualistic :titude which is .11 tenn of this SMC Graduate Accepts Call To Iran Missions i Cleveland, Ten Adventist Churc ; igned to help the freshman by "sleightish" learning methods or by shot quick gcado and a short remembrance, but again by 1 ning thoroughly, comprehending and understanding, inking. This will bring the long '57. he attended Adventist smnm AcoNT tl -nieo Dean's Leadlay'^E^n rch, Coliui and 1, ehurd act toroflheCI. October. 1961. Elder Bohinnon «r^cd nt of his junior diss m at pres SM(,Chitf Miloriri — J«l ._ Bnicc G. FnHMD. JlDM . also president of his senior diss Adtim . Will- Second Semester Kealy. c Pholognphcf List, t for Shirai. While be Jn nished hy the beginning of 1 becomes, it learn to diink effectively framework adm scd of him 11 required by college The aaual process of efficient thinking has foui isping the problem as a whole, identifying the essential ndusioi ticed, the easier steel ; ding to ."• Thinking efleauaily dewe withdraw into ourselves, drisc withdrew himself. for the dormitory call for i ins, Black, Patridi Hill Ludlira Brown, Walter Burnham, Gilbert Moore, Miry Arj Mostct Mullin IX, David Mundy William A.gurt Southern Accent 1,1952 3 Gets Spectograph as Loan From University of Wisconsin SMC-PUC Stuaenrs Visit Land of Tomorrow TTie Colegio Vocacionil y Pro- w'mV""'d'c^^1''"'"^''" ""'°" "^^ '"^^ of " ^0 pL^" The Spanish language and SMC-PUC of the P-g* 3 SMC Mexico Summer School cui- Thurmon, Administrators Attend GC Session a | Spanish Language Dr. ] were introduced to the Field School and diverse land colorful of Man ana. ^d"ston«"'that°!b?Jnd'inM«"co will always remain with the students C rade Sutvlvon t" West rj'"" M' Ol' SMC, and Mr. and Mn, Ttomann of PUC, met the J. diillcQee of presenting one nine weeks' dasswock before the entire claw melted from the heat. Those "Centigrade receiving the coveted Holden and Bill from Cedar Lake Academy; and Butnham, Paul Floyd Greenleaf from Bass Memorial Academy. Fourteen PUC went to the more than 25,000 persons attending was Mr. William H, Taylor, is it ''^^y- Hayes Attends Service School For Firemen dnn; and Mr, oIIIik Her^mET''^ role in education For Research in Sciences of !X,lTthTe science during the coming fields The grant was actually a bonus and did not apply to any particular of a devotional project, firemen from but it was based on parts of Teimessce the the other delights — finger nail. the last Saturday night before Mexico sponsibilitics of fire for treated to a Pinata Party. City, America's favorite outdoor of various pumping etjuipment and apparatus, given $5,000 of the 530,000 and the controlling of of the remainder ""^'^ >sri£^o^^™kI!k^" lot of and expenses of vbiting physidst Dr. James Riggs. pay the salary at La Sierra College, and to defray thrashing around in the dark added tnirth to the close of (he Rowland spectrograph the SMC^by the^rsity to allow other functions to This iccom be will by supporting the instru- Er5fi:3s^ SMCs grant was made that the summer ly- will The University of Wisconsin also includes two grating, one At be loan made N.Y. institute APPLICATIONS HIGH f ch f trv t' {Com. from P^g.l, Col.}) South Missionary College was one of the surface of that learned mind-shaper the college professor. to the college as a twelve college and university teach ers participating in an eight-week evening for The fir^t gen all students. partment alone. A total of $•1,050 of the grant will be used in pur analysis at Rensselaer Polytechnic vide the opportunity for students to part attend dasses scheduled on Monday of Dr. Clarence Chinn and program was sponsored by the Na- Wednesday and Friday. Homework Prof. Edgar Grundset, of the istf)' diem and biology departments, The re Cavaliers Male Quartet Presents Summer Lyceum Hall, as a pare of the spectrograph neously. research from Frederick Chopin were playec work is and studies arc laid aside for Friday designed to evening, and the worshipful hours of an oncoming Sabbath day are t 'Se^'i^illlfliL T^r on the elusive pinata. The new ent 3.4 meter Ebcrt type spMro- Professor Chinn spectively. electrical fires. lent lo NSF Sponsors celebrated with the evening vespers in the Tabernacle-Auditorium. "Sin^^h^alesTStri'i^e;!'^"^" ysb. Sabbatti, September 15, will find the collegians arriving at the Lj-nn Wood continued August through period of six weeks. Some 17, Hail Chapel for Sabbath a of the worship hour will be held in the by the quartet accompanist, Reginald Hachey. Among the songs on the promembers of the tjuartet during of the final iix weeks of The were "Liebestraum," by FranE was teeming Mexico City. the winter months are professional gram moved lock, stock and their "Song of the Open Road," from souvenirs into several already well schools of music, but spend Malottc and "Donkey Serenade,' populated Mexican homes. Living The way as of V.s- total to Dr. Ray HefferlLn, head of physics department, said sport—the revolution— in a game A prospective usefulness pendently. 36,250. department of- comparison the ficetship, types of departure first grant, then there was a percentage to group WIS This particular grant matches lege. well as surrounding states. Mexican gas- pmvide effective training for fire were virtuall)- personnel, to develop new techmost of the students. niques in fire fighting and prevenwas readily available, tion, and to promote safety among though, so many of the group sported the teU-tale mark of the Some of the basic topics included the yellow frecent mango break Latin a the grant which was given to the colall fruit On Wis- offered to and was con- Sr^*^ Fi^S the tortilla, as well as life, would be used in the physics research area to its percentage of the previous $30,000 Fresh to remote in a in the inter- as tronomical it fSef»'^r'?4"™,rftc plished Association. unknown SMC NSF Grants $6,250 held August 20-24 on the campus StflH of Life mwiy of location in Madison, its consin, and wlSl,tTl,'!bWh*'."MC Volunteer Fire Department. lege at Murfrcesboro, stifi of partment. K.R, Elder School was Stephen Hayes, assistant the college- ducted by the Temiessce State Board from singing a cappella in the presentation was the highlight professor dated June 7. that the spectrograph was to be removed basis of the ""^IsTaSg' was ary College 56,250 to continue branch Sjbbath School had Mack, E. J. Hefterlin, from SMC Dr. Rces reported that ReptesenlmY Soulh«n''Miss ionwere Dr. C. N. Rces, president^ Dr. "certificates" dclcgadon- ^Hionary work of di- the church's 49th world convention rector of college relations. a pleasant memory. held "> Sa" PtiiKiico. California. something that can never be taken SMCs Special Day because phal from D, June 25 announcement, made'a land spectrograph to the Southern Missionary College physics depirt- Led by Elder Roy B. Thurmon, Davis, newly-appointed dean of stupastor of the Coilegedale church, dent affairs. In charge of summer some 100 Chattanooga and Coi- school and college activities in the legedale Adventists were among the site classes be a Sunset Vesper Service analysis, mass spectrometry and clcc- trometric methods. in Lynn Wood Hall Chapel. Social activities for the evening will be announced. TTiere they ;!!>tSS'ty^rLTdt^r Me^S as the The program induded songs with a medley from Rogers and ^^Mimers everyday tourist doesn't. SMC Names Freeman Assistant Dean of Men with any apparent speed at all, one Especially enjoyable was the dex- Sm, Quartet members were Ray Smith tenor; Joe Kling, second tenor; first M.uricc Carbonnca. '' named to the position of qualified for liis new position, having an acquaintance with the mechgraduate Bruce Freeman of anisms of dormitory supcrvijioa acquired through three years of ex- Recently to°^e i^pukl"^o>^pofitbns "from first SMC perience as monitor and in other bass positions of dormitory responsibility. '°°''"TZ.,'rirrKi„, Q ^ ,Sf!:\ziri,°°i:.^7A walk u a private passing lane. Yes, done with brakes, the horn, and the insurance policy, trying to is remember of way at intersections dedded on the tonnage basis. that ^-i^'w^''W«% Bm HjB «g^ J ^ ^m "-.Jw^^ amBMM f gt)L '' kLi fltt ' aSCJI i Davis t^^e office of dean [ctwcen his present office in Tilge Hali and office 208 of the adminformerly occupied Eldc, R B F„.™ of 1. ,. istration building, b, Iigion department stud) period l^^lHi ^^V^^^^l ^^^^H^friifll^^B ^^^^H^S^^H right PJBH ^^m of pesos lighter from intense study could be more disheartening than lo see a fellow Yankee blandly give the K R first price asked by the persistent heartening to the peddler either who ^^A^^^kA^H ^^H m^Km^^K^^Kms . .„n,™., Ly„u. ..,=.. the ^^^^^^Bfl^^H Z^'^Tn^'s^^S'^t^t ^^^B ^H Z dL. of and certain of 'M-^^IH ffl"en. Davis stated that Freeman is well Bruc. G. F SMC Graduates 13 Seniors Shopping Center Gets Started In Summer Commencement With Footings for Several Units Miss Vandermark Assumes Duties As Women's Dean IWVTresents 'OuTpinest Hour' Youth Leaders Plan Active WeelcendforSMC icty rerty Vitfiinia 'C Confcrei yean she served Council on Civil Defen Enrollment Soars Over 700; Gain More Than 5 Per Cent ir pmgtim Students Elect of the college and Dealcins, if women. To Fill Mundy SA Posts deparlmcnt on the of SMC." head "Aims E. md T, \V»tr Objccti McComI rondudcd tl present. 8c(itoitia% Speafoing In encore • . (With The New Breed Memoriam To Those Who Didn't Make Mr. and MiM all due apologies lo It Edward Lear) Freshminpossiblos Lived behind Iheit walls and a day. For eighteen y«rs, a month had firown an .gnoranl grey. And their thoughts began to pall. Till their matter rollegc I have never heard them men the yes-mm j, ume-honored method; From the very nuttctable disdain, civilization, the back-slapping, has attached itself inown as the yes-man. But today, there has evolved from the clever dawn of ^^^ r ^[ apple-polishing parasi in this age of educati jrmation of the ordinary yes-viaii ^ „ of the college-bred, the viod'ified yes-vian. ,_„ well-formed This new breed tarefully hides behind a masquerade, giving die impression that he belongs to the upper crust of the intellectual and cultural. For his strategy "SMC ^^ ^ Smile.' j & hospitality seenis to wledgc is too offensive for best re- ^^„g ^^ „cw stu* tenders the impression of the total absence or in- ^t weeks of schoo suits, since dependent and construaive thought. Hence the modified each person I met—. this hahi yes-man utilizes a 90 per cent -yes," 10 per cent "no" plan, h^bit-but he feels that die 100 per cent "yes" — tcter broken when thus giving the appearance that, given the chance, he can aa ' and think for himself, both independently and constructively. 7 "ll t^ho Widi his plan in hand he has set cheerily out to face the P*?]"^ ^j^ ^f jj^^ works plan actually this Whether or not life. of college rigors ^^^ adherents, j^,^^^ ^^^ hat has And And your fiddledum head! aloud he began to call — ... ; And the blue bird hum! -Pot the end of your Breath of Life How to beneaUi hers he dug a dreadful trendi, gunpowder gcnch, filled it with dynamite, And ^efcgiousCy Spca(s(tig come ^ inspiri i perfectly par! is mc wild g and night it drives already senllcd!" k of our minds it has certainly come! ; Some have long can you hold your breath? life Because of my progress con- Behind sciously stopped breathing for over eight minutes and still survived, but they are exceptions. The average person will j su£Focatc within five minutes. If air is so important to the life of j an individual, then should not the value of prayer be reconsidered? "Prayer Til — soon be dead this andent wall Terrible Mt. Frcshmanpossiblos!'' csh man possi bios , n , ainlcd. is franklj', here, In two wi the breath of the soul." Spiritual life will die just as surely of " ' lOut prayer as will the body v sity, yet another lessoi with God / be derived t ' " ' — in of the frequency a demonstr: this illusttation with which prayer should be offered. instantly breathUnder normal conditions a person t one should be constandy praying. ing. This would No, the Bible plainly declares, "Pray without ceasing," in Paul's letter to the ThessaJonians; and this means everyone, not just monks, hermits or preachers. How then is it possible? "Unceasing prayer is the unbroken union of ." In other words it is a constant the soul with God. , relationship, a constant friendship with Jesus, ever being cognizant of His presence, and continually conversing with the best Friend man ever had. "There is no time or place in which it is inappropriate to offer up a petition to God. Let the heart be continually from ' ps"""- .... ' Deir Ed Allow ad infinitum plsi"'^ . ^° '^'"S . & "_ jj^^ f-^^^. oil Ike ground. Wood They have also o ^=^= Go Home! Unii^ SuieJ"5udd™lj'"find5 s i ACCENT early birds brought sidercd as a part of the great world- government were to n Perhaps the most important car- . struggle, but slowly our Ourlulsar.odinrl current events nsDL is 1 You for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer." Russki, Il broadcii uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength. itself I^=';^!>'. .^^ "'"^^'^ fro personnel. uiope on ihe Eut, from Russi. »d Red Chin. 10 Die West, »id rom Coin on tlie soulli ;ind aioo/. Prralderrt KenrreJy Cob» unde. ^™'' Sovret i < >» '"^'^'1 ' souTHmAccm "Spy Warfore' Is Lyceum Program SA Senators Stand Ready Set for Oct. 6 To Help Serve Fellow Students smoi (I'm ight. 'd^'m rhad'an nd dagg :;t" hetfield ,cienti ersil. ofu^^ ptwident of Ihe int tSZt^ IZ^"" George Liw Was School. n ajid the faculty iiblic Conunitlce; Relations Collegedale Chapter Wins chairman le Education of the Social Committee, yet to ATS Plaque be Die for Third Tempctince Society [tions h; ird consecutive year bee oi second pm ind Roy I; on i Time Collegedale chapter of the ' injlc, S7.5I thi was led ! last year by "tUaod'iSoyTtaf by Linda Bci'ant, Yet to be elected this year a SMC ATS Officers Plan Active Year and raagwine ^papers SMC ^ae was dio slalion, won by SMC ho«n of Ihc first 35 the Upsilon of the Araeri- coiuiderable activity in mmy s ' zed iJiaptet o WSMC- Prof. Dell: Radio WSMC-FM Resumes With 42 Hours Eocii Week Qclude a the eader. diiecte Clyde Dr. notion. B J. M. Ackerman. visits to local interest of These setvioj high schools temperance pro- visits, as in years inelJsh depar n liie Gfcatet Cleveland, Ohio, a h'Tai'dTfie.erdlemper.nolliln,. his year indnding the newly re ; opering m record inly station perso which, is it 15 hoped, will be an improvement level in the a son, t pre of the Jtation's audience, by :mnmin6s a-d Jan Executive officers of the si 1962-63 are Ed Motschicdlei attained. On year. Many new students joi Stop and Rest at The Oaks Motel Little DebfaJeS Creme Frosted Fig Bars Nutty Bars — — — c^ /5eaut\j Robin Center 7173 Lee Highway Snak Cakes Raisin House Swiss Wafers Three StylhH lo Serve Yoii Swiss Rolls Collegedole o Earn Their Way Barber Shop JBAN HOUSLEY EDN.t McKee Baking Company Phone 396-2451 Collegedale, Tenn. Fairbanks Gifted Chilean Student Brings Musical Talents to Campus Neil Douglas |-~p5ffj" ^ Narrates Lyceum Film on Turkey 500 Attend SA Picnic Hamilton Area at Sophomores Win schedule ning by Norma Jean Events to Upset licked Qt the Frances Hamilton Nati Perennial Frosli > competed against TV, 100-yord dosh vnlh a recorded time of 3 minutes, 8 seconds. James Roddy, another junior, tailed him for second place, and freshman la^-id atsy Osborne and his ; showed some fancy Other features o included human | le-skiing. low Chattaof the Ski Club class in junior Charles Martin took the Dolly Rolls, skiied behind a boat loaned nooga Ski Clul Sports at Wednesday's picnic class Pei is, Ann Hart^veH, and An- of "holidayers look . the final game of tional League playoff ^e Na^ between and Uie San Francisco GianU the Los Angeles Dodgci on the ras condticled 90 feet liigh atl above Uic lake vhile aync performed Strickland Van CockreU came nore John Strickland and jui or James Alii. Charles Martin landed fir 440 relay, shadow? jy sophomore Roniiie Wah ind freshman Jack Leitner. ilace in the Tlie field events in Uie ofle loon led off «-ilh the shot pi w! ivon by James Rodd^ hurled the shot 32 feet 9 inche Sophomore Frank Pahnoi {Continued on page 3, col- 3 Moore Relates Adventures as Counter-Spy Moo Ddn Tjl 11 ku 11 un m py and Joker to New Has Come Out Early; Format - Theme I so be making According tJie trip. to Ronnie Nm James King, photographer of the aides: Betty BenUinger. Southern Mis: Judy Easter, Lamar J M Coll eged ale campus. Ronnie Numbers and Jimmy Edw. i Phillips, edi- !Ct Von Pohle Marti Weeks, Cluistine Ene lisb, Ed Schneider, Melindi mpus to discuss ways to co- by the Col-'slivered nearly ind delivered ted dian \a: Bands Organize To Follow Up MV Visitations ts ing students section is dissolvei respccLveiy mto tlie men'f s \vidi ition l women vice president, will the Student Assoleaders of the Orlando olcott, iroximalely 750 stureceive a copy of the ^v-ill the rchcs , spht in surrou and give and mimed couple' makuig four with th' divisions faculty group field of study instead of five along wth pli of residence and year are I additional items of informaOi nts of die Chal Ortgn student directory v 1955 contemplated The (irst g Phjibps in a ; Bible study pre m composed of Frank Pahnour, John Strickland, Buddy Nob- name choos- twc an 8 \ 1 1 formal was enrolled in Bibl. Mountau the Signal^Whun(.ar\ Fowler reduced il s of Chi 1958 Vo\- and Red B; ir pocket sue It is the pla Oraches ,g that >ear +1/2 N ne the standard drnien- im"nruile The first pXnTivSr^Lnt^rdar" participating are Jui PUnmn. * m fiK', personal Bible studic: Each study team i \vith a prepared oulJ series oi 34 studies. Presently 100 stud students ;o be held on tlie Col- .. 8ditoiiia% fipGafeing . Jlw Collegiate Playground? According lo Webster, a college =^= eaeore . "A is limdarrwittal right of ever,- citi- The The thousands packing New Nicholas Arena be- od by Ms opportwilly lo express All letters will be higher branches of knowledge." There is also an interesting considered by the editorial board, and should be sisned, alslang definition in the same book: a prison. of Us SMC He is irritated by Joe is a sophomore student at enforced attendance at weekend services. Chapel is a pain in the neck. He gets peeved every time he goes to the libtary and isn't allowed lo sit with Sallie. After all, why do they think he went there? Isn't college supposed to be for finding ^ a wonderful Christian wife? A high percentage of his studying is done during the lOminute breaks between classes. His GPA is barely one point, but so long as he makes it through it doesn't really matter. Once he was asked to run , for an >rk's St. vietfs. n screaming wildly as a small, Negro topped by embroidered pillboK fez asnded the rostrum. Amid the iving of arms the timid-looks man was introduced by liis de-de-camp ns "the boldest eek-looking 1 < ' i ^ „,„„ "^ Islamic gospel as preach- the Black Muslims, nromulgales hate lor the white his rule and his rehgion. It offers to the discontent, Tesenlful, illiterate Negro, a new man, — way of life a life of mihtani black uiiitv. In the words of Elijah Muhummad himself, "I y, are their open eneman, and why mies. We, the hlack men of .^.^.,^„, Who He would have been glad to, but then they told him be couldn't. GPA was mentioned, but be knew that was just an excuse. The snobs want to run the school all by themselves. Oh, well, he doesn't care anything about their old SA. office. Muslims By Gilbert Burnham t^imrcfi^^ KmS^rrtsell society of schol- ars incoq'orated for study or instruaion, especially in the ==^=^=^ current events Rise of the letter to the editor is a was this did he rale such a majcimal in- North America will rise from menial death Uien like Joseph troduction? Standing beneath the fez was go on to become master in a self-styled prophet and racial land where we once were slaves. There is no inteUigcnt black iupremest Elijah Mubummad, leader of 70,000 n Negro cull, the Black — t . | - . : Now his roommate, Brian, is really a sc^uare. He never seems to do anything but study says he enjoys it. Can you imagine? He seldom dates. Joe picked out the perfect girl for iiim once, but after three whole dates and they still weren'r going steady Joe quit pushing it. Brian says he wants to go to graduate school and cant afford to think about marriage yet, but Joe can't see that there will be anyone left if he waits so long. Brian ran for an office, and he won. Joe can't quite understand it. " — Of course, else even how he voted for him, but know him? Is SMC Joe a rypical ^onl EUjah Poole 6i j The Black Musli i " calmly eighlh-gl i rea»n the it is j draft dodgino, Elijah ^^'^ i^e'ieve. isslstan^^lo s that the honition lo the esly ihe United States racial . mo By Marjoiue Burnham The filibuster's influence :ampus long enough—at SMC's — ;„. "Egg Headj" the pious pseudo- intellectual type. His life can be depicted as an egg, the tapered ends represent the physical and sodal, while the greater mass, the center, represents the mental and the teligious side of hfe. Head." His far extremities are the religious and the mental, while composing the predominate part are the physical and the social. This is the popular football, basketball, and baseball star, in college for an athletic e.\istence, Lastly we must consider the "Squate," with an equilaterally developed charaaer. Here is possessed the equal development of the physical, the mental, and the social, and as a foundation for these, the religious. The challenge of maturity: to dare to he a "Square." fell on our fair Southerr naming of campus buildings a name (besides "The Red Whale^'j ibis is not the first time the subjeci L„j ^^j ^^ jgyjjj ^^^p wheels are turning some- u J i anj " ' ""*' I oiiii- • "">] o I the ten tlio mds of 1 addresses thousands of envelopes, it begins to seem ridiculous ^°^^ ^ people who don't know the code: 439 WRH. cs t^^^'I'^1 bMC, And it seems even more ridiculous to take up half the envelope by writing everything out full-length. Madison Avenue says that for a product to sell, the pubUc's eye must be caught by an intriguing word, phrase, or slogan w Women ""^ "• s "^''"f"" Readence^%F,f^ Hill, .(,[s attractive '^ ^"" _ ' . ^ °'"?- yet and whMls licolUl principlts und cid r^'^B^"spi^^lProX<:y'^Z ™ on tt,o mp: ici «nd i'J'^Sa'lo IhrSWe"" g_p_^_ ^^ ^ E, ^^.^^^.^ ^^^ hear about let's going. Surely it- If be able to s infinitum UihCFc's wlio's ibclr ^revo as ^'^S them SMC's I Thi' ^° ''°'' '' to "self" the too needs a "handle," a name are turning somewhere, to get . it distinctive. ' he\^tL"e^'/cou.''r«"'d.m JOtlMRIV/laBir has been least in the dorm needs ' ihii the "Block is -i. girls' SMC. No doubt imiaue lo Next, represented as a reaangle, of the w discnmmaliot The Anonymous Red Whale . Square Dare First let us consider the the does anyone student? Ate — QeCigiousCy Spealatng foi for f last ditch playground before facing ' college is a glorified prison? If we high time to reverse our opinions and start think- C it should be a learning center where we ing of college as bate which now confronl Fronts Ai the Negro a ' we making college a life? Do we feel that do, fanatical fom V" ^^^,^ '''^ who? ^^^ENT to at con+ributio"! to lait "Who's^Who^Among you mislokcnly ImpEc^^Mr coiwideration. But. on the other hand we stai^dwmewhat sobered" and S, our principle of resi, espc- di.tnayed as we realize how difficult it will he to find among our in the hea^y «ork-!tudy ifudenfi fhoie who will qualify for iuch an honor. cifllly J'ou, ?M-»U,n: TH.St. "'^o;^:;^:fnJ-j-^ Mr. E. S., ''ol'ive the choice tuniiel visioil H!.,r.n.r, Coir.,,. len's IS. STAFP JonrZ ^1'""^ S"L^„'"i^ ™rneiL"i'r ouLT.v'!?""'^ z'pJr^ filled Joe! Gcirhin, Jimei King E>^„"^"^*ij*^"^ijJJs^.. ~:~ ^"' 'rT"wI?ro°' last f^ Tour maturity'? Hoi fll Z few with horror and dis- ,f proprioty. Many ln!,do,,u™o„ com lo?n "d '"'" embarraKing our adions appear? The obvious 1, True. Bomc did n,anoBc''!hrir'' lilL P'o^lem was penned 1,000 yean before Christ by Si " nicely, hui ibfre ore ih™ «ho did ""^ *° *he right hand nor to the left ..e -.. « MiA'ge,Sis P.rthi»ui« Residonco Hall following the we have been >ugh the obliviously amorout couplet ""^ edgei^oTtlfa dormitory's front jid( lining Where Students of Nursing Visit Orlando for Orientation Eighteen studenis froi , Division of Nursing Collegedale Thursda; wU from Commence Senior Nurses Public Health Experience Soulhi ege's Division of ilering a public jalth public clini h eallh nurs Ulg, inooRa-Hamillon County holtanooga rtoflheu- sistant professor Cenl ealth ichelor TiCUll o] of nl. 1 Sh of Ih Ih t!ie Health Cenl [ :oimly Health Cent, Syl ! 