Petals 2 Go Florist Your One Stop Shop
Totoket Times For Our Town From Our Town PRST/STD U.S. POSTAGE Paid Branford, CT 06405 Permit # 131 Car-Rt-Sort Postal Customer Volume 19 No 26 February 8, 2013 Petals 2 Go Florist Your One Stop Shop Petals 2 Go Florist, located at 280 Branford Road in Central Plaza, has soon become your one stop merchant for gift ideas. In addtion to their large selection of floral arrangements, the now have the following gift items: • • • • • • • • • Fashion Scarves Luxury Soaps Yankee Candles Plush Animals Fashion Jewlery Dish Gardens Spa Gift Baskets Gourmet Baskets Godiva Chocolate All Scarves $19.99 “Touch of Sweet” Tara House has combined a knowledge of nutrition and a love of baking, to develop a “Touch of Sweet” now located in “Good to Go” on Rte. 22. Tara, who was a registered dietician at St. Raphael’s hospital will be specializing in gluten free, dairy free and vegan cupcakes and desserts. You can order or purchase goodies during hours of operation at Good to Go, or you can call Tara directly at 203-314-1965. You can also go to touch of sweet on facebook and visit them there as well. This new venture will give Tara a chance to make new friends in our community as well as flexible hours so she can spend time with her four children, all under five years of age. Now is an excellent time to visit or call Tara as she has a line of Valentine’s Day goodies. Happy 50th Birthday Mayor Anthony Candelora Best Wishes from The “News” & the “Shoes” Singing the Blues. Welcome to the over fifty club! In this issue of the Totoket Times..... Editorial 3&4 Recreation 5 School 6 Sports 7&8 Church 9 Society 9 & 10 Classifieds 11 Stop in or call 203-484-7800 for your Valentine’s Day Special All Roses, $29.99 & up. Cash & Carry Only! Still Time to Support the Totoket Times and your Local Advertisers Thank you to the residents who have sent their voluntary payments to the Totoket Times. This definitely helps keep advertising rates at a reasonable level and it continues to give us the resources to deliver town news and events directly to your mailbox. Special thanks to those who saw fit to send more than the recommended $10. That too is a great help. If you have forgotten to show your support, or the check is still on the kitchen counter, there is still time to send it in and say thank you to our advertisers who bring this paper to you. Simply send the payment to; Totoket Times PO Box 313 Northford, CT 06472 Drivers Wanted For Valentine’s Week Apply Today We are Located in Central Plaza Deadline February15 March 1 March15 March29 April12 April 26 May 10 May 24 Date of Issue February 22 March 8 March22 April5 April19 May 3 May 17 May 31 Totoket Times January 25, 2013 2 Expires 2-28-13 February Specials with Susan! Keritin Treatment Starting at $125. Full Foil Highlights & Lowlights Starts at $100 - Includes Blow dry Color Service Starts at $65. Includes Cut & Blow dry Call 203-488-6959 Saturday Only Appointment. Offers expire 2/28/13 1717 Foxon Road, North Branford Visit Child Care & Preschool AAer 30 days of enrollment * See website for details 861 Middle Street Middletown, C T 06457 860.635.0544 274 Branford Road N. Branford, C T 06471 203.483.9000 L EARN, E VERY D AY. M-‐F 6:30am -‐ 6:00pm Individualized Curriculum, CerSfied Teachers, Safe, MoSvaSng & Nurturing Environment LETTERS Totoket Times February 8, 2013 The Facts Are “Misrepresented” Dear Editor; First, It goes without saying that what happened in Sandy Hook is a horrible tragedy, and heartfelt prayers to those who had their children stolen from them by that Psychopath. It is with that sorrow in mind that I would strongly admonish Sen Meyer for his legislative irresponsibility. The proposals, as well as the rhetoric, that Sen Meyer has been putting forth is nothing short of political opportunism in the worst way, and I can think of nothing more despicable than using a horrible tragedy, as well as the emotional pain of a community, to push the most radical bill in the entire nation.(SB122). A little over a year ago I contacted Sen Meyer about a proposal that was being heard before his legislative committee that would ban gun magazines in excess of 10 rounds. Back then Sen Meyer personally responded that he was content to let that bill die in committee and that he agreed with my assertion that banning such magazines would have no effect on criminal behavior. Flash-forward one year and now he believes he has the authority to arbitrate how many rounds I can have to protect my family from potential harm. His idea of using one shot to protect yourself (or for hunting for that matter) is so far off the mark that it proves my point about the intention of his proposals (see SB122). Sen Meyer is making dangerous proposals, that in its best light leaves us woefully under-protected, and in its worst light, tramples our rights as American citizens. In addition, Sen Meyer grossly mis-represented the gun stats he used to prop up his argument. He stated that England only had 51 gun deaths last year and that was due to its ban on most types of guns. That number is totally false. I found UK gun death numbers ranging from 150 to 550 depending on methods used to catalog such numbers. But more important is what Sen Meyer left out; That UK gun violence has increased some four fold since the ban was enacted in 1995. Also left out, is that gun ownership in the UK is only 6% of households vs. 89% of US house holds. When you back out US urban gun crime, the number of gun deaths per 100,000 people is about the same, and considering the ownership rate, that’s quite a different picture than Sen Meyer was painting. When you actually take the time to research gun stats, instead of relying on “what you’ve been told”, you find that communities with higher gun ownership rates and less restrictive gun laws have lower gun related crime and deaths. The highest gun death rates in the US are Washington DC, and Chicago, and by five times the national average. Meanwhile, gun crime in the US continues to drop (outside of Chicago of course) while gun ownership has increased to record numbers over the last four years. I believe that there are conversations to be had when it comes to guns, but when I called Sen Meyers office on his proposals, I was told by an aide (while he laughed and thought it was a funny joke) that Sen Meyer proposals “would have us all be musket-men”. Well I think that Sen Meyer has shown us his true colors, that no political tool will escape him, including; the irresponsible use of his position, the falsification and twisting of facts, the changing of his position, the placating of his liberal donors, and the preying on the emotions of his constituents. I might add, that at the hearing on the original magazine ban, Sen Meyer was not present. I know, I was there. And while it may be appealing, to some, to further restrict the guns of law-abiding citizens, I would suggest what many have come to understand: There is no law that can be passed, that will stop the next tragedy, you can only further restrict the lawful. It was Ben Franklin who said: “If you trade freedom for security, you will have neither”. Think about that when politicians are lying to your face proclaiming that their new gun laws will prevent gun crime. Sen Meyer is the poster-man for all that is wrong in politics. By proposing such bad legislation he has single-handily done more harm to having a legitimate