Nov 2015 SDA Club Newsletter
Nov 2015 SDA Club Newsletter
tm THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SAN DIEGO ANGLERS PUBLISHED MONTHLY VOLUME XXVI NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2015 The San Diego Anglers Are Proud to Present FISHING & TACKLE SWAP MEET tm Nov 4th SDA Swap Meet Wednesday, November 4th Portuguese Hall 2818 Avenida de Portugal, San Diego, CA Doors open at 6:00pm Portuguese Hall Nov 7th Tackle Day Fisherman’s Landing Nov 14th Inter-club Tourney San Diego Bay Nov 15th Big Brothers Seaforth Boat Rentals Coronado MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME It’s that time of the year to renew your membership for 2016. All memberships expire on December 31, 2015 and must be renewed by the February 3, 2016 club meeting in order to maintain your membership in good standing. Also, don’t forget if you renew your membership during the months of November and December, you will automatically be entered into the drawing for TWO FREE TICKETS to the San Diego Anglers Annual Awards Banquet in April 2016. Lets make this club a greater success in 2016. Bring a friend to the December 2nd club meeting. Your friend will be glad you did, and just maybe he will join the San Diego Anglers. 2015 Bay Bass Tourney and Inter-Club Tournament WHEN: 6:00am to 3:00 pm Sunday, November 14, 2015 WHERE: San Diego Bay WHAT: Sand Bass, Spotted Bay Bass and Halibut AWARDS: Heaviest (2) fish sack of (1) Sand Bass and (1) Spotted Bay Bass. Adults: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Juniors 1st, 2nd & 3rd Top Skipper Award Point RULES: On entry forms. COST: Adults $15, Juniors $5 JACK POT: Largest Halibut ENTRY FORMS: Newsletter and Swap Meet QUESTIONS: Contact Alan Branch (619)994-5051 or [email protected] Weigh-in at SHELTER ISLAND GRASS AREA From 2:00-3:00 PM Big Brothers/Big Sister Day on the Bay Call for Volunteers We are still looking for a few club members that have boats that can volunteer their time on Sunday, November 15th. We still are short about 5 boats to take some kids and their adult sponsor for a morning of fishing in San Diego Bay. We all meet up with our boats at Seaforth Boat Rentals at Coronado about 7am. Then its off for some fishing until noon then back to Seaforth Boat Rentals for lunch. See Al Stasukevich for more info. Contact him at 619.701.6745 or email him at [email protected]. 2015 Angler of the Year Standings MEN Thomas Aranda Harry Okuda Dennis Burlason Ted Pheonix Adam Larson # of fish 7 7 4 4 6 Points 917.85 814.39 596.45 565.98 498.23 WOMEN Millie Velez Nancy Ortiz 7 2 722.53 248.32 JUNIORS Gavin Terpening Zack Henderson Chris Brooker Justin Larson 5 5 5 5 606.90 556.23 389.63 360.75 Adults need 7 species and juniors need 5 species to qualify for the AOTY award. Board Members Wanted Want to be part of a dynamic group doing important work to support recreational fishing in San Diego? Then consider running for the board of The San Diego Anglers. We are seeking committed and energetic board members for the 2016/17 year starting in March 2016. The San Diego Anglers is the largest and most recognized family fishing club in San Diego with close to 400 members. The board is responsible for planning membership activities, charitable activities, and to manage the financial resources of the organization in a responsible manner. If you are interested in running, you must be a member in good standing, with at least one year as an active member. Please submit your intent to run and tell us why you should serve on the board and to Louis Almeida, Jr. WE NEED YOUR HELP - BAN DRIFT GILLNETS Drift gillnets are approximately 1-mile long nets used by commercial fishermen to target swordfish and thresher sharks, but instead catch nearly 60 different species of marine life, including tunas, marlins and other fishes. The use of these nets harm recreational fishing, depleting the ocean of fishing opportunities that support local outdoor tourism and jobs. The Pacific Fisheries Management Council will be debating the use of drift gillnets at their