1 Tui Pitman's World Trip Yields Exciting Experiences ted baby, but wo Tui t frantii guitar virtuoso, Andres Segovia, EHaz has given concerts in Ber- Im, Rome, Paris, Brussels. Lon- vho spoke English and torn, cleared, don and Madrid. a ' vcre again empty. The attimdes lowi is But in those of composed of 28 selected Afri, poor education and faulty infor gullible. founded in 1743. Here the boys tJie famous choir, 'Los Ninos Cantores de Morelia," study sing, as hundreds of olliers have sung before them. In 1949 of Alumni Present The Village That and Wasn't There' 'The Ther /iUage That the Saturday evening progri of SMC's 70th anniversary ce bration and Alumni H( weekend of Oc tober 12-14. The prOL ,dud( 1 ginning \ the world, and seeking the best sible leadership, prevailed oleadof the Vie to come to Morelia. At Uie death of Maestro Picutti in 1956, Luis Berber, liis star pupil and assistant director, was appointed SMC's grow Since that time the Ninos Cantores de Morelia hove Committee cbairman lor the achieved phenomenal success. presentation will be Mr. Ronnie They have received ovations in Pickel. Mexico City's huge Palacio de Scenes for the program were Bellas Artes, have given special taken from the history of the performances for the president college written by Mrs. Elva of the Mexioin Republic and for the primate of the Mexican history, entitled SMC, A School tral Aiiierica and the United printed by the W. C. Slarkey Slates with great acclaim. Printing Company. The tlnte of Knrckerboekon issuance has been delavod sevmixed nuarle^ llie ftjiickeral weeks by a recent fire at erbockers, will appear on February 2. The croup recently won the coveted %mes William Fulbright award- A Stravinsky ihbatli School __ „, Soulima Stravinsky, concert Alumni President Harry pianist, is one of the foremost Hulsey. and the church service exponents of tlie piano music by Elder Douglas Bennett. Dur- of his father, the noted modern mposer, Igor Stravinsky- He by n the faculty at the itid . val Uni a dirty baby. fool, odiferous stench, and face. During ihe endless and departure of the Uie mother was 10 front, and before she got off the 'ay to get rid of S^T^IaleoI'the iris building at a studeni SOUTHERN ACCENT 1 . ficlito(iia% Speafcing . 1ic Never So Few 11 the small ig problems has been have distinguished themboth before and after again ever-so-shatpiy pum number of for academic graduadon. This soi put tite allSMC hns been known as a friendlj' scliool. TJiis is a wonlight question in a new derful disUnction and 1 shout hurrah for it, but tlicre are some the old light lioving been aspects of tliis "friencUiness" which are rankling sore spots with to ^ be enough ' of giris maintain a B average. Even more distressing is that this is °^ o"^o no new problem. Looking back on the classes of the past There is we can name only a handful of graduates whom we could ^"idi on'nll'^iBh^' i see one of the greatest reasons for our mental it, Josh's yar o" l"" ""^" lethargy is the almost total absence of incentives for iniel- in'^^c LdL'"' The challenge is here, as at most colleges, UTiy csni ive be n but the rewards are missing. students are human and *j" S''^"'^'^"."^ ""f acknowledgement of our efforts and sue- or off during tlie niglii ^°"" '" '^'' """" cesses. believe that fringe benefits should accompany lectual effort. 1 We = ' We honor of making the Dean's only oFfender, for there of course. He is the Hail-fellow-well-met wh, trying desperately hard to crash the flagball seta nd know dur are encouraged by the is You know Frank, is As we 'e you been only a dozei B to your vegelinks and Frieda wa'ves frantically and screai 5! I've saved you a place!"? Abev promptly installed in line, putting you just that muci : „ only two out of every 10 students v to illustrate. when Friendly ofiy^f^"!" r class, By Judy Fow[,Ea letters authors of endeavored s (, selves Our Maligned Courtesy CnCOfC . 1 1 looking for a "friend." Just liis almost impercepnod to the fellows and there you are again in a serpentine labyrinth, destined to be lale for class, work or worship. Granted, all Hagball players aren't oifenders and all Franks and Friedas aren't line breakers, hut there are far too many tible List, of themselves Adding more ability of the to the lack of creativity is the SMC srudcnt amazing Dp^r to waste large chunks of his time An unmistakable s is the SMC student's abnormally high Romance Quotient. About the campu; myriads of couples chat should be like up aimed toward his studies. In by indulging in this highly improper social be- Editor: rciponding lo Ij"^"" fl^'i''^'"'. '" his siyle of udng ^ ."f' stare, but I appeal to "sen you to frown them out of e fungus, spreading atop the wa a lichen, like untt the stairs anywhete else. When not so — we will much of realize that grades ability, but of oui st ad infinitum i tho dry ACCENT fsw office, ACCENT I'emVoi^alT eJitc current events 'New Frontier' Faces Test fly President Jolm F. Kennedy his "New Frontier" pro- and on November 6. On Bill 1 beIn Pennsylvania, popular Remll publican Rep. William Scranton 1 this date JUl- 36, and big cliangc , is leading the Democrat candidate Richard Dilworth. In Ohio, Gov. Mike Di Salle i; tpected for his political another. Demi...„„ j„u,„ nuouds u ir lelieve that their best chances the state. js fighting life against soumtmncam Forme o pick up Republican seats ore George Ronrncy i program iJirough i n Maryland, Connecdcul and exciting campaign Congress— particularly in 1 Ccntucky -with an ouUide to ivrest the goven Mouse. Except ^gi.s]ative tor a histhe Congress m liance lUinois and Indiana, from the Democrt Republicans are hoping for held it for yea ejected most of the Presi- ] Jemocrat seals in Wyoming, notable race js i s program and all of his ( :olorado and Idaho, and. to a where Richard trade hill, t H 1 esser extent, jorily. Kennedy could m f Pennsylvama tempting a come emocrats arc in deep trou- be tra he governorships do not i I Pub„.ho„: Th. Sl.d.j;_A...,j.,,., "".,!.,.„,.. f.:::;,".-: The ise IS direct control on the tainly lenis legislahvo program. House because the o and Nortli Republicans banded agair.^i mm. In the current campaign the Deinocrals publicly profess that >nlrol of stale houses does theh- ocrals an unporlant influence on decrea of a political party, gain ijority Senate, altho m the House . If the Repubhcani 1 < The De desperate lights « and )nal level. It is V "" olidjc. J.J, T. ilikely "'^*"«'"y ^™i nave much governorships in a.^:r7 i-ennsyl- more success with the next Con""""' '^'^'°' Ohio, Michigan '"ICQ CaMor- gress than he has had mth the and Nebraska ofr.u the House, nia bIT*,?"'"i%3'„!;"a^^L'tZ _ WllU,m"n. T.',»r Physics Project Grows Larger; Adds Attempts Senate Works for Better Scholastic Environment SludM lie ird obtaii National Laboratory on ious individual projecU. Three years of work o hopcd that by raising the » of the year possibility >r, and Joel . all those elec- November icluded among lober, dcpc PR is bin g those ehg Trip to ncglec tha exists SMCs mreable. an honor for was it change the dates for the very weak "unclassified" linesjo weak that they were not listed in the tables used lo plan thi experiment in the first place. The re- lents for selection, it iviU Gearhart, Allei exposing infn A Man - Cyril Futcher , Of Varied Interests, Abilities licve Uie i and public rela- cong in the By Dei d sensitive film to try to fin hether such lines exist. If tlie his leaching load of si EMC, ; talten ivith a special photi e likelihood graduate look sludii The freshman of failure an arch 1 ted in the survey project on here: llie attempt Uidy trends among the masf and United Slates in 1957 ork on his doctorate. I le Bom many ups and do\v appears that the ' c Mr. Futcher came back er iter parlici Saturday irried a British citizen, Futch- taughl first at Spencerville Ju attended Newbold Mission^demy. and then at C iry College in England for foi Union 1 College. It also held with the .student were w the eOO-mile gap that exists be- from the University of Mar id that he received liis mi way rossed iel tlie Atlantic Missionary Col- which he graduated EMC er known as FORTRAN, so New Radio Club Underway With Bartram as President he numbers severa Collegedale residenls H. H. Kuhlman, Mr. C Fleming, ^hs. Gordon M. and Mr. Walter Turner. r can translate equations into the language used by electronic equipment Dr. Bay Hefferlin Gordon M. Hyde. For recently made a trip to New he was registrar at York to prepare for the use of as well as a le 1 College, Another senior in tlie physics department, Ronald Servoss, is nhgning and adjusting the large Rowland spectrograph recently placed on permanent loan to SMC by the University of Wisconsin. A mounting for the grat- AGENCY The Oaks Motel a freshma: motion full-lengUi color n rnllf n, Mel f Novemb r3. il for tills gib and bruadUi o Alberle p o! the >v rid ol Iho henoo n nosmi D dland ba Here Co itish 'of fOS! ^ear. Some of the ;r^so cold diat He n o e ft m camera froze. The a d n e of ;ee the bucking ho umous Calgary Stampede Ho Phone 396-2451 available. The manufac- turer i.vill be furnishing it lo Alberta, Canada, the college at a greaOy reduced ,naUy nar- filmed Debfaies value Widi the coining of the gives one a ghmp Collegedale, Tenn. md beautiful scenery e 1 superof the stnlion will be the physics department order that die equipment The ownership and vision new under ill McKee Baking Company widi the the opporlunily to talk to their include some of the finest equip- friends and relatives by short ment Ross, fon "n?Wi' Little for iA equip- in -igk Stop and Rest at is Academy. Film on Canada To Be Presented As Ross Lyceum vvifo COLLEGEDALE INSURANCE son, at Collegedale :d, of the Soutli. Also SMC, and Terence younger tlieir Mel and children (tliert tliree by now), went West Australian Miss College where he was re<^5U-ar and added hist Radio Club of i at here t SMC Plays Host To Dietitians At Convention Elder Nichol Addresses 113 At Annual Religious Retreat annual Spiritual Ri which was held the week q's third at i of OclDbcr 5-7 at lo the fu- 1 Bible work- Collegedale from points as should 1 preacher as Loma fa Th Linda, California, Thursday afternoon, was ac dressed by Dr. John Christer Walker. 1962 SMC SMC's chemistry sen of graduate. Abo present were six future Elder Nichol went on to er theology students and Elder size tlie purpose and work of M. Hillier of Mount Pisgah llie ministry as it is present dcf . R. Mrs. Lin Richert Elected President Elder Nichol's message Fri- By the Senior Class of '63 40 past Nichol On Wednesday, When years. formally Elder entered the Dorothy Christense W trous discussed Dr E T •IheB ackground of Racial Re- October ations n die South." hneidar Nichol Talk eed for study. ige nomeiial groivtli is not proof necessarily, it would be of Clues on Studying In Chapel Talks Hturda- med r Nichol's to Ei- accoun Moscow. He :lues e 1 bed the d( on "How to given students in n Elder Nichol addressed the lea ers and delegates of ihe churc ! and llic coldness of Tuesday chapels, Oct. 8 by Mr. Gordon Madg- 9, Profeisor Madgwick suggested Gcner and smoolhn Grants Review ffnrf mong her ne> $10,000 for Books Alumni Present Dramatic Sketch History On SMC "Tlie Village Collegedale as be used bf the Ubrary in cooperation with thi Irengthen to tlie colli^e's hour.' During ideas. Miss Lydio Som presented plans for "Self- Supporting In- in the South." liis a The buffei irday evening's tyceum speaker Dan Tyler Moore and "Spies and Spy Warfare" con- teacher Kelloge gran' those ac ary's $4,budget for tli delegates home. du cation program. Books pur That Wasn't two After lunch the associati resident. e is by Elder HeraJA. favorite acUvities. Carolyn Wilkinson of Or lando. Florida, a Forest Lak Academy graduate, was electei to the post of secretary. Carolyn com and stamp collecting and hikmg among his hobbies, is an alumnus of Mount Pisgah. Pastor of the class is Boh Strukoff, a theology major and graduate of Union Collie Academy. SMC ering of Seventh-day Adve SIO.OOO, spent Darnell, class treasurer. This'accounting major, who includes Kellogg Fund A ncc session was a;ful otions mg erg, hot. this last day de Dele ates Study" thi longing of our peopli of tlie Monday Forty years ago in the Ci^ Auditorium at San Francisc devotions by Academic Vilbert >ean Madgwick Gives ai mpfir^ tion vr^ie"^oidur'Jd "Take Seventh-d the look blood, siveat [t emng emphasi; arlicularly I lual sionary College before alumni 650 a chase of n. Saturday night, October The play, written Freeman and by Bruce by Ron directed was take Elvn B. Garduei published SMC Pickel. 13. Appi the fimds from desk, have st handy, mark tex nerally, study j ProfcMor Madgwick w rion S. D. Mount Pisgah For Fail Week Invites Hyde of Prayer '""^r Gordun .M, Hyde icheduled to give the Veok of Prayer at Mount Pis- sence h Academy near Candler Hyde ' ' from s SMC Pr classes will can rinal fashion, as nduclmg two series during be t mem ninr Elder Hyde's morning series denLs jive the foundation and Christian faith ivill be called The Reason Why." "All SulTi- Watrous Speaks At Teachers' Meet of Dr. E. T, Watrous, chairman tiie Social Science Division at ing worship period, designed Southem Missionary College. ) present God and how He was recently invited to speak to in help in one's personal life. tlie Polk County School teachers, Friday, October 5. Highlights of the week \vill Mrs. Margaret Smiley, supera opportunities for the students for Polk ersonally to ,vitness for the nth which they hold. Special lusic ivill be presented by the on Program tliat was leld. lusic department of at Watrous spoke Dr. ich of the meetings. theme ing will be selected in the same school lev MPA A >iril as tlie lectures. This marks the second trip the meeting and discusplcted the program at Copper Basin High School. SMC WEATHER SOUTHERN /[cam T. E. Unruh Gives Practical Advice for Prayer Elder T. E. Unruh last Sabbach momin . I fall Week Week of Prayer on the SMC campus Nov. 3, During the week. Elder Uonih presented 13 worship talks and two Sabbath serof his main theme, "The Search for Reality." Elder Unruh, pres- SDA Conference, also addressed the s Students Report Experiences From Annual Bible Conference :ed"'"that I, Deakins Reveals Plans, Staff Yearbook editor Maryanne Deakins recentiy named "" tes, including college pres inly the beginning of ) 1963 'Southern Memories' For a "half- lany Elder if I hadn't them." of Unruh called for in all. The morning was staff a series of studies 14;l-3, a satisfj-ing and the student body feel college and their serie Form or Chem Students, Teachers proud Attend Society Meeting yearbook — power of the gos pel to transform life with th^ forms and ceremonies of an ex lemal religion. Saul of ness for Christ and vn i Power," was presented by Elde H. D. Bennett. Elder Bennet and pleasing setting of a iour- contrasted the She continued by saying tlio' "the 1963 Soulhcrn Mcmaria on Johi and the morning entitled "Religion, a t representation of the graphic hou devotional Tarso Formal Reception Planned by Men For Women President of the men's club, Tuj Pitman, has announced that of theii ( yoarbook that will try to maki iangible the true spirit of SMC Spedfically, the yearbook number i. nmnerous chemical instmmt displays set up by leading mi ufacturers and supply house of pages printed in for annually, is under tlic sponsorship of the men's club, the Upsilon Delia Phi, and the wo- InitrumenH Displayed ii papers represenlmg cu research in various fiel !mistry were presented. SMC son. were Dr. John Christ, Clarence Chinn a Dr. members of the chemical inst Dr. Jolm Christensen, head Marilcc Easter, copy ed Virginia Schuler, photoj -aphy editor; Lynda Whitmai idilor; :ori Dean Clark Interviews SMC Students for LLU Loma Linda University Dean prospective student are based on ledjcal aptitudf Dean Clark conducted his year- ly interviews with students interested in medicine, dentistry, physical ill filled the vacancy created by lh( tlierapy. dental freshmen interested ihem on various in rcquirc- for careers in the medi- who was elected by the studcn' leges, has had the higl cs of iu apphcinl by medical schools rentage Ids. ording to loming Dean Clark reported liy- Dean Clark, the :cpled Ho^v to Study the Bible.' One of the most inspirai spccls of the Bible Confei vening wUI be Gary Reese. . gc(teia?% fipeafciiig . current events . encore House of Cards? Cuba, Castro, Si; No We've enjoyed having Eldef Unruh on our cai week; he's had many things to say to us. Bui one of his Uluscrations made us Stop and question Remember the two boys, Fred and Jonathan, who a little. both were waiting for the other to make his decision first? ("If you will, I wUL") Neither one moved, and when one died a little lacer without having aaed at all, the other was naturally quite broken up, and siUI blames himself for the last "If to practiced on our ; you wUl, I We will"? SMC, campus upon rely the props it up? Take a look at one of the props. Students are compelled to anend religious services. from the idea that to keep We like to think that this regulation stems Adventist students on an Adveniist campus normally would But if this system of involuntary attendance were removed, would auendance fall off noticeably? Assuming thai it would, then is that margin (those students who presently attend who wouldn't if they didn't have to) getting anything out of services to which they're made to go against their will? Among some of the other props we can probably list che sweet "gospel-typc" music which some people fed is necessary to a spiritual "mood," prayer bands which may give to some a oncc-a-weck brushup at praying, and maybe our classes in Bible. vaiion. To ^ ^'^^ ^Oni^Tow There is nothing wrong with props. But each of us should why the props are there, what good they arc doing, and what would happen if there were no props. We hope that our props don't exist simply to make us look good. We hope that we are not "the hollow men" who have all the right outward appearances but nothing inside. But if we are, then our props are too weak up forever, and our "house of cards" will tumble d( ji^^j? cneciudly oppli line os well. did I question our religion without the props cannot stand then our religion is no religion at all. If hearts highly ^^^^^ oi ad infinitum point of order iooi in fho 'OeVi ioty. rotary » rt ago 5A Gonerdl fonigKt) havo Atsen<b1y {eipocially been handled with an Do SA memben know fhat tho abwfn procedure automallcally renders any SA needi a paHlamentarlan. a< our gambler\ delight enjoyed gambling at Numben' numbori game in fhe vidS"(or ihr^'il^ieiiti'ms Viudciiu lunch lino and applaud tho oHcctivenois it seemi (o have wl,o lik« to be UiprouKh i>i Iheir school """'}• "">« "^^"e.'^ Siudprt" miiy it on the othof (ido it maVoi ui wonder what kind of maturity " f<:w nimor dj«urbBnc|BS in ttiMp nti have that demandi (J7 worth of plaitic cardj to wbititute , 'vo I black sheep niosphcre and tokens of the colleee's mplisi . SMt: 1 the bi-illiant, mulli-colored trees gradnf; the campus hung emblems of wasted study periods. The outdoor decorators showed tiislc and discernment in their exact place- soumRNAcam ment ' ; ; - of the yellow and lavender streamers—they were hung remove iL But the Hiillo(ven funsters endeavored only to prepare Nature for the week-end visitors. Of all tlie buildings on a college campus the most scholarly nnd U-casured is (he hbrary. Colleges may be rated scholaslically by ihe amount and content 'i " '' *" '&.iii",d!v" .««!»" "'" an.ry Coll.g,. - STAP, t nl ' — I I - Mui«ie Bumhjm I Robert Etidaon ' i .h. '"' Ur^ , P hillips, LV»5^s»"'S^ lud!, MiSte a Met Roi^ll of its libraiy books. fields of learning, but a Buildings and location are important for detecting tlie aim and accomplishments of a school, but tlie easiest raelliod for gleaning this knowledge is by studying the students. As all can testify, culture abounds on our campus. Visiting Fine Arts guests include metropolitan opera stars, classical guitarists, and recog- nized national singing groups. On every one of these dress occasions one m-iy see new signs of imfolding culture: fellows in sport sliirts \vith cold weather jackets and maybe even blue jeans, and girls in Rats oreh. JoAr!n'schuli!r, aUnosphere, accomplishm nnd pbid Clubs Plan Programs Of Intellectual President Rees Attends Meets For College Nature " " " - cenUy . for Uioir club activ All clubs ye tliis cording to club standardize and offici nre Rearing their ol] rtway from die ei and toward field SDA colleges in The Com Clwb ; meetings moder Americ wth involvement iLs Nortli . i.vill plans f, Complete Shidy incluile spcalt^ to Ihe Fall journalism, etc. Marilee .q>,K.n.rnenl with Dolly Rolls sidenl, David Muilin , Council the an indi vidua of ive a complete study to Oi^e'^n Mai a bookie which can be followed by the various Advcntist col- The Fine ir<l this Arts Club \vill be year by Jeny Alhritton lis president. Luane Logan y secrelary, Joe Priest, treasurei p taking Dr. Rees .md publicity chairman, anc Bob Bolton pastor. Dr. Morri; Taylor is the club's sponsor. Foi its first meeting in October the jllegedale ivcrsity Peace Corps Invites C was the Board of ing on Oct 23 at V. Jones was given ion in To Help Ethiopians on Farms of the to health new dorm. The new library e the cLallyastheSMCSluder mt, Chu Patty is Dok plac secretary- ! at diis lime. on of the American Institute Physics, has as ils presider ob McCurdy. Joel Gearhart f ice-presidenl, with Ron Servoi secreLary-treasurer 5 and D; ay HeHerlin and Mr. Duan Currently, Dr. Rees H. H. Kuhlman is B Club sponsor. Lloyd Johnson ser^-es a; ent of tlie Chemisuy Club this is attend- Southern Union Departlental Planning meeting in Miig the So read the personal lette am Peace Corps head an Kennedy broOier-in-law Coloni mi which fov. wiui e.