Board Packet - Pima Community College
Board Packet - Pima Community College
PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA May 16, 2012 NOTICE OF REGULAR GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 7:00 p.m. May 16, 2012 East Campus Community Room 8181 E. Irvington Road Tucson, AZ 85709-4000 AGENDA FOR MEETING* General Matters/Reports Page # 1. Call to Order 1 2. Pledge of Allegiance 1 Public Comment and Reports 3. Public Comment – Call to Audience The Pima Community College Board of Governors welcomes public comment on issues within the jurisdiction of the College. Comments should be limited to five minutes per individual. At the conclusion of public comment, individual Board members may respond to criticism made by those who addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter, or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. Members of the Board, however, may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during public comment unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. Finally, be advised that internal College processes are available to students and employees for communication. 4. Reports by Staff Representatives Staff Representatives Rose Bolz and Timothy Kelliher will provide highlights from the Staff Council meeting of April 6th and May 4th. Highlights from the April 6th will include: Provost Report: Reminders for Multicultural Convocation on May 3 and PCC Graduation on May 17; Chancellor’s Report: Budget Forums completion, strengthen connections between the College and the community; Liaison Report: Update on recruitment statistics; AFSCME and ACES reports; and Campus/District reports. Highlights from the May 2 meeting will include: Provost Report: Multicultural Convocation; new automated process for Bookstore 1 Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 2 General Matters (Continued) Page # vouchers; Interim Chancellor; Chancellor’s Report: Personnel announcements; new link on College’s web page for Chancellor’s search; Facilities award; Liaison Report: Update on recruitment statistics; AFSCME and ACES reports, and Campus/District reports. 5. Reports by Student Representatives Student Representatives Amber Bright and Silvia Baiza will highlight recent activities at the Community, Desert Vista, Downtown, East, Northwest and West Campuses. Highlights will include: Carnival Fundraiser; Scholarship winners recognition; Cinco de Mayo Celebration; End-of-Year Student Recognition Banquet and Social; Student Government Outgoing Award Dinner; Cinema under the Stars and the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity. 1 6. Reports by Faculty Representatives Faculty Representatives Kimlisa Salazar Duchicela and Patricia Figueroa will provide highlights from the Faculty Senate meeting of April 6, 2012 and May 4, 2012. Highlights from the April 6 meeting will include: Legislative update; alternate course offerings; presentation of Pima Jobs by Vice Chancellor May; Chancellor’s Report, Provost’s Report; PCCEA Report and Faculty Senate President’s report. Highlights from the May March 4 meeting will include: Update on 2012/2013 Academic Calendar; Early Alert System presentation; Class Cancellation Ad-Hoc committee; Chancellor’s Report, Provost’s Report, PCCEA Report and Faculty Senate Report. 1 7. Governing Board Member Reports The Chairperson, Secretary and/or members of the Governing Board may report on recent events at or involving the College. Cancellation of July meetings. 1 8. Chancellor’s Report Interim Chancellor Suzanne Miles may report on current events at or involving the College. The Interim Chancellor may also provide information to the Governing Board on the following topics: Changes being considered and/or made to College processes and systems, Legislative and Budget Updates. Campus Update Faculty Professional Enrichment Recognition Award The following individuals will be awarded the Faculty Professional Enrichment Recognition Award for their innovative and outstanding activities that have had a positive impact on student the College and the community: Charlette Padilla and Kris Swank 1 Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 3 General Matters (Continued) 9. Page # Meet and Confer Presentations: Meet and Confer teams for the three employee groups, ACES, AFSCME and PCCEA, will present their activities and proposals for the coming year. Financial Report — March 2012 Financial Statements Preliminary 2011/12 fiscal year results through March 2012. 2 Information Items 10. Separations from Employment Information item listing retirements and separations from employment: Shelley A. Maxfield; Timothy Winkler; Jessica Crocker; Barry J. Richards and Robin Solleveld. 7 Student Aide Hires Information item listing student aide appointments: Summar Alsemeiry; Ivette Arias; Gavin Baker; Amanda Burnell; Marisela Cedillo; Dorothy Enright; Faith Everman; Hiriana Gallegos; Hailey Hagan; Hannah Laws; Pedro Machado; Luis Martinez; Kimberly Nelson; Fabiola Palazuelos; Yummna Qureshi; Cynthia Ramirez; Nasara Shea-Horne; Jesus Villezcas and Clarence Williams. Action Items 9 11. 12. 13. Approval of Minutes of the 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm Meetings A. Special Meeting of April 3, 2012 (5:00 pm) B. Special Meeting of April 3, 2012 (7:00 pm) C. Special Meeting of April 11, 2012 D. Regular Meeting of April 11, 2012 E. Special Meeting of April 17, 2012 (7:15 pm) F. Special Meeting of April 17, 2012 (7:30 pm) G. Special Meeting of April 30, 2012 10 13 16 19 25 28 31 Consent Agenda 34 13.1 36 New Appointments Administration is requesting approval to hire the following individuals: Victoria Cook, Instructional Faculty; Gary Cooper, Ph.D., Instructional Faculty Robert Cunningham, Educational Support Faculty; Joel Dworin, Ph.D., Instructional Faculty; Mirjana Glisovic, Instructional Faculty; Aurora Goncalves-Shaner, Instructional Faculty; Jennifer Harras, Instructional Faculty; Marianne Harris, Educational Support Faculty; Bradley Langer, Ph.D., Instructional Faculty; Erica Martin, Educational Support Faculty; Mark Moellenhoff, Ph.D., Instructional Faculty; Michael Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 4 Action Items (Continued) Page # Nolan, Instructional Faculty; Monique Rodriguez, Educational Support Faculty; Elizabeth Rollins, Instructional Faculty; Kyley Segers, Instructional Faculty; Anthony Sovak, Ph.D., Instructional Faculty; Michael Aguilar, Community Service Officer; Ignacio Esquivel, Community Service Officer; Jonathan Mark Evans, Community Service Officer; Jeffrey Jarvis, Community Service Officer; Michael Jarvis, Community Service Officer; Francisca Lopez, Support Technician; Sylvano Mandujano, Community Service Officer; Alonso Minjarez, Student Services Advisor; Roger Quijada, Community Service Officer; Clare Sharafinski, Human Resources Analyst; Sheila Swech, Human Resources Specialist; Laurie Thomas, Community Service Officer and Tatiana Thompson, Fiscal Analyst. 13.2 Adjunct Faculty Appointments Administration is requesting that the individuals listed as certified adjunct applicants be approved for use as a pool of employees for current and future adjunct faculty assignments and as temporary non-credit instructors: Asheley S. Baker, (Academic Limited Exemption); Philip J. Bakody, D.O., (Academic); Adam T. Molden, D.C., (Academic) and Brandon L. Morgan-Olsen, Ph.D., (Academic). 47 13.3 Temporary Appointments Administration is requesting that the individuals listed be employed as temporary employees. Individuals may be used as a pool of employees for current and future temporary assignments: Danielle Almaguer, Office Aide; Bryan Back, Workforce Trainers; Charles Beane, Tutor I; Shawn Benjamin, Workforce Trainers; Jacqueline Bergen, Laboratory Technician; Shannon Bidwell, Tutor I; Aaron Brown, Instructor; Michelle Bruce, Tutor I; Tracy Carpenter Ph.D., Instructor; Gina Casanova, Instructor; Anthony Castiglia, Workforce Trainer; Richard Chandler, Workforce Trainer; Michael Conway, Instructional Aide; Chance Copperstone, Laboratory Assistant; Milagros Delgado-Feliciano, Instructor; Dino Dreyfus, Instructor; Gilbert Espino, Laboratory Technician; Lisa Fairchild, Workforce Trainers; Frank Fountain, Laboratory Assistant; Matthew Franz, Laboratory Assistant; Carol Gilzinger, Student Services Specialist; Konjit Gossaye, Auxiliary Aide; Chad Grimes, Tutor I; Nathan Grunow, Instructor; Haller, Jonathan, Laboratory Assistant; Tanya Hawks, Student Services Specialist; Charles Holdinsky, Workforce Trainers; Lindsey Knowles-Jackman, Counselor; James Lawrence, Instructor;Cheryl Lawson, Instructor; Jacob Maisch, Public Safety Dispatcher; Brent Marinan, Tutor I; Andrew McCleod, Office Aide; Jennifer McCreight, Instructor; Gabriel Molina, Substitute Instructor; Alejandro Ortega, Office Aide; Edward Pope, 49 Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 5 Action Items (Continued) Page # Workforce Trainers; Bill Raetz, Laboratory Technician; John Rex, Substitute Instructor; Jana Rivers Norton Ph.D., Instructor; Thomas Rizzi, Workforce Trainers; Sonja Roll, Student Services Specialist; Matthew Roth Jr., Workforce Trainers; Rachel Sales, Instructor; Dylan Scupin-Dursema, Tutor I; Steve Sickelbower, Workforce Trainer; JoAnn Stevens, Workforce Trainers; Lena Throlson, Instructor; Cynthia Uber, Instructor; Michael White, Workforce Trainer; and Mark Zbojniewicz, Workforce Trainers. 13.4 Administrator Appointment The Interim Chancellor is requesting approval for the following individual listed be appointed to Administrator: Dolores DuránCerda, Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor. 63 13.5 Faculty Sabbaticals for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 Requesting approval of two additional full-pay faculty sabbaticals for Spring 2013 for Nan Schmidt, Instructional Faculty, and Kris Swank, Educational Support Faculty 64 13.6 Sub-Grant Agreement Renewal: First Things First Innovative Professional Development, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Approve the continued participation in the First Things First Innovative Professional Development grant. The College has been a sub-recipient of the grant for the last three years and, during that time, improved outcomes for Early Childhood Education students in mathematics and formed Communities of Practice to promote professional development among early childhood practitioners. 69 13.7 Extension of Sub-recipient Agreement: Sunnyside Unified School District and United States Department of Education, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program Approve an extension of a sub-recipient between Sunnyside Unified School District and the Pima Community College Adult Education Program to provide Even Start Family Literacy services for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $236,650. 71 13.8 Grant Proposal: Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Pima Community 73 College Adult Education Family Literacy Program, I Learn, We Learn Project Approve the Family Literacy Program, I Learn, We Learn Project, and if funded, accept the grant award from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. If funded, the grant will run from May 1, 2012 through April 30, 2013. The total amount being requested is $15,000. Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 6 Action Items (Continued) 13.9 Page # Grant Proposal: Arizona Department of Education: Title I Even Start Family Literacy Program Approve the Title I Even Start Family Literacy Project carryover funding and additional federal grant funding from the Arizona Department of Education. The grant is for the budget period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $178,650.58. 75 13.10 Grant Proposal: United States Department of Education, Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (Title V) Program Approve the Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (Title V) Program grant proposal entitled, “Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors: Innovation in Dental Studies Education”, and, if funded, accept the grant award from the United States Department of Education. If funded, the grant amount for the first budget period (October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013) is $650,000. The five-year grant award, from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2017, totals $3,249,655 77 13.11 Grant Proposal/Intergovernmental Agreement: Governor’s Office of 79 Highway Safety Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program Approve the Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program grant proposal, and, if funded, accept the grant award and establishment of an Intergovernmental Agreement from the Governor’s Office of Highway to provide education and enforcement of traffic laws relating to impaired driving and occupant protection. The performance period will be October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. The total amount being requested is $35,900. 13.12 Intergovernmental Agreement: Arizona Board of Regents, 81 Prepayment of Rent and Termination of Northwest Campus Building Sublease Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to authorize the prepayment of outstanding rent and termination of lease agreements related to the Northwest Campus A building. 13.13 Curriculum Recommendations – New Program: Fashion Design – Certificate for Direct Employment Approve the new Program: Fashion Design - Certificate for Direct Employment 83 13.14 Library Participation in Cooperative Buying Program with the Community College Library Consortium Approve continued Library participation in the Community College Library Consortium (CCLC) and authorizes the PCC Library to renew/initiate database subscriptions through the CCLC in the amount not to exceed $180,000 for 2012-2013. 85 Board of Governors Agenda Date: 5/16/12 Page 7 Action Items (Continued) Page # 13.15 Contract: Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Request to award a contract to Western Web & Graphics Inc. for printing services and delivery of the Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. The estimated total amount required is $69,804. Of this amount $63,459 is for printing, delivery, and applicable taxes, and $6,346 is for contingency funding for printing and delivery. 87 13.16 Contract: Perceptis, LLC Extension Approve the Statement of Work (SOW) between Pima Community College and Perceptis, LLC, for the purposes of providing 24/7/365 Financial Aid (FA), IT help desk and Student Accounts (SA) support for faculty, students and staff via telephone, e-mail, Web and Chat. The term of this agreement will be from July 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. 89 13.17 Contracts: New Tech Solutions Approve new college-wide vendor New Tech Solutions, and add them to the College-wide list of approved vendors for computer technology purchases for FY12. 90 13.18 Contract: Health Insurance for International Students Contract renewal of the health insurance policy available to international students. Total contract value for the policy year 2012/13 is estimated to be $280,000. Participating students pay the entire amount. 91 13.19 Contract: Short Term Disability Contract renewal for the 2012/13 fiscal year, the second of the College’s option for additional contract years; with no cost increase. The premium cost is estimated to be $94,000. 92 Other Action Items 14. Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed Budget Parameters and assumptions for the proposed fiscal year 2013 budget including revenues, expenditures, and the timeline for publishing the budget in order to meet statutory requirements. Adjournment 93 Board of Governors Agenda Public Hearing June 20, 2012, 6:30 p.m. District Office Community Board Room 4905 E. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85709-1010 Date: 5/16/12 Page 8 Special Meeting June 20, 2012, 6:45 p.m. District Office Community Board Room 4905 E. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85709-1010 Regular Meeting June 20, 2012, 7:00 p.m. District Office Community Board Room 4905 E. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85709-1010 * Option to recess into legal advice executive session — Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) the Governing Board may vote to go into executive session for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from its legal counsel with respect to any item listed on this agenda or any addendum thereto. * Additional Information — Additional information about the above agenda items can be found in the Governing Board packet that is available for review at the Campus Libraries and on the College’s website at * For ADA accommodation requests, please call 206-4971, Teletypewriter (TTY) 206-4530. Pi maCou ntyCom m u n ityCollegeDistrict 00 1 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, Arizona 85709-1010 GENERAL MATTERS/REPORTS Item Number: 1-8 Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Contact Person Chancellor 's Office (206-4747) General Matters/ Reports 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of All egiance .... .). Public Comment 4. Reports by Staff Representatives 5. Reports by Student Representatives 6. Reports by Faculty Representatives 7. Governing Board Member Reports 8. Interim Chancellor's Report Approval Interim Chancellor A 1i!h ~~U D uz n . Miles PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict Board of Governors 00~ 4905C East BroadwayfTucson, Arizona 85709-1010 GENERAL MATTERS/REPORTS Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Number: 9 Item Title Contact Person Report - March 2012 Financial Statements Dr. David Bea Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (206-4519) Reco mm endation: Attached arc the financial statements showing preliminary 2011112 fiscal year results through March 20 12. Time wi II be provided to di scuss College fiscal matters. Justification: Pima Community College is continuing the year largely as expected, with positive net assets reported through the end of March. As indicated in the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets, the year-to-date increase in net assets through month end is approximately $2.3 million which is lower than the previous year's $ 17.5 million. The decrease is due to a combination of the decrease in state aid revenue, our substantially lower secondary tax levy this year, and the fact there were thxee pay periods in March 2012 compared with two the previous year. In terms of operational performance, General Fund revenues and expenditures are in line with budget and our expectations. Personal services expenditures and commitments are 89.5 percent of budget, which is somewhat lower than the previous year. Services and supplies expenditures and commitments are approximately 77.5 percent of the budget, which is slightly higher than the previous year. Statement of Net Assets As shown in The Statement ofNet Assets, total net assets at the end ofMarch were $219.2 million, which is an increase of about $2.7 million compared to the same time last year. Principally, this improvement is due to the decrease in total liabilities from the retirement of long term debt. Approvals Contact Person _ _ U ____;=--~ --='---~--= --=-------Dr. David Bea Interim Chancellor A. ~ VOf:Suza e L. · es PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 003 Statement of Reven ues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets For Nine Months E nding March 3 1, 2012 FY 2010/I I Auxilia r y and Restricted General OPERATING REV ENUES Tuition and Fees Contracts Auxiliary Enterprises Commission and Rents Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues OPERATrNG EXPENSES Educational and General I n~truction Acade mic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operation and Maintenance of Plant Depreciation Student Financial/\ id Auxiliary Enterprises Contingency Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Gain (Loss) $ 49.993,498 2.067.494 1.077.930 $ Income before Other Revenues, Expenses, Gains, or Losses 12, 11 5,898 $ Transfers Capital Appropriations Capital Gifts and Grants NET ASSETS Net Assets - Beginning of Ycar Net Assets- E nd of Pet·iod $ 52.-t33.803 452.091 153.686 104,397,377 (51,865,156) $ 45.367 63,98 1,054 1.305.771 1.032.054 436.-t98 44.395 2,329,727 5, 162,494 5.213.1 63 2,469.044 2,643,475 2,673,979 (746,540) 392,4 13 40.507.033 17,1 15.586 14,853.696 21 ,690.728 8.998,7 18 NONOPERATrNG REVENU ES ( EXPENS ES) State Approprimions $ Property Taxes Federal Grants State and Local Gran ts State Shared Sah:s Taxes Gins Investment Income Net Xonoperating Revenues Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 60,318,265 (58,659,562) $ 5,359,800 58.575.726 14,218,33 1 ( 12,773,567) $ $ 1.695.049 56.974.980 1,563,763 I ,368,59 1 (32,828) 773 59,875,279 16 1 $ 1.2 15.7 17 3,375 1,698,424 $ (2,982,000) (5.095.668) Prior Year Totals as of Ma rch31 ,20 11 Total All Funds Plant and Other Funds ( 11 ,075. 143) $ 51,299.269 2.067.49-t 44.008. 13 1 20.195,559 17,572,070 23 ,273,915 14,553,625 5.213.1 63 53.51 1.733 452.09 1 1 686 178,933,973 (123,298,285) $ 50.434,32 1 1.996.596 1,360.075 233,582 959,005 54,983,579 42.054. 159 18.211 ,355 16,947.872 23, 111.13 8 12.623.766 5.357.519 -l9.900.616 -t-t5. 