November 15 meeting. Have your voice heard! Sign the petition today! To sign the petition, visit the website CCA CALIFORNIA Executive Director Wayne Kotow and CCA San Diego Chapter President Steve Pazol are busy getting new members for the San Diego Chapter of CCA California. But they need our help. They only way we are going to succeed in California is to have a strong and powerful voice in Sacramento, and we can’t do that without your financial support. So please join the CCA San Diego Chapter, standard membership is only $30 per year, and Wayne has worked out a special program for those wanting a life membership. You can now split your life membership fee of $1,000 in four quarterly installments. So please see Louis Almeida or David Chavez for a membership application. TAILHUNTER INTERNATIONAL TRIP—LA PAZ Well it look like we have enough club members interested in a trip to Tailhunter International in La Paz Baja California. We have limited this trip to 16 anglers with club members getting first preference for reservations. Right now we are looking at either a June or July 2016 trip, four night, five day trip. We would fly in on a Thursday, fish on Friday and Saturday, with an awards banquet/dinner Saturday night at the famous Tailhunter Restaurant. Sunday would be an off day with a chance to explore La Paz, and Monday morning is departure day. By the time June 2016 arrives, the pedestrian bridge to the Tijuana Airport should be done, making it very easy to fly Volaris Airlines at an affordable group rate. We need to place a deposit by December 15, 2015. If you would like to go, please email Louis Almeida at [email protected]. Pricing is not finalized as it depends on the number of persons going. A typical rate is about $1,000 per person plus airfare, but I can’t get accurate pricing until I get a good count on the number of persons interested. WINTER CHARTER TO COLONET Is anyone interest in a January or February Commander Sportfishing charter to Colonet for some bottom fishing and maybe get into some of the Northern Mexico Yellowtail? If so, please contact Louis Almeida at [email protected]. I am just trying to see if we can get about 12 to 15 anglers for a 1.5 day trip. I am working on pricing as I write this article, but need to know if we have enough interest to make this happen. EL NINO Summer 2015 What a summer we have had fishing exotics off the coast of California. The Mexican government sure picked a bad time to start enforcing the FMM (Visa) process to fish in Mexican waters. They surely lost a substantial amount of money with the majority of Sportfishing fleet staying in U.S. waters. Maybe that is why I hear that the Mexican government is strongly looking into a yearly FMM (Visa). Lets hope so. But for now, here are some memorable catches from the El Nino Summer of 2015. Doug Kern Ed Howerton Nancy Ortiz Rodney Thompson Troy & Gavin Terpening Rick Maxa Tackle Day at Fisherman's Landing—Saturday, November 7th HUGE BLOW OUT SALES EVENT! EVENT DETAILS: Fisherman's Landing in conjunction with Let’s Talk Hook-up, Western Outdoor News, BD Outdoors, and several prominent fishing tackle manufactures, will host Tackle Day at Fisherman's Landing. This event will feature seminars throughout the day given by some of Southern California's premier saltwater fishing experts, including captains from local and long range sportfishing vessels. Many saltwater tackle manufacturers will be on hand to display their newest saltwater fishing gear and answer questions. West Coast Marine will have a new Parker boat on display. Fisherman's Landing Tackle Shop will offer UNBELIEVABLE BLOWOUT PRICING on tons of saltwater fishing items, for local and long range fishermen, as well as holiday shoppers. Additionally, dozens of quality prizes will be up for grabs in a huge raffle. The raffle will in part benefit Friends of Rollo. Let’s Talk Hook-up will kick off the event with a live broadcast on AM 1090 from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. TIME: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm PLACE: Fisherman's Landing, 2838 Garrison St., San Diego, Ca 92106 For information, please call Fisherman's Landing Tackle Shop at 619-221-8506 or on the Fisherman’s Landing Facebook page. 2015 San Diego Anglers Board & Committee Members Club President: Louis Almeida Jr. (760) 585-6357 [email protected] Vice President: David Chavez (619) 341-5504 [email protected] Treasurer: Earl Asbury (760) 497-0219 [email protected] Secretary: Dave Hanes (858) 272-5390 [email protected] Membership: Earl Asbury David Chavez (760) 497-0219 (619)-341-5504 [email protected] [email protected] Tournaments: Alan Branch (619)-994-5051 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Al Stasukevich (619)-701-6745 [email protected] Public Affairs: Dwayne Patenaude (619) 972-1503 [email protected] Weigh Master: Mike Sur (858) 735-3342 [email protected] Social/Charity Events: Debbie Patenaude (619) 987-2037 [email protected] Raffle: Charlie Fouquette (619) 921-1455 [email protected] Web Site: Earl Asbury (760) 497-0219 [email protected] (619)-981-1372 [email protected] Warriors on the Water Fred Dunham Clothing: Bobby Rollins [email protected] 2015 WEIGHMASTER’S REPORT Mike Sur, Weigh Master The San Diego Anglers wish to recognize club members who have managed to convert luck and skill into notable angling achievements. Anglers will be acknowledged and awarded for these catches at monthly membership meetings. Weight receipts received prior to t he 10th of each month will be published in the monthly newsletter and awards presented at the next monthly meeting. PROCEDURE TO APPLY FOR AWARDS: Submit all weight receipts within 30 days of catch. 1. Weigh your catch, any scale known to be accurate may be used. 2. Complete a San Diego Anglers weight receipt, enclose a photograph if possible. 3. Submit all weight receipts to: Mike Sur (858)-748-5560 [email protected] LARGEST FISH AWARDS: will be awar ded at the annual banquet. FIRST FISH AWARD (local catches— within 125 miles of Point Loma) FIRST ALBACORE (local) SPECIES Albacore Barracuda (Pacific) * Bass (Barred Sand) * Bass (Calico) * Bass (Calico) ** Bass (Spotted Bay) * Bonito (Pacific) * Corbina * Dolphinfish (Dorado) * Dolphinfish (Dorado) ** Halibut (California)* Halibut (Pacific) ** Ling Cod * Ling Cod ** Marin (Striped) * Marin (Striped) ** Marlin (Blue) Marlin (Black) Rock Fish * Rock Fish ** Sailfish (Pacific) Shark (Other) * + Shark (Other) ** + Shark (Mako) + Shark (Thresher) + Tuna (Big Eye-Pacific) Tuna (Blue Fin) * Tuna (Blue Fin) ** Tuna (Yellow Fin) * Tuna (Yellow Fin) ** Whaoo** Wahoo * White Sea Bass * White Sea Bass ** Yellowtail (California) * Yellowtail (California) ** * local caught fish FIRST TUNA (local) FIRST MARLIN (local) Harry Okuda 26.2 lbs. BFT 1/29/15 Millie Velez released 8/25/2015 MEN Harry Okuda 8.8 lbs Ray Broadfoot 5.4 lbs WOMEN Millie Velez 3.2 lbs JUNIOR Gavin Terpening 8.5 Justin Larson 1.9 lbs Bill Hokstad 8.7 lbs Gavin Terpening 5.2 lbs Dennis Burlason 2.4 lbs Harry Okuda 15.3 lbs Millie Velez 4.6 lbs Zack Henderson 1.8 lbs Zack Henderson 4.8 lbs Tim Macauley 32.0 Millie Velez 18.0 lbs Zack Henderson 22.2 lbs Thomas Aranda 48.0 lbs Nancy Ortiz 20.2 lbs Gavin Terpening 11.5 lbs Ted Phoenix 17.9 lbs Millie Velez 14.1 lbs Justin Larson 3.7 lbs Ted Phoenix 7.8 lbs Millie Velez 9.8 lbs Zack Henderson 5.7 lbs Thomas Aranda 41.3 lbs Millie Velez 43.2 lbs. Zack Henderson 38.8 lbs Dennis Burlason 48.4 lbs Millie Velez 27.1 lbs Gavin Terpening 28.0 lbs Mike Sur 6.9 lbs Dob Rolstad 127.6 lbs Don Rolstad 40.2 lbs Rodney Thompson 65.7lbs Millie Velez 35.8 lbs Thomas Aranda 38.4 lbs Nancy Ortiz 25.4 lbs ** fish caught beyond 125 miles from Point Loma Gavin Terpening 30.0 lbs + 70lbs (gilled & guttted) Award Winning Catches for 2015 BASS 5 lbs and over: BASS 10 lbs and over: MARLIN under 200 lbs: Ray Broadfoot 5.4 lbs, Bill Hokstad 8.7 & 8.5 lbs, Dennis Burlason 7.8 and 7.6 lbs, Gavin Terpening 5.2lbs. MARLIN 200 lbs and over: MARLIN on 20 lb test or less: YELLOWTAIL over 25 lbs: Thomas Aranda 38.4 lbs, J im J ohnson 25.0 lbs, Dennis Burlason 28.3 lbs, Ed