Compressors of the Seas
Compressors of the Seas
Compressors of the Seas Pa! of the proud Norwegian Maritime History TMC’s vision is “To have the most satisfied customers in the business”, and this commitment drives everything we do at all levels of the company. Our belief is that we can reach this goal and maintain our position as the world’s “No. 1 Marine Screw Compressor”. TMC is the only screw compressor manufacturer making equipment strictly for the marine and offshore markets. We understand the challenges of these industries, and have utilized innovative solutions to meet their unique and strict requirements. Our customers benefit from this in many ways, through state-of-the-art technology, improved reliability and reduced costs for both service and energy. Over the last several years we have developed strong relationships with shipyards, shipowners and drilling contractors and these have been of great importance in our constant search for innovative product improvements. The result of this cooperation will enable our customers to become more competitive in the long-term. Our new line of Smart Air® compressors capitalizes on variable speed technology, allowing for up to 50% energy saving as well as reduced emissions (NOX, SOX and CO2). TMC Smart Air® is the future of modern air compressors, lowering operating costs and environmental impact for decades to come. We look forward to serving you with the most advanced air compressor technology for the future. Sincerely, Odd-Ståle Ness Group CEO Tamrotor Marine Compressors AS Compressors of the Seas Compressors of the Seas Dear customers TMC’s constant investment in quality and technology, combined with our fully automated production facilities, ensures the quality of our compressors. All components used are high quality products from trusted vendors. This makes our range of compressors the #1 compressors of the seas. Our products are tested for extreme conditions Type Approved by DNV Capacities up to 200 kW type approved by DNV. TMC compressors are available with approval by all the major classification societies – ABS, BV, DNV, GL, KR, LRS, RINA, and others. • Tailor-made products for Marine and offshore use: designed for 55°C ambient temperature. • During testing we simulate some of the most extreme conditions on earth, from tropical to arctic temperatures & humidity. • Unique Oil Separation: Virtually oil-free air! • High quality parts: Our air ends are famous for their long lifetime. • We deliver original TMC parts: Anywhere in the world within 48 hours. • Quality in documentation: We know the specific needs in the marine and offshore industry. OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008, Compressors of the Seas Quality is our daily work Compressors of the Seas TMC Sma! Air® Compressors TMC Sma! Air® Compressors – Lowers both your cost and CO2 emissions Marine conditions place demands on compressors that industrial models are not designed to meet. TMC always understood this, and pioneered screw compressors truly designed for marine use. As a result, we’ve become the market leader in marine screw compressors. TMC Smart Air® compressors utilize the latest energy saving technology. This technology enables the TMC Smart Air® compressor to precisely adjust the production of compressed air according to the compressed air demand. Benefits include: • Big savings: significant energy consumption savings, less wear and tear, reduced need for parts and service, lower lifecycle cost • Constant air pressure independent of air consumption • Reduced CO2 emission – helping your ships becoming “green” Now we’re heading up the next compressor revolution. TMC Smart Air® energy-saving marine screw compressors offer precise control of compressor speed to match actual system demand. The result is considerable cost savings on energy and reduced life cycle costs. This is your saving Save 50% of the energy cost 60 It is always difficult to plan a ship’s future requirements for compressed air. Therefore the owners often safeguard by oversizing the compressors based on estimated future needs. 50 Traditional compressors 40 30 20 The installation is often based on traditional compressors with too big capacity. The result is frequent starts/stops and frequent load/ unload cycles with high start peaks and high energy consumption. The wear and tear on the compressor and the lifecycle cost will be high. TMC Smart Air® compressors Savings Input Power (kW) To calculate the potential savings in money, choose the average load of your compressor (normaly 50-60%) and multiply this with the cost of producing 1 kW/h onboard (normally approx.USD 0.25). Then multiply this with running hours per year (instrument air 8000 hours, working air 4000-5000 hours), and you get the saving potential per year in USD. You can save millions of USD during the lifetime of your vessel. 