\-President Tnunan at 14. meeting, will continue until The llie college board Union Conference Albert Di C V a sophomore'theologistudent, turned dow-n the op portimity for a future in agn Sponsoring the clul )hn Chrislensen. The Indus 1 Arts has elected " wth Mr. sity of Flonda had feels the has a defuute place m the board meetines-treilems on Lord nun i finish college ise. and Paul Roesel, to help ^t club activities. Activities ; year ivill again include a nkhana program. Mr. Cyril )ne of tlie larger clubs ipus, mtli 105 members, on is cinb. rhc Religion Cluh has as itf sident Bob DuBose; as its e-president, Gerald Kovalski, its secretary. at gre« Damans Cnt SMC chapter of the SNEA, Student National Education ociadon. President of tlic b is Barbara Benson. Vicesident is Matgi earned a lot gndc «lule Trenton Higli School Trenton Florida ho placed In the tenth mdmg Collegedale Cabinets, 1 Inc. ManLifacturer. of High QuBlify le National Emciencj Irowmg Contest CHATTANOOGA'S QUALITY FLORISTS irder your quality corsages for the reception fro Corr Durmg e\t >ear he nilcd as one tin ol CHIC FURNISHINGS Collegedale Barber Shop j^eas '. Tioivets be assured of getting a quality "Lea's Corsa SA Presents Stan Midgley In Humorous 'Chuckelogue' Midgley "ill give Poll Indicates Students Want Name for Dorm ERN Accent referred to the women's dormitory of Southern Missionarj' College as "The Red Tlie purpose of Uiis In th on edu ra-medical profess! Rcccntl sily ha doctoro degTCfts. CoUegedalo area. February, 1963. by the Brown Brothers Con- Knights Entertain Ladies at Reception Jrayed purpll ri !0ld, c dresdn^ for ihe r« pantomimed by P. Haley. the tabli lie Juquet of noi The mbere. Host and hostess, Mr. Mrs. Wayne DameU, wen sistcd by 19 otlier married quartet from film, S were dressed in black and w The menu was as follows: Nuts of Shenvood Forest {: and salted nuts). Nectar LTOfLoV of rs), ind Limas Veniso (succolash), UfKilon^ «)ratioos, ;coralions, . id SMC Concert Band Ron Pictd! Miic Clark cleanup. Mr. John Schmidt, Makes Season's Debut on Dec. 8 ; College Concert Band will t Saturday n al 8; 00. I 1 the tabomacle : love ivill be the fi; B Minor Qor (The "U ^V^oi Communications Club Invites Refugee to Talk Lu' otheCoi ivill ngs of : SOUMRAftofA/r the_ Island; of the band bo featured Them Basses." Other f( 'Who's Who' Taps Five . £(liteiaiy Speafeing =^=^= encore . . = current events Universal Unity? World Small As we chance ; to look at our fellow youth ic pains us one are satisfied with what they are, having ^'^^ no urge to improve. How many times are we guilty of sew- that ing ourselves into our own little world, of setting our ho- 1^^^" to see how many rizons so low that we see only what is at SMC? musi ochii all set up our own standards by which we measure everybody and everything. It is our duty as humans to jl realize that there is a world around us. Even more, we must ^^Jj realize that around us there are other measurements, measure- n,,^ ments which may rate what we cherish so dearly as com- "J^' [ We pleiely worthless. We into this God world obligated to to do our very best because we are His creation. He created us with certain abilities with which he expeas us to do our To do otherwise is conuary to His will, and thus is sin. best. [^^J, greai i^, nothing that can stop us but ourselves. To at alL try The and to fail is infinitely better greatest ambition we Mi /lass which ^ ™ ''* entire history. jL^a^to^your ^^''' In the council's preparatory 11 to be done .was ^'' than not to care can have is the desire to attempt. laid and Prmcsili'nts, and liiat tlicy, as Roman Catholics, will remain faitlifully behind their claim to inmni I ability, infallibility and die supremacy of the Pope. A liigh ranking prelate is reported I nendation were ; Vatican's Ce; 1 decided from j^^,' it poinls of dt)Ctrine, points that of the Seco ihe opening ol have their roots in the very can Council. ioundation of Christiamty. The Vatican Council II is the To tlie ortliodox Protestant held by tlierc is no cause /or optimism. the flbnomml- fii^t such council to be pnt ii nn in- ilic church in almost a century, Repeatedly the CuthoUc church anything thai gnj only ihe twentieth to be iiien ^^ we in- 1 ilifical hear people say things like "Advcntists don't enter that profession," or "Women can't have that kind of '^^ job." If these "unencercd" fields are within our grasp there nbou is There, high heads of tlie council fathers, he leading theologians— it must the saying of ihi listened ;. - i.ind were born Often under ihe colonades i; Vatican's Basilica of Sair n. ),^p To live up to what we can do and what is expeaed of we must look beyond our little world of iimnediate returns. We owe it to ourselves and to others to do our very GB best widi the abilities we have. but a healing of the wounds by ihe Reformation." us ted by Pope John XXIH In reo -- ' bodied in four ideas^ (I) nity of Catholics among left * " ingofthewal and hatred that ha' separatea the CathoUcs and U of bigotry ad infinitum Proleslants. It is apparent fro ^:e.recent CadioUc publicadons ._„ lli non-Catholics want to be united the chiu-ch is now adopting with the Roman Catholic "soft line," a "imiversal annea lesj. church, (4) unity in esteem and toward Prol id building respect for the Catholic chiu-ch 'xxa wicia nroodi and ' i i . lie wrnih but ii-islon iBnce noi- n Biologj- that animates followers of nonChristian religions. In a Vatican pr^ss release the Pope staled .u.. the Ecumenical CouncU it the doctrine, wthout an^ I Anyway. tEc'TcCENT staff hereby resolvei Htat In ! old Ihei ad- i theological tmderstandii Proleslanls and Cathol the future The Miracle of Myself Here I stand oi threshold of life. 1 am yo' of the world into which I was bo discovery of my life. I have found t ' h^re widi me and see for yourself. Feel tHe miracle. It is tingling the poined natunilisL fingers and gyrating llirou^hout whole they do. broke in the lumber, in the tips of ndding with a wry grin "for body. It IS bke the coming of spring or the rising of the sun. cd s tnr>- mv " puHMwi, of you It course, is SOUTHEftNACam ility. .^nA "d ^"^ l^L.> bo'XS M. to 6^20 p^^i, students who Jiedule during . PubU.WTh.Sh, my ^"^ ^ I I soul. tlie Stand on Uie tJu-cshold of life, it. I have asked why. I have asked who am 1/ One word. Love. my am Out of have questioned answer. are human the metamorphosis of bte; the awakening of the bemg, for the world must blow through independent and free, for my ^vill i here was an 1 like a "' wind. '--—' .;.» Mu.i.™., cii.,. '&.1i;9T<l!k"T.B' -MW-in-Chief Viisini, kbulcr NOTE EDITOR'S — RipiTOn^ Joni BcnnMi, waiid MiiiTinnt Dakuu. ^^tiA^ Stanley Rouh., Rich.rd ^Il2 ; '^ ™-.,. '"",, ^:. )ODd-itoa Hh. 0) VTL. >«n> cho wudi, Muyanne tfeikim Ijfry Lqi, Janice P <tl\. BdlUHitl AdriBt •erhaps w! but I ai . tnder about other people, I wonder about m; imporaries in this rushing collegiate atmosphere. Do die; / the miracles of themselves? I hope so. As I stand on tlie Qu-eshold of life, I remember. I remembc if I've thought it once, I've thought it a skillion times- =„.„.,. !L i,™ bflHio of collecc life.) And— if I face factsI leouW'i'i be college material if iTiadn't found out what a miracle am. I would be a shammed personage of the Southern Missionary College campus, williout a real and living purpose burdensome barassments ^ really Home Economics Intramurals Department Makes Strides According Mrs, I wih ralhj Clirislensen, n's i faculty. iated when Thelnia Hemme, assislant [ Miss team Miss ^Chalmers" V a scoi extend a cordial i full OiUfori a due ler. ) lall season four college teams copn^d b> Gerald KeUy, Frank ImouL Jim Mcintosh, Dec le to the illness of inumngs, and Hemme will SMC campus by Miss the lumed out. There «on play Tm it he otticiates at the girl's but nol last, — Wedne5- was Kelly coming the eliimnaUonlr lour playoffs, inient 1 that This Mrs. Lois Case. .ind Mrs. Zoerb an upper ssful nagbaU Members Faculty is leachinc ck division sewing second semester if enough arrived. Willi the endin! cl that i ung of all — basket sports It appears that the tradi Uonal Roodgames and spectalo hall pie are interested. She has training at the Chicago Scl o[ Dress Design and'^ has sipiod dresses for wealtli; I L.Halc '£ Student Association Office J. Slrickl. Undergoes Remodeling Palmour e^finc'tMms^Tfpla'in^ J Chahucrs. Judy Ed. lodeled by Uie end of this school- Nfo. Harvey Fooie leaching foods class assisted by Evelyn Strawn who nf the laboratories. is in n building, SA ir K. R. Da\ Fine Arts Series Features Classical Guitarist Diaz SMC Negotiates Logging Contract With Pulp Firm ! finished ivith wood- ecently signed Hall. Students in the in Everyday Living, a these displai sponsible isible for Uii s '3f m ii,cendotthes< behind the College administration building. an additional responsib lh< pres: pose of the project ks the department is in chari .mail receptions held for vi les Fleming, is not primar §1,000, but to thin ihc growth in those areas. be cut are selected mipany forester anc nth a blue paint. Aftci 1 >es to being marked they idling drapes, ding to SA and built' Treasurer t loggers usuig chain saws an then loaded on trucks to be d< Ijvered lo tlie Bowalers Papt Company plant near Calhouj tcoee, a recent "fudge" party, speakers at club meetings ind plans for a Christmas party liphlight the agenda. jLiest Dr. Otto Christensen Gives Week of Prayer at Fletclier Dr. Olio Christer an of the Di^-ision of Rehf recently coimpleted t Fletcher 11 \vcok of prayer wdemy, Fletcher, North Car- SMC. Stop and Rest at Tlie llicme of the prayt Greatest Nhr; New Birth." Each m ns "Tlic The Oaks Motel ; of faith and how e inno ic .^eg^n woRhipjH ^^ Sc^l Chris loyalty, dependability McKee Baking Company COLLEGEDALE INSURANCE AGENCY Little Phone 396-2451 Pinlflcuda ofTice ha; c' The grade home economics class is being taught by Mrs. Lois Case. s the depar Roddy Mc Intosh t Derbies thi Mexican Singing Boys Choir To Perform on Campus Dec. 9 Shopping Center Plans Will Include New Phillips bb " SOUTHERN ACCENT Special Effects Set for Program Classes Organize, Elect Staged by SA Steen, Boyle, The officers of Van Rooyen the fresfmian, s evenina. De< Abv jach das ictual lelectior T«eKe ^fii^htin^^and sound Linda Bryant Elected to SA Secretaryship scenes will be portrayed, elected Patty Chu, major and pre-med from Kentucky. The . filled by Cal; ifomian Stanley Rouhe. retary, Linda ^e^nf^^ Fine Arts Concert Features After the pro Christmas Can. viU be held. Tli cht Hour wi" ^eteria holida, and dairy egg nog vn direct vJdteTlu- ny thought, highhghied by iheir singing of "Three Anlhf I ' the ( by less than on tallied by Roi James WolcotL the first vhich included hoy; F Choir, called Chattanooga Boys witi deal hem scenes, ^ee last Mi specifically %viLh Christmas. -' irrator for the evenmg ^vUl back ding the "Ni . AJ^al the chapel chose as their dent Claude Steen from Carolina. Elected as vice dent was another North Packed House Greets Debut of Concert Band fot Fishf £ of the pro director of the Morelia ind Mills, student Chose C Buddy Votes in the election, which counting student, and selected "otes erber, tht Mananitas" and a special arrangemE Of the 12 members chose Wayne McNutt of Tenness4. The secdent, ico appeared Dec. " md sang 9, and sanf a varied program. Under the The purpose Florida Mexican Singing Boys Choir wi Sellers S3'lvia •ed. Florida 'student Jim Boyle as the the presi- North presi- Caro- need J 1 Saturday Gordon M. Hyde. Ider da Whitman, Ron Stephens, Students See Hoffa Trial }see pktwes, page 4) Their school was in the At Nashville i 1743 the aUeged "payoff" '^ asler President ere 21 SMC trial of del's —the year New founded in which Han- and wa; World, ii "Messiah" in Londc J. M. Ackerman Finishes Work For Doctorate Jimmy Hof- formed students en- Dr. C. N. Rees amiouna Friday that the work on last bome years ago the conserva tory director. Maestro Bema Jimenez, induced the direcloi of the famous Vienna Boy; Choh-, Romano Picutti, to joir the MiddJe Tennessee Fedhim in Moreha. During the sij ral District court in NashviDe. direction Presiding over the district court years under Picutti's --''' Berber, tht Feder ' Judge William E. and now under Luis Moreha boys have achievec t I Millej Hoffa is bein the federal gov leged violation . the Tafl-Hanlf !m\r J- The choir has made severa' Canada, by employ ei officials Hoffa charges rges that iht ' :ial Carr 'Old a Teamster strike. Hoffa's E. Haggerty. F. Neal. with such celebraU ;s as the Vienna ind the French Choir of Following the Det "a had agreed to SMC students. required his presence elsewhere. The day following the visit ' -f SMC students, vas assaulted be courtroom Jmimy Dr Acken Thursdo} don on T the Ed D will Hoffa and fired upon in by an ex-mental While stay mga over ih choir boys %ve imes of local e Chattanooga Lookout Moui id Rock City. Dr. Acker . latin Qditom% Speafeiiig . america . Knowing Our Neighbors Lost: The True Meaning ^vaich that daik-cyed lad for s During the incerim benvecn those rwo great sanity and Christmas holisavers of college students, Thanksgiving ""^^^^^^^'i'^'^^^^^"", ^^^ ^[ put on that costly ^°r h^lcMdih au'^e'grac days is the accepted time for the world to J more requests „ ^^^„, Hi. glcami«E wliiu . cloak called Christmas Spirit. Santa receives Salvaaon Army than die Academic Policies committee. The """'""y^f J"^™' ^"^"^^^ i"^^ °_^^™ march. Traditionally the carolers are out— for a j^^, ^i^g^tly v jj^ on the old boy preaMnod lo lady. or. tot ma half dozen good catiscs. Christmas cards go to clients, year, and then friends, and everyone who sent you one last J°[?f^''T°",'X;^^„^''.'^hi; madly at die last minute to those who sent you one the year- ,^^^^^^ j^,^ ^^„^, d,,j„,„n„ i< thinks of a way whon rig'" "r justii anyone colled forth year. If before-last and again this can to get Christ back into this welter of commercialism.he y^''^JJ°^*'°^^j,"ve'iltio''vV' commercialize on the idea by selling it as a beatnik joke (,ne(,i[hi.coDqueriiiedoni,liisrao is <. ihe daaghtcc ol a proud and bau or as an ardcle to a national magazine. Everyone can spend die year looking for new methods ^"^^^ ^"jocsn-, ipcnk Enelii of business astuteness in hopes of paying his December bills, ^^^^^ ^.^^ „j. ^_ ^^ tut te but at the moment he wouldn't think of dc&ling his child's credulity concerning Santy, give a I little to anyone who wonder what and sticks it's out just pan of aa the in to his hand. Christ thinks of His birthday? shocked by the commercialism imagine He is shockproof after His memory? Is He 0tlki^ikf0 V##wV« V rather I 1 like to all these years. the tinsel a once-over lightly and realizes that Dear Mr. Buroimmt we poor humans, in however feeble a way, are trying to put In tho November 29 «™^ot ^''™™''' ° ,*r some Christ Spirit into Christmas by the idea behind all "^f^^^^ diink He gives JT " ? r^ ad infinitum II r, g.nmB, .clnoJedgiJ A.l S;', t^T" ''"'°^"" "" talk Engliib be ^''J'J.i™ \ (ks n»,.b., of prion. ,otij.g JfSi'Jri^dT.SrtS K S"«'°,iX'^n'd1p"„"l!'.re"'G" ;ri,''Ti,™"!;.itV"'Ji.!S thon account for ffio ovofwficlming number of itudentj (37 per cent) lni,uT„ol the Senate Ihnt remlu ^™'"^- ^"^ beq"ealhed him many bul wbat they were really IryinR to believe it ij, r^eU-fuaclJauina SA. Wo leel terms that have to tlo ivilh agricollure. do ivas to .how their lack of frirndliwho voted in the recent SA Kcretarial eiecKon? u.d art „eu toward our Anericao loreigo un»i,o 10 iJecide en oleetion one way or another on such a .mall turn ,h.l aieete maeliog. A.uld 1« held "ohil"™". malbemalitj We somEmi\cam P«bK,WT^.S, -'•caS:;' s:sn .™t.r STTAP, M»mg>oB Editor"— I«.o,i- F^:m, Viigini. Sehaler p'^^^^ abert P^^.,„^^ Erickun ^ Pany Cbu Jeyce Hassell :. DB.ioo.Muu Edimrbl Adrtwc IhaioBj Adviiof G. Busbaell '"tioB ' H f"^' '^^ drop by our sides Again you know.) Like wispy tkeletons colored charcoal for Halbweon, the "*" problem is bad enouBh, trees stood mulely and suffocated in the deathly atmosphere. "/,C ™?.Ta F^. , 7v'.r.u,";. , "",{' , , ""'"'i "" °"". "P°" ""P"' k«d life- 'W' .•">• "nno, there had been action, color, thai been wilh that special brand oi vita ity 55 EdKA.'Su^ajsie""" '"»"' . ' '' oHeting. lo the god of tho tt " Madison College MV Society Gives Program Madison Collpge studenLs MV Society leadera were on SA Senate Has On ni giir- Lively Session and Meetings Lines, Radio Ihe SIViC on id tlie Line llie evening's agenda die subjec bject of cafeteria line breaking. The senators felt tliat s the plastic that number sj-stt satisfactory. It served on the south side severe ye. ^^proce urc i son CoUegc campus on Decei ber 14 and 15. Tlicir progra titled "Then Tliey Spokt ; Well-known Under Pen Name Sigma Theta Chi Gives Party For Orphans By Joyce Russell In her natural habita South Kennedy Serves As Consultant At Teacher Meet j I Dr. K. M. Kennedy, chairin of the Division of Educain, was the consultant for the xindary education teachers' __nvention held at Daytona Beach, Florida, November 18- femories office desk h roughly writing, yearbook. Like most iar's e she jends much of her life z in her office in the cataf Lynn Wood Hall, Tliis is the first ference time had mel in although een received ' »vn th. six students but should wait ti hav joyed praye Chairman Frances Shi f [lie women's dormitory at SMC. Eng- Each student is given the oppor and d Milton's Mil . credits Youths Instructor and Croco- Tte 1 fo the Pen fact that she's quahty of teaching dents because she pre a pen name (which s when w to «veal) for o The England. — Linda Mundy will be on tht Oriando campus. Nominated U run for the office were Assistan SA Secretary Linda Bryant ani newly-elected Sodal gducatior is tecn,GcodMo use keeping, Campus Illustrated, The award short story lected studeni of Stu. Association secretary. This of fice -will be vacated second se mesler as present SA Secreian ar clotlies, toys, The Christmas party llst vear she wrote » ly, Tfidenl busi cumulated ling also included a film ar Unkn ^vriter. Chaucei .._ . si include compositions in Sevcn- land, she ordinarily it felTtha^r She's iditor. "veff -. Maryanne'. -„ hard work. Her array of etc. sion^'on iheTj Orphans from the Bonn )aks School in ChattanooE vere again thjsyear the gucs )t the Sigma Theta Chi, can >us women's dub, al a Chris idiool supplies at the Bui Mary; SMC methods, grading, effect nas parly Dec. 12. pprOKimately 300 seconteachers from the SouthUnion attended the three- become Annual Editor Maryanne Deakins U enrich feels, will hei Cunity to donate 50 cents foi and spur buying gifis for a child. Although the party was spon bands, tin The ultimate goal of Mary- sored by the prayer Slock id anne's life is lo have the plaque "Editor" on her door in tli£ Youth's Instructor office. Products of her thoughts and in the form of stories, although she creates occasional poem. Her corapo lions radiate her beUefs ai ideals of life and reflect the o pen are mostly ; club as a unit boucht Tarte. Janice Suggs Announces Jingle Contest apples The annual American Teni perance Society jingle contest ando WSMC Has 'Poetry Corner' "" i Poel " featiuB of thoughts lo paper, Miss Suggs replies to the Board of Begenis for - ' >ol of Sevet Sev< General Conference md he query of • saying, first "When I was bor tive. Her cluef Uierair tool i! the tliought channel, loUo^ving Maryoime aspiring advises A Clyde Bushnell's prograi jingle should be from two I'varietyoi presented ks by Enghsh self -study Zimmerman held. lid at are story styles which introspec- predominantly appointment journalistic rthechfl the chai e tor the [odem short recently returned NashviUe on Nov Health Service Immunizes 282 Tlic coUe^e Healtli Sen ludents agaii discouraged feefings you musi inevitably have if you are to ^vTite, and many of your cesses. In other words, write —umpteen times it fail- don' you " CHIC FURNISHINGS Mrs. Marian Ki Good the Health Serv for her, advice: ifs worked weU Dr. Rees Elected To Commission Dr. C. N. Rees, coliege P^si dent, has been elecled by thi Graduu 1 Collegedale Cabinets, _ uted Stale S the _ United Inc. Manufacturarj of High Qualrty Bs for Schooli and HoipitaU ! Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2912 of the denon colleges and , on No- ibelii e Bar- Cn- of ented by English : ing committee and wiU the tliree best jingles. selec ATS Reports Southern Association Votes Membership Total of 508 Full Re-accreditation of SilAC lation of Colleges „..!,. in Hopes Staff i Dr. O. H. Christensen Does Entries for Encyclopedia """^ "' ""'""" '^' " ' - - - , Q^^^ Chrislensen. lege chapter visited the Chatta iiooga Education Fair and EsInbit sponsored by the dty Scrlven Speaki and Schools, meeting '"ntinue Southern Missionaryion, This action re-accredits For 3.000 Watts On WSMC-FM The staff of campus adio station, is planning to inpower of the station ransmiller to 3,000 watts. WSMC, rease the This expansion, the staff itional secretary of the FJorida hopes, will he accomplished by ""' hidding for and securing a Friday ' Elder Ward A. Scriven, edu- — transmitter m sale. ". ^„^ is presently doUars to the radio station 03 eieme lary and secondary educatic =*'.dents students received their Teache. Tea'^h^ lomorrow norrow phis from Elde: H Becker, Southern U: education! Simmons, which Five-hundred "the'SeS' was voted Re< luei^ung, which makes possit for produi <.-uuL<iiioiia supervisor of the Florida Con attention was turned to t-roducing "special programs" which feature students faculty. Some of the pros are "Religion and the ectual," "Fine Arts Fan" and "Tips for Horneorts, '" ,, fjitugi;. ' - To' ijonsecratac prayer for the members ar "^ was offered by Eldi .-..^. Dickson, Georgia-Cun berland Conference education; Last Sunday evening the dub ^"^ ^'^^ T. ShepThe club also u V°^ A School. -srd , planmnc a Christmas party, at which the guest of honor %vil] beMissRuSinichardsonofthe Ltiattanooga School Board. SMC Federal CommumcaCommission has licensed as an educational sta- e WSMC uid the purpose of these National League Accredits SMC's Nursing Program Campus Hosts Physics Convention Twtnly Inciting J altended a ie^ held on the ; ics "" nr s tj!;^^ a, i",T^ pcrature SMC 's^;:,'i n Goodyear Atomi phy .z. coiife "EcS department. % dDr "bo^Jt pres»„ Loul Corp.; h eflerim. r. ISMC- FoUowing dinner in the cafeteria, the confere vfned Speaking during the aitemoon session were Dr. H. N. Olsen Northrup Aviation Company; Mr. W. K. McGr^or, AEDC and Mr. Paul Dixon, McDonnel Aircraft Corp. the Umted Stales Army Missile Command's Redstone Arsenal at Huntsvillo, Alabama. Topics discussed included the capabihties of advanced desi^ temperature. 1, and the approaches to plasmajel to Dr. Hefferlm, the purpose of the conference recognized leaders in the plasmajet field together mote the exchange of ideas and information. the field of spectroscopy. Several s Physi 1 ler paper, i sommm ACCENT EveswsS' LLD Accepts Four Students From Foundation —— I The group dents of nursing has oampleted psyclualric nursing examinauon^. These seniore scored 36 poi- cent above the national avfirst enige percentile score in the National League for Nursing ex aminalion covering psychialri* nursing. All students but ont jcored witliin the upper 12 pei cent of students in the Unilec presidei " of 'physH college recently receivec of S41.500 froi ii' ^th S6,300 now 56 300 June 15, 1963, and the ini amounts on June 15 1964 June 15, 1965. : I -•ubUc Mil It iJie 1 Thus far the physios depart menl has received $62 680 in NSF grants for this pro]ect It b nursing has also received $150 from the Tennessee om ible the die u-chnsi eauipment and reCenU unly Health Center for liors of tlie perience in division pubhc to tl ff heall Miss MiriBin Kerr, ii ucior in public health nur is in direct charge of U !, rsing. jgram, and she works wi Dean Golley, health offic . on the specu^ M Kr^ jiiip-iiiw ,i£:fi i according I The ^ The National b lence Fouji dation has granted $''3 "00 to Southern Missionary College to Moccasin Bend. - of loms in electric arcs They also lade possible the purchase of le plasma jet, which has been nder study for tlie past year, nd the completion of several ., ' •^•r i|f Schools Admit Boynton, Case, Dunn, Haerich r SMC s itly notified c Linda Un dental schools by board of Accepted to medical and Ronnie Gas ^M Boj ^ : and students 21 y Haerich Fred tuder but has parents served as While * ^e M^'^ldcTd'o^'^ Md Umversily sdiool this a foil naUve Case .^f ih. of medicine will be Ronnie Case of Portland, Tennessee receive his badieloi ivilt arts degree this spring ^vith t Sigma Theta Chi Names Officers For Semester Rule n of the programs con Tspend tCi^'enlire -> u- on the Collegedolc ;edale. Olheri Teach - g SMC members no^v' '^ Gladys campus, include lude"" Mrs. Uladv GarFand, Miss Barbara Beavor= Helen Ei ron. Miss Miss Ml . Miss Flore aduatc He lia; of the Bcholarsliip dental faculty, at eill fif- school , . , ENCORE SOUTHERN Acam FMuu,,.: n, "'""°""' '""°"' s^^"-^^*;-':';" u';:»;r Editor-in-chief Gilbert Burnham Managing Editor Associalre Editor Mariorie Burnham Virginia Schuler Indispensable Aid Judy Edwards QdilomHHij Spcafciiig A . . Time for Repair [har : ii: n, oh.iUdes to concain- Tiiese obstacles. Wl- re sulTicier - l.nR of our const on. of the he Sena P™!;,p«l needs representation for the individual scudeni Senate s of such limited repi " One that IS such Scholarship and the Health and Laboi should be abolished. Since these committees are not vital to SA welfare, they do not deserve a senate sear, and their chairmen should be appointed by the president as he feels the need, rather than election by the student body. pled we would like to see two senators elected by each class. In few way the senate would better represent a cross-section of eapl student interest and opinion, men this ; mprovi SA office belie , also 3 the Saturday night but by onH ricWe morrslTpllorr" from "the that we'll want to come smdcni body no.v if luch proJKU jalify lary system seems to present this system a student to run in a primary elcaion for any provided he obtained a petition with 25 signatures. the most democratic possibilities. would be Under eligible IS not filinc who dents filing for the office, the prerogative to nominate adc, lional candidates would be theirs. EDITOR'S NOTE: including a the grasp for the future liter edition of the AcFollowing the primary election, a runoff eleaion wou page (probably ap- for be held between the two candidates receiving the largt the spring) would rept number of votes except in a case where one of the candidates be"',;;Vup";rTlu?em cui received more tlian 511 per cent of the voles in the primary po^itions^ poetry short sho '^''^"!