103 $ 168,651,528 ( 113,667,949) 5.359,800 60.270,775 56,974,980 1,563,924 I ,368.59 1 (32.828) 49,515 125,554,757 $ 11 .956.575 62.991.675 54.288.392 368.630 1.314.972 27.632 I 88.588 131 ,136,464 2,256,472 $ 17.468,5 15 2,256,472 $ 17,468,515 2 16.959.748 219,216,220 $ 199.062,635 2 16,531 , 150 8,077,668 $ 7,020,230 $ (1,766,283) $ s 6 1,089.1 3 1 68, 109,36 1 $ 10,349, 11 0 8,582,827 s (2,997,475) $ 145,52 1,507 142,524,032 $ PIM A CO UNTY COMMUN I T Y COLLEGE DISTRICT 004 Summary of Expenditures and Encumbrances- General Fund - Budget a nd Actual For ~in c .VIonths Endi ng .\l arch 31,20 12 FY 20 lOII I TOTAL COMMI11ED AMOUNT % FY201 1/12 ADJUSTED BUDGET TOTAL COl\1;\-llTTED AMOllNT % A\'AILAIJLE IJliOGET EX PF:NDITllRES BY FUNCTIO N Ed ucational and General Instruction 1\cadcmic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operation and Maintenance of Plant Student Financial Aid Other Expenses Transfers Fund balance reserved for contingency Total Expenditures by Function EXPE~D I TURES $ 61.082.430 24.295.201 20.957.613 34, 143.346 12.178,72 1 1.196,000 s 5,095.668 5, 104,021 48.104,949 21,474,053 19,559,063 26,788,605 11,187,889 1,077.930 78.8 $ 88.4 93.3 78.5 9 1.9 90. 1 5,095,668 153,686 100.0 3.0 81.3 S 164,053,000 S 133,441 ,843 6,446.000 23.747.000 1,1 47,509 15,458.922 37,998,135 $ 6,065,836 22,045,279 725,279 14,786,508 37,185.357 5.324,233 2.677 12,977.481 2.821.148 1.398.550 7.354.74 1 990,832 118.070 $ 49.113.020 21.661.411 20.077.700 26.343.988 II ,445.049 1.364,092 82.0 84.7 9 1.0 81.0 92. 1 100.0 27,878,800 100.0 4,950.335 S 30,611 ,157 s 157,884,060 84.2 94.1 $ 92.8 63.2 95.7 97.9 100.0 380.164 1,70 1,72 1 422,230 672.4 14 812.778 $ 6.208.2 11 21 ,824,764 846,043 16.628.305 37.255.8-13 6.10 1.63-l 28.867 16.389.211 I05.282.878 93.9 90.6 7 1.0 100.0 99.3 100.0 78. 1 71.1 91.4 4, 190,38 1 1,236.4 16 10.354.672 4.637,328 1.364.092 2.273.2-18 2-1.056.137 67.9 -13.3 100.0 59.4 100.0 73.9 76.1 3-19.275 27.878.800 316,970 55.1 100.0 27.0 157,884,060 84.2 BY ACCOl" NT Personal Services 1\dministrative Personnel Fnculty Additional Compensation- Fucuhy 1\djunct Faculty Classified StatT Other Compensation Student Employment I Workstudy Fri Benefits Services a nd Supplic.s Commun ications and Utilities Travel Contractual Services Supplies and Materials Student Financial Aid Capital Equipment Transfers Other Expenditures Conti ~i!MIIIillii- $ 3.770, 196 I , 183,825 10,452,263 4, 107,372 1.077,930 67.9 42.0 96.6 1.786,159 1.635,809 364,487 2.8 19.396 118.070 $ PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 00 5 COMMITMENTS FOR INSTRUCTION 1000 FY II $49.1 M ..... 80.0 t>J) "C = CQ .... 60.0 Q c.. .. 40.0 ... (j Q. 20 0 00 COMMITMENTS FOR ACADEMIC SUPPORT 100.0 ·Y 12 2 1.5 M ..... 80.0 ~ 60.0 • t>J) Q c.. ... ct 40.0 (j 20.0 0.0 COMMITMENTS FOR STUDENT SERVICES 100.0 -.=. 60.0 ...c 40.0 80.0 Ol) "C Q ..... .. (j Q. 20.0 00 FY 12 $19.6 M FY II $20.1 M • • PI MA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 00 £ COMMITMENTS FOR INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT ... - 100.0 FY I I $26.3 M ~ ...---- 80.0 CD '1:: :I QQ 60.0 ....0 -... c e.! Q., --- ~ 40.0 e.! <J 20.0 __... ~ 12$26.8M 0.0 --.~~ ,} ~ ~.::) # c,'=-~ ~~' ~:,<. o"'"< ,.~ # <> -~ ~0~ ~' ~ <~l"' ~" ~ ....~<:' ~" ~.::) «.~ ~ ~..§ ~::~~ ~~., ~ --,v<:' COMMITMENTS FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF PLANT 100.0 - ~ - .-f'~l b.O '1:: ~ ....0 c ...u e.! e.! Q., $11 .4M PY 12 $11.2 M 80.0 e.! ~ ---- 600 ~ 40.0 20 0 00 --.~~ _, ~v~.., ~ o"-< ,;,'- .#~' & :<!-' c,~~"'"~ .# .,.~ (.;v <;)~ ~0 ~~" --.~<:' N,f. «<)'" ~ ~..§ COMMITMENTS FOR STUDENT FINANCIAL AID 100.0 80.0 ~ CD '1:: :I ....QQ0 ...c 60.0 ~0.0 e.! <J ... e.! Q., 20.0 0.0 "~4, § '?-v~ # ,.~ c,"-<1. ~~;<. & ~ o"''< .,_v# ~0 ~~;'- "' ~ <> <;:>""' !'>-<;\ ...,..§'.::) 0 ~"; «.~ (J- ~~ ~~ [ --+- FY II ~..§ - FY 12 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 00 i' Board of Governors 4905C East BroadwayfTucson. Arizona 85709-1010 INFORMATION ITEM Meet ing Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: 10 Item Title Separations from E mployment Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Recommendation: For your information, the Interim Chancellor submits the fo llowing separations from employment: Retirements Maxfield, Shelley A. Instructional Faculty-8 io logy EC-Life and Physical Sciences Effective: 5/ 15/ 12 Shelley '·Maxie" Maxfield began employment with the College in 1982 as instructional facult y teaching biology at East Campus. She also served as adjunct faculty at the former Eastside Learning Center. She served as department chair and is retiring as a biology faculty member from East Campus. Winkler, Timothy Trades/Maintenance Teclmician DO-Plant Operations Effective: 4/ 3/ 12 Timothy Winkler began employment with the College in 2002 as trades/maintenance technician at Desert Vista Campus and is retiring as a trades/maintenance technician. Separ ations from E mployment C rocker , Jessica Laboratory Specialist WC-Visual Arts Effective: 4/20112 Reason: Personal (Continued) Separations from Employment Date: 5/16112 Page 2 Richards, Barry J. Advanced Program Coordinator DO-Disabled Student Resources 4/5112 Effective: Reason: Personal Solleveld, Robin Student Services Advanced Specialist NW-Enrollment Services Effective: 4/ 13/ 12 Reason: No reason given Approvals Contact Person C"pu~'GtJanet L. May ~.//~ eMi le · Interim Chancel l o r A · Dr. Suza 008 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 00 9 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 INFORMATION ITEM Item Number: l l Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Student Aide Hires (206-4624) Recomm endation : The Chancellor submits the following list of appointments for student aides. Alsemciry Arias Baker Burnell Cedillo Enright Evennan Gallegos Hagan Hernandez Laws Loevenguth Summar Tvette Gavin Amanda Marisela Dorothy Faith Hiriana Hail ey Jasmine Hannah Anna lisa Machado Martinez Nelson Palazuelos Pedrosa Qureshi Ramirez Sanchez Shea-Horne Villezcas Wager Williams Approvals Contact Person ~'d-Janet L. May ~&8~ me Mil Interim ChancellorA. Or. Su Pedro Luis Kimberly Fabio la Evettc Yummna Cynthia Victor Nasara Jesus Mark Clarence PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 0 ~0 Board of Governo rs 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: 12A Item Title Unapproved Minutes ofthe Special Meeting April3 , 2012 Contact Person Chancellor's Office (206-4747) Recommendation: The unapproved minutes ofthe Special Meeting of April3 , 2012 (5:00pm) are submitted for approval. Ap proval Interim ChancellorA. ~~ ;suz;t MileS PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 3, 2012 A Special Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Governing Board was held on Tuesday, April 3, 20 12 at 5:30 p.m., in Room A230, at the Community Campus, 401 N. Bonita Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85709-5075. Persons in Attendance Board Members: Scott Stewart, Chai r Brenda Even, Secretary E. Marty Cortez, Member Shen·yn Marshall, Member Absent: David Longoria, Member L ega l Counsel: John Richardson Reco rding Secretary: Gabriela De Echavarri Administration/Staff: C.J. Karamargin Suzanne Miles Lynne Wakefield Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 5:55 pm. Motion to conduct Executive Sessions Motion No. 7079 Sherryn Marshall- M; Ma~1y Cortez - S; to conduct Executive Sessions pursuant to A.R.S. § 38431.03(A)(3) (legal advice). Vote: All Board members present voted '"aye'· by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion carried. Recess into Executive Sessions The Board recessed into the above refe renced Executive Sessions at 5:56p.m. 011 Board of Governors Minutes Special Meeting - April 3, 2012 Page 2 012 Resumption of Open Session T he Board resumed Open Session at 7:02p.m. Ad jounm1ent The meeting adjourned at 7:03p.m. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 01 3 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway!Tucson, Arizona 85709-101 0 ACTION ITEM Item Number: 128 Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Title Unapproved Minutes of the Special Meeting April 3, 2012 Contact Person Chancellor" s Office (206-474 7) Recommendation: The unapproved minutes of the Special Meeting of April 3, 2012 (7:00pm) are submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancellor-1JJ,.,...:..-~·-~-.;,c-~~~4--·. ~A ~~-= ·--=-- ~Iles PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 014 A Special Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Board of Governors was held on Tuesday, April3, 2012 at 7:00p.m., in Room Al09/ 112, Community Campus, 401 N. Bonita Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85709-5075. BOARD MEMBERS Scott Stewart, Chair Ma1ty Cortez, Member Brenda Even, Member David Longoria, Member (Absent) Shen·yn Marshall, Member STAFF/FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES Rose Bolz, Staff Patricia Figueroa, Faculty Kimlisa Salazar Duchicela, Faculty RECORDING SECRETARY Gabriela De Echavarri LEGAL COUNSEL John Richardson A DMINISTRATION Suzatme Miles, Interim Chancellor Lou Albert, President, West Campus Doreen Armstrong, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Personnel Services David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Johnson Bia, President, Desert Vista Campus John Carroll, Vice President of Instruction (Acting) Luba Chli wniak, President, Dovvntown Campus Aubrey Conover, Vice President of Student Development Cindy Dooling, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (Acting) Charlotte Fugett, Provost (Acting) Mary Kay Gillil and, Academic Dean Mary Beth Ginter, Academic Dean Jerry llaynes, Vice President of Student Development Patricia Houston , Academic Dean William Howard, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Business Services Alex Kajstura, President, Northwest Campus C.J. Karamargin, Vice Chancellor, Public Information and Government Relations Darla Lammers, Vice President of Instruction Janet May, Vice Chancello r, Human Resources Keith Mcintosh, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (Acting) Lorraine Morales, President, Community Campus (Acting) Brigid Murphy, Vice President of Instruction Robert Simpson, Academic Dean Nancee Sorenson, President, East Campus (Acting) Stan Steinman, Academic Dean Michael Tulino, Vice President of Student Development Anne Vosberg. Vice President of Student Development William Ward, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Facilities Deborah Y oklic, Vice President of Instruction, (Acting) Board of Governors Minutes Special Meeting - April 3, 2012 Page 2 01S Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Brenda Even led the Pl edge of Allegiance. Call to the Public There were no comments from the publ ic. Discussion of Chancellor Search Process A general discussion was conducted regarding the Chancellor search process. Chairperson Stewart stated that the process to search for a Chancellor will be open, transparent and robust. He listed the outline and the time frame this process may take. Legal Counsel John Richardson explained the role of a consultant in the search process. Board member Brenda Even posed questions about the consultant proposals. Board Member Marty Cortez re-emphasized this was a good opportunity for the public to participate. She also mentioned the creation of a website which will be kept up to date in the process. Board Member Sherryn Marshall stated that the search will be open and inclusive. She encouraged peopl e to pat1icipate when the site visits occur. Legal Counsel John Richardson informed that the search will take considerable time with the selected candidate anticipated to be on board by the summer of2013. He explained that the Request for Proposal for the consultant will be issued, proposals will be received by the College and evaluated, high-ranked consul tants will make presentations to the Board in open meeting and then a consultant will be selected. Mr. Richardson explained that the search committee will be subject to the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:32pm. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 013 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Item Number: 12C Item Title Contact Person Unapproved Minutes of the Special Meeting April 11, 2012 Chancellor's Office (206-4747) Recommendation: The unapproved minutes of the Special Meeting of April II , 20 12 are submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancellor A. ?Ji~~ D ·. uzann . Miles PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Aprilll, 2012 A Special Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Governing Board was held on Wednesday, April 11 , 20 12 at 5:00 p.m., in the Catalina Vista Conference Room at the District Office, 4905 E. Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85709-1005. Persons in Attendance Board Members: Scott Stewart, Chair Brenda Even, Secretary Sherryn Marshall, Member E. Marty Cortez, Member Absent: David Longoria, Member Legal Counsel: John Richardson Recordin g Secretary: Gabriela De Echavarri Administration: C.J. Karamargin Janet May Suzanne Miles Negotiation Repr,e sentativcs to the Board Denise Bainton Lisa Ann Smith GENERAL MATTERS Call to Order Scott Stewart call ed the meeting to order at 5:09 pm. Motion to conduct Executive Sessions Motion No. 7080 Sherry Marshall - M ; Marty Cortez- S; to conduct Executive Sessions pw-suant to A.R.S. § 38431.03(A)(5) (consultation and direction to negotiation representatives);§ 38-43 1.03(A)(l ), (personnel); § 38431.03(A)(3) (legal advice); § 38-431 (A)(4) (legal advice). 017 Board of Governors Minutes Special Meeting - Apri l I I, 20 12 Page 2 018 Vote: All Board members present voted "aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion carried. Recess into Executive Sessions The Board recessed into the above referenced Executive Sessions at 5:10p.m. Resumption of Open Session The Board resumed Open Session at 6:57 p.m. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 019 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, A rizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Number: 120 Item Title Unapproved Minutes of the Regular Meeting April 11 , 20 12 Contact Person Chancellor's Office (206-4 747) Recommendation: The unapproved minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 11 , 20 12 are submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancellor A ~ .&:::~ ~MileS PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT A Regular Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Board of Governors was held on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 7:00p.m., in the Community Board Room, District Office, 4905 E. Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85709-1010. BOARD MEMBERS Scott Stewart, Chair Brenda Even, Secretary Marty Cortez, Member David Longoria, Member (Absent) Sherryn Marshall, Member BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Rose Bolz, Staff Timothy Kelliher, Staff Silvia Baiza, Student Robert Owens, Student Kimlisa Salazar Duchicela, Faculty Patricia Figueroa, Faculty RECORDING SECRETARY Gabriela De Echavarri LEGAL COUNSEL John Richardson ADMJNISTRATION Suzanne Miles, Interim Chance llor Lou Albert, President, West Campus Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Johnson Bia, President, Desert Vista Campus John Carroll , Vice President oflnstruction Luba Chliwniak, President, Downtown Campus Aubrey Conover, Vice President of Student Development Nina Corson, Academic Dean Cindy Dooling, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (Acting) Charlotte Fugett, Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor (Acting) Deborah Gaddy, Academic Dean Donna Gifford, Vice President oflnstruction John Gillis, Academic Dean Dianne Groover, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Finance Mary Beth Ginter, Academic Dean Jerry Haynes, Vice President of Student Development Patricia Houston, Academic Dean William Howard, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Business Services Rachelle Howell, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Grants, Planning and Institutional Research Alex Kajstura, President, Northwest Campus C.J. Karamargin, Vice Chancellor, Public Information and Government Relations Darla Lammers, Vice President of Instruction Janet May, Vice Chancel lor, Human Resources Keith Mcintosh, Assistant Vice Chancellor. Information Technology (Acting) Leticia Menchaca, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services Lorraine Morales, President, Community Campus (Acting) Brigid Murphy, Vice President oflnstruction Anna Reese. Executive Director, Financial Aid Nicola Richmond, Executive Director, Planning and Institutional Research Ted Roush, Vice President of Instruction Nancy Sorenson, President, East Campus (Acting) Edgar Soto, Executive Director, Athletics Stan Steinman, Academic Dean Heather Tilson, Senior Assistant to the Provost Michael Tulino, Vice President of Student Development Anne Vosberg, Vice President of Student Development Daniel Wright, Academic Dean Deborah Yoklic, Vice President of Instruction (Acting) Board of Governors Minutes Regular Meeting - April I I, 2012 Page 2 GENERAL MATTERS 02 1 Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Sherryn Marshall led the Pledge of A llegiance. Recognition Awards Interim Chancellor Miles welcomed the honorees and recogni zed their achievements. Awards were presented to students, employees and community members. Dr. Miles thanked everyone for being there. Public Comment and Reports Public Comment Mario Gonzalez, Chair for C-FAIRR (Coalition for Accountability, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility) congratulated the teachers and students who were recognized. Mr. Gonzalez stated that a request from C-FA IRR has been submitted to the offices of Barbara LaWall , Pima County Attorney; Linda Arzoumanian, Pima County School Superintendent and Sylvia Manning, President of the Higher Learning Commission for an investigation regarding the policies and procedures of the College. Samantha Reed , Northwest Campus student, addressed the Board requesting that the I loners Program have graduation regalia. Staff Representatives There was no report. Student Representatives Student Representatives Robe11 Owens, on behalf of Amber Bright, and Silv ia Baiza reported on recent events from each campus. Highli ghts included: Community Campus: The Adult Education Student Leadership Council and the City of Tucson Parks & Recreation hosted a Carnival Fundraiser at El Pueblo Neighborhood Center. Desert Vista Campus: Hosted an Earth Day event in partnership with the Green Thumb Club. Downtown Campus: Sponsored an American Red Cross Blood Drive event. East Campus: Will host the 101h Annual Japanese Speech contest. Northwest Campus: Board ofGovemors Minutes Regular Meeting - April I I, 2012 Page 3 022 Will be hosting the Northwestfest. West Campus: Will be hosting the Asian Pacific American History Month. Faculty Representatives There was no report. Board Member Sherryn Marshall thanked the employee groups' representatives for attending the Public Meeting on April 3rd. Chairperson Stewart also thanked them for their attendance. Dr. Miles thanked the student body representatives for their work. Governing Board Member Reports Chairperson 's Report - There was no report. Secre!CIIy to the Board Report - There was no report. Chancellor's Report Dr. Nancee Sorenson, East Campus Acting President and Dr. Christopher Bonn, Principal of Santa Rita High School gave a presentation on the East Campus and Santa Rita I 1igh School Partnership. Board Member Even commended the efforts made for thi s outstanding program. Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, gave a presentation about the College's cost saving measures. Board Member Marshall requested data regarding contracting personnel services. Secretary Even and Board Member Cortez congratulated the outlay of the work done. Chairperson Stewart noted the commitment to deliver the community the best along with quality education. Report- February 2012 Financial Statements Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor fo r Finance and Administration, reviewed the fin ancial statements for the Board of Governors Minutes Regular Meeting - Apri l I [ , 20 I2 Page 4 ')'"' 0""j period end ing February 2012. He noted the total net assets through month end is approximately $230.5 million, which is an increase of about $9.3 million compared to the san1c time last year. Information Items Separations from Employment Student Aide Hires These items were noted as information items. Action Items Approval ofMinutes Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes Motion No. 7081 PASSES Marty Cortez - M, Brenda Even-S, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 14, 20 12 and the Regular Meeting of March 14,2012 Vote: All Board members present voted ..aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion carried. Consent Agenda Board Member Sherryn Marshall requested that Item 14.1 New Appointments be pulled and voted on separately. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Motion No. 7082 PASSES Brenda Even - M, Marty Cortez - S, to approve the Consent Agenda. 