No More “Mademoiselle”


No More “Mademoiselle”
French attraction wins the
'Oscar' for best theme park
Le Puy du Fou theme park in the Vendée region of western
France has been crowned 'Best Park' in the world at the
>> Page 9
recent awards ceremony in Los Angeles
April 2012
Issue #30
Entire Limousin village for
sale… yours for just €330,000
♦ Includes 19 buildings, a tennis
court, swimming pool and stables
♦ The village has lain empty since the
early 1970s
♦ It has 3 ‘miraculous springs’ with
healing powers!
Jean-Pierre Chateau, who lives in
the nearby countryside, told Le Figaro
newspaper that it was “heartbreaking”
to see the place as a “ghost village”. He
said it once had a unique atmosphere
with “village festivals which were held
right up until the 1960s”.
Following its demise, Courbefy
passed through a number of owners,
most of them foreign and all of them
apparently without the requisite skills
and/or budget to return the village to its
former glory. There were plans to turn
it into a holiday village in the 1990s,
complete with hotels and restaurants,
but the hugely expensive project was
eventually abandoned. The most recent
owners bought the village at the turn of
the century, but by 2008 were unable to
keep up with mortgage repayments.
>> continued on page 5
News - Trucker stopped
on A20 watching DVD
A Bulgarian trucker has
fallen foul of tough new
laws to combat dangerous
>> Page 4
Culture - Au revoir,
Alysa Salzberg takes a look
at a recent law change which
effectively bans the use of
the word 'Mademoiselle' in
>> Page 11
© 2011 - besoindegauche — Charles Hendelus (WikiCommons)
n entire village in the
heart of the Limousin
is on the market and it
could be yours for as
little as €330,000. The
story of how Courbefy, just outside
Châlus in southern Haute-Vienne,
came to be abandoned is a sad, but
common one. Once a thriving village,
the last inhabitants moved out around
1970, chasing jobs in new industries.
It was not uncommon for villages
to be abandoned around that time;
running water was being brought to
the last corners of France, but many
people ended up leaving villages
where connection was judged to be
too difficult and expensive. Other
villages were abandoned as farming
became industrialized and small plots
like those in Courbefy didn't lend
themselves to mechanization.
INSIDE > > >
Bilingual - The Eiffel
Conspiracy Files
New documents
come to light
showing that it
was the British
who built the
Eiffel Tower >> Page 15
They may be bitter political rivals,
but research has now shown that
Sarkozy and Hollande are in fact
>> Page 10
Your indispensible guide to
the region's Businesses
>> Centre Pages
Welcome to
The Bugle
that you usually can’t burn fires
pring has finally
in the summer and by autumn
arrived and I was
I tell myself that we’ll have a
big bonfire in Spring. And then
about getting my
Spring comes… you know the
garden in order the
other day. Between running
Well, no such worries this year.
The Bugle and running around
The clocks hadn’t even gone
after 2 young girls, I don’t get
as much time to
around the garden
as I would like.
When I do get out
there, I have a bit
of a tendency to
half do jobs that I
will “come back to
exactly how I came
to be the proud
owner of a huge pile
of rose trimmings,
assorted branches
that have fallen,
or been cut, from
various trees and © 2005 - Per Palmkvist Knudsen (WikiCommons)
a small mountain
back and I was in the garden
of other garden detritus. I am
and primed to light one almighty
slightly ashamed to admit that
fire. I was going to globally
at the bottom, some of those
warm the planet by at least one
trimmings are probably a couple
degree and use up my carbon
of years old. The problem is
footprint allowance for the next
decade! A quick trip over to
the commune notice board… a
bonfire ban had come into force
that very day, effective until the
end of summer!! What are the
Oh well, I’m sure I’ll get round
to doing it in the Autumn…!!
I have noticed a huge upturn
in the number of businesses
looking to advertise in the last
month or two, which is reflected
in a bumper edition this month.
Speaking to others I am definitely
hearing many more positive than
negative feelings at the moment.
undoubtedly tough
out there, but a few
estate agents have
now told me that
the start of 2012 has
been much better
support your local
businesses, whether
they are French,
British or whatever.
When times are
good again, we
will miss the small
struggled to survive
the harder years.
Like everyone,
I was shocked to
follow the events in Toulouse
of recent weeks. What at first
appeared to be random killings
turned out to be far worse.
France has not had to deal with
much ‘home-grown’ terrorism
before and such atrocities have
shocked the nation.
I am fascinated to see what
will happen when the Limousin
village again goes under the
hammer (see our lead story).
The interest that this sale has
generated worldwide is quite
phenomenal. It only takes 2
mega-rich Russians or Chinese
to start a bidding war so who
knows what it will go for. The
idea of owning a village is quite
appealing, but much like owning
a château, the reality is that
you need very deep pockets to
restore and maintain it. I have
enough trouble keeping my own
house in order, let alone an entire
Until next month.
Steve Martindale
this edition
1 & 3-5 Local News
7-10 National News
11-15 French Life
16 Letters to the Editor
16 Caption Competition
17 Notice Board
18 Clubs & Associations
19-20 What's On
B1-B10 Business Directory
B11-B12 Classifieds
[email protected]
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[email protected]
Write to:
The Bugle
Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
[email protected] -
Handmade Gates, Fencing, Stables, Field Shelters, Menages, Cladding...& more!!
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A range of bespoke mobile field
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Godson Travaux Publics
All aspects of Fosse Septique Installations incl. Micro-Stations* from concept, planning permission and installation to final inspection
25+ years’ experience Civil/Structural Engineer - Assainissement /
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* Agent for Klargester BioDisc ® Micro-Station - please contact for further details
Bénévent-l’Abbaye 23210
siret no. 47930451100021
f there was one single
event that changed the
landscape of the Limousin
more than any other in
recent memory, it happened at
Limoges Airport in 2002, the
year that low-cost airline Buzz
made the first flight into the
region from London.
One year later, Ryanair
took over Buzz, but kept the
London service going. Flybe
arrived in 2005 with a flight to
Southampton and the same year
Ryanair launched its popular
Liverpool route. The region
unveiled its second airport just
outside Brive in 2010.
The Limousin now has
8 permanent and seasonal
flights to the UK. This
up') of central France by the
low-cost airlines was largely
responsible for the huge influx
of expats to the region in the
past decade.
Brive Vallée de la Dordogne,
to give the airport its full name,
now has its first permanent
route to the UK with the
unveiling this year of the
CityJet line to London’s City
Airport; there are 2 flights per
week in winter, rising to 5 per
week in the height of summer.
There will also be direct flights
from the Limousin to Holland
for the first time this year, with
a seasonal Brive-Amsterdam
route opening up, again
operated by CityJet.
Last year the 2 Limousin
airports transported 395,000
passengers between them, with
more than three quarters of the
traffic coming via low-cost
airlines. According to a recent
report by the airport union,
there are a number of airports
in France where this figure
is 100% - namely, Beauvais
(Paris), Bergerac, Carcassonne,
Tours and La Rochelle.
With 76%, Limoges Airport
is 11th in the list of dependance
on low cost operators in
France. “The proportion of
low-cost traffic from the airport
increased steadily until 2008
when it hit the 75% mark; it
has hovered around this level
ever since”, explained Olivier
Claudon, head of the CCI de
Limoges, the organisation that
runs Limoges Airport. Could
Limoges see a day when 100%
of the traffic is via low-cost
flights to and from the UK?
“The situation can change
Mr Claudon “depending on
proposals put forward for new
Limoges Airport is keen to
find another airline to take over
the Paris-Orly route, currently
run by Airlinair, but which is
due to stop at the beginning of
July. “We have several parties
interested in taking over this
route,” said Mr Claudon.
“We are still in the discussion
phase, but we will be hopefully
be making an announcement
Limoges Airport is also
looking to add new internal
routes to complement Paris
and Lyon. “We would love to
reach other major population
centres, although Bordeaux
and Toulouse are too close.”
In other words, Marseilles,
Nantes, Strasbourg and Lille
are likely to be interesting
Not only do the low-cost
airlines make up the majority
of the flights, they are also
more popular, with 70% of
seats filled on average. The
current internal flights to Paris
and Lyon are typically around
50% full. ■
© 2005 - Raboe001 (WikiCommons)
The Limousin still relying on low-cost airlines
Women live longer in the Limousin
any women will argue that there
is still no such thing as gender
equality, but one area where the
female species definitely holds the upper
hand is life expectancy. If scientists are to
be believed, there are biological reasons for
this: women apparently have better immune
systems than men and produce more natural
In this respect, the Limousin is no exception
to the rule. In 1990, the life expectancy of
a woman living in the Limousin was 81.3
years; by 1997 this had risen to 82.8 years
Ameublement Décoration
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Trouvez des trésors uniques et irrésistibles
Free range rare breed pork
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Saint-Sevère-sur-Indre - Wednesdays
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La Châtre - Saturdays (top end, near florist)
email: [email protected]
For more information or to reserve your order.
(evenings are best)
La Tuilerie, 36160 LIGNEROLLES (at the crossroads)
Our breeding stock are pedigree Saddleback and Berkshire pigs, registered
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SIRET: 508 166 642 00019
A vast range of designer home decor to suit all styles
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New stock arriving continuously brands including:
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Marks & Spencer and many more!
3 Ave. Gay Lussac
87200 St Junien
T: +33 (0)5 55 79 57 60
Open: Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 7pm
Sunday 12 midday – 6pm Closed Monday & Tuesday
and by 2009 the average was 84.3 years.
For men the figures are 73.2, 74.8 and 77.6
respectively. There are five 100-year-old
women for every male centenarian in the
But the men of the region shouldn’t
complain too much, as both male and female
residents of the Limousin live longer than
anywhere else in France. At last count,
there were 300 centenarians in the region,
a number that has doubled over the course
of 8 years and is almost twice the national
average. They build them tough out here! ■
New shopping centre to
open soon in Guéret
centre will soon
its doors in the heart of
Guéret. Based around the
E. Leclerc hypermarket it
is currently scheduled to
open at the end of May or
beginning of June.
Nine national chains
will be opening up in the
a major renovation that
began last July; these will
include Brico Leclerc,
La Foir'Fouille (which is
moving from its current
location off the RN145)
as well as a Drive – a new
internet shopping concept
recently brought to the
area for the first time at
There will also be a
children’s play area.
The idea of supermarket
shopping on the internet is
not a new one to those of
us from the UK, but until
recently in France it has
only been an established
model in areas like Paris
and Nantes. The French
appear to be taking to it,
however, with 700 Drives
currently operating across
DVD watching
trucker stopped
on A20
the country.
The principle is simple:
you do your shopping
online and book a slot
to go to the store to pick
it up – home delivery is
not currently an option.
At Intermarché there is a
minimum order of €40 and
you pay at the reception
desk when you pick up
Bleu only). At Leclerc,
the payment will be done
online (Carte Bleu), there
is no minimum order
and the shopping will be
loaded into your car for
you at a special drivethrough.
not been without its
detractors. A group of
local business owners
tried unsuccessfully to
block the development,
claiming it would damage
businesses in the town
centre. The owner of the
E. Leclerc stores in Creuse
commercial outlets we
offer, the more people will
stay and shop in Guéret”,
explained Philipe Lelaure.
“Otherwise we will be
larger centres like Limoges
and Montluçon.” ■
Delivering to: Bellac, Civray, Confolens, Gorre, Le Dorat, Ruffec & St Leger Magnazeix
New deliveries for 2012: NONTRON(24), ST JUNIEN(87) & ST MATHIEU(87)
Does your delivery service use a vehicle with the
recognised certification so they can legally transport
perishable goods through European borders? We at
M2H use our ATP (Agreement Transport Perishable)
certificated freezer / chilled lorry to regularly deliver
UK groceries to France. We keep our customers
informed at all times during their shopping experience.
Customers are allocated a 10 minute timed drop off
slot – so no waiting around in car parks for hours and
no long queues; leaving you to plan your day, around
us, with confidence.
s we reported in
of The Bugle, the
government is clamping down
on dangerous driving by truck
drivers. One area that the
government is particularly
phenomenon of watching films
while driving.
The first truck driver to be
stopped for film-watching
was in 2008 on a motorway
in southwestern France and
the practice has become
increasingly common since
– last year 324 truckers were
fined for this offence.
From the beginning of 2012,
the fine for watching a film
while driving has risen from
€135 to €1,500, with a loss of
three points instead of two.
A Bulgarian driver felt the
force of these new laws when
he was stopped this month on
the A20. Gendarmes became
aware of a truck veering across
the carriageways and it soon
became apparent that he was
watching a film on a laptop
balanced on the dashboard.
The man was given an on-thespot fine of €500 before being
allowed to carry on his journey;
his laptop was confiscated.
Truckers apparently have filmwatching down to a fine art. One
common technique for driving
without looking is to drive along
the grooved white line of the
breakdown lane, which emits a
steady hum. Thanks to the cruise
control and automatic speed
regulators, drivers need not even
keep their feet on the pedals. In
fact, several have been stopped
with theirs up on the dashboard.
The practice is thought to
have caused at least one death
last year when a woman was
hit as she walked down the
hard shoulder following a
breakdown. ■
Mini-digger Hire with Operator
• Foundations • Site Clearance
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+33 (0)786 95 18 90
siret: 529 623 100 00011
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Call Me PC Repairs
Microsoft Certified Professional
05 55 68 78 23 / 06 07 73 64 06
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* 25 years experience in PC support
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* Up to 40km radius of Chabanais, Charente
Call Dave Pilcher 06 34 96 63 58 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
French village GPS tours of St-Léonard
goes on sale
>> continued from pg 1
When the village was put
up for auction earlier this year
there were no bids. As a result,
Crédit Agricole became the
latest in a long line of owners.
Following a brilliant piece of
marketing, however, the story
of Courbefy has gone global;
news channels and media
outlets across the world have
been running the story of the
French village on sale for the
price of a Parisian flat. CNN
even reported the sale in the
US and before long the local
mayor, Bernard Guilhem, was
inundated with requests about
the village. With the surge in
global interest, a new auction
has been scheduled.
The sale is now set to
go ahead on May 21, with
potential owners required to
register beforehand. There are
already a number of bidders: a
group of students who always
dreamed of living together; an
organisation looking to set up a
holiday camp for sick children;
there is even a mysterious
anonymous bidder from Hong
Kong. The worry now is that
the hall booked for the auction
will not be big enough!
One thing is for sure,
however: this time Courbefy
will sell, although for what
price remains to be seen.
The village dates back at least
to Gallo-Roman times, when
a road connecting Limoges
and Bordeaux passed through,
according to mayor Guilhem.
It was the site of a château
occupied by Jeanne d'Albret,
mother of King Henry IV and
its surroundings are dotted with
three so-called “miraculous
springs” whose waters are said
to have healing powers.
Local lore has it that early
in the Hundred Years’ War
between England and France,
the residents of Limoges
hired a mercenary to chase
away the English who had
settled at Courbefy. With the
identity of the new owners still
undecided, how ironic it would
be if a British buyer were to
again ‘invade’ this corner of
France. ■
The tourist office in Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat has launched an innovative way to discover the
sights and sounds of this medieval town. From spring, ten GPS units are available for hire from the
tourist office, offering 3 separate tours around the town:
• A Medieval Tour of the town for adults.
• A Medieval Tour of the town for children.
• An “Outside the Walls” Tour of the local area to discover the unique environment of the Vallée
de la Vienne.
The GPS units are aimed at all ages, and your electronic guide (unsurprisingly called Léonard!)
will take you on a journey with quizzes and games to play along the way. The tours are also
available in English to appeal to tourists and English-speaking residents.
For more information on the new GPS tours, please contact the tourist office in Saint-Léonard-deNoblat on or visit their website:
L’Auto moins Cher !
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N145 Exit 48 “Guéret Centre”
Yvan PALPANT - 06 63 03 48 93
[email protected]
Miss France
comes to
It has been announced
that this year’s Miss France
contest will be held in the
Limousin. On December 8th
2012, France’s most beautiful
women will be descending on
the Zenith in Limoges to battle
it out for the coveted crown.
Sylvie Tellier, herself a
former Miss France in 2002 and
now CEO of the organisation,
recently visited Limoges on
a fact-finding mission. The
Zenith has vast experience
of hosting a wide variety of
shows and organisers decided
that the area had the necessary
infrastructure to cope with the
popular event – hotels, public
transport links etc.
The final of Miss France,
broadcast on television station
TF1, has one of the highest
audiences on French TV. It
attracts more viewers (35.9%
of the audience) than the finish
of a Tour de France stage
Last year, the crowning of
Delphine Wespiser at Brest
attracted 7.7 million viewers,
although the competition
faced strong opposition. Local
politicians called the €237,000
of public money invested in the
show “exorbitant” compared
to the benefits provided by
hosting it. ■
e Puy Shooting is an
exciting new clay
that has recently opened in the
stunning Limousin countryside,
close to the village of Peyrat-leChâteau.
The proprietor, Luke Robbins,
has created a innovative sporting
layout which will be rearranged
on a frequent basis to keep things
fresh for regular customers. The
state-of-the-art kit includes four
clay traps that will test clients’
different skills, including a rabbit
trap that allows the clay to mimic
a fast running rabbit. Our aim is to
have regular competitions for all
levels of shooter throughout the
As you would expect, the
business is fully insured for all
levels and guns and ammunition
are supplied by Le Puy Shooting
as part of the competitive package
After a delay caused by the
recent snow, the clay pigeon
facility at the heart of the Château
Grillière deer estate is now fully
up and running. Regular Saturday
sessions are being held to cater for
all levels of experience.
If you have never shot before,
don’t worry; full training in the
use of a firearm will be given, as
well as professional guidance on
safety and handling. If clients,
wish to come during the week
an appointment can be made for
Le Puy Shooting
one-to-one tuition. Group and
corporate days can also be booked
at any time throughout the week.
As for the deer stalking, we are
set amongst 500 acres of land and
we currently have three types of
deer: Red deer (Cervus elaphus),
Fallow deer (Dama dama)
and also the native Limousin
species the Roe deer (Capreolus
Stalking is a real art and can
be difficult. Experience has
taught us that a lot of luck can be
involved in just finding the deer.
The purpose of stalking is to keep
numbers at a sustainable level and
to make sure that there is enough
natural food on the estate so all
the animals are fit and healthy.
Welfare of the animals is carefully
monitored in order to ensure the
healthiest stock of deer possible.
As a member of the British Deer
Society, we have the best interests
of the animals at heart.
If guests would like to come
and visit the park to learn about the
deer in more detail please phone
to organise a trip around the estate,
where Luke will go into greater
detail about their behaviour.
During the rutting season in
September and October the male
deer battle for dominance, which
is a very impressive spectacle to
watch. During this fascinating
period Luke can take guests into
the heart of the park in the safety
of the estate vehicle to observe
the deer close up in their natural
habit, the perfect opportunity
for photographers to shoot that
perfect image. For guests who
like to combine shooting with a
longer stay, Le Puy also offers two
attractive holiday cottages that can
be rented for a weekend or a longer
period. The properties have been
restored to a high standard and
feature tasteful decorations and a
real home from home feel. The
accommodation can be booked
through the website: www.lepuy. There you can see photos
of all the lovely interiors as well
as the large heated pool that has
amazing far reaching views over
the estate. Guests also have access
to a fitness room and free use of
a selection of bikes, so there’s no
need to compromise on keeping
fit with a visit to Le Puy. If that
all sounds like too much effort,
there are plenty of places just to sit
and chill with a glass of wine and
watch the animals pass by!
Please call Luke for full details
of all the activities currently being
offered by Le Puy Shooting. ■
Mobile: 06 37 46 49 98
Office: 09 61 42 41 26
Le Puy Shooting - A Novice's Experience
SIRET: 495 098 659 00024
Bugle Editor, Steve Martindale, recounts a recent visit to Le Puy Shooting
Before visiting Le Puy shooting, I had never handled a shotgun before. I did some prone target shooting in my
youth, but that is a very different ball game and was over 15 years ago now. So it was with a degree of nervousness that I went through the comprehensive safety demonstration with Luke Robbins before attempting to
shoot my first shots. I needn’t have worried; under Luke’s guidance, the first clay pigeon had shattered within 5
minutes - although a fair few did escape unharmed!! Not to worry, as all the clays are biodegradable.
Over the course of a couple of hours, spent amidst some of the most stunning countryside the Limousin
has to offer, my aim gradually improved. The traps ranged from relatively easy (I managed to hit quite a few
clays), to a little bit more difficult (I did manage to hit a few) and a bit more difficult still (Luke assures me I
clipped one of these once, but it was too fast for me to see!)
All the equipment was supplied, including ear plugs (it’s not as loud as I had feared) and a shoulder pad
(the recoil is impressive, but no more than a small amount of soreness the next morning). You can literally
just phone up, book and be shooting in no time and I would recommend Le Puy Shooting as a day out to
anyone like me who has an interest and would like to give clay pigeon shooting a try. Even if you just come
along with someone else to soak up the view, it would be worth it for that alone! ■ ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
Systems designed with permissions & paperwork
included and independent approval with certification.
Registered, insured, own machinery & usually with
reduced rate TVA at only 7% on material & labour.
Compact systems; Micro Stations:
contact us for advice
Contact: Steve or Paul
test kits
from July
s reported in January’s
edition of The Bugle,
('éthylotests') are to become
compulsory for motorists and
motorcyclists in 2012. Originally,
the new law had been expected to
come into force in spring, but will
now not take effect until 1st July.
Under the new law, aimed
at reducing the number of road
deaths in France, it will be
compulsory to have at least one
unused and easily accessible
breath test kit in your vehicle
at all times. Anyone found not
carrying this device will face a
fine of €11, although a period of
grace means that fines will not
be enforced until 1st November
2012. According to Transport
Ministry officials, the rule will
equally be applied to foreign
drivers and tourists, and only
drivers of motorbikes less than
50cc will be exempt.
The single-use kits can be
purchased in supermarkets and
pharmacies, as well as online and
should cost no more than €1.50
each. Although they have been
available in France since last
November, manufacturers are
now rushing to produce enough
kits to meet the 1st July deadline.
They are valid for up to 2 years
and should bear the mark “NF”
(Norme Française). Drivers are
being advised to carry two in case
they need to use one.
The Bugle contacted Hertz
car rental in Limoges to find out
whether these new kits would
now be included as standard in
all hire cars from the summer,
as is currently the case for the
other compulsory car equipment
(warning triangle, high visibility
vest etc). Although unable to
officially confirm anything,
Hertz indicated that it is very
likely that all hire cars would
indeed come equipped with the
new breathalyser kits.
approximately 4,000 deaths on
the roads of France, with little
change from 2010. Overall,
alcohol is responsible for 31 per
cent of all fatal road accidents
with this figure rising to
58.7% for weekend night-time
Opinion polls have said two in
three voters in France approve of
the new law. ■
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Brit poised to join France's elite
istory could soon
be made by a
British academic
who is hotly tipped
to be voted into the Académie
Française, the body that
maintains the ‘purity’ of the
French language. In the 400year history of the Academy,
there has never been a Britishborn member, nor a member
whose first language was
The 40 members of the
Academy are known as the
“immortals” and Professor
Michael Edwards hopes to
now sit among them.
The 73-year-old scholar's
first language is English; he
was born in Barnes, southwest London and did not
speak his first word of French
until he was 11. He is today a
published poet in both English
and French and is a professor
at the Collège de France,
the prestigious institution
just across the road from
the Sorbonne in Paris' Latin
“From my very first lesson
in French at 11 years old,
I felt a sense of wonder, a
sense of marvel, that there
was a completely other way
in which people could express
Edwards said.
He has lectured and written
on Shakespeare in French and
on the classical 17th-century
French playwright Racine in
To understand why his
achievement, should he be
accepted, is so exceptional,
you first need to understand
a bit about the history and
workings of this venerable
French institution.