^"- We , , believe nrticles of fact, fiction, ,. this which ha d ban touched coral i fanUi system would create more interest in —anything reasonably -rpariv SA and destroy the myth that the Senate is a self- 0" ^^ campus there i deliperpetuating organization. This type of eleaion would also "i'*^ "'^^ ^°^ « strictly liti "' " ''-'"--'-really interested in an office a chan , ouUel which ™ll I the laleni our cam run for the job. a -century age our : have seized the ti • h heal ' rSA In shoj you would i major repairs. ,on.e GB : like lo defini i Zl to'l^gS^ma only— and nd lion people J- )i ,. - 'hrough die media of 'pres was as familiar to mosi :et. Early in '62, the big sfully orbits man in outer snace " di and now extends his ban. 2 of the disguised and C; -al ^^ ith culturally acceptal acceptable for the u tiuie aiiiiiiuriiy 10 and nself ; has often appeared lo favor the valley of Assam. Conununist camp. Every year The Indian predia she has ted Ihe campaicn 1" f nni „i,..„i "^ Red China '- ' , . . I 1 .1 ry . This only thai _ in- Menon I 3 ui . assent to rengion, reflect I , u half this Noi Northe ^ ,„,„„, himdrcd mil- througl through the mountain q^intained a a Uircepronged attack Him. a prevalent atun ide that nlo Ihc daily life i; is By BlL Tadakli, but Cape == Nehru and the Paper Dragon - radio, please see the editors on the Indian scene hum ( me tcpl"!Menon-7r the cabinet. ler Mr. Menon's it deep spiritual is nu aim iJlmstlike pattern. Many "intellectuals" (eel they must not rely on faith oi simpUcity of beUef for the solution of problems. 1 reason everything out. Thus, through personality, T ouUels, they exprc igue and nebulous dep; We do not know what God may a Knickerbockers Hale Marches Ahead to Lead As Intramurals Gather Steam Sing for Lyceum, Fine Arts Program By RicHAnD Mmitin matched basketball me rouglily played on Monday, Dec. 1?, Hale took a command' ing lead over Kellcy and taanQged lo keen ii ihrnughout the game as Kolley played witlioul tlie valuable services of his star rebounder and plajinaker L. V. t of t voice changes ha but the present mands the talents lersity, sludi II pts 11 Despite (he fact th \ Soprano Snra iUiode ForlWorlh, Texas, isa of the American Oper hn, Ilaly. Sound game lilt it pt. kellc\ 2- made Ilali. reld goals lo KeUe^ s 21 Tie* throws proved the difference ai Kelley made 9 to Hale s 2 Sunday recently appeared cleared on or _ The n Dec ned Mu5ic Neglected Books In Library Young Artist i,vinner and presented lus debut recital in in I960. leading lenor of the Sania Fe Opera Need More Dates, Social Life of Federation lional e of 32, i Clubs A New York '!" mark-'l 2 ccondgamcof thee2 63 ol li HaU High 15 points. Chemistry Head Works on Exams For Convention of Dr. John Chrislensen, head the chemistry department rom the eastern regional Wall-fl Europe \vilh the appearances it> company for canbe found many tlie West at Many of tliese wt Harry Garland, baritone, frankly, need more s studied voice at Uie University enjoyed. They need r of North Carolina, In his professional career, he has been associated will the Grass Roots Rerlin Festival. Literature the Rome Opera Company Workshop, Garland toured Eur- —on Award Darnell, senior Kennedy's Profiles in Courage., which is a must on the reading lisu of all loyal Democrats and fans. T. E. LawTence's Seven Pil lars of Wistiom has not beer checked out suice 1958, As all ''1 followers of what the world'; From Union Office Goes to Darnell direclor of the Knickerbockers, their checkout cards. One oflen-heard-of book thai "has been amazingly, checked out iust once Uiis ylar is President Kennedy sludent^friudolf* F^^i^, he Lawrence's fascinating adven- Milton Bloch, and Arnold Schoenberg, and recent- Sessions, t for 1 From iUR is Rislau, publishiti for the Soutliern \ lliis award goes ior interested this Cumm- ?, For anyone 'who has evei bv Eric h year for Donald Gra in the hterature work. i^nge from English of He^; i Purcell'to th( of Lera 1 On Temperance nnry Uy-ouls for Sell itle"MmpJsed"of^i i ives of tlie Southern T Association, the S nion and the coUege Paul Getty, Al Aristotle Onas J. nd Mark Twain Himself llie \'rl.s WSMC-FM PROGRAM SCHEDULE So- be held early in February at '~"iattanooga Seventh- day > of PHOTOGRAPHS Of b*io^aphy''of uel Clemens. tlie J, Advei i nig andV«'^ni"'l Sundaj', sodelj['s jnd Loew. The Saturday the 1 several e iddresscd t clii Rojos Announces Oration Hopefuls To Hold Tryouts American Bthis book, Sig mud, group ciety President Max Rojas annoiuiced recently thai prolimi- to - preparing a program "ill include a variety ariet ''^of" r' 3dly and made an exciting sec 3.1(1 half of the game. As Uii buzzer sounded ending tb game. Hale held n slim siK poin All Occosions ve^a^hS Yet it, too, finals to be held on campus. Rojas also stales that the ;ults of the ATS imgle con Anyway, the despite library tlie (lowi shelves, get moro room than Motor Trend. in ^hero's Need the rca. a Haircut? Collegedale Barber Shop Stop and Rest at The Oaks Motel COLLEGEDALE INSURANCE AGENCY McKee Baking Company Little VIRGINIA WOOLSEY. Owi HelpiegovT 110 Sh Phone 39«-Z451 Debb'es TAS Chooses Dr. Christensen Science Lecturer Mariner Team Tours Europe For February Lyceum Program Captain and Mrs. Irving Johnson, $OUmm ACCENT Sophomore Nurses Receive Caps, Take Pledge In Annual Ceremony Dr. Christensen Retires As Religion Chairman , presently head of the the traditional Flore The Hyde came on lent ot tl board that led the college ivith r fi have comple r Profcs ;nd of New York's Knickerbocker Quartet peiTormed A years of service to the studct 3-6; new :hola5ti takeoff II of 1 Knlhy ninchara, . n, tl the cla! liehf^ of on the Final Johann Strauss' Total Registrants Hit 822. Exceeds Last Year by 19 United The moved State! heologj- from Emmanuel Misiionary College in 1942. Presently he is worldnc on his Ph.D. Btoric and public address chigan Suile University. tlieir sophomore stud to the Orlando, Floi school year. • 1962-63 school aU-time hieh t Broadway melodies v leled from the prograi the performance. a gam 822 follow tor th< he second This figure represe ol 34 over die correspo of lall, "A Man Called represented the previous h for the college. The net number of sliide attending SMC second semei will be 19 more than dur Board Starts school year. sents the college's largest d sion. On the Orlando campus, second semester, tiiere ivill be did not appear during the The concert was a coml Remedy Smoke Problem Action to Richard Gumming, previously most readUy visible in the Ni tion 36 nursing studenU. Evening extension ing taught in Orlando by Elder Fine Arts and lyceum ^I^views of the Fine Series concerts ai'o publishe die Chattanooga Daily Tin :entral heat plai cording Talent Program Slated For Presentation Feb. 16 SA to Fleming, lirough individual ballot md die Combui ion Engineer- led n by the audience from ograms s that th( tor the show, prog a printed inted progri be e a Egeneral variety will program with and his me , Auditions daily locally. the gross plant and Case, on the a former ^iU be s will ction. go emcee for thi m-am Ml th. I Tht dumped on r the os foi the days of vnudeTaleiit outlin- talented performer, but not ..ho has ssarily t, The judge 1 to by Ui( any §^re^ "vilT'bcT's'pecial adges' award, wluch will go tc po! sinular talent, sinuli thi first tii Detamoi Marie Wetmore. Charles Mc- England. Ne%vbold gradui ted from Ni _ kshire, EngCoUege in \ ('anvickshir mainly Nig parua|)atmc uniforms for the e iting tlie ceremony and wearing Richardson, Beverly Shackli Sylvia v Margaret Tctz, Sylvi Pohle, "" Nancy Wende! Wendell, Hyde, pof the t for ihe tout The the ure Week, origina lied tor the week of !• Sarah Jane Ki^g, Sharon Li sley, Mona Rae iVIiller, Don forllarch 3-6. states Frar Mobley, Linda Mundy, Cai chau-man of the social Olsen, Palsy Osborne, Si June, 1964, Dr. ivill Knickerbocker Quartef Sings Versafiie Concert Week Banquet Feb. 14 professor of E languages a lical Dr. Beev e doss in Culture Comes March Chrisieri dress. ^ of health of' divi t kweTl, SMC esented fo/ui SA benefit inetnciencv its relatively of Uie low co- Yearbook Editor Reports ^Memories' Progress growth pains africa's -. = fidito(iia% Spcafciiig ... The African Crisis Of Manners and Mien How well-bred the is SMC \ By JoN student? if the subjea is treated in a too-general But we propose four distinct ways of measuring the good breeding of an SMC student: 1) the type of music he listens (o— If he can't appreciate good music, he should at least be able to non-appreciate ; Old hai? Maybe, ounnet. cheap music. (One would think that the adolescent affinity for rock and roll would be outgrown by the freshman year of college.) Ad on-campus 2) his behavior in dormitory halls mouse may be a dorrm'tory terror. (Calling friends from miles down a hall, talking loudly when in hearing range of fifty people in their rooms trying to study, and singing — —good or bad —while walking along a the "wrong" example s , , i coiS"parl^the''c^nso Union. However, ' ' ,-orld have I * adopted by wth each side pu cular brand of political idealogy. But J juntries t lent to be juntries, we've heard, in for this category.) manner toward 4) his — we — aren't. (A diaraaer strangers, especially on sidewalks Paris, where aI the west seems tnn in tdU Cold While ( 111 nn War skirmisli, many ited he j of iiercenary troops to oppose tJiis realignment. Finally last week, alter years of bloodshed, ; The If not friendliness, pure civility is a in the cafeteria ;d to have misnppropriat universally accepted standard of good manners. (When a person meeting someone while walking along a sidewalk solely for his o^vn good. Soor can't manage a "Hello," "Good morning," or even "Hi," fiercely independe ch merely op should least squeak out a pale "Hey.") and Congolese Kalansa with Jie rest of the (jingo Union. On the Katanga ;ide, Tsiiombe has been employuag Belgian come have lo > UN Congo the 1 eahgnment that before did ilot exist. The ( zens of Ihes | s had no educal who illustrates the "don't" of this topic will have be- Jor preparat come sentimentally attached to the flagpole, if nothing type of govemm s a lamentable result. else, by the time he leaves SMC.) as the consoliaation has gotten un- tVinf i have adopted the western system of hall, distinguish 3) his behavior in public with his current flame "Public passion" is never in good taste, except perhaps, rimo r-h bitt i. 1 the type of gover ties {ledgting Afric these , j UN . to vir....,, for the last two nnd a half yenrs, ana nas the United Slates against her Eui-opean alon many mailers of pohcy. President of the Knlanga province has at sey- hombe lether the Leopoldtaa keep the Kalanga question no\ UN will have to stay for ime yet. Recently a mob surf;ed dow itv's main street yelling "Tshombe riteria, the i at There are other obvious examples of the "don't" side Presently the^Unitcd Nations is tlioroughly of other obvious rules (wearing sport shirts and class jackets Vthe Ki to a Fine Arts concert, thinking that anything more conservIt ffoin Lgo Union which is controlled fi ative people consider "worldly" is really gi igs), but these four main Leopoldville. This struggle, which has and rankling examples arc enough for one dose. the future, take a look at yourself. Judge ssitics of good behavior and good brced- yourself by the How ing. encore m individual, behave aSects the behavior of (he students. SMC Student" is a vague unknown, identity. 'The SMC Student" is you. you, patterns of the essence of Christianity The For aldiouj s EDITORS NOTE A few contributions -^ : to our proposed literary page have been dribbling into the office. In case you missed last issue's announcement, we'll repeat: we're planning a literary insert page in a future AcCBNT which will be made up of creative student compositions. So ... if you have any bright ideas, we'd 5A like to see . . are right in doing fourth nldnd's loyally lo God, inasis in the wron" place. hllier ^ a it is easy to place too much emhear our ministers, teachers, and religious leaders tell us so often that being an Adventist Sabbathkcci no our minds? J Being of sinful nature, tliere is no virtue in our merely eeping the letter of the law. Nor is it possible lo observe the recepls of the Decalogue in Iheir true spirit wiUioul first c,\eriencing that wliich is the only means of salvation—con vcrlon. It is service from the heart that God wants, not lip-service, r even good deeds wliich arc not motivated by an indwelling t Then . mind problemi that we feel o»it in our election proceedingt. During the la>t we've-forgoHenhow-many-electiont. we have recorded ourwlvoi having voted by crotsing our namot oH the student roller in one election, initialing it in the neit. crossing our inifialt off. drawing a circle around it. thumb printing it, and wo fully eipect to be asked to draw our picture beside it v.hen we cast oor ncit ballot. II ii our humble suggestion that next year's SA identification cards carry numbers from one through ih lait We ver do we advance the the( to _save. Howeve have any power We f ad infinitum The of being legalistic. ^d MB election again brought to > » kirn it is Who ccording lo [oly Spfrit, ain much our not so is o\vn feeble strength ultimate How One is our utter dependence on His .vhole and wo think that a liHle more formal election proceedings would stir up some badly needed student Interest. orld,, this is floor, to U jrk. the construction of poriable voting booths it not a noceii'ity. It's rather inconvenient to mari our balloh against the doors, the walls, or the we need able lo accomplish anything through our lives we do diis, we need only ask and the is God, will live in us. can we fail to victory with Jesus directing from within. If His ™11. Which none other tlian aim in Ute. lite. llie Ilie object objective I school. That church, this development of all < " "'" ly. It is redemption, the restoration of God's hat» off lel programs have ihave been soummAcam m thanlcfu. ind should' set an ewmple for °ho'"cdlege a modest proposal ggecing 9 We somewhat daied from the regained enough of our seme 5liould tly greal. P.l>IUh.„, TK. S,„d.„^^A.. nu,, hiKb fl * linh lo dc- tb e Tho"^^ ' RHilnr.m.rhi,/ "r-ourEJior"*' Copy — Mi..Ton.ry Co ,l:±': "d.'li?"T, r.iihe,. — M. Bv.tnhim ^SiXn e'I'tkion Editor j~-^-.t|^SlalTT«i''t-.nT ""uZ"'"b..™«.».„ D,|i%7ri , ^J i^'-^r: ,1' Zillt -:. B"'^C<?SS Board of Trustees Votes Study Leaves for Faculty College , Dr. Otto Christensen Full, Colorful, Has Had Church Career Burn HAM Dr. recalls ivith Christensen laughingly an expenence native cnrefully of bricklayers. explain T.,s He $oumm/\ccm Valentine Party Attracts 300 to City's Read House The ballroom of the Read House in Chattanooga v lanon's annual Valentine Banquet held February 14. One hundred twentj-seven couples ballrc Dec ; of the social upon id Collegiate Chorale on Mississippi SMCs Collegiate Chorali under Uie direction of Prof. Do Crook and accompanied by Sy. ,viUi OrdiG Mis^ lybelle Ma Sellers, will leave campus group ^viu oe sidicLui FndTv, March 8, for Missis- Bach and Mozart, of the} ear. Culture y Week Culture Week on die widi fealiu-ed speaker SMC to Feature campus be Elder to Reese, David 0; fhe second group . The _. rJ 'u hr^l sacred concert %m11 and Lj-nda Wliitmar The ^„„„\viH i„dude 'iclieduled for is W. and n for the !I:00 o'clock Sabin Jacks Marc y liadi service tlurd at Bass of the social >nd Mem ^ , Ralph Nohregn, Wayne ?Ln Bi I Fall Mai H. Shephj 1 last I ^ak i-(i. Vandennarfc, The chorale wll perform for elude musical selecljoi {a male gi lartet), by a men's t lliree sacred concerts and one CoUegians Judy and Martha Wi Kjdruff, Fraidc Palmoui secular concert Shephard and Coronation Valentine dinated by Symnl _ the The fourby hotel hullei Tour First KnoK\'ilIe . the theme of the id i Visits Valentine" and in Love." Joann sang "Gelling L Know You. Comple' rhhght of Ul( Dorm Clubs My Someone." p chosen by audition "Goodnight, wiUi a ^vider muUsually held in connecliou ience than the avei-- ^.^th Culture Week, the ban: See Film and Hear Geraty it :ed 'alt ,'VUdet rm Wood rF°sXoi ineetinR. The Ie„p_ fibn, now Delta First Christian incelled " Phi-Si e Choir, under die Professor Don ,f ited a sacred con- Christian Church. ConsuHatK General Conference Education Department, was visiting on the Presently a depart SMC I md spoke for tii club r jetine on "Whicl vilh 1 SMC'sla\vi many ' The othei has Choi t Johnsons Ketch 'Yankee' Sail five Haydn sel. .villi "Come Uome Ye aamts which ha-; been recorded by die Aformon Tibernacle Choir m Rivers Across Europe On the prograi Featui-ed the Collegians the and Mardia .umm-OBramiitlie Delphi and tlio Bibl.cnl cm of rn.lifsu«ri.y '^^^'^^S^i^Sr^Sf tli" Loiiibeth Givcs "™,Eun.pointhe "'?j£»^„, ,„,„ Greece lo SeillOP ReCitol Italy tliey ,,„„, La„,beih mus.c 'i""lHl,°„ ii'/iTv way the Soaa,em tip offamous el malonB lU Isle ciuon maior nieseiited hi; anchor al the astlhmujh Europe ^^ ^^^ ,„,M,„i ,1,,, ,„.al'sun5aj ev.rm,. JJ.J, locks, ana nvers. _ .^.^j ^^ g,^^ Grotlo— maife jo „ ,he Hue Arts Chaj ™ . launched 3 j mous by author Richard Hal Fotull ailed firs hei 'tIic ''Yankee" second of Germany L^avrnewraiany kind, yet shghlly differem from die crem sailed to Beleium ai^d ,^5 nrst, was planned by then to France where locks i^. i, „,', built in Zolda to mam UOo'fMibo.e ,'ea°le.Kurirll! d,"'sk°"eeks spent i.. France die "Yankee'' sailed through 513 locks, the last of which was the highest in Uie world. to S 'ac' ^^ „i,ose Laj„i,piii nidjoi ^^'^''ror.nMisiuons bv"" g'?" Slvia* ^^h.cb "//'"j , ^ Mmbone "J?' „.rfcmed rVonal, "™h!,ne and p.ano b, M, ""yt «'°™'"'' °' """" tiy "J' "Yank( photographer his Captain Jo From to the "iidJ'vl™ c™din™to°'SpUin'jo!msoi the scaworlhi ^Ijj.j j^ jnucb more ,i,an the lirst France. (jloUlill John- era! Greek' islands wher said they were the best reci films. wared : iti has. lours eight Nat Judy I Two are other quel preceded the special week scheduled ids year, and Culture Week later in the ivill follow in Uie first week in Militano oncl Forshee Capture I SSifl^Lrt Top photoRraphed for Tart na ihe of collep length, one and one-half of this topic will bi its liours Later it was given its at each meeting am special Tuesday night sho^vinR. Uieme mil prevail '^e entire week Dr. Thomas Geraty, of tlie Up^si'lon weekend horale Elder Shephai . scheduled for a Sundai tile three by the student night, Feb. Hall, Esday of Awards in Talent Review . critics attack : QditohiaUk] Spcafzing Bill Changes proposed in die motion for election procedure and cooiticution revision soon to come before the General Assembly are not so much changes as revisions, moderniza- And the many ideas involved in this re- ^ ( cil,-.andGth. \ ' by -eport Lmi'l^fThey^; llie vision all affca the future activity of the Student Association. Let's student, if , Cuba: Another Hungary? Omnibus tions, adaptations. Kennedy examine the part which will most affect you, the you wish to run for a senate seat sometime, 3 Cubans in 1 riic ' talk Ip keen critics iverc given methods. Also, ihev about from rcporls Cuba under Coj Kennedy has declai-ed tlial bo ill not tolerate nnoilier Hunrj' in Cuba. If a popular iipobesf ind Ru; Suppose you decide that you could do a good job as Programs Committee chairman. When "open season" is anmnds of Russian troops with ods who nounccd, you will draw up a platform (defined in the constitution as "an outline of fyour} ideals and the objectives ioil.' Keating'^ai^"said' that be The I ."), £you hopej to achieve during [your} administration and file your name and platform with the Student Associang the facls fmni ilie menis niid leaching Cubans bettion oilice, Vou are now an applicant for the position of people. Thero ivcrc ter fanning methods. Sonic Programs Committee chairman. I ' , . . j 1 ' \ If the SA faculty adviser, presently Elder K. R. Davis, finds no serious objections to either you or your platform, your name and the title of the ofhce you're running for will be posted on a bulletin board. After the deadline for all applications has passed, your name and platform will go before the President's Council of the college, which will sec whether you have the minimum GPA requirements (which aren't too stiff), how many extra-curricular aaiviry points you are now carrying, and so forth. Wlien your application passes the Council, you must get hack your platform from the SA office and obtain signarures of 15 students who suppon your candidacy (25 if you were running for an executive office). You become an official candidate when you return your platform and the 15 signaturestotheSAoflice. Then your platform, with the signatures, will be posted on the bulletin board, and your platform will be published in the Campus ev to remove United United 1 cleoed —a Now comes the general election, and with luck you l>ecome Programs Committee chairman -elect. over- m 5eem"%Vhave been" doposad-^ ' f ^ . c (lines ntzing, been h 3i '^ between columns) 'were pulled. We plan improving. We want to learn from our plenty). So bear with ui. Mittakei are changin. t;H ir (and ther I g Mr. Bunihnm, ^vould like lo con hard. ;ent editions scb cafeteria flytrap One pul- thing we've realiied after observing the clhains and variety, added li " line—ell we need now is an iron bell ;hain pad be tl:er journalistic si 'd around one ankle (and maybe a striped i ui"toV Find en iailv enjoy the r iimilflrify between the cafeteria line and ainother t) c. Keep up the c :a(eteria Dean's however, you were so capable and your platform rare case.) Cuban people icracy? Will there be anotlier sis? Will Uie United Stalas to invade Cuba? Will the ssian troops leave? no mutiny it's Gilbert 'su'rMiam £ Accent. would automatically be declared llie ill | |, votes in the primary, you of ad infinitum I Pretend now iliat there are four other students ivho arc j also candidaies for Programs Committee chairman. Your name, and the names of these other four people, will be on o the ballot in the primary election. The two of you who receive ^ the highest number of student votes in the primary election will have your names placed on the ballot for the general election. (If, \vitdrawal States' I To list, List qualify for the faige hall has it all dear, must have least 2,5 on a a sttident GPA of at point scale. The followii this system over the old are obvious. sliidenls qualified: because of the absence of senate nommations, except Hoxvard E. Adams in the case when no one files or (jualifies for candidacy for an Mcliiida Allen office, the senate can't be stoned with cries of "Self perElaine Anderson Pal K. Black radiator in each re The advantages of lie bed ^vould lit I first, Patricia behind the cbs Chu William Coobdge Menvyn Crandell dead. It is simply wonderful llwl tern has beer Margaret Da^-is Another important part of this large motion for (.onis the seaion which deals with establishing publications board. The main (and probably only) duty of Robert DuBose Ma nice Easter Harold Elkins Dolly Fish a the board will be to make nominations for Southern ArrENT editors. This proposition takes the responsibility out of the hands of the senate and places it upon the board. Smce the publications board is composed of prominent staff members who know the job and know the students most likeK to handle the job well, voters can be assured that the candi in office George Fra lohu Grwn Glenda Janse Wilbam Real Gilda Koehl dates running understand the basics of editorship. The size of the publications board and its duties mil remain quite limited, namely because there is almost no reason for the board doing any more than nominating candidates. Finances are not a major problem; editorial policies arc usually more or less stable; all operational problems can be worked out within the framework of the separate nubliations. The Memories and the Accent have little in common besides the photography darkroom, the people who work on the staffs, and the fact that they're both student pubUcadons searching for new Ideas. Another reason: publication boards can easily get out of hand. proposals are only a couple of the several i^J}'^\T° important Ideas included in this motion. To the entire motion we give our whole-hearted endorsement. and bar perfonned by irregularly . , leiT: Slanley Rouhe Suzan Rozell Jean Schmidi Elizabeth Tra William Tvm Betty Walker L^MresblOetli "lOe tliat it this i but once a person has ex] of finding his stitution revisions and SoHlherii Memories ;eping. ^Egyptian mi room Tilled wth sleani ai happens infrcqucr rasy to conclude, after seeinc Talge Hall, that no further il of Iicnling rlormi lories. SOUTHERN /\CC[m ATS Reports On Activities, Play Basketball; Turner Wins Two Games Girls \veek, bcgrnni Thi bruarj 17 has beer"Vcto'd r No Help Cliarlrta Guest Speaker T^'ili^mesma/' cent ATS ch ^,f ofE^'^evMl the lem „ ih\cd between the teams of llieu: fator At this pomt Donna Cbabners and Luida methodical haU handhne program IK nnce ATS Cummings vice presi About midwaj t core rionda Hack sphalt liie fair Daj Lord htdj a 29 "'1'^ .rlhei " The high e\ealedwr\"'i. thil she \^a Crensi ,t till, sboppmg center Stephens \«th 12 pomts nent blocks unbl aEler p^^ ^^ ^_i^^^ "^" ^J,''^"'^^4 McNult, both bcor luin in e shop back Newborn s an ' competition this nrement, 1 ' ? ^ui to school ith Bill The neM IS m secondarj education nn]or with CO hours of biologj and I tlie A league game h-ved Chuck Turner of tlie Charles 40 32 Woods team aced out ta the last issue the scoie re = \\ilh no defi 5 uidiislml irts r nite plans at present, he would this ilial Break of Providence has protected hin fii world ..orldof.