Activity Guide - City of Blue Springs, MO
Activity Guide - City of Blue Springs, MO
PLAY NATURALLY 2016 FALL Blue Springs Parks & Recreation BLUE SPRINGS FIELDHOUSE CELEBRATING ONE YEAR! NEW! BUBBLE BALL SPOOKY SPRINGS HALLOWEEN BASH WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER CONTENTS 4 5 6 Parks Master Plan 10 15 Special Events CONTACT US PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 425 N.E. Mock Ave., Blue Springs, Missouri 64014 Phone: 816-228-0137 Email: [email protected] M-TH...................................................................................................5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri...............................................................................................................5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat.............................................................................................................7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun............................................................................................................... 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Did You Know... Blue Springs Fieldhouse Winter Wiz Kids/ Toddler Time 16 17 18 19 21 22 26 27 Youth Sports 28 29 Park Spotlight VESPER HALL 50+ COMMUNITY CENTER Youth Instructional Bubble Ball Adult Sports Outdoor Recreation Vesper Hall The Blue Adams Pointe Golf Club 30 31 Community Garden/ Blue Springs Theatre Rental Facilities Parks & Facilities Map 400 N.W. Vesper Street, Blue Springs, Missouri 64014 Phone: 816-228-0181 Email: [email protected] M/TU/TH.......................................................................................................8 a.m. to 9 p.m. W/F.................................................................................................................8 a.m. to 5 p.m. OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS Parks & Recreation Hotline....................................................................... 816-228-0116 ‘The Blue’ Centennial Pool-Plex.............................................................. 816-228-0188 Parks Maintenance Shop.......................................................................... 816-228-0192 Adams Pointe Golf Club............................................................................ 816-220-3673 WEB “PLAY NATURALLY” SHOW CTV-7 Comcast Cable Channel 7, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and the City of Blue Springs YouTube channel - Mission Vision Creating outstanding recreational, cultural and natural experiences to enrich and enhance the quality of life for our community today and for future generations. Recognized as an indispensable community asset that creates a healthy, livable and sustainable community through enhanced quality of life for residents and visitors while generating economic vitality. STATEMENT STATEMENT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Blue Springs Parks & Recreation Department strives to provide the highest quality recreational activities possible. It is the department’s desire that each customer be satisfied with the recreational activities in which they participate. If a customer is not satisfied, corrective efforts will be made. Each specific request or inquiry is reviewed by staff for its own individual circumstances. If necessary, we can arrange for one of the following to occur (full or prorated): repeat the activity at no charge, receive credit that can be applied to any other activity at no charge or receive a refund. Requests for refunds and transfers for departmental programs may be subject to a $5 transfer and $7 refund administrative processing charge. Request for refunds must be made within two weeks following a particular program. The Parks & Recreation Department Office must be notified by the end of the following business day in order to request a refund or transfer of ball field rentals that are rained out. If a program is canceled or session dates and/or times are altered by the Parks & Recreation Department, we will be happy to process a full refund. For ticket sales involving trips or theme park attractions, all sales are final. 2 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS PROGRAM REGISTRATION ONLINE - THE EASIEST WAY TO REGISTER! Register from your computer, phone or tablet! Check out our website, allowing you to explore parks, a full listing of all our programs, special events and facilities all from the convenience of your home! Visit Visa, MasterCard and Discover accepted. WALK IN Blue Springs Fieldhouse 425 N.E. Mock Avenue Monday-Thursday 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fridays 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted. CONNECT WITH US! Vesper Hall 400 N.W. Vesper Street Monday /Tuesday/Thursday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday/Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted. #playnaturally WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ BLUESPRINGSPARKS WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ BLUESPRINGSFIELDHOUSE SIGN-UP FOR OUR MONTHLY E-NEWSLETTER! WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/ CONTACTPARKS @BLUESPRINGSPARK SHARE YOUR PHOTOS WITH US! THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE ATTENDING AN EVENT, A PROGRAM OR ENJOYING ONE OF OUR PARKS YOU CAN USE THE HASHTAG ABOVE TO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE! PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 3 PARKS MASTER PLAN UPDATE Since December 2015, the Blue Springs Parks and Recreation Department has been working with GreenPlay LLC, a national consulting service, to develop Blue Springs' first ever Comprehensive Parks Master Plan. The process has involved meetings with the public, community-wide surveys, stakeholder meetings, staff engagement and evaluation of current recreational facilities. Data from citizens' surveys completed earlier this year along with additional findings was reported at a public meeting in early spring to allow residents to review and comment on information received. At this stage of planning, details collected from previous outreach are being incorporated into a database that can be combined with Geographic Information System (GIS) maps to make comparison charts and standards for future facilities and growth. This Parks Master Plan plays a vital role in shaping a successful community and continued input from community members is necessary to shape the vision for Blue Springs' parks and help create a unique sense of place for residents and business owners. Completion of the current plan is expected in late 2016. 