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 Adjunct Faculty Appointments Temporary Appointments Interim Chancellor Salary Modification Administrator Appointment Contract: Grant Writing Consultants Contract Increase: Transportation Services Contract Increase: Fuel and Fuel Card Management System Vote: All Board members present voted '·aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion carried. Board of Governors Minutes Regular Meeting - April I I, 2012 Page 5 02 ~ New Appointments Motion to Approve New Appointments PASSES Motion No. 7083 Brenda Even- M, Marty Cortez- S, to approve new appointments. Vote: Board members present other than Board Member Marshall voted "aye•· by voice vote. Sherryn Marshall abstained. Motion carried. Capital Budget Plan for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 Executive Vice Chancellor Bea provided background information regarding this item. Motion to Approve Capital Budget Plan for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2104 PASSES Motion No. 7084 Marty Cortez - M, Brenda Even-S, to approve the capital projects for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. The budget includes $ 18.6 million for projects in fi scal year 2013 and $ 12.4 million in fiscal year 2014. Vote: All Board members present voted ··aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion carried. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8.37 p.m. Secretary Date 0 ') t:; PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict ~v Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson. Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: l2E Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Title Unapproved Minutes ofthe Special Meeting April 17,2012 Contact Person Chancellor's Office (206-4747) Recommendation : The unapproved minutes of the Special Meeting of April 17, 2012 (7: 15 pm) are submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancello~ ; SuzafllleCMiles <) ,, 0 ~J t PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Aprill7, 2012 A Special Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Governing Board was held on Tuesday, April 17, 20 12 at 7:15 p.m., in the Board Conference Room, at the District Office, 4905 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85709-1 010. Persons in Attendance Board Members: Scott Stewart, Chair Brenda Even, Secretary Marty Cortez, Member David Longoria, Member Sherryn Marshall, Member Legal Counsel: John Richardson Administration: Suzanne Miles C.J. Karamargin Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm. Motion to conduct Executive Sessions Motion No. 7085 David Longoria- M; Brenda Even - S; to conduct Executive Sessions pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(l ) (personnel) and A.R.S. § 38-431.03(/\)(3) (legal advice). Vote: J\11 Board members present voted ·'aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion can·ied. Recess into Executive Sessions The Board recessed into the above referenced Executive Sessions at 7: 16 p.m. Board of Governors Minutes 02 7 Special Meeting - Apri I 17, 2012 Page 2 Resumption of Open Session The Board resumed Open Session at 7:35p.m. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:36p.m. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 028 Board of Governors 4905C East BroadwayfTucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: 12F Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Unapproved Minutes of the Special Meeting April 17, 2012 Contact Person Chancellor' s Office (206-4747) R ecom mendation: The unapproved minutes ofthe Special Meeting of April 17, 2012 (7:30pm) are submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancellor A ~ r:suzec MileS PIMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES A Special Meeting of the Pima County Communi ty Co llege District Governing Board was held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., in the Community Board Room, at the District Office, 4905 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85709-1010. BOARD MEMBERS Scott Stewart, Chair Marty Cortez, Member Brenda Even, Member David Longoria, Member Sherryn Marshall, Member STAFF/FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES Timothy Kelliher, Staff Kimlisa Salazar Duchicela, Faculty RECORDING SECRETARY Gabriela De Echavarri LEGAL COUNSEL John Richardson ADMINISTRATION Suzanne Miles, Interim Chancellor Lou Albert, President, West Campus Stella Bay, Executive Director, Depar1ment of Public Safety David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Johnson Bia, President, Desert Vista Campus Aubrey Conover, Vice President of Student Development Cindy Dooling, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (Acting) Charlotte Fugett, Provost (Acting) Mary Beth Ginter, Academic Dean Donna, Gifford, Vice President of Instruction John Gillis, Academic Dean Rachelle Howell , Assistant Vice Chancellor for Grants, Plmming and Institutional Research Alex Kajstura, President, Northwest Campus C.J. Karamargin, Vice Chancellor, Public Information and Government Relations Darla Lammers, Vice President of Instruction Mary Ann Martinez Sanchez, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Services & Vice Provost Janet May, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Keith Mcintosh, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (Acting) Lorraine Morales, President, Community Campus (Acting) Nancee Sorenson, President, East Campus (Acting) Michael Tulino, Vice President of Student Development Anne Vosberg, Vice President of Student Development Deborah Yoklic, Vice President of Instruction, (Acting) Darla Zirbes, Vice President of Instruction Board of Governors Minutes Special Meeting - Apri I 17, 2012 Page 2 GENERAL MATT ERS 03 G Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm. Pledge of Allegiance David Longoria led the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Comment Greg Hart addressed the board requesting the Board honors College polici es, that they make the right decisions and that the Board protects the employees of the College. Action Items Retirement of Dr. Roy Flores Motion to Approve Retirement of Dr. Roy Flores PASSES Motion No. 7086 Brenda Even - M, David Longoria - S, to approve the retirement and resignation of Dr. Roy Flores, effective June 30, 2012. Vote: All Board members present voted " aye" by voice vote . None were opposed. Motion carried. Adjournment The meeti ng adjourned at 7:45p.m. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 031 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: 12G Item Title Unapproved Minutes or the Special Meeting Apri l 30, 2012 Contact Person Chancellor's Office (206-4747) Recommendation: The unapproved minutes of the Special Meeting of April 30, 2012 arc submitted for approval. Approval Interim Chancellor A. r~~ ~ ~suzann ~ileS 032 PIMA COUNTY COMM UNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 30, 2012 A Special Meeting of the Pima County Community College District Governing Board was held on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 5:30p. m., in the Board Conference Room, at the District Office, 4905 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85709-1010. Persons in Attendance Board Members: Scott Stewart, Chair Brenda Even, Secretary Marty Cortez, Member David Longoria, Member Sherryn Marshall, Member Legal Counsel: John Richardson Alice Calli son Administration: Suzanne Miles C.J. Karamargin Call to Order Scott Stewart called the meeting to order at 5:44pm. Motion to conduct Executive Sessions Motion No. 708 7 Brenda Even - M; Matty Cortez- S; to conduct Executive Sessions pursuant to A.R.S. §38-43 1.03(A)( 1) (personnel) and A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) (legal advice). Vote: All Board members present voted "aye" by voice vote. None were opposed. Motion canied. Recess into Executive Sessions The Board recessed into the above referenced Executive Sessions at 5:45p.m. Board of Governors Minutes Special Meeting - Apri I 30, 20 12 Page 2 033 Resumption of Open Session The Board resumed Open Session at 8:28p.m. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:29p.m. Secretary Date PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 03 4 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: 13 Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Title Consent Agenda Contact Person Chancellor's Office (206-4747) Recommendation: The Interim Chancell or recommends to the Board that the following items be considered as Consent Agenda Items. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 NewAppointments Adjunct Faculty Appointments Temporary Appointments Administrator Appointment Faculty Sabbaticals Sub-Grant 1\greement Renewal: First Things First Innovative Professional Development, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Extension of Sub-recipient Agreement: Sunnyside Unified School District and United States Department of Education, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program Grant Proposal: Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Pima Conummity College Adult Education Family Literacy Program, I Learn, We Learn Project Grant Proposal: Arizona Department of Education: Title I Even Start Family Literacy Program Grant Proposal: United States Department of Education, Deve lopi ng Hispanic Serving Institutions (Title V) Program Grant Proposal/Intergovernmental Agreement: Governor's Oilice of Highway Safety Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program Intergovernmental Agreement: Arizona Board of Regents. Prepayment of Rent and Termination ofNorthwest Campus Building Sublease C urriculum Recommendations - New Program: Fashion Design - Certificate for Direct Employment Library Participation in Cooperative Buying Program with the Community College Library Consot1ium Contract: Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules ofClasses for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 Contract: Perceptis, LLC Extension Contracts: New Tech Solutions Contract: Health Tnsurance for International Students Contract: Sh011 Term Disabili ty (Continued) Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Consent Agenda Approval Interim Chancellor A. ~ D uzanne . Miles 035 03 6 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict Board of Governors 4905C East BroadwayfTucson. Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: Meeting Date: 5/16/ 12 Item Title New Appointments 13.1 Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Recomm endation : The Interim C hancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve these new appointments. Justification: When vacancies occur, the placement process is conducted in accordance with College policy and regulati ons. At the conclusion of the recmitment process, a summary of the process is presented and names of recommended candidates are brought forward to the Board of Governors for approval. Faculty: Cook, Victoria Instructional Faculty Salary: $56,641 Community Campus- History Effective: 8/ 15/1 2 Bache lor of Arts, History, Mas ter of Arts. History, University of Arizona Education: Experience: Ms. Cook has worked fo r the College since 1997. She previously served as a Vice President of Instruction for the Northwest and West Campuses for eight years. Additionally, Ms. Cook has six years of experience as a facu lty member at Downtown campus. During this time, she served as depa1tment chair and adjunct facu lty. Recruitment Overview: Ms. Cook requested an administrative reassignment to faculty in accordance with the Personnel Policy Statement for Administrators. Cooper , P h.D., Gary Instructional Faculty Salary: $5 1, I 08 Community Campus - Chemistry 8115/ 12 Selected to fill an open position Effective: Education: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Phi losophy, Chemistry, Arizona State University Experience: Dr. Cooper has been an associate chemistry professor for Dixie State College of Utah, St. Geo rge, Utah, for the past four years. His previous experience inc ludes two and a half years as assistant chemistry professor for Western New Mex ico University, Silver City, New Mexico; one semester as adjunct instructor for Mesa (Continued) New Appointments Date: 5/ 16112 Page 2 Community College, Mesa, Arizona; one semester as faculty associate for Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona; and two years as senior scientist for Westinghouse Savrumah River Co., Aiken, South Carolina. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Thirty-one complete appli cations were screened by an advisory committee. Ten applicants were invited to interview. The fina lists were interviewed by Dr. Lorraine Morales, Acti ng Community Campus President. C unningham, Robert Educational Support Faculty Salary: $46 846 Downtown Campus- Counseling 8/ 15/ 12 Selected to fill an open position Effecti ve: Education: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Master of Science, Counseli ng: Marriage and Fam ily Therapy, Cali fornia State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, California Experience: Mr. Cunningham has been a temporary counselor fo r Pima Community College for the past four months. His previous experience includes nine years as a counselor for various behavioral and addiction treatment centers in Arizona and Californ ia. Recmitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Fifty-fi ve complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Four applicants were invited to interview. The fi nalists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President and Dr. Alex Kajstura, Northwest Campus President. Dworin, Ph.D., Joel Instructional Faculty Salary: $59,624 Dese11 Vista Campus- Reading Selected to fi ll an open position Effective: 8/15/12 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Education and Soc ial Stud ies, Master of Education, Reading, Doctor of Philosophy, Language, Reading and Culture, University of Arizona Experience: Dr. Dworin has been an associate reading professor for the University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, for the past five years. His previous experience includes six years as an assistant reading professor fo r the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas; two years as an assistant reading professor for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; and two years as an assistant professor fo r the Uni versity of the Incarnate Word, San Antoni o, Texas. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Twenty-one complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Seven applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Jolmson Bia, Dese11 Vista Campus President. Glisovic, Mirjana Instructional Faculty Salary: $48,975 Northwest Campus- Mathematics Effective: 8/ 15/ 12 Selected to fill an open position Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Mathematics, Northern Arizona Educati on: University Experience: Ms. Gl isovic has been a mathematics instmctor for Coconino Communjty Co llege, Page, Arizona, for the past six years. Her previous experience includes (Continued) 03 7 New Appointments Date: 5116/12 Page 3 two years as an mathematics instructor for Ilisagvik College, Barrow, Alaska; one year as a graduate teaching assistant for Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona; and one year as a graduate teaching assistant for N011hern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Forty-three complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Fifteen applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President, Charlotte Fugett, Acting Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Services, and Dr. Alex Kajstura, No11hwest Campus President. Goncalves-Shaner, Aurora Instructional Faculty Salary: $46,421 West Campus - Dance Effectiv e: 8/15/12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Arts. Dance, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah: Master of Fine Arts, Dance, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Goncalves-Shaner has been an adjunct dance instructor for Pima Conuntmity College for the past three years. Her experience includes three years as an adjunct dance instructor for the University of Arizona School of Dance; one year as a principal dancer for the Opera Production of La Traviata: and three years as a professional dancer with Ballet Teatro Castro Alves. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Thirty-five complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Six applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Louis Albert, West Can1pus President. Harras, Jen nifer Instructional Faculty Salary: $44,292 Downtown Campus - Mathematics Effective: 8/15/12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Un iversity of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Master of Science, Mathematics, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington Experience: Ms. Harras has been a mathematics instructor for Centrali a College, Centralia, Washington, for the past year. Her previous experience includes three years in a graduate teaching assistantship for Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Forty-three complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Fifteen applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President, Charlotte Fugett, Acting Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Services, and Dr. Alex Kajstura, Northwest Campus President. (Continued) 0 3S New Appointments Date: 5/16/12 Page 4 Harris, Marianne Education al Support Faculty Salary: $42,588 Downtown Campus - Library Effective: 07/01112 One year administrative appointment Education: Associate of Science, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Pima Community College; Bachelor of Arts, English and Creative Writing, Master of Arts, Information Resomces and Library Science, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Harris has been an English teacher for Tucson Unified School District for the past ten years. Her experience includes nine months as a temporary librarian and a library volunteer for Pima Communi ty College. Recruitment Overview: And external recruitment was conducted. Sixteen complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Six applicants were invited to interview. The fina lists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President. Langer, Ph.D., Bradley lnstmctional Faculty Salary: $51 , I 08 Northwest Campus - Spanish Effective: 8/ 15/12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Arts, Spanish, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California; Master of Arts, Spanish, Doctor of Philosophy, Spanish, University of California- Davis, Davis, California Experience: Dr. Langer has been a visiting assistant Spanish professor for Kansas State Un iversity, Manhattan, Kansas, for the past year. His previous experience includes four months as a lectmer for California State University, Stanislaus, Cal ifomia; six years as an associate Spanish instructor and three months as a senior teaching assistant; and three months as a program assistant for Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Fifty complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Seven applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Alex Kajstma, Northwest Campus President. Martin , Erica Educational Support Faculty Salary: $42,588 Northwest Campus- Cow1seling 8/15112 Selected to fill an open position Effective: Education: Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, University of Arizona; Master of Education, Counseling- Human Relations, Northern Arizona University Experience: Ms. Martin has been a temporary counselor for Pima Communi ty College the past nine months. Her previous experience includes seven years as an adjunct instructor and two additional semesters as a temporary counselor for Pima Community College. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Fifty-five complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Four applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President and Dr. Alex Kajstura, Northwest Campus President. (Continued) 03 9 New Appointments Date: 5/16/ 12 Page 5 Moellenhoff, Ph.D., Mark Instructional Faculty Salary: $51,108 Downtown Campus -Mathematics Effective: 8/15/12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri; Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama Experience: Dr. Moellenhoff has been an adjunct mathematics instructor for Pima Community College for the past two years . His previous experience includes over fifteen years as a development engi neer for Raytheon Company, Tucson , Arizona, and five years as a systems analysis engineer for Dynetics, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Forty-three complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Fifteen applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President, Charlotte Fugett, Acting Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Services, and Dr. Alex Kajstura, Northwest Campus Pres ident. Nolan, Michael Instructional Faculty Salary: $45 ,996 West Campus- Art 8/ 15112 Selected to fill an open position Effective: Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Studio Art, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Nolan is currently a professor of art for Southwest Universi ty of Visual Arts (formerly The Art Center Design College) in Tucson, Arizona. His previous experience includes two years as an adjunct instructor with both Pima Community College and the University of Ari zona and two years as a graduate teaching assistant with the University of Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Sixty-four complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Eight applicants were invited to interview. The finali sts were interviewed by Dr. Louis Albert, West Campus President. Rodriguez, Monique Education al Support Faculty Salary: $42,588 Northwest Campus- Librarian 8/ 15112 Selected to fill an open position Effective: Education: Bachelor of Arts, Mexican American Studies, Master of Arts, Information Resources and Library Science, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Rodriguez has been a temporary educational support faculty librarian for Pima Community College for the past six months. Her previous experience includes six months as a library assistant for the Tucson Unified School Di strict; one month as a temporary library specialist for Pima Community College; another seven months as temporary educational support faculty librarian for Pima Community College; and nine months as a teacher and library liaison for Chicanos Por La Causa, Tucson, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external rcctuitment was conducted. Fifty-three complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Thirteen applicants were invited to (Continued) New Appointments Date: 5116/ 12 Page 6 interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Alex Kajstura, Campus President. orthwest Rollins, Elizabeth Instructional Faculty Salary: $45,996 Downtown Campus - Writing 8/ 15112 Selected to fill an open position Effective: Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland; Master afFine Arts, Creative Writing, Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont Experience: Ms. Rollins has been an adjunct writing instructor for Pima CommLmity College for the past three years. Her previous experience includes two years as an adjunct writing instructor for the University of Arizona; over two years as an editor for Kor·e Press; and various temporary assignments as teaching artist, workshop leader, and adjunct for various institutions. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and four complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Eighteen applicants were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Or. Johnson Bia, Deset1 Vista Campus President, Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President, and Dr. Lorraine Morales, Community Campus President. Segers, Kyley Instru ctiona l Faculty Salary: $42,588 East Campus -Mathematics Effective: 8115112 Selected to fi ll an open position Education: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics, Master of Arts, Teaching/Mathematics. University ofFiorida, Gainesvi lle, Florida Experience: Ms. Segers has been a developmental math faculty for Triton College, River Grove, Illinois, fo r the past year. Her previous experience includes two years as a mathematics instructor for Kaplan University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; two years as a mathematics instructor for DeVry University, Chicago, Illinois; two years as a mathematics instructor for the International Academy of Design and Technology, Chicago, Illinois; two years as a mathematics instructor for Robert Morris University, Chicago, Illinois; three years as a mathematics instructor with Flashpoint Academy, Chicago, Illinois; and two years as a graduate assistant for the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Forty-three complete applications were screened by an advisory committee. Fifteen applicants were invited to interview. The fin alists were interviewed by Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Can1pus President, Charlotte Fugett, Acting Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Services, and Dr. Alex Ka.j stura, Northwest Campus President. Sovak, Ph.D., Anthony Instructional Faculty Salary: $51,108 Community Campus - Writing 8/15/12 Selected to fill an open positi on Effective: Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparki ll , New York; Doctor of Philosophy, English, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York (Continued) 04 1 New Appointments Date: 5/ 16/12 Page 7 Experience: Dr. Sovak has been an adjw1ct writing instructor for Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, New York, for the past year. His previous experience includes five years as an adjunct writing instructor for Suffolk Community College, Long Island, New York and ftve years as an adjunct writing instructor for Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and four complete appl ications were screened by an advisory committee. Eighteen applicants were invited to interview. The finali sts were interviewed by Dr. Johnson Bia, Desert Vista Campus President, Dr. Luba Chliwniak, Downtown Campus President, and Dr. Lorraine Morales, Communi ty Campus President. Staff: Aguilar, Michael Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21 / 12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Associate of Arts, General Studies, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Aguilar has two years experience as a temporary community service officer and over twenty-seven years experience as a police sergeant for the Pima Community College Department of Public Safety. He also has three years experience as a sergeant in the Un ited States Army. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Admi nistration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. Esquivel, Ignacio Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Education: High School Diploma, Tucson High School, Tucson, Arizo na Experience: Mr. Esquivel has three years experience as a security officer with several businesses in Tucson, Arizona. He also has five years experience as a shipper, receiver and driver for Kaman Industrial Technologies and thirty-five years experience in civil service in Tucson, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Depar1ment of Public Safety. (Continued) 0'i.I ,.:,,, New Appointments Date: 5/1 6/ 12 Page 8 Evans, Jonathan Mark Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Educati on: Associate of Applied Science, Security Administration, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, Virginia; Bachelor of Science, Law Enforcement and Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia Experience: Mr. Jarvis has seventeen months experience as a temporary community service officer with Pima Community College Public Safety Department. He also has eight years experience as the principal and fOLmder ofBonaBoom Consulting, LLC; seven years experience as a branch support manager for Norstan Communications Inc., both in Tucson, Arizona; eight years experience as the supervisor of security and telecom for the Pentagon Federal Credit Union; and ten years experience as the safety and security officer for The Mount Vernon Hospital , both in Alexandria, Virginia. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four appl ications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. Jarvis, Jeffrey Com munity Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Jeffrey Jarvis has over three years experience as a temporary community service officer with Pima Community Co llege Public Safety Department. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. Jarvis, Michael Community Service Officer IIourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Education: Comsework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Michael Jarvis has eighteen months experience as a temporary community service officer with Pima Community College Public Safety Department. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancel lor for Finance and Admini stration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. (Continued) 0 43 New Appointments Date: 5/ 16/12 Page 9 Lopez, Francisca Support Technician Hourly Rate: $13.36 Community Campus Etfective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Education: High School Diploma, Tucson High School, Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. Lopez has one year experience as a data entry specialist and tluee years experience as an administrative assistant for The University of Arizona. She also has six years experience as a customer service representative for the Bank of Tucson and Bank One, al l located in Tucson, Arizona Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Sixty-four applications were received and reviewed. Ten candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Lorraine Morales, Acting Community Campus President. Mandujano, Sylvano Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/2 1/ 12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Associate of Arts, General Studies, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Mandujano has over two years experience as a temporary community service officer with Pima Community College Public Safety Department. He also has thirty years experience with the Department of Public Safety for the State of Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. Minjarez, Alonso Student Services Advisor Salary: $47,187 West Campus Effective: 5/21112 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Arts, Dramatic Theory, University of Arizona; Master of Education, Counseling Human Relations, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona Experience: Mr. Minjarez has seven years experience as a senior academic advisor and one year as an associate accountant for the University of Arizona. He was also an academ ic special ist for Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Eighty-four applications were received and reviewed. Seven candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. Louis Albert, West Campus President. Quijada, Roger Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21 / 12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Coursework , Pima Commtmity College Experience: Mr. Quijada has over twenty years experience as a transporter, driver and certified care giver for the Tucson Unified School District, Fourstar Health Care System and the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation. (Continued) New Appointments Date: 5/16/12 Page 10 Recruitment Overview: An extemal recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Admin istration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety. Sharafinski, Salary: Effective: Education: Clare Human Resources Analyst $47, 187 DistrictOftice 5/21/12 Selected to fill an open position Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; Master of Arts, Industrial Organizational Psychology, Califomi a State Un iversity, San Bernardino, California Experience: Ms. Sharafinski has over two years experience as a human resources software implementation team lead with Pima County and nine years experience in human resources software development and management with CPS Sigma Data Systems, both in Tucson, Arizona. She also has three years experience as a human resources generalist for the City of Colton, California; five years experience as a human resources analyst for Pima County and two years experience as a senior human resources analyst for the Superior Cow1 in Pima County in Tucson, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Fot1y-eight applications were received and reviewed. Eight candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Charlotte Fugett, Acting Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Services and Mary Ann Martinez Sanchez, Vice Provost. Swech, Sheila Human Resources Specialist Hourly Rate: $ 17.22 District Office Effective: 5/2 1/12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Bachelor of Science; Business Administration and Marketing, Master of Arts; Organizational Management, University of Phoenix , Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. Swech has one year experience as a contract recruiter with Agero in Tucson, Arizona and one year experience as a recruiter for Asarco LLC Mission Mine in Sahuarita, Arizona. She also has over one year experience as a human resources generalist at Lazydays RV and Afni, both in Tucson, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Seventy-eight applications were received and reviewed. Thirteen candidates were invited to interview. The finalists were interviewed by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. (Continued) 045 Date: 5/ 16/12 Page II New Appointments Thomas, Laurie Community Service Officer Hourly Rate: $12.39 Public Safety Effective: 5/21 / 12 Selected to fill an open position Education: Associate of Arts, General Studies, Pima Community College Experience: Ms. Thomas has two years experience as a temporary community service officer with Pima Community College Public Safety Department. She also has four years experience as a substitute teacher assistant and office clerk with the Tucson Unified School District; three years experience as a store clerk for Follett Higher Education, Pima Co llege Bookstore; one year experience as a production worker for Weiser Lock Corporation, all in Tucson, Arizona and two years experience as a server at La Posada Retirement Community in Green Valley, Arizona. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. One hundred and seventy-four applications were received and reviewed. Sixty-three candidates were invited to interview. T he finali sts were interview by Dr. David Bea, Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Stella Bay, Executive Director, Depar1ment of Public Safety. Thompson, Tatiana Fiscal Analyst (Financial Aid Analyst) Salary: $47,187 District Office Effective: 5/2 1/ 12 Selected to fi ll an open position Education: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Experience: Ms. Thompson has two years of experience as student services speciali st in financial aid for Pima Community College. She also has one year experience as an enrollment counselor for the University of Phoenix and two years experience as an assistant marketing manager for ILX Resorts, Inc. , San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. Recruitment Overview: An external recruitment was conducted. Thirty-seven applications were received and reviewed. Six candidates were invited to interview. T he finalists were interviewed by Leticia Menchaca Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Services. Approvals Contact Person Interim Chancellor ~'{1-- J'rf L.~a tL/ o4--'Z~ Dr. Suz e L. Mil ' ,_ 0·t I Pima County Community College District Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 05/16/12 Item Number: Item Title Adjunct Faculty Appointments 13.2 Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Recommendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends these individuals as certified adjunct applicants. The Interim Chancellor also recommends that these individuals be approved for use as a pool of employees for current and future adjunct faculty assignments and as noted below as temporary non-credit instructors. Justification: On a monthly basis, when new adjunct applicants have completed the application and cettification process, their names will be brought forward to the Board for approval prior to begitming employment. Their names are then added to the list of approved adjunct faculty for current and future adjunct assignments subject to continued satisfactory job performance and the needs of the College. The list contains individual background information and shows the initial academic discipline(s) in which adjunct faculty members are certified. Adjuncts may also teach in other disciplines if additional certifications are awarded, or as temporary non-credit instructors in areas for which they are qualified. Baker, Asheley S. Discipline(s): Sign Language (Academic Limited Exemption) Salary: $71 0 per load hour Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, Centenary College, Hackettstown, New Jersey Experience: Ms. Baker was a group counselor and, prior to that, a case manager for Providence Services in Tucson, Arizona over a period of four years. She has no formal teaching experience. Bakody, D.O., Philip J. Discipline(s): Biology (Academic) Salary: $71 0 per load hour Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa: Master of Business Administration-Health Care, University of California, Irvine, California; (Continued) Adjunct Facu lty Appointments Experience: Date: 5116/ 12 Page 2 Doctor of Osteopathy, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery at Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa Dr. Bakody was a radiologist for more than ten years. He taught radiology at the University of Kentucky, School of Medicine, and the University of Washington, School of Medicine for a total of one and a half years. Molden, D.C., Adam T. Discipline(s): Biology (Academic) Salary: $710 per load hom Education: Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of North Texas, Delton, Texas; Doctor of Cruropractic, Texas Chiropractic College, Pasadena, Texas Experience: Dr. Molden has worked as a chiropractic physician at Shipley Chiropractic in Tucson, Arizona for the past four months. He was an owner and a chiropractor physician at My Health Clinic in Houston, Texas for one year. He taught as a teacher assistant for one year at the Texas Chiropractic Medical Center. Morgan-Olsen, Pih.D., Brandon L. Discipline(s): Philosophy (Academic) Salary: $71 0 per load hour Education: Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa; Master of Arts, Philosophy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Doctor of Philosophy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Experience: For one year, Dr. Morgan-Olsen worked as a post-doctoral fellow in democracy and diversity at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. He has taught and researched diversity and democracy issues. In addition, he taught philosophy courses at the University of Washington for four years as a graduate teaching assistant. Papenfus, Melissa. Discipline(s): Math (Developmental) Salary: $71 0 per load hour Education: Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; Master of Arts, Middle School Mathematic Teaching and Leadership, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. Papenfus taught seventh grade math and pre-algebra for the Tucson Unified School District for one year. She also taught various levels of mathematics courses at the Arizona Juvenile Corrections for a short time. At Vail Unified School District, she was a resource room math teacher where she assisted students in grades six through eight. Approvals Contact Person ~CO= Janet L. May ~~ Dr. Suz e L. Mi lnterimChancellorA. 048 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 04 9 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeti ng Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: Item Title Temporary Appointments 13.3 Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Recommendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends these individuals be employed as temporary employees. Once authorized by the Board of Governors, these individuals may be used as a pool of employees for current and future temporary assignments. Justification: Temporary employees, by practice and policy, are defined as employees who are assigned to work full-time, part-time or on an intermittent, as-needed basis for a specific period of time. With Board approval, these names will be added to the approved list of individuals to provide a pool of temporary employees for CUITent and future temporary assignments, subject to continued satisfactory job performance and the needs of the College. On a monthly basis, when new temporary employees, including new non-credit instructors, are hired, their names will be brought fo rward to the Board for approval prior to beginning employment with all other new appointments. The fo llowing summaries contain individual background information and show the initial campus and temporary position for which the individual is recommended. Temporary employees may also be em ployed in other positions in the futu re as the needs of the Co ll ege change. Almaguer, Danielle Office Aide DC Effective: 5/17/12 Student Services Center Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Coursework, Pima Commm1ity College Experience: Ms. Almaguer is cuiTently a student at Pima Community College and has been interviewed and recommended by Jerry Haynes, Vice President of Student Development, Downtown Campus. (Continued) Temporary Appointments Date: 5/16/12 Page 2 Back, Bryan Workforce T rainers CC 5/ 19112 Law Enforcement Academy Effective: 20 11-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Back has eighteen years experience as a police officer for the Tucson Police Department in Tucson, Arizona. He is also certified as a firearms instructor, ritle instructor, and tactical driving instructor. DV Beane, Charles T utor I Effective: 5117/12 Prep Academy Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $8.