Faculty Accomplishments
Faculty Accomplishments
April 9, 2010 Meetings Week of April 12-16, 2010 Graduate Program Faculty Monday 9:00am-11:00am Classroom 130 Faculty Affairs Monday 1:15pm-3:30pm Conference Room 247 Student Affairs Monday 1:30pm-3:30pm Faculty Accomplishments Dr. Mona Baharestani has a recent publication entitled International Guidelines. Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Pressure, Shear, Friction and Microclimate in Context.. A Consensus Document. London: Wounds International. 2010 She along with colleagues from Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Cardiff, Israel and others in the USA worked on this document over the past 6 months. This document will be translated into multiple languages and will disseminated internationally. Additionally, she along with other inter-professional American Professional Wound Care Association colleagues published the following peerreviewed article: SELECT: Evaluation and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Guidance Document from the American Professional Wound Care Association. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2010 (23(4):161 -168. Conference Room 239 Curriculum & Instruction Monday 1:15pm-4:15pm Conference Room 303 Faculty Forum Monday 12:00pm-1:30pm Staff are invited to attend this meeting of the Faculty Forum. Bring your lunch and join us in conference room 134. Administrative Retreat Wednesday 8:30am-2:00pm Dean’s House Jennie Walls 4th Lila Seal 5th Teressa Wexler 15th Vicci Graham 22nd Jennie Stewart‐Glenn 26th Jennifer Wallen 26th Kermit Dugger 28th Call for Abstracts: December 9-11, 2010 Second Annual International Conference for Nurse Educators Ritz Carlton Hotel, Pentagon City Arlington, Virginia Washington, DC The Global Alliance for Nursing Education and Science (GANES) invites you to submit an abstract for the Second Annual International Conference for Nurse Educators. The abstract committee will assess all submissions against the following criteria; relation to conference themes, creativity and innovation, and applicability and utility. Abstracts are invited for presentation under one of the following themes: • Developing academic leadership capacity • Increasing strength through international collaboration (stories from the field) • Fostering innovation and excellence • Politics of nursing education and research • Leadership roles in academic environments for the 21st century Abstracts will be accepted for papers, posters and symposia. Papers must be 15 minutes in length with 5 minutes of questions. Symposia will feature groups of three or more related papers, generally 80 minutes total including questions. Abstracts will be accepted in English and French with a maximum of 200 words. Abstracts must be submitted by midnight EST on April 15, 2010. Email abstract submissions to Abigail Linsner at [email protected]. We look forward to reviewing your submission. For more information about this Call for Abstracts, see http://www.ganes.info/Conferences.php. Spring Faculty Research Forum Friday April 16th 8:00am – 12:00pm refreshments will be served For more information contact Vickie Martha at 9-4082 or by email at [email protected] PAGE 2 E T SU C OL LE GE OF NU R SI NG FR ID AY NE W SL E TT ER NURSE Center Tutor Schedule Presidential GrantsinAid (PGIA) Drop-in Applications for activities after July 1 should be submitted by Friday, June 4, 2010 Tutor: Michael Rice Monday 4:00-7:00 Thursday 3:00-7:00 NURSE Center NURSE Center Tutor: Jennifer Barham Tuesday 2:00-7:00 Wednesday 2:00-7:00 NURSE Center NURSE Center Foundations Tutor: Casey Bayliss Wednesday 6:00 Room 220 Tutor: Michael Rice Thursday 4:00-6:00 NURSE Center Pathophysiology (For Dr. Ghaffari’s class) Tutor: Michael Rice Wednesday 4:30-6:00 Room 220 Friday 2:00-4:00 NURSE Center (For Dr. Rasmussen’s class) Tutor: Robert Morley Thursday 1:00-3:00 Room 130 Tutor: Wednesday Taylor Isgrig 1:00-3:00 NURSE Center For PGIA guidelines: http://www.etsu.edu/senate/ facultyhandbook/Section_3.pdf#3.6 For a PGIA application form: http://www.etsu.edu/ senate/facultyhandbook/forms/presidential_grant‐in‐ aid_app.doc Please note: • Applications must be submitted on the appropriate form (revised 08/07) which can be accessed via the link above. Applications submitted on previous versions of the form will not be reviewed. • It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm that the forms are received in the Office of the Provost, 206 Bur‐ gin Dossett Hall, Campus Box 70733 by the deadline. To confirm receipt, applicants may call Donna Miller at 95888 or email [email protected] • Effective fall 2009 Dr Bill Kirkwood, Vice Provost for Un‐ dergraduate Education and Executive Director, Planning and Analysis, is overseeing the PGIA Program. Deadlines for fiscal 2010‐11 are as follows: Pharmacology Tutor: Jennifer Barham Tuesday 2:15-3:15 Tutor: Jamie Persaud Monday 11:30-12:30 Room 220 Activities July through September, June 4 Activities October through December, August 6 Activities January through March, November 12 NURSE Center Activities April through June, March 4 Upcoming Grant Opportunities Community Participation in Research http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-08-074.html Awards Depend on Actual Cost of Project Due: June 5, 2010 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) Scholar http://www.anfonline.org/MainCategory/NursingRes earchGrant.aspx Southern Nursing Research Society/ANF Grants http://www.anfonline.org/MainCategory/NursingResearchGrant.aspx Due: May 3, 2010 Awards of: $3,750 Research on any nurse-related area. Must be a current member of ANA and ANRS. Due: May 3, 2010 $3,000 Research should address an area of inquiry that relates to those with or affected by HIV infection. PI must be licensed RN with baccalaureate degree or higher in nursing. PAGE 3 E T SU C OL LE GE OF NU R SI NG FR ID AY NE W SL E TT ER Office of Research and Spon sored Programs Research Development Committee Grants for Faculty Small Research Grants Maximum amount: $1,500 Deadline: End of each month Small Research Grants may be requested to support modest costs of research such as supplies and travel to collect or analyze data, or information pertinent to an existing research project. For more information on Small Research Grant eligibility, guidelines, application procedures, review criteria and policies, please go to http://www.etsu.edu/ research/RDC/Small/default.htm 33rd NRHA Annual Rural Health Conference May 18-21 Savannah, GA Join the largest gathering of rural health professionals of the