10 TMC Sma! Air® compressors Other compressors 0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 Air Consumption (m3/min) Compressor size 20 kW 40 kW 80 kW 160 kW Yearly saving at 4500 running hours cost USD/kW 0,29 6 003 13 180 30 145 98 266 Life time saving 25 years USD 150 075 329 500 753 625 2 456 650 Life time reduction of CO2 pollution Kg. 331 125 727 200 1 663 200 5 421 500 Average load 40% 100% load This table shows some examples of savings in kW/h when switching from a traditional on/off compressor to TMC Smart Air. Calculate your aprox savings ________________ Size x 0,5 ________________ 50% saving I.e.: 20 kW x 50% x 0,29 USD X 10 000 h = 29 000 USD x ________________ Cost USD kW/h x ________________ Running hours = ________________ Savings 40% load TMC Smart Air automatically adjusts the air production and energy consumption to the actual compressed air requirements. Therefore, you can safely buy a TMC Smart Air® compressor that is big enough to cover future needs. TMC Smart Air only uses enough energy to produce the amount of compressed air needed – no more, no less. Thus you don’t have to pay for unnecessary energy consumption or unnecessary wear and tear. This is what you save! TMC Sma! Air® Compressors TMC Sma! Air® – Compressors for the future As part of our efforts to achieving the smallest possible environmental footprint, we have standardized on TMC Smart Air® for our vessels. The savings in energy cost and the reduction in emissions is in line with our policy and goals and is a contribution to reducing our environmental footprint.” Swire Pacific Offshore Pte. Ltd. David Marren - Technical Director TMC Sma! Air® Compressors “An important part of our Sustainable Development Policy is to “Be a good steward of the natural resources and biodiversity under our influence and ensure that all potential adverse impacts of our operations on the environment are identified and appropriately managed”. Compressors Compressors of the Seas Designed for marine challenges When you need a little more The TMC compressor series Our medium-sized compressors offer high capacity on a small footprint: TMC compressors are built for high temperatures. That’s why we have designed the motors and coolers, the electrical components, and every other aspect of our compressors to withstand an ambient temperature of 55°C: • With the SmartPilot Control System, the compressor gives a maintenance alert when necessary and gives pre-warning of potential problems before they become expensive. • Engineered to withstand 55°C ambient temperature • About a third of the size and weight of a traditional system – with a small footprint • Rich in features that reduce life-cycle costs • Clean – producing virtually oil-free air • Low noise level • Easy to install and service • SmartPilot control with pre-warning and automatic service indicators • TEMPEST™ innovation – 30% fewer parts • Marine approved components Compressors • Electrical cables are halogen-free. • Electrical motors are IP55 certified with F-class insulation. • Hoses are designed to stay flexible and crack-free at 150°C. • The coolers are oversized to ensure reliable operation. All compressors are available with Sma! Air® Technology A child’s footprint, a giant’s performance Our TMC series of small compressors offers many advantages: • • • • • Compact design – high efficiency Automatic belt-tensioning system Easy-to-use controller Automatic service indicators Easy service – split canopy design TMC 7-27 W:993 D:728 H:1256 EMH 21-44 W:701 D:1006 H:1700 TMC 54-85 W:1462 D:1060 H:1952 Compressors for challenging conditions TMC compressors are built for high temperatures. That’s why we have designed the motors and coolers, the electrical components, and every other part of our compressors to withstand an ambient temperature of 55°C. Large, but actually quite small Our largest compressors have unique features that make them the obvious choice: Compact design – more capacity in less space Solid base frame Special air end design for higher efficiency Unique oil separation system Advanced compressor control • • • • Versatile heat recovery Easy installation and simple maintenance Vibration dampers included as standard All canopy panels can be removed We have worked closely with our customers to develop this new, high-capacity compressor to ensure that functionality and design is optimal for installation and use onboard ships: • Unique design with all high elements placed at one end for flexible installation • Soft-starter and frequency controller can be integrated in electrical cabinet • All flange connections ready for connection • All service points accessible from one side • Integrated lifting facilities • Water-cooled • Available as traditional system or with soft-starter, TMC Smart Air® energy saving technology • Vibration dampers included as standard Compressors • • • • • Unique design for easy installation All compressors are available with Sma! Air® Technology TMC 240-365 W:1480 D:3368 H:2165 TMC 105-235 W:990 D:3000 H:1900 Tailor-made compressors TMC’s patented Oil Mixing Valve With a highly technical skilled organization, TMC has capabilities to provide custom-made solutions to match your specific needs. Our technical personnel are available to discuss optimal compressor solutions for your specific project. Below, you can see some examples of projects carried out for numerous customers over the years. If a compressor is running on too low temperature in relation to the ambient temperature, condensation will occur in the oil system. Condensation will cause insufficient lubrication and in worst case cause damage to the air end. The ambient air always contains water in form of vapor. The water amount is depending on the ambient air temperature. When the ambient temperature and humidity is increasing; the running temperature must be increased proportionally to avoid condensation of water. TMC compressor equipped with hydraulic motor and EX instrumentation for operation in an EX zone onboard an offshore vessel. Compressor is being used for cargo handling. TMC 105-10 SL compressor built after customer’s offshore specification