The Académie Française was
created in 1635 by Cardinal
Richelieu, the chief minister to
King Louis XIII. Its aim was
to “fix the French language,
giving it rules, rendering it
pure and comprehensible by
all”. Since then, the body
of 40 immortals has met
regularly, compiled 9 editions
of a dictionary of the French
language and campaigned
tirelessly to maintain the
purity of French. Membership
is for life – unless it is
revoked for misconduct (for
example, General Pétain was
ejected following his Vichy
during the Second World
War) – and new members are
only elected when a post is
freed up by the death of an
immortal. Former notable
members include Voltaire and
Victor Hugo. One of the main
roles of the Academy in the
modern world is to come up
with French words for “AngloSaxon” linguistic invaders
like "email" (replaced with
“Toubon” law in 1994 making
the use of French obligatory
publications, in state-funded
schools, in advertisements
and French workplaces. This
means, for example, that all
English words on billboards
must come with a French
translation in a footnote.
Each French ministry also
has its own commission of
terminology and neologisms,
whose job is to track down
English terms and offer French
alternatives. They send their
proposals to the Academy,
which debates the new terms
and rubber stamps them.
Académie Française, however,
its rulings are only advisory.
Once the language of the
world's elite, French now ranks
as only the eighth most spoken
language in the world and its
influence is clearly receding.
French teenagers and twentysomethings talk of "le buzz",
they wear "les leggings" and
enjoy "happy hour" in "le pub",
immune to the protestations of
the Academy.
The Academy has also
struggled with its image as an
elitist club for crusty old men,
something that led it to pass a
motion last year barring those
over 75 from joining – the
average age of the immortals is
currently around 78.
Professor Edwards hopes
that the innate ‘anti-English’
philosophy of the Academy
will not count against him
and points out that he himself
is a staunch defender of the
purity and integrity of French.
Speaking to The Independent,
he said: “This is a moment
of crisis for French and it
makes sense, I believe, for the
Academy to choose someone
who comes from, as it were, the
opposite camp but has become
a champion of the special
importance and beauty of the
French language.”
“The Academy is sometimes
mocked abroad and even in
France for trying to defend
the French language from
debasement in the modern
world. But the Academy is
quite right to do so. Quite right.
French is not just a beautiful
language. It represents a way of
looking at the world, a way of
‘naming the world’, a pattern of
thought, which is quite different
from our own.” ■
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Sarkozy overtakes Hollande in polls
© 2012 - Matthieu Riegler, CC-BY (WikiCommons)
French” law.
hit back by comparing
Sarkozy to David Cameron.
Mr Hollande's campaign
manager Pierre Moscovici
told TV station France 2 that
the Eurosceptic comments
were unworthy of a French
leader. “I had the impression
I was listening not to a
French president, because a
French president is someone
who always wants to
construct Europe, to build it,
to take it forward, but almost
a British Prime Minister, a
Conservative.” The British,
he went on, “have refused
the logic of Schengen for
the past 25 years” and
Mr Sarkozy's comments
represented a “phenomenal
step backwards”.
shortly after David Cameron
threw his weight behind Mr
Sarkozy's re-election bid and
refused to meet Mr Hollande
during a campaign trip to
French far right leader
Marine Le Pen has finally
obtained the backing of
500 elected officials – a
prerequisite to run in the
presidential elections. It
had looked for a while that
she may fail to receive the
necessary backing, but did so
with just days to spare before
the deadline.
If Le Pen had failed to
gather the requisite support
by 16th March it would have
sent a shock wave through
the election race. She
currently holds around 1618% of the national vote,
and many of her supporters
would have had to turn to
the conservative President
Nicolas Sarkozy.
Although at one time the
charismatic leader of the Far
Right looked like she may
upset the apple cart and beat
Sarkozy in the first round
of voting, this now seems
unlikely as the president’s
support has grown and Le
Pen’s share of the vote is
steadily dropping back.
On the other extreme of
the political spectrum, the
leader of the Front de Gauche
(Left Front), is experiencing
a surprising jump in the
polls. Jean-Luc Mélenchon,
who heads a coalition of
leftist parties including the
Communists, attracted tens
of thousands of supporters to
a march in Paris recently.
His vicious attacks on
the rich, France’s elite
have struck a chord with
many voters and polls
showed him rising above
the symbolic 10 per cent
mark. Decrying France as
“disfigured by inequality,”
Mélenchon called for a “civic
insurrection” as he addressed
a sea of supporters in Place
de la Bastille. Organisers
claimed that more than
100,000 took part in the rally.
Sensing the threat on his
left flank, Hollande has
suggested to left-wing voters
that a vote for Mélenchon
could hand victory to the
right. “Every vote is useful,”
Hollande said when asked
about Mélenchon's recent
surge. “I do not want to
question this or that choice
by voters, but everyone
must understand what is at
stake.” Observers also point
to Hollande’s recent pledge
to introduce a 75% tax band
for those earning more than 1
million euros as an attempt to
woo voters from the Left.
The first round of elections
will take place on 22nd April,
with a second round run-off
(if necessary) scheduled for
6th May.■
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© 2007 - MEDEF (WikiCommons)
the Sarkozy campaign and a
crucial boost to his camp’s
flagging morale. After trailing
his rival for so long, Sarkozy's
warned that if he failed to
gain ground after a recent
mega-rally outside Paris then
his chances of success would
be slim. During this rally,
Sarkozy’s policies appeared
to move even further to the
right, a move that is winning
him voters.
In a speech to tens of
thousands of supporters in
Villepinte, he threatened to
pull France out of Europe's
Schengen zone unless the
European Union tightens
border controls to keep illegal
immigrants out. In a TV
debate earlier in the month,
Mr Sarkozy had defended
his plan to almost halve the
number of new arrivals if reelected, stating that France
“has too many foreigners”.
ultimatum to the EU to adopt
measures to fight cheap
imports within a year, or see
France pass a unilateral “Buy
© 2010 - Marie-Lan Nguyen (WikiCommons)
first round
of voting
o n l y
w e e k s
Sarkozy be about to pull off
the seemingly impossible and
win a second term in office? A
recent poll suggested that the
president would win the first
round of voting, beating his
main rival, François Hollande,
by 28.5% to 27%. It is the first
time that Sarkozy has polled
ahead of Hollande since the
Corrèze MP won the Socialist
nomination 5 months ago.
The poll also predicted that
Sarkozy would still lose the
eventual run-off by 54.5%
to 45.4%; however, even
this was good news for the
president as it represented a
gain of 2% on previous polls.
Mr Sarkozy refused to talk
up the results of the survey.
Grinning broadly, he said: “I
didn't believe you when you
said it was all over. And I don't
believe you anymore when
you say it’s on the rebound.”
The poll did prove to be a
massive shot in the arm for
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TVA No: FR86487425639 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
French attraction wins
theme park 'Oscar'
t has been a good month for
French tourist attractions,
with Disneyland Paris
confirming its status as
the No. 1 attraction in Europe
and two other French theme
parks winning Thea Awards at
the 'Oscars' of the worldwide
entertainment industry.
The success of Euro Disney
has taken even its biggest fans
by surprise. When it was built it
had broad political backing, with
the French government investing
around €666 million in the
project; private investments are
believed to have been 10 times
this much. The park took a little
time to find its feet, however,
and for a while, many thought it
would prove to be a huge waste of
Today it is the most popular
tourist attraction in Europe and
has generated an estimated €59
billion for the French economy.
The park alone accounts for over
6% of France’s entire annual
tourist revenue and last year 15.7
million people walked through its
gates. France is the most visited
country in the world and in 2011,
4.6% of the 76.8 million people
who visited these shores went
to Euro Disney while they were
Hot on the heels of The Artist the French silent film that recently
took the Oscar for Best Picture
- Le Puy du Fou theme park has
been crowned 'Best Park' at the
recent Thea Awards ceremony in
Los Angeles; it is the first time that
the top prize has gone to a French
The park, in the Vendée region
of western France, beat 700 theme
parks in 40 countries to claim the
honour. The jury praised both its
professionalism and its desire
to offer visitors increasingly
grandiose and fantastic shows.
Le Puy du Fou is based around
5 separate historical shows,
ranging from the Vikings to the
Musketeers. The centrepiece is
the massive Cinéscénie, boasting
the largest stage in the world.
The show includes thousands
of actors, hundreds of horses
and about 400 fireworks per
performance. According to a
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recent IFOP survey, Le Puy du
Fou is France's ‘favourite’ park.
Also recognised at the Awards
was the “Arthur, L'Aventure 4D”
attraction at Futuroscope, near
Le Puy du Fou is France’s 4th
largest attraction with 1.5 million
visitors; this puts it a long way
behind Disneyland Paris with
15.7 million, but just behind
Futuroscope and the Asterix
theme park near Paris, both neck
and neck at 1.8 million visitors per
year. ■
Mobile signal under the Channel
’ll have to call you back, I’m just going
into a tunnel. Love them or hate them,
mobile phones are very much a part of
modern day life, but one of the few places
where you have always been guaranteed a bit
of peace and quiet is in the Channel Tunnel,
75 metres beneath the seabed. Not for much
longer, though; from this summer pioneering
developments in technology will allow for
reception throughout the Tunnel.
38-kilometre link between Folkestone and
Calais, has reportedly announced a deal with
four mobile providers, including France
Télécom Orange and Free Mobile. The
agreement comes after the French technology
group Alcatel-Lucent worked out how to link
an undersea tunnel with mobile signals.
The new system will be 2G and 3G enabled
and initial reports suggest the signal could be
turned on by July – just in time for the London
Olympics. The deal between Eurotunnel and
the mobile providers will officially be signed
this month, according to reports.
In France, mobile phones can already be
used on the deepest parts of the Paris metro.
The metro was Europe's first transport system
to gain mobile phone reception and there are
even plans to roll out reliable internet across
the service. Similar plans to introduce mobile
coverage on the London underground were
recently put on hold due to a lack of funding,
much to the relief of most in the capital. A
poll in February 2011 revealed that 76% of
Londoners declared they were against having
mobile phone reception on the Tube.
Indeed, not everyone is a fan of 24/7 mobile
coverage in France either. One commentator
on the news website of Le Monde wrote: “The
only place where we were spared and now
we’re going to be able to be annoyed there
like everywhere else. Great!”
Eurotunnel this month announced that it
had returned to profit in 2011 after drawing
a record 19 million passengers. The Queen's
Jubilee and the Olympics are expected to
boost performance this year as well. It made
a post-tax profit of €11m in 2011 compared
with a €58m loss the previous year.
It also announced that it would speed
up trains by 10mph to 100mph during the
Olympics to cut crossing times to just 30
minutes and enable the Tunnel to handle
increased passenger numbers. ■
Depardieu to play DSK He ain't heavy, he's my cousin
© 2010 - Georges Biard (WikiCommons)
IMF or top judicial officials can be like that.
But I will not try to inhabit the role of StraussKahn too deeply, as I have never been moved
very much by people who have no dignity.”
French actress Isabelle Adjani is due to
play DSK’s wife, Anne Sinclair, who has
stood by him and is now editor-in-chief of the
French Huffington Post.
Depardieu is no stranger to controversy
himself. He famously smoked on the
Jonathan Ross show in 2005 and last year was
ejected from a CityJet flight to Dublin after
urinating in the aisle. He later apologised,
citing prostate problems and said he could
“often behave like a complete a***hole” in
public. ■
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had ancestors in the region of
Savoy in the Alps, but his recent
research has brought the two
lines together.
He also showed in the first
volume of The Political World
that Dominique Strauss-Kahn
was descended from a notorious
19th century “pimp”. The
shamed former IMF chief is the
great-grandson of brothel keeper
Léon Bricot, who ended his life
in prison for shooting one of
his customers, Mr Beaucarnot
wrote. ■
“Call of nature” man
loses battle with Google
A man who was snapped by
a Google camera car whilst
answering a call of nature in
his front garden has lost in his
bid to seek damages from the
internet giant. A court in the
northern town of Angers ruled
that the plaintiff had lodged
a lawsuit against the wrong
firm - the picture having been
published by Google Inc.,
the US parent company, and
not by its subsidiary Google
The unnamed man, who
claimed he became a laughing
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name is not unknown in France.
Another descendant invented
the “Labully cake” in the mid
19th century, which is still eaten
today. The cake is a brioche
flecked with pralines and baked
in the shape of... a breast! It was
originally baked in honour of
Sainte-Agathe, a young Christian
martyr, whose breasts had been
cut off.
claimed that the rivals’ maternal
grandmothers both lived in
the French town of Lyon and
stock after the image taken
by Google of his al fresco
urination was published
globally on the Street View
web application, now owes
the firm's French subsidiary
€1,200 in court costs.
Google agreed to take the
picture down after the man
complained, but refused
a demand for €10,000 in
damages. The plaintiff's
lawyer was not immediately
available to comment on any
possible appeal. ■
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© 2010 - Mgtxx (WikiCommons)
ccording to research
published recently,
President Sarkozy
and his election
rival François Hollande share
more than just a desire to call the
Elysée Palace their home. They
are apparently in fact distant
In the second volume of his
book The Political World, author
Jean-Louis Beaucarnot has
shown that both Mr Sarkozy and
Mr Hollande share a common
ancestor named Claude LabullyBurty who worked as a farm
labourer in the French Alps
almost 400 years ago.
Both have ancestry which can
be traced back to the tiny peasant
village of Saint-Genix-surGuiers, near the Swiss border;
Mr Sarkozy is descended from
Mr Labully-Burty's son Pierre,
while Mr Hollande's ancestor is
the labourer's son Claude.
French daily France-Soir
said: “The way these two men
attack each other on a daily
basis on the campaign trail, one
would have thought they have
nothing in common. But it now
appears that they do, in the form
of a humble Alpine peasant who
would be delighted to know his
descendants have done so well!”
It is unlikely, though, that the
blood tie will quell the bitter
political rivalry of the two men as
they fight on the campaign trail.
Another interesting aspect
to the story is that the Labully
© 2007 - MEDEF (WikiCommons)
érard Depardieu has revealed in
an interview on Swiss TV that he
is to play the role of Dominique
Strauss-Kahn in an upcoming
film about the former IMF chief.
Speaking on the Pardonnez-Moi chat show,
the Cyrano de Bergerac actor told presenter
Darius Rochebin: “He’s not lovable,” before
launching into an assault on his fellow
countrymen. “I think he is a bit like all
French people, a bit arrogant. I don’t like
the French too much by the way. He is very
French: arrogant, smug. He’s playable. I will
do it, because I don’t like him.”
The film will focus on DSK’s fall from
grace when he was forced to resign as head of
the IMF last year following a scandal in New
York that saw him accused of raping a hotel
maid. The case was subsequently dropped,
however the damage to his reputation and
political career was irreparable. DSK had
hitherto been the red hot favourite to become
France’s next president this year.
Although released without charge in the
US, DSK has been dogged by controversy
ever since: the New York maid, Nafissato
Diallo, is still chasing him in the civil courts
in the US; on his return to France he was
accused of sexually abusing a young French
writer, a case also dropped, this time on the
basis that too much time had elapsed since the
alleged assault; and he is currently embroiled
in a scandal over a prostitution ring operating
out of a hotel in Lille.
When quizzed over these controversies and
accusations, Depardieu said they were not the
reason for his dislike of DSK. “It’s the way
he walks, with one hand in his pocket. We can
all have filthy thoughts, and it’s well known
that these guys with huge power, money, the
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cattery. Large individual/family units, tiled
floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas.
Heated, individual needs catered for.
NEW - purpose built isolation unit.
Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara:
[email protected]
SIRET: 494 125 016 00019
uwell Piscine Center is a family-run
business based just outside Brive at
creation in 2008 we have specialised in the
sale and fitting of a range of spas, saunas, UV
cubicles, hammams and massage beds as well as
traditional and raised wooden swimming pools.
We can manage your project, whatever the
size. From planning through to installation
and maintenance, we are there to advise and
support you every step of the way to ensure
the success of your project.
Whether you are an individual or a business,
Auwell Piscine Center is committed to
combining expertise and experience to offer
products and service that are both high quality
and innovative.
Auwell Piscine has a 450m² showroom where
Auwell Piscine Center
you can come for information, advice and to
browse a selection of our pools, saunas and
spas. We also have a Private Area, where, by
appointment, you can come and try out a spa,
a sauna, a hammam or a Hydrojet massage.
We also offer a range of garden furniture,
parasols and water treatment products, and have
specialists on hand to take over the maintenance
and upkeep of your pool, sauna or spa.
69 avenue Honoré de Balzac
19360 Malemort-sur-Corrèze
Tél. : +33 (0) 5 55 18 01 08
Fax : +33 (0) 5 55 88 06 68
Mail : [email protected]
Open Mon-Fri 9h-12h & 14h30-18h
& Sat 9h-13h
Le Mécanique
30 years' experience
All Makes/Models Catered for.
Repairs, Servicing, CT's.
Specialist in: Vehicle
Diagnostics and Auto Electrics.
Garden Machinery incl chain saws.
Based 87/24 - I can come to you
TEL: 05 53 62 50 46
SIREN: 514 423 532
Registered Car Mechanic
See Display Ad - pg B3
[email protected]
Renovating your
French property?
New build?
Dossiers prepared
Permis de Construire
Déclarations Préalables
Tel: 05 53 52 36 05
[email protected]
SIRET: 493 770 358 00015
Made to Measure
Pine Window Shutters from €35
Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69
Bespoke items made
05 55 14 12 43
Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150)
Siren 527 854 749
Le Charme
De Chêne
Handmade solid oak
joinery and furniture
Our joinery expertise includes barn
doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors.
We also make handmade furniture.
Every item is bespoke and
made to measure.
Please visit our website for recent
installations and references.
[email protected]
02 54 25 65 08
06 16 91 64 67
SIRET: 510 156 763 00011
05 55 41 17 76
Lumiere Service
et Energie
Steven Rofe - 20 Years experience
• NICEIC approved Electrician for
8 years in the UK
• Wiring of new installations
(including liaising with EDF)
• Rewiring existing houses/barns
• External & garden lighting
• All aspects of electrical works
• Fully insured - (10 year Decennale)
• Departments covered 19,23 & 87 /
email: [email protected]
Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
La Noneix Construction and Property Services
imousin residents Paul and
Joanne Rands moved to
France with their two young
children 6 years ago and established
company, La Noneix Construction
and Property Services, offering a
full range of building services, from
a small job right through to a total
renovation or complete new-build.
Here’s what some of our clients have
to say:
Here at La Noneix Construction,
we are now entering our 6th year
of trading in France and business
is going from strength to strength.
We find that there are still a lot
of people moving to France from
other countries and many of those
are buying properties that require
substantial renovation.
When carrying out a large
renovation, the customer needs
to be sure that the company they
choose is fully qualified, insured,
reliable and has a good track record.
We pride ourselves on meeting
these criteria and for the attention
to detail and level of customer
service that we provide.
This coming year we are also in
the process of redeveloping and
enhancing our website with the
help of local company “Comark”.
Our aim is to have a bilingual
site in French and English. We
want to provide a service whereby
customers will be able to have their
own unique access code in order
to log onto our website to view
ongoing updates and photos of their
We find that this service is
essential to our customers who do
not live permanently in France,
as they can log on whenever they
choose and view exactly what has
been happening in their absence.
It provides them with peace of
mind and means that they do not
need to be on site, thus reducing
the expense of travelling back and
forth to make sure that the work is
being carried out effectively and
"We would like to record our joint
thanks and appreciation of the work
carried out on our house this year
(2011) by La Noneix Construction run
by Paul and Joanne Rands. Firstly for
the advice and clear recommendations
offered as solutions to our problems,
then for the prompt attention and
instigation of the works which gave
us great confidence. Finally for the
rapid, efficient and professional way
the work was carried out."
Robert Johnson
H J Marsh
SIRET: 493 084 974 00010
• Simple jobs
"We are very pleased with the work done
by La Noneix Construction on the roof
of our holiday home. Every stage of the
process from devis to completion was
efficient and thorough and we were kept
informed by email and sent photographs
of the progress."
"Paul and Joanne are always keeping
us informed of the progress of the build,
by email and photos, and also helping
out with everything associated with the
build, which is much appreciated as we
cannot come out to France as often as
we would like to, and furthermore, we
cannot speak a word of French! "
Philip Evans
Fully Qualified
French Electrician
Registered in France since 2007
Banque Populaire La Souterraine
Décennale Insurance
All works to normes NF C15-100
● Fault finding ● Small Works
● Complete rewires
● Consuel certification arranged
● Temporary EDF supplies arranged
● Permanent EDF supplies arranged
● Free quotations
• Complete renovations
• New builds
• Conformity checks
• Emergency Call outs
• Fully insured 10yr guarantee
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Please mention The
Bugle when responding
to adverts
Mobile No: 06 50 63 65 29
in Creuse
I offer free & friendly advice
so please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
05 49 48 35 49
06 45 74 25 36
siret: 511 904 559 00016
Qualified Electrician
05 55 41 17 76
Experienced Builder
Salamandre électricité
English Speaking, French Artisans
Repairs, Full Re-Wires, New Build
Automated Systems Installation
All Masonry Works
Assistance with Architects, other
trades and Permis de Construire
English References Available
Keith Sloper
Tel: 05 55 64 94 20
Mob: 07 86 38 09 61
05 55 41 43 56
06 50 27 87 54
[email protected]
* Qualified electrician
* All types of electrical works carried out
* Free estimates
* Departments 23 and 87
SIRET: 498 672 708 00019
No Siret: 494 916 760 00015
No job too small - give us a call
All electrical work covered, from
a light switch to a full rewire
Limousin, Charente
& Dordogne covered
Emergency Callouts 24/7
A recent new-build undertaken by La Noneix Construction
"Totally trustworthy workers who did all
Diesel self-propelled 4WD
machines with jibs
GENIE 45/25J - working height
16m/50ft, outreach 7.5m/25ft. Will go
up and over 7.16m/23.6ft. Lift 227kg.
€180HT/day or €600HT/week
JLG800AJ - working height 25m/82ft,
outreach 15.8m/52ft. Will go up and
over 9.78m/32ft. Lift 227kg.
€280HT/day or €900HT/week
Delivery/collection charged by distance
Tel: 06 36 35 56 44
or 05 55 78 16 28
R & L OTLEY sas, Sacierges-St-Martin, 36170
Siret: 533 235 016 00011
SIRET 538 982 414 00012
Building Services
02 54 47 65 37
[email protected]
they could to minimise any disruption."
La Noneix Construction & Property
Email: [email protected]
Scaffolding Hire
Strong, fully adjustable
cup-lock scaffolding
Collect and erect yourself to
save costs or delivery and
erection included
Tel: 05 55 68 22 04
Siret 509 933 784 00027
All aspects of renovation
and refurbishment, big or
small, undertaken.
Harlequin Developments are a
Distributor and Installer for
Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and
water heating products, as well as a
range of other renewable energies
All aspects of renovation/
restoration covered
including bespoke joinery
and lime plastering.
All work is fully insured.
References available.
Ring Andy on 06 35 12 10 66
Ring Will on 05 55 37 45 35
[email protected]
siret: 532 981 198 00015
SIRET: 494.501.067.00016
Monte Sarginson
Mini Digger
House Renovations and dumper hire
Inside & Out
Experience in Roofing, Tiling
Floors & Walls, Plumbing,
Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms,
Stonework & Rendering,
Painting & Decorating
Tel: 05 55 63 88 70
Mob: 06 21 34 18 20
Siret no 507 516 748 00013
with driver
From €120 per day
[email protected]
Insulation Specialists - see pg 8
Sky TV
Satellite Engineer
AND QUAD LNB - just €180
Sky Subscriptions Available - no UK address necessary
All needs, advice, help catered for. All depts covered
06 60 85 93 41 [email protected]
SIRET: 534 352 802 00019
Your advert in the Business Directory - how it works!
ith adverts starting
from as little as
€12.80 per month,
The Bugle Business Directory is the perfect way
for small businesses to reach a
large number of households at a
reasonable price.
