a message from the chairperson
a message from the chairperson
A NEWSLETTER FOR GRADUATES OF BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA NURSING PROGRAMS Fall 2007 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON Inside this issue: Dr. Christine Alichnie A Message from the Chairperson New Dean of Professional Studies 1 New Faculty Member Alumni Completes Fellowship Induction of Faculty Members 2 3 3 Alumni Head of Nurses’ Association Student Nurse Challenge Bowl 3 Faculty and Students Participate In Health Fair Nursing Faculty Chair Conference 4 More Alumni News Janssen Scholars New Inductees 4 5 5 2 4 4 Class Notes Class of 2007 Photo Gallery 6 12 12 Capital Campaign Wish List 13 AlumniNews is published annually by the Bloomsburg University Department of Nursing. Contributions are welcome. Chairperson: Christine Alichnie, PhD Assistant Chairperson: Michelle Ficca, DNSc Coordinator, MSN Program: Michelle Ficca, DNSc Editor: Linda Cook, DNSc Editorial Assistant: Mary Amick ALUMNI SUPPORT: KEY FACTOR FOR FUTURE SUCCESS The University is changing with the times. A new president will be presiding over the university as of January 2008. The College of Professional Studies has a new dean, Dr. Dianne Mark. Over the past year, the Department of Nursing experienced the retirement of Sue Ross and the resignation of Dr. Margaret Slusser. Melissa Snyder is our new faculty member for pediatrics. We are searching for a full time faculty member to replace Dr. Slusser in the psychiatric/mental health nursing course. Change is constant. Amazingly even with the changes, the department continues to experience excellent student recruitment for the undergraduate program and expansion of the graduate program with the new collaborative CRNA option with Geisinger Medical Center, beginning in the fall of 2008. In other words, the department is thriving and needs your help to maintain its excellence in the BSN and MSN programs. As alumni, we hope that you reconnect with the department through the annual appeal process. Direct contributions to the department versus the general fund of the university will support the programs throughout the year. As indicated in the last newsletter, President Kozloff announced a new capital campaign for the University. The Department has many needs within the realm of technology, renovations, faculty research and development, international studies, and several endowed chair‘s positions. We already have purchased a computerized simulation manikin to assist with critical thinking and clinical skills. Future trends mandate that faculty change their teaching styles to assist with the development of clinical decision making skills. Therefore, several additional computerized manikins for simulation of real life situations are on the radar screen for purchase. Likewise, the need to expand and renovate our Learning Lab facility is critical for future growth and success of our program. PAGE 2 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS FALL 2007 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON (cont’d) The department’s wish list even includes a new building for the nursing program with state-of-theart classroom equipment and laboratory technologies. Without the alumni support on an annual basis and throughout the capital campaign process, our list will be just thoughts on a piece of paper. We are counting on our alumni support for this effort. The future generation of nurses needs to be educated differently to handle the health care needs of the nation. The Department of Nursing is stepping up to the plate in order to face those challenges and requirements. In directing your contribution to the department, you will need to list it separately under “other” category with nursing being indicated on the line. Our alumni have garnered an excellent reputation throughout the nation, even internationally. Your roots are embedded in the program at Bloomsburg University. The faculty wants to maintain the reputation of the “Center for Nursing Excellence in the State System of Higher Education”. DIANNE MARK IS NEW DEAN OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES AT BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY Mark, who came to BU in early March, previously served as associate dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. She was a faculty member at Central Michigan and at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Considered an expert on the ways parents can help their children with homework, Mark was a teacher at the primary, secondary and university levels. She earned a bachelor‘s degree from Michigan State University and master‘s from Buffalo State College and another master‘s and doctoral degrees from SUNYBuffalo. Mark completed a certificate in management development from the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education and was one of 13 female participants in the American Council of Education‘s National Leadership Forum in December 2004. She authored and co-authored articles on issues related to students of color and urban education and is co-author of the book, ―Cultural Journey: Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults." Mark said she was drawn to the position at Bloomsburg University by similarities between BU and Central Michigan University. Her college at Central Michigan consisted of five departments, three in education and two in human services. At Bloomsburg, she oversees a similar mix of programs, with approximately 70 faculty members in the departments of secondary education