4 Residents indicated that maintenance of current park facilities is the number one priority followed by adequate lighting of parks and trails, replacement of older park amenities, and addressing the safety and security of parks. When it comes to expanding or adding to our park facilities, resident feedback has shown an emphasis on improved park amenities, trail and path connectivity, rugged trails, splash pads/water play and a aquatics facility. BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS DID YOU KNOW? The Blue Springs Parks and Recreation Department works closely with the Park Commission to develop and enhance the 21 parks located throughout Blue Springs and 641 acres of parks and open spaces in our community. The Park Commission consists of nine members who are appointed by the Mayor to equally represent each City Council District. As commission members, they meet monthly with the Parks staff to discuss and evaluate the current conditions of our City's parks, Parks programs and events as well as goals for the Parks Department. All meetings are public and are held at 6 p.m. at the Fieldhouse on the first Tuesday of each month. BY THE 18 NUMBERS 12 Soccer Fields 2 Gazebos Water 6 Fountains Park Shelters 14 1 BMX Track Tennis 20 Courts Developed Parks PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 5 FITNESS & RECREATION FOR ALL 425 N.E. MOCK AVENUE 816-228-0137 HOURS: Monday-Thursday Fridays Saturdays Sundays 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. FIELDHOUSE MEMBERSHIP RATES: Household (Up to 4) +1 (Only applied with Household) Adult (18 - 59) Couple Youth (3 - 17) Senior (60+) Senior Couple (60+) DAY RATES Monthly Fee Auto Debit Yearly Paid in Full $55$660 $15$180 $25$300 $40$480 $15$180 $20$240 $35$420 Our service area is defined as any person living in a 64015, 64014, 64013, 64029, 64064, 64086, or 64057 zip Day Passes include the use of the Fitness Center, Courts, Turf Field, Tracks and code. Anyone living outside of these areas will pay the Aerobic and Spin classes. Age requirements apply to day passes. out-of-service area rate. With these new rates, our goal is to provide our members with exceptional value for their TYPE SERVICE AREA FEE OUT-OF-SERVICE AREA FEE membership and better access to the amenities of the Adult (18-59)$5 $10 facility. All of this is done while giving our residents and surrounding areas affordable access to the facility! Youth (3-17) $4$8 Pleasenote:Membershipratesarethesameregardlessof Senior (60+)$3 $6 residency.Theservicearearatesonlyapplytodaypasses. 6 BLUE BLUESPRINGS SPRINGSPARKS PARKS&&RECREATION RECREATION •• WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/FIELDHOUSE WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS CELEBRATING ONE YEAR! ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL! RAFFLE PRIZES! (LIMITEDTOREGISTRATIONDONEBETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND NOVEMBER 30) GIVEAWAYS! FUN,FAMILYACTIVITIES! NOREGISTRATIONFEE FREE AEROBIC AND PLUS SPIN CLASSES! 5ADDITIONALFREESCANS FORATOTALOF8SCANS-AVALUEOF$210! HEALTH FAIR! *FivefreescanscanbesplitbetweentheFit3DProscannerandInBodyAnalysisonly. PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 7 FIELDHOUSE MEMBERSHIP RATES BLUE SPRINGS FIELDHOUSE MEMBER BENEFITS: • USE OF THE FITNESS CENTER • FREE GROUP CLASSES AND ON DEMAND CLASSES • FREE SPIN CLASSES • FREE KIDZ CORNER (CHILDREN USING THE KIDZ CORNER MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP) Household (Up to 4) +1 (Only applied with Household) Adult (18 - 59) Couple Youth (3 - 17) Senior (60+) Senior Couple (60+) Monthly Fee Auto Debit Yearly Paid in Full $55$660 $15$180 $25$300 $40$480 $15$180 $20$240 $35$420 • USE OF COURTS DURING OPEN PLAY (DEPENDING ON SCHEDULE) • USE OF TURF FIELD (DEPENDING ON TURF SCHEDULE) • USE OF INDOOR TRACKS INCLUDING 1 HARDSURFACED AND 1 ARTIFICIAL TURF TRACK • 1/2 PRICE PER CHILD KIDZ CORNER IF THE CHILD IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE MEMBERSHIP. • EXCLUSIVE OFFERS WITH OUR PERKS PLUS PROGRAM FOR DISCOUNTS AT PARTNERING LOCAL BUSINESSES • DISCOUNTS AT THE BLUE SPRINGS CENTENNIAL POOL COMPLEX • USE OF THE INBODY ANALYSIS AND FIT3D PROSCANNER • OFFERS FOR DISCOUNTS ON OUR RECREATIONAL SPORT PROGRAMS. KIDZ CORNER! Kidz Corner Fees (Required for children without a valid membership.) Members: $1.50/visit Non-Members: $3/visit 8 INCLUDED WITH A MEMBERSHIP *Kidz Corner is included with a child’s membership to the Fieldhouse. The Kidz Corner is available to Fieldhouse members and non-members. Space is available on a first come, first served basis. Each child is welcome to remain in the Kidz Corner for up to 2 hours per day. For ages 3 months to 10 years old. BLUE BLUESPRINGS SPRINGSPARKS PARKS&&RECREATION RECREATION •• WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/FIELDHOUSE WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS PERSONAL TRAINING Individual Packages: One Hour Session 4 – One Hour Sessions 8 – One Hour Sessions 12 – One Hour Sessions AEROBIC & SPIN CLASSES Classes offered include Boot Camp, Family Fitness, PiYo, Ride and Run, Spin, Step, Total Body (TRX), Yoga, Zumba Fitness, Zumba Gold, Zumba Kids, H.I.T. Burn and more! Visit for a full schedule of classes. THE SILVER SNEAKERS PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE FIELDHOUSE! Individuals 65+ with qualifying health insurance programs can now benefit from a membership to the Fieldhouse at no cost to you! Call 816-228-0137 for more information! NEW FIELDHOUSE PARTNERSHIP! The Blue Springs Fieldhouse is excited to partner with St. Luke's East Hospital Rehabilitation Department! They will be providing rehabilitation services inside the Blue Springs Fieldhouse. $40 $150 $300 $450 Small Group Packages, 2-5 People: One Hour Session $20 4 – One Hour Sessions $75 8 – One Hour Sessions $150 12 – One Hour Sessions $225 MY STORY Paula Bankston, Blue Springs Fieldhouse Member Paula Bankston is 63 years young and has been a member of the Blue Springs Fieldhouse since its opening in October 2015. "I enjoy the variety and affordability of instructor led classes offered throughout the day; there are classes to accommodate each person's fitness need," says Paula. Her two favorite classes are Total Body with instructor Ambrah and Step with instructor Cindy. “It was challenging when I first started and I may have only lost six pounds since January but I am toned, I have back muscles and I even have biceps!" Paula reaches an average of 8,000 steps by the end of the Step class and considers this a huge accomplishment "It's nice to have the ability to modify the classes, but I don’t, I have too much pride," says Paula playfully. Paula takes advantage of the state-of-the art equipment and the Fieldhouse by using the Fit3D and InBody Analyzer scans offered with her membership. The analysis provided by this equipment will show the changes that have taken place in her body even if she hasn't seen a huge difference on the scale. “I tell everybody I can about the Fieldhouse, to share my story of the impact it has had on my life and try to encourage everyone to come join!" PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 9 SPOOKY SPRINGS HALLOWEEN BASH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 5-8 P.M. ADAMS POINTE GOLF COURSE PRICE: $8 PER PERSON Join us for Spooky Springs Halloween Bash! We encourage parents and children to enjoy this event by wearing their favorite costume and coming out for a hay ride with live performances along the way. Attendees will also enjoy a bonfire with s'mores, a AS SEEN ON THE VOICE! visit with spooky characters and trick-or-treating. CHILDREN 2 AND UNDER ARE FREE! For more details, please visit www.bluespringsgov. com/parks. 