Directory contracts are for 4, 6
or 12 months, with increasing discounts for the 6 and 12-month options (see box below).
To place a Directory Advert,
or for more information, simply
email us at [email protected]
with the text that you would like
to include or give us a ring on
As our newspaper has grown
in popularity and The Bugle has
established itself as the primary
source of free local and national news
in the region, our advertising has also
become increasingly effective.
Every month 12,000+ copies of
The Bugle are printed and distributed
across the region. Thanks to our
targeted distribution where we
personally visit each of our 330+
distributors every month, and adjust
the number of papers left accordingly,
we make sure that the right number
of copies go in the right places. The
Bugle has an estimated monthly
readership of well over 25,000
** All prices are TTC
As a rough guide:
Small b&w Directory Ad
• Small Adverts can comfortably contain around 30 words
• Large Adverts can comfortably contain around 45 words
Large b&w Directory Ad
Small colour Directory Ad
Large colour Directory Ad
That means as many as 25,000 pairs
of eyes could be reading these pages
in the coming few weeks… and they
could be reading about your business!
Another way to target the Englishspeaking community is through
Advertorials. These are just one of the
advertising options we offer, but they
have become a very cost-effective
way of attracting new customers and
raising the profile of your business.
Because we only feature a handful of
businesses each month, we highlight
those businesses prominently and
deliver your message in a targeted
4-Month Contract
€64 (€16/month)
€86 (€21.50/month)
€96 (€24/month)
€128 (€32/month)
Limousin Property Care
Property Maintenance & Building
See Main Ad - pg 13
Please mention The
Bugle when responding
to adverts
P Services
multi-service company
● Repairs & maintenance
● Gardens & lakes
● General building
Free Quotation and advice
If I can't help, I know someone
that can. Contact Paul
** from €40 per day **
Tel: 09 79 73 32 00
Mob: 06 60 20 22 38
05 55 77 33 72 / 06 85 18 20 05
No Siret: 444 916 084 00015
siret no 483 666 335 00037
Phillip Williamson
Paul Goldsmith
Email: [email protected]
Interior Renovations
Honest, Reliable Tradesman
● Plastering. Drylining. Studwork
● Kitchens, Bathrooms, Doors &
Windows fitted
● Painting & Decorating etc.
Competitive Rates – Call for a free quote
[email protected]
SIRET: 504 976 689 00019
La Coterie Entreprise
Approved septic tank installer
See our main ad - pg 7
40yrs Experience in quality work,
available for all your
House Maintenance/Projects
including Plumbing, Carpentry,
Masonry, Structural Work, Decorating.
Plus Key Holding service.
Good References. Dept. 23/36
email: [email protected]
497 962 001 00010
[email protected]
All aspects of interior renovations.
Loft conversions, Windows,
Bathrooms & Kitchens, Flooring
Plastering, Plaster Boarding,
Plumbing & Electrics.
[email protected]/
Established 6 years - references available
SIRET: 494 123 847 00019
Room construction to
finishing touches
T: Ian 05 55 53 37 10
E: [email protected]
Siret. 484 206 624 00014
1/6 page - €50
1/3 page - €100 (this one)
2/3 page - €200
Full page - €300.
If you would like to find out more
about our Advertorials, or any of
our other advertising options, please
feel free to get in touch with us on or drop us a line at
[email protected] ■
6-Month Contract
€86.40 (€14.40/month)
€116.10 (€19.35/month)
€129.60 (€21.60/month)
€172.80 (€28.80/month)
12-Month Contract
€153.60 (€12.80/month)
€206.40 (€17.20/month)
€230.40 (€19.2/month)
€307.20 (€25.60/month)
Building & Renovation
● Roofing - New & Repairs
● Masonry
● Plastering
● Dry Lining
● Sand Blasting
● Equestrian Buildings
● Digger/Scaffold Hire
● ... and much, much more
28 years qualified experience
[email protected]
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
Nick Glover
& Property Services
Established, Professional and
Personal Building Services. Fully
registered with décennale
insurance covering all works.
Phone: 05 55 63 65 81
SIRET: 501 144 596 00019
Siret 511 127 763 00015
[email protected]
[email protected]
siret: 493 766 430 00018
Skilled Workman
Prices from €15/hour
● Building Renovations & Small Jobs
● Velux Windows ● Roof Repairs ● Tiling
● Plumbing ● Plaster boarding
● Garden Projects & Maintenance
For more info please call Barrie
Or visit my website
SIRET: 501 338 230 00011
**Special Spring discounts**
● Renovations & conversions Specialist in granite stonework
● Roofing - Carpentry Plastering/rendering
● Electrical (NICEIC approved in the UK)
fully conversant with French Regulations
● Plumbing (Corgi Registered in the UK)
fully conversant with French Regulations
● Kitchens - Bathrooms - Floor/wall tiling
Central Limousin
Unbeatable Price
and Quality
Large or small projects undertaken
- please view our website.
Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands
I fit all kinds of tiles: ceramic,
porcelain, slate, natural stone,
quarry tiles, travertine & granite.
Tel: 05 55 69 23 29
Port: 06 31 37 53 90
Renovation Specialist
●Renovations ●New builds
●Roofing ●Stonework
●Carpentry ●Ground works
R & B Construction
Walls & Floors
Interior & Exterior
La Noneix
Tiler / Carreleur
Kitchen &
Bathroom Fitting 05 55 41 17 76
Including Tiling
and Plasterboarding
Advertorials are now available in
4 sizes and please ask as significant
discounts are available to existing
Travaux Publics - pg 3
Over 30 years experience in
the building trade
Plant Hire
Please ring
05 55 89 69 46
Members of Federation
of Master builders in UK
All works carried out by time served tradesmen.
Tel: Dave - 05 55 37 74 06
Tel. Steve - 05 55 69 75 67
(Depts 23, 87 & 19)
siret: 501 792 386 00010
Double D
Renovations & Home
05 87 96 02 44 - pg 15
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
Michael Courtin
T J Renovations
● Masonry ● Stonework
● Brickwork ● Pointing
● Structural Repairs
Full refurbishments undertaken
• Stone/Brickwork • Patios
• Repointing • Studwork
• General Repairs & Maintenance
French Stonemason with
20 years Experience in
Major & Minor works undertaken
throughout the Limousin
10% discount for new clients
Free Devis/Estimates
References Available
23 38 56
076 546 00012
30 years experience in building trade
All areas in the Limousin covered
Contact Tim
Tel: 05 55 61 08 02
Mob: 06 52 23 89 54
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 750 068 116 00011 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
Foreign Buyers are Searching
for French Properties
ouses on Internet,
internet company
that helps private
owners sell their French
property without using an
estate agent, has been so
successful during the past
months that it now desperately
needs more houses in order
to meet the growing demand
from abroad.
Richard Kroon, director
and founder, says: “It is a bit
frustrating to be honest. After
a year with new sales records
in 2011, the trend continued
this year. But this means that
we have now come to a point
where more houses from our
portfolio have been sold than
there are ‘new’ ones coming
in for sale.”
So because of their success
in sales, they have now been
forced in a number of cases
to disappoint prospective
Richard explains: “Although
we currently have about 325
properties for sale throughout
the country, there are also
over 100,000 visitors, literally
from around the world, that
browse our website on a
daily basis. Most of them are
looking to buy within 4 to 6
months. More than half of
those visitors live in countries
other than the ‘traditional’
ones: France, UK, Holland
and Belgium.”
This is definitely the result
of their continuous global
Tony Hall
General Builders
Renovations, Brickwork,
We only undertake
one job at a time!
All areas covered
[email protected]
Siret: 504 350 604 00014
Dennis Fry Timber Services
Dave Cardwell - Builder
See our Display Ad - pg 11
Chez Vous
Fosse Septique installation
and building renovations - pg 10
• house and barn clearances
• dechetterie runs
• rubbish removal
• cash paid for scrap
• general labouring service
• mini digger hire - with/without driver
05 55 37 45 35
advertising, both on Google
and on the leading French
property websites. Over 50%
of the people that bought a
house through ‘Houses on
Internet’ were either nonEuropean (from Canada to
Australia and from Russia to
China), or came from parts of
Europe that have in the past
been less active on the French
property market. Examples
Switzerland, Sweden and
Richard Kroon: “We have
a large group of potential
buyers that is constantly
checking our website for
houses that have recently
been put on the market. And
many of them also contact us
& More
General building
Renovation & maintenance
Reliable, good quality work
30 years exp
Based central 23 - will travel
Martin Sprague
05 55 61 93 07
SIRET: 531 768 182 00010
directly to tell us what they
are looking for, so we have a
pretty good idea of what it is
they want.”
The group of potential
buyers is large and diverse.
Some of them want a house
(to renovate) under € 100,000
in any region. But there is also
a strong demand for relatively
new bungalows (for people
who want to downsize),
renovated country houses,
villas and large properties or
estates suitable for horses.
Richard continues: “What
these people search for is
in fact not so different from
what was sold through us over
the past 12 months, when
we sold houses priced from
€ 60,000 to € 1.9 million.
Ken Nickless
Painter & Decorator
with over 25 years experience
Wall Papering - Tiling
All Repairs Undertaken
Tel: 05 55 60 05 26
[email protected]
siret: 518 225 545 00012
06 74 21 47 71
See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B3
[email protected]
Please mention The
Bugle when responding
to adverts
Creuse Excavation Services
+33 (0)786 95 18 90
See ad pg 4
UK Paint Depot
siret 532 981 198 00015
Quality UK Paints at the lowest prices
see main ad - pg 9
RSW Entreprises
Fosse Septique Specialist
See our Display Ad - pg 9
05 55 41 17 76
05 55 41 17 76
Please mention The
Bugle when responding
to adverts
Multiskilled Artisan
Graham Carter Plastering
• Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling
• Tiling and associated works
• Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for
Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc.
• General Renovation interior and exterior
of buildings to customer's specification.
Tel: 05 55 76 69 32
Mob: 06 43 11 95 87
Siret No. 513 415 091 00018
Mini-Digger with driver
The areas most popular to
our foreign buyers currently
are Normandy and Brittany,
Poitou-Charentes, Limousin,
the north-east of Aquitaine
and the whole Mediterranean
So if you are thinking of
selling your property then
Quality Plasterwork,
Internal & External
Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming,
Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding,
Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render
Waterproofing Render Systems
Tel: 06 45 18 86 10
(18 Years Experience)
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 527 736 326 00010
Pro-Point Facades
Re-pointing - Rendering - Plastering
05 55 78 80 31
See our Display Ad - pg 9
[email protected]
19 years experience in:
● Solid plastering ● Skimming
● Dry Lining ● Rendering
● Plasterboard Studwork
Specialising in both
French lime plastering and
English plastering techniques.
10 years tiling experience.
Covering Creuse (23), Haute-Vienne (87),
Northern Corrèze (19) & Southern Indre (36)
For a free quotation & friendly advice
call Mark or Mareike on
05 55 54 95 63
[email protected]
siret: 539 941 450 00014
check out the ‘Houses on
Internet’ website and your
property will be online in
three languages in just a few
weeks. ■
05 55 65 12 19
Chris the Plasterer
A genuine plasterer
French and English spoken
Traditional Plastering
Rendering, Floor Screeding
Stud partition dry lining
Lime mortar stone pointing
05 55 63 53 06
06 23 29 48 19
[email protected]
Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles
SIRET: 504 612 441 00015
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Le Plâtrier du Limousin
The friendly and reliable plasterer
Registered in France.
Fully insured offering 10 year
Call Stuart on:
05 55 80 92 91
06 87 92 83 63
[email protected]
Siret: 534 396 908 00012
“SolarVenti”- the solar
solution to damp and
Developments humidity
stablished and registered in France since 2006, we specialise in all
aspects of property renovation and refurbishment, along with barn
conversions and extensions. No job is too big or too small and we
will provide you with a detailed devis at a competitive rate.
Our work includes full renovations, extensions, insulation and plaster
boarding, tiling, replacement windows and doors, re-pointing walls, parquet
flooring, staircases, kitchens and bathrooms fitted.
We also undertake insurance work (floods, fires etc) and send regular
update emails, together with photographs, to clients who may live outside
France, to keep them fully up to date with their project. References are
gladly given from previous/current clients.
We now offer a wide range of renewable energy products from some of
the world’s leading manufacturers.
Our core products are: Solar Hot Water Systems, Underfloor Heating,
Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery Systems, SolarVenti
Dehumidifiers and Water Heating Systems.
Solar Hot Water kits are available from only €2400. Supply only or
supplied and fitted. Wall ventilators offering heat recovery, humidity
control, acoustic isolation, and anti-pollen filters from only €460. Phone for
more details.
For more information, a devis, or simply to discuss your project, please
feel free to contact us.
Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 - Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97
Heating & Plumbing engineer
05 55 63 89 23 - see pg 8
(29 years experience)
ANDY IVES - 06 02 37 62 57
SIRET 538 689 530 00011
15th of the month
Rick Fife
Plumbing &
Heating Engineer
All aspects of Plumbing and
Heating work undertaken.
23 Years Qualified
(Previously UK CORGI registered
– Oil / Natural Gas / LPG)
Established and registered in
France for 7 years.
Areas Covered: North Creuse (23)
& South Indre (36)
Tel: 05 55 62 34 66
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8:30 – 21:00
Please give us a call to discuss your
requirements. If you get the answer machine
we WILL return your call the same day.
siret: 494 380 264 00015
simple solar energy system
that runs on its own, even
when you are not there and
provides a free heat supplement in
The SolarVenti air panel was
invented more than 20 years ago
to use the sun’s energy for airing
and ventilation of the thousands
of holiday homes on the West
coast of Jutland, houses that
were left empty and unheated for
long periods, houses with damp
problems, mould and bad odours.
How it works
The principle behind SolarVenti
is simple: a small, built-in solar cell
powers a 12V fan that is connected
to an air vent, a control unit and an
on/off switch.
Whenever the sun shines, the
air in the solar panel is heated and
the fan, receiving power from the
collar cell, introduces warm, dry air
Tel 02 54 24 84 62
Siret 522 804 723 00016
Property Maintenance & Building
See Main Ad - pg 13
[email protected]
• Flue ways cleared
• Birds nests, vermin & debris
• Smoke evacuation & gas
tightness tests
• Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
We provide a fully operated sandblasting
service for wood, stone and metal.
Perfect for stripping away years of grime
or paint. Contact us for a free quote or
see our website. /
[email protected]
SIRET: 488 522 921 00037
Contact Barry Manning
Tel: 05 55 66 14 11
Mob: 06 31 59 81 08
[email protected]
SIRET: 534 351 754 00013
(obligatory for home insurance)
Sky TV Installations
Sky TV/Tous travaux satellite
See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B3
Satellite Systems
05 55 66 60 21
SIRET: 510 117 328 00011
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
siren 504 218 454
We provide a fast and friendly service either
at the client's home, via remote software or
computers can be left with us and collected
when the work is complete.
● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband
● Fixing results of a virus attack
● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm
removal and protection
● Backups/Disaster recovery
● Hardware/software upgrades.
● Website and graphic design.
● Printer/scanner assistance.
[email protected]
Bird guards supplied and fitted
Chimney repairs and maintenance
Safety surveys
TEL. 02 54 06 40 80
"Tooway" High speed internet via satellite
TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations.
TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs.
Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA.
Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered.
since 1986
All types of chimneys cleaned
Fast and Efficient
Certificate de Ramonage issued
with every chimney swept
Computers &
see pg 4
* All types of chimneys cleaned
* Brush & Vacuum
* Smoke Tested * Fully Insured
* HETAS Approved and
member of NACS
* Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
* Clean, tidy, professional
& friendly service
Floor Sander hire
06 34 96 63 58
IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne
Chimney Sweep Service
Sandblasting &
Dave Pilcher
Call Me for PC Repairs
05 55 63 78 72
Siren: 502 409 949
Sand and Blast
Limousin Property Care
Chimney Sweeping
05 55 41 17 76
SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin
From Harlequin Developments
Tel: 05 55 68 67 56
Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97
Martin Walters
All types of plumbing
and general
maintenance work
Friendly, reliable,
professional service
Fully registered
and insured
into your home at the rate of 20 to
100 cubic metres per hour.
In Southern Europe, SolarVenti
is not only used for ventilation/
dehumidification purposes; with
far more winter sunshine hours, it
also provides a substantial heating
A DIY Solution?
The installation process is very
straightforward and should only
take two or three hours. All that
is needed is a drill, hammer and
chisel to make a hole in the wall.
Roof installations are also possible.
There are no electrical or water
connections and it can be safely left
running, even when the property is
With a range of panel sizes,
and the option for wall or roof
mounting, SolarVenti is suitable
for all types of buildings, caravans
or even boats!
Dept 23 & surrounding areas
Tel: 05 55 62 05 61
siret: 453 067 910 00019
05 55 41 17 76 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
Dave Cardwell - professional builder/designer
xperienced builder Dave Cardwell
has been based in the Limousin for
over 3 years and is able to offer a
complete building package from
planning right through to the finishing touches.
Along with 15 years’ experience as a
professional builder in the UK, Dave Cardwell
has an HNC and ONC in building and
engineering and is able to oversee building
projects from the design phase all the way to
completion. As part of his day-to-day work,
Dave regularly undertakes groundworks, block
and brick work, roofing, plastering, stud work
and tiling to name but a few. He can assist with
arranging the necessary building permits and
can even help to set up appointments with your
local Mairie.
As well as covering all the traditional aspects
of building, Dave also regularly works with
wood to produce high quality doors and shutters,
amongst other things. He produces a range of
hand-made chicken coops that are custom-built
to order and which can be yours for as little as
€160, as well as kennels and sheds!
Thanks to a collaboration with Dennis Fry of
Dennis Fry Timber Services, Dave is also able
to deliver large timber-based projects such as
stables. Together they have built a number of
stable yards, taking projects from a greenfield
site right through to the end product including
all groundworks and construction of the stables
and ménages themselves. Having worked for a
concrete/marble company in the UK, Dave is
able to lay the concrete bases for large projects
such as these as well as the other building work
Pictures speak much louder than words, so
take a look at a small selection of the projects
that Dave has recently completed. To find
out more about the services on offer by Dave
Cardwell, feel free to get in touch or check out his website:
Dave Cardwell
[email protected]
05 55 98 24 12 - 06 06 44 35 28
Barn doors - before and after
Split level mezzanine - before and after
Terrace - before and after
For all your TV
and satellite
installations and repairs
(Sky TV, Internet etc.)
& Classes
Call Patrice:
[email protected]
Fast dependable service
siret: 353 613 227 00035
15th of the month
Computer Problems?
Limousin & Charente
PC & Mac Internet Assistance
WiFi, ADSL, Dial-up
Helpdesk, Data retrieval
Call Dave
[email protected]
SIRET: 479 095 705 00014
Chicken coops from just €160!!
Reiki Training in France
Levels 1, 2 and Master
Kinesiology / TFH
Alergy Testing for Foods,
Candida, Dogs, Cats,
Cosmetics etc
Other treatments and Courses
Making Courses
See website:
Tel: 05 55 09 76 10
SIRET: 504 584 228 00010
Food & Drink
Learn how to make stunning jewellery and stay at
our beautiful B&B
SIRET: 479 965 758 00010
15th of the month
La Petite Fontaine
Grande Rue, Le Dorat
Corner Shop Café,15 Bar
and Events Venue
Large range of British foods.
Special orders can be catered for.
Usually cheaper than the
5km west of Aubusson
Tue-Sat 10.00 - 4.00
Based Séreilhac (87)
Terrace - before and after
15th of the month
Lunch Menu
Free WiFi
[email protected]
SIRET: 489 218 636 00012
du Golf
LA veytiZoU
Bar & Restaurant - Gouzon
€12.50 (3 courses), €15 (4 courses)
4 Course
Sunday Lunch
For Further
Tel: 05 55 69 33 38
Menu du Jour, Mon-Fri
Sunday Lunch - €12.50
Tel: 05 55 61 99 14
Email: [email protected]
Your advert in the Business Directory - how it works!
ith adverts starting
from as little as
€12.80 per month,
The Bugle Business Directory is the perfect way
for small businesses to reach a
large number of households at a
reasonable price.
Directory contracts are for 4, 6
or 12 months, with increasing discounts for the 6 and 12-month options (see box below).
To place a Directory Advert,
or for more information, simply
email us at [email protected]
with the text that you would like
to include or give us a ring on
As our newspaper has grown
in popularity and The Bugle has
established itself as the primary
source of free local and national news
in the region, our advertising has also
become increasingly effective.
Every month 12,000+ copies of
The Bugle are printed and distributed
across the region. Thanks to our
targeted distribution where we
personally visit each of our 330+
distributors every month, and adjust
the number of papers left accordingly,
we make sure that the right number
of copies go in the right places. The
Bugle has an estimated monthly
readership of well over 25,000
** All prices are TTC
As a rough guide:
Small b&w Directory Ad
• Small Adverts can comfortably contain around 30 words
• Large Adverts can comfortably contain around 45 words
Large b&w Directory Ad
Small colour Directory Ad
Large colour Directory Ad
That means as many as 25,000 pairs
of eyes could be reading these pages
in the coming few weeks… and they
could be reading about your business!
Another way to target the Englishspeaking community is through
Advertorials. These are just one of the
advertising options we offer, but they
have become a very cost-effective
way of attracting new customers and
raising the profile of your business.
Because we only feature a handful of
businesses each month, we highlight
those businesses prominently and
deliver your message in a targeted
4-Month Contract
€64 (€16/month)
€86 (€21.50/month)
€96 (€24/month)
€128 (€32/month)
Food & Drink
Cafe Bar
Some customer quotes:
‘...more than just a bar’
‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’
Come and see for yourself - Open all week.
See our Notice Board events listings
39 Place du Champ de Foire
36140, Aigurande
05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 9
26, Ecurat 23150
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
Jardin du Thé
Gateaux, scones, sandwichs.
Ouverture samedi et dimanche
11h00 à 18h00,
lundi à vendredi sur RDV svp.
Du 1 mai au 30 septembre.
2 km de Chénérailles et le Chateau
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: [email protected]
Microbrewery Bar
Bières 23
4 rue Tanneries
Bénévent-l’Abbaye, 23210
For further information
Tel: 05 55 63 59 17
Mob: 06 86 55 18 78
Salon de Thé
12-Month Contract
€153.60 (€12.80/month)
€206.40 (€17.20/month)
€230.40 (€19.2/month)
€307.20 (€25.60/month)
Garden Services Gifts & Crafts
Tel: 05 44 00 03 24
SIRET: 510 986 490 00017
Restaurant & Bar
5 Rue Andre Jouhannaud, Compreignac
Freshly home-cooked Food
Daily Plat du Jour from €9
2-course Sunday Lunch from €10
with real Yorkshire puddings.
Friday Night - Free Weekly Quiz
Every Saturday night is Steak Night
Steak for 2 + bottle of wine from
only €19.50 (alternative menu available)
Restaurant Open:
Mon–Fri 11.30–2pm
Fri & Sat eve 7–9pm, Sun 11:30–2pm
Party bookings welcomed
C’est cheese
Find us at local markets selling a
small and tasty selection of excellent
quality english cheeses.
Also available online.
For more information, see our website:
[email protected]
SIREN: 409 679 578
La ferme du Duc noir
05 55 12 99 45 - 06 04 09 03 10
Free range, rare breed pork
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Au Beau Rivage
Daniel welcomes you at
Or email for a menu: [email protected]
Hotel - Bar - Restaurant
Busseau-sur-Creuse - pg 16
Le Creusois
Les Genêts, Azerables
High quality British & French food
at reasonable prices.
Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub
Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens &
Snack menus also available
SIREN: 483 988 853
6-Month Contract
€86.40 (€14.40/month)
€116.10 (€19.35/month)
€129.60 (€21.60/month)
€172.80 (€28.80/month)
Jackie Cawtheray
If you would like to find out more
about our Advertorials, or any of
our other advertising options, please
feel free to get in touch with us on or drop us a line at
[email protected] ■
Tue - Fri 10:00 - 5:30
Mon, Sat & Sun Closed
[email protected]
1/6 page - €50
1/3 page - €100 (this one)
2/3 page - €200
Full page - €300.