^™.^ of r, Hoar, in charge of he traveled to " New York, -"aniia, tlie s Student Association gretfully on his past, Joe ca Florida, 1. his real .^p. lai-a Chdl ' In "°e"th?tune°ot for Shirlej , tcher cii , ^ jilace^ for -0 hn Newbern reported Cd — that iT 1 " ^_^^_ ^^^^_ ^____^ -, grounds .Jj^r— 1— c '"'• '•»'''»' "': Lhilmem team tiao ~ ', ";- ™i°™'i' up ™ch lead The fnal jj^]^""^™ Eul Jn'jJJ was a met ^ ^ "oded up Turner 41 da] bj J" 'W"* itler B) riuBEi- fmt pn/e S? Tern McComb «on second pnze Si nd Sherjl WiUiams von third inze, 53 The iinRle conlesl lured 11 Ic built *= throueb the S'''"E,"'>f> ngofChirhta Weiss Exchanges Racing for Christian Education at SVIC th Bob Hale and Ed Crenshav Siefansen a nt for on campus denied tint Elde harffenberg NaUon nllme* racme still aUve. Dead, too, is one of his trophies, but for the r Itirdeath came on _..p„_.-n, -Pennsylvania, ck where he roUed his car six A brush ^ and was pinned with the hot exhaust „,.J a halt times branch. In under the Law Club, the ^viU write legislative m 1%-ith ATS it, 9 SMC Students , o; :eanization Attend Meeting of Chemical Society lothei revealed Also f X eluring the tair ground. In the trunk of his car ivere many gallons of flanunable liquids winch Florida Si^otlier ATS divi- Jw'^kaped from churclies Eight ^ach by have ATS members the car, after liceii Ivlieelf Someone misjudged tlie under distances between Uie cars, and Ihey liit each oUier a glancing blow, which set the inlenor ol Joe's car aflame. Trapped by the University of Clialsmashed door, he rolled out th. Hall at ^^i»d^>w just as heads division the e surrounding e mgn both the 1 i^x.^: tlio entire ca '^ Dr.'^John Christensen and Dr. ] utL,^Ly. programs include pomt standing. Stop and Rest at pizza villa a 530,000 nual Indianapolis auu. ai uie insistance of fas Nvife he finally gave up his plans. As it turned !ind outlined the itul vils purpose of livmg ana of lo alcohol, place was who raced in his killed in a crash on out, the driver 3607 Open Sunday RINGGOLD ROAD Friday and Saturday comoai ^"^• Advei — 4 P.M. - 4 P.M. thru Thursday till fill 2 Midnigh A.M. tobacco, COLLEGEDALE INSURANCE AGENCY thi The Oaks Motel Paul's Amoco Complete Car Service Generator and Starter Work Tuna Up .;- McKee Baking Company Little Derbies 53.50 plus parts Collegedale, Tenn. . 'financial paradoxes 8cltoia% SpGofcing . but. for Defense, Billions . Which Way Geneva? The recent delays in ihe adoption of ihe proposed SA constitution revisions have highlighted a problem that wc feel has existed this year benvecn out Student Association and the college administrative officers. It is obvious to most of us who arc concerned with the function of the SA that some sort of improved communicadons setup must be realized soon. The immediate requireraents of such an arrangement axe simple: to keep the college administrative officers ioformt^] as to the activities and future plans of the Association, and to provide an oppottunity for college officials to interpret school policy to the SA Senate as well as other interested members of the Asso- tbe studet regular conferences with the president, the dean, the dean of student affairs and the business manager of the college," While such meetings have been held this year, they can hardly be described as "regular," and neither have they always produced lasting results, j , j , ' , ' < ! < i i ' i < I What we think is needed is more than the putting of We would like lo some of the college administrative officers who are considered spokesmen for official school policy occasionally ancnd SA Senate meetings. Also, we chink the SA president should call special senate meetings with these members of the administration present when there arises doubt on certain areas of school policy. This would give these administrative these conferences on a regular schedule. j i see a chance to collca a direct sampling of student officers >uM which would isk questions It clarify present, frequently arise, and ; ^ SA , ( ' ' ] \ ( misunderstandings which, unchecked, may lead to if ierious consequences. We believe if level-headed consideration is given to this nne great problem, and its solution hastened, many of the athcr and lesser problems of the SA may disappear also. G.B. -sleuths tell all- encore ad infinitum SMC physical fitness of the studer knoivn immediately. Durmg .ertainment for Ihe ma, 1 «rd.. night, coming the enlire evening in had acfiWitlel for ii fonn ihe physical of tlie First to disclose his findings was staliOQcd at the Hagpole area dun. sn, L^n Wood the past fo^v weeks, nedys physical fiuiess policy, we st 10 key si»ts on campus lo observe mghts. Hall ch He reported effortlessly, chatting the girls tliat mpidly, as e if if thanks, el al their dales J were usually observed t tho 520 cafeTeria'and'i3°lflund"mi^i'mur (to Ml so hard lliej' frequently stumbled ov er dieir longues. Our next observer lo check in cafeteria during the lunch hours. average student possessed well devel enabled him lo gel through the cafel ""^ ^^ reported that students seemea lo oe gros[iiaMf -" ~T ™nt ""B, "jeir Stomachs as they emerged from the cafeteria. We ' I't". D°'i°ri°E. jumbled geometry eKscd look tbjs as a sign of the weakened stale of the ^PP^""^"";'. many students, even after being SMC M^l «'elena c its student, exposed to food for a number of years, have stiU failed to develop Ihe sfrona slomachs required. Or perhaps tliey ate too much, AnoUier mvesligator submitted his observations on the pautmg pedestrians the central heat area. He staled that vei^- often he would observe to emerge from the Uiick black ?°"°^a' IS endemic lo the area studenu ,* t coughing and gaspina breath. Upon studying this report, we concluded ihat ih^ ibejdid ^vas mosl notewortliy as an argument again if , con- jdmii m SOUMRAiytCCFAir I oai "ZTJiZ'^'fH^- aaaplabon. For I'- if evolution /e'j,dl7',Z f^l^simetit to has environment, the S ^mniiif^- '°"e |Bo developed huge respiratory fil alleg' turned -le ol puzzling real the cafe- s ; Hei .1° -""!"^' J '"'""" "• '•"'•s.;te'.tv^~"^-" "'-"' ^"•"' de su ce„i. Mc pcfiddico ^^,===.=r,^^^-d g ' rdo bicn, ""^d this report rado),Qi los^itoriJ^ in ^JHrBt _.___ ot Libtl Alltn Strdc, & Slindn Jnn Schmidt. lud^ Ed«rd5, I] Wth foi '~"^' ' We mg monuments to protoplasmic sculpture. vyc soon expect lo prepare a report on these faculty but wc fear ihat u may have wail publication as hers, to !dilor and sidor UmL ^PhilliB, Williuu Suits _. He gentlemen emerging their lady fi "^^sc-S./ound lo be out of breatli, and sometir ightjy protruding. Our researchers poi natural phenomenon. ' are so gratified by the resulu of this survey it nave assigned our mvestigators to keep Uh on certain bers of the faculty possessing amazini physiques and inglfa) Ktportm Candlelight iled that tlie staff than the present one, especially. i of r editorial advi I ilarii Lopei Gon- would be as zilMdeliTorfcyGofiiili an equitable substitute. 50-mile hike urge that five ti™^ dormilory be accepted to s s S^7S Members Book Canvassers Vote New Church soummAccm SA Constitutionol Revisions Referred To Revision Committee by Council *-Referred back by llie SA Senate to the Plans ditional S200.000 i; . ' = fidrtoniaCCij Speafcing -- but for Defense, Billions . . financial paradoxes Which Way Geneva? The iccenc delays in the adopiion of the proposed SA a problem that we feci has existed this year between our Student Assodation and the college administrative officers. constitution revisions have highlighted funaion of the SA that some sort of improved communica- The immediate tions setup must be realized soon. require- ments of such an ariangcmcot arc simple: to keep the j , j , ^ col- lege administrative officers informed as to the activities and future plans of the Assodation Assodation, and to provide an oppor- c ' i school policy to the Senate as well as other inic rested members of the Asso- tuniiy for colJege officials lo SA ir itetprei c f affairs and the business manager of the college. While such meetings have been held this year, they cai hardly be described as "regular," and neither have they al t ways produced lasting results. What ml some of the college adminis sidered spokesmen for official school see _ policy __. occasionally Konomic SA Senate meetings. Also, we think the SA president should call special senate meetings with these members of the administration present when there arises doubt on certain areas of school policy. This would give these administrative officers a chance to collea a direct sampling of student opinion. At the same time it would allow SA senators to ask questions which would clarify misunderstandings which, at present, frequently arise, and if unchecked, may lead to attend We believe pro E"a\Qr spcdi '^ji" 'v^lii ?"'PL^ 'S° j°s, convioM tio" .th?' lo* re at ou?"',", "ui oblc dcficion jc^fi ("r'th level-headed consideration is given to this trnT^n °h "^tJi one great problem, and its solution hastened, many of the other and lesser probler if sleuths tell all- enewe By Gilbert feel I ad infinitum !, somewhat embni-rassed in monopotu but our staff has uncovered some st^rtlinj fitness of the student, which 1 SMC iical During ihc en tertainment for the masses the Saturday nigh) programs lined up for the reit physical for of tlie studen First to disclose his findings was an observer who had been stationed at the flagpole area diuing the last few Saturday He reported that tlie girls ascended die stairs (which number 70, each with an average rise of 6.04 inches) effortlessly, chatting rapidly, as if tl; inchored only in the center. His report, how their dales were usually observed lo arrive at the lop 'c : Hatf We "ad Satutda" ov "ning. " artlttifieXr the e Arti Sefiej ticket (a minoritv) or basletball. p'Sitfi rograms coming evcmng in Lynn lucfi at Woo/ Hall With - Academy Talant and Fine nighU. > . chapDl.'"" ' 3 thanks, et al ' Heartiest ccmgratulationi to the college administration for removing the 520 t nts have folt unjustly ^^'aTrojoIcIng Dairy Bar SMC ; of nea and :xhaust L charged for (ervicei that they byTo^e of " who^f ind^'irrTore "Z ; cafeteria during the lunch hours. well develo] „ii the cafete reported that studi jumbled geometry ure plant for the II havo to be built. ed It it this 'i I ^ . I : , to " be gresneria. We f i for Another invesdgator submitted his observalions on the the central heat area. He staled that very often he would observe to emerge from the thick black cloud that IS endemic to the area studenU coughing and gasping tor breath. Upon studying this report, we concluded that it ivat mnct „«.„^^.„^]^y g^ gj^ argument against the evolutionary' adaplat pantmg pedestrians SOUTHERN Acam seemed from thJTvea state of the SMC student, ^n after being expose' cafetena food for a number of years, have sliil failed to develof the strong stomachs required. Or perhaps they ate loo much, - our tuggattion that let m of luslment to his environment^ the '6 "60 developed huge respiratory SMC student would hB^ filters. Take the case of one of our agents posted al the cafefollowing Candlelight Hour on several Saturday nights. He noted that the genUemen emerging with their lady friends, were, many cases, found to be out of breath, and soraelimes vnin their tongues slightly protruding. Our researchers pondports. lerja m '"'*•"' n. ManiginB Editor W-oul Mlor . = = Slud.nt A.»<lil SautfHm Col1.,.d.l".;-* OclinSo Reponn t "'•• .„C.I,,^. na^lural" m!S S?£ E We n6djco-lM iis E D, P«o iS;5; *^^' "'""' by lo que m« etc.. son ;_Mjj, F|au derrotM a Oitto. Ojali in inglisi con- Luii Manuel' Marii ^""""^ chalked it up as n — loplasr. Wes. buHiw. iprecio es ju /,o//o ''"' ihe results of this survey ihat we .- i —i. -« ^^^ai„ mpm- mazing physiques and aitroilDi, los editorials fotognfris, (cf« que ui se d.« lidge ..,._ '"'' bers of the facultj- igS; i^ Bdmn 1HffdS1W.M^Ao T"™" are so graUhed have assigned our in™-^!—.. fear that Tay c sculpture, report on these faculty ha than the present one, especially, Dnsidcr proportions of our editorial adviser. mproving the yould Uke ttTsee adSiitUn«"'ne'!a"faU f^^^suhject to a Physiol : r editor and staff / . q^ biKe realize how impraclical a 50-nule srion, we would like to urge that five tunes While we Lop« Gon- jilK de li Torre Goniilw y Ram6n de |u Yigus. Cuba -ig ns an equitable from substitute. Accent Editor Keeps Up With Marines, Cabinet Hagerman, Chapman Join Faculty; Culpan Promoted Business Club Guided on Tour Of Du Pont Plant Latin America Class Begins Team Squeaks byi= "wl''"!!™'S!L„ Woleott's Sii'!i SHtal: d.C3r»v~,rfTs; Workman Wi,hi. called SNEA Starts Teachers' Club For Academy on *,„ WiUy *m.f »hitl, foul with Close 49-46 » -Ufe of ZolaBm™; Depicts History ®' ^'"' ^«"« iS':;;,':: n,i.u .. Willb, U.d ll« ^. ,.i.y "j OQ big Willy, nnd L t^„''™','. peak, LjiVoy coolly ' roppod "^0, l-'tli puttiOB Wol. nh....,L^ j^J^ris iiiov.,. venio Bud'" r/u^Go^ E^lh ™;S p.™ rs uod iVr- iS » ija^ii'irts .WO*., .,.„.„•.. -..c„,».y^-.»-™-.-...- pizza villa 3607 RINGGOLD ROAD 6:1-3311 — A P.M. — 4 P.M. ^ad- Opcrn SuFiday tkru Thursday h'pl"' Friday and Saturday '• ofmuu till till 1 Midnight A.M. Chattanooga Choir Performs Series Concert y For Fine Arts SOUTHERN ACCim Senate Nominates Official SA Candidates .. MANHUNT 8dteia?% Spcofctiig . . March TH Miss Saturda) night at So Our Dilemma (Im 23, r i re year this school osc ), I (and ^vilh personaUy it campaign must; Metrccal c a color of his fai Jndcr the Sea." •c umbrella -laden male heading Collee ' Waterman, it, is rapidly draiving men's datuig oppor- feel that we gu-Is shoiild ^''''^ ""only ; (or the ff female race die campnigni in fact, bn thing to do the trick, foi nniiced. since ^ve have nc g-debut since the first week of our fresh:flr back when we didn't know better! — :omplain about lines, for these tlie long cafeteria e o-fold s =wii on the SMC cam lign lo see that night. Even though we are not allowed to talk or whisjier, the library is an excellent place for ' mguage, and ^vin]dag. Also, ac- every ehgible male has a date for Saturday nigh us of course. This way Mr. Wi ;t rich; we girls can save our covet IS cmdidates show no spc candidntes BeriQusly c masculine half of our campus d of a delightful evening, ice todav is already Thursday, I le e crt tho polls would depend on a definite policy. loosely—for a date should be re '. the heights of s of ^) „r ral strategic , A^odc Student therefor light , cat in the illegal! should pro\ in uiB he . ' ' methods can be mentionei m our plan of attack for the ne.vt t^v< lor use days. In the first place, it is of prime importanci that we make ourselves readily available at al times. Sit on the steps of the ad building a' many hours as possible. If necessary, skip ; class or t^s'o should a handsome prospect seen ) term paper was left in the library. Another knieht \vill Naturally, find the steps -„^. to .0 th the cloak" likely to linger, If ' we should be lucky enough to have Mdiout umbrellas. {If mon ten o'clock, hoping he wiU ask for s. . hide andb • bershools give i 3f ; us^^eU IT distress even thoufih t eloctiona on tho to the o, SMC walking the lai^est SMC ti s the fm^e 3ging fond Ln and fel°ov.™,'hc this and the audience „ rows of mrls foolproof method of snagging a da .xomple = mdary ^efcgious% Speafoing "Seek Ye natives are restless . Arabs Rule By Scimitar . ." First to illy lio Bludy ol tho Bible . SMC h which in . demand a . scholarly Bcholarly subject and How ii encore wi . SOUTHfRAlMEAir of study, there would bo no need of a scholorHhip commitleo upgrade the quaUty ol the SMC studonl. Thia is not jual a :l Begins at See the EXODUS SMC Wednesday, March 27, 1 2 c '' n. iSS'/ifilT™ — SA Candidates TUI PITMAN State Platforms - SA President /Ic/ion— this should be the key word in next year's SA. formulas, not lots of promises, not lots of talk— but action. is action so imporlanl? Ijthibit A: Student morale is low, low, low. Not - DAVID OSBORNE lots of magic Why lething Exhibit B: Students are not involved in their own Student Associalion. Exhibit Ci The SA takes the initiative in very few activities. Each one of these points is a bald fact. Suppose that next year's SA took the initialive supported many aciivilJcs collegiate -type activities have a wdc appeal and call for student participatioi Obviously, if a student participates ^^4^^-^ The — more basic to a successful To be With three iterest to serve. selfishness. illusion of a zperience. Know nhusiasm and ;t L. like the A than platfoFE is The down t A years of SA any fam by a one of the leader things bog tlie job. in office for closer working relationship firs must bt or seen: n found that salesman or they won't buy and you must sell lo students, ration. One does not have to be a "yes" man to do this. After the fanfare is over and the pictures have been wUliBg to slick through to the completion ;y is taken one step at a tune." — . —not side step or pass them off. Creative Thinking. Out of the rut into doors of opportunity. Must be a spiritual leader. "What we need for the church (or SA) is or novel methods but men of prayer—mea whom the Holy Spirit can use." This lost statement gives the greatest challenge. The ntlinr points are but by-products. 6. 7. „..f,-w^^-. the wishes of tlie administration and the a tlie wishes of the student The voice of the student in his SA sltould be increased. The SA is made up ol beUeved each SMC student, not just the officers and the senate, as is commonly this Constitution revisions which ^vill increase SA activity should be made. If Representatives made up of studen is not possible, perhaps a House of estabUshed. This group % >uld IS and the village could be lay the job drive. when mplete job SA question to answer would be first under no Mission Week could be established. financially support a specific needy projei During this week, speakers wtli a knowl ^ featured, as well as panel discussions and smaller projects. IV. Communicalion between the SA and the college adminisi -s could be put on a regular schedule s President the uidividual's motive for wanting i' ill. SA I am not going lo use iliis article to state my plaUorm for next yeai not because I feel that the plaJorm is not important (on the contrary I shai explain how important it is in my campaign speech in April), but becaus know V not new machinery iation ihe only Uiing I can offer—service. DAVID TAYLOR Southern Memories Editor .;K;i;f;Q^ ^^A ,.„rl- required of a publications editor are great quality of its annual elect are of earnestly «' experience in the and a dedicated .. ; staff, I wU — The quality of these portraits obvious that a studio photO] f.icilities to do touchups a ers. , as faithfully annual publiimportance of field of ith the .. DON DIXON Southern Accent Editor Southern Accent hne by students and set into the basic skeleton, im and the whole thing shot off lo press immediately. GeneraUy, my object ^vill be to upgrade the quality of the elevandes must he deleted, activities emphasized, and casual ] tured rather than the formal and the posi sponsibilities of oi^ani 1 have obtained a t id from putting ideas into form fi I Engli [islxauon ide, it Although the members, and friends of faculty SMC, is I a newspaper for parents, alumrn, beheve its first obhgadon is to the events and activities student body. Not only should tlie Accent rcfiect Uie ideas and views of student Jt should also give special focus to mterpreterest As a means of student expression and of the coUege, but publ orabl, led. This VOTE!! SA ELECTION Thursday, April 4, 1963 — Lynn Wood Hall ictional i and useful to the students. those of the candidate (Note: The opinions expressed on this page are Editors.) not necessarily those of this newspaper.—The T Chase Speaks 'To Editor Anderson Speaks On in Tiiree for Religious Know Him and to Week; Theme Make Him Known' End of Basketball Season Sees Two Important Games Chapel Dangers ol unponance. first was Sunday night, Feb. 10. It was important foi the fact thai it left a tie for first fair from beginning to end. The ball handling was excellent ant" the audience felt that this garni was the best of the season. Since the game ended in ; 40-40 tie, the teams were forced minutes of overtime. into five Willy Willis scored on tl dpoff putting Workman ahoc toppled Chuck 42-40. Then big LaVoy Gami 42-4: wliich had led Wt two to keep the score Waj-ne McNutt then lay or up to put Workman ahej again 44-42. With seconds point man in Wolcott's la look a pass over tl center from LaVoy and hit c h^h game, 'really play ball," and his team vith a 54-H ersia!?( victory. all Hale with 16 points ani ames Roddy %vith 12 poinli i-or Turner it was Boh Hal .^any Vocalist Judy Blanton down rtry t the court.^iis ga Richmond, a peak, of Wolcot Gary missed tlie shot Gives Senior Recital In Fine Arts The Chapel on it other game AGENCY Waterman In Film to Feature Treasures '3,000 Years Under the Sea' of import the league standings, thougl could have been called . battle for last place. COLLEGEDALE INSURANCE Stan The team Step and Rest at The Oaks Motel Collegedale Cabinets, Inc. Open Sunday _ 4 P.M. _ 4 P.M. thru Thursday Friday and Saturday fill till Midnight 2 A.M. SMC Hosts 350 Seniors Academy and High School Seniors On Campus for Three-day Activity Special College Days Edit/on SOUTHERN Acam stiiy Arriving on campus Sunday afternoon for a three-dt and in order to get a first-hand look at Soullicm Missio: and high school seniors from an outline Osborne Students Elect And Boyle parts of ihe South. Days program and receivi the college students, attended a half-hour worship ducted in the Tabernacle by SA Chaplain Dwight I The Sunday evening program, which b^an Head SA to of the College all i featured a rundo'.vn on the college's academic cli the presenlation of the 1963-64 Sliident Assodatioi Monday's program began at 8:00 a.m. T,vith a s] during which the college administration OsIn election proceedings held Thursday April borne as Student Association president for the 19G Tennessee Dm id Bert Coohdge During tlie theology major and Public Relations Committee chairman from Hendei a tour of college buildi nnn rfi** offirp mer his opponent Tui Pitman present Upsilon Delta Phi president "^"^""^a. Smuts Vnn Rooyen and Jti nir. ^^rP announced the chapel service Thursday night, April 4 Other election I m ^SlTrt^ac^ a $15 scholarship Commissioner Eldridge Opens Famous Concert Pianist Concludes Fine Arts Series Co//ege Plaza Shopping Center r class opening c attended Tuesday, April 9, the " the new shopping center for SMC Representing the county government v s David Eldridge, county t incerej the audience that the people of the coi [v had watched with )rogre5S being made in Collegedale. - , „ inlerpreters of latti, the C. N. Rees, SMC's president K. C. Beem, treasurer of thi Southern Union; Mario Bian culli, the project's rot architect c played by 5ic SMC Concer Band under tlie du-ection o Professor Lyle Hamel; and ih. mvocation by Elder Ro Thumjon, pastor of die Co' Church. cutting to let the Ih Bi _ncolli, Flemin on Sunday morr Sunday evening, April 7. widely recogStravinskj', Mozart and Scar- performed selections from French musical her New Heaf To Be This Plant Insf ailed Summer . military strategy = War Russia Blueprints World fidttoftiaMy Speafcing The Total Man I , llie Soviet Minislrj- of Defense was a book enutlcd Military StralEgy. In ihis volume, \vritten by 19 high ranking Russian and — men, was laiiTout Rusblueprint for the nexl war. begins by sing- sia's follow; \viUi rapid force, prob mobile tank niililary = III McNa^ara - doubled Uie a biU,(of a Russian army of 3.2 million to occupy areas devastated by , The volume ' straleey. McNi r sil on ing "strugde' other lo this polity the onmued on ,' u"^^ a, for tic Russian N.