and educational studies, early childhood and elementary education, exceptionality programs, nursing, and audiology and speech pathology. "Coming to BU was an opportunity for change and I always consider myself a lifelong learner," said Mark, Mrs. Melissa Snyder‘s educational experience includes a BSN from Lycoming College and an MSN from Widener University. She completed the Family Nurse Practitioner program at Widener University and a Post Master‘s certificate in Teaching from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently taking doctoral courses at Penn State. Clinically, she has practiced as a nurse practitioner in pediatric primary care for the past 10 years. She enjoys outdoor activities, gardening, and cooking. She lives in Schuylkill county with her husband and three children. Her teaching assignment will include Nursing of Children and Family Theory. FALL 2007 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS PAGE 3 BU GRADUATE COMPLETES NATIONAL NURSING FELLOWSHIP Cheri L. Rinehart, RN, BSN (‘79), vice president for The Hospital and Health System Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) has completed a three year Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Executive Nurse Fellowship. Cheri was one of only 20 nurses nationwide selected annually for the fellowship. The award included a $30,000 grant for a leadership project. Rinehart implemented a statewide initiative to address hospital capacity management to help Pennsylvania hospitals avoid crowding, improve patient flow, and reduce emergency department diversion. With the assistance of project partners from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Joint Commission, the national RWJ Urgent Matters project, insurers, physicians, and hospital administrators, the ongoing initiative seeks to promote having an effective capacity management plan in place at every Pennsylvania hospital to ensure access for individuals needing care. Rinehart is a summa cum laude graduate of Bloomsburg University and a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University‘s RULE – Rural Leadership Development Program. She is a founding president of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Association; a member of the National Rural Health Policy Board, and a board member of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and the American Trauma Society. Rinehart also is a 2007 recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Medicine in Pennsylvania award from the state‘s chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. She was also inducted into Theta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International as a nurse leader in 2007. INDUCTION OF FACULTY MEMBERS INTO PHI KAPPA PHI On Sunday, March 25, 2007, Dr. Margaret M. Slusser and Dr. Joan Miller were inducted into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Phi Kappa Phi‘s mission is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage scholars in service to others. Dr. Slusser has provided several presentations to students through the Living and Learning Communities and the Women‘s Resource Center on campus. She serves as a volunteer for the Victim‘s Resource Center in Luzerne, Carbon, and Wyoming Counties. She also serves as a Counselor/Advocate-Hotline worker for the Victim‘s Resource Center. Dr. Miller‘ interests include the concept of ―good work.‖ She has initiated a Global Good Work in Nursing Community, a project affiliated with Sigma theta Tau International Honor Society and the Good Work Project at Harvard University. Dr. Miller developed a Leadership and Moral Decision Making course for the Honors Program at the university. She will offer a new honors course in the fall addressing bioethics and challenges for health care professionals in a rapidly changing health care environment. Through the University Nursing Wellness Center, Dr. Miller has provided several talks for diabetic patients and family caregivers. BU GRAD IS NAMED NURSES’ ASSOCIATION HEAD BU alumnae, Betsy M. Snook, ‗02, M.Ed., BSN, RN has been named the new executive administrator of the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association. Snook, of Lewisburg, began her tenure with the association on September 18, 2006. In her 30 year career as a nurse, Snook‘s professional roles have included clinical nurse manager, staff development coordinator, nurse educator, academic chair, chief nursing officer and health care consultant. Most recently, she served as President of MedEd Consulting, which provides nursing and management training programs, recruitment and retention strategies, and educational training programs for staff development departments. PAGE 4 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS FALL 2007 STUDENT NURSE CHALLENGE BOWL2007 BU NURSING FACULTY CHAIR THE APNA - PA ANNUAL CONFERENCE The 2007 Student Nurse Challenge Bowl was hosted at East Stroudsburg University in April 2007. Dr. Peg Slusser, faculty advisor to the Student Nurses Association at BU and Dr. Christine Alichnie, Chair of the BU Department of Nursing accompanied the students to the bowl and cheered them on! Although the group did not win the bowl, they represented BU well. The American Psychiatric Nurses Association-Pennsylvania Chapter (APNA- PA) held its annual conference on Saturday, March 24, 2007 on the campus of Geisinger Medical Center (GMC) in Danville, PA. This year‘s conference was entitled ―Mental Health Nursing Care of Our Most Vulnerable Populations.