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Beane is currently a student at Pima Community College and has been interviewed and recommended by Richard Rosen, Business Instructional Faculty. Benjamin, Shawn Workforce T rainers cc Effective: 5/l7/ 12 Law Enforcement Academy Duration: 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. I Tourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Ms. Benjamin has seven years experience as a police officer for the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona and two years experience as a deputy for the Pima County Sheriffs Department. District-W ide Bergen, Jacqueline Laboratory Technician Disabled Student Resources Effective: 5/ 17/ 12 201 1-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the cun·ent assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $1 4. 31 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Media Arts- Producing, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Bergen has seven months experience as a computer technician with Americorps VISTA in San Rafael, California. She also has five months experience as a marketing and media intern with Dreamco Design and Publishing in Tucson, Arizona. (Continued) 05 G Temporary Appointments Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 3 Bidwell, Shann on Tutor I DC Mathematics Effective: 5/17I 12 201 1-20 12 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Associate of Arts, Sociology, Pima Community College Experience: Ms. Bidwell is currently enrolled at the University of Arizona majoring in mathematics and has been interviewed and recommended by Brigid Murphy, Vice President of Instruction, Downtown Campus. Brown, Aaron Instructor EC Effective: 5/17/12 Prep Academy Duration: 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts, Pima Community College; Bachelor of Arts, Inte rdi sciplinary Studies- Arts and Letters, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona Experience: Mr. Brown has eight years experience as an instructor for adult learners with the Phoenix Consulting Group/ Dyncorp International and Analex in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. He also has one year experience as a volunteer literacy tutor with the Literacy Volunteers of Tucson in Tucson, Arizona. Tutor I EC Bru ce, Michelle Effective: 5/ I 7I 12 Chemistry Duration: 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Bachelor of Science, Engineering Management, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Bruce has eight months experience as a scientist assistant for Mad Science in Tucson, Arizona. She also has eight months experience as an optometric technician for Dr. Kevin Koralewski & Associates in Tucson. Arizona. Instructor Carpenter Ph.D., Tracy DC Effective: 5/ 17/12 Prep Academy 201 1-20 12 Academic year Duration: Additionall y, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of North Caro lina, Chapel Hill North Carolina; Doctor ofPhi1osophy, Comparative Studies/African and African American Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Experience: Ms. Carpenter has one year experience as an adjunct instructor for Strayer University in Newark, Delaware and one experience as an adjunct instructor for Camden County Co ll ege in Camden, New Jersey. (Continued) 05! Temporary Appointments Casanova, Gina Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 4 Instructor DV Effective: Duration: 5/2 1/ 12 Nursing 20 11 -20 12 Academ ic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $31.15 Education: Bachelor of Science, Nursing, University of Phoenix , Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. Casanova has five years experience as a senior staff registered nurse for Immi gration Health Services in Alexandria, Virginia. Castiglia, Anthony Workforce Trainer cc Effecti ve: Duration: 5119/12 Law Enforcement Academy 20 I 1-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Bachelor of Science, Recreation and Park Administration, Illinois State U niversity, Normal, Illinois; Master of Science, Recreation Management and Tourism, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Experience: Mr. Castiglia has six years experience as a police officer with the Town of Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona. Chandler, Richaa·d Workforce Trainer cc Effective: Duration: 5117/ 12 Conti nuing Education 20 ll-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. I lourly Rate: $20.00 Education: Bachelor of Science, Business Adm inistration, University of Arizona Experience : Mr. Chandler has four years experience nmning his own consulting and training company in Tucson, Arizona. He also has eleven years experience as the owner of Baja Spas in Tucson, Arizona. Conway, Michael Instructional Aide we Effective: Duration: 5/1 7/12 Art 20 1 1-2012 Academic year Add itionall y, at the end of the CUITent assif,Tillllent, employee wi ll be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. I lourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Bache lor of Fine Arts, Studio Art, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Conway has one year experience as a volunteer for the Tucson M useum Art School in Tucson, Arizona, and has three semesters experience as a lab volunteer for Pima Community College. lie also has a minor in Art Education from the University of Arizona. (Continued) 052 Temporary Appointments Date: 5116112 Page 5 we Copperstonc, Chance Laboratory Assistant Effective: 5/ 17/ 12 Archaeology Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $12.39 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Copperstone has three years experience as a staff archaeologist for Tierra Right of Way Services in Tucson, Arizona. He also has eight months experience as archaeological technician in Tucson, Arizona and Challis, Indiana. Delgado-Feliciano, Milagros Instructor cc Effective: 5117112 Prep Academy Duration: 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San German, Puerto Rico Experience: Ms. Delgado-Feliciano has nine years experience as a K-12 English teacher for the Department of Education of Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She also has five years experience as an English professor for the Institute de Banca y Comerdio in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. DV Dreyfus, Dino Instructor Effective: 5117112 Nursing 2011-20 12 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $31. 15 Education: Bachelor of Science, Nursing, Colegio San Agustin - Bacolod, Bacolod City, Philippines; Master of Science, Nursing, Un iversity of St. La Salle, Bacolod City, Philippines Experience: Mr. Dreyfus has nineteen years experience as nurse in Arizona, Texas and the Philippines. He also has six years experience as an adjunct nursing faculty at Lone Star College - Montgomery in Conroe, Texas. District-Wide Espino, Gilbert Laboratory Technician Effective: 5/ 17/ 12 Disabled Student Resources Duration: 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the cmrent assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $ 14.31 Education: Associate of Applied Science, Multimedia, Illustration, and Web Design, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Esp ino has over ten years experience in various roles to include temporary instructional media technician, Federal Work Study student, and temporary laboratory technician for Pima Community College. He also has two years (Continued) 053 Temporary Appointments Date: 5116112 Page 6 experience as an art director fo r Attention Transit Advertising in Tucson, Arizona. He is being submitted for approval after a two year separation from last employment with the College. Fairchild, Lisa Workforce Trainers cc Effective: 5117112 Law Enforcement Academy 2011-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the cunent assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Bachelor of Science, Administration of Justice, Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale, Carbondale, Illinois; Master of Science, Counseling, University of Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. Fairchi ld has five years experience as a special agent for Customs and Border Protection - Internal Affai rs in Tucson, Arizona. She also has four years experience as a supervisory special agent for Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Investigations in Tucson, Arizona and thirteen years experience as an agent for U.S. Customs in California, Georgia, and Texas. Fountain, Franl< Laboratory Assistant DC Effective: 5/17/12 Biology Learning Center Duration: 201 1-2012 Academic year Additiona ll y, at the end of the current assignment, employee wi ll be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $ 12 .38 Education: Bachelor of Science, Psychology and Sociology, State University ofNew YorkPotsdam, Potsdam, New York Experience: Mr. Fountain is currently a student at Pima Communi ty College and has been interviewed and recommended by Patricia Houston, Academic Dean, Downtown Campus. Franz, Matthew Laboratory Assistant we Effective: 5/17/ 12 Archaeology 201 1-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the cuiTent assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $12.39 Education: Courscwork, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Franz has one year experience as an archaeological field technician on vari ous projects in Arizona. He has certificates in fie ld and lab fundamentals, southwestern cultures, and field methods. Gilzinger, Carol Student Services Specialist EC Effective: 5/ 17/ 12 Prep Academy Duration: 20 l l-20 12 Academ ic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. llourly Rate: $17.22 (Continued) 05 4 Temporary Appointments Education: Experience: Date: 5/1 6/ 12 Page 7 Bachelor of Arts, English, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; Master of Arts, Liberal Studies, State University ofNew York - Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York Ms. Gi lz inger has twenty years experience as an adjunct technical assistant, seni or technical assistant, professional assistant, and admissions representative specialist with Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood, New York. Gossaye, Konjit Auxiliary Aide cc Effective: Duration: 5/ 17112 Project RAISE 20 11 -2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee w ill be placed in a temporary pool to be avai lable for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $8.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community Co llege Experience: Ms. Gossaye has one and a half years experience as a teacher's aide with Am erico rps in Tucson, Arizona. Grimes, Chad Tutor I DC Effective: Duration: 5/ 1711 2 Mathematics 2011 -2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate : $7.65 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Grimes is currently a student at Pima Community College and has been interviewed and recommended by Brigid Murphy. Vice President of lnstmction. Downtown Campus. Grunow, Nathan Instructor DC Effective: Duration: 5/ 17/ 12 Mathematics 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee w ill be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Homly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Grunow has eight years experience as a high school mathematics tutor in Tucson, Arizona. He also has four years experience as a lab assistant for Nuvogen Research in Tucson, A rizona. Haller, Jonathan Laboratory Assistant we Effective: Duration: 511 7/ 12 Archaeology 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $12.39 Education: Associate of Arts, Anthropology and Liberal Arts, Pima Community College; Bachelor of Atis, Anthropology, University of Arizona (Continued) 05 5 Temporary Appointments Experience: Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 8 Mr. Haller has two months experience as an archaeology field technician in Tucson, Arizona. He also has one and a half years experience as a Geographic Information Systems specialist in Tucson, Arizona. cc Hawks, Tanya Student Services Specialist Effective: 5117112 Prep Academy Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $17.22 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Master of Arts, General Counseling, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas Experience: Ms. Hawks has four years experience as a vocational rehabilitation counselor with the Department ofVeteran's Affairs in Tucson, Arizona. She also has one year experience as a speakers' bureau volunteer with the Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce in Tucson, Arizona. Holdinsky, Charles Workforce Trainers cc Effective: 5117112 Law Enforcement Academy 20 11-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Homly Rate: $23.00 Education: Associate of Arts, Criminal Justice and General Studies, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. I loldinsky has twenty five years experience as a police officer for the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona. Knowles-Jackrmln , Lindsey Counselor DV Effective: 5/17/12 Duration: 20 1 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $30.00 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Master of Science, Counseling, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Knowles-Jackman has twenty-five years experience as instructor, counselor, and mentor in her own independent practice in Tucson, Arizona. Instructor CC Lawrence, James Effective: 5/ 17/1 2 Prep Academy Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 (Continued) 05 C Temporary Appointments Education: Experience: Date: 5/ 16112 Page 9 Bachelor of Science, Mass Communications, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois; Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Mr. Lawrence has ten months experience as a SAT instructor and tutor for The Princeton Review in Princeton, New Jersey. He also has twenty six years experience as a paraprofessional tutor, summer bridge director, and adjunct faculty for Vermont Technical College in Randolph Center, Vermont. Lawson, Cheryl Instructor cc Effective: 5/17/12 Prep Academy Duration: 201 1-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the cunent assignment, emp loyee wi ll be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. l Iourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, Master of Education, Reading Specialist, University of Arizona Experience: Ms. Lawson has thirty-three years experience as an English teacher for Santa Rita lligh School in Tucson, Arizona. Maisch, Jacob Public Safety Dispatcher DO Effective: 5/17/12 Public Safety Duration: 20 L 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment~ employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. I Iomly Rate: $16.25 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Maisch has eight years experience as a police dispatcher for the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona. He also has two years experience as a pol ice dispatcher for Pima Community College. Marinan, Brent Tutor I DC Effective: 5/17/12 Mathematics Duration: 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assigrunent, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Experience: Mr. Marinan has been interviewed and recommended by Brigid Murphy, Vice President of Instruction, Downtown Campus. McCieod, Andrew Office Aide DC Effective: 5/17/12 Student Services Center Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assigrunent, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Coursework, Pima Community Co ll ege (Continued) 05 7' Tempora1y Appointments Experience: Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 10 Mr. McCleod has seven months experience as a Federal Work Study student aide at Pima Community College. He has been interviewed and recommended by Jerry Haynes, Vice President of Student Development, Downtown Campus. Instructor cc McCreight, Jennifer Effective: 5/1 7/12 Prep A cadem y 2011-2012 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Music Education, Prescott College, Tucson, Arizona; Master of Arts, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona Experience: Ms. McCreight has twelve years experience as a teacher with PPEP TEC High School in Tucson, Arizona. She also has four years experience as a mentor/adjunct faculty at Prescott College in Tucson. Ari zona. cc Molina, Gabriel Substitute Instructor Effective: 5/1 7/12 Adult Education Duration: 201 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, East Asian Studies, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Molina has two years experience as the English department head teacher for Daewoo Private Elementary School in Geoje City, South Korea. He also has two years experience as an assistant teacher for the Center for English as a Second Language in Tucson, Arizona. Ortega, Alejandt·o Office Aide DO Effective: 5/17/ 12 Program Services Duration: 20 1 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7.65 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Ortega has five years experience in cashiering, inventory and customer service in Douglas, Arizona. Pope, Edward Workforce Trainers cc Effective: 5/17/ 12 Law Enforcement Academy 2011-20 I 2 Academic year Duration: Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice and Master of Science, Criminal Justice, Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois Experience: Mr. Pope has twenty two years experience in various law enforcement roles for the Village of Schaumburg Police Department in Schaumburg, Illinois. He also (Continued) 052 Temporary Appointments Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page II has seven years experience as an instructor and director for the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety in Evanston, Illinois. Raetz, Bill La boratory Technician District-Wide Effective: Duration: 5117/ 12 Disabled Student Resources 201 1-201 2 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $14.31 Education: Bachelor of Arts, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas Experience: Mr. Raetz has two years experience as web designer and information systems program manager in Tucson , Arizona. Rex, J ohn Substitute Instructor CC Effective: Dw-ation: 5/17/ 12 Adult Education 2011-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourl y Rate: $20.02 Education: Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts, Pima Community College; Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, University of Arizona Experience: Mr. Rex has one year experience as a tutor for the University of Arizona' s Word Cats, Math Cats program in Tucson, Arizona. Rivers Nor ton Ph.D., J ana cc Instructor Effective: Duration: 5/ 17/ 12 Prep Academy 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Arts, English, Master of Arts, English, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California; Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, San Francisco, California Experience: Ms. Rivers Norton has five years experience as an assistant professor of English for the National University in Sacramento, California. She also has six years experience as a lecturer with Humboldt State University in Arcata, Cali fornia. Rizzi, T homas Workfo r·ce T rain ers cc Effective: Duration: 5/17/ 12 Law Enforcement Academy 20 1 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the ctment assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College, Tllinois State University, Nmmal, Illinois Experience: Mr. Rizzi has eight years experience as a police officer for the Tucson Police Department in Tucson, Arizona. (Continued) 05S Temporary Appoi ntments Roll, Sonja Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 12 Student Services Specialist NW Effective: Duration: 5/ 171'12 Prep Academy 20 11 -20 12 Academic year Add itionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee wil l be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $ 17.22 Education: Courscwork, Pima Conununity Co llege Experience: Ms. Roll has one year experience as a Federal Work Study student aide with Pima Community College Roth Jr., Matthew Workforce Trainers cc Effective: Duration: 5/17112 Law Enforcement Academy 20 1 1-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available fo r e ighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community Co llege Experience: Mr. Roth has nine years experience as a law enforcement officer for the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona. He is certified as an AZPOST General Instructor and AZPOST Certified Peace Officer by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. Sales, Rachel Instructor cc Effective: Duration: 5/ 17/ 12 Prep Academy 20 11-2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate : $20.02 Education : Bachelor of Science, Interdi sciplinary Studies, Master of Science, Linguistics, University ofNorth Texas, Denton, Texas Experience: Ms . Sales has two years experience as an English as a second language teacher for the Denton Independent School District Adult and Commtmity Education in Denton, Texas. She also has one year experience as a teacher for the Fort Worth Zoo - Education Department in Fort Worth, Texas Scupin-Durscma, Dylan Tutor I DC 5/ 17/ 12 Mathematics 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $7. 