howerton 28.4 lbs, Ted Phoenix 32.4 lbs, (Jr.) Zack Henderson 27.1 lbs, (Jr.) Gavin Terpening 30.0 lbs YELLOWTAIL over 40 lbs: YELLOWTAIL 8 lb test or less: TUNA 30 lbs and over: Don Rolstad 81.6, 59.0 lbs, Mike Sur 40.7 lbs, (Jr.) Zack Henderson 38.8 lbs Thomas Aranda 41.3 lbs, Dean Lewis 32.6 lbs, Ted Phoenix 34.9 lbs, Millie Velez 43.2 lbs, Dennis Burlason 48.4 lbs, TUNA 100 lbs and over: Don Rolstad 127.6, 122.2 & 112.8 lbs TUNA 200 lbs and over: ALBACORE over 25 lbs: ALBACORE over 40 lbs: ALBACORE on 12 lb test or less: LIGHT LINE FISH 3 to 1: 5 to 1: 10 to 1 RELEASED BILLFISH: Harry Walker, Millie Velez, Tim Gunter, Tony Souza, Jon Epsten HOMER JOHNSON AWARD: Millie Velez has 48.7 tuna points and 135 points for a released Marlin 2015/16 CALENDAR NOVEMBER 2015 4 Wed SDA Annual Swap Meet (Portuguese Hall) 7 Sat Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Day (Fisherman’s Landing) Sat SDA Inter-Club Tournament 14 (San Diego Bay) 15 Sun Big Brothers/Big Sisters (Seaforth Boat Rentals Coronado Island) DECEMBER 2015 Wed SDA Club Meeting 2 (Bahia Hotel & Resort) TBA Sat SDA Lobster Tournament JANUARY 2016 6 Wed 16 23 Sat Sat FEBRUARY 2016 3 Wed TBA Sat MARCH 2016 2 Wed TBA Sat APRIL 2016 Wed 6 9 Sat TBA Sat MAY 2016 4 Wed TBA Sat TBA Fri SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) OBB Seminar (Dana Landing) Open Bay Bass Tournament (Shelter Island) JUNE 2016 1 Wed 3-5 Fri-Sun TBA Sat TBA Fri TBA Sun TBA Fri JULY 2016 6 Wed TBA Sat TBA Fri TBA Wed AUGUST 2016 3 Wed SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA TBA Sat TBA Fri SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA TBA Wed SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Awards Banquet (Carlton Oaks Santee) SDA Tournament TBA SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA SDA Twilight Charter #1 TBA TBA SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Campout (Lake Morena) SDA Tournament TBA SDA Twilight Charter #2 (New Seaforth Sportfishing) SDA 3/4 Charter #1 (San Diego Sportfishing) WOW Fishing Charter SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA SDA Twilight Charter #3 (New Seaforth Sportfishing) SDA 3/4 Day Charter #2 SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA SDA Twilight Charter #4 (New Seaforth Sportfishing) SDA 2-Day Charter (Success Sportfishing) SDA 3/4 Day Charter #3 SEPTEMBER 2016 7 Wed SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) TBA Sat SDA Tournament TBA TBA Wed SDA 3/4 Day Charter #4 OCTOBER 2016 5 Wed TBA Sat TBA TBA SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) SDA Tournament TBA SDA 10-Day Charter (Vagabond Sportfishing) NOVEMBER 2016 2 Wed SDA Annual Swapmeet (Portuguese Hall) 12 Sat SDA Inter-Club Tournament (San Diego Bay) DECEMBER 2016 7 Wed SDA Club Meeting (Bahia Hotel & Resort) San Diego Anglers NOVEMBER 2015 BAY BASS TOURNAMENT RULES AND ENTRY FORM November 14, 2015 Tournament channel 72 PAGE 1 OF 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The official starting time of the tournament is 6:00am on Saturday, November 14th, 2015. The official ending time of the tournament is 3:00pm on Saturday, November 14th, 2015. Boats may depart prior to the official starting time of the tournament. Boats must depart from and return to San Diego Bay. No tournament fishing is allowed prior to official tournament start time. This is a Club verses Club & inner Club annual tournament . For the interclub competition: the heaviest single fish (1ea) Spotted Bay Bass, (1ea) Sand Bass, and (1ea) Halibut weighed by mem- bers in each club to determine which club wins the interclub trophy. The fishing areas of the tournament shall be limited to San Diego Bay, with a line of demarcation from the end of Zuniga jett y to the tip of Point Loma. No fishing within 100 yards of the bait barge or in MLPA area at the tip of Point Loma. During the tournament fishing can be done from any fishing platform. Bait may be caught, purchased or acquired as available prior to the official tournament starting time. Bait may be kept aboard tournament