year at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. In today’s economy, you can’t afford to miss NRHA’s 33rd Annual Rural Health Conference. Now more than ever, you need innovative ideas to advance rural health. Sign up by April 16, and take advantage of early registration rates. Hotel information: Westin Savannah Harbor 912-201-2000 Hyatt Regency Savannah 800-233-1234 All RDC grant proposals must be submitted electronically Mention the NRHA to receive the exclusive room rate. For more information go to: http://www.ruralhealthweb.org/annual TNA & TASN Joint Convention Evidence Based Practice: Nursing that Works October 22-24, 2010 Franklin Marriott & Cool Springs Franklin, Tennessee CALL FOR ABSTRACTS We invite you to submit an abstract to be considered for oral or poster presentation at 2010 TNA & TASN Joint Convention, Evidence Based Practice: Nursing that Works, in Franklin, Tennessee on October 22-24, 2010. The focus/content of your abstract should relate to one of the following themes: Evidence based practice Lateral violence Empowerment Public/community health Workplace environment Culture of safety Innovative care models Technology in patient care Mentorship Cultural competency Generational competency Simulation in Education APN Issues If you have an innovative project or topic that does not quite fit into any of these categories, please submit as a few innovative presentations outside those boundaries will be considered. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 1, 2010 For Abstract, Oral, and Poster presentations guidelines go to: http://tnaonline.org/tna-events-joint-conv-10.html PAGE 4 E T SU C OL LE GE OF NU R SI NG FR ID AY NE W SL E TT ER 16th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning November 2 -5, 2010 y The Caribe Royal Hotel • Orlando, Florida Call for Presentations & Workshops “The Power of Online Learning: Stimulating New Possibilities” We invite you to submit a presentation for the 16th Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning: “The Power of Online Learning: Stimulating New Possibilities.” The conference strongly encourages presentations that report on online and blended learning research, theory , and practice at all levels. Proposals that address blended learning, issues of diversity, international applications of online learning, open educational resources, social networking, online learning and community colleges, and/or K-12 online education are especially encouraged. Last year’s conference attracted over 1375 participants to more than 200 presentations, as well as exhibits, pre-conference workshops, keynote and plenary addresses, and a variety of other special events. Open Now! Submit a Presentation Submit a Workshop Enter here for individual, group, and poster presentations given as part of the concurrent sessions during the main conference schedule. Enter here for half day (3 hour) or full day (6 hour) interactive workshop proposals. Workshops are conducted prior to or following the main conference schedule. Proposals must be submitted by May 3, 2010 PAGE 5 E T SU C OL LE GE OF NU R SI NG FR ID AY NE W SL E TT ER Invitation to Submit Instructional Development Grant Proposals, 2010-11 ETSU’s Instructional Development Committee (IDC) invites Instructional Development Grant proposals for FY 2010-11 The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday, April 20, 2010. This is the only funding cycle for FY 2010-11. Instructional Development Grants provide up to $5,000 for special projects in which faculty implement and assess innovative methods to enhance student learning at ETSU. The committee weighs teaching innovations more highly than requests for equipment. Selection criteria are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clear rationale for project, including a well-defined set of objectives Originality and creativity of the proposal Number of students who would benefit from the project Applicability of project to courses or departments beyond those in which the project will occur Clearly defined protocol for assessing outcomes of the project Feasible calendar for implementing and assessing the project, including specific target date for completion The IDC looks favorably on proposals receiving partial funding from the academic department, college or school. Please note: • • • • • All full-time, permanent ETSU faculty are eligible to receive Instructional Development Grants. The IDC does not award grants to the same individual in two consecutive years. All funds awarded must be spent within the specified fiscal year and cannot be carried over to the next fiscal year. The IDC does not fund computer monitors, CPUs or printers. The IDC considers faculty stipends a low priority. • • • If the proposal requests equipment already available on campus (e.g., a video camera that could be checked out from the library), it should explain why buying additional equipment is necessary. Items purchased with Instructional Development funds become the property of the department when the project terminates. Award recipients must submit final reports to the Office of the Provost by Friday, September 30, 2011. Failure to submit the report will result in ineligibility to receive subsequent Instructional Development Grants. To submit a proposal: Download the attached form to your computer and save a copy for your use. Send the completed application via email attachment to Donna Miller in the Office of the Provost ([email protected]). Also attach to the email a letter from your department chair endorsing the project and indicating funding by the department, college or school. If the IDC recommends your proposal for funding, your department chair and dean must sign off on the project before funding will be finalized. ETSU COLLEGE OF NURSING The Friday Newsletter is sent to every faculty, part-time faculty, and PO Box 70617 Johnson City, TN 37614 staff member. It is also sent to our College of Nursing Advisory Board Phone: 423-439-7051 and donors who have requested to receive it as well as Dr. Bishop, VP of Fax: 423-439-4543 Health Affairs. We would like to hear from you if you have an an- Web: http://www.etsu.edu/nursing/ nouncement, accomplishment, departmental happening, etc. This is a Check us out on Facebook at: good way to get information to your colleagues. If you have items you http://www.facebook.com/etsunursing would like to have published in the Friday Newsletter please send them to me by Wednesday for inclusion at [email protected]. PAGE 6 E T SU C OL LE GE OF NU R SI NG FR ID AY NE W SL E TT ER