conversation, than any other lawmaker in the state. Possibly the Nation. Sincerely, Edward J Boughton Jr. This publication is published bi-weekly by Doss enterprises LLC PO Box 313 Northford, CT. 06472 Tel; 203-484-4729 Fax 203-484-4729 email: [email protected] PUBLISHER - FRANK MENTONE JR. founders - Bert Bunnell Jr. & Antthony Esposito Jr. The publisher assumes no responsibility for typographical errors. In the event of an error, the publisher will issue a credit adjustment on only the incorrect portion of the advertisement, as well as a retraction in the next issue. LETTERS 3 Thank You From John’s Refuse To the residents and neighbors of Northford and North Branford, We would like to thank all of you for your support and patience during this transitional time in regards to the change-over to an automated trash and recycling service! We are one of the first towns in our area to accomplish this automation and certainly won’t be the last. We understand that not all of our residents are happy with the change, but change is never easy. Of the 4,600 households, we have received less than 200 calls. We have done our best to handle each issue as quickly as possible. In less than 10 working days (with 2 snow days), approximately 9,500 carts were distributed. This system was chosen by the Hazardous-Waste/Recycling Committee and approved by the North Branford Town Council. We simply are the service providers of this automated program. The carts are the property of the Town of North Branford and assigned to each address. These carts are bar-coded to your address and a master “bar-code” list has been submitted to Town Hall for their records. Should you move, the equipment is to remain on site for the next property owner. That is why the decision was made to supply the largest carts available. As you may see in your own neighborhood the participation is excellent at 98% usage. All the anxiety will diminish in just a short time. The carts and this system are used all over the world. Unfortunately, this industry has experienced a large increase in death related accidents for one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. This further exemplifies the need behind an automated system while promoting worker safety. Thus, we thank you, the community, for helping us move forward safely with this type system. You may notice our new Company, Global Environmental Services, as we move forward toward the next generation of Bozzutos. The Company offers waste management services that truly provide a Global impact. We are moving to this next level while always remaining a family owned and operated Company from Northford. On March 1, we will begin celebrating our 50th year of business in Northford! For that, we thank our mom and dad, Maureen and John Sr., whose unwavering dedication and loyalty to our family, our business and this town still resonates. They always told us, “invest in your own community first so you can see the rewards of your work.” Throughout the years, we have tried our best to invest in this community in any way possible. From sports teams to scholarships, we always try to give back to the community that has given us so much throughout the years! We have worked hard, in and for this community and will continue the legacy passed down from our parents. Again, we thank you for all of your support for the last 50 years! Sincerely, The Bozzuto Family, John’s Refuse & Recycling To the Editor; Fellow townsman, Donald Jacobsons recent letter to the New Haven Register, so impressed me with his in depth presentation of how the control of the ammunition for guns would solve virtually all pro and anti gun arguments and make us all safer, that I called Donald and left on his recorder the suggestion that he contact Senator Richard Blumenthal and engage him in his efforts to bring some sense to the wranging go on. Whether Donald followed my suggestion or Blumenthal just arrived at his efforts to control the ammunition on his own isn,t important, but since Blumenthals, bill so closely mimics Donald’s brilliantly presented solution to the present dilemma it is a tribute to Donald’s reasoning. Alton Eliason Letters to the editor... This paper encourages all readers to voice their opinions and comments. The Totoket Times is not responsible for erroneous information in letters to the editor. Letters should be as brief as possible. All letters must be signed. A telephone number should be included and no personal attacks. This paper reserves the right to edit all letters. All letters should be addressed to : The Editor P.O. Box 313, Northford, CT 06472 4 Let’s Be “Frank” Totoket Times, February 8, 2013 More than thirty years ago when my wife was pregnant with my daughter, and old (he was younger than I am now) wise (I still haven’t caught up in the wise department) gentleman (the jury is still out to lunch on me) gave me some advice. “Get ready”, he said. “Once a new baby comes into the family, everything changes”. A few weeks ago, my son-in-law called to let us know they were on the way to the hospital as Erica had gone into labor. For my wife and I, that was the first change. When one of our children is in need, the usual action is to jump up and rush to their side. That was not our job now and John had it under control. It was a big difference just sitting helplessly as he updated us with text messages(another change from the old school phone calls). When the text message read, “John IV is here”, we were officially grandparents and the doors were opened for more changes. At the youthful age of 11 days old, the baby made his first appearance to the traditional (yes we still do that) Sunday family dinner. It was now dinner, starring John Bozzuto IV. The dinner always starts between 1:00 and 1:15. This time is started at 2:15. There were no complaints, the baby was hungry and had to eat first. We then decided to practice having only G-rated conversation at the table. I never realized that going to G- rated would make for such a quiet table. After dinner it was time to pass the baby from one set of arms to another. There were more completions in my family room, than there were at the Super Bowl game that afternoon. Only the bottle of Purell saw more hands than the baby. The dog “Mickey” (who in the past has been the center of attention) became a role player. His lines were cut drastically and he lost a great deal of stage presence. The meal (although fantastic) could have bee burnt to a crisp because nobody paid much attention to what they were eating. The thermostat which usually hovers around 62 degrees was pushed way up. It was ok though, “ it can’t be too cold for the baby.” WIT & WISDOM I am saying “I told you so”, with much regrets and no personal gratification. In fact it is with great concern I type these words, for I know no one in the vast volume of publications I read, who has had the courage to tell the truth whether unknown to them or genuinely fearful of it’s consequence. The insolubility of the situation without a monumental change in our entire culture is almost too much for the insignifant number of us who have watched while the instruments of it’s reason was ignored or unknown. All other concerns, whether raising the debt limit, changing our financial system, gun control, immigration, global warming or any of the multitude of problems facing mankind sink to insignificance as to the invention of modalities replacing