boats, used or transferred at the discretion of the anglers or skippers throughout the tournament. California Department of Fish & Game regulations will be used for this tournament. IGFA angling rules apply, No exceptions. Angling rules can be found in the San Diego Anglers Yearbook under General Angling Rules. Anglers are responsible for compliance of California and Mexican, fishing and boating laws/regulations. Transferring of anglers and fish from a disabled boat is allowed to comply with rule #8 or to continue to fight a hooked fish. Anglers must report in person with the Tournament Weigh master with their fish ready for weighing no later than the official ending time of the tournament. Species: Sand Bass, & Spotted Bay Bass. ($10.00 Optional jackpot for heaviest Halibut, if no Halibut, heaviest bass will take the jackpot). All fish must be weighed on the Club scale between 2:00pm & 3:00pm at the San Diego Anglers Tournament weigh station located at SHELTER ISLAND LAUNCH RAMP GRASS AREA, NEXT TO THE ART STATUE . Prizes will be awarded in the following Categories: Heaviest (2 fish sack) required of Spotted Bay Bass (1ea) & Sand Bass (1ea). 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place for adults; 1st, 2nd and 3rd for juniors. There will be no ties in any category. When two sacks of bass of the same weight are submitted, the first fish sack weighed is considered the winner. If only one fish is weighed in for a division then 2 Bass Beats one Bass regardless of weight All anglers are responsible to stay aware of current weather/sea conditions. Monitor NOAA weather radio for info. All tournament anglers must complete, sign and submit a Tournament Entry Form prior to wetting a line in this fishing tournament and complete Boat Insurance Info on back of entry form prior to fishing the tournament including the policy’s ending date and time. NO VERBAL ENTRIES INTO TOURNAMENT ACCEPTED. The entry forms must be turned into the locations or persons listed on the back of this form by 4:00pm, Friday November 13th with the Tournament Director or Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Shop. All entrants in the tournament must be current members in good standing or non-members fishing their first introductory tournament as a guest of a San Diego Angler club member. Entry forms can be scanned and emailed to Tournament Director (Dave Hanes) with all pertinent signatures, boat insurance info if applicable, date and time stamp. By signing the application, applicant does assume all risks of injury or property damage, and does agree to hold the San Diego Anglers harmless should any injury, death or property damage occur. Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in the offending angler's disqualification from the tournament and possible termination of club membership. Tournament Angler, Angler of the Year and Skipper points will be awarded for this tournament. THERE WILL BE FOOD AFTER THE TOURNAMENT. ALL ENTRANTS MUST BE MEMBERS OF THE SAN DIEGO ANGLERS IN GOOD STANDING ---------------------------------————————------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOVEMBER 14, 2015 BAY BASS TOURNAMENT ENTRY FORM ENTRY FEE JACKPOT Angler #1_____________________ Man / Woman / Junior Signature______________________$________ $ _____ Angler #2_____________________ Man / Woman / Junior Signature______________________$________ $ _____ Angler #3_____________________ Man / Woman / Junior Signature______________________$________ $ _____ Angler #4_____________________ Man / Woman / Junior Signature______________________$________ $ _____ Angler #5_____________________ Man / Woman / Junior Signature______________________$________ $ _____ Boat Name____________________ Skipper’s telephone number (in case of cancellation) (____)__________________ Total $__________ Date Rec’d_______________ ADULT MEMBERS $15.00, JUNIOR MEMBERS $5.00, $10.00 OPTIONAL JACKPOT, LARGEST SINGLE HALIBUT. Contact: Alan Branch (619) 994-5051. Weigh Master: Mike Sur (858) 735-3342 [email protected] [email protected] NOVEMBER 2015 