10 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS TRICK-OR-TREAT MAIN STREET SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 10 A.M. TO NOON DOWNTOWN BLUE SPRINGS Come dressed in your favorite Halloween costume and check out our downtown merchants as they open their businesses and store fronts for children to trick-or-treat in a fun and safe environment. Activities include, games, kid’s crafts, face painting and a bounce house! PARENTS' NIGHT OUT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 6-10 P.M. BLUE SPRINGS FIELDHOUSE Fieldhouse Members: $15/Child, $10 each additional sibling Non-Members: $25/child, $20 each sibling Enjoy a night out on the town and leave the kids to us! Children ages 5-12 can enjoy themed activities, games, and access to the fields and courts, all while under the supervision and care of our dedicated staff. Pizza and drinks will also be provided. Fieldhouse members enjoy discounted member pricing! Registration is due 3 days prior to each event. Call 816-228-0137 for more information. Online activity code: 3250501 PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 11 FAMILY LOCK IN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 7-11 P.M. BLUE SPRINGS FIELDHOUSE $8 PER PERSON Families with children ages 5 and up can enjoy afterhours access to the basketball courts and turf field, a bounce house, games and activities. Snacks and drinks provided. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is November 7. Online activity code: 3064701 MAYOR’S CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 5:30-7 P.M. DOWNTOWN BLUE SPRINGS Join the celebration when the Mayor flips the switch that lights this very special Christmas Tree just outside City Hall, 903 W. Main Street. Entertainment by local schools and community groups will be provided along with free refreshments. Holiday crafts for kids available. Santa and other special guests to join the festivities. 12 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS BRUNCH WITH SANTA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 10 A.M. TO NOON $8 PER PERSON (CHILDREN UNDER 1 ARE FREE!) VESPER HALL Enjoy a festive holiday brunch with family, friends and Santa! Parents, please bring a small, wrapped $5 gift prior to the event for your child and after brunch they can take turns visiting Santa and receive their gift. At this event you can also create a simple craft and receive a small gift bag to take home. Children must have an adult chaperone; children age 1 and under are free. Registration deadline is November 30. Online registration code: 4064101 PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 13 DOWNTOWN CAR CRUISE SATURDAY 2ND SATURDAYS 6-8 P.M. DOWNTOWN BLUE SPRINGS SEPTEMBER 10, OCTOBER 8 Bring the family out to view the latest innovations in car restoration from over 100 exhibitors including hot rods, muscle cars, sports cars and trucks. Enjoy delicious food and drinks from downtown merchants as well as concession treats and sodas. Cruises are held the second Saturday of each month, April through October. Cosponsored with Blue Springs Ford. MY STORY Werner Henze, Volunteer for the Blue Springs Car Cruises Werner Henze has served as a volunteer announcer and deejay for Blue Springs Car Cruises for the past four years. When did your personal interest in classic cars begin? I have always loved cars, especially Mustangs. In the mid-60’s, I remember Carroll Shelby selling his Shelby Ford Mustang GT 350 for $4,547; that car now sells for $180,000. I am the proud and original owner of a 1965 Ford Mustang. Besides maintaing it for 51 years, I have added 4-wheel disc brakes, 4- speed transmission and rack & pinion steering. Why do you take the time to volunteer? I was a Bread Salesmen for over 30 years. When I retired, I needed something to do that involved interaction with other people. It was a win-win combining my passion for music and cars! What other volunteer work do you do? For Blue Springs Downtown Alive! I deejay and run sound for the annual Piccadilly Gala in the Spring. For Blue Springs Parks & Recreation I deejay and run sound for the annual Legends Luncheon providing both karaoke music for the guest performers and tracks from the original artist; I also help with the annual Mayors Christmas Tree Lighting. As a member of the Mid-American Mustang Club, we host the North Kansas City Car Cruise each month and I provide the music for that Cruise too. My wife and I tried something new recently and we both participated in the Intergenerational Program with the Blue Springs School District. Why do you think the Blue Springs Car Cruises are important? Besides being a great outlet for car owner enthusiasts to get together, the general public can attend for free. It is fun for them to walk around and view the cars and visit with the owners. And believe me, the owners love to talk about their cars! It's very family friendly - I see mothers with strollers and families out with their dogs. 14 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS WINTER WIZ KIDS Help your kids shake off the cabin fever and have some fun out of the house! Each day features a different theme with games, crafts, guest speakers, creative play and more! Sign up for one day, or all three and receive a discount! Registration is required by 12/24. DayDate TU 12/27 W 12/28 TH 12/29 Time 1-5 p.m. 1-5 p.m. 1-5 p.m. Location Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Vesper Hall Age 5-12 5-12 5-12 Code 4250301 4250301 4250301 Fee $20 per child/day $20 per child/day $20 per child/day $55 per child for all three days TODDLER TIME! RETURNING OCTOBER 6! THURSDAYS, 9:30-11 A.M. BLUE SPRINGS FIELDHOUSE - COURT 1 $2 FIELDHOUSE MEMBERS $3NON-MEMBERS AGES 6 MONTHS TO 4 YEARS OLD More toys have been added! Parents and caregivers can bring their children, ages 6 months to 4 years old, to play inside on cars, scooters, slides, playhouse, mini bounce house, mats and more! We will set up the toys and you and your child will have the fun! Parent/caregiver must stay with child. Discount punch passes also available! PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 15 To see a full list of activities visit: Blue Springs Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs for youth and adults. Activities include Arts and Crafts, Sports, Dance classes, CPR classes, Fencing, Martial Arts and more! YOUTH SPORTS LITTLE ALL-STARS Sports for 3 and 4 Year Olds These five-week programs are designed to introduce the fundamentals of sports in a non-threatening environment for children ages 3-4 years old. Participants will be assigned to a team of no more than 10 players and led by volunteer parent coaches. The five-week program consists of 2 weeks of learning skills and rotating through drill stations that teach the very basics of the sport. The remaining 3 weeks will consist of game play. This program is designed to prepare the players for future league. Children enjoy snacks at the end of each night and receive a medal at the completion of the program! Members of the Blue Springs Fieldhouse receive a $5 discount on their child's enrollment! Registration Deadline is September 12; Children must be age 3 or 4 at the start of the program to be registered. Programs Offered Flag Football: DayTime Date Location AgeCode Fee TU 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9/20 – 10/18 Blue Springs Park 3-4 3110401 $42 Cheerleading: DayTime Date Location AgeCode Fee TU 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9/20 – 10/18 Blue Springs Park 3-4 3110402 $42 Indoor Soccer: DayTime Date Location TH 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9/22 – 10/20 Fieldhouse AgeCode Fee 3-4 3110701 $42 ProgramSponsor 16 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS YOUTH INSTRUCTIONAL CERAMICS FOR KIDS Students will spend 6 weeks learning three