July 17, 2016 - St. Michaels Basilica
St. Michael’s Basilica July 17, 2016 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR: FATHER JOHN BEAUMASTER Patricia Lee—Pastoral Coordinator (Religious Education/Parish Secretary/Responsible Ministry) Parish Office Summer Hours Monday 1-5pm Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday 10 am—12 noon 1:00 pm—3:00 pm Saint Michael’s Basilica 10 Howard Street Miramichi, NB E1N 0C4 Ministry to Sick/Shut-Ins Please notify the Parish Office and arrange Communion 9371 Route 11 St. Margaret’s, NB E1N 5C3 Telephone: 778-5150 Fax: 778-5156 Website: stmichaelsbasilica.com Email: [email protected] Sunday Mass Times Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 10:30 am & 5:30 pm Baptisms Last Sunday of the Month Please Phone Parish Office Confession Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 pm First Friday 7:30 pm Saint Margaret’s Church Sunday Mass Times Saturday 6:00 pm Parish Centre: 778-5154 Irish Blessings Congratulations to Bob & Marilyn Duffey (Keating) of Miramichi, Derrill & Joan Arseneault (Keating) of Bathurst and Tom & Joyce McGrath (Keating) of Antigo, Wisconsin who are celebrating 50 years of marriage this weekend on the Miramichi. All couples were married in 1966 at St. Michael’s Religious Education Coordinator Patricia Lee—Telephone 778-5153 with Fr. Leon Creamer officiating. God Bless! Saint Michael’s Museum & Genealogical Centre Saint Michael’s Catholic Supplies & Book Store Telephone: 778-5152 Website www.saintmichaelsmuseum.com Stephen O’Reilly 120 General Manson Way PO Box 145 MIRAMICHI, NB E1N 3A5 Knights of Columbus Father Bernard M. Brodrick Council 1219 Northeast Machine Works Inc. Machine Shop & Welding Industrial Manufacturing & Fabrication Charity/Unity/Fraternity/Patriotism Interested? Call Stephen at 773-3324 or contact any member Tel: (506)773-6622 cell: 627-6205 Fax: (506)778-2212 Res: 773-9380 Email: [email protected] Maher’s Funeral Home Home Wiring — Renovations—Heating & Lighting Service Entrance Upgrades—Parking Lot Lighting Boom-Bucket-Digger-Truck Service Alternative Energy —Services Pumps& Controls Electric Motor Sales & Services 773-8016 22 Wilson Dr. Miramichi SCOTTS DRUG STORE LTD. 1781 Water Street Miramichi, NB E1N 1B2 Phone (506)773-4475 For All Your Prescription Needs! “Live Well with Pharmasave” Harry Maher Funeral Director P.O. Box 414 35 University Ave. Miramichi, NB E1N 3A8 773-4321 Email: [email protected] Generations of our family serving yours— A Tradition of Trust. July 16 to July 24, 2016 Saint Michael’s July 16 Saturday 4:00 pm Lois Strang; Carrie McArthur; Frank & Gert Richard & DFM; Bertie (A), George & Ted Flieger; Joseph O’Hearn (A) July 17 Sunday 10:30 am For the People; Catherine (McEvoy) Ward; Archbishop Dan Bohan; Marven McCarthy; Eloie & Claudia Lavoie July 17 Sunday 5:30 pm Holy Souls in Purgatory; Norbert L. Theriault; Patrick Washburn; Rita Sargent & Amilda Hebert June 18 Monday 9:00 am Kathleen Mann; Holy Souls in Purgatory; Peter Taylor June 19 Tuesday 9:00 am Mary Susan Gregan; Bill Redmond; Betty Wood (A) June 21 Thursday 5:15 pm Mass of Thanksgiving; Clyne & Theresa Cassidy; Mary Moar June 22 Friday 9:00 am Frank O’Reilly; Maria Nowlan; Fr. Leo Sullivan June 23 Saturday 4:00 pm Herbert Blakely; Frank Despres; Tony Marsh June 24 Sunday 10:30 am For the People; Raymond Knowles June 24 Sunday 5:30 pm Joseph Keating (A); Anna Power; Arthur Trevors Mass intentions Please note: Lectors refer to your schedules. Seven Eucharist ministers are needed besides the sacristan for each mass. In your prayers, please remember those who