Menu du jour.
Teas, coffees, cream teas
and gateaux.
1 rue Pierre Chambord, Oradour-sur-Vayres
SIRET: 508 754 314 00013
02 54 06 30 77
Le Moulin du Breuil
Advertorials are now available in
4 sizes and please ask as significant
discounts are available to existing
Le Pub
58, rue d'Orjon
02 54 60 02 14
Open Late!!
Sunday roast & pudding
Fish + Chips + Mushy Peas,
every Fri + Sat night
Opening hours:
Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight
Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am
Sat 12pm-2am, Sun 12pm-11pm
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
for all your tree requirements
[email protected] /
see main ad below
The Exchange
500+ DVD's now in stock
Tue 2.30pm - 5pm
Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm
Sat 9 - 12
05 55 78 19 24
9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin
SIRET 484 479 480 00010
Renovation Specialist
has now opened a
fencing dept.
All types of fencing
supplied and erected.
Stock fencing a speciality.
Please call for a quote.
Phone: 05 55 63 65 81
Siret 511 127 763 00015
Grimpereau Elagage
Qualified Tree Surgeon Climber
26, Ecurat 23150
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
is open each Saturday and Sunday
11h00 to 18h00
from 1st May until
the end of September.
Artisan art for your garden.
Cream teas on the terrasse.
RDV for weekday visits SVP.
2km from Chénérailles and the
Chateau Villemonteix
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: [email protected]
15th of the month
15th of the month
See ad pg 9
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
for all your tree requirements
27 years experience
Grass & hedge cutting service We will not be beaten on price or standard of work
Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16
Reliability guaranteed
[email protected] /
siret: 530 840 958 00017 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
“Customer Service as important as the Furniture”
urniture for France is
now into its twelfth year of
supplying quality furniture
to properties in France. The
company has started the New Year with
a number of new oak furniture designs
for its customers. “With competition
We will go to great lengths to get your
new furniture safely installed!
between manufacturers intensifying in
the last year, oak furniture prices are
starting to compete with pine on price,”
said Brian Muir, the managing director
of Furniture for France. “But with the
added advantage that, of course, it is a
hard wood and a more attractive wood
The six new ranges include
traditional styles in a rustic finish as
well as contemporary lighter lacquer
designs for more modern properties.
With the price of solid oak bedside
cabinets starting at just £125 it is no
wonder Furniture for France had
its best ever year in 2011. In addition
to the new oak furniture, a choice of
12 different paint colours are now
available on all their pine furniture.
Wood samples can be sent out if you are
not able to visit the showroom. “With
delivery costs starting at just £99 for
any quantity of furniture, there really
isn’t a better or easier way to furnish a
property in France,” said Brian.
Throughout 2011, sofas have
continued to be the best selling
individual item for the company. Loose
covered designs are always top of
the list with the introduction of more
complex fabric patterns and colours
allowing customers to custom cover the
sofa of their choice.
“This process can take some time to
work through, but as this product has
a life expectancy of over 15 years, it
pays to get it right,” said Brian. The
Easter period is already looking to be
the company’s busiest for years, with
deliveries as far afield as Geneva,
Le Mans and Nice, not forgetting all
the many local customers from the
Limousin, Dordogne, Lot and Charente
and who are able to see before buying
by visiting the showroom which is
situated near Brive.
“It was very rewarding to have so
many great comments on the furniture
and our delivery service,” said Brian.
“We place as much importance on
ensuring customers receive their orders
on time as we do on the quality of the
furniture. “We always post testimonials
on the website - they are all genuine
& Beauty
discount available
for multiple bookings
Contact Debra on
Are you having problems
communicating with French
administrations, notaires,
I can help you either by going
with you or writing for you.
I am perfectly bilingual and I
am an experienced translator
and interpreter
All aspects of
hairdressing, in your
home or mine
Call Jane:
05 49 91 02 23
06 47 94 95 75
Tel: 02 54 06 93 47
Based La Trimouille (86290)
Sophie Arsac
Beauty Treatments
siret: 539 484 238 00016
French lessons
& handholding services - pg 15
05 55 41 17 76
05 55 53 37 10
06 15 63 70 22
[email protected]
Siret. 482 420 114 00019
& Finance
A loose-cover sofa - available in a wide variety of colours and patterns
and hopefully reassure prospective
clients that the furniture and its delivery
is always top notch.” Brian added: “The
company will continue to introduce
great ranges of furniture for delivery
to its customers in France, without
compromising on quality or service.” ■
19350 Chabrignac, Correze
Blevins Franks
Integrated Tax Planning &
Wealth Management
05 53 63 49 19 - see pg 5
06 35 92 77 83 / 02 54 06 07 48
[email protected]
Based La Châtre. Covering 36 and surrounding.
Siret No. 530 364 744 00017
La Petite Place
Hair salon, Le Dorat
See our Display Ad - pg 13
Advertise your business here
for only €35/month
[email protected]
[email protected]
Personal tax returns completed.
Assistance and advice for auto-entrepreneur,
self-employed & companies.
Bookkeeping and accounts preparation.
Tax investigations defended.
Capital gains tax and tax planning.
We can deal with the tax office and
authorities/Carte Vitale on your behalf.
Sylvie BARITAUD - 02 54 24 89 64
Email: [email protected]
siret: 498 420 280 00014
siret: 502 867 211 00018
A moment of luxury for your body, mind
and spirit. The finest skincare, massage
and wellness treatments await you.
All in the comfort of your own home
06 46 49 73 45
05 55 22 31 46
Mouse 2 House
Your shopping simply delivered
05 55 68 78 23 - see pg 4
La Maison Shopping
UK shopping delivered
to your door
05 55 41 46 88 - see pg 9
Financial Solutions & Expert Advice
See our Display Ad - pg 14
05 55 41 17 76
International money transfer
Vacancies for various levels
in Chénérailles.
Elisabeth Sicard
05 55 80 44 83
[email protected]
Not sure? Attend once for free!
Auwell Piscine
Pools, Hammams, saunas,
spas, furntiure... - see pg 7
The Reclamation Yard
See our main ad - pg 13
Kevin Andrews
Leggett Immobilier
+33 (0)6 31 19 55 81
[email protected] - see pg 12
Estate Agency
Long established, traditional,
French Estate Agency with a British
member of staff at your service for
property transactions in Limousin.
Find us easily, just opposite the
church in La Souterraine
e-mail : [email protected]
Site :
Planète Automobiles
New & used cars
see pg 5
& Storage
[email protected]
Tel: 05.55 48.28.89
SIRET: 510 995 681 00010
Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity
Collections / Deliveries
Removals / Brico Runs
All over France.
Competitve hourly rate incl fuel.
Please ring or e-mail for a quote.
Based nr Aubusson Dept 23
05 55 83 02 77 / 06 81 33 07 15
[email protected]
SIRET: 523 955 151 00015
Airport Direct
05 55 41 17 76
Houses on Internet
Stove Sellers
See our Display Ad - pg 3
See our Display Ad - pg 12
Retail &
Finegans Rainbow
1) You drive your car to the airport. We will meet
you there, take your car and securely store it.
2) We will then meet you at the airport in
your car upon your return.
No flat tyres, no starting problems,
no flat battery.
Servicing and CTs can also be arranged
in your absence
For more details contact Terry:
05 49 48 87 23 - see pg 12
[email protected]
Antiques Brocantes
Please mention The
Bugle when responding
to adverts
Your local corner shop
06 30 88 78 62 - see pg 11
Moulin de Tintin
Furniture, interiors & gifts - see pg 3
Arfeuille Antiques
All types of furniture
05 55 83 14 47
See our Display Ad - pg 13
Eco Entrepot
Get down The Shed
87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 10
15th of the month
Contact Mike on 05 55 60 22 28
or email: [email protected]
siret 52226733500019
Office line :
05 55 63 13 57
Helen’s mobile : 06 82 92 88 61
Available for house and garden clearance
rubbish taken to dechetterie. All types of jobs
considered such as labouring jobs and van and
man jobs. Daily, half daily, and hourly rates.
Those mucky little jobs that you want sorting
out at competitive rates and reliable service.
Live in 87 but can work further afield.
Central France
Soie et Bois
Depot Vente des Vêtements
Dress agency and gallery, specialising
in designer and high quality pre-owned
clothes for women and children, together
with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift
items, and hand made furniture.
4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440
& Van
Deliveries and collections
A new service offering 'Peace of Mind'
to car owners in the Limousin.
05 55 63 65 81
Parking For
Limoges Airport
Cheaper parking for all
types of vehicles
Book now!!
05 55 03 37 96
All your storage needs
both long & short term.
Fully insured through Axa and
Call Karen or email for a quote:
[email protected]/
SIRET: 494 123 847 00019
The Man
With A Van
Who Can
Removals/ Single Items
House/Barn/Garden Clearance
Handyman jobs of all kinds
Iveco Luton with Tail-lift
Tel: (+33)
Jon the Carpet Man
Carpets & Flooring
See Display Ad - pg 8
Metal World
Welding & Metalwork
05 55 06 07 28
Siret : 532 526 001 00013
See main ad page 11
Man with Van
15th of the month
Reliable man with
reliable van and trailer for hire
Cheap rates for any work
requiring 1 or more strong, fluent
French-speaking men to move,
pick up, or dump whatever you need.
Call us on: 06 16 91
or email at
64 67
Carrefour du
bois Limousin
[email protected]
05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 10
A2B (Sussex)
Quality handmade wood furniture
France/UK UK/France
We move, collect and deliver
anything. Vehicles and plant to
a maximum of 2 tons.
We operate 3 vehicles with a
load space of 16m² and tail lift.
We will match or beat any
genuine printed quote.
Our rates are the best.
0033 (0)2 54 37 76 24
0033 (0)6 87 66 31 41
[email protected]
Ebénisterie Hemming
02 48 63 15 09
See our main ad - pg 20
45cm Oak - €40/m3
45cm Mixed Hardwood - €35/m3
Buyer collects from 36160 Lignerolles
02 54
30 51 95
(evenings best)
siret 508 166 642 00019
To advertise in
The Bugle Business Directory / [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with
litre hot water cylinder, brand new from
Castorama, never been out of its box.
€95.00 Please call 05 55 00 98 52
FOR SALE: Shower suite Blue knight
shower cubicle - toilet white close
coupled suite - white vanity china basin.
All still in packaging. All brand new. 87
area. €180.00 Tel 05 55 60 27 03
FOR SALE: Godin Circular Wood
Burner Brown enamel, filigree finish.
75cm high, 28cm diameter. €250.00ono
FOR SALE: Nokia mobile telephone
3500 Classic, earphones and mains
adapter Good condition, with black
leather protective case w/belt clip. €40.00
Tel: 09 50 76 37 75
FOR SALE: Electric Sewing Machine
- Lervia Almost new. Only used twice.
Perfect condition. €70.00 Tel: 05 55 62
49 65
FOR SALE: Vox Cambridge 30 twin
guitar amplifier The amp has been
upgraded to 50 watts and is in perfect
working order. Features incl. footswitch
for channel, reverb and tremelo.
€199.00ono Tel: 05 55 71 79 31 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: White kitchen sink
ceramic single bowl With barge like
flowers painted on (still in bricodept).
€85.00 Please call
FOR SALE: French Linguaphone
Course Complete course in boxed set
(books, tapes & cd's). €30.00 Tel: 05
55 71 79 31 Email: john.martin@
FOR SALE: Ladies Mountain Bike
26" wheels, 18 gear twist grip change.
Good condition. €40.00 Tel: 05 55 51
91 79
FOR SALE: Bike trailer 20" wheels.
Seats 2 children. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 51
91 79
FOR SALE: Bikes Ladies shopper bike,
17" wheels. New tyres & tubes.Boys
mountain bike, 24" wheels.EUR 30 for
pair. Tel: 05 55 51 91 79
FOR SALE: New White PVC D.G.
Window 1600 x 1250 inc sill. €50.00
Tel: 05 55 51 91 79
FOR SALE: Large wooden storage
chest/coffee table 92cm x 94cm. €30.00
Tel: 0555895605 Email: sellwood56@
FOR SALE: TAKAI open face sports
helmet Matt black, clear visor and
retractable sun visor. XS 53-54cm. 5
months old, hardly worn. €65.00 Tel:
0555895605 Email: sellwood56@
FOR SALE: Towable Altrad Cement
Mixer With a 3.5 Briggs and Stratton
engine, with a ball hitch. €450.00 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Complete photographic
dark room Any offers considered. Tel:
05 55 02 93 01 (Saint Junien-87)
FOR SALE: Scanner Epson Perfection
1240U Photo. Any offers considered.
Tel: 05 55 02 93 01 (Saint Junien-87)
FOR SALE: AMD Tower and PC
Complete with DVD, CD rewriter and
floppy disk drives, IIYAMA monitor, 2
keyboards (French and qwerty), speakers
and mouse. Needs hard disk. Any offers
considered. Tel: 05 55 02 93 01 (Saint
FOR SALE: Various Log saw, free
standing, 1.8KW 230V, 480mm blade.
400 euros.New generator 2KW. 200
euros.Window - new, white, doubleglazed. Act size 1600 x 1250 inc. sill.
100 euros.Tent new vango colorado 600
DLX 6 man+. 200 euros.Corner display
unit, oak, leaded glass. 75 euros.Copper
compression fittings, 22mm elbows x
10 & 22mm straight connectors x 10.
25 euros.Tasco telescope/tripod/various
lenses. 50 euros.Table saw 230V. 30
euros.All new:Shutter hooks 300mm
6 prs - 6 euros the pair.Shutter hinges
complete 400mm 4 prs - 12 euros
pr.Shutter hinges complete 500mm 12
prs - 12 euros pr.Coach bolts/washers/
nuts m8, 75mm, 6 pks x 25. 3 euros
pk.Coach bolts/washers/nuts m8, 65mm,
6 pks x 25. 2.75 euros pk.Glue screws
(like no nails) 9 tubes x 350 ml + exp.
foam 2 x 750 ml. 20 euros. Tel: 05 55 51
91 79 (Marsac)
FOR SALE: Antique French cast
iron fire dogs with iron basket
Height: 59cms, Overall Width: 90 cms,
Basket Width: 63 cms, Depth: 57 cms.
€300.00 Phone: 05 55 65 00 04 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Caste Iron fire grate
45cm (16ins) X 74cm (29ins). Fire dogs
and back plate. Hardly used. Price 350
Euros. With free fire guard to match.
€350.00 Call Linda on 05 55 75 27 01
FOR SALE: 100 English Books Both
Hard and Paperback. In good condition.
All for 20 euros. €20.00 Tel: 0962 58 49
FOR SALE: Large number of bargain
books Adventure, Mystery, Crime and
family sagas. All in good condition, 3 for
1 euro, North Creuse. Contact 05 55 80
75 78
FOR SALE: Red Diesel heater
Including 700 ltr tank and electric pump.
Excellent condition. Lignerolles 36160
€450.00ono Tel: 02 54 06 02 37
FOR SALE: Large fine photogravure
prints of famous paintings. Only €5
each. Tel: 05 55 51 91 47
FOR SALE: 100 Edwardian English
Books Many with gold leaf covers.
Ideal for bookcase display. €300.00 Tel:
FOR SALE: National Geographic
Magazines 11 years - 1989 to 2006. 22
volumes (2 per year) plus 2 volumes of
maps. All in slip cases and in very good
condition. Reason
FOR SALE: downsizing from a very
large house to a small flat. €265.00ono
Contact: 05 55 80 48 20
Autobiographies All good condition.
€100.00 Please ring 05 55 78 45 24
FOR SALE: New Oak Door Frame
900 x 2100mm (exterior) €35.00 Tel: 05
55 81 30 39
FOR SALE: Long black leather riding
boots Size 7. Length 19" 49.5cm. Calf 14"
35.5cm. Knee 13" 35cm. La Souterraine
Managing Editor:
Steve Martindale
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale
Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Printed by:
348, rue Marcel Paul
45770 Saran
Monthly circulation: 12,000 copies
All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved
to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any
text without permission is prohibited.
area. €90.00 Call Judy
(eve) Email: wildlifegardens@orange.
FOR SALE: Sony Playstation One
Complete with two controllers, steering
wheel and pedals, memory card and six
games. Excellent condition and can be
seen working. €75.00 Telephone 02 54
30 00 79 (near Guéret)
FOR SALE: Various Garmin Oregon
300 GPS complete with topo maps for SW
France, City navigator maps for Europe,
rechargeable batteries, carrying case and
fixing kit for car windscreen. This GPS
is primarily designed for walking and
cycling, but can also be used for driving.
Cost 680 euros new, will accept 400
euros.Fish kettle, 20 euros.FAIP NHP
145 pressure washer, 50 euros.Philips
SBC HC 8445 wireless rechargeable
headsets, 20 euros.HDMI selector box 4
in 1 out, 10 euros.Techwood 19” LCD TV
used twice as new, 100 euros. FTE twin
universal satellite receiver head LNC 54
US, 30 euros.3 ultra sonic cordless pest
repellents, new, 30 euros each. Linksys
wireless G broadband router WRT54GL,
50 euros.French TV satellite receiver, 15
euros.Bush Freesat HD satellite receiver
box, as new, 50 euros. Sony blu ray disc
player BDPS350, 150 euros. Logitech
Z5500 5 speaker + sub woofer surround
sound system. 100 euros.TACX cycle
trainer, as new, 150 euros. Panasonic
portable stereo CD system, 50 euros. Tel.
09 80 08 68 72
FOR SALE: Temporary EDF
connection box Only used for 5 months.
Purchased new in Feb 2010. Creuse area.
€140.00 Tel: 06 04 42 97 73
FOR SALE: Rosieres wood burner
1920's? Art Deco style. Blue enamel
finish. Works but a couple of parts need
replacing. Front loading, rear flue. 55
cm high, 50 cm wide, 40 cm deep.
€60.00 Telephone 05 55 65 67 24 (near
FOR SALE: 1930's Westminster
Chimes Clock Chimes on the quarter
hour and hour. €45.00 Tel:
FOR SALE: Garage trolley jack 2
1/4 tonne. Heavy duty. Hardly used.
€60.00 Tel: Mob: (Daniel McNally)
MATE Excellent condition. Only 55
Euros. We are in dept 23. €55.00 05 55
62 77 41
FOR SALE: Motorcycle helmet 'TNT'
open face with visor, size XL (61-62cm),
black and orange, hardly worn. €30.00
Contact 05 55 68 58 16
FOR SALE: Black mesh fire screen
120cm wide, with 3 hinged sections 30
cm-60 cm-30 cm wide x 65cm high.
Excellent condition, as new. €80.00ono
Contact 05 55 68 58 16
FOR SALE: TV stand 3 shelf black
glass TV stand. Size: 110 cm long,
40 cm wide, 50 cm high. €60.00 Tel
FOR SALE: Two Canon Pixma ink
cartridges 510 Black and 511 Colour
cartridges, suitable for Pixma series
MX330. Bought in error. €15.00 Tel: 05
55 03 28 18
FOR SALE: DACIA Logan Estate
French registered. LHD. 2009. 60,000
kms. Regularly fully serviced. New tyres.
Excellent condition. €11,000.00ono Call
Nico - English speakers - 0254 07 55 19
/ 0658 12 47 73. French speakers - 06 15
42 04 22 after 6pm
FOR SALE: Pair of LHD Headlights
for Citroen Berlingo 2005 model
€80.00 Call Nev on 09 62 58 49 03
registered 1992. Needs new starter motor.
Steve Martindale
Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale
Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Imprimé par:
348, rue Marcel Paul
45770 Saran
Tirage mensuel: 12,000 copies
Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale
ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent
numéro est strictement interdite.
Dépôt légal à parution.
The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company
you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.
Runs well when bump started. Clean
for its age. Tow bar fitted with double
socket. No C/T or MOT and needs to be
registered in France. Hence only 500,00€.
€500.00 Tel: 06 04 46 73 92
FOR SALE: Nissan Terrano II 2.7
TD Blue with grey trim. Reg 1996.
RHD. French registered. CT 6 months
remaining. Diesel. 4x4. Very reliable. 7
seater. All electrics. Tow bar. New clutch
and radiator. €2,500.00ono Tel: 05 81 63
39 77 Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: 2 CV 1987, left hand drive,
78,000 kms. Good running order. Also,
box of spare parts for 2CV including
electrical items, boot lid, etc. €1,800.00
Phone: 05 55 65 00 04
FOR SALE: Nissan Primera GX TD
French reg. RHD. CT- Sept 12. VGC.
A/C. Front electric windows. Hands free
Connection. Kenwood CD/Radio (1999).
168,000 miles. FSH. €1,500.00 Tel: 05
55 81 07 13
PLAYER, CT OK. €4,750.00ono Tel: 06
37 71 20 57
FOR SALE: Classic Car 1961 Peugeot
404. In good condition, drives regularly.
Car on show at events organised by
the VAHL (Volants Anciens du Haut
Limousin) in Bellac.Price EUR 2,500 or
exchange for 2CV. €2,500.00 Tel: 06 20
79 79 34
Sept 2004 French registered but RHD,
with French headlights. 62,000miles.
Alloy wheels. Pale blue metallic. CT
until 07/13. All round good condition.
€3,500.00 05 55 29 39 15 - Correze (19)
FOR SALE: Landrover 4x4 TD5
French green. Alcantara beige interior.
2001. 60,000km. €15,000.00ono Tel: 06
75 51 47 27
FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 SW LHD.
Met Grey. 122,000 km. Full service
history. Just had Controle Technique.
Good reliable car. Priced to sell.
€6,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 99 14 / 06
76 52 26 47
FOR SALE: Renault Master T35D (ex
ambulance with seats removed) Used to
move down to France now selling. Good
mechanical condition, lots of space, on
French plates & part registered in France.
Only needs new Controle Technique, and
registration to complete. €1,000.00
FOR SALE: Peugeot 406 HDI man
sal 2002 RHD, on French plates, CT
until Oct 2013. Silver. VGC. High spec,
climate control, computer, CD player,
elec windows and mirrors. All good tyres,
under 90000 miles. €2,495.00ono Tel:
+447779 406613 Email: tony.prosser@
FOR SALE: Renault Megane
Cabriolet 'Karmann' LHD - French
registered. Petrol. 89,000 km. Colour:
champagne. Glass roof. Fully serviced,
CT until 2012. Excellent condition.
€5,200.00 Tel:
FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 HDI Estate 2005 French registered. RHD. 22 months
left on CT. High milleage, hence price.
€2,300.00 Tel: 05 55 60 45 03
FOR SALE: Ford Transit Short Wheel
Base Van, 1997, LHD French registered,
2 year CT, White no stickers, good all
round. €1,800.00 call 05 45 31 59 34
FOR SALE: Citroen Relay (Jumper)
Hi-Top Long Wheel Base. 2003 model.
New battery, alternator and fuel pump.
CT until April 2011. Headlights changes.
UK plates. €2,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 61
19 81
8v 1987 Over €400 spent in new parts all
with 0 miles including 4 new tyres, RHD,
UK reg, absolute bargain! €550.00 05 45
31 59 34
FOR SALE: Truckman Hi-Top Cab
(white) with rear glass door Fitted
with rotavent in roof. Originally fitted
to a 2005 Mitsubishi L200 double cab.