different hand-building techniques using earthenware clay to make functional and decorative pieces. Take home three glazed pieces. $32 due at time of registration and a $35 supply fee due to the instructor the first day of class. No class 11/24. DayTime Date Location AgeCode TH 6-7 p.m. 9/15 – 10/20 Vesper Hall 8-18 3230201 TH 6-7 p.m. 11/3 – 12/15 Vesper Hall 8-18 3230202 Fee $67 $67 WATERCOLOR PAINTING FOR KIDS Students will learn a wide variety of paint application techniques and create beautiful paintings with skills learned. Pick up a supply list when registering! DayTime Date TH 7:15-8:15 p.m. 9/15 – 10/6 Location Vesper Hall Age CodeFee 8-18 3230101 $52 PRINTMAKING Students will carve and print their own linoleum block designs suitable for t-shirts, canvas totes, or putting in a picture frame. $35 supply fee due to instructor the first night of class. No class 11/24. DayTime Date TH 7:15-8:15 p.m. 11/3 – 12/1 Location Vesper Hall Age CodeFee 10-18 3230101 $67 CIRCLE LOOM KNITTING Learn the basics of creating scarves, hats or blankets. Purchase a circle loom kit and your choice of yarn to bring to class. A canvas tote bag or plastic tub recommended for storing supplies. DayTime Date TH 7:15-8:15 p.m. 1/12 – 2/2 Location Vesper Hall Age CodeFee 10-18 3230101 $52 ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS USING LEGO® - NEW! Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGOS®! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as arch bridges, skyscrapers, motorized cars, and the Battletrack! Design and build as never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment. An experienced instructor will challenge new and returning students to engineer at the next level. DayTime W 6:30-8 p.m. W 6:30-8 p.m. W 6:30-8 p.m. W 6:30-8 p.m. Date 9/14 10/5 11/9 12/14 Location Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Age 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 Code Fee 3235101$20 3235101 $20 3235101 $20 3235101 $20 PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 17 BUBBLE BALL LEAGUE NEW! October 12 - December 14 8-Week Season: 6 Games, 2-Week Tournament All Games are on Wednesday Evenings $225 Per Team Registration Deadline: October 5 The Blue Springs Fieldhouse will be offering a Bubble Ball league for the first time this fall for individuals 18 years of age or older. Bubble Ball is a fun mix between soccer and zorbing, a sport that involves the participant moving or being rolled along the ground in an inflated plastic ball. Teams must have a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 10 players; ages 18 and older only. Individual players are welcome for $40 per person and will be placed on a team. To register online, please visit; for in-person registration you can visit The Fieldhouse at 425 N.E. Mock Ave. If you would like to rent the Bubble Balls for a corporate event, please call 816-228-0137. League information available at 18 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS ADULT SPORTS VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES Rules and rosters are available in the Blue Springs Parks and Recreation Office. All games will be held at the Blue Springs Fieldhouse. League Champions are determined by regular season records. League Fees are based on a 10game schedule. Women’s League This league is for teams that are advanced skill level. USA Volleyball rules will be followed with only minor exceptions noted in the Blue Springs League rules. League may be put into divisions based on skill level of teams if needed. Coed League Teams play with 3 males and 3 females. League may be put into divisions based on skill level of teams if needed. Fall League Division Women’s Coed DayDates Location Code Fee W9/7 – 11/9 Fieldhouse3410501 $200 SU9/11 – 11/13Fieldhouse 3410502 $200 Winter League Women’s Coed W 11/16 – 1/25Fieldhouse 4410501 SU11/20 – 1/29Fieldhouse 4410502 $200 $200 ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUES Adult Basketball League offered at the Blue Springs Fieldhouse! Participants must be at least 18 years of age. Season will consist of a 7-game regular season schedule with single elimination tournament. Officials and a scorekeeper are provided. Awards given to first place teams. Full team registration due January 6. Day Date Location SU1/15 – 3/19Fieldhouse Code Fee 4410101 $400 PICKLEBALL LESSONS Pickleball is a fast-paced, mini-tennis game played by 2 or 4 players on a badminton-sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic ball with holes. Call Pam Buck at (816) 228-0238 for more information. Beginners welcome! DayTime SU 5:30 p.m. Date On Going Location Rotary Park Age All Ages Fee Free Intermediate Pickleball Classes - Registration required! This is a class for intermediate strategies and drills, participants must be at the 3.0 skill level and above. Classes limited to 8 players. Register at the Blue Springs Fieldhouse, or call (816) 228-0137. DayTime M 9 a.m. Dates 10/3 – 10/24 Location Fieldhouse Age All Ages PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER Fee Free 19 YOUTH & ADULT INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES FENCING Classes are taught by a certified US Fencing Coach with 14+ years of experience in the sport. Beginning Fencing: This introduction class is for anyone ages 8 and older to learn the basics of the sport of fencing. All equipment is provided. No class 11/23. DayTime W 6:30-7:30 p.m. W 6:30-7:30 p.m. LINE DANCE Beginner line dances to popular country and non-country music. Day Time W 6-7 p.m. W 6-7 p.m. W 6-7 p.m. Date 9/28 – 10/26 11/2 – 12/7 12/21 – 1/18 Location Vesper Hall Vesper Hall Vesper Hall AgeCode 13+ 3070401 13+ 3070401 13+ 1070401 Fee $36 $36 $36 SOCIAL DANCE Great way to prepare for weddings and parties. Day Time W 7:15-8:15 p.m. W 7:15-8:15 p.m. W 7:15-8:15 p.m. Date 9/28 – 10/26 11/2 – 12/7 12/21 – 1/18 Location Vesper Hall Vesper Hall Vesper Hall AgeCode 13+ 3070701 13+ 3070701 13+ 4070701 Fee $36 $36 $36 CLOGGING Clogging is fun, challenging and great exercise for everyone. The Intermediate is for those with a strong knowledge of the dance and wish to continue. Individuals or couples are welcome. No class 11/23. Beginner: Day Time W 7-8 p.m. W 7-8 p.m. Date 9/21 – 10/19 11/2 – 12/7 Location AgeCode Vesper Hall 13+ 3070801 Vesper Hall 13+ 3070801 Fee $36 $36 Intermediate - Intermediate Plus: Day Time M 6:30-8 p.m. M 6:30-8 p.m. Date 9/19 – 10/17 11/7 – 12/5 Location AgeCode Vesper Hall 13+ 3070803 Vesper Hall 13+ 3070803 Fee $36 $36 BALLROOM DANCE New dances taught at each session. Individuals and couples are welcome. Time Date 7:15-8:45 p.m. 9/22 – 10/20 Location Age Vesper Hall 13+ Code 3070601 Fee $36 DayTime W 7:30-8:30 p.m. W 7:30-8:30 p.m. Location AgeCode Vesper Hall 13+ 3070201 Fee $21 Location AgeCode Vesper Hall 13+ 4071101 Fee $21 Fee $52 $52 MARTIAL ARTS Day Time M/W 5:30-6 p.m. M/W 5:30-6 p.m. M/W 5:30-6 p.m. TU/TH 5:30-6 p.m. TU/TH 5:30-6 p.m. TU/TH 5:30-6 p.m. Date LocationAgeCode Fee 10/10 – 11/16 EFMA 4 - 6 3111201 $46.75 10/24 – 11/30 EFMA 4 - 6 3111201 $46.75 12/12 – 1/25 EFMA 4 - 6 3111201 $46.75 10/11 – 11/17 EFMA 7+ 3211201$46.75 10/25 – 12/1 EFMA 7+ 4211201$46.75 12/13 – 1/26 EFMA 7+ 4211201$46.75 (RAD) RAPE AGGRESSION DEFENSE SYSTEMS TRAINING RAD is a national training program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques taught by Blue Springs Police certified RAD instructors. Learn how to make