the need of human efforts to perform. For those of you who missed 60 Minutes recently, let me briefly reiterate. Shown was -a warehouse the size of two football fields being operated with nary a person in sight. The operations needed to perform done, at what seemed almost breakneck speed. Working 24 hours a day without rest and at about $3.50 per hour per robot as against an hourly rate of $10+ with no health care cost, vacation sick leave as per worker, it has been a win win situation for those engaged in it’s infancy. With manufacturing returning to the U.S. at an amazing rate since even China can’t compete with robots. Apple and others are returning to the U.S. bringing nothing for society. They aren’t needed. In fact, the U.S. is experiencing the greatest revival of it’s manufacturing for many years. There is only one thing wrong, there is no increase in jobs. The Testla Auto factory produces it’s battery operated car virtually workerless. Phillips Electronic, returned to The Netherlands from China since robots can now make it’s light bulbs much cheaper. Did you know a large mining company was planning to operate it’s hugh earth moving equipment in Singapore from it’s office in London with just a few observer on the site? Virtually all advances .in modalities thus far were adopted to increase productivity or ease the workers fufillment of their task, not to replace them. The amazing profit reaped so far from it’s implimentation have been the robot manufacturer and the companies taking advantage of being on the ground floor before the effect of workless and moneyless humans have to be dealt with. Three Trillion dollars have they pocketed with 99% of it going to them free and clear. With their tax wizards they probably don’t even pay taxes and probably receive a subsidy. As I previously related Switzerland is in the forefront of attacking the problem. They are on the verge of instituting legislation that will assure every individual a substantial monthly amount replacing all other subsidies such as welfare, unemployment insurance, healthcare, etc. with what they are calling a dividend from the profits of automation. Instead of the profits realized going to shareholders exclusively they will be shared by the government and the people. They temper the starling revelation by stating it will allow people to take their time choosing what profession they wish to engage in. I can hear the capitalists screaming it’s socialism, which it is. They have no alternative. They cannot continue to ignore the workerless recovery. First they will welcome the government infrastructure rebuilding programs and even the subsidizing of green energy initiatives and every other program they formerly dismissed as idiotic. What the future holds is unclear, but captialism isn’t in the menu. What is, is a change in human nature and that only comes slowly. What will be needed is a complete change in our children’s education from the “winner take all” philosophy, to “they will benefit most from sharing the fruits of mankinds successes”. Hopefully it will be implemented peacefully! Alton Eliason My son texted us several times but they were unanswered for several hours. The Prince of 23 years had lost his title. There’s a new Prince in town. Perhaps the old one now knows how it feels to wait hours for a text answer. “Inside voices” Gina kept telling us. “There’s a baby in here.” That didn’t stop her from telling us how cute he was in a very excited somewhat louder voice. That reminder came about every fifteen minutes. I must say, I don’t often agree with Gina and I seldom brag. But she is right. I must apologize but he is about the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. Sorry kids, you’ve been replaced. John didn’t get to relax with his Sunday crossword puzzle after dinner. He had to run to the store and do a few errands while the baby was being cared for by the Sunday Dinner team. I didn’t want to talk to him right then but he may not relax again for at least twenty years. To all those who said I would feel different once I held the baby, they were wrong. I don’t feel any different. I have felt old for the last ten years and I still feel old. Actually, holding the baby was like a brief visit to the fountain of youth. Too bad once I put him down, someone turned off the water. My old friend Mike was right. There have already been and there will continue to be plenty of changes. I have never liked change. I have fought them kicking and screaming. But in this case change is good. There’s a new star of the show and I look forward to his performance as well as any additional cast members we can add in the future. Welcome Aboard John Bozzuto IV PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE By Attorney Marc P. Guertin According to recent research conducted by The Hartford, it seems like most baby boomers would rather go to the dentist for a root canal than talk to their aging parents about estate planning. The research indicated about 71% of parents of baby boomers were comfortable discussing estate planning with their children, whereas only 54% of their children were comfortable having such discussions. It turns out that parents are more comfortable discussing estate planning than are their baby-boomer children-who knew? This “communication gap” can have serious consequences for your parents and family.Talking about your parents dying is not a fun topic to explore- except for a few of you “sickos” out there. Although it may be a hard conversation to have, it can make such a difference after your parents are gone. This is too important of a conversation not to have. Getting the conversation started is the hardest part. A few simple guidelines can help turn this conversation into a positive experience. The most important rule (in my experience) is to include ALL of your siblings in the conversation. Nothing works quicker to undermine your intentions than excluding someone. Group discussion fosters a free exchange of ideas. Choose a comfortable and private setting for this family meeting that is free from distractions. The family is assembled, in a comfortable, private, space…then what? How do you actually start the conversation? A good way to start is to discuss your own plan. Discuss with your parents what your estate planning experience was like. Talk about what your estate plan contemplates. Another way to start the conversation is with an article (like this one) or book on estate planning. If your parents are readers this is a terrific place to start. Assuming that you have created an opportunity to talk to your parents about their “exit plan” you should discuss several different aspects. Remain focused on the fact that you are trying to help your parents maintain independence and control over assets that took a lifetime to accumulate. Focus on long term care: have they considered what would happen if one or both of them had to spend time in a nursing home? Nursing home costs can quickly eliminate your parent’s life savings. Ask about what type of estate plan they have in place. Make sure the plan fits their estate. Explore whether their estate plan contemplates tax issues, probate costs, or beneficiaries with disabilities? Don’t neglect to focus on lifetime planning. Make sure your parents have updated Powers of Attorney and Living Wills. Remember, most parents want to discuss their estate plan with their adult