BAY BASS/INTER-CLUB RULES/ENTRY FORM PAGE 2 OF 2 PROTESTS The Protest Committee will be made up of: A. Alan Branch B. Louis Almeida C. Dwayne Patenaude 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Protest Committee has the right to disqualify any angler who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct. Any protest relative to the weight of a fish or the manner of weighing, must be made before the fish is removed from the scale. The protest must be made to the Tournament Weigh master at that time. Any protest, except weight, must be filed in writing with the protest committee no later than 24 hours after the ending time of the tournament. The protest may be filed with any member of the protest committee. The San Diego Anglers take no responsibility for personal injury or property damage resulting from any misconduct, negligence, and adverse weather conditions or otherwise, of any persons or its members at sponsored events. The San Diego Anglers do not investigate weather or sea conditions, or the possibility of other boating activities when scheduling its events. (See rule #10 on page 1) By signing this application, the applicant does assume all risks of injury or property damage, and does hold the San Diego Anglers harmless should any injury or damage occurs. RECOGNIZED TOURNAMENT APPLICATION DROP OFF POINTS Fisherman’s Landing - Point Loma Lakeside Bait and Tackle – Lakeside The Tournament Director – Alan Branch (Call for mailing Address) OR at a Monthly meeting given to a CURRENT Board Member CERTIFICATION OF FISHING VESSEL LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE I HAVE THE NECESSARY INSURANCE COVERAGE AS NOTED BELOW: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the insurance carrier: ____________________________________________________________________ Names of insured:______________________________________________________________________________ Policy number: ________________________________________________________________________________ Year of boat:__________________________________________________________________________________ Make of the boat:______________________________________________________________________________ "Model" of the boat:____________________________________________________________________________ Last three digits of the boat Identification Number:____________________________________________________ Effective and expiration dates of the liability coverage:_________________________________________________ ________________________________ PRINT NAME ________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________ DATE Catchin’ a Buzz With the Hoven Monix The first edition of the Hoven Argonaut Series, the Monix, is quickly catching the attention of fishing, SUP, and water enthusiasts everywhere. Sure, all fishing shades are polarized, but these come with a built in retainer and a unique feature that makes them easy to take on and off, they split apart right where the lenses come together. However, they won’t just fall off your face or break. There’s a super strong magnet that holds them together until you’re ready to take them off. Plus, a half-dozen lens options are available to suit any light condition outside. Set to enter big retailers like Sports Chalet June 1st. Father’s Day is right around the corner, wouldn’t Dad want something worth fishing for? Louis Almeida, Jr. SDA Club Member (760) 585-6357 [email protected] For Sale: Campo de Lorenzo Close to the 'Old Mill Restaurant Furnished 2 Bed / 2 Bath home Covered patio-front and back yard Attached and enclosed Workshop (except for tools) Tile in all areas except the bedrooms Cleaning table on bay Availability - Now $20K or best offer Club Members don’t forget to like us on Facebook. The club has two Facebook pages. and Our club sponsors are always looking to see how many likes and persons are visiting our Facebook pages, so please make sure to like us. Contact Glenn Gerber 858-248-3318 Need Lead???? Call Charles Schuler for all your lead needs. $1.50 per pound. 760-726-0648