with stainless steel control air piping, hose connections and with special offshore paint specification. Compressors to be used for feed air to nitrogen high pressure system for active heave compensation on risers onboard ultra deep water drillship. The oil mixing valve technology is based on the need to control 3 factors: Compressor for Bulk Handling System (2010) Skid-mounted compressors and air receivers (2011) Customised compressor for Bulk Handling System. Tailor-made for transport of cement from offshore supply vessels to oil rigs & drilling units. In order to satisfy the narrow space onboard the vessel, TMC manufactured a common skid with the necessary equipment for general service and instrument air. 2 pcs TMC 85-8 EWNA, 2 pcs RD 490 Air Dryers and 2 pcs 3000 ltr Air Receivers were mounted on the skid, tested and shipped to the yard. Water condensate – Temperature • Ambient temperature (variable factor – read by a sensor) This diagram shows minimum running temperatures in order to avoid condensation with 80% realtive humidity. • Air pressure (variable factor – read by a sensor) 130 • Air humidity (constant factor with a fixed value to cope with extreme situations) The TMC Oil Mixing Valve mixes hot oil from the receiver with cooled oil from the oil cooler. By using the OMV technology we secure correct running temperature of the compressor. This will also have a positive impact on the lifetime of your compressor as well as preventing breakdown. It is documented that maintaining correct running conditions and service intervals has a positive effect on the lifetime of a compressor. The leak tight design also provides a degree of cost saving to all compressor models. Compressors Customised solution onboard drillship (2012) 120 Humidity 80% 110 Minimum temperature (C°) Hydraulic driven compressor for EX zone (2012) TMC’s Oil Mixing Valve is a patented invention which secures that the compressor always will have the correct running temperature according to ambient temperature. 100 90 80 70 60 50 13 BAR 10 BAR 40 8 BAR 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Ambient temperature (C°) 40 45 50 In-to-out filtration promotes safety Vi!ually oil-free air TMC filters Other filters In-to-out filtration Out-to-in filtration 3 2 1 Three-stage oil separation system This unique oil separation system results in the lowest oil content on the market for this compressor range. For more efficient oil separation, TMC uses several filters to provide a larger filtration surface. Step 1: When compressed air goes from a small volume to a larger volume (in-to-out), we slow down the air flow. This gives better oil separation and improved compressed air quality. After compression in the air end, the large droplets are separated from the air stream and fall to the bottom of the oil reservoir. Filter breakdown in singlefilter out-to-in system. Our oil separation solution provides the best protection against filter failure. The innovative design also results in less pressure drop. Step 2: The air stream, along with smaller oil particles, enters the mechanical cyclone. The unique design of this casting optimizes the efficiency of the mechanical separation, ensuring minimal pressure drop. At this stage, 99.99% of the oil in the compressed air stream is removed. This highly efficient pre-separation process lengthens the lifetime of the separator filters dramatically. Step 3: The air stream enters the final stage – the oil separator filters. After filtration, the oil content is less than 2 ppm. No oil leaks with our unique TEMPEST® design The innovative TEMPEST™ system is the main reason why we have managed to cut down the number of main components by 30% and improve performances. Typically, a screw compressor has many connection points for oil. Each one is a potential leak path. And at temperatures of up to 100°C, the oil is so thin that it can easily leak out through even the tiniest opening. TMC’s streamlined TEMPEST® design cuts down the number of connection points and reduces the risk of leakage to a minimum. Compressors TMC’s innovative TEMPEST™ system ensures clean compressed air on board – with an oil content normally less than 2 ppm. Less worry with Sma!Pilot control system The TMC Remote control panel – Gives you full control The TMC Metacenter – Controls multiple compressor systems The Sma!Pilot Features include: • Automatic service interval counters • Four pressure units: Bar, PSI, kPa, MPA • Two temperature units: °C and °F • Informative fault code system • Different fault code groups: compressor/drive/maintenance fault • RTC (Real Time Clock) • Active 4-20 mA output for remote pressure reading • RS 485 port • Sequencing capability, up to 3 different units (up to 12 units with meta center) • Remote monitoring – RS 485 • Secondary control of discharge temperature with fully controllable oil-mixing valve (TMC 105-365) • Modbus protocol The TMC remote control panel controls up to 10 compressors locally on a ship. This means that you can read all your compressors from the control room. Different Units avilable • Temperature in °C or °F • Four different pressure units: Bar, PSI, kPa, MPA The TMC remote control panel has the following features: • Communicates with up to 10 compressors with SPC • Easy remote access to all available data presented on the local control panel • Fully integrated with TMC screw compressors and Sperre starting air compressors • Possibility for Start and Stop of compressors • Display of last alarm events • Adjustment