€350.00 Tel: 05 55 68 71 22 (after 6pm)
FOR SALE: Halfords Car Roof Box
(Half width). Approx 360ltr. Plus Roof
Bars plus Clamps - complete €100. Used
once. €100.00 Tel 05 53 52 41 34
FOR SALE: Roof Bars and
Headlamps Roof bars for Renault
ClioII 3dr 35€; Thule KIT1297 roof bars
for Renault Megane Hutchback96-02
5dr, Coupé97-02 3dr, or Classic 4dr
Sedan97-02 40€; headlamps Megane
RHD 96-02 40€. Tel: 05 55 78 73 46
FOR SALE: Suzuki DR 650 R Djebel
1991, 46000 kms, good condition,
French registered, blue/white, good tyres,
lights, indicators all in good working
order. €900.00 Tel David 05 55 94 38 35
(North Correze)
FOR SALE: Engine and gearbox 1.9
diesel from Citroen Xsara (also suitable
for other models of Citroen and Peugeot).
Complete with all ancillaries except
alternator. Delivery possible if fuel
cost covered from 87330. €450.00 Tel: Email: baldiolgit55@
FOR SALE: Engine and Gearbox for
Ford Transit, 2.5 Radiator and exhaust
(complete) also available. €350.00 Tel:
FOR SALE: 50 cc scooter Peugeot
buxy. Year 1996. Slight problem with it
- sometimes loses power when riding, it
then picks up again after a few seconds
but could be fixed quite easily. Apart from
that is fine. It also has a sports exhaust on
it. €300.00 Tel: 06 83 45 70 96
FOR SALE: 2 x Right Hand Drive
Renault Megane Headlights From
a 2004 Megane Hatch. Excellent
Condition. Tel: 05 55 65 02 31
Dishwasher In working order, needs
door handle repair but still opens and
top missing but supplied with one close
to right size. Buyer collects from 03370.
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Hoover Nextra Mega
Load Washing Machine - white Large
7.5 kg load, max spin 1400rpm. Good
working condition. Oradour-sur-Vayres
area. €100.00 Tel 09 64 43 80 25
Freezer, LG Multi air flow.model
GR349SQF. 80 Euros ovno...67 1/2
inches high x 23 1/2 inches wide x 24
inches deep..1 x Upright Freezer, DIVA
Metro model MM5. 90 Euros ovno..76
inches high x 29 1/2 inches wide x 28 1/4
inches deep..1 x Fridge, Model Frigster
BC135.. 45 Euros ovno..34 inches high
x 21 1/2 inches wide x 22 1/2 inches
deep..1 x Chest Freezer, Curliss model
CC2001.. 60 Euros ovno..35 inches
high x 31 1/2 inches wide x 28 inches
deep..All in very good condition.Also an
Electrulux Fridge model RF493.32 1/2
inches high x 19 1/2 wide x 22 1/2 inches
deep..Plus a Chest Freezer Elmec..{ lid
detached }34 inches high x 21 1/2 inches
wide x 23 inches deep.20 Euros each OR
35 Euros the pair.Both a bit untidy, but
would make ideal freezer and fridge for
Anglers bait... Phone 0555 64 48 35 (St.
Dizier Leyrenne) Email:
FOR SALE: Fridges Large Bluesky
fridge - 1450 high by 550 wide. 75 euros.
Under counter fridge 50 euros. Please
FOR SALE: Three-Way Fridge for a
Caravan Electrolux 700 - 12V, 22OW,
gas fridge. €220.00ono Tel: 05 55 64
27 86 Email: hoppyholman@hotmail.
FOR SALE: Table Top Fridge with ice
box Excellent condition - hardly used.
Silver casing. Size: height 62cms, width
47cms, depth 44cms. Haute-Vienne.
€65.00 Tel: 05 55 03 08 19 Mob: 06 02
32 46 31
WANTED: 16 Roumazieres Loubert
II interlocking roof tiles Size 435mm x
255mm. Maximum 500 needed. Approx
150 to be exact match for an existing roof.
South of Limoges - North of Thiviers off N21. Please email to discuss further.
Other building materials required - oak
flooring - celotex insulation - window/
door heads & cills Tel UK 0044 1848
841581 Email: [email protected]
WANTED: Small Trailer to sit
behind ride-on mower Any conditions
considered Tel: 05 55 51 19 67 Email:
[email protected]
CITROEN C1 Must be in good
condition, low mileage, French registered
and left hand drive. Tel: 05 55 78 79 02
WANTED: French and English people
to meet I am 29 and would like to meet
more young French and English people
to socialise and improve my language
skills. Email: [email protected]
WANTED I am looking for a house or
building to renovate. Quick purchase.
Any area considered. Tel: 05 55 65 84 95
WANTED: Covered parking to store
a car For approx. 12 weeks a year in
the region of Limoges or Bergerac
airports. Tel: 0044 1748 884526 Email:
[email protected]
WANTED: For compact tractor
Transport box (bennette), rotovator,
plough and snow plough all in usable
condition. Tel: 05 55 64 33 71
WANTED: Chain harrow /grass rake
Approx 8' x 8'. Any age considered, for
use on a small tractor. Tel Barbara 06 30
02 35 73
WANTED: Tea chests/ stong boxes for
packing Tel: 05 55 51 91 79
WANTED: Mobile home For use
while restoring my house near Guéret
(23). after 6 pm Email:
[email protected]
WANTED: Various ...Roof bars for
124series Mercedes estate, engine for
3ton mini digger or similar with pumps
if possible, large log saw bench, PTO
or engine driven. Tel: 05 55 60 64 92
Email: [email protected]
WANTED: Vacuum Cleaner in good
working condition Tel: 05 55 78 79 02
WANTED Gaytime salt pot, I have just
broken mine and want to replace it. Please
contact with price or I will exchange for
a Gaytime vinegar/oil bottle. Tel 05 65
31 20 10
WANTED: Land With or without
buildings, with or without planning
permission. All types of land considered:
woods, fields, houses with attached land
etc. Preferably in the Blessac/Ahun area
of Creuse. Tel:
WANTED: Motor Vehicle Anything
considered. Tel: 05 55 65 84 95
WANTED: Transit type pick-up Does
not matter if it's got no mot or ct. Any
condition as it's for a project. Cash paid.
Tel: 05 55 68 31 81
WANTED: Motor transport - scooter/
moped Will pay up to EUR 500 Tel: 06
42 82 92 42
WANTED: Moped/ Trail Bike
WANTED by private buyer one or two
cheap old road legal French reg mopeds
or perhaps 50cc trail bike. Nr A20
direction Bellac. Anything considered
as long as they run. Email: ingm80@
WANTED: Second Hand Washing
Machine Tel: 06 42 82 92 42
WANTED: Cooker and hob in good
condition (not free standing unit). Will
collect - we are near Rochechouart.
Please call 05 55 77 66 61 Ruby
15th of the
month for next
The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with
Classified Adverts
Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply:
● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month
To place a classified advert, please phone, or email [email protected] with the details you would like included in your advert.
FOR SALE: 2 small yorkshire terriers
puppies (1 female and 1 male) Born
on January 4, 2012. Vaccinated and
microchipped. Price: 400 euro. €400.00
For more information: 05 55 83 01 25
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Horse Equipment masta
deluxe turn out rug, black, 6ft €55masta
flysheet and neck cover white with blue
trim, 6ft €30rambo turn out green with
red trim, 6ft3 €45brown check travel rug,
6ft €30greenstable rug chill cheeta, 6ft
€25sweat rug red blue trim, 6ft €10monty
roberts dually head collar black full size
never used €20head collar black full size
€6fluorescent waterproof exercise sheet
€102 sets leather reins brown €5 eachplus
boots crops brushes over reach bts.All
above in very good condition.dept 23
near Chenerailles. Tel: 05 55 62 77 41
evenings please
FOR SALE: Horse rugs for Shetland
size or foals Two indoor and two outdoor.
Bridle with white rubber bit made for
Shetland sized or foals. Buyer collects.
€200.00 Telephone Nigel on 06 04 46
73 92
FOR SALE: 3 pure bred cockerels
10 months old. 2 are speckled sussex
and 1 maran. Email: juliet.stringer@
FOR SALE: Everything you need to
supply electricity for a new build or
renovation Includes nearly 50 metres of
cable in gaine, main consumer unit plus
chantier, extra cable for a road crossing
plus telegraph pole. €300 the lot ono.
Pictures on request. €300.00ono Call
Andy 02 54 47 77 02
FOR SALE: A limited amount of
ecological paint and varnish removing
products The items listed below are a
much safer alternative and really work.
No hazardous skin burns, no solvents and
no fumes!500 ml and 1 litre containers
of paint and varnish remover.2.5 litre
containers of textured coating remover
(perfect for removing crepi)Brush renew
(removes paint and varnish from your
brushes), Super strength degreaser (great
for removing grease ,oil and grime),
Graffiti remover, and also hand cleaner.To
check availability and prices on any of the
above please e-mail. Email: sndmb@
FOR SALE: Mixture of corrugated
and steel framed sheets 17' x 6' and 8'
x 4'. Ideal for animal shelters and pens.
Buyer collects. 50 euros the lot. Please
call 05 55 00 98 52
FOR SALE: Building materials - roof
tiles/ stone Approx 200 m2 roof tiles. 45
m3 stone. Call for more information. Tel:
06 03 07 82 10
FOR SALE: Quarry Tiles - 150mm
Square Approx 550 (13 m2). Brand new.
€350.00ono Tel:
mechanique roof tiles (around 1000)
Offers invited. Tel: 05 55 60 64 92
FOR SALE: Scaffold tower, cement
mixer, builders trestles, acrows 1
Scaffold tower in aluminium. Working
platform 3.8m. Good condition and easy
to erect by one person...150 eu2 Cement
mixer. Electric. 145 litres. Very good
condition...125 eu3 Builders trestles.
Very strong and heavy. 50mm steel
construction. Adjustable from 1m to 2.3m
with 2 x 3.8m scaffold boards...125 eu4
Acrows...or the French version. 8 from
1.6 to 2.6m...60 eu the lot Tel 04 73 52 14
07...15 mins east of Auzances
ROOF SLATES 100s! Only €95! Buyer
collects. €95.00 Tel: 05 55 78 79 02
(French manufactured). Only €95! Buyer
collects (Nr Rochechouart). €95.00 Tel:
05 55 78 79 02
Champion parents. Father EL NINIO
MOSQUITO French & Italian Show
and Racing Champion and mother
CROQUESOLEIL (LOF 37388/9190) French
Show & Race Champion. Fully French
registered. Pedigrees can be seen on
will be vaccinated, miro-chipped and
registered. Make wonderful family pets or
can be shown or club raced. 4 Males & 3
Females born 13 Nov 11. Available Mid
January 2012. Price Males €650, Females
€700. For more photos & information
Tel. 05 53 56 49 38 Email: Email
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Jack Russell Puppies
x 3 males Born 28/12/2011. Ready
end February. Mother's tat: 2EEZ603.
Registered L.O.F. Will go to new
homes micro-chipped and vaccinated.
Exceptional pedigree as well as both
parents having excellent characters.Royal
Canine puppy starter kit offered with each
puppy. €500.00 Tel: 02 54 24 07 76 Mob:
06 78 29 32 61
FOR SALE: Wood Dog House & Pet
Barrier for Auto Wood dog house in
excellent condition for med-large dog
(height 90 cm): 60 euros. Pet barrier
for auto, never used: 12 euros. Please
WILLOW Large dog basket 1 metre x
80cms - our dog refuses to go anywhere
near it! Hence totally unused. €45.00
Email: [email protected]
about 1910, mahogany, for sale in the
Felletin area. Make an offer, more photos
available. Tel: 06 77 83 82 94 (Christine)
FOR SALE: Computer Desk Oak
finish. 2 shelves on runners. Including
office chair. Good condition. Email
for photos. Dimensions: 80cm wide,
50cm deep 85cm high. €30.00 Tel: 05
55 69 79 71 Email: david.sekinger@
FOR SALE: Large mirror 135cm X
106cm. Gold leaf effect coloured frame.
Excellent condition. Buyer collects.
€400.00 Telephone Nigel on 06 04 46
73 92
FOR SALE: Farmhouse Table - 2
Carvers + 4 other Chairs Rug also
available if required. €100.00ono Tel: 05
53 56 90 87
FOR SALE: Nathan furniture Display
Cabinet Very good condition, approx
6ft long, two leaded glass illuminated
displays and center drinks cupboard
with draws and cupboards below. Plus
matching corner unit. €120.00 Tel: 05 55
76 69 32
FOR SALE: Pine Double Bed €100.00
Tel: 05 53 56 90 87
have been recovered in brown velor type
material. The chairs would benefit from
a quick coat of varnish as one of them
was always left near the central heating
radiator. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 03 28 18
TABLE Wooden table painted white
- diameter 110cms €45.00 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Welsh Dresser Good
condition. Cupboards in base with two
glass-fronted display cabinets on top .
€100.00 Tel: 05 55 76 69 32
FOR SALE: Meubles anciens Various
pieces of furniture: armoires, bedhead,
Chesterfield, St Hubert sideboard,
candelabras etc. Call for more info. Tel:
06 75 51 47 27
FOR SALE: Solid Oak Chest Age
FOR SALE: Log Saw Rocking bed type
3 phase motor. €250.00 Tel: 05 46 33 18
FOR SALE: Two Hay Carts 100 euros
each. Buyer collects. Tel: 05 55 48 81 98
FOR SALE: Garden Tools Stihl
scarificateur, cultivateur, coupe bordure
(used for trimming hedges, edging lawns,
turning borders or sweeping paths) - 350
euros. Agria Farmhandy Power Hoe - 290
euros.Honda petrol scarifier 50cm - 395
euros.Épandeur (spreader) - 85 euros.
Black & Decker cordless Pole Pruner 125 euros.All tools hardly or never used.
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Log Saw Blade diameter
500mm. Cutting depth 150mm. Motor
230V. 1.8kW. Little used. Excellent
condition. Cost new EUR 650. €325.00
Tel: 05 55 51 91 79
FOR SALE: A lovely old character
French Pendulum Clock in oak case,
with bevelled glass Strikes on the
unknown (at least 100 years). Been in
family but now too large to keep. Contact
for more photos. Dimensions: 150cm(w)
x 54cm(d)x x 70cm(h). Depth of inside
34cm. €250.00ono Tel: 05 55 41 17 76
dining table 42"/ 107 cm in diameter.
Handpainted and antique waxed in soft
white. Very sturdy. A beautiful piece of
furniture in very good condition. €75.00
TEL: 05 55 08 46 53
FOR SALE: Two pine dressers One
has a top unit with two cupboards and
one centre glass cupboard with shelves
below. The other one is a pine base unit
with three cupboards wide 150 x 45 cm.
125 euros for the base cupboard and 200
for the dresser unit. Tel: 05 55 67 58 87
FOR SALE: Single beds & bedding 2
brand new single quality beds 200x90cm,
adjustable on 3 heights, complete with
undermattress, 100% latex mattress,
mattress protector, 4 seasons quilt, cover,
sheet, pillowcase. Never used. Bought
for 3000 euros, will sell for 2000 euros.
€2,000.00 Email: hendrikavz@orange.
FOR SALE: Oak Corner Display Unit
2m H x 50cm. Leaded glass top. €40.00
Tel: 05 55 51 91 79
FOR SALE: Various 1. Brand
new ( Reference Bali) single sprung
hypoallergenic mattress 200cm x 90cm
x 18 cm. Eu 100.002. Single sprung
mattress , hardly used 190cm x 90cm.
Eu 30.003. Solid pine round (1.25m)
pedestal table. Eu 150.004. Sofa bed
red colour converts to double bed with
built in storage in as new condition. Eu
275.00Delivery possible locally. Phone
Geoff on 05 55 81 08 77 Email: geoffrey.
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Recliner chair Floral
draylon, in excellent condition. Will
deliver locally. Email for photos. €150.00
Email: [email protected]
TABLE 1.1 Diameter. Dark oak finish.
Very good condition. €50.00 Tel:
FOR SALE: Brown leather, large 3
seater sofa Some wear hence 85 euros.
E-mail for info and photo. €85.00 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Single Beds + Almost
new matress Bed - metal frame and
dismountable. €35.00 Tel:
Mob: (Daniel McNally)
FOR SALE: 3 piece lounge suite - 3
seater settee All covers removable &
washable. Blue/grey colour. Available
mid December. Buyer collects from
between St Yrieix and Payzac. €200.00
Tel: 05 53 55 21 85
FOR SALE: Set of 4 70’s style dining
chairs In fair to good condition, the seats
hour and half hour. Size approx 800 x
360. €110.00 Tel: 05 55 787902 (Near
FOR SALE: Various - WC, Wash
Basin, Steel Bath, Corner Bath,
Cooker, Cement Mixer Unused items:
White WC. Low flush 30euro. White
pedestal wash basin 30euro. White steel
bath 40euro. Ivory 3 corner bath GRP.
White LPG cooker s/h 35euro. Electric
cement mixer in good order 75euro.
Confolens 16500. Tel. 05 45 89 22 05
FOR SALE: Velux / Mosquito Window
Blind / TV Cabinet Genuine Velux
window GGL CO2 78mm x 55mm
with blind and Flashing kit. Used but
good condition. 50 euros.New Lapeyre
mosquito window blind size up to 40cms
marron. 40 euros.TV cabinet, antique pine
with one drawer. 40 euros Phone 06 31 91
70 03 - St Yrieix la Perche area
FOR SALE: UPVC Door Lock Ferco
635 multipoint sprung door lock. €40.00
Tel: 05 55 68 37 58
Stainless Steel.4 Spot Lights. 4 Fan
settings.Near Chabanais. €225.00ono Tel
0545 30 69 72
SUPRA NORVEGE 6.5kw. Cream
and grey. H 1040mm W 540mm. Near
Chabanais. €325.00ono Tel 0545 30 69
EVER Arranged for piano, vocals and
guitar. Large album in as new condition.
€15.00 O5 55 89 21 37 evenings only
FOR SALE: Large picture print by
Beckindale Fine Arts (framers of
quality pictures and mirrors) Name of
picture "Spirit 1" in frame n° SM16 - of
horse and man is only way of description.
Buyer collects. €400.00 Telephone Nigel
on 06 04 46 73 92
CONTACT 05 55 63 43 35
NEW STRINGS. €195.00ono FOR
CONTACT 05 55 63 43 35
FOR SALE: TV Thomson TV 52 cm
with remote. €30.00 Tel 05 55 03 87 56
iron. Model HF3932. 7 to 14 KW. Rear
venting. Almost as new, used little.
Includes some chimney pipes. €350.00
Tel 05 55 03 87 56
Chair/Stroller Combination. Antique.
Total height 3'8.5". width 19.5". As low
chair 2'6". 200€ or very near offer. 2)
Serving Tureen. By removing the handle
this can transform from a single Vegetable
Warmer into two individual serving
trays. Brilliant Idea. Made in Sheffield
of Electo Plated Nickel Silver (EPNS)
it dates between 1890 - 1910. Measures
approx 12" long x 9.5" wide x 3" high
(not including removable handle). Weighs
approx 1kilo730g before packing. 130€
or very near offer. 3) Antique Vase made
between 1907-1934. The principle colour
is blue - called Bleu de Feu because of
the type of firing the glaze. The picture
on the side shows 2 peasant women in
a woodland setting. Approx 10.25" tall
x 16" round the body (not including the
handles). This vase has been valued by
two local Antique Dealers (in France) as
being worth between 150€-200€. 150€.
4) Large Wall Clock with Westminster
Chimes. Runs for 20 days per wind-up.
In very good over-all condition. Measures
approx 28" high x 12" side to side x 6.5"
front to back. 140€ or very near offer. 5)
A set of 3 jugs. coloured green decorated
with various fruits. Unmarked. 1) 4.75"
high x 4.5" handle to spout x 2.5" wide.
2) 5.25"high x 5" handle to spout x 2.5"
wide. 3) 6" high x 6.25" handle to spout
x 3.25" wide. 40€ 6) Very unusual Brass
Lamp with 2 wicks. Marked DUPLEX.
MADE IN ENGLAND on both wick
handles. Patterned glass shade. Overall
height 18.5". 150€ or near offer. Email
for photos. Tel: Jannie 05 55 89 98 47
Email: janniesjunkandjems@gmail.
FOR SALE: Various 2 x Free standing
electric heaters. Different models/styles
in very good/ excellent condition. Very
little use. 20€ eachFlame effect electric
fire. 54cm x 44cm x 30cm. In good/
excellent condition. Very little used.
50€Free standing Fire Grate with attached
Back Plate. In good used condition.
45cm x 53cm x 29cm. 250€ or very near
offer.Heavy dining table and 6 chairs.
Malaysian Oak. Not sure of the age but
at least 10yrs old (possibly older). In very
good/excellent condition. Table 96cm
x 152cm x 78cm. Chairs height to top
of back 115cm. Height to seat 47cm x
52cm x 47cm. 300€ or very near offer.
Email for photos. Tel: Linda 05 55 89
31 97 or Jannie 05 55 89 98 47 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Various - House Clearance
1) 6 Chairs and a Dinning Room Table.
Solid oak. Very good condition. €250 2) 2
Single Beds. €100 the pair. Metal framed.
3) 2 Reclining Chairs. Cream leather. 4)
Electric Bike. Needs new battery. EUR 50
ono. Tel: 05 55 64 18 33
FOR SALE: Hay Bales Small Bales
2.50 per bale. Tel: 05 46 33 18 75
FOR SALE: Various equipment for
handicapped person Wheelchairs,
stanner stair lift, 3 wheel electric scooter
etc. Tel: 05 55 42 75 92
FOR SALE: Hot Tub Spa Lay-Z with
digital control for 4 adults Un
WANTED present. As new, still in
packaging. Sells on at €489.
Area 87130. €399.00 Tel: 05 55 56 62 84
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Godin solid cast iron
woodburner fire Size 660mm long 600mm high - 320mm wide. V.G.C.
Buyer collects. Phone Patricia for details.
€200.00 Tel: 05 55 41 19 28
FOR SALE: Ikea oven White. Used
only few times. V.G.C. Buyer collects.
Phone Patricia for details. €50.00 Tel: 05
55 41 19 28
fuel circular stove 10kw output. Majolica
enamel brown finish, with decorative ash
tray and cast iron tool for opening door
catches. £1600 new. In good condition.
€300.00 TEL: 05 55 08 46 53
FOR SALE: Antique woodburning
stove dating from the 1900's Excellent
condition with bread oven. Delivery
possible. €450.00ono Tel: 0613363979
FOR SALE: 2 off Shimano Baitrunner
6000b GTE Carp reels C/w spare spools
and boxes, instructions etc. Hardly used,
as no time. In excellent condition. 75
Euro each or 140 Euro for the two.Also
a tackle box trolley/barrow still in box
never assembled. 50 Euros. Phone Andy
0555-483062 (nr Rochechouart)
FOR SALE: 5 pairs of original wooden
windows Varying sizes, with original
window furniture and fittings. All fitted
with the original glass. 75,00 euros for the
lot. €75.00 TEL: 05 55 08 46 53
Through flow ventilation for safe air
and auto travel. Safe way to help solve
behaviour problems. For dog/cat up
to 51 cms tall by 61 cms long. Meets
international air travel requirements.
(IATA) Kennel bed-pad also included.
Unused. Easy to carry. €50 3 SINGLE
including mattresses for all three.
Comprised of head and footboards and
slatted base. €50 each. BATHROOM
and unused. Includes two taps. Basin
measures 66 cms wide by 56 cms deep.
€30. Ladies BICYCLES° Ladies Peugeot
Mosaique. Pink. 15 gears. €50° Ladies
Ammaco Oasis. Purple. 15 gears. €50°
Ladies Boulevade EMMELLE. Black. 12
gears. €50 Telephone 05 55 14 28 09
FOR SALE: Licence IV Enables sales of
beverages and spirits in Bars/Restaurants
etc Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Ladies Coats Pale blue
swede, full length ladies coat. Brand new.