65 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Scupin-Dursema has one year experience as a vo lunteer math tutor for the Pima Community College in Tucson, Arizona and Sahuarita High School in Sahuarita, Arizona. Effective: Duration: (Continued) OGO Temporary Appointments Date: 5/ 16112 Page 13 cc Sickelbower, Steve Workforce Trainer Effective: 5/17/12 Law Enfo rcement Academy Duration : 20 11 -2012 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework. Pima Community College Experience: Mr. Sicklebower has twelve years experience as a law enforcement officer for the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona. He is certified as an AZPOST General Instructor, Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor and AZPOST Certified Peace Officer by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. cc Stevens, JoAnn Workforce Trainers Effective: 5/17/12 Law Enfo rcement Academy Duration: 201 1-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the cutTent assignment, employee wi ll be placed in a temporary pool to be available fo r eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23.00 Education: Coursework, Pima Community College Experience: Ms . Stevens has eighteen years experience as a law enforcement officer for the Oro Valley Police Department. She is certified as an AZPOST General Instructor, High Risk Vehicle Stops Instructor, Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor and AZPOST Certified Peace Officer by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. we Throlson, Lena Instructor Effective: 5/ 17/ 12 Prep Academy Duration: 20 11-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the current assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bachelor of Science, Education, Valley City State University, Valley City, North Dakota; Master of Science, Education, Northern State University, Aberdeen, South Dakota Experience: Ms. Throlson has nine years experience as a student services officer and coordinator for Minot State University in Bottineau, North Dakota and Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. She also has :live years experience as a middle school teacher in North Dakota and Montana. Uber, Cynthia Instructor DV Effective: 5/1 7/12 Upward Bound Duration: 20 1 1-20 12 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the cuiTent assignment, employee will be placed in a temporary pool to be available fo r eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.02 Education: Bache lor of Art and Science, Neurobiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (Continued) OG l Date: 5/16/12 Page 14 Temporary Appointments Experience: Ms. Uber has seven years experience as a biology teacher fo r Sunnyside Unified School District in Tucson, Arizona. White, Michael Workforce Trainer cc Effective: 5/ 1711 2 Continuing Education Duration: 20 1 1-201 2 Academic year Additionally, at the end of the cmTent assignment, employee will be p laced in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $20.00 Education: Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Master of Science, Counseling, Un iversity of Arizona Experience: Mr. White has over thirty years experience in self-publish ing technologies for Ghost River Images in Tucson, Arizona. He also has twelve years experience in developing vocational testi ng materials for Valpar International Corporation in Tucson, Arizona. Zbojniewicz, Mark Workforce Trainers cc Effective : 5/17112 Law Enforcement Academy Duration: 2011-2012 Academic year Additi onall y, at the end of the cmTent assignment, employee w ill be placed in a temporary pool to be available for eighteen months. Hourly Rate: $23 .00 Education: Associate of Science, Criminal Justice, Kalamazoo Valley Community Co ll ege, Kalamazoo, Michigan Experience: Mr. Zbojniewicz has thirty-five years experience as a law enforcement officer for the City of Tucson. He is certified as an AZPOST Genera llnstructor, Defensive Tactics and AZPOST Certified Peace Officer by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. Approvals Contact Person ~'0:: Janet L. May lnlerim Chancello~~Lf::g Dr. St e es 1 062. PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 063 Board of Governors 4905C East BroadwayfTucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Number: Item Title 13.4 Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Administrator Appointments Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends that the Board approve these Administrator appointments and requests that the Board authorize the Chancellor or designee to sign the employment contracts on behalf of the College District. Background: When Administrative vacancies occur, the recruitment process is conducted in accordance with College policy and regulations. At the conclusion of the recruitment process, a summary ofthe process is presented and the name of the recommended candidate is brought forward to the Board for approval. Duran-Cerda, Ph.D., Dolores Acting Assistant Vice CbanccJlor Salary: $110,326 Di strict Office Effective: 611 8112 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Spanish, French, Secondary Education , University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Masters of Arts, Latin American Literature, Doctorate, Latin American Literature, University of Arizona Experience: Or. Duran-Cerda has been instructional faculty in Spanish for Pima Community College for the past ten years. She has also served in various capacities within the College to include honors coordinator, student learning outcomes discipline leader, and has served on numerous College committees. Recruitment Overview: The position was advertised internally; eight completed applications were received and reviewed with all eight candidates interviewed by the selection advisory group and Dr. Suzanne Miles, Interim Chancellor. Approvals Contact Person Q . . ~'6'= Janet L. MaY. Interim , ;__,~ ~/) Chancello~· ~c..iZ. Dr. Suz e L. Mt PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 06 4 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson. Arizona 85709-1010 INFORMATION ITEM Meeting Date: 5116/12 Item Number: Item Title Faculty Sabbaticals for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 13.5 Contact Person Janet L. May, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (206-4624) Recom mendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Governing Board approve full-pay sabbaticals for fall semester 2012 for Instructional Faculty Duffy Gaida, Patti Gardiner, Gail Gonzales, Darryl Eduard Graham , J ohn Kordich, Mickey Levendusky; full-pay for Educational Support Faculty Teresi ana Zurita; fu ll-pay sabbaticals for spring 2013 for Instructional Faculty Stephen Romaniello, Nan Schmidt and Educational Support Faculty, Kris Swank. Background: In 2009/2010, the Faculty Professional Development and Sabbatical Standing Committee recommended nine faculty members for sabbaticals in spring of 20 I 0. At that point, sabbaticals were suspended and the nine faculty members were granted first refusal for sabbaticals when they became available. With the reinstatement of the full -pay approved sabbaticals for 201220 13, the Committee has recommended the faculty members listed herein. It should be noted the application criteria for a sabbatical was changed in 2010/ 11 from three years to six years of service to the College since their last sabbatical. Since the faculty members met the criteria for a sabbatical at the time of original submittal, a one-time exception is being granted for those faculty members listed below who have less than the six years of service. The faculty members' sabbatical plans are summarized. This recommendation is the result of a structured process followed in accordance with the guidelines established in the 2011-12 Faculty Personnel Policy Statement. College Plan Initiative: 4.1. 7 Expand staff and facu lty professional development and training for faci litating career readiness. Financial Consideration: The cost of these sabbaticals is $379,069 based on salary with benefits. To backfi ll faculty during their leave, the cost of adjunct faculty with required benefits is $144,822. (Continued) Faculty Sabbaticals Date: 5/16/ 12 Page 2 Sabbatical Recomm endations for 2012-2013 Fall Semester 2012 Duffy Gaida Fall 2012 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical Duff Gaida, Education Faculty at Community Campus, states the purpose of her sabbatical is to complete four inter-related objectives that will allow her to move forward to the final phase of her Ph.D. program. This sabbatical will enable her to continue her professional development into the final steps of her Ph.D. program and will enable her to bring recent research and im1ovation from specific disciplinary fi elds in education to EDU students at Pima Community Co ll ege. The objectives of her sabbatical are: ( 1) submit Research Proposal to the University of Arizona for Human Subjects approval; (2) prepare and submit the dissertation proposal to her doctoral committee; (3) write the first drafts of Chapters 1-3 ofthe dissertation; (4) enroll in and complete the requirements of a three-credit doctoral level research course. Patti Gar·dincr Fall 2012 Semester, Fu ll-Pay Sabbatical Patti Gardiner, Digital Arts Faculty at West Campus, states the purpose of her sabbatical is to broaden her knowledge in all the digital arts disciplines by web design, digital photography, and film and video, and creating a web site showcasing the new slOIIs gained from these courses. Digital Arts students and the Digital Arts program will benefit from having a facu lty member with broader interdisciplinary expe1ience in multiple areas of digital arts. The objectives of her sabbatical are: (1) complete a course in "Advanced Lighting for Digital Video Cinematography" in order to learn advanced techniques in li ghting for digital video formats; (2) enroll in "People of Character: Capturing the Soul of Your Subject" and " Intensive: Flowers Close Up" through Santa Fe Photographic Workshops to broaden knowledge of the art and technique of digital photography, specifically portrait and close-up photography; (3) enroll in .. Web Design: Dreamweaver" at Pima Community College to learn web design software; and (4) create a web site showcasing the skills she has gained from the interdisciplinary experiences of her sabbatical. Gail Gonzales Fall 20 12 Semester, Fu ll-Pay Sabbatical Gail Gonzales, Psychology Faculty at Northwest Campus, states the purpose of her sabbatical is to create flashcards in math and writing for use with the Brainf1ash online flashcard and quiz system already being used by students at Pima Community College. Students will benefit from having expanded access to learning resources designed to help them improve their math and writing skills. The o bjectives of her sabbatical are : (1) determine the most important facts students need to know in order to achi eve academic literacy; (2) create at least 150 new statistics and writing (Continued) 0G5 Faculty Sabbaticals Date: 5/ 16/1 2 Page 3 flashcards; (3) develop a presentation and offer to provide training in the usc of the Brainflash system on each campus and at a developmental education meeting or training session; and (4) create a flashcard report and distribute it among participating faculty and staft~ asking for feedback and summarizing the results. Darryl Ed uard Gra ham Fall 2012 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical Darryl Graham History and Sociology Faculty at East Campus, states the purpose of his sabbatical is to conduct a local history study titled "Desert Sand in Their Jungle Boots: Walking in the Shadows of Tucson's Vietnam Heroes," documenting the impacts of the Vietnam War and the accompanying soc ial and political turbulence of the 1960s on young people living in Tucson at that time. This sabbatica l project will provide valuable resources for students studying the Vietnam War era in their history classes, including access to primary and secondary documents, photographs, and web sites. The objectives of his sabbatical are: (1) acquire information on the identities, military service histories, causes of death, and photographs of Tucson· s 106 fallen Vietnam era military personnel; (2) examine selected local and national print media which provide an overview of local and national events that directly or indirectly impacted the lives ofTucsonans during the Vietnam War; and (3) publicly present the results of this history project through writing of an abstract to submit to the Arizona Humanities Council Road Scholars Program, (4) creation of PowerPoint presentations on the Vietnam War and 1960s social movements, adding relevant links to his web page, scheduling of Brown Bags at the East Campus; and (5) development of a bibliography of the primary and secondary resources used while researching this project. John Kordich Fall2012 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical John Kordich, Fitness and Sports Science Faculty at West Campus, states the purpose of hi s sabbatical is to take courses to complete the Pima Community College Therapeutic Massage Therapy Certificate. This coursework will enable him to complete the certificate as part of his ongoing professional development and will increase the breadth of cross-disciplinary knowledge he can offer to students. The objective of his sabbatical is to enroll in and successfully complete three courses, TMA 201IN, TMA 2021N, and TMA 202LC, totaling 13 credit hours. Mickey Levendusky Fall 2012 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical Mickey Levendusky, Mathematics Faculty at Downtown Campus, states the purpose of her sabbatical is to introduce a new type of mathematics study skills to Pima Community College students and faculty. Students and faculty will benefit from having new study skills to alleviate math anxiety and underperformance. The objectives of her sabbatical are: (1) to research cunent math study ski ll s being advocated by researchers and practitioners in the field; (2) to compile an annotated bibliography of recent (Continued) 066 Faculty Sabbatica ls Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 4 publications concerning math underperformance and mathematical study sk ills; (3) write and submit a publishable article synthesizing current research on math underperformance and mathematics study skills; (4) create a series of30-60 PowerPoint slides for use as mini -lessons by PCC instructors and students; (5) prepare and deliver to PCC math instructors a presentation on math study skills; and (6) disseminate study ski lls slides for use by all PCC math instructors in the August fo llowing the sabbatical. Teresiana Zurita Fall 20 12 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical (Half year - July-December) Teresiana Zurita, Student Success and Counseling faculty at West Campus, states the purpose of her sabbatical is to introduce contempl ative pedagogy and practices to the faculty at Pima Community College, to integrate principles of contemplative pedagogy into the course STU 230/MGT 230 Dynamics of Leadership, and to deepen her own contemplative practice. Integrating contemplative practices into the learning environment facilitates learners' ability to engage more fully and meaningfully with the content they are studying. The objecti ves of her sabbatical are: (1) to introduce contemplative practice and pedagogy to fulltime Pima College facu lty through surveying and interviewing faculty about their prior knowledge, interest, and experience in the subject, through writing two research-based introductory guides to contemplative pedagogy and practices, and through disseminating information on contemplative pedagogy to interested facu lty; (2) integrate contemplative pedagogy and practices into STU 230/MGT 23 0 Dynam ics of Leadership; and (3) deepen her own contemplative practice through attend ing contemplative retreats and visiting contemplative groups in Tucson. Spring Semester 2013 Stephen Romaniello Spring 20 13 Semester, Full-Pay Sabbatical Stephen Romaniello, Digital Ar1s faculty at West Campus, states the purpose of his sabbatical is to develop the concept of how to combine traditional artistic media with digital techniques through creation of an on I inc publication containing five modules, each providing step-by-step instructions to artists on how to use the software to their best advantage to prod uce profess ional work. This will benefit Fine Arts and Digital Arts students, who are increasingly interested in integrating graphics software with traditional artistic techniques in the realization of their artistic vision. The objectives ofhis sabbatical are: (1) interview five professional, nationally recognized artists who use digital techniques in the production of their work and record the step-by-step processes each uses through visi ts to the artists' stud ios; (2) construct the collected materials into a cohesive step-by-step narrative describing each artist's creative process; and (3) design and construct an interactive web site from the edited content, through taking a course on Dream Weaver, designing the web site, and publishing the web site and creating links to the site from hi s course web pages. (Continued) OG 7 Faculty Sabbaticals Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 5 Nan Schmidt Spring 2013 Semester, Full-pay Sabbatical Biology Instructional Faculty, Downtown Campus Nan Schmidt states the purpose of her sabbatical is to develop PowerPoint lectmcs with voiceover for use in her self-paced Marine Biology classes. Students will benefit from having course materials presented in a format that will benefit visual and auditory learners. Students with disabilities affecting reading comprehension will benefit from having the narration, while those with disabilities affecting listening comprehension will benefit from being able to read the scripts that will accompany each voiced-over PowerPoint presentation. The voiced-over PowerPoint presentations will be made available online to her colleagues, so other faculty at the College will also benefit from this sabbatical project. The objectives of her sabbatical are: (1) evaluate the technology for screen recording and for hosting the voiced-over PowerPoint lecture modules; and (2) create 16 modules for Marine Biology course content, each with scripted, voiced-over PowerPoint presentations, incorporating feedback from two PCC biology faculty peers. Kris Swank Spring 2013 Semester, Full-pay Sabbatical Librarian/Library Director, Northwest Campus Kris Swank states the purpose of her sabbatical is to create lesson plans which will aid instructors using works of fantasy and science fiction in their courses as vehicles for discussing current social issues. Students will benefit by being able to explore serious ideas through the vehicle of genre literature. The ten lesson plans created will be made available to interested instructors for use in their classes, which will benefit other instructors and the College as a whole. The objectives of her sabbatical are: (1) enroll in and complete two graduate-level courses which will apply towards a Master of Arts degree in Literature and Languages- Fantasy Literature; and (2) develop ten detailed classroom lesson plans for ten ditTerent books to assist instructors in using fantasy and/or science fiction literatme as vehicles for social discourse. Approvals Contact Person -~---'----u..ecr--------- Janet L. May Interim Chancellor~- ::s<J,~jlf~ Dr.Suz~ 062 PimaCountyCommun ityCollegeDistrict 069 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayffucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Anticipated Sub-Grant Agreement Renewal: First Things First Innovative Professional Development, a sub-grant from United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona 13.6 Contact Person Dr. Johnson Bia. President, Desert Vista Campus (206-5001) Recommendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve Pima Community College's participation in the anticipated renewal of the First Things First Innovative Professional Development Sub-grant Agreement from United Way ofTucson and Southern Arizona, expected effective date July 1, 20 12 . .Justification : The anticipated renewal of the sub-grant agreement from United Way of Tucson and Southern AZ w ill provide continuity of services to PCC Early Childhood Education students and will build upon the work of the current sub-grant. Since 2009, the sub-grant has faci litated completion of Early Childhood associate degrees at Pima Community College (PCC) and smooth transitions to Early Childhood Bachelor's degree programs, with a special focus on using Department supports at PCC and the Uni versity of Arizona College of Education. Benefits to the Co llege: • Increased opportunities for Pima College students to transfer to a bachelor's degree program in Early Chi ldhood. • Partnershi ps with state and local entities to build and maintain a system of high quality Early Childhood Education in Pima County, tied to college credit. College Plan Initiative: Renewing this Agreement supports the follow ing clements of College Plan 201 1-2013: • Initiative #4 Expand Educational and Workforce Opportunities 1. Strategy 4. 