of pressure settings • Easy installation for 24V DC supply and RS485 to compressors • Prepared for control and monitoring of TMC desiccant dryer Alarms for • High oil temperature at 110°C/ shutdown at 115°C • High ΔP for oil separator • Electric motor overheating (thermistors) • High air outlet temperature at 65°C/ shutdown at 70°C • High pressure (shutdown at 10% over pressure) Service Diagnostic system: Automatic information for: • Oil change • Oil filter change • Air filter change • Separator filter change • Motor lubrication • Inlet and discharge seal • Up to 85 kW: belt change The TMC Metacenter is an optional standalone control unit for multiple compressor systems. The Metacenter can control up to 12 units and can be modified by a number of adjustable parameters to match site requirements and characteristics. This unit communicates with SPC by RS 485 Airbus protocol and ensures easy set-up. With an interface card, this unit can also communicate with hardwired communication. TMC TX module – Remote monitoring via LAN This optional feature enables and facilitates access to the compresor controller unit from remote positions. The operator can monitor and even adjust parametres as long as there is access to a web server. • With this option installed the remote operator can access the compressor controller and assist local crew with troubleshooting and adjusting parametres. • This innovative solution can communicate with up to 12 compressors and in that way reduce time and cost of service. Compressors The SmartPilot control system monitors performance, reminds you when to change air and oil filters, and provides pre-warning of potential temperature and oil separation problems. Working air ISO 8573.1 Class 2.4.5 Typical compressed air installations on board By-pass Together, TMC and Sperre form a unique partnership. With our long experience, engineering skills, and unrivalled understanding of the marine market, we can design a package tailored to the special needs of your application. And we promise to get original spare parts to you within 48 hours, wherever in the world you need them. Our global network is anchored in Norway, Rotterdam, Singapore, and Shanghai. Membrane dryer incl. filter To main engine Air receiver TMC pioneered the development of a compact screw compressor customized for marine conditions. Our compressors are designed for easy installation and maintenance, with robust construction to withstand high engine room temperatures. Working together with shipowners and shipbuilders, TMC offers solutions that cuts initial and lifecycle costs. Our products have proved their reliability where it counts – under the merciless conditions of the world’s oceans. TMC supplies marine screw compressors with capacities from 30 to 4000 m3/h. 30 bar g Alternative 1 Compressors The no.1 marine screw compressor Marine refrigerated dryers Pressure reduction valve 7 bar g Pressure switch compressor no. 1 Starting air 30 bar g Pressure switch compressor no. 2 A pa!nership of two leaders provide all the air you need onboard Instrument air ISO 8573.1 Class 1.2.1 Normally closed Screw compressors incl. water separator and non-return valve Starting air receiver No. 1 Starting air receiver No. 2 Alternative 2 Drain Drain Purge air line The no.1 marine piston compressor Today, more than one fifth of the world’s ships rely on Sperre for starting air. Sperre is no.1 in the world’s major shipbuilding nations, including South Korea, Singapore, Scandinavia, China, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy. Sperre starting-air compressors have an unrivalled reputation for reliability at sea. And the Sperre parts promise has won the respect of the industry worldwide: Any part to any place in 48 hours. Sperre supplies piston compressors for starting air with capacities from 10 to 450 m3/h. Pre filters After filter After filter Marine adsorption dryers Starting air compressor No. 1 Starting air compressor No. 2 Pre filters Marine adsorption dryers Air receiver Instrument air ISO 8573.1 Class 1.2.1 Compressors “As a leading global provider of floating production services to the oil and gas industry, BW Offshore has a big focus on our own energy consumption and protection of the environment. With TMC Smart Air® compressors, we are confident that we produce the compressed air needed in a cost-effective and enviromentally friendly way.” BW Offshore Jahn A. Høgberg - Vice President Service and suppo! We understand your challenges Compressors of the Seas Safer service and maintenance with live instruction videos We are the only compressor manufacturer that offers live instruction videos to our customers. It enables troubleshooting and service done by the crew on voyage. This minimizes downtime on system and ships’ off hire cost. “For service and operation, TMC compressors are very easy to handle. Having worked hands-on with TMC compressors for more than 15 years, our experience is that they are truly designed for the marine industry´s special needs for simplified service and operation.” OceanSaver AS Service and suppo! Kjell Varenhed - Technical manager TMC technical suppo! team Today, many compressor plants onboard ships are critical for the ship’s operation. Our compressors are often used for N2 plants as well as control and instrument air systems, and access to experienced support and service personnel capable of understanding the demanding operational conditions onboard is very important. Our senior engineers are there to assist in all