Event Poster - Jessica Cox


Event Poster - Jessica Cox
“It is the moments of
struggle that make us
stronger in faith.”
Born without arms, Jessica Cox
could have lived down to the low
expectations that ushered her into
this world. In spite of them all, God’s
plan allowed her to learn to swim,
drive a car, graduate from college,
and live independently using her feet
in ways others who take their hands
for granted can only imagine. She
holds the title of the first person
without arms to get a black belt in the
American Taekwondo Association
and the Guinness World Record for
the first pilot to fly with only her feet.
Yet, her greatest triumph in life
stands far above any physical feat. It
Saturday, October 26th
Jessica Cox is the world’s first and only armless pilot earning the Guinness World
Record in 2010. She is also a black belt in Taekwondo, scuba diver, licensed driver
and pianist.
is her journey in faith! A journey that
began with the question, “Why me?”
Her doubt transformed into a trust in
God’s plan and His purpose in her
life. Now she travels the world
sharing her testimony of
Throughout Jessica’s testimony
she reminds us that there are difficult
moments when we ask God, “Why
me?” and struggle with our own trials.
She encourages us to trust God and
understand that our trials are not
intended to weaken our relationship
with Him; rather to strengthen our
faith in the same way Jessica’s
challenges have brought her closer to
Jessica evokes an appreciation
for things often taken for granted.
God uses people in ways they do not
know and He can use them to bring
glory to His Name. In the same way,
God has used her life to help many
people begin or renew their own
journey in faith. Jessica’s testimony
of God leading her to touch lives
around the world will renew life, spirit,
purpose and ultimately give glory to
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Catholic Church
8650 N Shannon Rd, Tucson
Suggested donation $10 per person,
$20 per family. Proceeds will benefit
veterans and child amputees.
Sponsored by the Knights of
Columbus Assembly 2308
For one night only Jessica will be sharing her Testimony of
Transformation. She will take you on a journey from when she
learned to tie her shoes to her first solo airplane flight. See the
love she shares with her husband as they play the piano together.