A BAftNfS HWpwt
A BAftNfS HWpwt
H O S P I T A L Employees Vol. I, No.4 R E C O R D Edition Published by Personnel Dept. of Barnes Hospital FOOD FOR THOUGHT Has it ever occurred to you to wonder about the source of your daily food? The Dietary Department of Barnes Ho s pital serves a total of approximately 5,000 meals a day. The amazing part of this i s that-all of this food is prepared in our central main kitchen. The main kitchen serves all of the patients in Matern ity, McMillan, and Barnes Hospitals, as well as personnel in the Barnes Cafeteria,. the McMillan Lunch Counter, and the Barnes Soda Fountain. jIMie Washington Univers ity Clinics Lunch Counter, under other management, serves all of its raw and cooked foods from Barnes Main Kitchen. Food service to the patierts is by the indirect manner o f all food going to the floors in electrically heated food carts where it is served to the patients. The Barnes Hospital Cafe teria, which is operated for all personnel including doctors, interns, nurses, laboratory technicians, occupational therapists, social service wor kerSj dietitians, Washington University students of the Medical and Dental Schools, office employees, and other hospital personnel, is operated on a non-profit basis„ Naturally, such a set-up requires a staff of supervisors to coordinate operations. It also presupposes inter-depart mental cooperation. For example, the actual patient A BAftNfS HWpwt- / fFEM f um ms um food service is carried out by the nursing department employees. Therefore, it is essential that the pantry maids and the nurse attendants work together at all times. This is only a bird^s eye view of our department but it does offer Food for Thought. Marian Sizelove PERSONALS MARJORIE TACKSON, DOROTHY RUFFIN, and HELEN DUNCAN, Attendants, were hostesses to the Lincoln High School football team after their game at Sportsman Park, Thanksgiving Day. MAGDELINE WALKER, Attendant,, celebrated her fifth wedding anniversary on Nov.21. MAE ELLEN WATERS, Attendant, is back after a week5s illness. PAT FORSYTH, Floor Secretary, missed Thanksgiving turkey, due to a brief illness LOU STONE, Floor Secretary, also had a short sick leave. Santa Claus has invaded the Drug Store with a vast array of gifts and toys. Christmas shopping can be easy in the Drug Store. December 6, 1947 DOROTHY DIXONl-eports that many contributions have been made in answer to t h e appeal in the StarTTimes fo r blood for SANDRA THOMAS in Children's Hospital. She says it has been a big help in building up the Blood Bank. MEL GLIDDEN, Admitting, went to Des Moines to visit her brother over the holidays. We are sorry to report two deaths. On Nov. 27, GLEN MOSER. Barber, died suddenly. Last week ANNA LANGLEY, Solution Room, died'as a result of an automobile accident. The Accounting Office suffered some slight illnesses recently. LJDA KERR, MAE MARTIN, and FRED MENENDEZ were among the victims. MARY McMANMIE, McM Cashier, has chosen Dec. 20 as the date of her marriage to Herbert Walker. We advise all to b e h o 1 d FLORENCE CHERIKOS', Credit, new lavendar hat, which has caused much admiration. FRED MENENDEZ, Accounting, is organizing a party among the department at the American Legion Hall, Dec 13, which promises to be a successful preholiday event. EDITH SIMPKINS and BOBBIE WARD, Dietitians, were feted with a goingaway party, Nov. 25, which was a dinner for the dietitians at LOIS PEARSON'S apartment. 1 KATHLEEN KIENSTRA has DOROTHY GREINER, Asst. Mary Etta Ewing taken ELLIE SHERIDAN'S Head Nurse, is a patient in the Bernice Haeuber place as Private Surgical Diet- JHospital, Wardell Tones itian. She took her training at Alice Stephens Cincinnati General Hospital. William Bunselmeier Miss BETTE WALSH gave-a So it seems that we have had talk entitled 'Breakfast, the our share of illness this month. Ethel Redmond Orphan Meal', over WIL Dec. 1 Let's hope that December will Elizabeth T. Garrett EVELYN GLASSCOCK was bring good health, good cheer, promoted to Asst. Head Nurse and good feeling. Joseph Barkey Dec. 1. PHYLLIS MURPHY. Hilda Leible Head Nurse, left for a month's . Oras Dotson leave of absence to be married,, RALPHENE GERDING gave a Alva F. Pingel to F„ L. Heggi. talk to the St. Louis Dental PATRICIA HUNT, Nurse, Assistants Association at the Meta Lowry left Dec. 1 to be married, and , Jefferson Hotel on December 2nd Augusta Sommerkamp MARJORIE WILLIAMS; Hmasd, on 'The Role of Dietitians in the Re'len Bruno Nurse, is also leaving to be mai Hospital Today'. married. LaVera Franklin MARGARET WEBER, Nurse, The St. Louis Dietary Interns Catherine Schmidt is attending a two month course under chairmanship of Carol in Premature Care at Margaret Stegall presented a series of Henrietta Becker Hague Maternity Hospital in radio programs for members of Marion Purdum New Tersey. She was sent on a the St. Louis Dietetics Associa- Willie Mae Payton scholarship given by the Child- tion^ the December meeting in Margaret David ren?s Bureau through the Mis- the W. U. Nurses' Home. Vivian Goodall souri State Department of Health Lucile Young The Maintenance Department The Barnes Interns presented reports fantastic equipment beiiij the 'Happy Homemakers Hour' «George Eyerkuss taken to Dr.'ELAM s new labor-jHighlight of the program was LaNell Rausch atory on second floor. Mary K. Smith's original piano Luvada Tohnson WILLIAM BEHRENDT, Main rendition of 'Romance of Kate tenance, is a patient in Barnes. ind Pete*. Edna Dependahl CHELSYNE LAWRENCE, forWalter Simpson HAPPY BIRTHDAY! mer Maternity Nurse, had her VIozella Haynes December second baby girl in Maternity last week. She was employed Lois Thorson 1 David Voorhees here until last July. Virginia Stites 1 Nellie Williams DR. JOHN CRITES, Intern, is Lillie M. Mayes the father of a baby ggjrl born on Susana Tohnson 2 Aubrey Kennedy November 28th at 10:35 p.m. 2 Geraldine Myres iattie M. Overton Three Maternity Head Nursing Annie York 2 Frances S. Conner appointments have been made - Elizabeth Doenges 2 Elizabeth Tagge CAROLYN LARSON, MARY Dorothy Mounger 2 EVITTS, and MARY BRUNS; Bertha Walker 2 Vera Miessner TUDY NEIDLINGER, Mat. Floa• Oorothy Bell Secretary, is away on sick leave Rebecca Armstrong 3 MARGARET DAVES, McM0 Donnie M. Epp 3 Ethel Selby Information Desk, has returned Betty T, Lane 3 essie Wither spoon after being away on sick leave. Jonnie Tones 3 Florence Hagens MARGARET GLASH, McM. 3 Gladys Clay lildegarde Williams Doctors' Office, was also ill a few days. Dorothy Devendorf Thelma Muskopf 4 4 4 4 4 -5 -5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 -9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15