‖ Conference cochairpersons were BU faculty members Dr. Linda Cook and Dr. Peg Slusser. Dr. Margie Eckroth-Bucher served on the Planning Committee and presented her research on ―Managing Cognitive Decline in Diverse Populations.‖ The keynote speaker for the conference was Dr. Janet Deatrick, FAAN, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and Center for Health Disparities. The conference was co-sponsored by Geisinger Medical Center. Pictured Left to Right- Dr. Peg Slusser, Kelly Lauman, Abigail Garman, Dominick Cosmello, Candace Levengood, Katie Huff and Dr. Christine Alichnie, Chair, Dept. of Nursing BU FACULTY AND STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN HEALTH FAIR Dr. Noreen Chikotas and students participated in a health fair held at the Columbia Mall in October 2006. The group represented the Greater Susquehanna Valley Nurse Practitioners (GSVNP) and included Dominick Cosmello, Stephanie Cavanaugh, and Cindy Kline, MSN, CRNP. At the time of this activity, Dr. Chikotas from the BU Department of Nursing was serving as vice-president for the GSVNP and Cindy Kline the secretary. Pictured from Left to Right- Dr. Slusser, Dr. Deatrick, Todd Hastings (APNA-PA President), Deb Ulrich, RN, BC Operation Manager, GMC; Dr. Cook, Dr. Eckroth-Bucher More Alumni News Class of 1979 Shirley Ann Newell Smith, of 741 Mingus Shadows Drive, Clarkdale, AZ 86324, wants to share with alumni that her book, “Hospice Concepts: A Guide to Palliative Care In Terminal Illness,” was translated and published in Japan in 2006. She and her husband of 52 years, Clair, retired to AZ in December 2005. (shirleysmith35@msn, com) Class of 2001 Tim Sowicz, was accepted into the Family Health NP MSN program at Penn and will start Fall 2007. Marissa Campanella McFarland, of 1 School Lane, Royersford, PA 19468 is currently working as a home care nurse for Bayada Nurses. She married husband, Ryan, on May 14, 2005. [email protected] Fall 2007 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS PAGE 5 CONGRATULATIONS JANSSEN SCHOLARS! For the fourth consecutive year, Bloomsburg University‘s Department of Nursing had students recognized as Janssen Scholars. Abigail Garman and Maria Reavey, senior nursing students, attended the 20th Annual Conference of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) held in Long Beach, California from October 1114, 2006. Dr. Peg Slusser, Associate Professor of Nursing, accompanied the students to the conference. To become a Janssen Scholar, one must meet strict requirements. The selection process is very competitive. Only 15 undergraduate L to R: Maria Reavey, Dr. Peg Slusser, Abigail Garman students are selected from across the United States. Janssen Pharmaceutical Company sponsors the students who are selected for the honor by the National Student Nurses Association. Janssen underwrites the student‘s conference registration and all associated expenses. The scholarship program is designed to introduce and attract the best and brightest students to the specialty of psychiatric/mental health nursing. : PAGE 6 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A FALL 2007 Add your classmates to your holiday card list and email Favorites! Laurel Mowery Archey, of 34 Dahl Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, is currently employed as a certified school nurse at the Columbia-Montour area Vocational Technical School in Bloomsburg. She was previously employed at the same school as the Health Occupations Vocational Education instructor for 13 years after receiving permanent vocational education teacher certification. She has been an active certified First Responder for 18 years and is an instructor-trainer for the American Heart Association. She is married with two college aged sons. ([email protected]) Kathryn Griffith Behm, of 4308 Danor Drive, Reading, PA 19605, is a certified school nurse. She is married with two boys, ages 18 and 20 and one daughter, age 15. Laureen Leitzel Baldwin, of 1404 Bradley Street, Linwood, PA 19061, is a full time School Nurse at Linwood Elementary in Chichester School District. She received her School Nurse Certification from WCU. She spends every other weekend at Crozer Chester Medical Center pursuing her MSN at WCU. She and husband, Ray, have been married for 14 years. They have two sons: Brian, 11 and Craig 8. They also have a dog Heidi. ([email protected]) Eunice Bruce, of 338 Glen Echo Road, Philadelphia, PA 19119, is the Care Coordinator at Independence Blue Cross. ([email protected]) Joanne Welk Boyk, of 548 Norwych Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406, received her Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner in August 2006 from the University of Pennsylvania. She also obtained her Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner in April 2007. She currently works as a CRNP at Chester County Hematology/Oncology Services in West Chester Pennsylvania. She resides with her husband Jim and children Katie, 16, and Robby, 14. ([email protected]) Lisa Kalinger Cowperthwait, of 39W708 Goldenrod Drive, St. Charles, IL 60175, is a Middle School Nurse in Batavia, IL. In the past she has been a staff nurse at Harrisburg Hospital in the Nursery, staff nurse in Morristown, Tennessee in Labor and Delivery and Nursery, staff nurse Chemical Dependency program for Adolescents in Illinois, VNA maternal Child Health visit in Massachusetts, Teen Parent Educator for Head Start in Massachusetts, Clinic RN in California, and Pediatrician office RN in New York. She has been married for 24 years to her husband, David. They have 4 children: Christopher (21), Matthew (20), Stephan (17) and Rebecca (15). She says that her RN, BSN degree from Bloomsburg University has served her well over the years. She has a license in six different states! They have relocated across the country and she has never had a problem getting a job. ([email protected]) Karen Kresge Fuller, of 1164 Old Trail Road, Clarks Summit, PA 18411, graduated in 2001 with a diploma in residential design from the Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale. She has moved back to the Northeast after 24 years in South Florida. ([email protected]) Coleen Shoemaker Harleman, of 268 Knoll Drive, Lehighton, PA 18235, has been a school nurse for elementary students in the Lehighton Area School District for 24 years. She received her Master‘s degree in Education. She is married to Dale and they have two children: Eric, 17 and Molly, 15. ([email protected]) Nancy Kushnerick Herman, of 4075 Holly Lane, Oakland Township, MI 48306, is certified in Inpatient Obstetrics and as a lactation educator. She recently ―retired‖ from her private child birth education business due to the increasing needs of her family. She is chairing the Labor and Delivery Nurse Council which is our unit based self-governance committee. She is also the Labor and Delivery representative to the Hospital Professional Nurse Council and the Professional Development sub-council. In conjunction with Nurses week, she completed a poster presentation on the role of the charge nurse and the importance to patient safety and staff satisfaction to keep the charge RN free of a patient assignment. She is married to Bill He is very busy providing technical support for the MIAI main battle tank and Stryker for the United States Army. They have two daughters: Alexandra, 13, and Julia, 10. Alexandra is a dancer, soccer player and very active at school. Julia is a soccer player and writer. Even if you don‘t believe it Michigan is an incredible place to visit and the door is open. They are only one hour north of Detroit. She visited the new nursing department at Bloomsburg two summers ago. She says it‘s incredible, very different from running across Lightstreet Road to the Boyer Building. ([email protected]) FALL 2007 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS Page 7 Lynne Hockenbrock Moller, of 5142 Ancinetta Drive, Schnecksville, Pa 18078, has been a school nurse at Parkland School District for 14 years. She received her School Nurse Certification from Cedar Crest College in 1993. Her husband, John (also a Bloomsburg Graduate) and she have two sons, David, 19 and Daniel, 17. ([email protected]) Holly Whitmoyer Opsomer, of 150 North Railroad Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, is a Pediatric Nurse in the Geisinger Health System. She is ACLS and PALS certified as well as a BLS Instructor and a Red Cross Volunteer. She has taken graduate courses through Penn State University in workforce education. ([email protected]) Elaine Pelletier Slusser, of 22 Echo Valley Drive, New Providence, PA 17560, has been working as a certified school nurse for the past 13 years. She entered this field originally because of the schedule; being able to have summers off when the kids were little, etc. Now she is finding this to be a very rewarding and challenging job. Her son, Scott, graduated in May from Slippery Rock University and is now on his way to Utah where he will be working in Wilderness Therapy with troubled youth. Her daughter, Liz, has one more year to go at West Chester University where she is working towards her bachelor‘s in Health and Physical Education. ([email protected]) Joan White Stear, of 1102 Briar Way, Perkasie, PA 18944, is the Vice President of Claims and Case Management at Penn Treaty Network America Insurance. ([email protected]) Anne Pysher Wendel, of 31 Aldwyn Lane, Villanova, PA 19085, is an IVF Nurse at Main Line Fertility Center in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania. ([email protected]) Lori K. Cole, of 833 Sereno Hollow Road, Benton, PA 17814, is Team Coordinator in on a Telemetry Unit. She is also certified in Medical Surgery Nursing. ([email protected]) Catherine Jurgill Czarneski, of 3 Watch Hill Road, Berlin, CT 06037, married her husband, Don in 2001. Rita Stancavage Deimler, of 2425 Schley Road, Hurdle Mills, NC 27541, has been employed at Duke University Medical Center since graduation. She has worked in oncology in various roles during this time; staff nurse, nurse clinician, and most recently nurse manager of the outpatient bone marrow transplant clinic. She was recently nominated and selected as a finalist for Cure magazine‘s ―Extraordinary Healer of the Year‖ award in April 2007. She is currently enrolled in the Masters program in Nursing at Duke University. She is active in fundraising for various cancer foundations and serves on the executive Board of Wings for a Cure, a public charity founded to educate patients during their cancer journey. She married Steven and together they operate a small poultry and fruit farm in rural North Carolina. They are active in their local farmer‘s market. ([email protected]) Loretta Maitre Derrick, of 112 Spruce Street, Danville, PA 17821, is one of three CRNAs at the Evangelical Ambulatory Surgical Center. Her fiancé, Joe, and she are building a home for ―their‖ family. ([email protected]) Caroline Jupina Giomboni, 953 Stoney Brook Drive, Springfield, PA 19064, is the Education and Quality Control Associate at Merck Research Laboratories. She is married with two children. ([email protected]) Annamarie Bodkin