1 Improve our workforce through Career Readiness a. Action 4.1.2. Develop, expand and implement options designed to prepare students with career-focused ski lls. b. Action 4.1.5 Modify programs and courses to meet changing career trends. 2. Strategy 4.5 Design new partnerships a. Action 4.5.3. Expand partnerships with the Universities 3. Strategy 4.6 Strengthen connections between the College and community a. Action 4.6.1 Implement strategies that encourage employee understanding of the comm unity and the connections to the College (Continued) Anticipated Sub-Grant Agreement Renewal: First Things First Innovative Professional Development, a sub-grant from United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Date: 5/ 16/20 Page 2 b. Action 4.6.5 Establi sh alli ances with the community to strategically build and suppor1 common goals and outcomes c. Action 4.6.9 Serve as a catalyst and resource for educational innovation through strategic pat1nerships Financial Considerations: The College will invoice the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona monthly for actual expenses which will total $78,600 from July I, 20 12 - June 30, 2013. Amount $62,359 $3.381 $5,000 $7,860 $78,600 Line Item Salaries and Fringe Travel Professional Development GOSC Indirect TOTAL COSTS The College has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and had determined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals Contact Person ---~:Jo!in4==on==-~$~ia=- __4!!..;12:::..:6"'/..!...: - 12 = =Johnson Bia Chancellor A~ Suz . L. M es r. 1 07 0 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 071 Board of Governors 4905C East BroadwayfTucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/ 12 Item Number: Item Title Extension of Sub-recipient Agreement: Sunnyside Unified School District and United States Department of Education, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program 13.7 Contact Person Dr. Lorraine Morales, Acting President, Community Campus (206-6577) Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve an extension of a subrecipient between Sunnyside Unified School District and the Pima Community College Adult Education Program to provide Even Start Family Literacy services for the period July 1. 20 II through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $236,650. Justification: Pima Community College' s Adult Education Program received funding for SUJmyside Unified School District (SUSD) sites for Even Start Fami ly Literacy which provides high-quality, learner-directed services that support families in their on-going efforts toward educational and economic improvement. This funding and resources from community partners such as Child Parent Centers, Inc. (Head Start) and SUSD provides the means for PCC's Family Literacy Program to provide curriculum, classroom space, materials, highly qualified staff for infant/toddler and pre-school services, as well as adult education and family literacy programming, train ing, and data collection. Through this funding, the Fami ly Literacy Program serves fo ur sites as one learning center: Ocotillo (SUSD 's only pre-school), children from Head Start at Mission Manor Elementary School, chi ldren from Los N inos Elementary Head Start school. and students at Rivera Elementary. College Plan Initi ative: This program supports the 2011 -2013 College Plan Initiative 2: Improve the Overall Success of Student Learning, Strategy 2.4, Effectively engage students in the learning process and Strategy 2 .5, Increase student success. Financial Considerations: The total grant amount is $236,650 for a one-year period. The table below illustrates the expense items to be supported by the grant. (Continued) Extension of Sub-rec ipient Agreement: Sunnyside Unified School District and United States Department of Education, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Amount $ 150,072 50,933 9,850 15,394 10,40 1 Line Item Staff- Classified Fringe Benefits Travel Contracted Services Supplies & materials TOTAL COSTS $236,650 No matching funds or institutionalization of the program are required as a conditi on of the grant. The Co llege has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and had determined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals ~-J?1~ Contact Person __~ -----~-------~--------------------Interim Chancellor f l . ~u..;!L Dr.Suz~ 07 2 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 073 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/ 16/12 Item Number: Item Title Grant Proposal: Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program, l Learn, We Learn Project 13.8 Contact Person Dr. Lonaine Morales, Acting President, Community Campus (206-6577) R ecom mendation: The Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the Family Literacy Program, I Learn, We Learn Proj ect, and if funded, acceptance of the grant award from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. If funded, the grant will run from May l , 2012 through April30, 2013. The total amount being requested is $15,000. J ustifica tioo: Pima Community College 's Adult Education Program has submitted a grant proposal to Dollar General to fund the Family Literacy Program- ! Learn, We Learn Project. If funded the Dollar General ram ily Literacy Grant would expand services to a minimum of 60 new families through implementation of Parenting Education classes and facilitation and Child Together (PACT) Time at El Pueblo Liberty Adult Learning Center. Families in the program will participate in Adult Education Classes, Parenting Education classes, PACT Time, and Children's Education. The Dollar General funding wi II provide for the Parent Education classes, PACT, as well as integration ofthese components. This Family Literacy Program expansion will consist of four, 10-week sessions. Each 10-week session wi ll serve a minimum of 15 famili es and will include: • 60 hours of Adult Education • 30 hours ofParenting Ed ucation • 30 hours of PACT • Children's education will follow the collaborators' (I lead Start and SUSD) If funded, the $15,000 Dollar General Grant will provide for one Adult Educator for 8 hours per week, some coordination costs, and minimal suppl ies. College Plan Initiative: Thjs program supports the 2011 -2013 College Plan Initiative 2: Improve the Overall Success of Student Learning, Strategy 2.4, Effectively engage students in the learning process and Strategy 2.5. Increase student success. (Continued) Grant Proposa l: Do llar General Literacy Foundation, Pima Community College Adult Education Family Literacy Program, J Learn , We Learn Project Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Financial Considerations: The total grant amount is $15,000 for a one-year period. The table below illustrates the expense iterns to be supported by the grant. Line Item Personnel Advanced Program Coordinator @ .5 FTE, Fringe @ 40% Instructor @ .20 FTE, Fringe @ 18.5% Total Pers01mel Office supplies TOTAL COSTS Amount $ 3,646 $ 10,894 $ 14,540 $ 460 s 15,000 No matching funds or institutionalization of the program are requi red as a cond ition of the grant. The College has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and had detennined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals Contact Person ~-PI~ ~ c- Interim Chance-llo_r_c£1 ___ .~-----_-1tt--~ --r___,..- Dr. Suza~ 07 4 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 075 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: Item Title Grant Proposal: Arizona Department of Education: Title 1 Even Start Family Literacy Program 13.9 Contact Person Dr. Lorraine Morales, Acting President, Community Campus (206-6577) Recommend ation: The Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the Title I Even Start Family Literacy Project carryover funding and additional federal grant funding from the Arizona Department of Education. The grant is for the budget period July I, 20 II through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $178,65 0.58. Justification: Pima Community Co llege's Adult Education Program submitted a grant proposal to the Arizona Department of Education for funding to PCC's Fami ly Literacy Program to provide services at the Santa Rosa site serving Head Start and TUSD children and their families. PCC's Family Literacy Program provides high-quality, learner-directed services that support families in their on-going efforts toward educational and economic improvement. This funding and resources from community partners such as Child Parent Centers, Inc. (Head Start) and TUSD provides the means for PCC 's Fam il y Literacy Program to provide curriculum, classroom space, materials, highly qual ified staff for infant/toddler, pre-school, and elementary school services, as well as adult education and fami ly literacy programming, training, and data collection. High quality school-age programming, adult education, and early chi ldhood programs already existed through these agencies, and by building on these resources, programming has been designed to meet the needs of families. In addition to these crucial partners, other community building blocks that contribute to the project include: neighborhood centers and associations. public libraries, and community health organizations. College Plan Initiative: This program supports the 20 11-2013 College Plan Initiative 2:Improve the Overall Success of Student Learning, Strategy 2.4, Effectively engage students in the learning process and Strategy 2.5, Increase student success. (Continued) Grant Proposal: Arizona Depattment of Education: Title 1 Even Statt Family Literacy Program Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Financial Considerations: The total grant amount is $178.650.58 for a one-year period. The table below illustrates the expense items to be supported by the grant. Line Item Staff- Classified Fringe Benefits Travel Contracted Services Supplies & material s TOTAL COSTS Amount $117,878.00 28,640.00 9,350.58 12,394.00 10,388.00 $178,650.58 No matching funds or institutionalization of the program are required as a condition of the grant. The College has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and had determined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals ~-PI~ Contact Person_,?<. _ _"' - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Interim Chancellor cA- :je~4 Dr. Suza e L. M. 07 6 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 07 7 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: 13.10 Item Title Grant Proposal: United States Department of Education, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (Title V) Program Contact Person Dr. Lou Albe11, President, West Campus (206-6752) Recommendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (Title V) Program grant proposal entitled, "Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors: Innovation in Dental Studies Education··. and, if funded, acceptance of the grant award from the United States Department of Education . This grant focuses on implementing Dental Studies curriculum modifications to prepare graduates in specialized areas such as laser technology, coronal polishing, CAD/CAM technology and simulation learning. If funded, the grant amount for the first budget period (October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013) is $650,000. The five-year grant award, from October I, 2012 through September 30, 2017, totals $3,249,655. Justification: The Pima Community College West Campus U.S. Depru1ment of Education Title V Grant project is designed to renovate and expand the Dental Studies Programs teaching laboratory and clinic in support of infusion of state-of-the-art technology and up-to-date dental procedures for pi loted curricula. The Pima Community College West Campus will strengthen its Dental Hygiene Education curriculum by developing and implementing a new Arizona Soft Tissue Laser Certificate and restorative dentistry curricula. In addition, the grant project wi ll strengthen the Dental Assisting Education program by developing and implementing a Coronal Polish Ce11ificate. The grant proj ect will also modify curricula to include a Dental Assistant to Dental Hygiene career ladder. Curriculum redesign will augment electronic patient care documentation and advance dental assisting skills and management skills. College Plan Initiative: This program supports the 2011-2013 College Plan Initiative 2: Improve the Overall Success of Student Leaming, Strategy 2.4 and 2.5; Initiative 3: Enhance Course Delivery, Strategy 3.1 and 3.2, and Initiative 4: Expand Educational and Workforce Opportunities, Strategy 4.1 and 4.5. (Continued) Grant Proposal: United States Depa1tment of Education, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (Title V) Program Date: 5/6/ 12 Page 2 07 8 F inancial Considerations: The total grant amount is $3,249,655 for a five-year period. The table below illustrates the expense items to be supported by the grant: Line Item Year 1 Personnel Project Director @ 1 FTE Laboratory Specialist @ I FTE Total Personnel Fringe @ 37% Travel Project Director Annual Meeting Soft Tissue Laser Training Restorative Procedures Training CAD/CAM Training Total Travel Supplies and Equipment Software and equipment Office and technology supplies Total Supplies and Equipment Contractual Construction TOTAL COSTS Year2 Year4 Year 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 78,824 18,081 $ $ $ $ 96,905 35,855 $ 120,735 $ 44,672 $ 116,805 $ 43,217 $ 11 2, 179 $ 41,507 $ I06,799 $ 39,516 $ 2,907 $ 2,907 $ 2,907 $ 2,907 $ 2,907 $ 5,688 $ 9,660 $ 2, 198 $ 5,105 $ 2,907 $ 2,907 $ 8,595 $ 82,765 37,970 Year3 12,567 86,903 29,902 91 ,248 20,931 95,8 10 10,989 $ 32,081 $ 126,050 18,995 $ 259,000 $ 10,950 $ 115.980 $ 50,200 $ 217,000 $ 79,709 $ 48,700 $1.162,030 $ 208,554 $ 145,045 $ 269,950 $ 166, 180 $ 296,709 $ 492,700 $1 ,370,584 $ 110,600 $ 253,000 $ 8,000 $ 194,000 $ 8,000 $ 310,600 $ 8,000 $ 188,600 $ 0 $ 142.600 $ 946,200 $ 649,924 $ 649,907 $ 649,902 $ 649,922 $3,249,655 $ 650,000 $ 444,000 $ 553,423 $ 204,767 8,000 No matching fund s or institutionalization of the program are required as a condition of the grant. The College has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and had determined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals Contact Person .£au aP.fwtt 5/ 1112 -------===~~~------~~=-- Lou Albert ~ e L. M Interim ChancellaA. Dr. Suz PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 079 4905C East BroadwayfTucson, Arizona 85709-101 0 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Grant Proposal/Intergovernmental Agreement: Governor's Office of Highway Safety Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program Item Number: 13.11 Contact Person Stella Bay, Chief, Department of Public Safety (206-2622) R ecommendation : The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program grant proposal, and, if funded, acceptance of the grant award and establishment of an Intergovernmental Agreement from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety. The Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program will provide education and enforcement of traffic laws relating to impaired driving and occupant protection. The performance period will be October I, 2012 through September 30, 2013. The total amount being requested is $35,900. Justificat ion: Through the Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program, the Pima Community College Department of Public Safety would target the following problem areas: DUVAlcohol/Drugs Enforcement and Occupant Protection. Through education and enforcement, the Pima Community College Department of Public Safety would utilize the funding to enforce the current traffic laws throughout the college community. Additionally, the Pima Community College Department of Public Safety will educate the College community in traffic safety issues to include child car seat usage and impaired driving education. With funding through the Alcohol and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program, the Pima Community College Department of Public Safety will participate in (8) Southern Arizona DUI Task Force deployments, participate in two (2) community occupant protection events, and ten (1 0) educational programs provided to students, staff, faculty and guests. College Plan Initiative: This program supports the 2011-2013 College Plan Initiative 4: Expand Educational and Workforce Opportunities, Strategy 4.3.3 ·'Improve communication and marketing to the community", Action 4.3.3 ·'utilize campus events, including health fairs and tours, to encourage community members to visit the College", and Action 4.6.5: "Establish alliances with the community to strategically build and support common goals and outcomes" . (Continued) Grant Proposal/Intergovernmental Agreement: Governor' s Office for Highway Safety, Alcoho l and Other Drugs and Occupant Protection Program Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Financial Considerations: The total grant amount being requested is $35,900. The table below illustrates the expense items to be supported by the grant. Expense Items Description Personnel Services Emp loyee Related Expenses @ 20% Amount $28,720 $7, 180 TOTAL $35 900 No matching funds or institutionalization of the program arc required as a conditi on of the grant. The College has evaluated the risks associated with the proposed activities and determined they do not represent an undue liability. Approvals Contact Person _ _ ___:S ~tefla==-:J.~gj~cu~l~---=5:.!.../.!..!. l /.. !. 1::..2_ Stella Bay Interim Chancellor c;IJ. ~~ Dr. Suz e L. Mi 080 Pi maCou ntyCom m u n ityCollegeDistrict 081 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway!Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Intergovernmental Agreement: Arizona Board of Regents, Prepayment of Rent and Termination ofNorthwest Campus Building Sublease 13.12 Contact Person Dr. David Bea Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (206-4519) Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends the Board of Governors approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to authorize the prepayment of outstanding rent and termination of lease agreements related to the Northwest Campus A building. Justification: The College entered into an intergovernmenta l agreement in 2002 to develop, with the University of Arizona, an integrated campus environment at the site of the Northwest Campus. The University issued Certificates of Participation to finance the construction of the Northwest Campus A building. In 2004, the College and ABOR amended the agreement to enable the College to sublease the building from the University by paying rent equivalent to the University's debt service through June I , 2022. The Certificates of Participation are callable on or after June I, 2012, and the College has determined that prepayment of the outstanding principal is financially advantageous. By paying down the remaining debt, the College elim inates about $440,000 per year in debt service and will save more than $1 mi ll ion in scheduled interest payments over the next ten years. The Intergovernmental Agreement with ABOR will effectuate termination of the sublease, the ground lease, operating agreement, and will provide for the prepayment of the certificates of participation and will release the College from further financial liability. College Plan Initiative: Initiative 5: Enhance operations Strategy 5.9 - Enhance operations to increase effectiveness and reduce costs Financial Consid erations: The cost of prepayment wil l be approximately $3.3 million and has been included in the FY 13 Capital Budget. The prepayment will relieve the College budget of approximately $440,000 per year in debt service, and will save approximately $1 ,040,000 in scheduled interest over the next ten years. (Continued) intergovernmental Agreement: Arizona Board of Regents, Prepayment of Rent and Termination of Northwest Campus Building Sublease Approvals Contact Person u-=:) ~ Dr. David Bca Chancellor__________________ Dr. Suzanne L. Miles Date: 5/ 16/12 Page 2 082 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 08 3 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, A rizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Curriculum Recommendations - New Program: Fashion Design - Certificate for Direct Employment 13.13 Contact Person Charlotte Fugett Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (Acting) (206-4999) Recommendation : Per Board Policy 3 I 06, CuJTiculum Development, the Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the following new Program: Fashion Design - Certificate for Direct Employment. Justification : West Campus requests approval to establish a new program in fashion design, to prepare students to work in the fash ion and clothing industry in entry level positions. The courses in the certificate also meet requirements toward the Associate of Applied Arts in Applied Arts. The curricu lum incorpo rates fas hion design, including fashi on drawing, imaginative design, computer applications, draping, textiles, and pattern drafting. Other community colleges were benchmarked for this type of program. Phoenix Community College, Mesa Community College, El Paso Community College and Los Angeles Trade and Techn ical College all offer 1\.A.S. Degrees in Fashion Design. Phoenix Community College and Mesa Communi ty Coll ege were visited and faculty interviews and facility tours were conducted. Demand is expected to increase, both in terms of numbers and skill levels needed. Fashion Design and Clothing FTSE growth of 6.3 % was shown from 2007-2011. Market analysis projects approximately I 0% growth in fashion designers and approximately 6% growth in related careers for Pima County over the period of 201 1-20 17. A recent (2010) po ll of Pima Commun ity College students indicated there were at least 70 students interested in pursuing a Certificate in Fashion Design. Additionally, the University of Arizona Retail Merchandising Program has expressed an interest in a Fashion Design certificate to augment their degree and job opportunities. (Continued) Curriculum Recom mendations - New Program: Fashion Design Certificate for Direct Employment Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 College Plan Initiative: This action supports the 2011-2013 Pima Commun ity College Plan, specifically Initiative 4, Action 4.1.6 which states: ModifY programs and courses as required to meet changing career trends. Financial Considerations: The certificate consists of already existing courses offered as Art electives in the Associate of Applied Arts in Applied Arts degree, so costs will be minimal. West Campus plans to employ existing faculty and qualified adjuncts to teach courses in the program. Approvals Contact Person _ _ _....:eJ2uvtfutte ===~ fJ= u¢t:f1==-----"5'-'-/~11.. .1.::..2_ :. Charlotte Fugett Interi m Chancell or-od{}_~=--"-=-~-'----T--F-''--=-+----7":;_;::~'-----~-'-~-=:::...