children. Finding out that your parents have planned their estate will be very comforting. Finding out your parents have not made a plan is a great opportunity to help them get their affairs in order. Looking for a conversation starter: Guertin and Guertin, LLC will be hosting a basic Trust workshop in February. Please join us on Saturday February 9th at 10am for Coffee, Donuts and Trusts. Please call my office (203)-234-7400 to reserve your seat. Seating is limited so please call ahead. If you have estate planning questions that you would like answered in this column, email me at [email protected]. Marc Guertin, is a partner at Guertin and Guertin, LLC. Guertin and Guertin, LLC is dedicated to Estate Planning, Elder Law, Trust and Probate Administration. He is coauthor of Planning for the Future: A Practical Guide to estate Planning and Avoiding Bad Heir Days. Visit Guertin and Guertin, LLC on the web: Don’t Miss the Let’s Be “Frank” Show This week Features Superintendent of Schools Scott Schoonmaker Discussing 2013-14 Budget and School Security Totoket TV - Channel 18 Show Times Sunday - 12, 2, 8AM and 5 & 9PM Monday - 12, 2, 8:30AM and 6 & 9PM Tuesday - 12, 3, 7:30AM and 4 & 10PM Wednesday - 12 & 6 AM and 6 & 9:30PM Thursday - 12:30, 2, 7AM and 1, 6, 11PM Friday - 12, 2, 8:30AM and 6PM Saturday - 12, 2, 10:30AM and 5:30PM RECREATION Totoket Times February 8, 2013 North Branford Parks, Recreation & Senior Events 203-315-6017 or Lose those winter blues at YOUR Recreation Department! CLASSES RELAX & RENEW YOGA WORKSHOP Who: Ages 6 – adult Session: Feb 9-24 Time: Sat, 9:45-11:00a.m. & Sun 10:00-11:00a.m. Where: NB Community Center Fee: $60 CARDIO SCULPT ~ TOTAL TONING Who: All Ages ~ All levels welcome Session: Feb 28 – April 4 Time: Thursdays, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Where: NB Community Center Fee: $45 ADULT SWIM Who: Adults 55+ Session (M): Feb 25-Apr 15 Time: Mondays, 1:30-2:30p Session (W): Feb 27-April 17 Time: Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30p Where: Soundview YMCA, Branford Fee: $48 GET FIT & STAY FIT Who: Adults - Seniors Session: Feb. 20 – April 10 Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Where: NB Community Center Fee: $25 BUS TRIPS Mohegan Sun. Monday, March 11. $30 resident, $35 non-resident R/T transportation with complementary $15 food/retail and $15 bet. Boston – Quincy Market & Faneuil Hall. Saturday, April 20 $48 resident, $53 non-resident. A day to explore New England’s greatest city. Eat the Big Apple . Saturday, May 11. $40 resident, $45 non-resident Eataly, Chinatown, Little Italy and Williamsburg, Bk Spiderman: Turn off the Dark on Broadway! Wednesday, May 22 $120 resident, $125 non-resident. Flying Circle Seats!!! Nascar Sprint Series New Hampshire 300 . Sunday, July 14 $115 resident, $120 non-resident Martha’s Vineyard. Saturday, August 24 $90 resident, $95 non-resident. Travel to the Vineyard by bus and ferry. Take a tour and spend the day. SENIOR ACTIVITIES Chefs of the Shoreline. Wednesday, Feb 13, 10:45a La Cuisine. The North Branford Senior Center will be hosting cooking demonstrations sponsored by a different local chef each time. Come and be an audience member! Learn new recipes and techniques and sample some fantastic dishes from a variety of cultures. Sign-up will be available for each month. The cost will be $5.00 per person. SUGAR Bakery Trip. Thursday, Feb 14th Visit the “Cupcake Wars” winner bakery. Cost: Treats on your own 9 East Luncheon (Branford). Friday, February 15th The Meal includes soup, salad, Veggies, fried rice, a beverage and choice of Chicken, steak, shrimp or scallops. $18 res/ $23 non-res. Wanted Artificial Christmas Trees and ornaments! All donations must be in very good condition. 5 North Branford Fire Department 2012 Statistics North Branford Fire Department continues to provide the highest quality of emergency and non-emergency life safety services to the citizens and visitors in our community. Through the department’s commitment to continuous improvement, staff development and implementing new and innovative programs to create greater economic efficiencies and improve emergency service effectiveness to North Branford residents. In compliance with National Fire Protection Standards (NFPA) 1720, Standards for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments, the North Branford Fire Department exceeds the national consensus standard (on scene within 10 minutes, 80% of the time with 10 members) by responding to incidents within that period 83% of the time. During 2011 fire department personnel answered 51 Fire Incidents, 1343 requests for EMS, 59 Hazardous Conditions, 255 Service Calls, and 97 False Alarms. The dollar loss related to fire damaged property during this period was $276,000. Property saved was in excess of 23 million dollars. As a cooperative and collaborative partner with our contiguous jurisdictions, North Branford Fire Department provided and or received mutual aid for 190 fire/EMS incidents during the year, including the towns of East Haven, Branford, Guilford, North Haven, Durham, Wallingford and the City of New Haven. Of the hazardous condition situations, members responded to 13 alarms for activated carbon monoxide detectors; and units were dispatched to 117 motor vehicle accidents with injuries. Total calls for 2012 were 1922. Office of the Fire Marshal In accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 29-305, the Fire Marshal or his designee is required to inspect, in the public interest, all occupancies regulated by the Connecticut State Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Codes on an annual basis. The purpose of the inspection is to insure compliance with all fire safety codes and related state statutes. This will also include collecting information pertaining to fire department pre-planning, photographs and contact information. Inspections can be at any time during normal business hours; there is no charge for this service. However, any occupancy can be inspected at any time if a complaint is received. All life safety violations must be corrected immediately while others must be corrected within 30 days. Failure to correct deficiencies can result in civil and criminal prosecution, fines, and penalties from $200 to $1,000 and possible imprisonment. Remember, violations not only endanger occupants but may pose an unreasonable risk to firefighters responding to an incident at your location. Our inspection process also focuses on minimizing your risk and liability while preventing loss of life. In order to schedule a fire inspection, you are asked to contact the North Branford Fire Marshal’s office 203-484-6016 or deputyfiremarshal@ and a representative will assist you in planning an on-site visit during your hours of operation. Don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have questions. SMOKE DETECTORS and BATTERIES are still available. Call or email. Lee J’s Auto Sales & Service 1239 Foxon Rd. (Next to Big Y) See Car Photos at This Week’s Specials! 2002 Mitsubishi Galant 4cyl 135k Auto 1999 Accord LX 4dr, 4cyl. AT 2002 Ford Taurus SES 15K 2000 Honda Civic 4dr AT 137K 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan 116k 7 Pass. 1978 T-Bird, 58K RESTORED 2003 Dodge Durango 4x4 7 Pass. 2000 Toyota Avalon 73K Private 2002 Honda Accord DX 112K AT 2000 Toyota 4 Runner SR5 4x4 2001 Honda CRV LX AWD 2006 Hyundai Sonata 4 cyl. AT 2001 Toyota Camry 4dr. AT 4cyl. 2003 Honda CRV EX AWD 2003 Nissan Pathfinder LE 4x4 1997 Lexus LS400, 117,500 Miles $2,795 $3,795 $3,995 $4,495 $4,995 $3,600 OBO $5,495 $5,995 $5,995 $5,995 $5,995 $5,995 $5,995 $6,995 $6,995 $7,995 Full Automotive Service Available Call Lee J. Today @ 203-484-7371! Formerly B & J Auto Sales! 