Gresko, of 1562 Windmill Road, Warminster, PA 18974, has been an RN at Abington Memorial Hospital for 20 years, 19 of those years in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She is a certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) since 2002 and NCC certification in High Risk Neonatal and holds an added qualification in Breastfeeding Certification from NCC. She assumed the position of staffing coordinator for NICU in 2006. In 2006 she was a study coordinator for Research with Discovery Labs (use of Surfaxin and Lucinactant). She plans to enroll in Master‘s program at LaSalle University for Clinical Nurse Leader in Fall 2007. She married Gary in 1992 and they had two children: Michael, 13, and Kaitlyn, 10. Her niece Kayla Bodkin is a nursing student at Bloomsburg University. Lt. Col. Michael, her brother served in Iraq three times with the United States Marine Corp. Major Thomas William, her other brother, now inactive, served in Iraq with the United States Marine Corp. ([email protected]) Joanne Orlando Hartzel, of 612 Garfield Street, Hazleton, PA 18201-4520, is retired. She has recently traveled to Italy Page 8 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS Fall 2007 Laura Griffin Heinrich, of 3185 Statler Circle, Reno, NV 89503, is certified in Diabetes Education. She is also a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She received her Master of Arts in Counseling and Educational Psychology at the University of Nevada Reno. She married her husband, Warren, and they have two children: Cynthia and Steven. ([email protected]) . Beth Collins Herbst RN, BSN, MHA, of 11 North Cedar Hollow Road, Paoli, PA 19301, is the Patient Care Manager at Paoli Hospital enjoying the adventure of leading and coaching nurses in a magnet environment. She is having fun raising teenagers. ([email protected]) Melissa Schmer LePage, of 2960 Hunt Valley Dr., Glenwood, MD 21738, received her Master‘s in Nursing Education and is a current stay at home mother. Her husband, Todd, and she have 4 children, Zachary (14), Ryan (12), Mitchell (9), and Olivia (6). ([email protected]) Catherine Madison, of 949 Wedgewood Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017, is employed at St. Luke‘s Hospital since May 1987. Currently she is working ―reserve staff‖ in the outpatient Dialysis Unit. She and her husband, Ron, are the proud parents of quadruplets: Julia, Victoria, Alexandra and Eric, born in 1995. ([email protected]) Cathy Milot Miroelli, of 163 Owl Creek Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252, is a secondary education school nurse at Tamaqua Middle School/High School for the past 11 years. She is working with a small ―grass roots‖ committee concerned about the environment and the CDC to identify a cancer cluster in Schuylkill County since 2004. She was elected to a 4 year term on Tamaqua Borough Council. Her husband, Dan, and she have two sons: Ryan (15) and Austin (12). ([email protected]) Carol Murphy Moore, of 1199 Seneca Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17821, is a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics. She is part of the Nursing Faculty at Bloomsburg University in Pediatrics. She has two children: Allison, 10 and Sarah 6. ([email protected]) Suzanne Harger Nesmith, of 3 Stephen Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011, is currently employed as a Certified Diabetes Educator/RN with Holy Spirit Health System in Camp Hill. She received her Master‘s in Health Education in 1992 from Penn State University and was certified in Diabetes Education in 2004, NCBDE. She married her husband Paul in 1990 and has two sons: Shane, 16 and Josh, 14. ([email protected]) Jeffery J. Persavage Sr., of 1741 Webster Street, Coal Township, PA 17866, is the team coordinator in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Geisinger Medical Center. He is also Adult CCRN and Certified in Cardiac Surgery. Robin Reese-Poust, of 913 Chesapeake Drive, Stevensville, MD 21666, has a Master‘s in Elementary Education and is currently teaching 4th grade at the Naval Academy Primary School in Annapolis, Maryland. She has recently taken and passed the Nurse Refresher Course in Maryland and is seeking a nursing position in the near future. She married David and together they have two daughters: Haley, 11 and Mackenzie, 9. ([email protected]) Marybeth Sawyer Romberger, of 514 Constitution Drive, Middletown, PA 17057, was a Pediatric Nurse at Hershey Medical Center for 12 years. She has spent the past 6 years as a school nurse at Mount Calvary Christian School in Elizabethtown, PA. She is working on her School Nurse Certification at Millersville University. She and her husband, Scott (also a 1987 BU graduate) have 4 children. Their oldest Sarah, 16, will be a senior in high school. They also have Adam, 14, Lindsay, 12, and Jenna, 7. Lisa Gally Schock, 1541 Par Causeway, Allentown, PA 18106, is a Critical Care Clinical Educator in ICU/CTICU at Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA. She is married to Ron (a 2006 graduate) and has two children: Andrew, 17 and Kaitlyn, 14. They also have a Golden Retriever named Trixie. ([email protected]) Pamela Clouser Spigelmyer, of 275 Belltown Road, McClure, PA 17841, received her Certification in School Nursing from Millersville University in 2003 and her Master‘s from a Clinical Nurse Specialist track from Penn State University in 2006. She was awarded with the National Certification as Clinical Nurse Specialist Award in 2007. Pamela is currently enrolled in the PhD program at