Size 14. EUR 80 onoRed leather, short
ladies coat. Brand new. Size 14. EUR 50
onoCream, full length ladies coat. Brand
new. Size 14. EUR 35 ono Tel: 02 54 25
38 97 (orsennes, dept 36)
FOR SALE: Computer Equipment
Computer screen, Epsom printer, English
keyboard, mouse + mouse mat. €60.00
Tel: 02 54 25 38 97 (orsennes, dept 36)
DVD 19" with TNT and HDMI, still
boxed, as new. €50.00 Tel: 0555895605
(La Souterraine) Email: sellwood56@
FOR SALE: Baby/child items Quality
baby car seat, in excellent condition, 30
euros. Travel Cot which folds into carry
bag, in good condition. (Also suitable
as play pen). 25 euros. Used few times
during our grandchildren's visits! Tel: 05
55 78 79 02
FOR SALE: Land Rover Discovery
dog guard, mats & UK headlights
TRAVAL dog guard for Land Rover
Discovery, as new - 60 euros.Full set Land
Rover mats for Discovery - 15 euros.UK
Headlights for Land Rover Discovery - 60
euros. Tel: 05 55 78 54 20
FOR SALE: Rectangluar Hay Bales
(87) Ideal for use as animal bedding. 6
euros a bale. Please call 05 55 00 98 52
FOR SALE: Hot Water Cylinder 150 ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
4 large rooms of antique & quality furniture, linens,
collectables, cushions & gifts all at affordable prices.
Handmade furniture of all types designed & created for
clients’ individual specifications.
No More “Mademoiselle”
men, the former are still publicly
and obligatorily categorized as
married or unmarried.
On top of that, the issue seems
even more ridiculous to me because
there are many different civil
statuses you can have in France, but
no way for those to be signified. For
example, I'm PACS’ed; however,
on official documents I’m identified
as “Mademoiselle”. Women who
have concubinage status, as well as
women who are divorced, widowed,
or separated are also all officially
called “Mademoiselle”.
“Mademoiselle” can be a major
obstacle to respect for some women
stuck with the title. It’s a term laden
with connotations. Try having a
woman at the head of a company
who is officially a “Mademoiselle”.
For all its good points, French
culture can be extremely macho,
and “Mademoiselle” sounds weak
and young – and available for
marriage. Many women in CEO and
other high-ranking positions will
nonetheless go by “Madame”, and
their employees will call them that,
but whenever they receive a bill or
have to show government-issued
ID, they’re still “Mademoiselle”.
When the issue of eliminating
this term from official documents
and identification cards came up last
autumn, I was overjoyed. When I
brought it up in some of my classes,
though, the reactions I got to it went
from apathetic, to angry.
The first reason for the anger
was something most of us can
understand: Some of my female and
male students wondered why French
feminist groups are wasting time on
an issue like this, when there are
so many more important problems
facing women today.
One of my youngest students, a
girl in her late twenties, revealed
a very surprising reason for being
upset. As a devout Catholic, to her,
being called “Madame” is a privilege
reserved for married women. If
everyone could have that title, or
if another title were created that
made all women nominally equal,
she argued, there would be one less
incentive for women to get married.
Rather a stupid idea, I thought, but
then again, some of my reasons for
wanting to have one uniform title for
women are just as ideals-based.
Another reason the debate made
some of my students angry was
far more complex: Many of the
from their title, but then again, a
person can certainly pick up on the
fact that someone thinks they're
attractive. And on the other hand,
if you’re called “Monsieur”, you
don’t have to take it as a message
© 2012 - Alysa Salzberg
here had been whispers
about it for decades,
feminists, occasionally
politicians. This autumn, as reported
in The Bugle's November edition,
the issue came into the spotlight
again: women’s rights organizations
Les Chiennes de Garde (Guard
Bitches) and Osez le féminisme (Dare
Feminism), joined by Roselyne
Bachelot, began fighting for the
removal of the term “Mademoiselle”
from government forms. Despite
public controversy, on February 21,
2012, the law passed. In matters of
state, a woman will now only be
“Madame”, regardless of her age or
marital status.
The idea isn’t completely new:
During and shortly after the French
replaced by “Citoyen” (citizen) and
“Madame” and “Mademoiselle”
were replaced by “Citoyenne”, the
word’s feminine form.
This may not seem like a very big
deal to us native English speakers.
After all, the title “Ms” has been
in wide use in many Anglophone
countries since the 1970s. For the
French, however, this subject is
fraught with controversy – in some
very surprising ways.
As an American and an EFL
teacher for adults, the title “Ms” is
one of the most complicated things
for me to explain to my French
friends and students, and not just
because they have a tough time
pronouncing it. It seems like such a
radical concept to them – even to the
females of my generation. Part of it
may simply be linguistic preference:
why would anyone need to make up
a word, some might think, when two
perfectly good ones – Mrs and Miss
– are already in place? Whenever I
try to explain the origin of “Ms”, and
the ideas of equality and the right to
privacy behind it, my students just
shrug their shoulders.
I’ve personally often been
bothered by the fact that there’s no
equivalent of “Ms” in French. For
one thing, I hate the notion that
in this day and age, in a Western,
secular country where women
officially have the same rights as
A Revolutionary-era envelope made of a folded sheet of paper,
addressed to La Citoyenne Briton[?]
women I teach like being called
Like “ma’am” and “Miss” in
some Anglophone cultures, but,
I feel, in a bigger way, in France,
the word “Mademoiselle” plays a
special role in a woman’s everyday
life. As you may have experienced,
when you go to a shop, or talk
on the phone to someone you
don’t know, you are usually at
some point referred to as either
“Madame” or “Mademoiselle”.
as young and/or attractive get
called “Mademoiselle”, while
those perceived as older and/or
undesirable are called “Madame.”
Sadly, there is, I admit, a thrill in
being called “Mademoiselle” by a
chicly dressed shop owner, or a guy
hoping you’re as single as you are
(apparently) attractive. Especially
when you’re having a bad day
and you’ve recently turned thirty.
And being called “Madame” can
feel like a rejection sometimes…
especially when you’re having a
bad day and you’ve recently turned
But why should it be this way? Men
may not get implicit compliments
that you’re not young-looking and/
or desirable. Why should women
have to be judged by something so
seemingly benign, every time we
leave the house?
Regardless of my opinion on
this part of the debate, I reminded
my students that a law eliminating
“Mademoiselle” from government
forms and proceedings would only
cover that realm: the question
“Madame ou Mademoiselle?” - so
classic that it’s even been used in
commercials - would continue to
flourish on the streets and in daily
life here.
Still, most of them didn’t really
seem to take to the idea. At best,
they found it ridiculous. But the
government didn’t. As of February
2 rue Joliot Curie, 87190 Magnac-Laval
Opening hours:
10am-1pm & 2pm-5.30pm Tue - Sat
Closed Sunday & Monday
Tel: 06 30 88 78 62
email: info@
Siret no: 442 537 486 00023
21, the “Mademoiselle” option on
French government documents is no
In addition, other changes have
been put into place: nom de jeune
fille (maiden name) will now be
replaced by nom de famille (family
name), and nom patronymique
(married name) will be replaced
by nom d’usage (name used). The
terms nom d’époux/nom d’épouse
(spouse’s name) will be eliminated
altogether, as they’re considered
inapplicable for people who are
widowed or divorced but who’ve
kept the name of their former spouse.
(You may not see these changes on
the next government document you
receive or fill in, since all of the old
forms will be used until they run
As far as what will replace
“Mademoiselle” – nothing will. The
French won’t make up a new word
like “Ms” and thus forms won't have
boxes to check that would include
said new option (which probably
would have been the best solution).
Instead, there will be only one box
to tick for all women: “Madame”.
My students and French friends
may not understand it, but the
news makes me smile. Times have
changed, and this law reflects that.
In the 1970s, the word “Fraulein”
(mademoiselle) was eliminated
from German government forms.
Friends who live there today tell me
that even in everyday life, this word
has now fallen out of favour. Maybe
the same thing will happen in France
in a few decades. Mademoiselle's
elimination from government forms
may not seem important to some,
but words have power. If people get
used to women not constantly being
associated with their marital status,
that may lead to progress in other,
bigger areas in the fight for equal
rights. I can’t wait to get my new my
new titre de séjour this year and see
“Madame Alysa Salzberg” written
on it. ■
Alysa lives in Paris with an eccentric Frenchman and a cross-eyed
cat. She blogs regularly on Open
Salon and is founder and Editorin-Chief of Beguile, a literary and
arts e-zine:
Why hasn't my In the garden - April
house sold?
We are one of the biggest sellers
of houses to UK clients in
France and after a busy year I am
looking for more properties,
particularly in the following areas:
Oradour sur Vayres Chalus - Bussiere Galant Saint Auvent - Saint
Laurent sur Gorre - Cognac
la Foret - Sereilhac
Contact me for a
no obligation chat.
We have clients looking now!
Kevin Andrews
+33 (0)631 195 581
[email protected]
What may not be well known is that
99% of agent commercials in this
country don’t get paid anything until
they sell a property. All the time spent
driving around finding and mandating
properties, answering queries, helping
vendors and clients and showing houses
is effectively unpaid and, in fact, costs
money in terms of petrol and phone
calls. I’m not complaining; it is our
choice to pursue this career and I, for
one, love the job, but to suggest that
somehow we are deliberately not selling
houses (the attitude of some vendors) is
patently wrong.
Now back to those statements! “I
need €230,000” – Unfortunately what
a vendor may need or indeed want and
what their house will sell for are in no
way related. Note, I will never describe
a house as ‘worth’ anything; it is a
cliché but, like a lot of clichés, true, that
a house is only worth what someone
will pay for it.
“I’ve seen other similar houses on the
web for €230,000” – The key here is that
they are still being advertised, i.e. they
haven’t been sold. A good agent will be
able to provide you with evidence of
what kind of properties have recently
sold and for what kind of amounts; this
is the benchmark against which unsold
properties should be judged.
There is no doubt that market
conditions are still tough, despite the
increase in the number of clients coming
to the market. The competition amongst
properties is still very, very intense and
it is definitely a buyer’s market. At the
time of writing, (the French
equivalent of Right Move) was showing
just under 10,000 properties for sale
in the Limousin, this in an area with
relatively few houses! The 30-35% price
drops we have seen over the last few
years seem to have slowed to a halt at
the bottom end of the market but there is,
however, still a way to go at the top end.
I hope it doesn’t appear that I am
ranting! I know there are good agents
and bad agents and some who try harder
than others but the majority of us are
trying to sell your house for as much
money as we can – after all, that’s how
we earn our millions!" ■
If you have any questions regarding
these issues or indeed anything else to
do with house sales, please feel free to
get in touch:
Kevin Andrews
Email:- [email protected]
Tel:- 0631 195 581
burning the leaves when the sun shines
on the ice crystals, but also by locking
water up in the soil as ice so it's not
available to plants. Ironically it may be
necessary to water (avoiding leaves).
Drought: It already looks like we are
in a drought year, the winter rains being
under the necessary requirements. Figure
out how you are going to deal with this
in your garden – mulching, watering,
irrigation system etc. The ground is
likely to have a bit of residual moisture
in it for a while, but it all depends on the
sun and the wind.
Empty the compost bins on the
garden: If the contents are anywhere
near ready, empty them on to beds
and borders. If not, consider making
a heap for the marrows, pumpkins and
courgettes. You are likely to need the
space in the bins as the season goes on,
so what the hell? Anything unsightly is
likely to disappear under vegetation.
Start to enjoy your garden again!
After all those months of winter weather,
the ground is waking up, the buds have
burst forth, the song birds are in the
skies, and you need to get out into your
garden. Go now!! ■
Michelle Pierce
Un Jardin en France plant nursery
[email protected]
05 45 89 36 54
Mister Horse, the postie
magine this: An ordinary little postman way down in rural south-eastern
France, content to do his daily rounds on foot, all 33 kilometres! One day,
he stumbles over a stone, and while picking it up to toss it out of his way,
he realises that it is rather pretty and so takes it home. And the next time he
sees an interesting stone, he does the same and so on until one day he asks
himself: “What am I going to do with all these stones?” Then he has a flash of
inspiration!!! “I know, I'll build a Perfect Palace.” And with that, in 1879 he starts
work on his fantasy castle, using rocks and stones that he finds along his round,
joined together with cement and wire.
This is the true story of how Ferdinand Cheval created an extraordinary piece
of folk art, which has similarities to Hindu art and architecture in its ornate
detailing, and has inspired numerous artists, including Picasso. He spent 33 years
of his life building it, and then another 8 years building his own tomb, in which
he was buried after he died on 19th August 1924.
2012 marks the centenary of the completion of the Palais Idéal; it remains a
great example to those of us who dream of follies, towers, moats, stumperies or
other eccentric things in our gardens! ■
Finegans Rainbow
Your Local Corner Shop
siret no. 492 314 349 00019
onestly and probably, in
a word, price. A recent
edition of the French estate
agent’s business newspaper
(as riveting as it sounds) said that,
with the market as it currently stands,
if your house has been for sale for
more than a year and hasn’t yet sold
then it is too expensive. Whilst they
are predominantly referring to French
to French sales of newer houses (the
largest part of the market in France) the
principle remains the same across the
rest of the country. We, for example,
have had our most successful January
and February ever and are seeing lots of
clients returning to the market.
As estate agents, one of the things
we find the most frustrating is to make
an assessment of what price a house
can achieve within an area within the
confines of the market as it stands,
only to be totally ignored by vendors
who usually say things like “I need
€230,000” or “I’ve seen other similar
houses on the web for €230,000”. I’ll
come back to these statements in a
second. What usually then happens is
we mandate the house for too much
money, in the hope that a) that special
client comes along who falls in love
with it (unlikely) b) the market suddenly
bounces back (even more unlikely) or
c) the vendor decides at some point to
market the house at a more sensible
Of course, people have every right
to ask what they want for their house
and we will do our utmost to achieve
that sale price but it is slightly galling
to then be blamed for a lack of visits
and a lack of progress towards a sale.
[email protected]
Kevin Andrews, Regional Estate Agent for Leggett Immobilier,
gives us a honest answer to one of the most common questions
you will come across in the property business.. why hasn't my
house sold?
eware the ides of March, or
les giboulées, as they call
them round my way. We
may be in April, but the
plain fact remains that the weather is still
uncertain, with cold, frosty mornings,
and balmy, hot afternoons. Prepare and
organise for both eventualities.
Sowing, sowing, sowing: This should
continue apace, both inside and out. In
the garden you can sow carrots, broccoli,
sprouts, radish, broad beans (you are a
bit late, but why not give it a whirl, if you
haven't already?), rocket, kholrabi, leeks,
parsnips, salsify, scorzonera, spinach,
New Zealand spinach and chards. Round
the 14th of the month should be a good
time to sow turnips, carrots and other root
veg, according to the moon. Get sowing
the warm weather lovers, under shelter:
melons, chillies, aubergines, tomatoes,
cucumbers etc. Never mind that the
shops have been full of these plants for a
while, now. Remember, they want you to
buy them, kill them and buy them again!
Yours, sown later, will catch up with the
rhythm of the year. Try anything you
want; seed isn't that expensive and will
keep from one year to the next, so just go
for it.
Sort out your strawberry patch:
Eliminate old, poor plants and encourage
new growth, or replant. Feed with
chicken or beef pellets. Add some garlic
cloves to the patch, or some salad onion,
or chives etc.
Knock soft fruit into shape: remove
any raspberry canes that are growing out
of the bed, or in the wrong place. Feed
and mulch. Make sure your currants,
both black, white and red, have air going
through the middle of them – prune if
necessary, even though it's late. Give a
good mulch at the foot of the plant.
Dealing with frost: There's likely
to be frosts until the saints de glace in
May, so protect newly planted plants and
seedlings with fleece or straw (beware
slugs). If your plants get badly frosted,
spray them with cold water and cover
them with fleece. Frost damages by
Epicerie anglaise, Books, Beers, Bacon,
Cheddar Cheese, Cards, Kippers & Quorn
+ lots more at sub supermarket prices.
Regular trips to UK for supermarket and
wholesale pick-ups. Carriage only charged.
Tue - Fri 10.00h-12.30h 14.30h-18.30h Sat 10.00h-12.30h 14.30h-18.00h
3 rue St Martial, Montmorillon - Tel: 05 49 48 87 23 - ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
I just happened to look up…
What are contrails?
Contrails aren't smoke, such as
what might belch from a poorly
maintained car, they are more
akin to the clouds of fog you see
emanating from car exhausts on
a very cold morning.
Unlike the clouds of fog from
a car's exhaust, however, that
tend to dissipate rapidly, contrails
can hang in the sky for minutes,
even hours, and this is where an
environmental threat lies. Aside
from the other chemicals and
particulates being spewed out
in the aircraft exhaust, contrails
are thought to have an impact on
Contrails and the environment
According to a 2004 study
contrails have the potential to
affect climate via something
called ‘radiative forcing’.
Here comes the techy bit:
radiative forcing is the change in
net irradiance between different
layers of the atmosphere. The
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) defines
it as “a measure of the influence a
factor has in altering the balance
Chocolate truffles
(truffes au chocolat)
© 2005 - André Karwath (WikiCommons)
was walking the dogs
the other morning at the
start of another beautiful
day in the Limousin. A
crisp white landscape, frosty
breath, the chatter of birds and
a stunning sunrise. These were
the only sounds and sights of
nature, or so I initially thought.
When I looked up at the sky, it
was marred by a couple of what
I later found out were called
A bit of research and I
discovered that ‘contrail’ is short
for condensation trail, a streak
of artificial cirrus cloud made
by jet aircraft engine exhaust,
also known as ‘vapour trail’.
The scars left across the sky,
particularly above the Limousin
which is a major European air
corridor, are another marker
of our conquest of the planet,
visible from our cities, suburbs
and out in the sticks.
Recipe provided by Chef George of the
Auberge du Golf in Gouzon.
These are great fun to make and can be dipped
in chocolate, or rolled in nuts or cocoa powder.
For the truffles:
of incoming and outgoing energy
in the Earth-atmosphere system”.
The study states that like natural
cirrus clouds, the artificial contrail
clouds reflect solar radiation,
while absorbing and emitting
thermal infrared radiation.
Contrails have already been
observed to affect regional
weather in areas experiencing
heavy air traffic. As air travel
increases and expands, the
impact may become “globally
significant” states the study.
While the word ‘weather’
is associated with short term
events, ‘climate’ is used in
relation to the longer term, and
with contrails criss-crossing the
skies and being a permanent
feature of some regions,
especially it seems here, the
move from weather to climate
isn't such a big jump.
Avoiding contrail formation
Given that contrail formation
occurs at great heights,
researchers suggested some
years back that jet aircraft
should fly below 31,000 feet in
the summer and below 24,000
feet in the winter.
However, there is a trade-off:
fuel efficiency. By addressing
the threat posed by contrails,
we could exacerbate others
such as an increase in other
forms of pollution from aircraft
exhaust due to increased fuel
believe this is the lesser of the
environmental evils, however.
While the contrails I spot
above Chez Smith from time
to time aren't going to send
temperatures in the area
skyrocketing or plummeting,
nor directly cause a flood/
drought/tornado/whatever, it's
just another disturbance on an
already very disturbed planet
and not one to be disregarded. ■
Arthur Smith
Harlequin Developments
The Canny Shopper
The Ed has asked me
to expand a little from
‘green issues’, and has
suggested the possibility
of having a regular
feature on getting the
most for our Euros
here in central France,
something that we all
have an interest in.
What I’d like to do is
gather information about
bricos, garages etc who
offer that little something
It could be regular 2
for 1 offers, discounts
for buying in bulk,
anything that makes our
money go further. I’d
also like to hear about
factory outlets, farm
shops etc that offer good
value for money. They
are out there, so it might
be useful to have a list of
It’s not always about
the bottom line and
sometimes it’s worth
spending a extra few
Euros for exceptional
service. Spending a little
more on a product can
sometimes save a packet
if things go wrong at a
later date.
The other thing that
we’ve all probably
noticed is that there
seem to be certain times
of year when the French
buy certain items.
Bedding comes to mind,
as every year at the same
time, all the stores reduce
the price of sheets,
duvets, pillows etc. My
French neighbours are
always telling me that
you can get better value
by waiting to buy certain
products at these times.
The trouble is I
always seem to forget
when I’m supposed to
be buying things, and
end up buying them a
few weeks before they
go on ‘promo’.
So, could we come
up with a calendar of
the various product sales
that happen here?
This will be very
much a feature led by
you, the reader, based
on your knowledge
and experiences of our
region. Unfortunately,
we can’t really do
‘instant deals’, as due to
printing dates, we run a
little behind ‘real time’.
We hear so much
about how expensive life
is here at the moment,
and how bad customer
service is, but I believe
that there are some
bargains out there, as
well as some people
who really do give great
customer service.
So readers, it’s over
to you, help me get the
ball rolling. Send any
ideas, contributions or
suggestions you have
cannyshopper@ ■
175ml/6floz Thick cream
275g/10oz Plain
chocolate, broken up
30g/1oz Unsalted butter,
cut into small pieces
(This will be enough to make 20 to 30 truffles)
1. Bring the cream to a boil over a medium heat in a heavy based
pan. Remove from the heat, then add the chocolate and stir until
melted. Add the butter and continue to stir until smooth.
2. Strain the mixture into a bowl and leave to cool, then cover and
put into the fridge overnight.
3. Line your work top or a baking sheet with greaseproof paper,
then using a spoon, scoop out the mixture and form into balls by
rolling between your hands. Place the balls onto the paper. If the
mix becomes soft, pop it back into the fridge to chill.
For the coating:
Finely chopped hazelnuts, cocoa powder (chocolat en
poudre) or 400g chocolate (this can be whatever you want plain, milk, or white)
To coat the truffles, roll in the nuts or cocoa powder, keeping
the shape round.
If you want to coat them with chocolate you will need to freeze
the truffles for about 1 hour first. For a chocolate coating you
will need a bain-marie. This is a pan of simmering water with a
pyrex bowl on top (the bottom of the bowl must not touch the
water). Break the chocolate into the bowl and stir until melted
and smooth. Allow to cool slightly, then using a fork dip the
truffles into the chocolate. Tap off the excess and place onto nonstick baking paper.
Once coated, the truffles can be stored for up to 10 days in the
fridge (if they last that long!)
Financial Solutions for
your life in France
Checking a business
is correctly registered
David Hardy, Regional manager in Poitou-Charentes
and Limousin of Siddalls France, explains how they
help British citizens living in France.
rom taking early retirement
to starting a new business
adventure, from improving the
quality of your life to simply a
change of lifestyle, the staff at Siddalls
France have heard all the reasons why
people choose to come and settle in France
– and the Limousin is no exception. With
its quiet, timeless villages and its rolling
countryside the Limousin has become
a popular area to put down roots whilst
offering easy transport links back to the
Feeling lost?
However, not everything may be as
straightforward as you thought it would
be. Many of our clients come to us
frustrated by over-complicated French
bureaucracy, complicated tax rules and
trying to understand the French forced
succession laws – and these are just a
few examples! Moreover, trying to get to
grips with all of the technical and legal
language in French can leave you not
knowing which way to turn.
and investment planning.
French based and independent Financial
Advisers, Siddalls are there to not only
explain, but to provide support and
solutions on how to make your finances
work to your advantage when integrating
your money into the French fiscal system.
Their advisers in France regularly
help their clients to understand French
succession laws and manage investments
to ensure that they avoid the pitfalls of the
French tax system and minimise the risk
of exchange rate fluctuations. As ex-pats
themselves, the advisers have personal
experience of many of the issues they
advise their clients on.
Siddalls’ expertise
Guiding you through
the issues
Living in France will inevitably have
an impact on the way you manage your
finances since taxation, inheritance,
pension and investment planning take on
a whole new meaning. Siddalls France
have fifteen years’ experience in providing
financial advice to expatriates in France.
Their bespoke service has been designed
to make managing your finances as plain
sailing as possible, and every year, they
help hundreds of people, all with different
needs in terms of tax, inheritance, pension
As part of a large UK financial services
group with offices in both countries,
Siddalls have a full understanding of both
the French and UK tax systems and can
offer a complete cross-Channel service.