an educated decision about personal defense. This class is limited to 10 participants and will be located at the Public Safety Building. Day Time W 6-9 p.m. Cha Cha: Day Time Date TH 7:15-8:45 p.m. 12/1 – 12/15 Date Location AgeCode 9/7 – 10/12 Freshman Center 14+ 3011601 11/2 – 12/14 Freshman Center 14+ 3011601 Learn life skills such as discipline, focus, confidence, and respect. This 12-class program will also focus on physical fitness, selfdefense, and flexibility training. Uniform will be provided. All classes held at Excel Family Martial Arts (EFMA). Salsa/Mambo: Day Time Date TH 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11/3 – 11/17 Fee $52 $52 Mastering Fencing: This is a continuing education class for anyone with prior fencing experience. Fitness, advanced techniques and other disciplines are some of the topics covered through the class. Limited equipment available. No class 11/23. East Coast Swing: Day TH Date Location AgeCode 9/7 – 10/12 Freshman Center 8+ 3011601 11/2 – 12/14 Freshman Center 8+ 3011601 20 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS Date Age 9/14 – 10/515+ Code 2031001 Fee $26 NATURAL WREATH MAKING Just in time for the holidays! Create a festive wreath for your door made of natural materials. We’ll provide a grapevine wreath base, natural juniper or cedar, and plenty of natural accents provided by nature! We’ll also be providing some craft embellishments you cannot find out of doors. Day Time TU 6:30-7:30 p.m. Date 12/6 LocationAge Code Fee Vesper Hall All Ages 3234301 $20/wreath Registration deadline: December 5 OUTDOOR RECREATION GUIDED HIKES CLASSES Enjoy parks and trails in our area through a guided hike led by Missouri Master Naturalists! Hikes will be provided on a rotational basis, visiting different parks within Blue Springs. Registration is required no later than two days prior to program date. DayTime SA 1-2 p.m. SA 1-2 p.m. SA 1-2 p.m. Date 9/24 10/15 11/5 Location Rotary Park Wilbur Young Park Grounds Park Trail Age All Ages All Ages All Ages Code 3034201 3034201 3034201 Fee Free Free Free WINTER OWL PROWL Join Parks & Recreation staff as we take a moonlit stroll along Lake Remembrance in search of owls. Recommended for ages 7 and up. Registration deadline is 12/10. DayTime TH 6-7 p.m. Date 12/13 Location Grounds Park Age 7+ Code 4034201 Fee Free INTRODUCTION TO ATLATL Atlatls are ancient weapons that preceded the bow and arrow in most parts of the world and are one of humankind’s first mechanical inventions. Join Parks & Recreation Staff for an introduction to the atlatl and try your hand at this ancient hunting method (darts are blunted for safety). Recommended for ages 7 and older. Class size is limited, registration due 2 days prior to class. Day Time Date TH 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9/8 TH 6:30-7:30 p.m. 10/4 Location Baumgardner Park Baumgardner Park Age 7+ 7+ Code 3233202 3233202 Fee $10 $10 PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 21 VESPER HALL Vesper Hall is a nationally accredited 50+ Community Center that offers a variety of activities for individuals ages 50 and up. WEEKLY NUTRITIONAL LUNCH Served Monday - Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m. A $3.50 donation is suggested for ages 60 and up and for those who are disabled. A fee of $5.75 is required for age 59 and younger. Reservations must be made at least one day prior to guarantee a meal. Patrons without reservations are served at noon if available. Cancellations must be made prior to day of reservation. Menus are available at Vesper Hall and online at HOME-DELIVERED MEALS Available for home-bound individuals in Blue Springs and Lake Tapawingo who are 60 years and older or disabled persons age 18-59. Meals delivered Monday - Friday. A $3.50 donation is suggested. Contact Vesper Hall to receive qualification guidelines, schedule an assessment, and be placed on the waiting list. MealsprogramsarecosponsoredbyMid-AmericaRegionalCouncil.Federalfundsassistinthe cost of meal planning and preparation. 400 N.W. Vesper Street 816-228-0181 M/TU/TH.......................................................8 a.m. to 9 p.m. W/F..................................................................8 a.m. to 5 p.m. OATS TRANSPORTATION (816) 380-7433 Door-to-door pick up to grocery stores, shops and appointments within Blue Springs city limits Tuesday & Thursday - $3 Co-pay - one way trips 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Door-to-door pick-up and return to Vesper Hall Monday through Friday - FREE 8-9:30 a.m. Pick up 12-1:30 p.m. Drop off Making a reservation is as easy as... 1 Decide the day, time and address of the location within the City of Blue Springs’ city limits. 2 Call OATS Transportation service at (816) 3807433. Ages 18-59 with disabilities must call (816) 228-0238 for pre-approval. 3 On the day of your appointment, the driver will come to your door and assist you in the vehicle. Be prepared to pay the required $3 co-pay for each one-way ride on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drivers do not carry cash to make change. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES The City of Blue Springs offers transportation services for residents 60 years and older and adults with disabilities ages 18-59. The City contracts with OATS Transportation Services for medical and/or shopping trips within Blue Springs. Door-to-door pick-up and return to Vesper Hall 50-Plus Community Center for lunch is co-sponsored by Mid-America Regional Council. Buses can accommodate up to two wheel chairs and nine other passengers. For a full list of activities visit: or call 816-228-0181. MY STORY Meet Alan Fletcher, Vesper Hall Volunteer Alan Fletcher has volunteered at Vesper Hall for the last 4 years. Alan started visiting Vesper after retiring in 2005. When he saw a need during the lunch hour, he registered to volunteer. Alan assists with room setups, cleaning banquet tables and decorating during special events and holidays. “Vesper Hall is real friendly. It’s a great place to meet and visit” says Alan. Alan, father of three, has three grandchildren with one on the way. He enjoys reading westerns, following the local news, attending Royals’ baseball games and making birdhouses. Volunteers at Vesper Hall fulfill a variety of needs such as delivery of meals to the home-bound, working with the public at the front desk and helping with daily lunch preparation. Volunteers also host various card games, exercise classes and craft classes. Those interested in volunteering can call Vesper Hall at 816-228-0181. BLUESPRINGS SPRINGSPARKS PARKS&&RECREATION RECREATION •• WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/VESPER WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS 22 BLUE 50+ SPECIAL EVENTS MONTHLY DANCES & ACTIVITIES Tea Dance - 2nd Sundays 2-4:30 p.m., $6 at the door September 11 December 11 October 9 January 8 November 13 Square Dance - 2nd Fridays 7:30-10 p.m., $5 at the door September 9 December 9 October 14 January 13 November 11 BREAKFAST AND HEALTH PRESENTATION Enjoy a free breakfast and get the latest information on various health topics. Pre-register at least three days in advance. Day Time Date Location Age TH 8: 30 a.m. 9/22 Vesper Hall 50+ Sponsored by The Law Office of Aaron L. Love P.C. Code Fee 1561001 Free AARP DRIVERS SAFETY PROGRAM In this 4-hour course, refine existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques. Pre-register and bring membership card. Fee payable to instructor. $20 non-member, $15 member Day Time SA 1-5 p.m. F 1-5 p.m. Date 9/24 11/4 Location Age Vesper Hall 50+ Vesper Hall 50+ Code 3531601 3531601 WEIGHT ROOM FOR AGES 50+ Active older adults ages 50+ can take advantage of Vesper Hall’s fitness equipment including: an elliptical rider, bicycles, sport rider, ab strengthener, and treadmills. $3/day pass, $15/month or $120/year. Day Time Location Age M/TU/TH 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Vesper Hall 50+ W/F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vesper Hall 50+ Fee $3/$15/$120 $3/$15/$120 NEW VISITORS’ ORIENTATION Anyone new to Vesper Hall are invited to meet the Vesper Hall Administrators and a Site Council member on the first or third Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Receive a new visitor’s packet loaded with activities and program information. Stay for lunch served at the facility! Vesper Hall offers a wide variety of group and private computer classes for every person. Classes range from beginner to more advanced, program specific classes. For a class schedule please call 816-228-0181. Computer Basics Beginning Microsoft Word Navigating the Internet/Email SEPTEMBER KANSAS CITY CHIEFS RED FRIDAY — Friday, 9/9, 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by Monterey Park Health Care Center 50+ ART SHOW — Tuesday – Thursday, 9/27, 9/28, 9/29 OCTOBER VESPER HALL OKTOBERFEST — Monday,10/17, 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by ClearCaptions HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY — Monday, 10/31, 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by The Groves Retirement Community NOVEMBER HOME BUSINESS FAIR — Saturday, 11/12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION — Friday, 11/11, 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by Shangri-La Living Center and Seasons Care Center FREE THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON (60+) Friday, 11/18, 11 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Mary's Medical Center DECEMBER COMPUTER CLASSES • • • SPECIAL EVENTS • Getting the Most from Your iPad • • Craigslist Facebook Basics FREE CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON (60+) Friday, 12/16, 11 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Mary's Medical Center HOLIDAY VARIETY SHOW — Wednesday, 12/21, 11:45 a.m. NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY — Saturday, 12/31, 7:30 p.m. PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 23 VESPER HALL 50+ WEEKLY SCHEDULE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Quilting Club 8:30-11:30 a.m. Taijiquan Exercise 8-8:50 a.m. Taijiquan Exercise 8:30-9:30 a.m. Taijiquan Exercise 8-8:50 a.m. Knitting Club 9:30-11 a.m. Tai Chi Fitness Modified 9-9:50 a.m. Pitch Cards 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tai Chi Fitness Modified 9-9:50 a.m. Open Cards and Games 9-11:30 a.m. Bingo 9 -10:30 a.m. $1.50 per card Crocheting for Beginners 9:30-11 a.m. Canasta Cards 9-11:30 a.m. Ceramics $2.50 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blood Pressure Check Glucose Checks(odd months only) N.C. 3rd Monday Monthly 10:00 a.m. to Noon Pitch Cards 9:30-11:30 a.m. Hearing Aid Adjustment (3rd Tuesday Monthly) 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. N.C. Stretch 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. FRIDAY Bingo 9-10:30 a.m. $1.50 per card Painting Club 9:30 a.m. to Noon New Visitor Orientation* 10:30-11:30 a.m. (1st & 3rd Wed. Monthly) N.C. Stretching Exercise 10:30-11:20 a.m. Legal Aid* 10 a.m. to Noon Second Friday, Bi-Monthly N.C. Craft Sale 10 a.m. to Noon Healthy lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 age 60 and over $5.75 age 59 and under Healthy lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 age 60 and over $5.75 age 59 and under Healthy lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 age 60 and over $5.75 age 59 and under Healthy lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 age 60 and over $5.75 age 59 and under Healthy lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 age 60 and over $5.75 age 59 and under Weight Room Orientation* N.C. (1st Monday Monthly) 11:30 a.m. to Noon Arthritis Exercise $2 per visit 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pat and Bud Music Hour 11:30 a.m. to Noon (1st Wednesday Monthly) N.C. Blood Pressure Checks Glucose Checks Diabetic Foot Screening 1st Thursday Monthly 11 a.m. to Noon Monthly Birthday Celebration 11:30 a.m. (4th Friday Monthly) Arthritis Exercise $2 per visit 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Square Dance $3 per visit 12:30-2:30 p.m. Drop in Bridge 12:15-4 p.m. Bridge** 12:15-4 p.m. Hand and Foot Cards 12:30-4 p.m. Guitar Jams 12:45-2:45 p.m. N.C. Jewelry Creations 12:30-2:30 p.m. Bunco 12:30-2 p.m. (2nd and 4th Thursday) Choir 12:45-2 p.m. N.C. Grief Support (2nd, 4th Monday) 1:30-2:30 p.m. N.C. Yoga* 1-2 p.m. Session Fee Yoga 1-2 p.m. Session/Drop-In Fee Game Night 6-9 p.m. Bridge** 12:15-4 p.m. Poker 12:30-3 p.m. Classic Country Music Band 12:45-2:45 p.m. N.C. Yoga* 1-2 p.m. Session Fee Line Dance Lessons Ultra Beginner - $1.50 2-2:30 p.m. Alzheimer Support 2:30-3:30 p.m. N.C. (2nd Thursday) Square Dance Party 7:30-10 p.m. $5, 2nd Friday Beginner - $2.50 per visit 2-3 p.m. Tone Chimes N.C. 2-3 p.m. Call Vesper Hall 816-228-0181 to pre-register. $1.50 per class unless otherwise noted. New visitors are encouraged to call ahead. N.C. - No Charge * These classes require pre-registration. **Players should arrive 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. 24 BLUE BLUESPRINGS SPRINGSPARKS PARKS&&RECREATION RECREATION •• WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/VESPER WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS 50+ DAY TRIPS & TRAVEL All tours depart from Vesper Hall, 400 N.W. Vesper. Registrations fill up fast! For more details go to or call 816-228-0181 60+ MEET UP Meet-up is a new social networking service that connects older adults with like hobbies, skills or interests and meet at various locations. Meet-up allows individuals to find and join groups unified by a common interest. Call 816-228-0238 for more information. Meet Up Groups Include: Cultural Cuisines, Fishing Jackson County, Singles Supper Club, Geocaching, Herb Gardening, Mahjong, Novice Vegetarians, Slow Trail Bike Riding, Sport Shooting, Coin Collectors, Trail Walkers and Urban Beekeeping. SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER Isle of Capri, Boonville Monday, 9/12 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $20 per person Lunch Included! Frontier Casino, St. Joseph Friday, 11/4 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $20 per person Lunch Included Antique Road Trip: Liberty and Gladstone Wednesday, 9/28 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. $23 per person Lunch on your own New Theatre Restaurant: Have You Met Miss Jones? Wednesday, 11/16 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. $53 per person Lunch Included OCTOBER Quality Hill Playhouse: Barry, Bette & Broadway Thursday, 10/6 10:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. $39 per person Lunch on your own Warm Springs Ranch, Boonville Tuesday, 10/25 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. $35 per person Lunch on your own DECEMBER