Penn State University. Currently she is teaching part-time at Pennsylvania College of Technology and Penn State University. ([email protected]) Valerie Stella-Bahner, of 2563 Ogden Avenue, Bensalem, PA 19020, was appointed as a committee member to a newly established Bensalem Township Veterans Affair Advisory Board. She is a Clinical Associate at University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and is a CRNP at Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She is married with two children: Chris (14) and Alexis (5). ([email protected]) Sharon Garger Strohler, of 7098 Limerick Square, Bethlehem, PA 18017, is a Certified School Nurse in the Northampton Area School District in Northampton Pennsylvania. She has two boys ages 15 and 10. Fall 2007 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG PAGE 9 Ann M. Clements, of 4217 Pine Mountain Road, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, is a Resource Clinician/RN at Susquehanna Health – RAC Intensive Care Unit. ([email protected]) Nicole Gerdes Joshi, of 222 Perkins Extended, Memphis, TN 38117, received a Masters degree from University of Pennsylvania in 1996. She has held some interesting jobs as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Currently she is working with the Anesthesia Department at LeBonheur Children‘s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. She married Vijay in 1996 and has 2 daughters: Jenna (7) and Jessica (5). ([email protected]) Beverly Nemchick Krieger, of P.O. Box 522/602 Avenue F, Riverside, PA 17868, is a Nursing Education Coordinator at Central Susquehanna LPN Career Center. ([email protected]) Cheri Withrow Lamont, of 100 East Mill Street, Selinsgrove, PA 17870, is working as an RN at ―The Surgery Center of Central PA‖ part-time. She is married to Bob and has two boys, ages 10 and 12. ([email protected]). Pamela Pollick Mausteller, of 59 Ruckle Hill Road, Berwick, PA 18603, is a manager in the Short Procedure Unit at Bloomsburg Hospital. ([email protected]) Tina Domday Potestio, of 98 West Main Street, Hazleton, PA 18201, has worked in Med-Surg for 10 years and 5 years in the CARF certified Rehab Unit. She has been married 11 years and has two sons: David (8) and Christian (5). ([email protected]) Rae Audine Snyder, of 1153 Kratzer Road, Middleburg, PA 17842, is working for Sun Home Health Services, INC in the information and referral office. She is married to Thomas and has two children, Christopher and Stephany. She also has one grandchild, Jacob. Tammy Rudy Springman, of 3 Pagoda Court, Enola, PA 17025, is working in the operating room at Pinnacle Health Systems. She celebrated her 10 year wedding anniversary and has two children ages 7 and 5. ([email protected]) Laura Cebrosky Thomas, of P.O. Box 67, Bowmanstown, PA 18030, is working Per Diem in OB/PEDS at Blue Mountain Health System. She is married to Dan and has two daughters: Bethany (7) and Karyn (4). ([email protected]) Sandra Crawford Wallingford, of 305 Whitney Place NE, Leesburg, VA 20176, is currently not employed. She is at a crossroads in her career, researching different avenues of nursing and/or other career options. She was married in 1999 and she and Steve have 5 grandchildren. ([email protected]) Debra Wantz Bucher, 821 East Third Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, is a CCNS and CCRc. She is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Heart Failure Clinic, Department of Cardiology at Geisinger Medical Center. She will be enrolled at Thomas Jefferson University in Fall 2007 for Doctorate in Nursing Practice. She is married to Dennis. ([email protected]) Judith A. Dobson, of 172 Frosty Valley Road, Danville, PA 17821, is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse. She is a speaker for an education company out of Wisconsin (PESI) since 2004. She and her husband have been to over 75 U.S. cities including Hawaii and this November will visit London and Scotland. She speaks on end of life issues and palliative care for non-cancer diseases. ―Retirement‖ has been exciting and she enjoys being self-employed. She also does preparation courses for PA Nurses to get certified in hospice and palliative care. She has 8 grandchildren ages 3 to 9. Hank and she went on a mission trip to Honduras in August 2007. ([email protected]) Jill Shuminski Donovan, of 115 Ilaina Drive, Moosic, PA 18507, is a professional sales specialist II with Lifescan, a Johnson and Johnson Company. She has two children: Caroline (3) and Colin (9 months) ([email protected]) PAGE 10 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E N NS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS FA L L 2 0 0 7 Suzanne Cardie Durso, of 111 Redford Road, Oreland, PA 19075, received her MSN in Family Nurse Practitioner from LaSalle University in 2003. She currently works as a FNP in East Falls in Philadelphia. She works in a nurse-managed center; it is a FQHC, federally qualified health center, run by Nurse Practitioners. She married Rich in May 2005. ([email protected] Jessica Hall Ewer, of 1 James Street, Stanhope, NJ 07874, is a certified School Nurse at West Morris Regional High School District in New Jersey. She received her School Nurse Certification in December 2005 from Seton Hall University. She has three children: Paige (7.5), Brooke (5), and Shea (6 months). Judy Reick Falcone, of 510 Maple Hill Road, Havertown, PA 19083, is a clinical educator for Telemetry Units. ([email protected]) Angela Gerolamo-Huberman, of 2429 Locust Street Apt 522, Philadelphia, PA 19103, received her PhD