Siddalls France’s position as a French
company gives them unique access to a
full range of French investment services,
where appropriate. In the field of
inheritance planning, they can help you
mitigate French inheritance rules and tax
liabilities in both countries.
As part of the Siddalls group, Siddalls
France also retains access to specialised
advice on UK issues such as pension
planning, which is fully regulated in the
UK by the Financial Services Authority.
They can also plan to give you maximum
flexibility for your investments and
pension planning in case of a possible
return to the UK in the future.
Siddalls has a network of regional
can provide support and up-to-date
information on any issues that may
affect your finances. All of our staff are
bilingual and receive regular training to
ensure they keep up to date with the ever
changing rules and regulations. They are
there to provide up-to-date information
and deliver British standards of trust,
loyalty and a supportive ongoing service.
Siddalls can provide you
with assistance on:
•Taxation - they can maximise
your benefits and minimise your
•The French inheritance system
– they can ensure your estate is
distributed in accordance with
your wishes and French inheritance laws
•Pensions advice and managing
your money for your retirement
- they can ensure that your pension arrangements work for you
in France
•Savings and investment – their
investment management services
provide peace of mind that your
portfolio is regularly monitored
Siddalls France are fully regulated by
the French authorities and have built a
reputation based on trust with people who
have relocated to France over the years.
We work independently of any financial
institution so are able to provide impartial
advice. Finally any initial meeting is
without obligation and in the strictest of
If you wish to review and discuss your
own financial planning requirements in
more detail, please contact David on
05 56 34 75 51. You can also visit their
website and download their free help
sheets at ■
ne topic on which we receive a lot of correspondence at
The Bugle is the question of business registration and
insurances in France. It is very important that you use only
correctly registered and insured businesses; in the event of a problem
or accident you may be liable and ignorance is not an excuse under
French law. For example, if you employ an unregistered builder who
subsequently injures himself on your property, then you are liable for
all costs including medical and social security charges.
It can be a complicated area, but in essence there are a few tips
and tricks to bear in mind to make sure that a business you employ is
legally registered and insured. What follows is only meant as a rough
guide, so if in any doubt, seek a professional opinion.
All legitimate traders and businesses in France must be registered –
i.e. with the Chambre de Métiers, Chambre de Commerce etc. When
is a business is registered, it is assigned a SIRET number (Système
d’Identification du Répertoire des Etablissements). A SIRET number
comes in 2 parts: the first 9 digits form the SIREN number which
uniquely identifies a business; the last 5 digits are called the NIC
(Numéro Interne de Classement) and this identifies the ‘branch’. For
example, if your business had 2 shops, it would be assigned 2 SIRET
numbers, but the SIREN number would be the same in both cases.
A reputable business will usually include its SIRET number on
official documentation such as a quote (devis) etc.
When dealing with a business, you should first check that they
are registered. There are several websites where you can check the
SIREN number of a business – the one used at The Bugle to check our
advertisers are correctly registered is (available in
French and English). Here you can find out basic information about a
business by entering their SIREN number. These types of website are
not updated on a day-by-day basis, however, so if a company has very
recently been registered then they may not appear.
It is also therefore prudent to ask to see a tradesperson’s “Carte
d'indentification” which is issued by their local Chambre de Métiers/
Commerce and to make sure they are properly registered for the type
of work they are offering. A business may be registered for web design
and have a valid SIRET number, but that does not mean that they can
install a fosse septique!
Always ask to see any relevant insurance documents; for example,
in the case of an electrician or builder etc this will usually include a 10year guarantee (assurance décennale). This covers work done for 10
years after completion and is compulsory for many types of building
and structural work.
If a business is reluctant to show you a copy of any of the above,
then alarm bells should start ringing. If in any doubt then a call or visit
to the local Chambre de Métiers/Commerce office will tell you if the
business is registered correctly.
It may often seem ‘cheaper’ to use unregistered or uninsured
businesses, but should something go wrong it can cost an awful lot
more in the long run than using a reputable and insured business. Ask
around – most people will know at least one person who has learned
this lesson the hard way!
The Bugle always checks that a business is registered or in the
process of registering before allowing them to advertise. We will
never knowingly advertise an incorrectly registered business, but it
remains the responsibility of the individual to properly check any
business they employ, especially before parting with any money. ■
Siddalls France, RCS BX 498 800 465, Société par
Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle, Parc Innolin, 3 Rue
du Golf, 33700 Mérignac. VAT registration number FR
61 49 88 00 465.
Authorised as Conseil en Investissements Financiers
(C.I.F.), registered number E001669 with ANACOFI-CIF,
association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers
(AMF), and as Courtier d’Assurances, Category B,
registered with the Organisme pour le Registre des
Intermédiaires en Assurance (ORIAS) registered number
07 027 475
Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité
Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du
Code Monétaire et Financier et L 512-6 et 512-7 du Code
des Assurances.
David Hardy, Regional Manager of the Poitou-Charentes
and Limousin joined Siddalls in 1999. He is there to provide
support and up-to-date information on any issues that may affect your finances when living in France. He is able to explain
and identify problems in a language you will understand, identify any problem areas that need to be addressed and suggest
personalised solutions.
The things David does on a day-to-day basis include advising clients on tax, inheritance and investment planning. He
helps his clients to integrate their finances in France so that they
pay less tax on their savings, helps them gain additional sources
of income, if required, from such savings and ensures that their
money is passed on according to their inheritance wishes.
Siddalls provide a range
of free help sheets on a
variety of topics from
banking to the taxation
system that will have an
impact on your finances
in France.
They are available to
download from their
Inheritance Solutions
French inheritance rules may mean that your worldwide
estate will not be distributed according to your wishes.
Look after those that matter
David Hardy, Regional Manager:
Tel: 05 56 34 75 51
Email: [email protected]
French finance in plain English
Siddalls France SASU, Parc Innolin, 3 Rue du Golf, 33700 Mérignac - RCS BX 498 800 465. C.I.F. No E001669 auprès de ANACOFI-CIF association
agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers et Courtier d’Assurances, Catégorie B - ORIAS 07 027 475. Garantie Financière et Assurance de
Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier et L 512-6 et 512-7 du Code des Assurances. ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
The Bugle thanks local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of the
following article on a topical aspect of Franco-British culture.
The Eiffel Conspiracy Files
he Eiffel Tower has been
in the news this month,
as previously unknown
details have emerged
about the origins of this Parisian
Named after its ‘creator’ Gustave
Eiffel, the Tour Eiffel was built
in 1889 to celebrate the opening
of the Exposition Universelle
– a World’s Fair marking the
centennial celebrations of the
French Revolution. At the time
it was celebrated as a victory for
French engineering, built using
18,000 pieces of iron and over 2.5
million rivets. When complete it
was twice as tall as the previous
tallest building in the world and it
has become one of the most famous
landmarks on the planet, welcoming
over 200 million visitors.
According to recently unearthed
documents, it now appears that the
Eiffel Tower was in fact designed
and built in secret by a British
team of architects and engineers.
The real designer was Graham
Fish from Avril Construction, a
British company based in Foolton,
Hampshire. The documents show
that although Eiffel knew what
he wanted to build and had a
basic outline, France lacked the
necessary skills to pull off such
a massive feat of engineering and
turned instead to its colleagues
across the Channel.
Aware of the embarrassment
that this would cause the French
national pride, part of the deal
required the identity of the true
team behind the project to remain
secret. French workers were also
not seen as being skilled or hardworking enough to complete it and
instead a team of British engineers
were secretly brought to Paris from
the UK. These workers were first
given extensive training in being
French which included courses on
language, recognising different
cheeses and wines, getting used
to the 2-hour lunch break and
instructions on how to correctly
wear a beret.
So convincing was their disguise
that to this day the world still
believes that the Eiffel Tower was
entirely built by the French. This
could now be about to change,
although it is not currently known
if the Tour Eiffel will eventually
be renamed Fish Tower.
Other classified documents
released at the same time as the
Eiffel Conspiracy files include a
planned law to ban April Fools'
Day and make it a crime to play
practical jokes on April 1 st. ■
know I’ve mentioned this before,
but prior to moving to France I
lived in Belgium for 6 years and
I am a big fan of the country. The
people are lovely, it has some beautiful
architecture and countryside and best
of all, with the possible exception of
Bruges, it is an undiscovered gem,
relatively devoid of tourists. I loved
living there, but often found myself
defending Belgium from national
“Can you name 5 famous Belgians?”
This is a question often asked, as I did
in my editorial a year or so back. Most
people can’t (although there are plenty).
The Belgians are also the butt of an
entire genre of ‘classic’ jokes in France
which start: “Il était une fois un Belge…”
– roughly translated as “Once upon a
time, there was this Belgian…”
The jokes run along the lines of the
“An Englishman, an Irishman and a
Scotsman…” jokes or the now slightly
dated “Blonde” jokes of yesteryear. In
every case, we are laughing at the ‘stupid’
Belgian. There was even a film recently
released called “Il était une fois, une
fois”, a comedy about a character called
Willy Vanderbrook who, rejected for a
job as concierge in a 5-star Paris hotel on
account of his being too Belgian, seeks
dastardly revenge.
All this is by the by. The French have
been poking fun at their northeasterly
neighbours for over a century and that
won’t stop any time soon.
So it did make me laugh the other
day when I saw that the Belgians had hit
back! A Belgian joke currently doing the
rounds goes as follows:
"The Artist", le film muet rafle 10
nominations aux Oscars, une première
pour un film Français!
Comme quoi, quand les Français
ferment leurs gueules, tout le monde les
Translated, the joke becomes:
Silent movie “The Artist” was recently
nominated for 10 Oscars, a record for a
French film.
It would seem that when the French
finally shut up, the whole world loves
Hardly payback for a hundred years of
abuse, but it made me smile!! ■ ED
Comment affoler un Belge dans une pièce ronde???
En lui disant qu'il y a un fromage caché dans un coin!!!
Discover French authors
in English on FRANCE 24
a Tour Eiffel a fait parler
d’elle dans les actualités
ce mois-ci alors que des
révélations sur l’origine
de cet emblème parisien ont
récemment fait surface.
Nommée d’après le nom de son
créateur Gustave Eiffel, la Tour
Eiffel fut construite en 1889 pour
inaugurer l’Exposition Universelle,
une foire internationale destinée
à célébrer le centenaire de la
Révolution Française. A l’époque,
la construction de la tour fut
considérée comme une victoire
nécessita l’emploi de 18.000 pièces
métalliques assemblées par plus de
2.5 millions de rivets. Au final, la
tour battit le record du précédent
monument le plus haut du monde
puisqu’elle mesurait deux fois sa
taille. La Tour Eiffel est devenue
l’un des sites les plus connus de la
planète et a déjà accueilli plus de
200 millions de visiteurs.
apprennent que la Tour Eiffel a
en fait été conçue et construite en
secret par une équipe d’architectes
et d’ingénieurs britanniques. Le
véritable concepteur de la tour fut
Graham Fish qui travaillait pour
Avril Construction, une compagnie
britannique basée à Foolton dans
le comté de Hampshire. Les
documents révèlent que Monsieur
Eiffel avait élaboré les grandes
lignes de son projet mais que la
France n’avait pas les compétences
requises pour réaliser une telle
Il était une fois...
Français durent donc se tourner vers
leurs collègues d’outre-Manche.
Afin de ne pas heurter la fierté
de la nation française, les parties
s’accordèrent pour garder secrète
l’identité réelle de l’équipe
chargée du projet. Considérant
que les ouvriers français n’étaient
ni suffisamment compétents ni
suffisamment durs à la tâche, une
équipe de techniciens britanniques
fut secrètement envoyée à Paris.
En premier lieu, les Britanniques
suivirent une formation intensive
pour se comporter comme de vrais
Français. Ils prirent des cours de
langue, apprirent à différencier les
différents types de fromages et de
vins, s’habituèrent à leurs deux
heures de déjeuner quotidiennes
et s’entraînèrent à porter leur béret
comme un bon Français.
Leur camouflage fut tellement
convainquant que jusqu’à ce jour,
le monde entier croit encore que
la Tour Eiffel a été entièrement
construite par les Français. Ce
qui risque de ne pas durer… bien
qu’on ne sache pas encore si la
Tour Eiffel sera un jour rebaptisée
la Tour Fish.
D’autres documents classés secret
jusqu’à présent et rendus public
en même temps que les dossiers
de la conspiration Eiffel révèlent
l’existence d’un projet de loi visant
à interdire la journée du Poisson
d’Avril et à considérer les farces du
1er avril comme un délit. ■
RANCE 24 has this month
launched VICE VERSA, a weekly
programme that invites Englishspeaking TV viewers to discover French
authors of every genre (novels,
poetry, plays, crime fiction and
Presented in English by
Olivier Barrot, VICE VERSA
reviews books that were
originally written in French
and have been translated into
According to Barrot, “French books
are doing well. They are translated into all
languages, English particularly.”
Daniel welcomes you at
siret: 510 357 155 00017
Le Pub
Double D
02 54 60 02 14
Renovations & Home Improvements
Open Late!!
All types of building work, groundwork,
renovations, decorating and maintenance
Fosses septiques
Kitchen and bathroom fitting
Plaster boarding
etc. etc.
Sunday roast & pudding
Fish + Chips + Mushy Peas,
every Fri & Sat night
Opening hours:
Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight
Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am
Sat 12pm-2am
Sun 12pm-11pm
PETS France
Pet & Equestrian Total Supplies
58, rue d’Orjon
URGENT We are also looking for a kitchen/bar
assistant for the summer season, approx
24 hours per semaine, self contained
accomodation can be provided.
The 3-minute programme airs on
Tuesdays at 10:50 am (French time) and
is repeated at regular intervals throughout
the week.
For readers not already
familiar with the TV channel,
FRANCE 24 is the first news
channel covering international
current events from a French
perspective and is available
on the SKY platform (channel
513) and on FREESAT
(channel 205).
The website is
available in 3 languages (English, French
and Arabic). ■
Covering depts: 03, 23, 63, 87
05 87 96 02 44
06 33 19 99 64
[email protected]
Quality UK brand
animal food and
bedding available
locally in France
SIREN: 453 573 388
Advertise your business here
from only €35/month
Letters to
The problem with insuring
an 'unoccupied' building
he Bugle received an
email question from a
new reader this month on
the subject of insurance when a
property is unoccupied for large
periods of the year. This can
be an issue for many expats
who have a property in both
France and their home country.
Understandably, the person
wished to remain anonymous as
they were effectively telling the
world their house is empty! Here
is an excerpt of his question:
My reason for writing to you
this morning is a little unusual,
however I did think that perhaps
with your experience of parttime expats like ourselves you
may be able to help me as for
the first time I have just been
refused buildings and contents
insurance for my UK home due
to the fact that it will be left
continuously unoccupied for
more than the 30 days which
my insurance broker states
is an occupancy clause that
insurance companies apply.
Can you help me please
as I am sure that a lot of your
readers must be in the same
position and have probably
found an insurance company to
help them.
Before being able to offer a
solution, the reader managed
to find suitable insurance
through a company called
Intasure. However, it is still
worth printing his question
as a reminder that an expat's
situation is often a bit grey,
with so many of us splitting
our time between countries.
Having recently had to
make an insurance claim
here in France, I have some
experience of the clauses
written towards the end of a
contract in very small writing!
I would urge all our readers
to check the small print on
their insurance policies as the
worst time to find out that
there is a loophole is at the
point at which you need to
make a claim!
Caption Competition - April
[email protected]
It's the same on Main
Henry Morgan Montalvo
San Antonio, Texas
By Email
Dear Editor
lease allow me to express to you my
pleasure at finding your online news
and features periodical. I am a reporteranchor (presenter) for a news radio station in San
Antonio, Texas and avowed Francophile who,
having visited France for the first time in 2004,
longs to return for an extended stay and dreams
of retirement in the land of liberté', egalité,
My wife is of French descent and it was her
desire to visit the land of her ancestors that led
us to the aforementioned visit. While in France
(and, subsequently, on into Spain to look up my
relatives), we carried on with our usual practice
of supporting small businesses to preserve the
livelihood and spirit of the independent merchant
- which brings me to Christine Moshy's Letter
to the Editor "S.O.S. - Save Our Shops" in the
March 2012 edition of The Bugle.
Sadly, Ms Moshy's observations also reflect
the state of what we Americans refer to as “Main
Street, USA” which, with few exceptions, now
suffers the protracted agony of its own demise.
What drew us to France was not merely a
connection to history and family, but a desire
to experience the charm and simple dignity
of your country's small shops, restaurants and
bars, the subtle uniqueness of their products,
and the warmth of their proprietors. With a bit
of planning, we discovered that we could even
avoid “chain” fuel stations in favour of small,
independent petrol vendors.
As I read Ms Moshy's editorial, I reflected
back on dozens of small bistros, boulangeries and
bookstores, to say nothing of news agents and
night spots, where we happily parted with our
Euros, met undoubtedly the nicest people of all of
my travels abroad, and felt the most connected.
That's not to say that we never tried a meal at
a French McDonald's to see if, indeed, it “tastes
like home” (it did not), nor entered what passes in
France for a Wal-Mart (we were underwhelmed
by the similarities to our “Super Centers”). Our
suspicions confirmed, we returned to our practice
of patronizing small shops where knowledge that
we were supporting someone's neighbours was
the value-added to our purchases.
To be sure, there always will remain those “chic”
or “quaint” establishments that survive according
to the whims - or mercies - of the affluent, but it
will require commitment by all who reside on Your
Street or My Street to save Main Street.
So I salute Ms Moshy's clarion call...errr make
that a Bugle beckon (!)...that redirects our attention
to our local, independent merchants who, upon
opening their doors to us each day, personify and
pride themselves in what author Jack London
described as “so simple a remedy, merely service”.
With warmest wishes from The Lone Star
Henry Morgan Montalvo
Please be aware that the deadline for all
submissions for content and
advertising is the 15th of the month for the
following month’s print edition.
Last Month's Winners
"Felt it in my
bones that I was
one nail short in
my coffin! Wondered where it
had flown off
to!" - Joseph
Send your entries for this month's Caption Competition to:
[email protected] Winner receives a modicum of kudos.
"Is this what they call a GRAVE situation?" - Rob Southwell
"How much longer will you be? I'm due for my heat treatment in an
hour." - John Martin
"C’mon Drac, gives me a hand. It’s dark out here, honest!" - George Birt
"Why oh why didn't I join the AA??" - Jane Ginham
"We always said he'd be late for his own funeral!!!" - Gill Gowen
"Ring Bill !!!" - Bill Stott (see pg B3 if this doesn't make sense!) ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
SPECIAL OFFER - "tooway" satellite broadband
from €24.99 per month
Creusetec is the supplier and installer of
“tooway” satellite broadband at the
Moulin Du Breuil
We would like to wish Anne, Nick, Rachel
and Brett success with their new venture
Tel: Martin -
Email: [email protected]
For ladies who love to read (and chat!)
La Veytizou
Saturday 14th April
Get in touch if you would like to join
in with a new book discussion group
or for more details:
[email protected]
8pm Start - Bar Snacks from €3 to €10
JJ’s Café Bar
Auberge du Golf
Saturday 28th April - An evening of Blues
and more with Steve and Greta Curtis
Yes the Big Guy and his Lovely Lady are back !!!! And they
have an evening of magnificent musicality lined up for you
to enjoy and to get down and Boogey (if applicable!)
There will be a meal of Chinese aromatic braised beef
(not spicy) and dessert for €12 per head. Also please
break open your piggy bank as we are collecting for
SPANA - an international organisation in aid of working
animal welfare. Early reservations advisable but optional.
Music Club
2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm.
Next event: 14th April
JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and
genres entry is free, there is no membership and is
open to everyone who loves music. You can also buy
fish and chips from the van in the market square
(from 6.30 - 8.30) and eat them in the comfort of
JJ's. The club starts from 8:30, but we are open for
all those who want to come earlier to eat. In fact we
hardly ever shut !!!!
JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire,
36140 Aigurande
Tel: 02 54 06 30 77
Email: [email protected]
Les Papillons
Sunday April 22nd
and Les Papillons/La Galérie Gabriel
Spring Fair & Book Swap
Jackie: 05 44 00 03 24
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
is open each Saturday and Sunday
11h00 to 18h00 from 1st May until
the end of September.
Artisan art for your garden.
Cream teas on the terrasse.
RDV for weekday visits SVP.
2km from Chénérailles and
the Chateau Villemonteix
26, Ecurat 23150
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: [email protected]
Saturday 28th April
Italian Night
Reservation Only
For more information
Tel: 05 55 69 33 38
Bar & Restaurant - Gouzon
Easter Sunday 8th April
Lunch 3 Courses 15€ (wine not included)
Lamb Shank or Confit Duck
Resevation only (Limited Spaces)
Plat du Jour 12.50€
Mon-Fri - 3 Courses & 1/4 l wine per person
Sat - Plat du Jour, not including wine
Sunday Lunch 12.50€ - 3 Courses
In April Fish & Chips Days or Moules Frites
Fri 13th 12-3pm
12.50€ for 3 Courses incl. 1/4 l wine per person
Reservation only
Please Note: We are closed from 2.30pm on
Le Moulin du Breuil
The bar and restaurant is now open
(Closed Monday evening and all day Tuesday)
Come and visit us and relax alongside the River Creuse.
We will be offering a special Easter menu on
Sunday 8th April and an Easter egg hunt for the
children starting at 11.30am
Rachel, Brett, Anne and Nick look forward to
welcoming you.
Tel: 05 55 80 37 70
Mail: [email protected]
Au Bon Vivre, Parnac
Fish and chips every
Tue evening, just €7.50
NEW €8 Menu - starter + plat du jour
OR plat du jour + dessert
Tel: 02 54 24 83 31
[email protected]
The Exchange
The Exchange Book and Gift Shop will be
closed from Sunday 22nd April
reopening on Thursday 3rd May at 9 am
Call Phil and Jane:
06 62 84 16 14 or 05 55 78 19 24
Godson Travaux Publics
We are now local agents for
Klargester BioDisc® Micro-Stations
For more information call Chris Godson:
05 55 62 61 12 / 06 33 78 24 23
Restaurant & Bar
Wednesday and all day Thursday)
Tel: 05 55 61 99 14
Email: [email protected]
5 Rue Andre Jouhannaud, Compreignac
The Corner Shop
Every Saturday Night is Steak Night
2 Rumpsteaks & Bottle of Wine 19,50€
It is with regret that I have to inform you all that
The Corner Shop will be closing at the end of May.
I would also like to take this opportunity to
thank all of our customers for their support over
the last 4 years and offer an explanation for why
I have decided to close the shop.
As you are all no doubt aware, the cost of diesel
has risen by over 50% since we started trading
in spring 2008 making the cost of ferry tickets
rise by about the same amount. This coupled with
the large number of couriers offering to bring
supermarket orders here reducing the number of
customers that we see each week, it is no longer
cost effective to stay open as we have overheads
to meet running the shop and cotisations to pay
on all the products that we sell.
This does not affect the running of the The
Orchard kennels and cattery and I would like to
advise any customers looking for places during
the school summer holidays to please book as
early as you can.
Daily Plat du Jour from €9
2-course Sunday Lunch from €10
Now Taking Reservations for
Easter Sunday Lunch, 8th April, 2012
4-course lunch 15€ (Children 3 – 11 years 10€)
Bar/Restaurant Open Good Friday
and Easter Monday.
Weekly Quiz Every Friday
5 Euros – to include a hot meal.
Prize for the Winner.
See Business Directory for more information
and opening hours
Tel: 05 55 12 99 45
email: [email protected]
Or see us on Facebook for further details.
