Motrin Moms


Motrin Moms
ParFcipants (All blogged and/or tweeted about #motrinmoms) Influencers (connected via Twi9er, Facebook and other Mommy groups) Bryan Bliss (blissfulfun) Beth Feldman RoleMommy Sarah Auerswald (@Sauerswald) Phylliis Sommer (@imabima) @sethgray BlogHer LaSara Allen @yoga_mama -­‐ 
Amy Gates (Crunchy Goddess) Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Tweeted @KatjaPresnal Lynn Anne Miller (Organic Mania) -­‐ 
(blogging network) Jessica Go9lieb -­‐ 
Mommy blogger -­‐ 
“Professional Mom” -­‐ 
Professional PR/
Social Media -­‐ 
Started #motrinmoms hashtag Jessica Taggart (TheSmartMama) Blogged about #motrinmoms Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Beth @plussizemommy The Angel Forever Kelby Carr -­‐ CEO Type-­‐A Parents Jessica Rosenberg (It’s My Life) Tina Williams (New Old Mom) Karoli Kuns (Odd Time Signatures) Linda Kerr (Babybunching) Lisa Douglas (Crazy Adventures in ParenFng) The Imperfect Parent Tara Loua (MilitaryMama) Janelle Sorensen (Greenandhealthy) Laura Fi9on (Pistachio ConsulFng) SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTATOR -­‐ 
Follows @KatjaPresnal Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Katja Presnal -­‐ 
Former mommy blogger -­‐ 
InternaFonal lifestyle editor -­‐ 
Created video documen4ng #motrinmoms tweets Type-­‐A Parents (blogging network) 11/15/2008
- Jennifer Taggart (The Smart Mama) blogs about the ad, to which Lisa Douglas
(Crazy Adventures in Parenting) alerted her
- Jessica Gottlieb tweets about the ad and is the first to use the #motrinmoms hashtag
Jessica Go9lieb The Smart Mama -­‐ Jennifer Taggart Yoga_mama – LaSara (FireFox) Allen Jessica Go9lieb 11/16/2008
- Katja Presnal posts a video of collected tweets about the issue after
soliciting her followers for comments on #motrinmoms
-  Mommy bloggers begin posting on their blogs and via twitter about
#motrinmoms, discussing how offended they are by the ad and how
babywearing is more than a fashion statement
-  Jessica Gottlieb claims responsibility for #motrinmoms
Crazy Adventures in ParenFng – Lisa Douglas Katja Presnal – 115,927 views Jessica Go9lieb The Angel Forever Type A Mom – Kelby Carr Lisa Douglas (Crazy Adventures in ParenFng) 115,927 views Crunchy DomesFc Goddess – Amy Gates 11/16/2008
-  For her video, Katja Presnal solicits tweets from her followers
-  Presnal made screenshots of the replies to her as well as conversations between other
users concerned about #motrinmoms, including some influencers
- Additional tweets from Katja Presnal’s video
-  Blog traffic slows
-  Blogs begin discussing the social media implications of #motrinmoms
Baby Bunching -­‐ Linda Kerr Selfish Mom – Amy Oztan It’s My Life – Jennifer Rosenberg What I Made for Dinner – Adriana Velez Jessica Go9lieb 11/18/2008
- the issue dies down
- blogger’s tone is reflexive, ponderous
- Jessica Gottlieb urges followers to keep things in perspective
Jessica Go9lieb Imperfect Parent & Motherhood Uncensored 106,818 views Imperfect Parent – Presco9 Janelle Sorensen (Greenandhealthy) Bryan Bliss (blissfulfun) Sarah Auerswald (@Sauerswald) Tara Loua (MilitaryMama) -­‐ 
Phylliis Sommer (@imabima) LaSara Allen @yoga_mama @sethgray -­‐ 
Follows @KatjaPresnal Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Laura Fi9on (Pistachio ConsulFng) SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTATOR Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Tweeted @KatjaPresnal Amy Gates (Crunchy Goddess) Beth Feldman RoleMommy Katja Presnal -­‐ 
Former mommy blogger -­‐ 
InternaFonal lifestyle editor -­‐ 
Created video documenFng #motrinmoms tweets -­‐ 
Jessica Go9lieb -­‐ 
Mommy blogger -­‐ 
“Professional Mom” -­‐ 
Professional PR/
Social Media -­‐ 
Started #motrinmoms hashtag Blogged about #motrinmoms Follows @KatjaPresnal Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Kelby Carr (Type A Mom) Jessica Rosenberg (It’s My Life) Linda Kerr (Babybunching) The Angel Forever Tina Williams (New Old Mom) Karoli Kuns (Odd Time Signatures) Jessica Taggart (TheSmartMama) The Imperfect Parent -­‐ 
Beth @plussize mommy DIDN’T BLOG Lynn Anne Miller (Organic Mania) Blogged about #motrinmoms Follows @JessicaGo9lieb -­‐ 
Blogged about #motrinmoms Follows @KatjaPresnal Follows @JessicaGo9lieb Followed by @KatjaPresnal Followed by @JessicaGo9lieb #motrinmoms story Motrin released an adverFsement containing a “momalogue” which described “baby wearing” out of a desire to appear fashionable (baby wearing as a means to look like a “real mom”) and an experience which causes mothers pain, necessitaFng pain relief in the form of Motrin. Motrin enables mother’s to carry on the charade of baby wearing, keeping up appearances of engaged parenthood. The ad began making the rounds online and rather than speaking to babywearing mother’s experience, it alienated and angered them, sparking blog entries, twi9er conversaFons, and video responses. Jessica Go9lieb, a mommy blogger who, at present, claims to be a PR/markeFng consultant blogged about the incident and tweeted about it almost immediately, and is the originator of the hashtag “#motrinmoms” which served as a unifying thread among blog and twi9er conversaFons. Katja Presnal, a former mommy blogger (who has since deleted her blog “Lady Bug Landings”) and internaFonal life-­‐style consultant (presently and at the Fme of the controversy) solicited tweets commenFng on #motrinmoms from her followers and compiled the responses into a video, which garnered over 100,000 views and many shares. The mothers who parFcipated in Twi9er conversaFons and blogged about the ad are connected to either Jessica Go9lieb, Katja Presnal or one or both of two major blogging networks; BlogHer and Type-­‐A-­‐Parent. It’s important to note that, given the Fmeframe (November 2008) accessing tweets is nearly impossible and it’s difficult to discern whether a Twi9er connecFon or network affiliaFon was extant at the Fme or happened aner the #motrinmoms events. Blog entries do not have many comments, rather, mommy bloggers would link to the blog entries they read in their own blog entries about the subject.