6 SCHOOL SCHOOL Totoket Times February 8, 2013 NBEF TO Honor Three at Annual Dinner The North Branford Education Foundation will be holding their Shining Star Dinner on Thursday, March 14th. The Foundation will be honoring Anthony Esposito, Sisto Mellilo and Lynn Riordan for their tireless contributions to the young people in our community.. The event will take place at Woodwinds in Branford and tickets are $45.00 per ticket. Anyone interested in attending the dinner or purchasing an ad in the program book is asked to call Frank Mentone at 203-410-4254. New Staffing to Begin in North Branford School System They Make Us Proud Superintendent of Schools Scott Schoonmaker recently introduced six new employees for the Board of Education. The new team will join Robert Piascyk as armed security guards for the North Branford Public Schools. “We are going to have to really tweak the budget,” said Schoonmaker, “but this is the right thing to do for the safety of our students.” The new staff was chosen from a list of 55 retired police officers. Patrick Redding is a retired Assistant Chief of Police from New Haven. Robert Norman was with the Guilford Police Department for 29 years, and he served as a Sergeant for a great portion of those years. Kristen Fitzgerald was a member of the motorcycle unit/traffic division of the New Haven Police Department where she was also a field training officer. Charles Watts is presently a security offer in the Branford School System and he has been a Lieutenant for the Hamden Police Department as well as a member of the Department of Homeland Security. Stan Girard is retired from the North Haven Police Department. Harry DeBenedet retired from the New Haven Police Department as well as Yale University DR. MICHAEL BARON Board Certified Orthodontist Practicing on the shoreline for 27 years BRACES $5200* Includes Complimentary Exam Financing Available “Dr. Baron makes us smile!!” -Kellie B. “Dr. Baron and his staff are very professional and treat their clients like good friends.” -Annette C. BRANFORD 203-488-6616 next to BHS NORTH BRANFORD 203-484-1111 next to NBHS & NBIS Students can walk to our offices **Includes retainers. Does not not include $200. records fee, permanent retainers or INVISALIGN. Includesremovable Removable Retainers. Does include $200 Records fee, permanent retainers or Invisalign. Only patients who have notnot started treatment. Must have exam byby 3/31/13 and have braces byby 4/30/13. Only patients who have started treatment. Must have exam 3/31/13 and have braces 4/30/13. Mark Farat, Nicholas Manna and Saverio Varca were named to the Dean’s List at the Unversity of RI. Laura Berstein was named to the Dean’s List at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI. Rynne O’Connor was named to the Dean’s List at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, VT. Kelsey Johnson, Kyle Combs, Lauren Formanski, Jesse DeFrancesco, Andrea Canavan, Christina Acompora and James Fontenault, were named to the Dean’s List at Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI. Ariana Acquarulo, Bryan Canning, Rachel Corso, Ryan Donbrowski, Dennis Juhasz, Andrew Lavoie, Lauren Manna, Daniel Mercado, Joseph parisi, Emilyann Polzella, Ashely Sgro, Stephanie Sgro, Katherine Sullivan, Kristen Sullivan, Alyssa Thomas, Derphys Vasquez and Jessica Wharton were named to the Dean’s List at Quinnipiac University. Nicole Desruisseaux, Caitlin Doyle and Alyssa Selmquist were named to the Dean’s List at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. Colleen Kelleher was named to the Dean’s List at Siena College in Londonville, NY. Keegan Burke, Jeanette Ferraro, Deseray Peterson, Kimberly Phillips and Madeline Simonsen were named to the Dean’s List at Bryant University in Springfield, RI. Karen Reidy was named to the Dean’s List at the College of Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Sarah Torzillo, Carly Donath, Jessica Hart & Ashley Hurley were named to the Dean’s List at the University of Hartford. Charles DeFilippo, Benjamin Franco, Lindsay Maurer and Michael Reilly were named tot he Dean’s List at Fairfield University. Angela DiLella, Thomas Farnsworth & Bryon Hardt have been named to the Dean’s List at Eastern Connecticut State University. Puzzle Off Contest Returns The Friends of the North Branford Libraries will sponsor our fourth annual “Puzzle-Off” contest at the Edward Smith Library in Northford, CT. (3 Old Post Road) on Saturday March 16th 2013. (Snow date will be Sat. 3/23) Teams (with up to 9 people on each team) are welcome to sign up. You may sign up as 4 or 5 as a team and we will add individual players to your team. If you would like to sign up as an individual player, we will match you with a team. Team names are welcome and teams in the past have coordinated the following: hats, nametags, necklaces, outfits, etc. Have fun with the “preparation”. Most teams are able to finish their 1000 piece puzzle by the end of the timed contest which runs from 9:45 until 2:30 with an hour lunch break from 11-12. Food and drink may be brought in, but there is no puzzle work allowed during the break. We look forward to once again “piecing” together a fun time! You may sign up in the library or by phone (203) 484.0469. Sign-ups will end when our lists are filled or by March 8th. Come See a Magic Show! 28 Gail Drive SPORTS Totoket Times February 8, 2013 Rotary To Host Benefit Hockey Game SPORTS 7 The North Branford Rotary Club is hosting a very special Hockey Game. The exciting game pitting the Bridgeport Sound Tigers against the CT Whale, will raise funds to go towards Polio Eradication. The AHL ICE HOCKEY GAME will be held March 3rd, 3:00 PM, at the Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport . Tickets are offered at a discounted price of only $20 for a center ice ticket (normally $35!!). For every ticket purchased $7 goes to eradicating polio for a Polio-Free World. For Tickets Contact Event chairperson Dawn Pearson at 203-671-4122 Jasudowich To Play in International Bowl Game Cory Jasudowich was selected to play in the International Bowl at the Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex in Round Rock Texas. Jasudowich, a North Branford native who played for Cheshire Academy will be the lone Connecticut representative in the game. His trip to Texas will keep him away from the Academy signing ceremony, but he will sign his letter to play at UCONN, at the signing sight in Texas. Brandon Damone and Nick Fragola have been two of the seniors helping the North Branford high school basketball team in their state tournament bid. At press time the Thunderbirds had a two game winning streak and needed three more wins to get to the post season. (photos by Tom Zampano) Leah Martone and Jason Conforte leg it our for the North Branford High School indoor track team.