technical matters. With their experience, they are able to guide your crew onboard through running problems and troubleshooting by e-mail or phone. Our technical support team also offers service training for your crew. This can be tailored to the compressor plant onboard your ships or done on a general basis. We offer training either on officer’s conferences or on-site training onboard. Easy to service and maintain We care about your compressor through its lifecycle Service and suppo! Our experienced global service team will tailor the service schedule to your installation. This ensures an optimal and cost effective operation of your investment. We also offer tailor-made service and maintenance agreements to secure smooth and trouble free lifetime of your equipment. The consequence of wrong service routines can cause enormous cost. We are where you need us We are represented in the main ports globally and we have a plan for further expansion. Our current service points are; Brazil, USA, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, UAE, China, Japan and South Korea. Service engineers available 24/7 Experienced support staff who understands the financial implications of a compressor breakdown. TMC’s service capabilities should be one of the key factors for choosing a TMC compressor. As the compressor installations are getting bigger, the need for professional service and support is more important than ever. Planned maintenance and professional service support will enable you to reduce the lifecycle cost of your compressor. Our engineers know the demanding conditions onboard ships and are ready to jump on the next plane to assist your crew. “Being a global leader in seabedto-surface engineering, construction and services Subsea 7 is depending on reliable suppliers of quality equipment, able to provide global service for our equipment and be there when we need them. TMC is such a company, supplying marine compressors of good quality backed by a global service and aftersales network with high speed of response. We have very good experience with marine compressors from TMC, providing the right combination of reliability and low lifecycle cost. We also recognize that the company has the right attitude to the challenges of advanced vessel operators.” Subsea 7 Service and suppo! Bjørn Samuelsen - Supply Chain Manager Photo: Jan Oousterboer Air dryers and filters Compressors of the Seas (Option) Purge line from air receiver Adsorption dryers Refrigerant dryers Purge line The refrigerant air dryer is separating moisture by cooling down the air. As the air flows through the dryer the moisture condenses into liquid droplets. The moisture is discharged from the air dryer by an automatic drain. The air is reheated before it leaves the dryer at a pressure dew point of + 3°C. All TMC A-series air dryer’s uses active alumina as a desiccant. The properties of the desiccant are kept during the adsorption of water without losing its form or properties. A TMC adsorption dryer is the dryer to use in situations where compressed air needs to be dried to a pressure dew point of -20˚C or -40˚C . Air inlet Air Outlet Pre-filters Air filter A TMC A-dryer consists of two towers where one tower is drying the air whilst the second tower regenerates. 1 3 As the air flows through the tower, the humidity is collected in the desiccant. A portion of the dried air is lead into the second tower for regeneration. The regeneration is needed in order to regain the drying capacity. The desiccant towers switches regularly in order to keep the desired dew point. The cycles are automatically regulated by the controller. 5 All TMC A-dryers are equipped with double pre-filtration and an after-filter as standard. The pre-filters are installed to protect the desiccant from unwanted oil damaging the desiccant. The after-filter prevents eventual dust particles occurring from the desiccant to enter the network. 4 TMC RM TMC A-Controller for adsorption dryer Refrigerant circuit The refrigerant compressor (1) is continuously circulating the refrigerant through the system. The pressure in the system is automatically regulated by the condenser (2) and the expansion valve (3) in order to keep constant pressure. Any impurities in the refrigerant circuit are removed by the internal filter (4). A new edition to the TMC controller family is available in two versions: • Level 1 – Fixed cycle operation • Level 2 – Dew point controlled operation - Level 2 controller can also be operated as Level 1 Air circuit Warm, saturated air enters the combined “airto-air” and “air-to-refrigerant” heat exchanger (5) where it is cooled down in two stages. In the first stage the air is cooled down by the outgoing chilled air. Then it enters the second stage where it is further cooled down by the refrigerant. The moisture separated from the air is collected at the bottom of the heat exchanger where it is discharged by an automatic drain. The air leaving the dryer is reheated again in order to avoid condensation occurring on piping. TMC RD Benefits: • Easy to operate: The screen always informs at which stage the dryer is in. • Direct readout of dew point (Level 2 version): - No additional dew point monitoring box needed. - Possibility to set a dew point target temperature. • Service counters • RTC (Real Time Clock) • RS485 port • Remote Monitoring: The controller gives the customer the opportunity to communicate with other systems. • Informative fault code system • Alarm log (15 alarms) Air dryers