in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. She accepted a position (Health Researcher) at Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. in Princeton, New Jersey. She is the first nurse to be hired at the organization. She also has an appointment as a Research Associate at the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research, at the University of Pennsylvania. She married her husband Brett in August 19, 2006. ([email protected]) Matt Hackenberg, of 764 Whitetail Lane, Winfield, PA 17889, received his informatics certificate from Eastern University in July 2006. He is currently employed as a clinical strategist with Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, Missouri. ([email protected]) Jonna Hockenbrough-Patrick, of 18 Edgewood Drive, Danville, PA 17821, graduated from the University of Scranton in 2001 with at Master of Science in nursing degree with a specialty in Nurse Anesthesia. She is employed by Geisinger Medical Center in Danville as a CRNA. She is the Clinical Coordinator for the University of Scranton‘s Anesthesia Program and its affiliation with Geisinger Medical Center. She married Ryan in 2002 and has two children: Marleigh (3) and Madden (2). ([email protected]) Lara Peterson Leciano, of 5033 Coldsprings Drive, Collegeville, PA 19426, is currently a clinical project leader at Sanofi-Aventis in Malvern, Pennsylvania. She has a daughter named Ella Nicole Leciano born on 11/19/05. Matthew Livengood, of 15 Wyndmere Way, Willow Street, PA 17584, received his MSN, CRNP from Widener University in 2001. He is a nurse practioner for Lancaster Radiology Associates. He is married to Christie and has two children: Mitchell (3) and Lauren (1). Jennifer Shertzer Lowthert, of 6754 Washington Street, New Tripoli, PA 18066, works at St. Luke‘s Hospital in Bethlehem Pennsylvania on the surgical oncology unit. She‘s a part of the weekend program so she stays home all week with her three children. She married Jim in 1998 and together they have three children: Jordan (7.5), Jenna (5), and Jalen (2). ([email protected]) Angela Barton Markus, of 3 Trolley Street, Cumbola, PA 17930, works part-time at Comprehensive Women‘s Health Services (an OB-GYN office). She is part of a group of RN‘s doing phone triage and patient care. She has been there since July 2000. She does part time work now until the kids are bigger. She married Tom in 2002 and has two children: Olivia (4) and Thomas (2). They are currently in the process of building a new home. ([email protected]) Lauren McCardle Pearson, of 1111 Garfield Avenue, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, received her MSN and Nurse Practitioner certificat8ion in Psych/Mental Health from MCP Hahmomann in May 2002. She is licensed in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She is working as a Psych NP in Southern New Jersey. She married Joseph in May 2007 and had a huge wedding in New Jersey. ([email protected]) Keri Ann Torphy Perri, of 3302 Sharon Lane, East Norriton, PA 19403, is currently caring for her three children during the week during the day. She is working two nursing jobs per diem: weekends at Belmont Center in Philadelphia and some week nights at CMMC in Lansdale. She is working minimal hours now because of a very ill child. She married Steven in 2000 and has three children: Stevie (6), Katie (3) and Joey (almost a year). Joey has been diagnosed with a rare disorder with no cure called leukodyatrophy. He is cortically vision impaired, solely fed with a feeding tube and is developmentally equivalent to a one month old. ([email protected]) Rebecca Kronen Badman, of 411 Thrush Drive, Gilbertsville, PA 19525, works at Central Montgomery Medical Center in the maternity unit. She works in the labor and delivery, and post partum floors. She got married in May 2004. ([email protected]) Amber Cochran Bond, of 1015 Stony Brook Way, North Brunswick, NJ 08902, is currently working as a staff nurse on a 24 bed General Pediatric Unit at the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children‘s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. She also works part-time for a Pediatric Homecare company. She is currently enrolled at Monmouth University in Long Branch, New Jersey to obtain her school nurse certification. She is a member of the National School of Nurses Association and the New Jersey State School Nurses Association. She married Michael in September 2004 and had their first child, a girl in mid-august. FA LL 2 0 0 7 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y L V A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS PAGE 11 Sarah Bumbarger Evans, of 432 Wrigley Street, Clearfield, PA 16830, is currently working at DuBois Regional Medical Center as an RN in the CVICU. It is a smaller hospital with a 12 bed unit. She is involved with the preceptor program which introduces and trains new staff. She also teaches refresher courses to RN‘s throughout the hospital R/T chest tubes, respiratory diseases/ surgeries, pacemakers, etc. She enjoys teaching very much. She married Eric in August 2005. ([email protected]) Lisa Lepone Forsythe, of 543 North Hills Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038, has been an RN at The Children‘s Hospital of Philadelphia for 5 years on a Surgical Trauma Floor. She married Jason in 2005 and they have a daughter, Ava, born February 18, 2007. ([email protected]) Jamie Hillman, of 3551 Edwards Road, #5, Cincinnati, OH 45208, is a Nurse Educator at Cincinnati Children‘s – Hem/Onc + BMT unit. Her main responsibility