have died including: Freeman J. (Gump) Gorman; Charles Lewis Saint Margaret’s Mass intentions July 16 Saturday 6:00 pm Norman MacDonald; Clyne & Theresa Cassidy; Marie “Jeanne” Gouchie July 23 Saturday 6:00 pm Joanne Lloyd; Edward Flanagan; Clyne & Theresa Cassidy Offertory procession for St. Margaret’s July 16 William Holland Family July 23 Maura Flynn St. Margaret's offertory July 9/16 St. Michael’s offertory July 9 & 10, 2016 Lady’s Chapel $100.00 Regular Offering $6553.55 Renovation Fund $150.00 St. Vincent de Paul $137.00 Capital Campaign $1678.00 Cemetery Fund $228.00 Miramichi Catholic Refugee $30.00 July 30 William Flynn Family Regular fund $344.00 Cemetery $100.00 Miramichi Catholic Refugee total donation from St. Michael’s to date: $13,800.00 Initial Offering $25.00 2016 Canada’s Irish Festival Irish Festival Tickets are now available for purchase at the Irish Festival office located at 1745 Water Street. You can also keep up with the latest information about their entertainment and cultural activity schedule at irishproud.ca Parish News Confession will be heard each Saturday from 3-3:45PM in the Bishop Rogers Chapel. Regional News Holy hour at St. Samuel’s parish—Every Friday from 3 –4 pm. For more information phone 773-4766. Any homebound parishioners who are sick and would like a Blessing from Fr. John, please call the office at 778-5150. capital campaign committee update Goal ...................... $1,000,000 Donations/Pledges to July 15/16………….$415,668.54 Percent of Goal Reached ....................41.5% The Committee would like to thank those who have already given a charitable donation or pledged to make a contribution on a regular basis. Those wishing to make a pledge towards this important initiative can do so by contacting the church office. Donations can also be dropped off at the church office or placed in a clearly marked envelope and deposited into the weekly collection. Middle Island’s restaurant, The Captain’s Galley, is now open for the season. Breakfast will be served every Sunday, from 10am-1pm. K OF C FATHER B.M. BRODERICK COUNCIL 1219 Breakfast—first Sunday of the month K OF C Bingo at the K of C Hall on King St. - Sunday 7:00 pm July 17 Team 3 July 24 Team 4 July 31 Team 1 Aug 7 Team 2 TV Bingo every Tuesday 6:30 pm Channel 10. f Schedule of church linens July 17 Joanne Lamkey July 31 Ann Dewey July 24 Gina Cote August 7 Stella Mercer St. Vincent de paul store is open from 9—10:30 am each Saturday. It will be closed the months of July and August. Please note: St. Vincent de Paul does not accept yard sale items. Responsible Ministry The Diocese of Saint John Responsible Ministry protocol to protect children, youth and vulnerable adults outlines that a Police Criminal Record Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search must be renewed every five years. It is once again time for all staff/ volunteers at St. Michael’s to renew their PCRC. This includes anyone handling money or who has keys. Forms and a letter from Fr. John (to waive the fee) will be available in the office to take to the police or RCMP station. We are asking that all volunteers have a renewed PCRC by September 6, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Patricia (778-5150). Annual Cemetery Mass will be held on Monday, July 18th at 7pm in the cemetery. Please bring your lawn chair. Rain location will be in the chapel. Jubilee year of mercy prayer packages are available at the main entrance of the church. Please use the outline and pamphlets for your spiritual journey experience for God’s Mercy. Remember to pass through the Blessed center