and filters 2 When atmospheric air goes through a compressor, the air volume is reduced but the air still contains the same amount of impurities and water as the original air volume. The ambient air in the engine room onboard a ship may contain up to 1 mg/ m3 of oil, and the air also contains water and particles. To avoid possible damage to the compressor and equipment using compressed air and make sure the air quality satisfies the quality standards required, proper drying and filtration of the compressed air is essential. TMC offers complete compressed air systems including dryers and filters to achieve the highest air quality. Typical areas that will be affected by bad air quality: • • • • • • • Air receivers and piping systems Air motors and bearings Tank sounding systems Pneumatic valves Electro-pneumatic steering systems Pneumatic control systems Process equipment Filters for any compressed air quality TMC F series of compressed air filters provide the exact degree of filtration needed for your application. The filters are designed to achieve the internationally recognized ISO8573-1 air quality standard. The differential pressure indicator indicates optimum time for element change – maximizing your element investment while minimizing pressure drop. • Oil-free air • Instrument air • Breathing air Proper filtration is the only way to obtain oil-free air A compressor installed on board a ship will compress the ambient air, which normally contains various impurities and up to 1 mg/m3 of oil. Due to the high oil content in the ambient air, proper filtration should always be installed downstream to ensure the quality of the air. It’s a widespread belief that an oil-free compressor (a compressor with no oil in its internal system) produces oil-free air. This is not correct. The impurities from the ambient air will not disappear when the air goes through the oil-free compressor. In air systems set up to achieve the highest air quality, oil-lubricated compressors, as supplied by TMC, have many advantages. • Working air • N2-feed air Ambient air with impurities TMC always specifies dryer capacity at 45°C The inlet and ambient temperature is crucial for a dryer’s performance. Dryer capacity decreases dramatically with higher inlet/ambient temperatures, and therefore dryer capacity calculations must take temperature into account. Very often, this is specified based on an inlet/ambient temperature of 25°C. It is important to note that with an inlet/ambient temperature of 45°C – which is the normal temperature in a ship’s engine room – the dryer’s capacity will be only half of what was specified at 25°C. That’s why TMC always specifies all dryer capacities based on inlet/ambient temperature of 45°C. For more information regarding water content in saturated air, please see You will then be able to download the details. Economic benefits of an oil-lubricated compressor To determine the total economy of an oil-free compressor versus an oil-lubricated compressor consider the following: Investment costs Considerably lower for an oil-lubricated compressor. – do you know why? Damages to inside of air receiver/piping system and excess water problems due to bad air quality. An oil-lubricated compressor with proper filtration can easily achieve oil-free air of the highest purity class under ISO 8573.1. An oil-free compressor also needs proper filtration to achieve this. Air dryers and filters The impo!ance of clean and dry air Overhaul intervals Considerably longer for an oil-lubricated compressor. Service Considerably simpler and easier for an oil-lubricated compressor. Reliability The reliability of oil-lubricated TMC compressors is well established. Reliability is particularly impressive for the high ambient temperatures in which an oil-free compressor suffers. Compressor Compressed air with impurities Dryer Filters Technical oil-free compressed air ISO 8573.1 Class 1.2.1 Spare pa!s Spare pa! kits – what you need, when you need it Compressors of the Seas For safety at sea: Choose original TMC spare pa!s – so it dosn’t have to be like this Considering the high temperature, high pressure and extreme ambient conditions onboard a ship, every detail counts. Factors such as glue types, coatings, filter walls and types of material may seem insignificant, but are crucial for reliable and safe operation. TMC original spare parts are tailored for marine installations. Original parts mean lower running costs as well as peace of mind at sea. Our branding makes TMC original parts easy to recognize. The distinctive TMC packaging gives you the assurance that you have purchased top quality original parts. This is based on our long term position as leader of the marine compressor market. Why buy spare pa! kits? • Lower prices per part than when purchased item by item • Time saved on ordering, checking, storing, and locating correct parts • All necessary parts for the particular service job are included in the kit – no unnecessary parts • No unscheduled stops due to missing parts • Original TMC marine spare parts for no-risk operation • Simplifies planning of preventive service to avoid down-time • Instructions for changing the parts included in the kits • Live videos for safe and easy installation All of this adds up to lower lifecycle costs! Spare pa!s We organize it all for you We have assembled complete spare part kits containing all parts that should be replaced after a certain number of running hours/years. In addition to providing the kits, we help you