>7, Uioir In the future Ti^^L^ri^^T^r ^"'^' These othei ivar. gui include worry ^'°"" ^^""' o ot looming and what a liberal education U supposed '"''V^°°T^„TrXt" ^nrv^n. ™a^e about the Polaris submo^^^ Sojne ir seem to be to educate all parts ol him aquoUy— this Head, Hand r smn straiegv JJ^t crv lor fnTthp •" mnsl ""05 the Russians nu m-avely concerned wth the wondering rl idea which is pari of SMC's motto. publication r^'^"""*""""^P°"'''"^*y \r^Z.T.t.7 that c*j,7i,i. 1. . Ampririn <;iirfarp nnw p<:ne 3ld hands thmk SMC is one ol the best places to Vorld War getting started ^-^'t "n^f- "I" h current Ru OTAL kind of aducoUoi. A documentation of our be- ,vith the United ItatesStriking ^1 ^^",i^^rH«^'™^Kt vrishful thinking. Other Erst blow. Most hkelj rts are wondering ^ . ;rparts. , if this Su^ians acutely the ir need of an feel effective anti- development missile, the isile a ™°^R" ,s ; '"uldn'Tb^ hard i -% SS3' port fire" war such as is pos Laos, Korea or German" the Communists got J ' little ^ m 1 While ] ' to fire nuclear ho the Russian sir full-scale WTiile it outright, il dent that their piar our foresighlod admin istratjt b teoping SMC o ^ovo. Plans aio big for tho hilur Would Anybody Miss Us? Maiuoiue Buhnh ,- tho roligious atmosphere : WhUo location. wo'io going Although down we ather 1 of daily list let's SMC's do wear 'he bud not o verlo k usually not tfaa bad. th Unilcd ^^ ^^°' in nlhs Srales, the :QUcRe tea Atcent .mil M ilif There's y liihcd QfiTS T^m^$2 co nmetil aacct would Z"lJ GB buy encore Hie f^ il opporl unity '° views. AU kite A good example c '-itt %ni S f' B L^'miZ" ^l"r^tln tf.h. icj-, rJf tTw^^ J^^^j^ irahBin aod r/vr Of our readers to av and haUucinatioTIS sc ^ttn'i'hr s^vinuimi E pool. The letter to the /" damenlal right o\ ad infinitum ^0 off 1 a.u S^Ile' build ir ,ou,usne..falL banncii inanagcr Uuj ™ 'i\r^^\rtroS ^ M^ d " ^"^'^ anii rn More than seeing 'otTaiS^"wo°^'a^ry ^^\o '^el'thS and that we re trying to melhing obolTther"''^""^'"" We hopo you've o = G ol£ course. r5hld*''d by our goals only you can himish tho greetings or eiea sponsor of a sa"^^ her" d occasion.) that IS Umited only oither. 1 brar,-, Hon -^"^"Xi (ImpftssLUi;? advBsc routm —opportunity unity is us the chanco for re r madness the we ad high water marks, the Ihi vouldn'l bo an this this "p frfff °Lou\^ ndered by the and slwuld be Ihro .qho r bleary. ugh rwmes will b eldw, or down lidenual upon request. a hearty ;j gueih. A. we jee onthoballdLmond.Ural, of c. t!i^. 5, Wori' 'd, Mdr Accent «, SMC Studc oclple okiecl """" «.p able »a Let. M hok a ads eleotlo wm^.ht utdy aghatl by (he Hiingi tfiB d i:,i ihjt eel"? mat rt raainl SOUMRAiylCCFIVr al„. s;;=; polilida el. Id 'e".'.".'" ,ht.. «oo of listed Then ay w. a full-blown "'."iL'oe' \ ra. .lede'e, Wy W-oel E,ta- Study Language Menibei f -" College Leaving v^iicBtru—Y Leavunj under the leadership ved on thi dents, in Mexico Spanish classes spei s Collegedale Financial Centers Interest Students On Business Trip Classes Academy Spanish Sunday, March 24, the sin ir instructor. Miss Olive Webt e Seventh-day Ad\entist ]unni 1 of lu Ne^ relos Tu. day""vcning, "^^s^^jj^^Jl andTt Corpus Christi. Ham \y)nl 3 ivn. t IS ell Operators ^qVC IlltO I OfflCe ico's tliird they visited points t the Gnanoal worl s the standard louri the m |n_.Scicnce Building „ ;dnesday was spent sight id huying souvenu-s i',Me> the markets of Monte Stock ,. T\ hange, New York vYork t "^ branch ol f ral Res Bank, tlic American Stock Exchange, the United Nations, the largest ci Empire Stale Building, and the Statcn Island five- cent terrj-. New ; Turner In First York the Team Nips Wash Game of Playoff By Feank Palmoub and Mr. G. The hiKh Sanitary Dry Cleaners !i Odor-free Dry Cleaning Shirts scores tor ihc SmuU Van Rooyam h."---- gBwa were ^^'iTndlJymT^^ia^inU ^^l nnd Roddy, ^fj''^^.'^^^^'""' o s points for . SOFTBALL _ _ Beautifully Laundered Lee Highway at East Brainerd Rd. ask ireque are frequently tlie program, According to the director, the CaugliFon, program has been favorably acCaughron. parlyTcVeduredfor April 20. Oilier officers assisting willi ^^ ^^^ ^^^e Roy ^^^ ^„ secPatty Chu, se' e president; ,.i ^^p,^^ tcez Randolph, *y; Garyf Randolph: Mu.^oy Rouhe, paste uiKi, Stanley and Ml. Gordon ^^j has on the most part Modgwic Chattanoogo, Tenn. COU.EGEDALE INSURANCE Collegedale Cabinets, pizxo villa Inc. 3607 for Schooli and Hoipltali Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2912 Open Sunday AGENCY INC. RiNCGOLD ROAD thru Thursday Friday and Saturday —4 P.M. — 4 P.M. till till Midnight 2 A.M. COLLEGEDAU, TENH. Europe to America Featured Music by Fine Arts Group In A musical excursion Ihrougli five couDtries was sponsored by tlie Southern Missionary College Fini day night, April 6, in tlie college audilorium. To sliirt ihe tour, tlic college orchestra, conduclcd by naymond Kuuttj, played "FinlaDdia," followed by Busoni's "Finnish Folk a Melodies," 33 Ex-SMCites wdruff. Now directed " by Don J. Crook, sing- Ml "Early "ne One Morr Ladyi Enrolled At LomO LindO ^Uy Repre T GBru 'Keller jjiayed Schubert's mderer Fantasy" and PatCobos, Rigoletto L "Ro- Beethoven's by the chorale , from Aida bv the brass sextet Loma Linda alli lended Soullie acquuinled the audience tvith Missionary 19( Col .liege in . musical Italy. They are; Alton Allon G. Anders Campbell, Three patriotic numbers sung Grady C. Roy ! United btates was under the direction of Professor Kuhlman Conference Hosts Doctors Dentists at Meeting by former And ^^ ^ A a sion has been organized for married students of SMC. first met science moved it WOOdruff ^iCSelS"'"" ^der Southern Union has e Will Participate MCE *^^^ Institute inSTITUTC ; result- students Jud- Dan Minnick in Dr. Kulilman's project, ported by the Tennessee A emy of Tlie American Assc "" - ^ci the Advancemen will provide infor ^^ ^ ^^^ eriodical obsen-alioi ^""^^^^ "'«• ^^ Momed COUpleS , _, L--.. |J__,^ f UnOOSe NOmO Gamma Beta Phi in the building of medical been seleclecl as a including the 1963 Suniniei llie udenls' club, formerly kno^ Chemislry and Maththe Missoiui as Married Couples' Forum, School of Mines and MetalThe change in the club nai , ional in room 108 of the building and then where to the tabernacle became the ^' ?*" J Married Couples Organize Own Sabbath School SMC son Filler and Clif- ^ , the chorale, "Make America ford Colson, Jr., Donald A. Georgia and Proud of You," "Fifty Nifty Davidson, Donna C. Dunham, ^^^^ ^ '^"' wship gatlie Umtcd Slates" and "Amenca Marvin L. Elliott, Stanley A. sMO campui t d ,1, t v , ( .u c P-^^P^l ^"^'^ the Beautiful." began the fmal Giles, Gene H. Kendall, dalen ^ ^^' A C. r McConference.''rl Chairman V^ for the group was A. Union ""^ section on America, The proPetty Richard C Roberts '^^ I"^"'"'^"* "^^ '^'^ '^«°^S'a-Cumberlond Conference. gram ended ivith tlie "Snow Ronald C Rocers Jack -White Fantasv" and 'Tiddle Royal, II, and Jolm F. Vogt, nr! tfi^^ '^'e^ Pven 'jy Dr. ^ Faddle," both played by tlie Loma Linda Urn er7or^,e'SeJeni*^ind Dr' DOIl sitj- students 'in are John Eugene Hottsford, Leiske told the assems M, Garner Charles H. ^y that the upsurge in the |„ '" David I- Jarrett, John n^b^r of Seventh-day lay AdDonald E. Woodn,ff. ir,.tr„rR. Lohr, Carious F. Mas by i number of earlier t s the Missouri Sdioo! lup ; which disc largest class meet- Science Carl Janse Arthur Bish -' '59; • iii. LitleU, 1 dunng the summer The purpose of these IS '57; ; Taylor Exchange Professor Newbold College 13 With FoundaUou wiU sponsor son was of 1963. In Institutes to improve the subject matter uig of the science and teachers in the will he one of 30 participants in the Inat Roila. The Institute idruff that club members fell the name was ambiguous third reason given by officers was that Gamma means marriage, and Gamma Beta Phi is euphonious whereas the ft A The club was omanize The outstandial f Londi gree )s . Trinity College, both The LicenSite dead- somewhat more vanced than the Master's degree famihar in this country, The Scam have been at ]>fewbold TRAIL CYCLES Not only are the Taylors and ocarrs excbanging teaching responsibilities for a year, they are also exchanging homes and lumishings. Professor Scarr his \vife and hvo boys ^vi^I reside Collegedale ill spend and the Dr. Tayloi the Taylors in the year Scarrs" old English " 'edhis Master of Aj Taylor, who md received her Mrs. M"f m voice at CColumbi " -is lake full advi inal oppoj Western Europe. is that outlet for jfficer^, TENNESSEE TRAIL OUTFinERS Collegedale, Tennessee 396-3537 COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS OUTLINE THE SMC CHALLENGE SMC and the Future By W. H. Taylor, Director of Public Relations and Developm The long-range development program mpetiis by of Southern The past four yea (oUovv the who; administration of the col adding kitchen Hor center, r bet\veen competent Christian teachers a K and interests are in harmony with th( basic and focal element to he acliieved, the perfect standard of inilh, and educa intellectual c dent-disciijles, 2 SiJ™' : ' idery and a $175,000 School; the $75,000 CoUegedal IS — a storage building. on the campus cau lor a g, healing a _.„ plant, r---". idence Hall. if En^endet to: sidercd Hall an mind Liberate the individual hi heating .ted by tlie Board of Trust '^^ Oivners Ond houseimepen. ne-ir uic luiiiuua _. plagued tl _nJ^d tl'S the faulty burning of the coal by the boilers. The unit ivill solve the problem Reveal that education lasting benefits flow from is i nse It is ho| d that the new gymnasium, for which the preliminary plans are a^vn up, can he constructed in the near future. As plans non nd, smfbeing mven to starting this building ihii "slu^y is Heinrich, ind Jeny 1 'lead ol the physical education departmer Cyril Dea discipUne and delight, and bo men abilities U Irew llie Bass Memorial Academy mplish all fronts. reliminary id Hensel, architects from Denver have presente perspective for a new Fine Arts Center that i mal staff and practice rooms for the music departme) rooms and an exhibition hall for the art department. This building will also have_an auditorium, seating approximately 1,500 lyceums, viding a hall for the Fin skills igful. th; the plea !d man's physical and that are widely transferable and needed .rlya plai drawings and and phil< as essential to the di; ledge of classified facts pertaining lo campus. of juiidgmenl values on Cb .hmtian sed p phy, rebgion and experience. " Residence new Men's F antral for the College seeks involvi ilans 1 the development of cbiara rith moral and spu-ilual valui be judged as good or bad right or v Bng. s The landsco attempts to pro- It which both can be discovered and nurtured. 10 mattuity. Missic I its objectives, your College has been moving forward We would be pleased lo have you meet the dedicated and Tei years he campus of SMC. Ten faculty assembled on the held tiie doctorate degree, whereas, presently, there are lo wiui several completing the final requirements for the degree. This b no small a has the distmclion of attracting competent Christian schok ment SMC ixtended rtalei ii '. , rograr Mve Itii Also, 3 nnd the Alujnni offn Fine Arts Cenler. w — the national average on the A.U.E. i'svct— „is the observation that approximately 40 per cent of sufEciently motivated to take graduate or professional training. bMC eworthy ine wll be m the quadrangl hed easily from either tte new Women's" Residence or the proposed new Men's Residence Hall. -'-—'- -• Elder R. B. Thurmon, pastor of the Collegedale Funds in hani i that the church \vill be started s y of the Col a has been donated by lich awards from the National Science raduale FeUowship program, and the Wood- iiiclu'dinB :ted to know that the College has been able , tl the highes I elementary school. lapc and It -will the i-e-afRrmation of accreditation " ing held in Dallas, Text be will house approximately 2, i 'Sidence Hall has not t adminislral . iticipated tliat developed ii nen's Residence HaU. plan for llie dcvelopbrocbiues and promotional for Uie „^ „ 'theaH! Study_ to the 18-21, 1962. , ., . ;ult Educational Excellence at SMC le wordwSe SMC is epitomized development ducalional goal of your college. recognized that intellectual competence is not ahen to SMC as your College r[)rets the slogan to also include the emphasis that is given tills report, _._ tlie Committee's three-day Southern Association of SMC Q was to tl.e s and College campus Schools. re -accredited. in the history of SMC. Not Association, but the cumcului ,. the College re-accredited by the Southern accredited the Division of Nursing, including Public Health Nursing, was December by the National League for Nursing as reviewed by the Collegiate ard of Review. The faculty of the Division of Nursing are to be congratuthe ed for this distmct achievement. Much time was given to n study of stands gram prior to the arrival of the NX.N. evaluation committee. dislong tlm.*e Seventh-day Adventists institutions havmg received this iiificant By W. M. Schoeidep, Academic Dean n Missionary College of the develop- SMC We rejoice in the E^rd for the progress evident on all fronts at SMC. illece is moving forward. Vour WELCOME ACADEMY SENIORS SA LEADERS Ron Numbers, SA President 1962-1963 of both the colleg s mportaiit. It would be foolish, indeed, for a studenl to waste four years of ius life and large s of money merely for companionship and sodal or athletic act" hould not be neglected. hut a J too ofte n they are imdul)' These phases Thus stressed. rceday s.itisc nly hecaus You are o a college educati D, dent are the qu ant you campus to find ou what ant we h ve plamied thes tills lificati SMC college emphasized get a ruer picture t ha you for a show you to offe Collie Days tc Claude Steen^ ns of the faculty n Freshman Class President be with and sdentiric research being jjnducted t the ny students flnancmg llicir eduuiU Dn,ent. rely or in pan, a knowledg c of the availability also s also also t i lal promoted by the college. physical location and surrounding environment to make an and ( Liral act Tlie knowledge of these fat I II know ing it. You it. i being treated Association welcomes each of you to cerely hopes that these College Days will aid you as you decide for the future. ing ' wholeheartedly endorse Southern Missionary College. ) the friends, last tliat who year and have actually we were fcnoivn as the escorts, the endles and making ne\ campus before and knew hand, those of us of living 1 lofty "Seniors of '6}," but 1 — the streamered car The Student We comedown from the We've been doing it for tlie see, it was just a year ago that's quite a get used to of the intelligent decision determining the choice expect. On tlie r studies, you will either lee ., or lea achievement—especially around grade time. _Whal wU you gel out of college? Just what you are looking for. you re looking for student-faculty problems, we have them. Some of students still have more to learn about getting along with our feUow m and our facultj- (the distinction between fellow men and faculty is real very slight) and our facuItj- has not yet reached the sublime state of ni lection. Neither js everyone on this campus just the Christian example all Umes as many would Uke to think. Some aren't even trying to be. B there are so many that are; and associating with Christian young people w have the same goals in mind, as you have been developing, is a unique featu of a Christian college. Then there are the teachers who want nothing mo than to see you in the kmgdom of heaven. So I can say that if you're lookii for a Christian education, you've come to the right place. College Days may not give you a true picture of college Ufe, but ta my word for it, Collegedale is a great place to get the education that is a mi orid. And by the way, before I forget, we do hope lliat you' lal David Osborne^ 1963-64 SA President enjoying having e the pla; You will becomi We are glad that you are hei other v on campus has ] Academy Forest Lake busy also heading up the Beta Club. Voted "Best All Around' by his fellow classmates, this Orlando boy plans to become a doctor. Broivn-eyed vice-president Rozonn Hall has won the title of having tin "Most School Spirit." Because she .' Joel Ferrec is .... "Best All Around" Sbaryn Hnll is [rations concerning cheniistr>-, slie would like to be a nurse also." has the pleasant job of caring for stimulated by thi a goal of Sl,t 1963. have ctiosen lo load them a; projident Johnny Fowlor from Panama City. Ha.; Tuitalooia, Ala.; Janie Moore, iecretary (rem Brabeth Holifield. tr.aierer. (rom Uurel. Ml.,.; Tommy Mefirland. (rom Montgomery, Ala.; and Gary Cockrell. ser9eant,al,armi. from Mobile. Mihy Bamngor, vicpreiidenl from Skrovepor*. U.; paitor. Bass Memorial Academy ^aduating, chose their 1 Tuscaloosa, Ala.; wants -' i . Class secretary Janie to pursue a collegiate .eport, La. ; class, program in interior decorating. Her horn Treasurer Elizabeth HoUfield from Laurel, Miss., plai the BMA i ir banquet, a faculty-senior nnquet and a sponsor's party. The dass has chosen ;oal," aim and mol "Earth Our Challenge"; colors, blue and as their , respectively, bile; (lowers, "Heaven Our blue and white chool Spirited"; SSaryn Hall, (eere"ary and''''Bejt All Around'" girl; Bunny Waggoner, eaiurer and "Moit Lilely to Succeed"; Lewey Hendershot. pador and "Molt Lumberton, Miss., is dreamed-of academy had len a local and prominent pecan growi donated the land. Smce then tlie Alabe tlie faculty and students has enthusiasticalty promoted the building and e at Miami Academ,y Greater The seniors of Greater Miami Academy, Miami, Fla., seem to have plenty they have only 13 members in llieir class. In late October the class organized and elected olTicers and a class sponsor. of school spu-it despite Uie fact that A GMA tradition at to is announce used crystal decided to I the elecldon extinguish ei : differ IS t and fire drill took place. Ther mallder f fire tlie to the front their motives the student balls I prised at them some tmusual way. and pohcemen. This class class officers in body had llieir actions, but were evident. The when officers back of the the firemen called were announced and a good laugh. Serving his class as president is Lanny Buck, His ambition a doctor. Ralph Ruckle was chosen vice president, industrial administrator. Elected as secretary was Lo t college. and in be be an life is to his goal is to Denne Holeman and she Tre she hopes to be a librarian. Pas i ;, Bob Heck, will study coUege lo become a music instructor. The position of sergeant-at-arms by Judd Balas. His ambition is to be an aerodynamics engineer, Sponsc class is Mr. E. E. Erskine, physics teacher for the The motto (lower, of the class is "For yellow ose; and Him Today"; colors, blue and academy. aim, "With Him Tom gold. On Februa ry 9 the seniors sponsored a spaghetti dinner, n featuring the academy choir and band. The all class the future nitiated s On March followed by an amateur hour, which was a fund raising event f was held March 16 and a trophy was awarde nior classes. It 17 the junior class was host to the seniors at the annual Jr -S an informal swimming party and Chinese food was servi 1 Balas, Joseph Bucalo, Cias mbers include Mitzy Barr - iry Cod; ly Fowler, Marianne Ful- Sherry Hawlin, Elizabeth Hiiderbrandt, Ehzabeth HoUfield, Freddie Howell, Ann McClure, Tommy McFariand, Carol Matthews, Billy Miles, Janie Moore, Belli Paxton, Ricky Perry, Donna Robinson, Robert Roblyer, Ray Sanders, Marvin Sweeney, Lynn Hidwell, Carol Watson, Robbie Wiggms, Amy Ward, Lbira Winston, and Virginia Youngberg. Academy Fletcher lior-senior class picnic. igrams, a class dinner banquet, Sabbath School and chui and the annua College at Nashville, ond poiiiU urprise visit to a well-known attraction in the area is planned bj me group ;t year the seniors visited Mammolh Cave in Kentucky Then, of course, the forty students mil receive their diplomas on Maj "5 Fletcher senior oflicers are: Danny Long, president Joyce Wynn, vice idifion sident; Cathy Dicldnson, secretary; Carl Koester, treasurer Hugh LeggetL Brenda Gates, Linda Cherry, Dottie Dees Sharon DeRos a Nancy Fletcher, Horryelle Good Bett> Ann Gnffin Haney, Diane Hansen, Bill Hawkes, Jeanie Hawkes CI f on HeaU ertj Longshore Karen Maples I, Phillip Draper, Neil Esleb, Phyllis • ; Q ent WG e Calhy D ela eantata m (loft fo ct nson Ca I ght) sm e Koe te Highland Academy the of Portland, Highland Academy senior Tenn. yOct. hen the officers Woodbury, Tenn., was journalism or medicine. Fulfilling the duties of vice president is Cheryl Tharpe. Cheryl hails City, Ala.^and is interested in archaeologj-. She once had the 3 of L\Tng in Cliina for three months bef being chased out by chosen. Rodney Bryant, fi I chos s a Terry Snyder, another Louisvillian is to be a dentist and as an outside i ; Louie" Kroeger, also f 1 Louisville, f was helped her elected i He It-lifter vants to be a Early in the fall the class made a trip to Nashville to the Tooley-Myron photography studio lo have their senior pictures made. The annual class party at the Founlain Head gymnasium. Other activities include an all-day occupational guidance trip to the Gates Rubber Company in Nashville and visits to the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference office, the Soutliem Publishing Association and The Nashville Tennessean press. Planning for CoUege Days is a year-long anticipated event of this class. In the futiu^ they are looking fon,vard to the senior banquet and graduation week end May 24-26, The Consecration service will be held Friday night. :. i: was held Feb. 2 May May Collegedale 24, Baccalaureate Sabbath morning, May 25, Class Night Saturday mghl, 25 and Commencement Sunday morning. May 26. Members of the class are Barry Adams Eva Adams David Asher Wayne BaUard Amta Bandj <;haron Burke_ Kirk Campbell Robert Connors James Day Tommj Doss Ijnda e Foster Judy ^ FrankJm Larry Gnder !tHeIm Jack Kroeger Leslie Lockndge Faith"'McComb Susan'McCaryi ,m„ir., ^ . . _ Charlotte McKee r, Donn.. .... Mill Jjhn Lynn Ray Connie Res Academy _, _ if CoUegedalo Academy consists of 50 r_ academy. Louisf m senior class ihe liislory of the ctivity for the class has been the "Grave t Yard" j» events include an overnight trip, a Saturday pioiic the first of May. the money in the dass treasury, the girls have b d candy, whicli the boys have sold during tlie nooi n the Book Fair for this same purpose. ire i CA """'"" ited as a The held the last of February. For Florida s. tl.i. ondhai class IS Boger Hall, who makes his home in Cleveland Tenn nuger pjans to major physics in college and later to be a teacher the saence field. Vice-president Phyllis Chu is a resident of Oneida, Ky She n gomg to ma)or biology and then go on to become a doctor. Secrclan Jud^ Whitman, from AUanta, Ga., is going ^totake^nursing in college m m m after I. Mai ^T^lPpSe lean., is the class treasurer Mary's ambition is lo'be a" dentalhyp' mnursmg in college. The class pastor, Bick Claridi from Mianu, Florida. Bicfc plans to be a dentist and will ma, a psy chology. Phil Sue, a resident of Collegedale, -:--?-"?'"' Tenn '""'•> " is "ic the sergeant scrcean at arms e plar ~A "' ^dmmistration and hopes to enter the busmess she will major to CA field af7er a-iTege"." The cbss Boyer, Teresa members are as follows: James Anderson Be^ erly Becm, Sberyl Chan cey, Mercedes Chavez, Phyllis Chul Ricfc'!:.„....u Flemmg, Gayle Fouich, Luarni Garland, Mary GamcL Ra7h.