is to maintain the RN Residency program for new RN graduates. She is working on a MSN/ Med at Xavier University and hopes to finish in the Spring of 2010. She plans to work toward a PhD in Nursing after completing her master‘s program. She is a member of the APON Chemo/Biotherapy Certified. She was recently accepted to present at the fall annual APON conference. She is buying her first home and plans to stay in Cincinnati. ([email protected]) Amy Lichtenwalner Hinely, of 341 Overstreet Avenue, Longwood, FL 32750, works at Orlando Regional Healthcare System – Winnie Palmer Hospital Mother Baby Nurse (pool position). She has three children: Lydia (4), Noah (2), and Micah (10 months). ([email protected]) Tim Kakhramanov, of 2203 Lonoff Road, Harristown, PA 17110, has worked in the acute hemodialysis unit for Pinnacle Health Hospitals. Kimberly Miller Lacktorin, of 5447 Blackcloud Loop, Colorado Springs, CO 80922, served 4 years in the United States Air Force working at the Air Force Academy Hospital. She married Capt. Shad Lacktorin in September 16, 2006. ([email protected]) Colleen McClintick, of 2290 Parkway West, Harrisburg, PA 17112, is currently working at Hershey Medical Center in Hershey Pennsylvania in the Heart and Vascular ICU as a staff nurse. She is also working on her master‘s degree in Emergency/Critical care Nursing at Widener University and will graduate in May 2008. ([email protected]) Erica Morgan, 562 Acorn Street, Philadelphia, PA, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania for Women‘s Health Nurse Practitioner in 2006. She is currently working at UPENN inpatient for Gynecology, post partum and ante partum services as a CRNP. She also works as a staff RN for the labor floor and perinatal evaluation center. She got married May 18, 2007. Jaime Swymer O’Donnell, 1 Adams Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335, works in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at The Children‘s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is a clinical level 3 staff nurse, and is also part of the Primary Nurse Committee. She regularly serves as charge nurse (for 45 pts!) as well as a clinical resource nurse for new graduates. She is certified as a pediatric CCRN. She married Christopher in April 2004 and they have a daughter, Reese, born September 2, 2006. ([email protected]) Christi Burd Portzline, of PO Box 364, Port Royal, PA 17082, is currently working in the ICCU at Lewistown Hospital on relief status. She married David in 2002 and they have three sons: Anson (3), Avery (18 months) and Anderson (4 months). ([email protected]) Greta Keller Rosler, of 148 West 11th Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, is an RN in the pre-operative setting for Geisinger. She began her coursework towards her MSN/CRNP but that is currently on hold because she was expecting a child. She married Shawn in 2003 and just had a baby boy. ([email protected]) Pamela Yuskalis Yancoskie, of 1765 Airport Road, Elysburg, PA 17824, works in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit at Hershey Medical Center. She is applying for anesthesia school. She married Robert and has two children: Michael (3) and Joseph (11 months). ([email protected]) PAGE 12 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E NNS Y L V A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS Bacher, Mary Berd, Anna Cavanaugh, Stephanie Chaudrue, Megan Chmura, Christopher Christman, Nicole Clymer, Terrah (Dec) Cook, Katie (Dec) Cosmello, Dominick Demmien, Danielle Ditty, Sarah Downs, Megan Dunlap, Ember (Dec) Ebright, Ashley Ferentz, Kathleen Foresman, Alecia Garman, Abigail Gilbert, Candise (Dec) Gilson, Tarah Guillama, Lisa Haas, Rebecca Hampton, Drew Hinchliffe, Erica Hoffman, Amy Homer, Sarah Hyde, Cynthia, RN Jakubowski, Julie Jones, Julie (Dec) Kalogerakis, Bridget Kelly, Jacquelyn Kohl, Abbey Lambert, Danielle FA LL 2 0 0 7 Latorre, Karah Laumann, Kelly Levengood, Candace Lewis, Jamilla Lisella, Krysten Malukas, Jennifer (Dec) Miller, Jacqueline Oden, Robin, RN Pickett, Megan Reavey, Maria Reiser, Janine (Dec) Shenk, Stephanie Stacharowski, Stephanie Ulmer, Jessica Whitehead, Christine Dr. Noreen Chikotas and graduate students attended the Advanced Nursing Practice Lobby Day in Harrisburg Joanne Zimmernan Rogers with classmates as she received the Florence Nigthengale Award— Front row: Debra Wantz ‗81/‘97M, Jennifer Beck Reese ‗83, and Donna Albrecht Reese ‗83. Back row: Susan Bennett Fetterman ‗00/‘04M, Dawn Reed Snyder ‗79/‘93, Joanne Zimmerman Rogers ‗83/‘95M, Jessica Kozloff—BU President, Christine Alichnie, BU Chair - FA LL 2 0 0 7 A NE WS LE T T E R FO R G R A D U A T E S O F B LO O MS B U R G U NI V E R S I T Y O F P E N NS Y LV A NI A NU R S I NG P R O G R A MS PAGE 13 LOOKING AHEAD TO THE NEXT ISSUE! We’re on the web http://departments.bloomu.edu/nursing Department of Nursing 3109 McCormick Building Bloomsburg University 400 East Second Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 In the next issue of the newsletter, we would like to feature alumni who are practicing in several specialties and each newsletter we'll feature others. Please consider emailing a story about your practice experiences ([email protected]) or writing one to send (anytime) if you practice as a Nurse Anesthetist, School Nurse, Nurse Midwife, or Nursing Faculty. We will also have a practice section for all other stories that we receive, so please send those too! The richness and diversity of the experiences of our alumni is amazing and we‘ll enjoy reading about them!