entrance doors as many times as possible during our jubilee year of mercy. NO WINNER THIS WEEK TICKET #1765 PRIZE OF $333.00 PRIZE WILL ROLL OVER TO NEXT DRAW DON’T FORGET TO PLAY YOUR TOONIE! Feast of Saint Anne will be celebrated at St. Joachim’s Church in Eel Ground on Tuesday, July 26th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. Hospice Miramichi is having a family day complete with children’s activities and BBQ as well as a Butterfly release on July 23, 2016 from 12-4 on the grounds of 14 Howard St. Admission is $10 per adult; children under 12 get in free. Butterflies (Painted Ladies) can be purchased for $20 on behalf of a loved one and will be released at 2:45. Your butterfly purchase will include admission to the grounds and activities. Butterflies need to be ordered before June 20th. To order your butterfly contact Hospice Miramichi by phone 773-7607, in person at 14 Howard Street or at the Hospice Shoppe at 1737 Water Street. The 2nd Annual Nancy Lordon Community BBQ will be held on Saturday, July 23 from 1:00-4:00pm. This is a free day of fun, food, family, friends and musical entertainment at the Waterford Green in Chatham. There will also be a donation booth set up to take donations for the Nancy Lordon Memorial Scholarship Fund. All are welcome! We hope to see you there! Nativity Parish Supper (Chatham Head) will be served on Sunday, July 24th from 4-6 p.m. at the church hall. Tickets must be bought in advance. Cost: $12.00 - eat-in or takeout. Menu: cold plate (ham, turkey, potato salad, coleslaw, dessert and beverage). Tickets may be purchased by contacting Lorette Boisvert at 622-3759. Attention graduates of James M. Hill class of 1986! Our 30 year reunion will be held at O’Donaghue’s eatery (downtown Chatham) on August 5th at 7pm. There is a registration fee of $10 per person which can be paid at the door or via e-mail at: [email protected] (password:reunion) For more information please contact: Linda (210-2848), Fran (624-7477), or Donna (624-4796). Everyone welcome - hope to see you there! The Miramichi Chapter of the Irish Canadian Cultural Association is receiving applications for their annual scholarship grant. Interested students are invited to call Carol Hilchey at 778-8706. The closing date for applications is August 31. Cartoon Corner Middle Island Irish Historical Park “Windows, Doors, Glass….” Rudy Henstridge Production Manager Box 3015 1411 Wellington St. Miramichi, NB E1N 4L5 Email: [email protected] Tel. (506)778-8338 2345 Water Street, Miramichi, NB E1N 4B6 Phone: 773-7505 CAPTAIN’S GALLEY RESTAURANT Opening for Season: June 19th. Breakfast: 10am-1pm Fax(506)778-8330 Miramichi Irish Festival July 14 — 17, 2016 & July 20 – 23, 2017 Tickets available from May 2016 at www.canadasirishfest.com or 1745 Water Street, Miramichi. Phone: (506)778-8810 MLA-Miramichi 1202 Water St. Suite B Miramichi, NB E1N 1A2 Phone 624-5516 Fax: 624-5517 Email: [email protected] Hon. Bill Fraser Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM—12 Noon 1PM-4 PM ALTITUDE CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. General Contractors Height Work & Masonry Restoration also Heated Self-Storage Spaces Available Tel: 775-2711 or 346-0072 Toll Free: 1(888)281-7977 A-1 SIDING INC. RENOVATIONS OF ALL TYPES INCLUDING KITCHEN & BATH, NEW CONSTRUCTION, & MUCH MORE 17 STANLEY STREET MIRAMICHI, NB E1N 2S7 (506) 623-8096 Email: [email protected] [email protected] THANK YOU TO OUR ADVERTISERS! Dr. Mary Lou Barry OPTOMETRIST 428 King George Hwy Miramichi, NB E1V 1L6 Phone: (506) 622-4400
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