='---o;su;~V 084 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 085 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson. Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: Item Title Library Participation in Cooperative Buying Program with the Commtmity College Library Consortium 13.14 Contact Person Charlotte Fugett, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (Acting) (206-4999) Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve continued Library participation in the Community College Library Consortium (CCLC) and authorizes the PCC Library to renew/initiate database subscriptions through the CCLC in the amount not to exceed $180,000 for2012-2013. Justification: The Consortium acts as a library "buying club" for the Community College League of California, an organization that represents all 72 districts and I 06 cornmtmity colleges in the state of Cali fornia. There are also several Arizona community colleges that purchase electronic resources and services through CCLC. Students and faculty benefit from a broader aJTay of electronic resources in all subject areas and new information and discovery tools specifically tai lored for community college students as a result of our participation with the CCLC. In addition, PCC statr benefi t from streaml ined purchasing and invoicing processes. PCC Library has participated as a member of CCLC since July 2007. Co llege Plan Initiative: The continued participation in this consortium supports several strategies in the 2011-2013 College Plan: Strategy 5.8 Improve the quality of libraries and library services Strategy 5.9 Enhance operations to increase effectiveness and reduce costs (Continued) Library Pa1ticipation in Cooperative Buying Program with Community College Library Consortium Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Financial Considerations: Due to the size of the consortium, the prices available through CCLC are considerably less expensive than what we can secure on our own or through another organization. There is no annual fee associated with being a member of the CCLC. T he college has evaluated risks and determined there is no unusual llabi lity or risk to Pima Community College students, employees, or property as a result of continued participation with the CCLC. Annua l expenditures will not exceed $ 180,000 for 2012-2013. Approvals Contact Person ~ :Jugett Charlotte Fugett Interim Chancellor 5/1112 cf?. ~)l{~ Dr. Suza1 . Mile 08 6 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 087 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Item Number: Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Title Contract: Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes for Fiscal Year 20 12-2013 13.15 Contact Person C.J. Karamargin Vice Chancellor for Public Information & Government Relations (206-4850) Recom mendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors award a contract to Western Web & Graphics Inc. for printing services and delivery ofthe Combined Cred it/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes for Fiscal Year 20 12-20 13. Justification : PCC continues to reduce the number of printed Schedules of Classes. More of our students rely on our website for the most current information on c lass availability during registration periods. Because of this, the Vice Presidents for Student Development have recommended that the number of printed schedul es for distribution on Campuses be cut by 50 percent. Following thi s trend we will also reduce our overall off-campus distribution of the schedules by 12 percent. These actions result in a 30 percent reduction of printed schedules, from 150,000 to 105,000. This reduced amount comprises 36,000 Spring, 31 ,000 Summer, and 38,000 Fall schedules. Reducing the total number of printed schedules results in a cost savings of 15.7 percent, or $1 1,853 . The Purchasing Department, on behalf of the Public Information Department, conducted a bid process to obtain the best-possible pricing for printing and delivery of all editions of the 2013 Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes. The bid process was completed in April 2012. Three bids were received. Western Web & Graphics Inc. submitted the low bid. The recommendation to award the contract for printing of the Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Classes is based on pricing and on a review of the printer's effectiveness. The College evaluated the printer's performance using the following criteria: I) ability to meet deadlines; 2) the quality of the finished product, including trimming and legibili ty of print; and 3) abi lity to meet distribution requirements. College Plan Initiative: This recommendation supports Initiative 5: Enhance Operations, Strategy 5.1, Improve communication, of the 2011-2013 College Plan. (Continued) Contract: Combined Credit/Non-Credit Schedules of Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 Classes for Fisca l Year 20 12/2013 Financial Considerations: The estimated total amount required is $69,804. Of this amount $63,459 is for printing, delivery, and applicable taxes, and $6,346 is for contingency funding for printing and delivery (use lim ited to an amount that is justified by cost increases in materials and services only). Approvals Contact Person e.J-. 3Uvtaitr.CVtfJin 511 I 12 C.J. Karamargin Interim Chancellor ~ ~~ 088 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict 089 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date : 5/ 16/12 Item Number: Item Title Contract: Extension of Perceptis, LLC Contracts for IT hclpdesk, Student Accounts and Financial Aid 13.1 6 Contact Person Cindy Dooling Acting Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (206-4809) Recommenda tion: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the Statement of Work (SOW) between Pima Community College and Perceptis, LLC, for the purposes of providing 24/7/365 Financia l Aid (FA), IT help desk and Student Accounts (SA) support for faculty, students and staff via telephone, e-mail, Web and Chat. The term of this agreement wi II be from July 1, 2012 to December 31 , 20 12. J ustification: Perceptis is our current vendor. We are working on an RFP but will not complete it in time to begin Jul y 1, 20 12 with the winning vendor. College Pla n In itiative: This project supported the 2008-20 II College Plan Initiative 6. This SOW will support the 201 1-201 3 College Plan, Initiative 5, Strategy 5.9.5 which states : Identify support services that could be more efficient. Finan cial Considera tions: Percept is 24 x 7 Helpdesk Support for FA, IT JTelp Desk and SA Approval Contact Person _ _ _ _eindt==;FoJ--=;i)::::..;o4tuj = =·=¥---4:..:..: /2=6"'/-.:...:12.____ Interim Chancellor A >Jjh/f~~ -rp~~iles $504, 446.00 PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict Board of Governors 4905C East Broadwayrrucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Item Number: Item Title 13.17 Contact Person Contract: New Tech Solutions Cindy Dooling J\cting Vice Chancellor, Information Technology (206-4809) Recommendation: The Interim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve New Tech Solutions, and add them to the College-wide list of approved vendors for computer technology purchases for FY12. Justification: New Tech Solutions supports the annual Information Technology project most recently approved in the June 2011 Board of Governors Meeting. Action Item 14.15, Contracts: lnformation Technology Replacement- Fiscal Year 2012. This project continues the allocation of desktop computers for instructional labs and classrooms, network and data center equipment, software licenses, and administrative use by faculty, staff and administrators.. All equipment is replaced on a planned replacement cycle. Many of the cycles have been extended due to budget cuts. Desktop computers are now replaced every five years instead of every four. College Plan Initiative: This program supports the 201 1-2013 College Plan Initiative 5.0, Strategy 5.4.5, which states: Enhance sustainability and integration of grant-funded technology into PCC infrastructure; and Plan Initiative 5.0, Strategy 5.8.3 which states: Expand the Center for Integrated Learning Facilities model to other College campuses. Financial Consid erations: This request was filled tlu·ough a competitive bid, with a significant cost savings to the College. No additional funds wi II be necessary for this Fiscal Year 12. Approval Contact Person Interim Chancellor eJn,dg 9Jo.ofing 4/26/12 e{J. ·oytu~~tes ><:/~~ Pima County Community College District 091 Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: Item Title 13.18 Contact Person Contract: Internatjonal Student Health Insurance Dr. David Bea Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Adm ini stration (206-45 19) Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends the Board of Governors approve the purchase of international student health insurance through The Lewer Agency for the policy year August I, 2012 through July31,2013. Justification: International students attending Pima Community Coll ege using Fl visas must provide proof of financial resources sufficient to cover expected medical expenses while living in the United States. The College provides access to insurance coverage for those students who do not have other resources or insurance and wish to parti cipate in the College' s plan. Students who choose to pruticipate pay the entire cost of coverage. Eligible students who wish to participate in the program pay the costs through their student accounts. The College implemented thi s program in 1996 with subsequent policies provided through various insu rance companies. There are approximately 300 enro llees currently participating in the plan. Financial Consid erations: The College negotiated a renewal premium of $79 per student, to be effective August 1, 2012, which is unchanged from last year's premium. Monthly student-plus-spouse and per-child premiums remain at $340 and $79, respectively. The College incurs no expense other than those reflective of incidental administrative responsibil ities. The College projects, the total contract value fo r the coming policy year will be approximately $280,000. Approvals Contact Person u_::) ~ ----------------~------------ Dr. David Bea ChancellorA- ~J, 0 . uzann · . iles PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict O~J 2 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1 010 ACTION ITEM Meetin g Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Item Number: Item Title Contract: Short Term Disabi lity Insurance 13.19 Contact Person Dr. David Bea Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Admini stration (206-4519) Recommendation : The Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the renewal of the short term disability insurance contract with Assurant Employee Bene fits fo r the period July 1, 20 12 through June 30, 20 13. This is the second year offour years fo r an annual contract renewal option. ,Tustifica tion: Pima Community College currently provides a 100% employer paid short-term disability plan for benefit-eligible employees. The weekly benefit amount is equal to 66 2/3 percent of basic weekly earnings, to a maximum benefit of $ 1,154 per week with a four- month benefit period. Benefits are payable on the 61 st day of an accident, sickness, or pregnancy. Assurant has been the College ' s short-term disability insurance provider since 1998. College .Plan Initiative: Initiative 5: Enhance operations Strategy 5.9 - Enhance operations to increase effectiveness and reduce costs Financial Considerations: There is no cost increase in the College's premium from Fiscal Year 2011- 12, which is estimated to be approximately $94,000 based on current covered payroll. The contract wi ll be renewable annually at the College's option fo r two additional contract years. Such renewals will be subject to successf·ul negotiations of any modifications in contract terms or price. Approvals U ___ -.:) __~--=-----Dr. David Bea Contact Person __ ChancellorA. ~ D · uza . Miles PimaCountyCommunityCollegeDistrict Board of Governors 4905C East Broadway/Tucson, Arizona 85709-1010 ACTION ITEM Meeting Date: 5/16/12 Item Number: Item Title Fiscal Year 20 13 Proposed Budget 14.0 Contact Person Dr. David Bea Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (206-4519) Recommendation: The Tnterim Chancellor recommends that the Board of Governors approve the fiscal year 20 13 proposed budget to be published in the Arizona Daily Star on June 4 and June 12, 2012 according to statutory requirements; and to conduct a public hearing and a special board meeting for the purpose of adopting the budget on June 20, 20 12. Justification: The proposed fiscal year 2013 budget is being presented for consideration by the Board of Governors. The process fo r review and adoption of the District budget is fixed in several sections of State law and is intended to facilitate the public review of all budgets that affect the county taxpayers. A.R.S. § 15-1-161 and A.R.S. §15-1461.01 provide the guidelines each district must follow in terms of the development and public dissemination of its annual budget. The "Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed Budget" document presented May 16, 20 12 will summarize estimated sources of funds and expenditures of funds for the entire Di strict budget. Individual line items may change as the appropriation details are finalized by College administration. By approving the proposed budget for publication, the Board establishes maximum revenue and expenditure amounts and enables the District's primary and secondary property tax levies to become fixed for taxpayer review. The administration is requesting that the Board approve the proposed budget for publication to meet statutory requirements and approve the following li sted activities: June 4 Publish the proposed budget, first public notice of the pub I ic hearing and special board meeting, and first Truth in Taxation notice in the Arizona Daily Slar. June 12 Publish the proposed budget, the second public notice of the pub I ic hearing and special board meeting, and second Truth in Taxation notice in the Arizona Daily S!ar. June 20 Conduct a public hearing on the proposed budget and, immediately following the public hearing, conduct a special board meeting for the purpose of adopting the budget. (Continued) Fisca I Year 20 13 Proposed Budget June 22 Date: 5/ 16/ 12 Page 2 0 ~J ~ Transmit a copy of the Truth in Taxation notice, a statement of publication, and the result of the Board of Governors' vote to the Property Tax Oversight Commission. The proposed fiscal year 2013 budget is based on a series of Board actions that have occurred during the 2012 calendar year. These include: approving preliminary budget assumptions and parameters in January; approving a tuition increase in March; approving various contracts and grants; and approving the capital budget in April. The proposed fiscal year 2013 budget totals approximately $299 million, which is an increase of 3.8% percent over the fiscal year 2012 budget. In terms of revenues, the budget includes a 2.0 percent increase to the primary property tax levy of about $1.8 million, $791,000 from new construction, an increase of approximately $1 .8 million in tuition and fees, and an increase of $208,000 in state aid. The most significant revenue change compared to the fiscal year 20 12 budget is an increase in reserves and fund balance based on the fiscal year 2013 capital budget, which was approved in April. This line item includes the one-time payoff of the remaining debt related to the Northwest Campus Building A. As has been the case over the past number of years, the College budget is focused on keeping expenditure increases to a minimum, incorporating cost reduction strategies first. and mandatory contractual obligations second. This year, we are consolidating two leased facilities into a single long term lease agreement with TUSD. The Roberts Center lease will save the College more than $150,000 per year and wi II provide improved space for adult education and public safety training programs. Another significant cost reduction strategy included in the proposed fi scal year 2013 budget is the aforementioned payoff of the outstanding debt related to the Northwest Campus Building A. Paying the callable debt wi ll save the operating budget $445,000 per year and will eliminate more than $1 million in interest over the next ten years . There are numerous mandatory expenditure increases that have been incorporated into the fiscal year 2013 budget, most notably the increase in Arizona State Retirement System contributions. The College's required contribution rate is expected to increase from 9.87 percent to 11.15, which represents more than $1 million in additional personnel costs. As di scussed previously with the Board, the budget also includes increases in employee health insurance costs, system license and maintenance costs, and required increases in disabled student resources support. The budget also includes proposed salary increases of 3.5 percent for regular faculty, staff, and administrators, and includes a 3.5 percent increase to the adjunct faculty rate (from $710 per unit to $735 per unit). These salary increases will be the first increases to the salary schedul es since fiscal year 2009. The following table summarizes the proposed fi scal year 2013 budget for All Funds compared with the fiscal year 2012 budget. A detailed fLmd-by-fund presentation will be made during the May Board of Governors meeting. (Continued) Date: 5/16/12 Page 3 Fiscal Year 20 13 Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Summary- All Funds Revenues Tax Revenue State Aid Tuition & Fees Grants & Contracts Other Revenue Reserves and Fund Balance Total Revenues Expenses Personnel Ex12enscs Administrative Faculty Adjunct Faculty Staff- Classified Other Compensatio n Fringe Benefits Subtotal Personnel Fiscal Year 20 12 $ 94,026,000 7, 146,000 55 ,096,000 93,492,000 3,034,000 35,079,000 $ 287,873,000 Proposed Fiscal Year 20 13 $ 96,8 19,726 7,353 ,500 56,863 ,086 89,507,30 1 2,994,366 45,383,234 $ 298,921,213 $ $ $ 291 ,408 660,535 (3 I ,552) 1,459.217 2 14,620 I ,673 , 143 4,267,371 4.4% 2.6% -0.2% 3.2% 3.5% 5.8% 3.3% 36,748, 142 40,262, 174 70,008,586 6,275 ,052 13,606,888 166,900,842 (29 1,858) 5,580, 174 3,424,586 I ,404,052 (3 ,336,11 22 $ 6,780,842 -0.8% 16.1% 5.1 % 28.8% - 19.7% 4.2% $ 298,921,213 $ 11,048,213 3.8% 6,553,000 24,934,000 15,437,000 45,600,000 6, 196,000 29,033,000 127,753,000 6,844,408 25,594,535 15,405,448 47,059,217 6,410,620 30,706, 143 $ 132,020,371 012erating and Cagital Ex12enses Service & Suppl ies Capital Equipment Scholarships Other Expenditures Contingencies & Reserves Subtotal Operating and Capital 37,040,000 34,682,000 66,584,000 4,87 1,000 16,943,000 $ 160,120,000 s Total Expenses $ 287,873,000 s Year to Year Year to Year Change Change % $ $ 2,793,726 3.0% 207,500 2.9% 3.2% I ,767,086 (3,984,699) -4.3% -1.3% (39,634) I 0.304,234 29.4% 3.8% s 11 ,048,213 $ C ollege P lan Initiative: All Co ll ege Plan 2011-2013 Initiatives are supported by this action item. F inancial Cons ide rations: Fisca l Year 2013 budget info rmation wi ll be presented in detai l at the May meeting. Approvals Contact Person Interim _U __Dr.-=::> _ _ ~-------David Bea ChancettorpQ·~ L. · Dr. S uz e es 0~J 5