(photos by Tom Zampano) Danielle Ramada and Samantha Gallo lining up shots for the NBIS girls basketball team in a recent game against H-K. (photos by Tom Zampano) SPORTS 8 Totoket Times February 8, 2013 North Branford Indoor Track Cheerleaders Begin Competition Season The North Branford Thunderbird Cheerleaders are beginning their 2013 Competition season and would love your support. Saturday February 9 Naugatuck High School Saturday February 16 Quinnipiac University Saturday February 23 CSCU Saturday March 2 East Haven High School Best Games in Town Hockey Saturday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Girls Basketball Monday Wednesday Boys Basketball Friday Tuesday Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday We 2/9 2/12 2/16 2/20 @ Milford Coop @ Guilford @ Granby Newtown 1:00 7:30 4:00 6:00 2/11 2/13 @ Cromwell @ Morgan 7:00 7:00 2/8 2/12 2/15 2/18 2/20 2/21 Old Saybrook @ Cromwell Morgan Hale Ray Hyde Leadership @ Amistad Academy 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 Dirty Oil We’re not ashamed to admit it. Here at Hometown Auto, we love dirty oil. But there are two places where dirty oil is unacceptable: in a car engine and out there polluting the environment. So bring us your dirty oil and we’ll safely store and recycle it. And if that dirty oil happens to be in your car, we’ll change it for only 19.95. $19.95 oil change. Call today to schedule an appointment or to drop off oil. 2049 Foxon Road (Rte 80) TELEPHONE: (203) 208-3140 Open Mon – Fri 8AM - 5PM, Sat 8:30AM to 1PM ‘Your local garage’ SPORTS The North Branford High School Boys/Girls Indoor Track Team competed in the Haddam Killingworth Track and Field Invitational meet on Saturday January 19th. There were 30 schools represented at the meet. All the athletes did quite well in the very competitive field. Overall, the Boys Team came in 9th place with 24 points and the Girls Team took 7th place with 22 points. For the Boys, points were scored by the 4x400 Relay Team of Matt Edwards, Gary Falanga, Ryan Proto and Alex Raffone taking 1st place at 3:36.3. Additional points were scored in the 600 Meter event by Matt Edwards taking 1st place at 1:26.39 and Ryan Proto coming in 4th place at 1:29.99. In the 300 Meters, Alex Raffone placed 10th at 38.62 and Gary Falanga placed 13th at 39.68. Jason Conforte placed 13th in the 1600 Meters at 4:56.27 and Rocco Morgan placed 14th in Shot Put with a distance of 40’09”. In the 1000 Meters, Sean O’Connor came in 13th place with a time of 2:57.73 and Bryce Mase took 14th place with a time of 2:59.20. North Branford came in 13th in the Sprint Medley Relay Team made up of Zach Augur, Sean O’Connor, Shelby Franklin and Will Coleman at 4:16.33. For the girls, points were scored by Emmy Dulak taking 2nd place in the 600 Meters at 1:40.08 and Jordan Miket in the High Jump by taking 3rd place with a jump of 4’10”. Also scoring points was the 1600m Sprint Medley Team of Emmy Dulak, Maggie Dulak, Jordan Miket and Katie Stevens taking 3rd place at 4:40.16. Additional points were scored by Rachel Boyers coming in 5th place in the 55m Hurdles with a time of 9.14. The 4x800 Relay Team of Holly Dulak, Maggie Dulak, Jen Levine and Marissa Bale placed 13th at 11:39.86. The 4x400 Relay Team of Holly Dulak, Jen Levine, Leah Martone and Catie Moran came in 14th place at 5:06.39. Rachel Sokoloff placed 14th in the 55m Hurdles at 10.13. On Friday, January 25th, they competed in another meet. Boys results for the relays are as follows: 4x800 Relay 3nd at 8:52.2 (Zach Augur, Jason Conforte, Bryce Mase and Jared Miket) , 4x200 Relay Team 6th at 1:41.9 (Gary Falanga, Tyler Hawk, Shelby Franklin and Nick Schneidt), and SMR Relay Team 1st at 3:50.5 (Gary Falanga, Matt Edwards, Alex Raffone and Ryan Proto). Top individual places for the boys were: 55M Dash – Shelby Franklin th 11 at 7.1, 55m Hurdles – Michael Cermola 12th at 9.9, 1000m Run – Ryan Proto 4th at 2:53.1 and Bryce Mase 9th at 2:59.6, 600 Meters – Matt Edwards 2nd at 1:27.1 and Alex Raffone 3rd at 1:28.7, 1600m Run – Zach Augur 11th at 5:03.6, 300 Meters – Matt Edwards 3rd at 39.2, Shot Put – Rocco Morgan 1st at 44’06.5”, Michael Kaiser 9th at 37’02”, and Jim Griskauskas 13th at 34’09”. Girls results for the relays are as follows: 4x800 Relay 3rd at 11:26.9 (Marissa Bale, Holly Dulak, Maggie Dulak and Jen Levine), 4x200 Relay 2nd at 1:54.2 (Emmy Dulak, Jordan Miket, Sara Olsen, and Jess Zumbo), 4x400 Relay 7th at 4:53.4 (Holly Dulak, Leah Martone, Allie Sanzari and Catie Moran), and SMR Relay 2nd at 4:39.8 (Emmy Dulak, Maggie Dulak, Katie Stevens, and Jordan Miket). Top individual places for the girls were: 55M Hurdles – Rachel Boyers rd 3 at 9.3, Rachel Sokoloff 8th at 10.1 and Catie Moran 13th at 10.8, 55 M Dash – Rachel Sokoloff 5th at 7.9, Jess Zumbo 6th at 7.91, and Leah Martino 11th at 8.1, 1000 Meters – Marissa Bale 9th at 3:42.7, 600 Meters – Emmy Dulak 1st at 1:43.3, Maggie Dulak 6th at 1:53.5 and Holly Dulak 13th at 2:01.9, 300 Meters – Sara Olsen 8th at 46.3and Katie Stevens 15th at 47.6, High Jump – Jordan Miket 3rd at 4’08”, Shot Put – Jaimy Rippe 8th at 24’06.75” and Melissa Agro 9th at 24’03” and Long Jump – Rachel Boyers 2nd at 14’11” and Alicia Ableson 11th at 12’08.75”. CHURCH Totoket Times February 8, 2013 CHURCH DIRECTORY Branford Hill Chapel. 212 Branford Rd., corner of Twin Lakes Rd. 203-488-3586. Breaking of Bread, 9:15am. Sunday, Ministry and Sunday School, 11:00am. Nursery for infants and toddlers at both meetings. Mid-week Bible studies. For spiritual help, call 203-239-9845. North Branford Congregational Church, UCC. 1680 Foxon Rd., North Branford, CT, 203488-8456 or [email protected] or The Reverend Deborah Roy, Pastor. Daniel Jared Shapiro, Interim Music Director. Office Hours: Wednesday through Friday - 9:30 - 1:30pm. We worship each Sunday at 10:00am with nursery care available. Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month and every Sunday during Lent. Church School through grade 8, meets during worship. The Youth Group meeets on Sunday evenings from 6-8pm. All are welcome. For more information emal the Pastor at [email protected]. No matter who you are , no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! Northford Congregational Church. United Church of Christ. Church is located on Old Post Rd., ( corner of Rte 17 and Rte 22), PO Box 191 Northford. Phone 203-484-0795, Fax 203484-9916.. email; [email protected]. Reverend Kathryn King. Acting Pastor. Jane K. Leschuk Minister of Music. Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School, 10am. Join us for coffee hour following worship. Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Middletown Ave. (Rte 22 & 17) Northford. 203-484-0895. We are a member of the Middlesex Area Cluster Ministry. The Reverend Jim Bradley, Interim Missioner in charge of MACM, 203-525-6846. The Cluster office is 860-345-0058. Sunday morning Eucharist is 10am. We have a rotating clergy & choir during the academic year. Join us for coffee and fellowship following service. All are welcome. St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. The church is located at 30 Caputo Rd., North Branford. The Pastor is Reverend Robert Rousseau and Deacons John Hart & William Lovelace. Daily Mass and Homily are celebrated weekdays at 9am with the exception of Thursdays. On weekends, Mass is celebrated on Saturday at 4pm in Winter and 5pm in Summer months and 9 & 11am on Sunday mornings. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month immediately following the 11am Mass. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday afternoon in the Father Reilly Chapel, one hour prior to Mass time. In addition, you can make an appointment for reconciliation by calling the parish office at 203-484-0403. If you are new to the area and are looking for a parish family to join, please visit us. You can contact the church office at 203-484-0403 or fax 203-484-0132 weekdays, 9am to 1pm or email us at [email protected]. St. Monica’s Roman Catholic Church. Middletown Ave. Northford, CT. Rectory 203-4849226. Education Center – 203-484-2434. Reverend Joseph Parel, Pastor; Deacons William B. Bergers, Louis P. Fusco and Joseph Marenna. Weekend Masses; Saturday Vigil 5pm and Sunday – 9 & 11am. Weekday Masses – 9am except Thursday. Celebration of Penance – Saturday – 4-4:30pm. Zion Episcopal Church. 326 Notch Hill rd., North Branford. 203-488-7395. The Reverend Lucy LaRocca, Vicar; Sunday Holy Eucharist 8 & 10:00am. Coffee hour follows both services. Child care available. Email; North Haven Bible Church is located at 161 Mill Rd. North Haven. Phone # 203-239-1495. Email; reverend Dan Darling, Pastor. Sunday service: Sunday School 9:30am. Worship Service at 10:45am. Nursery for infants and toddlers at both services. Wednesday Bible Study at 7pm. Ash Wednesday Service & Lenten Study Series The Northford Congregational Church and Rev. Kathryn King welcome everyone to their Ash Wednesday Service on February 13 beginning with a light supper of soup and bread in the social hall at 6 p.m. followed by a service of ashes at 7 p.m. In the sanctuary. Beginning on Wednesday, February 20, and continuing through Wednesday, March 20, the church will have a Lenten study series, “Embracing An Adult Faith” by Marcus Borg on what is means to be Christian. The series will be held at Edward Smith Library in Northford from 6-7:30 p.m. each Wednesday (except on Feb. 27, when it will be held at Northford Congregational Church, UCC, in the social hall on the lower level). A video will be followed by discussion each week covering five distinct topics: God, Jesus, Salvation, Practice, and Community. All are welcome. Sunday worship services are held at 10 a.m. every Sunday in addition to Sunday School. Holy communion is held on the first Sunday of each month. A contemporary service is held on the third Sunday of each month. The church is located at 4 Old Post Road at the corner of Route 22 and Route 17 in the Northford section of North Branford. The library is across the street from the church. Church office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The church office phone number is 203-484-0795. St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Montowese Baptist Church is planning its annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner on Saturday, March 9th at 6:00PM. The feast will consist of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, homemade Irish soda bread and homemade desserts. Tickets remain the same price as last year at $12. for adults and $6 for children ten years and under. There will also be an auction with some wonderful treats. For reservations call the church office at 203-787-3725. Bereavement Group St. Margaret Parish in Madison, offers a free, interfaith bereavement support group for anyone in the community grieving the loss of a loved one. This new, open and on-going support group meets 1:30 to 3:00pm on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The group is facilitated by Jeann Terrazzano and you can obtain more information or register by calling Sister Ann Howard at 203-245-1732. SOCIETY 9 Soldano to Wed Milum David and Cherie DiMartino of Northford and Ralph Soldano of West Haven are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Madison Soldano to Michael Milum of Wallingford. The couple met in 2006 as undergraduate students at the University of New Haven. Madison received a MS in Education and is currently working as a long term substitute while pursuing permanent work as a secondary English teacher. Michael works for DiMartino Home Improvement, Inc. while continuing to pursue work in the field of Computer Science. This announcement is reprinted from the last issue, with correction. North Branford Police Department Blue Report For January 2013 From The Desk of Police Chief Matthew Canelli The North Branford Police Department has been busy on the job keeping our community safe during the past month. Here are some of the challenges we faced: 786 Calls for service 16 Criminal arrests 57 Traffic accidents 48 Motor vehicle citations issued 19 Written warnings issued 2Arrests for driving while intoxicated 3Burglaries 64 Activated burglar alarms The members of the North Branford Police would like to remind you to use caution this winter and always plan ahead. Keep your eyes on the road, never drink and drive, and always wear your safety belt. Questions? Comments? [email protected] Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Programs Applications for the HOMEOWNER Elderly and/or Totally Disabled Programs are now being taken in the Assessors Office Monday through Friday between 1-4 pm, now through May 15, 2013. Applicants must attain the age of 65 by December 31, 2012 unless they are totally disabled and meet the following income levels: For the state program they are: $33,500 for a single person; $40,900 for a married couple. The Town of North Branford also provides a local program for the elderly or totally disabled, if you have been a resident for a minimum of two years and are current with all taxes. The income levels for this program are: $42,500 if single, and $52,500 if married. Please be sure to bring your Federal Tax Return, if you file one, and your Social Security Statement (1099). If you do not file a return, you must provide proof of all forms of income, including your 1099 statement. ADDITIONAL VETERAN PROGRAMS: The qualifications are the same as the elderly programs; however if 100% disabled, the income maximum is $18,000, for a single person, and $21,000 for a married couple, excluding Social Security. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Assessors Office at 203-484-6013. Chamber Sponsors State of Town/State Breakfast The North Branford Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual State of the Town/State breakfast meeting on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at the North Branford Town Hall at 7:30AM. Guest speakers will include State Senator Edward Meyer, State Representative Vincent Candelora, Mayor Anthony Candelora, Interim Town Manager Bonnie Therrien and Superintendent of Schools Scott Schoonmaker. Tickets are $10. and you should make reservations by calling the Chamber Office at 203-483-6803. SOCIETY 10 Totoket Times February 8, 2013 Learn About the Bio-Sand Water Filter Project While Enjoying a Bowl of Soup Consider joining the Northford Women’s Club for a meal of soup and bread on Tuesday, February 26th, 2013, at 6:30 PM followed at 7:15 by an informative presentation about the Bio-Sand Water Filter Project presented by Cathy Forsberg, CPA and Michael Lipman, CPA. This project is based in South India. Its purpose is to manufacture for household use Bio-Sand Water Filters. The filters are targeted to assist residents in rural villages and the city slums of India by supplying clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. While hearing about this wonderful project, you can enjoy some of the delicious homemade soups offered by club members accompanied by homemade breads. This is the perfect way to spend a cold February evening. Any woman over the age of eighteen is welcome to attend. The Northford Women’s Club is a community service organization with a friendly and fun-loving membership which enjoys participating in charitable events in our community and is always looking for new members. If interested in becoming a member or simply looking for further information, please contact Paula Morris at 203-484-2630, or visit their website at www. “Old World Dinner” The North Branford Republican Town Committee will hold a “ President’s Day Dinner” to honor Jack Krasko for his continuing service to the town on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at the VFW, 1038 Middletown Avenue, Northford. Menu: R.I. Clam Chowder, Kielbasa, Homemade Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Rye Bread, Coffee and Assorted Desserts Early seating 6:00 PM Cash Bar Donation $12 per person; children under 12 free For tickets and/or information, Call John Landolfi at 203-484-2634 or Ron Siena at 203-484-2284. North Branford Barber Shop 1179 Foxon Rd. Rte # 80 North Branford, Ct. 06471 Men's Haircuts: $10 & $12 Women's Haircuts: $16. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 203-484-6789 Robert Viglione, Owner SOCIETY Calling All Past Members of the Northford Women’s Club The current membership of The Northford Women’s Club, GFWC, is looking for all past members to help celebrate its 50th Anniversary on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 1:00 PM at Traditions in Wallingford. If you were a member of the Northford Women’s Club, starting in 1968 and to the present, maybe you would like to see and meet today’s group of dynamic women who are making a difference in our town. The same pride and giving spirit that you had is being continued today. Please consider joining us for this exciting celebration. For further information you may contact Carole at 203-234-3906 or Toni at 203-484-2528. SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ITALY NORTH HAVEN LODGE# 2808 WHAT WE DO!!!! We sponsor trips to Woodbury Commons, 220 outlet stores We host American Red Cross Blood Dr. Make-a- wish Foundation. Granting wishes to children with life threatening illness and children who are terminally ill. “WALK TO END ALZHEMER’S. We also have a bocce league. Each team designates the charity of their choice. Last year prize money was donated to the Hamden Senior Wish Society, Inc. Weekly Bingo at Zandris Stillwood Inn on Mondays! We fund Italian books at Schools & Libraries. Italian Festival in North Haven. Distinguisted Citizen Award Dinner. Dinner& a Movie nights, Dinner Dances, Summer Picnics, Christmas Eve Party, New Years Eve Party. Also come join our Dominoes group, Thursdays @7pm. Charitable contributions to local and national charities in need, over $120,000. To date! WHAT WE NEED!!! We need new members to help us with the many fund raisers we run, On February 24th. at 1pm. The Sons & Daughters of Italy will be sponsoring a complimentary luncheon at 540R Washington Ave. Kimberly Plaza (behind Dino’s Restaurant) CLASSIFIED 11 Totoket Times February 8, 2013 COMPUTER SERVICES Greg Tech. Certified Technician. On-site support for PCs and Macs. Reparis, virus removals, wireless and network setups.Software installation, computer training, upgrades, hardare and pritner repair and more. Call Greg at 203-980-0782 DJ SERVICES DJ Call me and get the party started. I accomodate all types of parties and provide all types of music at a cost you can afford. Call 203-500-9440. You not only get a professional DJ but a musician and entertainer as well. “10% Bonus Payout with this ad” 672 Foxon Road, East Haven PLUMBING (Located in the CVS Plaza on Rte. 80) 203-745-4755 John DiMaggio Plumbing - Residential/Commercial repairs/remodeling. Big or small. Water Heater Specials! Licensed & Insured. Call 203484-4822 or 203-627-6826 for emergencies. References available upon request. SERVICES Power Equipment Repair - Lawn tractor and mower repairs, leaf and snow blowers, chain saws and string trimmers. Reasonable rates, pickup and delivery available.Call Mark at 203-484-2173. Handyman Services - Plumbing repairs and installations. Drywall repairs, light electrical work pickup and haul away items, blinds installed, dryer vents cleaned, general repairs and small jobs. Local references, great rates. Call Pete at 203-804-6373. FOR SALE Vanity set, table & chairs, luggage, old radio/record player, cannister set. Call 203-484-2088 HELP WANTED Currently seeking instructors for fitness, craft and other classes. If you have skills, experience, knowledge in a particular field and enthusiasm for sharing with others, we want you! We offer a broad range of classes and continually look for new opportunities to serve the entire community. For more information or to propose a class, please call 203315-6017 and speak to Lauren. Currently seeking summer camp counselors. We take having fun seriously. Each summer hundreds of kids spend their days laughing, playing and making friends at Kidz Kamp, NB Park & Rec’s summer day camp. Have you got boundless energy, tons of patience and a willingness to spend your summer making a difference in the lives of kids? This may be the job for you. For more information and to get an application, please call 203-315-6017 and ask for Lauren. RENTAL SPACE WANTED Wanted app 12,000 SQ FT, with Utilities/heat/AC Location within the town of North Branford Well established Non profit (30+ years) seeks location within town Please call 203-484-9454 CLASSIFIED AD RATES Personal, For Sale, Help Wanted, Tag Sale, and all non-business classified 1 issue $7.00 2 issues $10.00, 3 issues $12.00 20 words or less, not including phone #. $.05 per word, per run, x after 20 words Lost and Found ................................... FREE Business Classified Ads & Real Estate 3 issues $35.00, 6 issues $60.00, 12 issues $100.00 $.10 per word, per run, after 20 words Payment MUST accompany all ads. The advertiser must notify this newspaper of any errors. Send ad along with your check to: Totoket Times P.O. Box 313 Northford, CT 06472 For more information call 203-484-4729 ALL TAX RETURNS PREPARED Federal & State Electronic Filing for FAST REFUNDS Federal & State Tax Audit Representation Day, Eening & Weekend Appointments ¨Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Planning Services ¨Estate & Trust Accounting & Tax Services ¨Computer Consulting, Training & Support Services More than Forty Years Experience STEVEN J. ELZHOLZ Certified Public Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor 54 DeForest Drive, North Branford, CT 06471-1258 203-488-8649 Fax 203-488-1970 12 Totoket Times February 8, 2013 Joy to your feet! Their cozy, 100% sheepskin lining, sturdy suede uppers and wraparound rubber outer sole make our Red Wing slippers absolutely perfect for impromptu caroling. FREE Boot Winterization Kit with purchase. ($14.95 value) 1717 FOXON ROAD NORTH BRANFORD (ACROSS FROM LIBRARY) TEL: 203-488-2422 Join Us For Valentine’s Day!!!!! Now Available Personal Pizzas! Our famous personal pizzas are now available retail as well as wholesale. Call now and put some in the freezer so they’re ready when you’re not. See what bars and schools have been talking about for years. 1874 Middletown Ave. Northford, CT 06472 203-484-PIES or Hours: M - Thur 11am - 9pm, Fri-Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun 11am - 9pm
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