Holiday Lights Tour Monday, 12/5 6:30-9:30 p.m. $25 per person Lunch Included Quality Hill Playhouse: Christmas in Song Wednesday, 12/7 10:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. $39 per person Lunch on your own Kansas City Ballet: The Nutcracker Thursday, 12/22 12:30-5:30 p.m. $53 per person Lunch Included MY STORY Meet Bev Lewis, host for Bridge Game Sessions held at Vesper Hall. How often do you play Bridge ? I host and play bridge at Vesper Hall twice a week and have for over eight years. There is also a group of four that I have played together with for 62 years; we still gather monthly at each other’s homes for a game of bridge. When can I play at Vesper Hall? Bridge is offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays with a 12:15 p.m. start time on each day. Part of my job as a host is to ensure that all participants have a table where they can play and that each table is full. In order to do this, I maintain a substitution list and make phone calls to ensure tables are filled on Tuesdays and Fridays. Monday bridge is open. How does someone start playing at Vesper Hall? Contact the Vesper Hall Staff (816-228-0181) and let them know you would like to play. They will in turn contact me and I will give you a phone call and work with you to get you in the game! This is not a game you can learn in one session but it is a fun game that you can enjoy for a lifetime! PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 25 THE BLUE MANAGED BY BLUE SPRINGS R-IV SCHOOL DISTRICT Blue Springs Centennial Pool-Plex 2401 NW Ashton Dr. 816-228-0188 'The Blue' features a 6-lane, 25 yard pool located at 2401 NW Ashton Drive, including a shallow play area, and a diving area with a “low dive.” (1 meter) Showers, restrooms, and lockers are also provided but be sure to bring your own lock. INDOOR SEASON MEMBERSHIP The Indoor Season is from September 6 through mid-May. Programs are offered on a year-round basis at the facility. Register for programs online at, email [email protected], or call The Blue at 816-228-0188. Family Pass (6 members*): $120 *$20 for each additional family member. Individual Pass: $70 Wellness Pass: $150 (Includes all water aerobics and lap swimming PRIVATE POOL PARTIES The 25-yard indoor pool is available for rentals Fridays, 7:30-9 p.m., Saturdays 12:30-5 p.m. and Sundays 2-5 p.m. $100 for the first hour and $45 for each additional half hour. Your birthday party, scout group, or sports team can get exclusive use of the indoor pool! An additional $50 refundable cleaning deposit is also required. Water basketball and other games are available. Please reserve at least 2 weeks in advance. Call 816-228-0188 for details and availability. WELLNESS CLASSES Participants can attend any or all classes offered in the weekly schedule for $5 per visit or you can purchase a 20-class Swimnastics Discount Card for $80 ($4 per class). Therapeutic Swim: This program is for anyone with physical challenges like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, stroke recovery, or injury rehabilitation. Day M/W/F Time Location 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. BSCPP Fee $5 Swimnastics: A great way to burn calories and tone muscles without the stress to joints that often results from dry-land exercise. DayTime M/W/F 9-10 a.m. M/W 8-9 p.m. Location Fee BSCPP $5 BSCPP $5 SCHOOL DISTRICT INDOOR LAP SWIM LANES Four lanes will be open in the indoor pool. Ages 13-17 may use the lap swim lanes if accompanied by an adult. DayTime M/W/F 6:30-7:30 a.m. M/W/F 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. M/W 8-9 p.m. SA 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Age 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ Fee $4 $4 $4 $4 SWIMMING AND WATER SAFETY LESSONS A Progressive Swim Program that is divided into 8 levels. The objective of this program is to let your abilities determine how fast you will progress. Practice and persistence are key words in any activity. Students will receive a “Certificate of Learning” progress report. Classes are 30 minutes in length during the week and 45 minutes on Saturdays. All lessons are $55/session Session 1: M/W , 9/19 - 10/12 7-7:30 p.m. Flipper, Seal, Sailfish. Barracuda Deadline: 9/16 Session 2: M/W, 10/17-11/9 7-7:30 p.m. Flipper, Seal, Sailfish. Barracuda Deadline: 10/14 T/TH, 9/20 - 10/13 7-7:30 p.m. Shrimp, Sea Horse, Starfish, Guppy Deadline: 9/16 T/TH, 10/18-11/10 7-7:30 p.m. Shrimp, Sea Horse, Starfish, Guppy Deadline: 10/14 SA, 10/1 - 10/22 10 -10:45 a.m. All Levels Deadline: 9/30 SA, 10/29-11/19 10 -10:45 a.m. All Levels Deadline: 10/28 Session 3: M/W ,11/28 - 12/21 7-7:30 p.m. Flipper, Seal, Sailfish. Barracuda Deadline: 11/25 Private Swim Lessons Staff at Centennial Pool-Plex provides one-on-one instruction for children and adults. The cost is $22 for a 30- minute lesson. ( minimum of 2 lessons) T/TH,11/29 - 12/22 7-7:30 p.m. Shrimp, Sea Horse, Starfish, Guppy Deadline: 11/25 Advanced Swimnastics: DayTime TH 8-9 p.m. BLUE SPRINGS Location Fee BSCPP $5 WWW.FUNATTHEBLUE.COM 26 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS ADAMS POINTE GOLF CLUB 1601 NE R. D. Mize Road 816-220-3673 Adams Pointe is set in the rolling hills of Blue Springs, Missouri. This 18-hole championship golf course consists of a challenging front nine skillfully carved through forest and wetlands, with a scenic back nine that offers links-style golf with dramatic changes in elevation. JUNIOR GOLF LESSON OPPORTUNITIES Instruction is available in: Grip, Stance, Alignment, Short Game Skills, Full Swing Fundamentals, Rules, Safety, and Golf Etiquette. ADULT GOLF LESSON OPPORTUNITIES The professional staff at Adams Pointe offer one-on-one instruction from PGA Golf Professionals at a time that is best suited for you. Lesson packages start at just $100 and Individual Lessons start at just $40. Please contact the Golf Shop for more information regarding private or group instruction. ANNUAL PASSES Adams Pointe offers several annual pass options to fit every budget. It is recommended to call the Golf Shop for more information regarding availability and to find which pass best suits your needs. GRAND SLAM – $2,225 • Unlimited Golf and Golf Car • Guest Fee Discount and Golf Shop Discount SILVER SLAM – $1,750/JUNIORS - $499 • Unlimited Golf and Golf Car (Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun after 2 p.m.) • Guest Fee Discount and Golf Shop Discount POINTE PASS - $450 • Any Day After Noon - $17 • Any Day Before Noon - $30 CORPORATE GRAND SLAM - $2,350 • Additional Employees ($1,200) • Unlimited Golf and Golf Car • Guest Fee Discount • Hole Sponsorship Opportunities TOURNAMENTS HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR - OCTOBER 23 TURKEY TROT - NOVEMBER 20 DAILY GOLF RATES Monday - Thursday Open to 2 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 5 p.m. to Close Walk $31 $22 $22 Ride $45 $36 $29 Friday Open to 2 p.m. $33 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. $22 5 p.m. to Close $22 $47 $36 $29 Saturday - Sunday Open to 11 a.m. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 5 p.m. to Close $53 $47 $36 $29 $39 $33 $22 $22 Seniors (55 & older Monday - Friday) $25$39 Juniors (21 & younger Monday - Friday) $19 $29 9-Holes $18$25 Note: Reservations may be made seven days in advance. JUNIOR GOLF CAMP Open to boys and girls 7-15 years of age. Instruction will be given by professional staff in the following areas: Grip, Stance, Alignment, Short Game Skills, Full Swing Fundamentals, Rules, Safety and Etiquette. Enrollment is limited! $59 Per Session or $199 for All 4 Enrollment includes: Free Range ball, punch card, lunch, a maximum of 5-1 teacher to student ratio, skills contests and prizes and group instruction from Adams Pointe Professionals. Camp Dates September 3 September 10 October 15 October 22 Time 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 27 PARK SPOTLIGHT! Wilbur Young Park Wilbur Young Park is a large, 40-acre park located in southern Blue Springs. The park is adjacent to Blue Springs South High School and is used often as part of the school's classes. This park is home to the Blue Springs Disk Golf Course and where the Adult Softball Leagues are held. PARK SIZE: 40 ACRES PARK AMENITIES: 6 Tennis Courts- 4 lighted 4 Sand Volleyball Courts - 2 lighted 3 Softball Fields- 2 lighted 1 Basketball Court lighted Shelter with 15 tables providing seating for 120 guests Small Fishing Pond Disc Golf Course 2 Playgrounds 1 Horseshoe Pit Seasonal Concession Stand LOCATED AT: 1100 SE Adams Dairy Parkway Blue Springs, MO 64014 HOURS: 6 a.m. to Midnight 28 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS BLUE SPRINGS COMMUNITY GARDEN Located in Central Park on the corner of Walnut Street and 10th Street, this garden has 38 designated plots of which 34 are 10’x10’ and 4 raised plots which are 4’x12’. The cost of each plot is $50 per growing season, March 28 through November 1. Each plot will be tilled by the Parks & Recreation Department prior to each growing season and free water is available for gardeners to use. Also located at the site are five demonstration garden plots by the Kansas City Area Master Gardeners. The Master Gardeners will also offer free literature, demonstrations and classes during the growing season. For more information or to rent a garden plot, call the Parks & Recreation Department at 816-228-0137. DEDICATE A TREE “Dedicate A Tree Program” allows individuals or groups to purchase a tree/plaque from a preferred tree list and “dedicate” that tree in honor of an individual or group. The tree/plaque can be placed at their favorite Blue Springs park site. A 7”x 10” plaque will be installed at the base of the tree along with a personalized “Dedicate A Tree” certificate. The price per tree/plaque is $350. BLUE SPRINGS CITY THEATRE 2000 N.W. Ashton Drive Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for kids 12 & under and adults 65+. Evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m. and matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at or at the door. The Blue Springs City Theatre (BSCT), a partner of the Parks & Recreation Department, produces comedies, dramas and musical productions on a seasonal basis. Hundreds of volunteers help make each performance a truly unique experience. Volunteers, talent, and monetary donations make it possible for BSCT to continue providing live theatre productions. Ticket sales cover only a portion of the production costs; the remaining funds are raised through donations from individuals, local businesses, and large corporations. The Happy Elf There are many ways you can help BSCT. Give your time as a volunteer, make a cash or in-kind donation, or become an individual or corporate sponsor. For additional information, visit Audition Dates: September 21-22 December 1-4 & 9-11 PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 29 RENTAL FACILITIES PARK SHELTERS There are 17 shelters located throughout the Blue Springs Park System available for reserved use. For a $30 fee, most shelters can be reserved for up to a 5-hour period. Larger shelters like those in Hidden Valley, Young and Baumgardner Parks are $60. Special Use Permits - A departmental policy requires approval for any special condition or use within the park system. This would include the use of an inflatable, a petting zoo, live or recorded music, tents, etc. Special Use Permits must be submitted at least 14 calendar days prior to the event. GAZEBO Great for weddings and special events, a gazebo is located in Rotary Park at Railroad Lake. This 22-foot, scenic facility overlooking a lake is available for a $30 fee, up to 5 hours. ADAMS POINTE CLUB HOUSE With over 100 windows, a 30-foot skylight tower, and a spacious outdoor patio, the natural beauty and picturesque views are brought indoors at Adams Pointe Golf Club. The tournament and banquet room is the perfect locale for your next company outing, wedding reception, party, or special event. This room offers a scenic view of the golf course and seating for up to 175 guests. For availability, information, and a complete list of menu options and amenities, call Adams Pointe Golf Club at (816) 220-3673. VESPER HALL COMMUNITY CENTER With seating for up to 300 guests, banquet style, Vesper Hall is excellent for weddings, receptions, banquets, reunions, or club meetings. This facility is located at 400 N.W. Vesper, adjacent to Rotary Park at Railroad Lake. Rental packages are available for the large multi-purpose room, a small meeting room, or the entire building including the service kitchen. For information concerning availability and rental fees, call 816-228-0181 or visit ATHLETIC RENTALS Baseball, softball, soccer, and football fields are available for rental groups, subject to scheduled activities by the Parks & Recreation Department and the various youth leagues. Facilities may be rented by the hour or on a daily basis. The Blue Springs Fieldhouse offers indoor basketball courts and turf fields! For pricing on indoor rentals visit: www. 30 BLUE SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION • WWW.BLUESPRINGSGOV.COM/PARKS RESERVE SHELTERS ONLINE! PARKS & FACILITIES MAP 13. Wilbur Young Park 1100 SE Adams Dairy Pkwy 14. Woods Chapel Park 3925 NW Dogwood Terr 15. Central Park 1104 SW Walnut St 16. Gregory O. Grounds Park & Dog Park 1901 NE Jefferson St 17. Northeast Park Site 18. Roscoe Righter Park 27600 E Colbern Rd 19. Southwest Park 20. Stonecreek Park 2350 SW 19th St 21. Valley View Park 1400 NW Cardiff Dr 22. Willow Tree Park 4125 SE Adams Dairy Pkwy 23. Blue Springs Lake/Fleming Park 24. Lake Jacomo/Fleming Park 25. Burr Oak Woods Nature Center State Forest 26. The Blue (Centennial Pool-Plex) 2401 NW Ashton Dr 27. Blue Springs High School Auditorium 2000 NW Ashton Dr 28. Blue Springs Fieldhouse 425 NE Mock Ave 29. City Hall 903 W Main St 30. Municipal Annex 1304 W Main St 31. City Hall Annex 905 W Main St 32. Public Works Annex 907 W Main St 33. Public Safety Building 1100 SW Smith St 34. Parks Maintenance Garage 2715 NW Park Dr 35. Blue Springs Recycling Center 2715 NW Park Dr 1. Adams Pointe Golf Club 5. Burrus Old Mill Park 9. Keystone Park 36. Vesper Hall 2. Adams Dairy Parkway Trail 3. Baumgardner Park 6. Franklin Smith School Park 10. Pink Hill Park 37. Keystone Water Tower 7. Hidden Valley Park Sports Complex 11. Rotary Park at Railroad Lake 38. ADP Water Tower 1601 NE RD Mize Rd 2401 NW Ashton Dr 4. Blue Springs Park 2204 SW South Ave 112 NW Woods Chapel Rd 1609 SW Clark Rd 6500 NW Valley View Rd 8. James Walker School Park 2214 SW Keystone Dr 2218 SW Keystone Dr 2715 NW Park Dr 600 NW Vesper St 12. Ward Park 1000 SW 22nd St 400 NW Vesper St 2580 SE Adams Dairy Parkway 39. Public Works - Sunnyside 500 SE Sunnyside School Rd 214 E Walnut St PLAY NATURALLY • 2016 FALL/WINTER 31