keep track of when each component should be serviced. – A guarantee against surprises Technical information Compressors of the Seas Correct specifications and documentation TMC standard range of compressors [mm] 300 TMC 7–10 60.3 1.0 35.5 9 10 130.5 145.0 300 TMC 10–8 83.6 1.39 49.2 7 8 101.5 116.0 300 TMC 10–10 71.4 1.19 42 9 10 130.5 145.0 300 TMC 15–8 115.0 1.92 67.7 7 8 101.5 116.0 340 TMC 15–10 103.1 1.72 60.7 9 10 130.5 145.0 340 TMC 19–8 154.3 2.57 90.8 7 8 101.5 116.0 430 TMC 19–10 135.6 2.26 79.8 9 10 130.5 145.0 430 116 3900/4000 1 TMC 240-10 EWA/EWNA 2070 34.5 1219 9 10 130.5 145 3900/4000 1 TMC 240-13 EWA/EWNA 1692 28.2 996 12 13 174 188.5 3900/4000 1 TMC 290-8 EWA/EWNA 2796 46.6 1646 7 8 101.5 116 4280/4380 1 TMC 290-10 EWA/EWNA 2520 42.0 1484 9 10 130.5 145 4150/4250 1 TMC 290-13 EWA/EWNA 2142 35.7 1279 12 13 174 188.5 4150/4250 1 TMC 365-8 EWA/EWNA 3102 51.7 1826 7 8 101.5 115 4500/4600 1 TMC 365-10 EWA/EWNA 2940 49.0 1731 9 10 130.5 145 4500/4600 1 TMC 365-13 EWA/EWNA 2604 43.4 1533 12 13 174 188.5 4350/4450 1 1 993 TMC SMART AIR® 728 Type and motor kW TMC 21 SA - 7.5 0.57-3.55 20,1-125,4 TMC 22–8 194.0 3.23 114.2 7 8 101.5 116.0 440 TMC 22–10 170.4 2.84 100.3 9 10 130.5 145.0 440 TMC 27–8 233.0 3.88 137.1 7 8 101.5 116.0 480 TMC 27–10 204.8 3.41 120.5 9 10 130.5 145.0 480 TMC 30 - SA 7.5 65.4-300.6 1.09-5.01 60.6-268.2 1.01-4.47 0.92-3.68 32.5-130 993 728 7 7.5 101.5 TMC 21 SA - 10 31.8-192 0.53-3.20 18.7-113 9 10 130.5 145 435 TMC 21 SA - 13 27-159.6 0.45-2.66 15.9-93.9 12 13 174 188.5 435 38.5-176.9 7 7.5 101.5 108,8 700 35.7-157.9 9 10 130.5 145 700 12 13 174 188.5 700 203 7 8 101.5 116.0 720 EMH 35–10 293.1 4.88 173 9 10 130.5 145.0 720 TMC 30 SA - 13 55.2-220.8 TMC 40 SA - 7.5 69.6-394.8 1.16-6.58 41-232.4 7 7.5 101.5 108,8 750 TMC 40 SA - 10 66-359.4 1.10-5.99 38.8-211.5 9 10 130.5 145 750 4.24 123 12 13 174.0 188.5 720 6.25 221 7 8 101.5 116.0 730 EMH 44–10 333.6 5.56 196 9 10 130.5 145.0 730 1700 5.74 254.5 701 1006 TMC 40 SA - 13 58.8-309 0.98-5.15 34.6-181.9 12 13 174 188.5 TMC 60 SA - 7.5 91.8-574.8 1.53-9.58 54-338.3 7 7.5 101.5 108,8 993 750 EMH 44–13 286.2 4.77 169 12 13 174.0 188.5 730 629.9 10.50 371 7 8 101.5 116.0 1455 TMC 60 SA - 10 89.4-540.6 1.49-9.01 52.6-318.2 9 10 130.5 145 1380 75.6-475.8 1.26-7.93 44.5-280 12 13 174 188.5 1380 108.6-720 1.81-12.00 63.9-423.8 7 7.5 101.5 108,8 1500 547.0 9.12 322 9 10 130.5 145.0 1455 448.1 7.47 264 12 13 174.0 188.5 1455 TMC 80 SA - 7.5 TMC 65–8 671.9 11.20 396 7 8 101.5 116.0 1460 1952 TMC 54–10 TMC 54–13 TMC 80 SA - 10 103.8-657 1.73-10.95 61.1-386.7 9 10 130.5 145 1500 TMC 80 SA - 13 94.8-550.8 1.58-9.18 55.8-324.2 12 13 174 188.5 1500 TMC 65–10 586.0 9.77 345 9 10 130.5 145.0 1460 TMC 65–13 480.7 8.01 283 12 13 174.0 188.5 1460 TMC 125 SA - 8 226.2-1177 3.8-19.6 113.2-692.8 7 8 101.5 116 2750 TMC 125 SA - 10 219-1035 3.70-17.3 128.9-609.2 9 10 130.5 145 2750 TMC 125 SA - 13 201-870 3.40-14.5 118.3-512.1 12 13 174 188.5 2750 755.5 12.59 445 7 8 101.5 116.0 1550 655.5 10.92 386 9 10 130.5 145.0 1550 TMC 85–13 573.7 9.56 338 12 13 174.0 188.5 TMC 105-8 EWA/EWNA 1032 17.2 607 7 8 101.5 116.0 2500/2700 TMC 105-10 EWA/EWNA 858 14.3 505 9 10 130.5 145.0 TMC 105-13 EWA/EWNA 708 11.8 417 12 13 174.0 TMC 125-8 EWA/EWNA 1182 19.7 696 7 8 TMC 125-10 EWA/EWNA 1086 18.1 639 9 10 TMC 125-13 EWA/EWNA 888 14.8 523 12 TMC 150-8 EWA/EWNA 1356 22.6 798 TMC 150-10 EWA/EWNA 1290 21.5 TMC 150-13 EWA/EWNA 1068 17.8 1462 1060 282-1410 4.70–23.50 165.9-829.8 7 8 324-1254 5.40–20.90 190.6-738 9 10 2500/2700 1 TMC 150 SA - 13 252.6-975 4.20–16.30 148.6-573.8 12 188.5 2500/2700 1 TMC 235 SA - 8 408-1722 6.80–28.70 240.1-1013.5 7 101.5 116.0 2500/2700 1 TMC 235 SA - 10 2 396-1680 6.60–28.00 233-988.8 130.5 145.0 2500/2700 1 TMC 235 SA - 13 2 390-1542 6.50–25.70 13 174.0 188.5 2500/2700 1 TMC 240 SA – 8 2 372-1974 6.20-32.90 7 8 101.5 116.0 2600/2800 1 759 9 10 130.5 145.0 2600/2800 629 12 13 174.0 188.5 1 3000 2 101.5 116 2850 130.5 145 2850 13 174.0 188.5 2850 8 101.5 3000 116 2700 9 10 130.5 145 2700 229.5-907.5 12 13 174.0 188.5 2700 219-1161.9 7 8 101.5 116 4000 TMC 240 SA – 10 2 342-1788 9 10 130.5 145 4000 TMC 240 SA – 13 2 720-1464 12.00-24.40 423.8-861.7 12 13 174 188.5 4000 2600/2800 1 TMC 290 SA – 8 2 576-2514 9.60-41.90 339-1479.5 7 8 101.5 116 4250 TMC 290 SA – 10 1 TMC 185-8 EWA/EWNA 1656 27.6 975 7 8 101.5 116.0 2700/2900 1 TMC 185-10 EWA/EWNA 1494 24.9 880 9 10 130.5 145.0 2700/2900 1 TMC 185-13 EWA/EWNA 1302 21.7 764 12 13 174.0 188.5 2700/2900 1 TMC 235-10 EWA/EWNA 1788 29.8 1053 9 10 130.5 145.0 2700/2900 TMC 235-13 EWA/EWNA 1560 26.0 918 12 13 174.0 188.5 2700/2900 1 1 990 1 1900 1900 TMC 150 SA - 8 TMC 150 SA - 10 1550 1900 TMC 85–8 TMC 85–10 3000 990 5.70-29.80 201.3-1052.4 2 594-2322 9.90-38.70 349.6-1366.6 9 10 130.5 145 4250 TMC 290 SA – 13 2 684-1950 11.40-32.50 402.5-1147.7 12 13 174.0 188.5 4250 TMC 365 SA – 8 2 660-3000 11.00-50.00 388.5-1765.8 7 8 101.5 116 4600 TMC 365 SA – 10 2 642-2742 10.70-45.70 377.9-1614 9 10 130.5 145 4600 TMC 365 SA – 13 2 804-2346 13.40-39.10 473.2-1380.9 12 13 174 188.5 4450 2 Weight EWA/EWNA (EWNA=With canopy, EWA = Without canopy) 993 728 701 701 1006 1006 728 1380 TMC 54–8 TMC 60 SA - 13 [mm] 435 344.4 374.9 Dimensions [kg] 108,8 EMH 35–8 EMH 35–13 3370 Weight TMC 30 SA - 10 EMH 44–8 1480 Weight EWA/EWNA (EWNA=With canopy, EWA = Without canopy) Capacity Capacity Capacity Nominal Max Nominal Max (nom. press.) (nom. press.) (nom. press.) pressure pressure pressure pressure [m3/h] [m3/min] [c.f.m.] [bar] [bar] [psi] [psi] 