« r ^«„ m^ io Pender, Ronnie Bees, R^pb mnoer" Marshall <irh^''nur rT""' ^''," '''' Richard Schopp, Wanda Sco^gins^ Karef s Ray Stephei^, ,„^^^'^d^tl^PfaiUip ^^uuuu., rmmp oue, Sue,_ tJ Betsy Swain/ PhyUi Kent Tyndall, Be Be Tyro tl, Raymond " — Whiticn and Linda Williams,' sUKu wK^"'' Under Md, Judy Whitman, Mary nnku nghl) vko PU PhiLp ^°"«5ed*)o c Sue AMdemy OfHceri riandmg on the b«l= row are (left t" On feogir Hall, preirdont. R.cV Clandad, pastor ^""'"''' '"''y Whitman, socrotaryi and Phyllii Oiir, mgcant at-anm. "^''' Kiid^s^"* , , I | Mount Pisgah Academy According lo President Kenny T( members of his class will be hiriy-six if this school year. class picnic, a junior-senior cli A ire planned. The group also planned 1 t, and other :ral Smoky N aveled for College D, 19 is the day when the class mil re th Clark is the class vice-president, Nonie Plan Shoemaker, pastor Waller Williams and Gerald May ; their diplomas. ir VanHoy, Sharon is sgL-at-aims. Ron iwo of the class include: Sharon Ambler, Jimmie Baker Other members JerT>' Carter, Janie Caughron, Jerrj- Conken, Mary Ellen Davis Jolmson, Bonnie Jones, Sylvie Paul Dixon,' Garj' Green, Vicki Hines, Tom Jimmie Cain Lmda Pacer KaUam, Kathy liwis, Lloyd Logan, Max Marcus, Carol Neidigh, Carolyn Reed, Sharon Schaeffcr Joan Patsel, Lcshe Pilton, Donald Piatt, ,„ ... e Sinolelon, Becky Skender, Linda Steven Ann Tetz, Jackie Thatcher, Glenda Sharon Williams, and Judy Wright ^u Wed'el, Little Creek School The mT< graduation. Little Creek largely e a guest speaker, the sem talTs or" program around a subjec HeadinR the May. list of outings is of three -Jay neighbor's T] latio S'o , ?Vis with supper and boi well as occasional suppers entist college idty nevt year. ev Bieos. Betty Boyle, Clara Cunning- ham, Robert Klfer, Efuby Holvers on, H 11 SMC OPENS NEW SHOPPING CENTER APRIL new shopping ; 2 needs of ihe Colle] $350,000. Housed in die shopping center are a post office, a supe Mercantile, dii marker, a credit union office, the Southern Campus Kitchen restaurant, the Georgia-Cumberland Book and Bible House, a barber shop, office for the Coilegedale laundry. Insurance Company, a beauty shop, and a self-service The super market, which located is north end of the center, has a ma e actuated by two mechanically operated doors The super market, which will have ovi " ious store, will be operated by H. A. floor spac ;. " Woodward, manager, and Ed Shaffer. According to store manager Woodward, 1 wil'l ass( the for health foods. Groceries be displayed on six aisles, widi one vill ha- and other devoted aisle pletely to refrigerated products. The post master George Fuller, office. rspac ;. The post office business, and the other paj boxes will be available at all times office is at the far soudi end of the ar John Goodbrad continues as of the post office accessible by day for containing the postal Locarion of the post inti ;rior manager of ji^^j ^^ jyc the Southern Distributors, the health food agency for rhe Southero Union of Seventh-day Adventists. The distributors' office consists of d,, office space toward the front with a small display area and Di a much larger warehouse area in the rear part of the building. Operating the Campus Kitchen restaurant, located on is Mrs. Jean Davis. Counter is arranged in a shape to afford the maximum seating capacity. During periods of heavy patronage, a counter with standing space will be available. While the Campus Kitchen is designed mainly for shon order service, a hot lunch of a set menu is served during ih hour. In contrast to the system used at the Dairy Bar it was closed, part of the Campus Kitchen help does cooking, while the othi the northwest corner of the mall, space for the restaurant "W Located north of the mall and next to the Campi Kitchen is the Southern Mercantile, which handli items which include luggage and men's clothing. According to Manager Bruce Ringer, the new facilirics will be more than adequate for any future expansion plans. Albert J. Wilt will become accountant for College Enterwidi an office located in the shopping center. prises, The Credit Union center. Mrs. secretary and also has an office in the shopping Clyde Busbncll will continue to ser\e a office manager. ' The barber shop, is operated by Don located on the north side of the Decs. While the shop, at present. jtudenh. 9 (Continued from page 10, col. 2) only one chair, provisions have been made during con should business struction for the addition of another chair tains . ' In Fred Fuller conrinues to operate the Collegedale Mutual Insurance surance Company which handles State Farm insurance for automobiles as well as other types of On the east end of the Mall is the self-setMce laundry has washing apetated by Truman Cox. The laundry not only coin-operated dry and drying facilities but contains cwo cleaning machines. Occupying the southwest corner of the malJ is the Georgia-Cumberland Conference Book and Bible House which will handle paperbacks as well books. The Southern Mt carr>- the college text b as hard-bound religious seleaed for the bookstore. The last unit to be added to the shopping center will be located )u be a Phillips 66 service station which is expectc north of the new shoppmg center. Consttuaion begin soon after finishing touches are put on the shoppinf, to con Much of the in work such as plumbing and wiring was contracted the college but the overall construaion still rested with shLd last The landscaping and the paving, which was fin week, was contracted to the Brown Brothers Construct Consttuaion was handled by Frank Costcnsan struction superintendent for the college. dividual out, Companv of Chattanooga ^_ %<a, % >fo,i Hefferlin Outlines | SMC Concert Band Plans for Physics Will Tour For Next Year Florida, Starting April 18 Plans for activities of Physics Department SMC SMC lire ledulcd 10 1< )ncert lour of , April 18, five io, di :. the this vealed today bv Sr^H^ff^rlk new and return studnm^ might plan tliree cars so that Mr. Taylor been making i its final on-campi pearance of tlie school year menls, and reports the possi bility of a tour llirough Capi Saturday evening, April 13. The band plans to arrive al Caaavcral and a boat rid. round Miami's Biscayne B; afternoon, and perform sacred Concert April 13 concerts at Jacksonville and in „- ,„ ,„„^ ~^ the Orlando area. Secular con^,« ^^.^1™,= cerls ^vill be given Saturday ^^"? nicht at Forest Lalce Academy; , „„l, a„^i .o t^ii mghl,_Apnl 13, will MveK; day nidht in Fort Myers; SiSidoy night Sunday "/,,> ^"vhirl sayi and ivfonday at Greater I^^ami ^-^^^^ - ^f , „ ity will be probabilities, Mundy, will participate in ';;^{lappei sculai crfom il to aU . the band vn\\ play .1 session of for the quadrennial Conferencethe Southern U Following this held for Sou lb em Tihe I^rSs- IsSi'^iiu'l^iide'^a ^I: X E^Xoi ^Hal^ (Aceent photo by King) Anne Louise: That Believe 7 Can Hardly Vm qiiiries from physics students at other colleges have been received regarding their partici- Really Here' By Jo^nn Schulee. HohnM, ^ , . ,, Stopping half-way down and Sandria Keller, playing "Serenade on a Picket ^ence.*^ "Jacob's la^Tder; lo turn around A cornet trio, Victor Moores, and look up at the flag blUo^vlng the breeze against a very blue Johnny Waller, and Carolyn F'^bruarjsky, Anne I^uise Wilkinson, ^vill perform "Polka Dots," and James Lambeth will Sonestam, arms loaded mth play a trombone solo, "Fan- books, exclaims al its lovehness. lasi; Annie Laurie." Eric Pack- "I can hardly beUeve I'm reaUy veyed greetuigs from Collogjes SMC ^ ^ fnei.... ^. . . At Ann e Louise is embarking on a new phase of her education- Though the liumanities are her natural bend, she is accepting the chaUenge of scien« (nScrobiology, pVsiology and nutrition mcluded in her 1"'^'^"* load) ultimately aiming her lii-^t seLi-n A^™„.;.i ^9^.^ surgical nursing career. m /ViUiam n. Taylor, pixjiect to do the research work here wluch ^vlU serve for liis mas ler's dep-ee tliesis. SMC students Bob McReynolds, Waldemar Janke, and Charran Gm. 1 aerformed will be ihidont body, ^"''ich"f^"fi the fuU-Ume. Mr. Joe Hutcheraon also a graduate student at Vanderbilt Umversity, is expected m Municipal I year ZZ JTn Ic}^ Mr. presently woi derbilt University Un; after having graduated from SMC last .... ' ...= t„„.„.^ uiui a semor iron Massachusetu will do so. ^^^^ year. ^ ^ academic Mr^ Bill Mondy ^j^^ department S^c o^fS ^^ one-third time It is n^-,nnB^ that he will teach the ^g,f^ ^i dass on 'tl:. r^^l ^e ^mI JJ-^ j irldiHnn T '^"chmg i time'ivill be necp „„„,_,„ f„„ ,!.„ i„„~?.,_ , "}' Iher's family is from France), also commented on the student- '" ^'^ taught are Advanced CalDanish, Norwegian, German teacher exchange in America, cuius, Astrophysics, Nuclear Inand English. "Please empha- "In Europe you come in and go struments Laboratory, Atomic size,"_ Southern Missionary the 1963 Summer Session. ''that out without saying a word." Physics, Wave Mechanics, Elec- m Mondaj' known for she says modestly, as a t of the Uni since 1950. and North Academic Dean Southom Miiiionflry College Collegedale, Tenneuee " pearance at raSTTt h"'^ der the aus dor ."piL" Prosmm American Ai„ericm " 1" °' °" ""•!"" Q '° P'rfo™ •» . S.ndl^^^^^^^^ "."".'* p"" =i»"« for"So .tdlSi oT'S'C; V "'jV *: "i"' "•*" *'*'" ^°""'"* S""""'l»- S.o of H. tompoii, I,., SftSul i '"*" """* '" ^"°<" "'' *™'"- !*«•"* phllo b, S.Sirtl of Uu, As«,diition of College,. ' ''"- '" Gcrbor's Gerber's Baby Fid^ Foods, Fo< "^ c°- Loma '*"» Linda ""^ Co., Producu, Oneida SBver Mojud, Esquiio Sock., Coming Glass Wor' Works, Ansco, eU I ' $oujHEmi\ccEm V I XVIII Southern MJiiionary College, CoHsgedale, Tennwtse, April 26. 1963 SA No. 14 Leaders-Elect Visit Washington, Attend College Workshop at CUC D In Washington C foi the 13th annual Eastern Intercollegiate three Student Association officers elect for the 1963-64 academic year Workshop were Held this year on the campus of Columbia Union College, the workshop hosted from eight Adventist colleges in the Eastern United States The meetings which began Wednesday evening April 17 and ended Friday o .*#| delegates Apnl 19, were desired ti Lombeth Receives Band Award, Musicians Perform in Final Concert ceived tlie the band's aimual spring award v of the award, which outstanding ;n by thf bmd| 1962-63 as coti ;hoo! yeai ducted the Collesedale Acdemy In the its last , Williai classical , Article on y^^ FinOHCeS S« |>"' Featured in the April edition f^ .u° Middle East Forum was '"ffe \Yv"'i;;ad; conce I of the year. SMC band per brmedawide [ed^^from Goff Publishes of \he of economics George T. Gott, ^j^^ Smuts whose subject was the monetary i:.edit jjolicy of the bRei icluded by Vict it Moores, Johnn; roline Wilkinson: and incr thi ,a trio bv MarciUe from ( HaU, Sandria Keller and Eliza- sumption IWpt /Val- I \ United uj,der"the guidi The i ilSrrNasser's in 1952 of powi the Un: Hohnes. Solos in the eve- the formation c ning program were by James Arab Republic in 1957. Di LambeUi, playing tlie trombone, tlds time which inclm playing a tht Packard, nationalization of and Eric canal and foreign banks drum solo. Tuesday night the band mem- Gott's conclusion that N; hers left by bus for a one wee ' "• Ida Included on th betii i ending the workshop ^ SA Presidr were id Osborne, Southi CENT er o Don editor-elect '- Producers on Parade' I Presented by Department David Taylor represen Southern Mt.mories Te . Comb and Smuts Van Rooy. Jacksonville Oi num froi SMC MV the \t^^.^ Society ^^ cloMi Tahemacle-Aut the 1 \hdJl. Soulhera Urn jiksbot ^ollnwniT the Obora J " he jomed the Sa'^ioL"Te.^'' br w£°?'a^" aen'^'Temper As ' shps as tliey enlen?d die audi- CoHege Campus torium. FOC ThrCe DO/S iraloncal contest Tuesday at Session Plans Summer Announced By rmng at Soutiiem Missio Ct liege for the eight-week ion beginning ;d endmg August iry the from ..eading, Teachmg .._„ R Wo "' for ElemaUcs Workshop all parts of first-band lool That it has " 'vni boc.o TrtmirLVJoZ v=f. bo.wo=n h.o ",o'nM=r^ roquii;"j;h!rr»"\" roq.,r.d 1h,. y.« of . SA Senators Select Burnhani/ Cross t.c ;i,7'i«"o tt,o Chi Chile's Child "" psychoioj " ^^^ and Edui SMC ,„^o„hv £ tributed to ol Early Sunday held la- I Ihe tabemi ^^^" p"trf^^^^cT™fr°" """ " Monday's program began lij' anu p^ Teaching in die Ele- fg. 1, Materials ;tch of college life. College smiths, ^ ^^^X As Outstanding Senators of the Year ^TJl^ Selected by tiie SA Senate the Sunday evening r-of-the-Ycar and pre- Days program, April such as Ansco, Oneida Silve Coming Glassware co dent to va^rovid^d by SMC" 1 Teachi ition, lly for ihe South. Tlie this program. These companic ' ry Evali ( corresponding numwas given a question re- to their respective acad- answered correctly the person labled e , >'h- slip program and high schools. CoUege Daj-s offidaUy began 1 00 P.M. Sunday, April 14, ;oUdted from leading Ji m Days ith legistration of die guests 2, Uie field of Education Lluding Fundamentals School f [ered for College die the jierson hold- lues Colleger- School Begins June 9 On June 9 students will r^ liter campus During random and afternoon, April IC, ing found die 350 visiting seniors bered I program the received numbered at last year's audience Seniors Invade Later in t more than SCOO in nic : .. managing QdiioMaHH^ Speafciiig Down to Brass Tacks neivs at of its managed on life thai do is modem everj- level is intelligent per- We might menUon if called deny. California or an example, tlie reports on a Tampa, Flonda. paper. weather published ^ Uie government It fiQS become big business ° and shouldn t to decide what the masses should know. Incredible labyrinths of press secrctanes, ' writers, conijiublic relations oflicers, speech ,n omulgatjons implementing gub" by news The Right to Protect . . the m i inv m ex-president Eisenhower's frank and honest admission of penonal responsibility for tlie U o flights over Russia. This gave the United Stales a very black eye in tlie sight of other nations and gave Mr. Khrushchev just the perfect ox- mentary editors, etc., etc., protect our leaders from saying or writing anything that might ' " harm tliem or scare us. The inevitable ques ' J 3Ut burying us in a nice ethical way our soldiers in the g World Pacific quickly learned tliat you can't War H i by "Write dearly, complelely, and ^ing gai concisely." wn Dy playing clean if your opplays dirty. have pledged ourselves id every effort to ^vin the cold war t Russia. have pledged ourselves to d *vith nuclear arms if attacked ivitl, to We t jnd away before a delicate diploma' We Very well, where then do we draw Most w-iU_ agree L responding with Ai that our goveramen' e potential might ight help a enemy. Is this where governmental a right bilily slops? Does the govenunent ha .uld be 10 lie a little? It would seem that it culation any news that r weapon encore B hia thesis sucdncUy and oticka v r produEls. ^efcgiouE% Speaking . ll a good, I . Brother's Keeper flurrendct lo Christ. Why? Be- soammncam ad infinitum "t Scptnrfwt SMC , be qrapevine programi. To >.m,.s^lX.' "»'"'»"'••"'" 2! P„b„. h.„, ,1. SH,d.M_J, loclitleti, Setrthirn ,|..» M l,|[on.ry CbII>9<>, w„:lj... in Waihmglon, Waihlnglon, D. C, it was tuggoited thai ( Advonti.t noed to improve tho qufllity of their Friday evBnTnq vowar thl. mort ihidenti will immediately agree. We realiie roconlly conlly hold collogo» ui through Hio all-ontwining _..r,dli of (he Eaitom InlercolfBgif'" ^ " Edilor-in-a Gilbert ' " hit Phologrnpii. ' .',: , M BiinJi>m . I 1 SNEA Members Observe April as Teaching Month An SMC Institution, Dr. Watrous Reveals His Colorful Past mendaljon by the National Education Association, April has designated as TeachioB been •^ inlerpreter about 50 E-skimo legends from an old Eskimo now dead. The legends of the Eskimo are his literature and history ion of Social Sciences. Wise as Methuselah, bul form at SMC. The p rved written language they are graphically recorded. Someday it is his ambition lo put lliese legends into book month G. Wliile Chapter of the dent National Education A The SNEA, which is a p for publication. Reluming from Alaska in 1914, Dr. Vatrous sensed as Dean of Boys at the United Bom Con- States Indian Boarding School Middlctown, in In 19+8 he was asked ife filled iie and New Encland towns to to recall the two boys ?radua ted from high rules. faculty sponsorship oE I M. Kenne^ and K. as well as ivilh ad- —from the tiuiet leadersliip of Barbara Bensc lo be- with the scholarly and where he served four years in mundane Shaffer, the lime he suspected SNEA Mrs. Grs one of I is of enoaging in oclivi- He --' called ithem Missionary Col )rganized in 1939 by a "-- -. iducalion students uni leadership of Mrs. Grace Mrs. Watrous is In 1930 Dr. Watroi ika pulse to find it beating far abov. lormal. His only comment wa \\'ell, boys, see me in thi tRce in the morning." In 1956, at the University where pres- Academies Squeezed 75-30 In College Days Game they served givmg le I 3S Alaska consiUtant, Dr. Watrous of ab- beloved member of the il Future a chapters. ! he EUen :here G.^ White Chapter of Tomorrow, foi The ^re he received his Mi ter Katzelue, at Alaska, the Watrous' only son, Artliur. was bom. Mrs. Watrous and Arthur, a hospital at 'Pomt Hope by a plane that had been prevented from take off earlier by a freak storai. Ollierwise they would have had to make the precarious trip by dogsled. Dr. Watrous has also served as an advisor to ihe Alaska Reindeer and Trading Comi\ovm lo ;alth officer cue club fimctioning one, participat- Man Press To Replace Meyer Ai CaIIaho UOIiege Pt>0~CG TrCSS MT Mr. Walter Herrell. Jie ejcellcnt defcnrivc ] ID me uvoy mc college, Wayne MrNutt and in Ihe eome sinning imeup were Dig Gamer nl center; 1 latter part of April lo manag Ihe College Press. Mr. H. F. Meyer, presei manager of the College Pres B"£?.«.k"r°'"; a/'^.rif'ra' te"!S,™»^.iiS?"1S,"'*S {.^IrirziS rIm"Z. °'3i "°£°Z'2hIiiSJIl,.',l°,l May to become instructor superintendent of the Southei nDroble Tlie co1I.:bc look weakitr detensc <mi positions. odvimtaBe ol iJio of wliicli camo on Cockrcll and o o triple by Vnn partjnent this fall. He will r Kjiie. ceiyg [jis master of arts degn home run by ^dl WaUa . Associate Dean Women's Van Arsdoie Appointed to La Sierra Grade School ^^ ^hss Ehznbelh Van Arsdale, associate dean of w( IC recentl) announced resignation of her present :ei < campus, Arlinc- le will also worl: head of the the the program for stu- the elementary in Arsdale is soon lo of her duties her ho norlliem Michigan before going to Califorma When asked for a comment. Miss Van Arsdale slated, "This was a hard decision for me to make. I love SMC and tlie peo- pizza villa ple here." RINGGOLD ROAD SMC WEATHER 629-3311 — 4 P.M. — 4 P.M. thru ThurscJay till till 2 Midnight A.M. posii tanci of other responsibilities in the Pacific Unii if Friday and Saturday Math i. the highest rate of profit laskaDr Watrou work done In nresies eniDr c lieges ollecl, throui/h an \enX t Open SuncJoy Appoinied as will be leaving the latter pai of arder of v 3607 commissioning services for pre aratory teacliers and was imd the Sponsorship of Mrs. 0. Columbia Union College Pres Washington, D. C, is slated arrive on the SMC campus tb Ono/ While play of the seniors mora never second IinlT. The Tinal llic no' College in 1935 ivith SiS,,?,^ SSTphyTTni "iJf^lt S!°i7,Jiw\! m Washington ashington in irses Seattle taking in mathemalics,_ physics 1 Classes to Take History Tour of South Day Picnic at Recreation Off, Areas Being Planned For Week of Vacation The Sodal Science Division Soulhem Missionary Colle[ First of is planning a — Slate Recreation Area, loca the Tennessee River just m lortli ied the New Moi Salt Lake. A PliiiUns 66 service slaliou, will be part of SMC's le oath of ofllce shopping center, is exle Confederacy. They mill visit new le chamber where the Conled- peeled to be open for business -ale government was organized by the middle of May, ;ell Anni wll be of , , dub Ih^anPres- Seniors Visit and SophoColleae Davs On vided of [ungs. 1, col. History and Social itself . the "lonal Academy won the scholCompetitive activil^s in the arship and the roving trophy >ix)rts events to display at her academy for Ed Crenshaw and Ron Steph- a year. ens will have the evening worRecreation in the form of ship, followed by a program of softbaU, basketball, volleyball (Continued from page building . more President Jim Boyle linve (Continued from pale 1,col 4^ cooperated in outhning a series , y , Summer School For The a As Ireasurer Df be property of the Tlie trip will include primi- i t;iub. SMC ident Claude Steen agTforthc^ Phillips gasoline, the vdl\ i H"^ ' r<?cLd as President of which .. Dai wU Expected to Open Soon MtUhere'jeff^son'Davi"took of CliickaniauEa more accounung major from Transported by CoUegedale Alabama. John Newbem, a and Oollewah buses, the group wlogi iviii arrive about 9;00 a.m. siding, and f the club as pastor. Service Station 3) adio 1 WSNIC-FM. ;fvK;-FH Science courses available for the i the afternooi ished to partici L and sum- ' lat for all w) The Softball shirts \ Nursing Students Visit long triangular Marriage and the Family, Practical Avon Park, Plug Home SMC Florida ramp- lasted about foui ~"""~ "• eluded such plac Lindberg and Miss Pe College, CoUegedale, Tennessee, taining a Tliis lour is a much-con- month In the hydrauhc new Collegedale's lift. inslallatic ' fer present " " Freshman Englisli, lisli. tour originally sched- both ^ .. uled for last summer, but slightly below current market Granunnr. dropped because of the lack of pnce, and unbranded gasoUne, At the L^i liistory "e"" t"PS- j Ivanced , School Chickamau^a. Academies represented for Faculty, staff members and students totaled 41 on the trip, tbe College Days exercises inThere they took charge of Sab- eluded seniors from Forest Lake Maitland, Fla.; HighAcademy, batli School, church and vespers programs, Tru»,-ri,ff«wi ™A peaker WSMC-FM PROGRAM SCHEDULE '= o5«sJ. ci.>jb ., *« La„ service at n^ *t. land Academy, Portland, Tenn.i Mount Pisgah Academy Cand C Bass Memorfal Acad ^ ler ?^ I the .^T,^ 1 00 o clock the topic, Clos usmg N Lumberton Miss Flelch "Academy Fletcher N C Grea^r IVhaim Arademy Mia ^^ legedale Acadei Siu-vey of Music and Hislorj teach Old T( and Fundamt Faith, tlie IV nrel In the field of science, a variety of be offered inciudir ond Voice Traarnptim The normal cla«s load _ for eight-week term is cieht sen ler hours and tuition cTiaree be 520 per semester hour crc All mquires should be din,, : W. M. Schneider ean, Southern Missi ge, CoUegedale Toi $oummi\ccEm Week Music ^A Local, Features Guest Musicians The Fine hedule d running chrough Sunday nigbi, May the observed annually beginning Sabbach ] ie Fine Am Week campus of Southern Missionary Co I faculty will be featured in a recital of sacred music Sabbath afternoon 3 o clock in the Fine Arts Chapel. That evening at 8 o'clock, the College Orchestra will '^^s^i a LS' Chickamauga, McComb Creek Fall Scenes of Class Picnics Class picnics day, classes at May !, found tiie fresliman-sophoni Harrison Bay Slate Park, on Lake CliickamauRa and seniors at Fall Creek Falls Slate I . the juniors the Ch: Supper was followed by de- S'teMod'a°™.5SrC ^-" •'-" '"' ~ -iong by " Three Mistakes( Ki Ei ,kes( Ronnie "oyle and Bob Cruise aLuimuunied by Paul GebeiL on theVt^r, and a saxophone solo bylBob Bolton. by bus, the class presidents, Boyle and Claude Steen, ;cnted gifts t oE apprei for their help wiffi das I Weekend Outing Begins Spec/a/ Events for Seniors „ ., _,. ^President Lm „ , vidi Rich, J iTTemor Re T^rrv 1\ limited excli their faniibi Saturday "parting of I, tli The Good h S During the pbiyed or divided sma Mis close of these leisurelj wai groups lomed ionary College "is and vanous the vanous inspi: on Friday nloniing May geUier for informal designed head south mto Georgia Uonal meditations -ded' the bouthera ^^ boardS and Falls eniors all devcn i eluded boat table volleybair'badSilh^ton basebaU, and watched a irirls' baseball Class of J the condude__thc ast a WbalF'J mondi SMC WEATHER 5 in the sur- Bob StrukofI sup- ligioi High c- April 2S.Mfly i'ollo\ving ducted' horn 2:30 until ' I 75 Participates ,„ i4ational of ATS Runoff the world at large fidtoiafiCjj Speafcmg Our '"^in ,w, Ifae The Winds of Change . . Objectives Bared ^ P?? ^^^i*^'r'^n^ti4"1ov,;n.metit UnB.npby- we inlorpret faom Iho studenl point oi °' opinions and ideaa. our underlying purpose q^^ iuture, as oHormg our' Ihom objecUvely SMC J in "Briinin i^ in'scrioiu politital difflcully. mlaT^i \haiaTt Tor of policy is C dep^Xn^Tn. miUimit^d^lo^FrflnM.^A «oble . student FrequenUy, sluon varioua now touch , o express their views umns. Also, adding a The Biggest Football Player "^efegiousfy Speafcing . . By the Book Bl one thing in common, Tboi reloped early in Eoch of life the ba us on Ihe campuE encore consequence what md wrong by ad infinitum Whilo Hid school year ii about gone, and Ihero are few MendayAuo*day_ chapels loff this year, wo think that it ii time that the gram flrranqoment for nori year. iplit °a"»mblio! _ It it our feeling that the mornin°g hale^b^n trblame. bu" SOUMRAiylCCflVr JcEblr^""'' I Maybo'tho K?,'!'