Daniel welcomes you at
Le Pub
58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse
Easter Saturday night - 7th April
Dave Grant
Entertainment: the group 'Hold On'
will be playing live at the bar
Le Bellerive
2 entrecotes (env.225g) and chips
for only €20 (booking necessary)
29 Ave de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château
Hotel – Restaurant – Café-Bar
Under new management
Opening 28th April 2012
See website for more details
Further information: [email protected]
Thursday Night PROMO
Sunday Roast + Pudding (just €10!!)
is booming and customers must reserve
in advance to avoid disappointment
Jubilee weekend - 1 to 3 June
We will be having a party all weekend full details to follow in next month's edition.
02 54 60 02 14
[email protected]
Church Notices
English-speaking church services Guéret
Come as you are……This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE
IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith, or would just like to attend a church
service you are welcome at 5pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise
Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. Next meeting on Sunday 8th
April, Easter Sunday.
We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a
time of Worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more
details contact Jim & Pat Scott on or email: [email protected]
English-speaking church services Limoges
@ 2pm, 4th Sunday each month. 126 Rue Armand Dutreix, 87100 Limoges.
Contact Pat Reid Tel: 05 55 84 00 64 Email [email protected]
Interested in Alpha?
An opportunity for those who don't regularly attend church to explore the
Christian faith. More than 17 million people worldwide have done this course. In
English @ L'Eglise Baptiste Evangélique, Limoges (contact details as above).
Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area
We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon.
Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. 05 55 71 09 04
Fitness & Fun
Learn to dance! Join the "Salsa Crazy". Every Monday, 7pm-8.30pm (Absolute
Beginners) & every Thursday, 7pm-8.30pm (Improvers). 4 euros per person, 7
euros per couple. No partner required. Any age welcome. Free soft drink included.
Come and join in the fun get fit for 2012 at St-Priest-la-Feuille community hall.
Coming soon: "The Sizzling Summer Salsa Ball" - watch this space for future
NEW for this year. Why not try bachata or merengue? Private lessons also
available. For more info contact Ellie on 05 55 63 86 05 / email elena.hampson@
Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps
Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed
18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante.
Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips)
For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit
Classes coming soon to Felletin on Fridays.
Chinese Gym & Karate
Mondays & Thursdays at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson.
Warm and friendly atmosphere.
For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53
Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre
Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15-19.45) and in La Châtre (Thu 18.15-19.45).
The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month, and folks
can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and
abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing
the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a
half. For more information, contact 05 55 65 08 20.
Learn how to jive at Lussac-les-Eglises in an exciting, fun, friendly group
that meet every Mon at 8pm, at the Salle Polyvalente, Lussac-les-Eglises.
Everyone welcome whether you’re on your own or part of a couple, young
or young at heart. This is a great way to keep fit, have some good laughs and
meet new people. For more info contact Alwyn on or Hank on See you there!
Gym Bien-être
Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, light-hearted
group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country
dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot .The aim of the activities is
to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon
upstairs at the Capitole in Rochechouart between 2.00 and 3.30 pm. It isn’t
necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some.
Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: [email protected] Secretary Gym Bien-être.
Learn to Meditate
Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness
technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700.
Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55
03 82 01
Limoges (Le Vigenal)
Le Dorat
Limoges (pont St
Limoges Bastide et
(except 3rd Thu)
La Souterraine
Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h
- 19h30)
Châlus (except 2nd Fri)
Couzeix (16h30 19h30)
Le Dorat
Limoges (place des
Bancs et Beaubreuil)
La Jonchère-SaintMaurice
La Souterraine
Limoges (place des
Bancs et place Marceau)
Le Palais-sur-Vienne
Mainsat (4th Sat only)
Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun)
(3rd Sun)
Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun)
Veyrac (2nd Sun)
Les petits jardiniers du Limousin
Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more about it? Then why not come
along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French
and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at
2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in St-Amand-le-Petit, between Peyrat-le-Château and
Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers,
organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. You can take out an annual
membership of 15 euros per person or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3
euros per meeting.
Agenda for 2012: 16th April Private visit to Garden Centre & talk by Proprietor;
17th May Drought resistant planting & water conservation; 21st June Guided
Tour of Private Garden; 19th July Growing Herbs for culinary/medicinal use; 16th
August Annual BBQ; 20th September Plants for free – splitting perennials; 18th
October AGM plus ‘All about apples’; 15th November Gardeners Question Time;
6th December Natural Christmas Decorations & party.
If you would like to receive more information about our association or be put on
our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda then please contact
Carolyn at [email protected] or Gill at [email protected]
Club Liseron – Gardening Club meets on the second Monday evening of the
month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of
English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing
plants, seeds and information. More info contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36
54 or at [email protected]
Aux Plantes etc
We are a new association of independent, ethically minded and passionate
plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the
plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the
disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It's not just about
us selling you plants- we want them to thrive and do well for you!
Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees,
butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and droughttolerant plants.
We are working on our website ( and a common
plant list but for now contact us via: Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54
Faceaface is an association founded to facilitate and encourage interaction
between all members of the local community. As our first venture we have created
a library.
Where? In the Mairie of St Priest which is just off the D4 between Mainsat and
When? The first and third Mon afternoon in every month between 2-5pm.
To join all you have to do is donate six books and pay €5 per person or €8 per
household. If you would like more information please contact us at: faceaface23@ or just come by and see us. Everyone is welcome!
Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble
Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local
French-speaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering
courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural
events and visits.
Language Classes (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart)
Beginners and intermediate classes - Monday am; French/English conversation –
Tuesday am; Advanced and children’s classes – Wednesday am.
Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thursday; Games Night (St Junien) 2nd
Thursday; Lunch Club – Last Thursday.
For your calendar: Quiz Night – Thurs 12th Apr. 8pm. New Station – Adjacent
to Bibliotheque, near Carrefour Mkt, Rochechuart. Teams of 4 but teams can be
made up on the night. Open to non-members. Questions will be in English and
French. Entry free, bring your own refreshments. Register your interest with Mike
Ellingham on 05 55 03 27 67; Race Night – Sat 19th May; Picnic & All American
Hoedown Sun 17th Jun.
For more details visit or contact Mike or Christine
ELLINGHAM 05 55 03 27 67
The Melting Pot
Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin association.
We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet each
week with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French
community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday
morning from 10am-12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the
evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights,
visits, and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France.
Contact: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you!
Aixe-sur-Vienne: 1st Fri
Ambazac: 1st Wed
Auzances: 2nd Tue
Bourganeuf: 1st & 3rd Wed
Boussac: 1st & 3rd Thu
Bujaleuf: Last Mona
Châlus: 2nd Thu
Châteauneuf-la-Forêt: 2nd Sun
Cognac-la-Forêt: 1st Tue
Cussac: 4th Sun
Domps: 2nd Tue
Dun-le-Palestel: 1st Thu
Evaux-les-Bains: 1st Mon
Eymoutiers: 1st & 3rd Thu
Feytiat: 1st Sat
La Souterraine 2nd & 4th Sat
Magnac-Bourg: 2nd Sat
Meuzac: 4th Mon
Mézières-sur-Issoire: 2nd & 4th Mon
Nexon: 3rd Fri
Oradour-sur-Vayres: 3rd Thu
Peyrat-le-Château: 3rd Mon
Peyrilhac: 3rd Sun
Pierre-Buffière: 1st Fri
Royère-de-Vassivière: 2nd Tue
Saint-Germain-les-Belles: last Sat
Saint-Jouvent: 1st Sun
Saint-Junien: 3rd Sat
Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat: 1st Mon
Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche: 2nd & 4th Fri
Sauviat-sur-Vige: 2nd Mon
Veyrac: 2nd Sun
1 (day before if public holiday):
3: Bellegarde-en-Marche
3: Châteauponsac
5: Bussière-Poitevine
5: Chénérailles
6: Bussière-Boffy
8: Compreignac
9: Saint-Sulpice-Laurière
11 (Sat if 11 is a Sun): Bessines-surGartempe
13 (Sat if 13 is a Sun): Le Dorat
15: Oradour-sur-Glane
17: Mortemart
18: La Croisille-sur-Briance; La
20: Chénérailles
21: Ambazac; Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles
22 (Mon if 22 is a Sun): MagnacLaval
23: Razès; St Laurent sur Gorre
24: Nantiat
25: Blond - St Paul
26: Nouic; Rochechouart
28: Cieux
29: Laurière
All Markets & Foires are in
the morning unless stated
otherwise. If your local market is not listed, please let us
know - [email protected]
Charente Limousine Exchange
The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the
provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among
members who live in Charente, Vienne and Haute-Vienne. CLE provides information
to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and
organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as
organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent
launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like
to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website www. or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96
77 46.
Libraries & Books
Sale of Secondhand Books, La Croisille-sur-Briance
On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance
(87130), there is a sale of secondhand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12
noon, at the church. All proceeds towards the restoration of the church.
St Jean English Library, La Souterraine
The La Souterraine Library and Information Centre – the friendly library – is now firmly
installed in a beautiful medieval building at the Porte de Puy Charraud, Route de Portail,
La Souterraine. The library has over 5,000 books, DVDs and other items, as well as its
café, Caxtons, which serves English cakes. The Library also provides French lessons
and organises Anglo-French conversation groups. The Information Centre provides
support and assistance with bureaucratic, family and legal problems to British residents
and new arrivals. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays and
Saturdays. Contact Rodney Sabine on 05 55 63 03 87 or at [email protected].
Our website is
The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel
Located in the Route des Rateries, just behind the Biblithèque Municipale, you will find
the Anglophone Library, which offers a wide variety of reading material, DVDs, talking
books and videos. It is also a meeting point and arranges a host of activities including:
Café Franglais; Club Scrabble; Café Philo; Sewing Group; Art Group. Library opening
hours: Thu 10am – 4pm & Sat 10am – 12.30pm. For details of activities or general
information, go to or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there soon.
Club de Musique
Takes place on the last Friday of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles
(5mins from La Châtre)
Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring
your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening.
Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of
La Grange. For more info email: [email protected] http://www.clubdemusique.
Club de Musique , Le Vieux Soldat, 7 rue de La Fontaine, 87250 Fromental
If you like music and have ever fancied getting up and having a go, please come and join
in. This monthly evening (first Friday in every month @ 8pm) is designed mainly for
amateurs who would like to play or sing or just to meet some like-minded people with
similar interests. There is no age limit. So if it be guitar, violin, spoons, triangle etc (get
the gist?) or maybe you might like to read a poem, then please come and see what it's
about, dust down that instrument and bring it along. [email protected]
The Harmonics
This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals,
spiritual, songs from the shows etc. and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities
including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making.
We meet Wed 14h–16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested?
We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email dave.lee@cegetel.
net or Dolly Ait Boualou email [email protected]
Amateur open mic night @ Vautredeix
(Just outside Gouzon, next to Saint-Sylvain-sous-Toulx). Poets, musicians, whatever
you may be.... Everyone welcome to perform or just enjoy the company. Every Friday
night 7pm onwards. Free. Bring a bottle. For more info contact stonryop269@hotmail.
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there is now an English-speaking
meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at 2 Avenue Pierre Traversat, Limoges. Thu
Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience,
strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help
others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to
stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with
any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to
stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Contact tel Roger 05 55 76 22 65 or Nancy 02 54 24 09 74 or visit
Cancer Support France, Creuse branch
If you or anyone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer and would like help
or support, we are here for you. If you need someone to talk to we have a helpline
available and if we are not there we will call you back within 24 hours. Our helpline
number is 06 06 47 18 60.
If you would like to get involved with the work of CSF Creuse (perhaps you have
some free time and can help to organise and run fundraising events) please get in touch
with Mike Walsh on 09 50 49 33 04.
Cancer Support France, Charente Plus
Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in
departments 16, 17, & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30.
Drop-in Service at the Maison des Usagers (MDU) at Limoges CHU
Held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 9.30 – 12.30. There will be 2 trained
Active Listeners available to you if you have been affected by cancer in some way
and have questions or need information about CSF Charente Plus and the service we
provide. We are entering into a contract with Limoges hospital which is very thorough
on their part. They do not take it lightly, allowing associations onto their premises,
so be assured the service is confidential and that we are fulfilling the requirements of
the hospital. The hospital informs all departments of our existence, it informs other
associations and those in the community of the service we provide, so this is another
way of promoting our services and getting to those who may need us. If you need any
more information, please get in touch via [email protected]
Please be aware that the deadline for all
content submissionis the 15th of the month
for the following month’s print edition. ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2012
WHAT’S ON ♦ 19
Cancer Support France
Our newly formed Association for the Haute-Vienne is truly up
and running. We are slowly getting our publicity out to Englishspeaking associations, and to doctors and clinics. We have now a
number of Active Listeners trained and more to be trained over the
next two months. We have a presence at the Maison des Usagers
at CHU Hospital in Limoges on the second Tuesday morning of
the month from 9.30 until 12.30 where you can meet an Active
Listener to chat to in confidence or get information. We shall be
there on 11th April with an Active Listener from Charente Plus.
We are also organising a number of fund-raising events which
we hope will raise the awareness of the Association. These
include Bangers and Mash – give us your cash at Petite Verneuil,
87360 Verneuil Moustiers on Saturday 21st April (see page 20 for
more info).
We are hoping to find members both active and supportive over
towards the east of the department with a view to spreading the
word and identifying English-speaking communities and health
care facilities east of Limoges. If you would be interested in
hearing more about the Association or receiving our literature
please phone either Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15 or Karen Blewett 05
55 68 64 43. We look forward to hearing from you.
The return of the 'Miroir du Temps'
After a year off because of the scaffolding around the church
in Grand Bourg the 'Miroir du temps' returns in a slightly
different format. It will take place on Tuesday May 1st during
the afternoon between 3:00pm and 6:30pm.
There will be 9 tableaux dotted around the square with the
theme being village life after the Second World War up until
1958. They will be depicted by a marriage ceremony - masons
working - a commeration ceremony - a card game outside a cafe
- a 'guinguette' open-air dance - children playing - a priest and
parishioners after mass - a postman - the end of a cycle race. A
text will be read to explain the tableau while music is playing.
This year there will be mannequins interspersed in each tableau,
dressed in appropriate costume which will be left out all summer
for an extra appeal for tourists and locals alike.
There will also be something completely different going on
during this exhibition of village life but that will be left as a
surpise for those who come along!
Entry: 5 euros for adults and lesser charges for children, etc.
An afternoon/evening celebration of British traditions
organised by the Association Culturelle, Sportive et de Loisirs
de St-Pardoux-Morterolles.
The event begins at 2pm at the Mairie/Salle Polyvalente in
St-Pardoux and is FREE. In the afternoon we have a range of
activites from an egg painting competition for young French
and English to traditional British games - cricket, Aunt Sally,
Welly Wanging, egg rolling, darts etc - an exhibition about
British patron saints/the Queen, tasting of some traditional
British foods and English Country Dancing. At 6pm the fish
and chip van will be available for food to those who've prebooked and we will be entertained by the Country Dancers
and a Folk ensemble until around 8.30pm.
For more information contact Peter Edmondson tel
Fête de la bière
More than 50 different beers.
Salle communale. 20h-3h.
Contact: Tel
The club is a part of the 'Fédération Française de la Retraite Sportive'
and a small annual fee is paid for membership. There are a couple of
other Brits who are members of the club, the rest are locals. Nearly
all are women, although there are some men who join the walks.
The Phoenix Book Sale, the biggest Anglo-French charity event
in the south of France, will once again be held on Saturday
May 5th. Over 15,000 well sorted English books, CDs, DVDs,
refreshments and home-made cakes up for grabs for only one
Euro each. It'll be money well spent; all proceeds will be used
by the Phoenix Association to rescue, foster and re-home dogs,
cats, horses and in fact all animals in dire need. So have fun,
do good and grab a bargain between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm
in the Salle Municipale, Campsegret - on the RN 21 between
Périgueux and Bergerac.
€1,000 for Guide Dogs’ School
Sun 22nd Apr MORTEMART
Garden Fair
Fête des Plantes organised by garden lovers association
"Découverte du Patrimoine Paysager et Botanique" of
35 exhibitors of plants, trees, roses, etc... We also have 3
English exhibitors, specialising in perennials and vegetables.
Mortemart is one of the most beautiful villages in France
and the Garden Fair will be held in and around the medieval
9h-19h at the Château des Ducs. Entry - 3 euros.
Gym is a delight – a cheerful hour of fun and laughter! We all take
part in the exercises, depending on our ages and levels of ability
(some members are aged over 80 and sit out the floor work). The
atmosphere is welcoming and relaxed. As well as the weekly
exercise classes, there are fortnightly dance sessions and monthly
walks (well behaved dogs welcome) through the local countryside.
We will end our summer session with a trip to the Thermal Spa
at Evaux-les-Bains, a day of pampering and luxury. Not only
am I enjoying the company of a fine group of people, I am also
improving my fitness!
Sat 21st Apr MARVAL
British Traditions Event
A few months after becoming an official resident of St-Sébastien
in northern Creuse, I asked our Maire how I could meet and mix
with some local people. He suggested going to the Bibliothèque
and talking to the volunteers there, several of whom spoke some
English and would help me to chat in French. This was an excellent
start, with friendly and patient women who seemed happy to correct
my mispronunciations and extend my vocabulary. Through these
conversations I was invited to come to the weekly 'Gym' class, held
on a Tuesday morning.
The Fédération Française de la Retraite Sportive is represented
by 60 regional committees, bringing together 440 local clubs. It is
intended for people of over 50 years of age. Their primary aims are:
Sue Ware
CSF Haute-Vienne
Musical spectacle for all the family at 20h30 at the church in
Marval 87440:
Cécile Leleux Mezzo-soprano
Paolo Del Vecchio chant
Pianist Del Vecchio
ENTRY 10 EUROS (Children under 12 free)
La Retraite Sportive
Thanks to a Marché de Noël held by the Charente Limousine
Exchange (CLE), a cheque for 1,000 euros has been presented
to l‘Ecole Limousine des Chiens Guides d’Aveugles in
Landouge. Jean-Pierre Lémann, President of the School,
accepted the cheque and welcomed representatives of the
British association and its President, Barry Leech.
CLE exists to help British people settle in the region through
affordable language lessons, social activities and seminars and
forums covering different aspects of French administration.
The link between the Ecole and CLE was forged when Etoile,
a black Labrador, was donated to Christine Thomas, a British
retiree, who lives in Oradour-sur-Vayres.
Christine will be holding her second own fund-raising summer
garden party at her home in Oradour on 24th June 2012.
To protect the health of each of their members
To provide opportunities to practise many physical sports
at affordable cost
To train volunteer leaders to ensure safe and accessible
Joining our Retraite Sportive is one of the best moves I have made
since emigrating to France. I would strongly recommend others to
find out where and when their local group meets.
Contacts for St-Sébastien Club: Ginette Bleuzen, 05 55 63 46 98 or
Annie Bourgoin, 05 55 63 08 48. Ginette and Annie are leaders at
the Club and they both speak good English.
Maggie Everton
20 ♦ WHAT’S ON
Fri 30th Mar GUÉRET
Irish Celtic
With its precise choreography, explosive tap,
catchy music & colourful costumes, this show will
transport you to the heart of Ireland. On stage, the
talented dancers of the legendary Irish show
Riverdance, Celtic Tiger and Lord of the Dance
who have chosen to put their experience to a
unique performance: Irish Celtic. Choreographed
by Denise Flynn and Jim Murrihy & accompanied
by the best Irish musicians - listen out for the
sublime melodies heard in Titanic, Braveheart,
The Last of the Mohicans and other traditional
Espace André Lejeune. 15h & 20h30. Tickets €38
via Gueret tourist office (05 55 52 14 29) or online
at or or
Fri 30th Mar to Sun 1st Apr LIMOGES
Limoges Salsa Carnival
For this year's Limoges Salsa Carnival, the
EnDanse association is launching a new formula
with two evenings at the John Lennon Municipal
Cultural Centre. The programme is composed
of an opening night with shows on the Friday
evening, two days of courses, with the customary
traditional costume party and concert.
Centre Culturel Municipal John-Lennon, rue de
Feytiat, 87000 Limoges Tel: 05 55 06 24 83
For more info visit http://www.carnaval-salsa.
Sun 1st Apr JARNAGES
Marché de la Saint-Cochon
Themed market: the mighty pig.
7h-13h. Place de l'église.
Medieval Event
The Middle Ages and the wolves come to the
Pierres Jaumâtres. Guided walk evoking the
legends of the site; stands & entertainment on a
medieval theme.
From 15h. For more information contact:
Stéphane tel 05 55 65 89 71
Dernier bistrot avant la Creuse
"Spectacle Chansonniers" with Yves Desautard,
Christophe Dupuis & Jean-François Julien.
Salle des Fêtes. 20h30. Reservation strongly
recommended via Boussac tourist office. Tickets
10€. For more info tel 05 55 65 05 95.
Bourbon Street Folk and Blues
Cazalibus is pleased to announce a Folk and
Blues concert to be held in Saint Georges
les Landes on April 7th at 8:30 pm with the
Quality handmade wood furniture
From antique reproductions
to contemporary pieces
& customised gifts
We are able to design and handcraft the furniture
of your dreams
Nicholas Hemming,
Award-winning cabinet maker
Consultations by appointment across central France
02 48 63 15 09
06 83 56 46 41
18170, Maisonnais
[email protected]
SIRET: 533 607 115 00011
Bourbon Street Band.
Bourbon Street, an acoustic duo, has
performed 800 concerts throughout the
world and produced five albums. This
band features Cyril Menet on acoustic,
electric slide and dobro guitars and Eric
"Catfish Slim" Vacherat on acoustic guitar
and lead vocals. Both have played in many
open formations and have shared moments
on stage with Little Jimmy Reed, Teenie
Tucker, Michael Burks, Little Charlie Baty,
Sugar Ray Norcia & The Bluetones, Monster
Mike Welsh, Benoit Blue Boy, Steve &
Patrick Verbeke, Guitar Ray, JJ Milteau,
Eddie Martin ...
The Bourbon Street repertoire is inspired by
Delta Blues music and Blues legends such
as Robert Johnson, Charley Patton, and
of their heirs John Hammond, Ry Cooder,
Corey Harris, John Mooney...
Providing a wonderful atmosphere and
infusing a mixture of Soul, Gospel and
Folk-Blues, Bourbon Street has a traditional
American style with a subtle contemporary
empathy, which mesmerises their audiences.
The Bantard Salle des Fêtes can be easily
accessed from A20 motorway: Take exit 22
and drive through St-Sulpice-les-Feuilles.
In Mailhac, turn right on the D912, cross StGeorges-les-Landes and continue for 1 km.
Plenty of beer and champagne will be
available. Combined with world-class
music, a splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Ticket price: €6. Reduced price for 18 - 25s:
€ 3.
Early bookings by phone (05 55 76 70 15) or
by e-mail ([email protected])
Payment by post: Cazalibus - 14 place de la
Fontaine - 87160 Les Grands-Chézeaux
Easter Egg Hunt
Children & their parents are invited on an Easter
Egg hunt at the Site Corot. The hunt will be an
opportunity to learn about the flowers in bloom at
the Site Corot. 4 hunts organised at 10h, 11h, 15h
& 16h. Participation is free although there are
limited places so please reserve via the St-Junien
tourist office tel 05 55 02 17 93 / email [email protected]
Mon 9th Apr GUÉRET
Giant Easter Egg Hunt
Egg hunt (for under 12s) at the Giant Labyrinth.
14h - 20h (last entry 18h30) - Labyrinthe Géant
de Guéret.
Price 4-11 yrs: 4.50 €. Price over 12s: 6.50 €.
Contact: Tel
17ème Foire aux Fromages
Annual cheese fair. From 9h.
Contact: Tel 06 77 52 16 17
Fund raiser for Cancer Support
France Haute-Vienne
Sausage and Mash - give us your cash (ingredients
donated by Fish et Frites) & Apple Pie with
Custard - traditional cooking by English chef. 7
euros per person.
Bar 'Petit Verneuil', 87390 Verneuil Moustiers (nr
Lussac-les-Eglises) at 7.30pm.
Contact Karen 05 55 68 64 43 for bookings.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Limited seating.