34.2-213 [mm] 2165 101.5 1462 1060 990 3000 990 1480 3370 Frequency controller in separate cabinet. General information – all models: Compressors up to 10 kW comes as air-cooled only. Compressors from 15 to 85 kW are available as air cooled or freshwater cooled as standard, and as seawater cooled on request. Units above 85 kW are available as freshwater cooled as standard or seawater cooled on request. Capacities measured according to Cagi Pneurop PN2CPTC2. Capacity data given at 45°C ambient conditions for electric motors with 440 V/60 Hz. Capacities and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Before installation, obtain correct dimensions from technical drawings. Technical information [kg] 8 1700 116.0 7 1700 101.5 1332 1952 8 37.7 1256 7 [kg] 2262 1900 40.9 Dimensions 2165 1.16 Dimensions Weight TMC 240-8 EWA/EWNA 1256 69.5 Weight Type and motor kW 1256 Type and motor kW TMC 7-8 Capacity Capacity Capacity Nominal Max Nominal Max (nom. press.) (nom. press.) (nom. press.) pressure pressure pressure pressure [m3/h] [m3/min] [c.f.m.] [bar] [bar] [psi] [psi] Capacity Capacity Capacity Nominal Max Nominal Max ( ( press.) pressure pressure pressure pressure [m3/h] [m3/min] [c.f.m.] [bar] [bar] [psi] [psi] 1256 Whatever the size of your vessel, you can rely on TMC for all your compressed air needs. We supply compressors with a capacity ranging from 30 to 4000 m3 per hour. Capacities and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Before installation, obtain correct dimensions from technical drawings. TMC standard range of air dryers REFRIGERANT AIR DRYERS: pressure range 7-13 bar, dew point +3°C* DESICCANT AIR DRYERS: pressure range: 7-13 bar, dew point -40°C* Model Model Flow rate 7 BAR/+3°C PDP Height Width Depth Weight R35 35 568 368 394 30 RD90 92 510 483 579 42 RD110 111 525 336 763 154 525 336 RD150 (Available as watercooled) Flow rate 7 BAR/-40°C PDP Height Width Depth Weight AD-4 4 796 465 180 13 AD-7 6,8 796 465 180 13 46 AD-12 12,3 796 465 180 17 763 51 AD-16 15,7 1041 487 180 19 182 525 336 763 55 AD-23 23,4 1041 487 180 30 RD250 (Available as watercooled) 246 718 440 915 73 AD-40 39,3 969 599 198 37 RD310 (Available as watercooled) 308 718 440 915 86 AD-54 54,2 1008 599 198 55 RD370 372 760 520 966 86 AD-85 84,6 1423 645 198 55 RD490 492 760 544 966 95 A-60 65 1950 750 750 165 RD600 615 801 644 1066 110 A-100 99 1955 750 750 210 RD600-S (Available as watercooled) 600 1277 1081 1118 218 A-150 152 1970 750 750 260 RD750 750 1277 1081 1118 295 A-180 180 1980 1150 750 423 RM1000 (Watercooled only) 1000 1942 1190 869 550 A-250 270 1980 1150 750 465 RM1200 (Watercooled only) 1200 1942 1190 869 580 A-400 405 1990 1150 750 556 RM1500 (Watercooled only) 1500 1942 1190 869 600 A-550 585 1990 1150 750 662 RM1800 (Watercooled only) 1800 1942 1190 869 600 A-700 720 2000 1150 750 826 RM2200 (Watercooled only) 2250 1942 1213 1369 890 A-900 900 1911 1622 1320 988 RM2800 (Watercooled only) 2800 1942 1213 1369 980 A-1200 1215 1936 1717 1420 1307 RM3100 (Watercooled only) 3100 1942 1213 1369 1050 A-1500 1485 2130 1722 1470 1728 RM3400 (Watercooled only) 3450 1942 1213 1369 1180 A-1800 1755 2098 1722 1520 2100 A-2200 2115 2161 1749 1720 2125 A-2500 2430 2260 1873 1770 2180 A-3400 3240 2246 1950 1920 2415 A-4800 4635 2440 2481 2140 4010 A-6600 6390 2709 2887 2280 4700 A-8700 8370 2568 2987 2470 5695 RD180 (Available as watercooled) Flow rate data given at 45°C inlet/ambient conditions and 7 bar working pressure. For other temperatures, please contact TMC. Correction factors flow rate R/RD: Working pressure Factor 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0,72 0,85 0,92 0,96 1 1,04 1,1 1,13 1,15 1,18 1,21 1,24 Flow rate data given at 45°C inlet/ambient conditions and 7 bar working pressure. For other temperatures, please contact TMC. Correction factors flow rate RM: Working pressure Factor 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0,85 0,91 0,95 1 1,03 1,09 1,11 1,14 1,17 1,20 Correction factors flow rate AD: Working pressure Factor HIGH PRESSURE REFRIGERANT AIR DRYERS: pressure range 20-40 bar, dew point +3°C** Model Flow rate 30 BAR/+3°C PDP Height Width Depth Weight HP 0.17 28 660 501 521 39 HP 0.20 41 660 501 521 41 HP 0.25 63 660 501 521 43 HP 0.33 93 660 501 521 48 HP 0.50 137 954 651 498 114 HP 0.75 171 954 651 498 127 HP 1.0 (Available as watercooled) 291 1301 1026 1223 168 HP 1.5 (Available as watercooled) 422 1301 1026 1223 172 HP 2.0 (Available as watercooled) 621 1301 1026 1223 211 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0,47 0,65 0,88 1 1,08 1,14 1,2 0,65 0,76 0,88 1 1,15 1,3 Correction factors flow rate A: Working pressure Factor 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0,75 0,88 1 1,06 1,12 1,18 1,23 1,28 1,33 1,37 1,42 1,46 Correction factors flow rate HP: Working pressure Factor 20 25 30 35 40 0,92 0,96 1 1,02 1,04 *Flow rate given at pressure 7 bar, ambient temperature 45 °C and inlet temperature 45°C ** HP series flow rate given at pressure 30 bar. Capacities and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Before installation, obtain correct dimensions from technical drawings. Technical information Flow rate data given at 45°C inlet/ambient conditions and 30 bar working pressure. For other temperatures, please contact TMC. © TMC AS 2013 • Second Edition • Layout/design: OKTAN Tamrotor Marine Compressors AS, P.O. Box 3 Furuset, NO-1001 OSLO, NORWAY Telephone: +47-22 91 85 00, Fax: +47-22 91 84 93, E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]