? ^^'^ '''^ ">' """"s^Mrely p^^^ g.,., ^B^lerfhelosiTe '>h^-r^°'cA^''lr^\^\^ wqging J3 rtudcnu no« cnroU IJnJ" UDivonily. I w, hope that something will be done nori year to booit the qualify ol thoio morning chapel programs. P.«,^.„, noon nedy. oursolv „. S..„,^J....,.J..._S-.™ M,.„..., Cli".. hikes into thi native to spending ttio We've lot "Southern Accoflt" editor-elect Diion and tome of . , Phologrophen thing* as ttio paper wont together lari Lndry/only^'one'' Vo'Io edition for uithis year and the nert 16 will be hli to immortally Of. ''§'^''>'^^'sf^ f^" °^\"';,^'^ ^. mc {'"""% Church, 1 *"'^' " Editor-. Cal .. „.„.. „ „ riiMlu"'"- SMC Graduates' Achievements Unique Chemistry Research Yields New Reactions Many, Varied Include Fields The chemistry deparhnenl's -.: h. ,.: ...-, ...,..„ Heralds q -'"i^'^ ...,-..d- qomcM bairbili q.-ii' is 2-niDnili Harvard, m 10-7 icribed. The arlic ! mm* • . Victory for Kirstein; Errors Costly to Wilson work-study program, preienlly headiDB the cast in Thailand, wleemed >.! .ip scheduled at the White is enioriEil America's scholastic insti , De^n ud.™, Lfneii on A chemistry and > faculty. ' r':'^j"r°!JS^'±!f" j Hospital and Clinic, with affiliations scheduled al the Los Angeles Coimty Hospital and facilities of the Los Angeles County Public Health Depart- say that the n take place will 1 to t ore being enlarg Chief Right-hatider Bill Kirstein, the refere the United ' Kirslei. Na- be transferred ti ^onomic Commission for plished id on regularly in the e being made to irting vnth an error Jerrj- Bartram and by Dr. by SMC a flurry of hits by catch- Afri clij by Bob Hale, ind Chuck ilton detenmne e intermediate products of the action, and why the usual :riodic acid oxidation products 1960 graduate, Rulli Little, director Hamilton. Prior to this s, made tJ appoinunent, Mr. Ham- the school of di. Mrs. Dor vas engaged in special- noblication llin a is whose headquarters 1 li team no Pliil's mlh a loud diplomas eventually vith S fefT Wilson ^^ wth Cum- Pilch. on the I of Ihi ' in is SmUerland. Thouch most of those who march do^vn the aisles for their irtneva, there are a few settle • ^ ^ do^vn who have found nd'g^e' of chapel. Chalmers Speaks Sre Oh Psychology Di:L'n's lal grants ol Charhe, , e Petroleui to stimulate Research Fund an Chemical Sonts are designed i cal research a nong students of as well as to fur- SA e Sponsors Annual Picnic For Ushers' Club Members t the In the Minisiry Chilhowee tlie if ' and ! ing 1 PhXl. le, where 1 highly who devotions, tlie J^^ho"se r±e" 196364 by the Oeclod Presents Tumbling Acts For FLA Students ^^^ gj^j^ Physical Educaorown, tunibhng '"" "™- ^^^ department's - club n turned to campus Team psych olo( and hiking. Cummings (USC h tl be oh- Following supper and evening lis ( al In other games around Potts doivned Dix circuit. 14-13, and Kirstein rapp spectropl las, Metabolic Unit with the; Melabol in School of Medicii Martin and Dix Pea body alyzer-lOO gas clu-oph along -.viih the Beck- diet tlierapy, pe- and infant formunutrition of diatric diets fork )y direc tlie plied toward a The student 25 ministration, April ^ Nashv .ssihle to ad- Ch^ hei^ met seventh inninq when psy 1 1 M. Pastor E. hanunered t-3 cusiiion until the hot- have "^ked on th Dr. Christen- Under ;f D find the rangt of the ushers' club vvaiier_ i arrived about 8 p.M ma Thrall, cr and Kingslcy \ Thursday, April 18, " Florida. Lake Academy, lealured sections of unicyde ffiven al Forest McKee Baking Company Little robatics, floor tumbling, balonc- up and s Derbies of 20 members, 13 PE Cyril Dean, Helping over 110 director plj I'de'fo Stt Coltegedale, Tenn. Ftione 396-2451 COLIEGEDALE INSURANCE pizza villa 3607 Opor Sunday AGENCY RINGGOLD ROAD — 4 P.M. — 4 P.M. thru Thursday Friday and Saturday till till Midnight 2 A.M. Collegiate Chorale Sings At Pisgah and Fletcher Comic Klinker To Give Lyceum On SMC Collegiate Chorale lighted by Whiting and Harhe direction of Profes- linn's "Beyond the Blup Hnr^. Don Crook presented i Tlie Air Travel Zeno Klinkler. -vveU-kno*' ' " t Hsgan Acaa- Jiird .nUi, Space" nnd were Saturday Pisgah and fourth llie stage and e, first two core tlie highlj- satirical "Thai's to All." and exited to prolonged The presented Academy and applouso. Probably best knc Cummings chei- Academy Selects Operating Staff For WSMC-FM a SabbaUi af- sacred music. ight o'clock thai evening the academy. Verdi . to The position of secretary was icccplcd by Donna Chalmers. passe" (Six Chansons) by Paul Hindemitli. Also included was a section of patriotic songs, followed by a group of Madri- 1 'iTl^cm Women's Club WSMCFM PROGRAM SCHEDULE the "Gently, Gentof Giuseppe "Puisque tout tlie (Rigoletio) ly" ^'""it'^ni^rf waf Tu h Elects Officers Charles Read For Next Year present Writes Article For Magazine An O^vn In tlie election held Sunday night, April 28, other ollicers elected were: Barbara Brooks, vice president; Janet Lauderhahn, social rice president; Libby Holmes, reUgious vice president; Karen White, Ireasurer; L>'nda England, secrelaiy; and Sheri Williams, as- Other ' Jack Leitner and Steve Keefe, Assistant Program Directors. Cimimings said that he exEects the coming year to be a ' \ ted Business ' were: Assistant News Director; Barbara Hoar, Literary Director; ; I Edw - onal circulation. ' appointments Dave Spindle, Meditations; Bill Wade, News; Roger Gardner, called "Are Marketable?" article Skills Elder Gordon Hyde if IB one for WSMC-FM. Def- i plans call for nominal studio As president of her club. Miss improvements. More hght n s planned * Academy Opens Eipioration in a Brainerd High f Mrs. Delores Hieb Chosen Secretary of Year by Club ; a club meeting of the secretarial section of the business in orchid corsage nnd a copy of the Secretaries' Handbook presented to her in honor of her outslanduiR work and abiU t husband in ' WSMC-FM Youth for Christ Meet "XT "X- lanager further .. ._ College and his M.S. degree pressed belief that the s -om the University of Indiana. will develop new interest and rior to coming to SMC, Read more confidence in tught for six years at Colum- as the programs become reaUtj' during the school year. m Road, five miles east of Ch nooga in a new tent rec^ ._.^ purchased by the Collej?edale church. With the help of Pastor Collegedale Wynn, , assistant ' ^ ' to be will take Lork as sec lal Hosp tal ^""^ organized hleralure ^"^ ^'^''' ^"'^^ r[,„L=^ «» the East | Each mght after a song servled by Bruce Rmger a stuhjch IS folbncd by the i ; and It has helped us re our future obfigabons remarked one of the s wakers Already the s i Religion Club Presents Writings Of Mrs. White to Otto Christensen failh Yf life ings of Mrs. E. G. White Uiat have appeared in the Review and Herald. The volumes were presented Twenty four hour prayer as a token of appreciation to r>r. Christensen ty Kenneth oanos have been operation bv the students durmg the Blanlon, representing the members of the Rehgion Club. Presmeetings m ' \ ^ the Sev- ,, thcological UmverAndrews Um "" - i I • icn Springs, rife, Mrs. I | i i con^^.!^rfSr„Jf..P>'^eto ?r movinc to Berrien Dr. John Cassell Appointed Academic Dean; ^ ^ Dean W. M. Go Schneider to PUC to Administration Announces , , ; ,Lm , denl, CaroV °-^- „Richert; , vice presi- Wilkinson; rea.nrdi;, ,„ uiSir^ii Faculty ^S^fiE,,!!''™!" „ ri-^^ ^„i„ ti m ^,. , ^t,,"" t,f."r;.jii"ifl,S Third 1 P^y' M, Schneider, ncadenuc dea of S25 Ijnvman, Joe McDcrmoil, Cille ''"'^ Puckott, James Green Lin Roborison, Jerry Hoyle. Linda . SmiUison, Eric Packard and Doug Walker, I. ' The Kh Tariot '"mln^scnpis '"'"™"e'',!'y, Ireshman Mr. TlS™reslnna„ En '.l"-™ li.h Divi- '^"" ^""^"^ college,. The \vilh t a B.S. i 's'de're'rhf A'irust"'a° ' Morjorie Burnham Resigns Memories Post; Gilberf deact ""lV,'««i»J™','/ tVnsliiiigton, Burnham Elected «-iU join Uie •'"'™"»™ °' lal/iVtolruior ""f """'''._._ , .,._. .,.,. ,Futcher stated that this .,„, „ ^ ^ j^y registered in cillege fresh- "« is slightly higher than the English in Seventh-day year before A recent stjidj- =ntis, 1935 W .SMC's Admissions Commit- the United Stales. Accompanying the acli ,ec has so lar accepted ovec (500 students for the nS«t academic ment citation awarded to Gordon according to Mr. C. F. VV. Accekt was a lellor of 11"! I ':™;- "''°'-".-'!^ Din Uie slaff a at is C. E. Davis, College Stutkiil Movemcn B ACCeptailCeS POSS Sel up under the Ge 600-Student Mark Sntr^uuifSS FOP NCXt YCOr J'/rS cX'^n™ English teachers, P""'IS M"' '5''>^ nSh*"" and landberg • Ftsi Class lumbia Un: the La Sie and the Emmanuel Missic j *"T £- '.-''-" Ihe depor he Co- Collcg '0 Oianges for '63-'64 ;^ *" ™£; EdijSiii-c"hiet"Gilb°ert'^E hamTy'ule Ac'pA's co _,_^,__ j 1 April 4, Miss Bum! .^ V„ ,,,„, J,^ standing lubbc health ly, ^vill be fro ioiii- enllySoOTi 'O^/p- that scripts the folloi I there could be SMC 'US life articlf llie E have liked mil Held to field Ihey felt, c type of features iiiai inc CENT carried. Judges also ^^ plan with tional which to they i of the Memories, responsible not interv: yearbook but also have seen personal felt college journalism. : necessar " Voodoo Republic Strife in the on Dor On May 15 his the t il "because there was Meanwhile Uuvalier sent Ihe United Nations his Foreign Minister Rene Chalmi to plead Haiti's case before the C sembiy. Russia tried to build the into an anti-Yantee case, but Hai support from tlie Afro-Asian powi n Republic. Finis resident in two years, personal enenues being 1 his two children as they "ere school in Duvalier's black Cadillac. The Organization of American of peacemaker I States . Hispanola Witli the end of this presidendal ten Secret police public. | ned dow Hai neighluble [Dominican Republic, earlier this [ailian troops invaded the « B. f the 20-year U. S. tion of Haiti beginning in 1915. The^Marines, President Kennedy said, are representinB iJip and1 \viU vvill go a ashore if i-.----^^-^ ?i Immediately Juan Bosch, — - OAS- Don pubhc. One night he r ^ priate the le national treasiuy treasury and depart depi lo the riendly republic. Haiti would then be, . Iho complete school yoai. By no mGcma to bo inoplacoble services of our sponsor, William RETROSPECT IN By Marjorie Buhnhaj joking over many back the Accent, noting of As a result of this sugge; much student feeling on wliich indicated that generally ivity, it student feeling in the o) they short andfi' \ was of two types: wanted -all-night lights • ' ^ [ he 1 a col- didn' ' aflcrlO:30wouldn'tafrectther rage of because of their very regula ivpoint, \ schedules and regular hours. e, feels he could carry the sponsibilily of the office so t] his administration of the dul of the position would be pro encore aru SOUTHERN ACCENT, indeed, the studenle of Southern Mis- sionory Colloge, shall always endecivor to maintain the Christion stoodaids which hove corns lo characterize Una college, pro- nJ7aci^\ 'ood Hnll ' f the women's dorm did not. felt that girls are not as capahle of using to good advantage bestowed upon the that girls are not supposed to study and would therefore do not cany as heavy la^e'u ^^^y ad infinitum The spirit of a school—as dif- ^ < t i 1 Accent editorially endorsed two months. leetings for over is arts prt Ihis favor iehis. fellows, or 10 i'erworked topic, but one which as pointed up by an especially nnatural absence of Senate This This, on letter tlie to SMC the editor. campus, is which would not J SOUTHERN Acam iwntown programs. What bind of conKienct f F ACCENT try ACCENT prois cards and with the reflects rcfuios to eringe at such conduct? Further SMC affect as many the obvious place to begin agitastudents so directly, but one that tion for a worthwhile cause. studonti not even faintly conncctec ti man are caught by the on the reputation of the college as Wllh (hi, ACCENT^t edi S.ppl.menl. Th. Id ea —and fhc plan —ha . bean in Literary ..,...„<:.„.,.. the oiling ci until di,M,„.d il •""•t.i 3:irf.::::t;;" «., "Mamorie." includ.d ll.t the (po,ili„ ,ki„li„5) „ all, d M appearing"" Z vTuicn"^ Frank Palmour Feature Writer „th., aid,, a genetoui conlributo n. We're delighted wH can immortally etch I the quality of many Jcnn Schmidt .-.. PIlolDBrophcts len Steele, J nn Schmidt, Judy Ei ison, LindT^Prilthclt. *"wiili«n.H. Taylor — a A ! . a pair of trees once stood was hollow weak inside its ANATHEMA . . good one down brother.' stands it still . . . .by a crumbling, mossy stump wondering whose plans? . I . — — the other solid wood. e cut the . Two Tree or . . . . . . . . SiJilDUMJIJ At night beneath a darkens With ™nd a knife that cut A lonely figure paused apa knelt to pour His soul to God. And There fell ihe shadow of a may deride and soi When you have turned yoiir Friends back on all; solitary ihom-lined wily Will kno^v your weary fooliteps there. Beneath the shadow of a a Forsaking ail, you walk— The When curtains fall on this brief life. When God as Judge wll call a trial, Then you before His Uirone must stand To have your Book of Deeds unsealed. Beneath the shadow of a cross, Y011 stand before His tlirone alone. — Cain and Abel By SuzAN RozELL In relating incidents in the hves of m.^n if old. Bible writer not always added much detail or desi ( e would hold more meaning se stories for us'ltwi hid °mZ .d Abel. £ of their final :ain The Bibl reoUy conversation and Abel's talked ™ib when Ihey were a mem reollY Poo, in Uie Held, tha t' Cain rose u|, rowde d niargcd picture of this scene. T.> THE CONFLICT my btBlher." The young shephe rd lifted a hand i die figure approaching across the open field. Titer returned greeting. Each forvvard slop s "How is it tliat you have left yoi Homing hour?" Abel spoke again. "Cain, isn't General Assembly Abel his brolhc ; Ihr ough 111 doors hear the speaker alsod loud plaus 3r qre at w. fheir Thoy Ihink themac egotisli ::™ basically things \ilh purpose. mentolly. wiilh Iho way stjniB one It. Ihat someono kn —and IS . 1 held stingm lamh Winter Would Be Nicer for a liad to do just what Father said to do, God commanded Fatlier said. 'OS better than any lamb. I that brought Winter would be nicer a mj an altar and placed the fruit there wi My Desire If ihe cold stayed not so long; I wish To it would suffice her sing a shorter song. Springtime could be longer If no wescwinds would blow Yet our sentiment grows fonder 3 vill sacrifice be a perfcc e, obedience, mb. It V I think, if left just so. s to God's plan is the what is only acceptable v it all?" Cain dn led palm. He took a step away fron en turned sharply vn'ih hatred in his 1 feel so good s id righteous, don't you?" "Oh, no, don' sav that. I am only a sinner. But God accept your sacrilii too, if you %vill give Him a lamh. Taki "You Summer is the grandest. Time for fun you know. Though I fear it is the blandest Of the books and hoe. r, Because of lost Still rifice, and neither will you. Of I love its life zest. brief expenditure a colored beauty rest. — Lamae Ph A I'm Big Girl Now Some Love But Once J I'm a cold and blast)' night cluld. myseU. )r e woeful rhymes. ost in the dark.) Others also altruistically help ny tliree me searching for the Dark), heard two doves a'cooing, such oath of love Which heav'n or hell from course could not unchart. f fifteen So close at hand does sit I. "Fate's played his sport, your love; make by which when me to • snap off light. intently view rattlebrained high school sophor who have -' — -"--'-J -'-- -•-- ti — June unveils a momentous event for me graduation. From am expected by society and my parents fend for myself in the enthralled, self.gratil3dng world, Bui rill I be capable? This question is beginning to trouble me. I bird, you've lose hurt must be, I years be admitted Iso said lamps and one When I And you, poor wretched And how much more the cannot, according lo others, appropriate door of the dormitory Jie designated - mom, (when s,o™ "Ah whippoorwill," I might be able to cast ray Yea or Nay I am still dependent upon others lo I election; but [ ind chant his hat instant forward I here the dove!" can for decisions after the noclu an inexperienced of child, I feel ;omg patiently point out the id, ( altiiough T ar cen tliat no adopt me. I will have no one to li i enter my apartment hoiiise from the front entrance in the eve ning; I ^vill have no on<! to stealtliily tiptoe tiirough the nwm at 10:30, snapping off lights, contenledly assuring themselve that I ^vill slay in antisi:eptically-pure healUi. Nor can I Jiope 1 dr^am diat someo.le will palemistically arrange a hour for me in the hasei rk." so I can camouflage my fully Strange fate, or was it stranger love could be So cruel and play so odd a serious game? And what of man? What of We think for him the his love? rules are not the Why socia Aldiough I have come to d d ufKin the decisions o others, I cannot help feeling it W(mid" be for ment il I were aUowed to experiment. before graduation, will freedom so I will not be spotted immediately ; And, since both the college administration and girls' dean understanding, ihey should cooperate with nie in my e.xp 1 should same? The Free Thinker ment tlie process. Maybe die tinge of self-assurance I'd gain from oH a Dow of electricity would help me small act of cutting outgrow my childliood. Since the force of habit is strong ivitln me, I am positive my window would not be illuminated long after 10:30, because my eyes would soon grow heavy. Of course, if I hghts, were given the enormous freedom of caring would miss out on the nightly social gatherl„dyp I but I feel after several weeks the attachment woidd safety precaution of entering front of My my mind friends by the treat of all night lights would also like to metamorphose from child la I have pondered over the reasons I desired inmy oivn lighu, so have they. They realize would necessitate gradually toning down their ball field whispers and hall track try-outs, but they are T,villing to forego the pleasure of these entertaining pastimes. They would like adult. Just as creased Uberahty with it I reached the age of accountabllitj-. Tonight I am misled \vii'h Moonlight Reflections The Question With the ocean, the land, the air. and the mists of early morning tucked under your arm, you walked away. Some nights. Just after midnight, you take these playthings from their hiding place, and admire them (before putting them away again) And all I ask is why. -Maryanne Deabjns The Crucifixion rely hoar Sbango. voice—a Iho An c shadowi ahiJting belie I s my And that I Explanation owe yo slight explanation of behavie for that reason I' Wrath A bit more And Pavia Path To your door Opinion Why fliaf would beht My principles and be My problem is cravi I Gather Ye Class Pins Wee -M^RYANNe Deai Gather ye irselvt Forms of men enshrouded with their lives is And May same flame NOW! Nature's Lesson Like tiny dancing snonflakes — grej- Vnd On some other be glowing. and don't be Make use now while yon can So look your Now and furry. and barren plain best dull. Of Southern Malrimonial, To gel yourself a man. A Hollow Soul don't play hard-lo-gel at Hoi This summer say "I do." Bereft of love Then back Still trees soon circle face will His cheerful, BURNHAM cover up s chilly ground )n rolhng knoll that smiles today next another be eyeing. J' fairies. Witli blankets white And responds to school all. when comes next f put your hubby through. put on their ermine robe While f I fast a-flyirig, fall Man Wind laughs strong and loud, Vlicn Old ro glimpses of color But most — M. ^jir lli« this The glorious lamp of heaven, the moon The rounder h^s a-growtng Scumble in and stagger out hmugh [rouy while ye may, class p'tm The year all of To an act of kindni nature hstens. And God thus mode each perfect flake To bring such joy and beauty. for a while mi\-Mi\?B\ Lov, And Can \ovi By PULEX pie Sphere Another World Which though. I ivon't s. I'll My and prejudic its —straight immensitj- us—our height of either of up any thoughts of brother and I come from life, give "I'm going In this other world are people. People with an awareness of Culture, tradition, to wall. up Completely towered over il firet fifty times llie thought should have been gelling to the other side. lo my But no, a persistent famUy. get over that wall," I announced. 'O.K., Pulex, O.K.," he answered. "Go right ahead." me. "That was simple enough," he ther. No, we said, and I agreed. our — certainly haven't sprouted wings just well developed. It runs in the family, for both With youi had I suddenly c. In a fraction of a t^vinkle I had jumped and was on Qie other side. Another twinkle and my brotlier was on tlie other side \vi\h And ice e -elher brother wden rules, peep into another Another era. I just relate ilerday; I by Within walls, IlUllTAISS and boasl incessantly abo :ould brag dad hod strongly developed aU legs. legs mom So did our grandparents. are and And of us like lo leap. So there. I have a right to brag. family— tilings I could tell some otlier tilings about the are very cosmopolitan in nature, and bold I am proud of. Siphonapteni— our place in socie^ by belonging to die Order of I agre quit We But thrown again Into the present. Confinement in a decadent state. I am a number, a student Only can dream. who Mr. Putex irrilans, member of a world-renownc high-jumping family. But you know, in spile of my extraordinar cannot be di abilities, I have an inferiority complex. The fact fearfull puled that I am one of God's creatures and that I am and wonderfully made. Yet, for some reason, no one seems defect we areu personality some fleas have like me. Do we ' nware of? Wilson's Team Ends Winning Streaic; 14-13 Score By ::oi. 4) Fr,^ .GUE STANDINGS Way and Roddy James Kirstein's Wilson's learn ended 1 four-game ^vmni^G si dropping them 14-13. lacking Ui necessarj- nine, men, put up scoi fine battle as they kept the even through the sixth innini ' Spalding Pupils Get Eye Tests umings. To open tlie seventli frnme. «d Rouse singled and adiced to tliird on two fielders' home lices. He then came h what was to be the win_jg run on a single by James Roddy. Steve Hall popped out • ---1 out. Kirstein went hi the botlom of The final score was ,_ * During the month the SMC * of A chapter of the Stui m Education a W. '"""' '. school. , , WUson 14-13, taking the . ,, , ..._j "^i .!.„ ftough in PomWded set die also broke streak for of who was ahead most bottom of the ojec. clutch him most. Atlantic Union vjoudut the M.A. and Bi: Hi ads _ s fi . He pub- has work, sed the SNEA Club on the and 1 = the dedication by techniqne the Dr. Dzik loaned the club . htation records tor the elementhe ,ary school studem body. ^j ^^ ^^^^, Board Votes ^^^^ COmmittee, Budget, Housing kstWednesd.y I'gf.^ti" MembersDo.... ^^^^^ Se4; "of I .atlorarv aching. Miss of girls for Slate Acad- women, ^Xt^vo'^^'^at^WaUa^ &.llege° ^^ longest shortly, Nvill join the Jepartment next year, Burke will re nelli te; E col- ^^.'^ „^,„ ,1,^ ^, ", oSsoo 0;S S C ^„ ol the ins&h dep.rt»,e„, ^iS^Mtrndy. 'cirently at hoS h-d tor mo,. d,an eleven years, m.s- voted die ~Sand a v.„fafca, „o,a„B on ^"™5.Jris3to Sff memdonated I Editor-; 1 Ln^e.use wtan Ii, J«J^""'^.J»S on ice at lie pui game Memories Staff Dedicates Annual to Miss Lindberg David t .lutch pitch: Koefe, Prepara E the club. Dr. Neal's Centerfielder Eddie 5asesloaded single in the fiftli ,nning sparked a 5-run outburst and helped Potts edge Dixon . of Rehgior project th» eyes of al Dedicated Teacher i,..';. icr's degree, mU jom hi. iji.e phys- budget voted was 1 on. «» ™" A record of '."""P™?" , L. iclasl Ihe class- portion of his |or i~.,"— .....ju. uv^r S3 million, the highest Usn, ivuss Linooeig ijas uvc., "'JC'tnTTh^ '"' Nn. yearbooks, holds b. »tfl' ?° ii the hillon- of the aillegl ac- sponsor of 38 JS"^'/°5 founOoOon. Oonal Science „,Ji„, ,„ cbarles Flemiig, Jr., a hfetime teachmg ceruricate of die (Tei„s) and is o Araold O«o manager. ™ ,v memfc SMC's"bnsine!! Committee o TeachThe budget is based on only a NaUotial ,._^. :^.j'_„.. ;„ n™..„, ei^ of Ennlish. Her ¥oiitlis In- „^j,„^ ,.^,j j^^ ,„ sMC's campus He wdl Arnold Otto. " Advisory Council Begins Rees, Bushnell and Millet Speak at Academy Event GraJualing OMrciscs .iule Academy "ere hald fyi- New Work To Aid College the iWii Senior Class ot CollL-ge- May 23-25. Class night Tl H rMl J cl U Cli |vl u. SNM Spanish SS Class Bi/iigs _ „ „ Comprehension fot Student u ^i" „ i^ ^ rfeJng and Ihe College opp ng Center HiLI si 1 Ph,a dinner Elder